Tr The Best 1! Amusement Organization Ever on Tour Coming to North Platte December 10th IN ANNOUNCING GUY HATES POST and Ilio best attraction ever seen on tour I am only voicing the opinion of tlio critics of New York, Chicago, San Francisco ami every other city in which tills well known star has presented "THE MASQUERADEH" not In past seasons, BUT IUO I IT NOW THE. SAME EXCELLENT COMPANY THE ONE THAT HAS PRESENTED THIS ATTRACTION SINCE IT 1JEGAN The same wonderful scenic equipment, with its massive double revolving stages its three mechanical crews its triple electrical equipment and Inimitable resources that requires three mammoth cars to transport, will ho seen In NORTH PLATE, WEDNESDAY o NIGHT, DECEMBER 10 WHEN NEGOTIATION REGAN TO BRING THIS WONDERFUL ORGANIZATION INTO THE MIDDLE WEST MR. PETER McCOURT, MAN AGER OF THE BROADWAY THEATRE IN DENVER, stopped over in Chicago, where MR. POST was then playing en route to New York and commenting on the performance wrote as follows: "I AM MORE THAN REPAID FOR STOPPING OVER IN CHICAGO TO SEE MR, POST'S WONDERFUL PERFORMANCE. I HONESTLY BELIEVE IT TO BE THE MOST FINISHED, AND IMPRESSIVE THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENT1, AS WELL AS THE MOST COMPLETE I HAVE EVER SEEN, OR THAT HAS EVER MADE A TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUR." THE STAGE OF THE KEITH THEATRE IS LARGER THAN MOST STAGES TIIRUOUT THE MIDDLE WEST, and yet by actual measurement there Is but a few feet to spare in accommodating this massive production, and only that is made avail able by removing ovory vestigo of house scenery and equipment, in fact tho Manager for Mr. Post made a special trip to this city and personally measured the stage in mako certain of its adequate dimensions. MAIL ORDERS When accompanied by check, or postofflco money order together with self-addressed stamped envelope (to avoid errors) will bo immediately filled in order received add war tax and tho usual box office advance salo of seats will open six days prior to the date of engagement. 1 31 P 0 1 IT ANT THE CURTAIN WILL RAISE AT 7:H0 SHARP. PRICES will range from $2.50 down. THE FREE LIST TELEPHONE ORDERS AND SEAT RESERVATIONS WILL BE ENTIRELY SUSPENDED DURING MR. POST'S ENGAGEMENT THE FIRST MAIL ORDERS AND THE FIRST AT THE BOX OFFICE WILL HAVE THE FIRST CHOICE OF SEATS and wo respectfully suggest early applications. Respectfully, It. A. GARMAN Mgr. Keith Theatre. jJIR.POST and his Company will come to North Platte by Special Train In order to givo ample time to set. tho massive scenery. LOCAL AND PERSONAL5 $ You Can't beat a blcyolo for Xmas, John II. Null, 006 Locust. 89tf Mr. ami Mrs. G. W Finn loft' yes tf relay fcr a visit In Omaha. Wanted Llborty bonds at market price. Louis Llpshitz. , Mrs. Garrison has accepted a po sition at the Wilcox Dopartment Store. HIrBchfeld's clearance sale now In full swing. Neal Brown, a watch maker at Clin ton's Jewelry store, is quito seriously ill. Our store is full of sugestlons that arc sure to make Xmas decisions easy or you. C. M. Austin, Jewelor. 89-2 Houso and three lots on wost I&urth street for salo. Inquire of Liberty Land Co. f Miss Minerva Hastings entertained six girls 6t a fudge party Tuesday af ternoon. MIbs Fritz and Miss Carter attended the foot ball game at Gothenburg Tuesday. "Wanted Live stock to wlntor Trees, spring water. Ralph Soul, 9 JIO-2 miles northwest. Mrs. Simon Brogan, of Keystone, en tored tho Twincm hospital Wednesday for treatment. Men's union suits, heavy cotton rib bed,, sale prico $1.45 at Hirschfcld's clearunce sale. Mr. Beckwer, of Havre, Mont, wus n guest at the J. II. Donegan homo the flrst of the week. f Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Office over Wil cox Department Store. : tf Mr. and Mrs. J. Shamley Thompson, of Rcrsney, visited with friends in town Wednesday. - For Salo A southeast corner lot in tho eight hundred block, on west Third street. .1. Morsch. . 90-2 H. P. Stevenson, who was appointed deputy sheriff has resigned, and is succeeded by Ralph Robinson. Boys' school and dress shoes worth up to $5.00, sale prlco $2.95 at Hlrsch fold's clearance sale. p. Mrs O. H. Cresslor will entertain to morrow at an apron shower fiompll mentary to Miss Irma Huffman Rabbits and guinea pigs for sale, Call at 222 east Tenth street, f tf J. O. Patterson and Geo.lFrater went to' Denver Inst night to attend tho meeting of tho Shrlnors held there today, I 10 wnom are you going to soli your Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer the highest prices. o You Know That Can You Buy 130x3 Firestone G000 mile tire for $lJ.fi0 130x3 Firestone G000 mile tire, smooth tread for $15.10 130x3 Vj Firestone G000 mile tire, non-skift for $18.00 132x3 Firestone G000 mile tire, smooth tread, for $17.50 132x312 Firestone G000 mile tire, non-skid, for $21.00. ; 1)0 YOU KNOW THAT "FIRESTONE MEANS MOST MILES PER DOLLAR!" DO YOU K'NOW.THAT YOU CAN JiU-Y- for $2.50 - - ' 'fl 1 Ford Radiator and Hood Coverdom 14 cell Columbia Hot Shot Battery for $2.50 1 gallon of Alcohol to keep your radiator from freezing for $1.00 Weed and Rid-O-Skid tire chains of all sizes. Do You Know That, We Change tho Oil in your Crank Case and Charge Yon Only for the oil J . That we test your radiator for freezing, free; That we fill your batteries with distilled water free; , z t ' That we wash and grease cars; - (v ' That our platform is enclosed and that you are not exposed to the weather while hav ing your gas tank filled? . R. Service Station, CORNER SIXTH AND LOCUST Ben's Wants arc Supplied John G. Den remarked in his cigar store Trfesday that he thought he ought to have a cat In tho store to catch the mice. that sciem to bo multi plying. Several of Mrs. Den's friends overheard the remark, and that they were perfectly willing to. help him out In this particular is evidenced by the fact that Wednesday evening lie re-, oelved by parcel post a basket con-. I t I 1 1 1. !l 1 ..... 1 . , t T .1 taming eigm Kiuen uuoui utui TAXI SERVICE. First class taxi service. Day and night Phono Black 726. Chester Warren, Manager. 90-5 WANTED DRESS SKIRTS. Wanted good dress skirts that can be made Into small children's clothes. Phono ReLCross Red 319 or Black 533. 5 WANTED KITCHEN STOVE. Wanted, kitchen stove in good condl- Whon Don uncovered the basket ,ue simply said, "I certainly have lots of Dlaiac 633. guuu inenua. 1)0-2 ::o:: $G50.00 Buys G rooms and bath, furnace heated, en- Cnrroll Elected Director. At tho convention of the Nebraska tlroly improved stucco house on full Manufacturers' held at Lincoln last corner lot. Has garage. The balance week, L. C. Carroll, of this city, wasvcan remain on mortgage. Phone elected a member of tho board of di- Black 621. 89tf rectors. Mr. uarrou attenueu mo con- - vention and in talking with manufac-j FOR SALE. turers of the east part of the state ho ' 240 aero dairy place, good improve- sald it was surprising how little they ments, 2 miles to town. jCash rent Irnmt.. i VnrHi PlnHn nc in Ua lzn PnsKPfinlnn nnur Trmnlfi of R1 A nno( ft G4tKand tho volume of business transacted (Third sti-eet after 5 o'clock. 90-1 Mrs. Hainlino arrived lasfj week' Ho therefore took considerable delight ,,,- vnn g4T, from Grand Island and wllPspcSld the in Informing them , as to Just what . "fcifcfttt, tvu thh. winter here Villi her dnughteT Mrs.' kind of growing and prosperous city Nice new residence property last Wood White. i is North Platte. houie on Nortl1 Maple. For price see Keith, Saturday. Bryant Washburn IN ;-.-- - Love Insurance" Something Entirely Now ' Smiling Bill Parsons comedy "BILL BEHAVE." (6 special Kettle ronuored lard. Broa- m iim KoHii AVvt Ttiiirnilnv beck's Meat Market. 86tf An attraction of more than ordinary Mr. nnd Mrs. Sbii-kiimiRn rami.' importance will bo offereu at tne L. D. McFarland. . 2005 I street Phono Red 732. east Fourth 83tf For Salo ivir. anu iirs. aiacitnouso came i"j'"i uuc"-u one second hand Vnrfl tmirini? hrwiv down from Denver yesterday morning Keith November 27th, when the ofTer- witDSt winTer ton like new to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Snyder at' Ins will ho "Kiss Mo Again," with , wlUl UHvAv.nTPP attXpo 1 Finest of All Qifis We can show you everything needed for the table in the famous Community Plate tho stato farm. Frederick V Bowers as the star. Thlj . production Is a musical play, which. JI"1""'" a Columbia grafanola for boaSts of the liveliest sort of comedy, Good Jersey milch cow and heifer $100.00 that cannot be beaten for thattUo m0Bt tuneful mclody, and of sit- CaKr sale Cow s 5 years ol and price anywhere in the world. Harry ' tJon3 nnd complications which keopwas fresli Oct. 1st Call a! 221 south lxon' tho mind In a contemplative state Walnut St. any tlmo after 5 p. m. 89-2 A civil seryico examination, for as to what will occur next. A special - clork-carrjor in tho local postoff ice 'enlarged orchestra will bo among tho : 1 oultry for Sale, will bo held at tho fpdern.1 lnilldlnt?' many features. I - Turkeys, geese and chickens. Phono December 13th. Dr. Hownrd Yost, Dentist, Twlncm Iluildlng. l'liono S07. 77tf Mrs. R. O. Lnngford and Mrs. Chas. -: :o: Tic Gnnie W'ftlt Gothenbiirij Tho North Platte high school foot ball team played a tie game six to six at Gothenburg Tuesday nfter- 780F11. 89-2 Yost were among those who wont to noon. The tenms fought fiercely on a Gothenburg Tuesday to attend tho wct and heavy field. Tho gnmo loot Dnll game. inrougiioui was intensely interesting GAS ENGINE FOR SALE. Four horse power Fairbanks gas engine in good running order. Brod- I beck's Meat Market. 86tf FOR SALE. Horse, wagon and harness. , .., . . , , to tlie spectators, llfty or more otiPlatto Light and Power Co. M ss Maymc Plzor returned Wod- wl0IIl accompanied the North Platte JL2: team. : :o: : North 89-3 nesday from Choyonno nnd Denver where she had been visiting for the pnst three weeks. Wo have the largest line of phono graphs and records' in western Ne braska. Como in and mako your Xmas selecton. Dixon, tho Jowoler. Mrs. Win. Landgrnf. Sr.. returned tho first of tho week from Wllber, whoro she had been visiting her sister for tho past ton days. For Salo Sovon room houso on east Third street. All modern. Threo Isaac Deats, 600 block east Third, Phono Red 1233. 80tf Raymond Johnson, who was time keeper in District Foreman McGraw's office has resigned and is now work ing In tho car ropulr gang. "Billy's Place," opposite tho depot, makes n specialty of steaks and chops. Also servo 35o and MOc merchants' lunch. Try us. 88tf Mrs. Ralph Garmnn returned Tuos day from Omaha whoro sho had gone to moot hor mother, Mrs. Johnson, who will spond tho wlntor bore. For Salo A" bargain: 8 room houso, modorn oxcopt heat; has garago, barn nnd coal shed. Phono black 1132, 408 east Eleventh street. SOtf Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Dlckoy roturnod yostorday from Omaha whoro thoy had been spondlng a fow days visiting and looking nftor business mnttors. Dr. H. G. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. ReynoldB BIdg. Phone 148 Chas. Reynolds enmo up from Omn ha Wodnosdny to spond a fow days with his pnronts Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reynolds, and to look after buslnoss lntorosts. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialist. Miss Clara Soronson loft Wodnes- uny ovonlng for Lincoln where sho will visit frlonds and nttond soveral social functions given by university stuuonts. Msb Georgina McKay, of this city, who is a otudont at tho Hastings col lege, has been olectod nresldent of 1 tho Klrlb liu rair pcclety of that In- ' tuMu Married Tuesday Morning. Miss Reglna Evelyn Frazler and Joseph Rauch, Jr., wore married at seven-thirty o'clock Tuesday morning I In thp chapel of St. Patrick's church, I Rev. Patrick McDald performing the ceremony. Tno brlao was dressed In hor traveling suit of brown broad cloth with n plcturo hat and carried bride's roses. She was attended by Miss Violet Rauch, who woro a brown suit trimmed with fur nnd a picture hat and carried white roses. Clarence Frazler attended tho groom as best man. Immediately after tho ceremony an olnborato wedding breakfast was served at tho homo of tho bride's par onts, Mr. and Mrs. John Frnzlor. The young couple loft on an aftornoontraln on a trip to Kansas and Donver, after which they will return to North Platte to mako their homo. Tho brido Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Frazler and is an oxcollont musioian Mr. Rauch, who returned this fall from servlco, is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Rauch, Sr., and Is in tho postal service hero. ::o:: A most charming assortment of wom6n'8 and misses' suits nnd coats at a saving of from $7.60 to $16.00 on a garment at Tho Leader Mercantile Co. ::o:: FLOUR SACKS FOR SALE. 100 lb. Flour Sacks at $1.25 a dozen. 50 lb. Flour Sacks at 50c a doz. IDEAL BAKERY. ::: .Tohansen's Snlo Dates November 22nd, Fred Nolson hog salo in North Platto. 25th, Follx J. Bokoski, goneral farm salo, 4 miles west of North Platto. 29th, Landholm & Andorson pure bred hog salo at North Platto. Docembor 11th. Harry Goldsmith's goneral farm salo, southwost of North Platte. January Fobrunry 4th, Leo Mustard, gonoral farm sale, southeast of North Platto. ISth, A H. Turpen general farm sale 10 mile northwest of North Plutte CLINTON, The Jeweler. Badly Cut But Not Hurt. Being forced to make more room for Holiday merchandise, as well as our regular stock we have decided to move our paint stock quickly. We are offering our entire stock at less than it would cost to lay down here wholesale. Heath & Milligan Paint is the kind that "Quality Goes in Beforethe Name Goes On." It will pay you to buy if you are going to paint your house, barn, floor, porch or inside walls. Ready mixed easy to apply, makes the old look like new. Preserves the wood and it lasts longer. To use paint is Econ- The Most Perfect of Floor Paints Makes floors easy to keep clean the home sanitary and attractive. Made by omy. Regular price $4.00, $4.25, $4.50 Special Price S3.00 Service that ServeS McCRACKEN DRUG CO. FAMILY DRUGGIST,- Per Gallon. Hotel McCabe Bldg. Phone Number 8 North Platte.