KEITH THEATRE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th. City Mail Orders Received Now. He Makes The World Laugh. FMEMMfK. ! Ma YBOW hi i. All! In the Musical Comedy Hit of the Hour Presented with every detail that characterized its unparalclled engagements in all the large cities. With a Select Company of Singera and Dancers and MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS OF ALL TIME Symphony Orchestra Prices $2, $1.50, $1, plus tax. 8 o'clock curtain. Seat Sale, Tuesday 2 p. m. ! LOCAL AM) PERSONAL - OR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over th McOonnld State Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Watch Dixon's Avindows. Mrs, It. A. Gannan returned Tues day from Malvern, 'Iowa. She Was accompanied home by her mother, avIio will spend the Avlnter with her. Evening party dresses of distinctive charm on sale Friday and Saturday at! The Leader Mercantile Co. ' Call and inspect our diamond stock.' Wo arc sure, to have something to I ipleaso you. This is going to be dia-j mond Christmas, and now is the time' to select. C. M. Austin, jeweler. 89-2 ; Miss Lula Wolliver, who teaches in district 87, Avill hold a box social and program at the school house on Wed nesday eA'ening, November 2C. The public is invited to attend. Charming are the evening party dresses on sale Friday and Saturday I by The Leader Mercantile Co. All union barber shops after Novem ber 24 Avill open at 8 a. m. and close at 7 p. m., Saturday 8 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. All shops will bo closed Thanksgiving day; Avill bo open until 9 p. m. on November 2G. Just received a large shipment of Columbia Grafanolas. Now is your time to have one set aside for Xmas. Harry Dixon. John C. Gllce arrived home Tuesday from Philadelphia where he received his discharge from the navy. John has seen almost three years of service and is glad to get back in the home town with the homo folks. Boys' llcccc lined mitts with Unit wrist, 48c at Hlrschfeld'a clearance sale. A troop of the Boy Scouts will bo organized at the Lincoln school to morrow evening, thirty boys an nouncing their desire to become mem bers. Chas. Liork has consented to be scoutmaster of this troop. Hirschfeld's clearance sale now in full swing. S. E. Cox, Avho for several years past has made his home near Her shey, has sold his land and left Tues day for Buhl, Idaho, Whore he recent- lybought land with the expectation of making his future home there. . Dixon is equipped Ayith experienced clerks this year for the convenience of their Christmas shoppers. Miss Ida Phalen has closed her sea son hero at the McVicker millinery and left yesterday for Lexiugton Avhero she will spend a couple of Aveeks at the McVicker store there be fore going to her home at Wahoo. Men's fast black 25c hose 17c, G pairs 95c, at Hirschfeld's clearance sale. Dr. and Mrs. Carson, Avho Avore call ed hero by the death of the late A. M Seibert, returned Tuesday to their homo in Grand Jsland. They Avero ac companied by Miss Doris Seibert Avho will spend a short time Avith them be fore returning to her Avork in Omaha Platinum and diamond wrist wntch i Dixon, the. Jbweifor. I Verrio HaYrls, of Omahn, is vNltlng 1 frionds in town this Aveok. Keop an oyo on the Stylo Shop win dow's and you will savo monoy. P. A. Carson Avent to Gothonburg Tuesdny to attend the foot ball gamo. Don't forgot that you can buy waists for $5.00 and up at the Stylo Shop. They have arrived. Cnp-shapcd, real human hair nets, at tho Style Shop, Marinollo department. Mr. and Mrs. E. Loypoldt of Hershey, isitod at tho D. M. Loypoldt homo Wednesday. Everyono is interested in diamonds for Christmas this year. See Dixbn'a ary Inrgq stpqk;.- . , Miss Ethel Frye, ayIio Is employed in tho Union Pacific offices, Is taking a week's vacation. Engraved Christmas cards should bo ordered at once. Dixon, tho Jeweler. Judson Armstrong, of Omaha, has accepted a position ns telegrapher for the Union Pnclllc. Charming creations in Avlnter milli nery for Avomen, misses and children at The Leoder Mercantile Co. The Catholic choir is preparing n sacred concert Avhlch will be given about December first. Men's union suits, heavy cotton rib bed, sale, price ?1.45 at Hirschfeld's clearance sale. J. C. Askwig left last night for Rod- cllff, Col., to spond several days look ing after business matters. Tho highest priced blouse that the Stylo Shop over had Avas sold tho morning after the stylo show. Geo. N. Gibbs, Avho had been spend ing several days In Lincoln and York, returned home Wednesday. Lost Ladies' gold bracelet Avatch, Swiss movement. Finder plenso re turn to this office. Reward. 90-2 Sherman Goodwin, of Redcliff. Col., spent several days in town this week looking after business matters. Flschl Frercs" imported French kid gloves at tho Style Shop. The only place In town Avhere you can get them. Last Sunday, Novmber 16th, Avas tho first anniversary of the death of Noel Donegan, Avho died in a Red Cross hospital in France from Avounds re ceived in action. Thero Avas an anni versary requiem high mass celebrated for Noel at the Catholic church on Monday, November 17th. Special Homo cured bacon 35c per pound. Brodbeck's Meat Market. tf A Parent-Teacher Association was organized Wednesday afternoon at the Washington school by the election of Mrs. Spencer president, Mrs. Miles vice-prosidont, Miss Sybil Gantt sec- rotary and Mrs. H. M. Getty treas urer. Tho association starts Avith a momborshlp of about seventy. Dixon it Son, Sight Specialists. sssxaKatisaaKHi i .- TV Singing girls in "Kiss We Again'" at the Keith Thanksgiving evening. Frank Hagey has resigned his po sition at the Union Pacific telegraph office and gone to Omaha where he will engage in business for himself. Children's stylish hats with fur ear tabs, value up to $2.00, sale price S5c, at Hirschfeld's clearance sale. Louis Kelly and Ernest RIncker re turned Wednesday from Lincoln whore they attended the homo-coming game and visited friends over the Aveek end. Party dresses for Avomen of any fig ure. You must see these ueavmrui drosses Friday and Saturday at Tm Leader Mercantile Co. If you think tho blouses shown dur ing the Stylo Shop style show Avore beautiful, just come in and take a look at the ones thoy have just received. There will be a meeting of tho American Legion Wednesday evening at eight o'clock In the library, base ment. All men Avho have been in ser vice nro invited to attend. Victor H. Halllgan, president. Tho prettiest evening party dresses yet developed on sale Friday and Sat urday at The Leader Mercantile Co. Harold Langford received a letter yesterday Avhlch stated that Harloy Greason, a former North Platte boy had completed his course In dentistry in Philadelphia and Avas now located in a dental offico in Lincoln. Furs of elegance at reasonable prices at Tho Leader Mercantile Co. DaA'o Harvey and Iva Smon, both of this city wcro married Monday by Judge Woodhurst, and on Wednesday the Judge performed the ceremony which united Jack Edler and May Hertllne, both of Avhom gave North Platte as their residence. Ladles' Holeproof silk hose $1.75 at Hirschfeld's clearance sale. In tho caso of tho Tyler and War ren boys, Avhlch had been taken un der advisement, Judge Woodhurst pa roled the former to his father and tho latter to an oldor brother. Monthly reports of the conduct of tho boys must bo made to tho Judge. Both boys re entered school Monday afternoon. Tho markets are all short on mer chandise now and it behooves one to make Christmas selections early. Let us help you. C. M. Austin, Jewel er. 89-2 Word recolved Wednesday an nounced tho birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan, of Miami, Florida. Mrs. Ryan was formerly Miss Floronco Iddlngs of this city. Mr. Ryan, since leaving tho service has occupied a position with tho Southern Florida Auto Sales Co. If you buy It at the Stylo Shop you know It's good. The Catholic Girls' Club met Wed nesday evening at tho homo of Mrs. John Illldobrand. Tho ovonlng was spent In pinning five hundred, Miss Doty Roach Avlnnlng first prlzo and Miss Anna Hayes taking second prize. Mrs. Hildobrand Avas assisted by tho Misses Ethel Fryo and Ruth Hubbard Boys' stylish suits, bolt and Avaist lino modols, $11.85 at! illlrschfold's clearance sale. John Grant Avont to Kearney yes terday "a hero ho fv 111 represent Mrs. I.uella Gntnmlll in a fifty thousand dollies dnniago canq in the district court. Mr. Gammill sHos tho Union Pacific ior tho death of hor husband, avIio Aa killed at the coal chutes In that city In tho npriug of 1918. Tho deceacod formorly lived ln'tho fcouth part of this county. BoyB' atyllih overcoats, values up to $18.00, sale price $9.85, at Hirsch feld's clearance sale. Ladles' HOLEPROOF Silk Uoo per pair $1.75- HIRSCHFELD'S 0 earance Sae Men' Fust Rlnck i!c Uosc, Snltf Price 17c 0 pairs )e NOW IN FULL SWING Our Clearance Sale launched last Saturday exceeded beyond our expectation, both in volume of business and enthusiastic appreciation of our patrons. Nowhere else are Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats of such standard merit and such stylish models being offered at the wonderfully low prices we quote. Men's and Young Men's Fancy Suits and Overcoats. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SOTS AND OVERCOATS Present market value $28 to $37 $24.09 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S STYLISH SUITS and OVERCOATS Present market value $35 to $40 $23.00 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S STYLISH SUITS and OVERCOATS Present market value $45 to $50 $34.00 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S STYLISH SUITS and OVERCOATS Present market value $55 to $G0 $39.00 ROYS' OVERCOATS sizes 12 to 18, all wool, full lined, originally sold from $15 to $18, sale price $9.85 ROYS' SUITS All Wool Blue sorgo and fancy cas simcre suits, belt models and waist seams, worth up to $16.50, sale price 1TU1 K "I' .$11.85 ROYS' SCHOOL AND DRESS SHOES, Button lace, broken lots, but most all sizes, worth up to $5.00, sale price ROYS' MACKINA1VS Sizes 7 to IS, values up to $9, sale price $6.90 MEN'S UNION SUITS Men's heavy ribbed cotton Union Suits, sale price .$1.45 MEN'S TROUSERS Broken lines, values up to $4.50, sale price i $2.00 MEN'S UNION SUITS Men's heavy cotton Union Suits, Eureka make sale price .$1.95 MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS Broken lots, but most all sizes, values to $2.25 sale price .00 MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS Tan and grey, flat or military collar, sale price $2.39 MEN'S UNION SUITS Men's Wool mixed Union Suits, $4 grade, sale price .$2.95 MEN'S UNION SUITS Men's silk and wool "Superi or" Union Suits, small sizes only, $10 value, sale Q price MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS Blue, tan and grey, flat or mil itary collars sale price . $3.15 .$4.45 MEN'S LEATHER MITTS Knit wrists and fleece lined, $1.25 value, sale price 0(1 $2.95 MEN'S SHOES Men's work and tllress shoes, broken lines and sizes, value up to $G, salo price jj MEN'S CORDUROY. CAPS Fur lined ear tabs, values up to $2,00 sale price Grn MEN'S ODD DRESS VESTS Small sizessalo. price : i' 70 I Ob Men's Fancy Soft Collars Sizes 13V to lGij, sale price each IKn iiju CHILDREN'S KNEE PANTS Wool and cordroy, sizes 3, 4 and 5, salo price pair Rn Many other articles on sale suitable Xmas Presents. The Rargalns represented here are for the e ntire period of tho' sale or so long as the quantities last. Come early and get your pick as goods arc going fast .at these record-breaking prices. Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled. HIRSCHFELD'S North Platte's Foremost Clothiers For Men and Boys. Sixth Street Cor. Dewey, North Platte, Neb I Mall Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled. Coul Conservation Ncccssnrjr. Unless there Is n change In tho coal conditions within tho. next week and tho prospects for such are not vory bright delivery of coal to North Platto non-essential institutions ana business Iioubos may bo prohibited by tho federal board. Tho situation hero in North Platte is growing inoro tense, that is, surplus stocks in homos are bolng reduced to a point nearing tho danger lino, and as each houso- holdor exhausts his supply tho gon- eral demand must becomo greater, and this demand is already hcavior than tho supply received by tho deal ers In other words wo aro gradually facing a coal famlno which cannot rosult in anything but suffering. Con servation of coal to tho fullest ex tent is nocossary In North Platte, a fact that must bo patent to all. : :o: : LOTS FOlt SALE I want to soli three lots, location very doslrablo, west 12th streot. Need tho monoy. J. W. LE MASTER . OOtf ; ;o: : Tho ovonlng drosses that aro being shown In tho Stylo Shop windows aro certainly beautiful. About thirty couplos attondod the dancing party given at tho Elks' homo last night. Following tho danco a light ruppor was served In tho dining hall All tho winter kinds of furs aro hero; woman's, misses' and children's sots. Tho Loader Morcantllo Co. Cold weather millinery in warm colors at Tho Loader Morcantllo Co, Special Homo cured bacon 35o por pound. Drodbeck's Meat Markot. tf Full lino of wheol goods for Xmas John II. Null. C0C Locust. 89tf You can absolutely depend on tho quality of merchandise you buy at tho Stylo Shop. Claudo Dolancy will return today from St. Joo whoro ho wont to bring back W. M. Wilson, who is charged with raising a chock from six to sixty dollars. Wilson worked for F. W. Hackbarth, who lives south of Iler shoy, and whon given tho ?G.OO check raised it to $60, cashed it at a Horshoy bank and then skipped. Ho wns ar rested at St. Joe and hold awaiting word from Sheriff Salisbury, who sont Delanoy Tuosday ovenlng. REMEMBER, your wntch will not lcavo ED'S bench (in Frator's Drug Store) until it is RIGHT. . 87tf Comploto stocks of (lopondablo lin ens for TnanKBgiving aro shown at Tho Lcador Mercantile Co. Special Kottlo rondorcd lard. Brod beck's Meat Markot. 8Gtf Columbia records for Docombor now on salo. Dixon. I "S Tho Stylo Shop signifies quality merchandise. So many lovoly coats and (fur sets for girls aro now shown by Tho Lead er Morcantllo Co. Wo like to havo you como Into tho Stylo Shop and soo tho pretty things whether you aro roady to buy or not. lUxon & Son, Sight Specialists. Gamble with Springer THE CHAIN SYSTEJI No. 1, 220 North Locust, Hiono 203. No. 2, 110 East B Street, Phono 400. iNo. 8, C21 East Fourth, Fhono 701. nrrrnnnnjlTTFT N0NFf?tZA6lC ClHTflOL T MORE MEAT ron caitlc HonsCs 5IIUP ANDIIOOS Cartar omaha, nebr. See Display on lot east of Herrod's Grocery. HARRY J. VANNATTER, Local Agent.