THE MYSTERY MAINS By AGNES Q. DROGAN. (Copyright, 1919, WoHtttrn Newnpaper Union) Laurel went up the unfrequented pnth, 11 look of expectancy upon her lovoly, eager face. To her the tangled wny whs as a broad and open rond, for alio had lived mid grown In the mountain; Its dense solitudes tier play (.round, each rough nioiintulnoer her champion. Laurel's gentle mother lind been un ublo long to copo with the hard life to which her young husband brought horsho had loft her "little mountain flower," ns she called the girl, to his care, and, now, for ninny years Laurel lind been alone. Untaught she grow, her only books tho ones nature gave her. Vol Laurel was happy, confident In the euro of her kind neighbors, keeping house In the little cottngo of her parents. Dave, tho roughest and kindest of the men her father hnd known, guided In a careful wny Laurel's speech. Dnve, In times pnst had known education. It was ho who taught Laurel the rudi ments of reading. Laurel was unafraid of wild things. There were birds which learned to an swer her call, squirrels which enmo to feed from her hand. Hut this dog, this fierce threatening creature was tho conquest Lnurel's spirit craved. Tho men of the Isolated section were handed together in friendliness, but this wus no place for an Interloper. Lnurel caught her breath at a sound In tho thicket near by, then low and crooning she gave n call. It was the dog, ns she had thought. Ills fierce Jaws protruded, then swiftly, noise lessly he enmo fawning to her feet. Laurel bent with a glad cry, her hands caressing him. For days she had awaited this surrender. Her pa tience hud been long. Suddenly the dog withdrew from her caress. Im peratively he sounded a bark of dis tress. Coaxlngly ho ran before, only to re turn, eloquently begging tho girl to follow. Quickly. Laurel obeyed. On through brambles that cut her face, on to tho door of n small hidden tent. Then, still on, through tho open (lap to the side of a man reclining on a cot bed. Tho man put out his hand to the dog. "Good Cnp." ho said, "you managed to bring me aid." Smiling he turned to the girl. "I'vo been n prisoner In my own tent," ho told her, "Hot my leg caught In somo confounded trap. Then broke It, trying to get away." Laurel was nil sympathy, strange ness, astonishment forgotten. "Oh J!' she murmured, "you must hnvo suffered and you'vo been lying hero 'helpless," "For nearly two days," tho man re plied. I'm pretty weak," ho said, and smiled again. Lnurel liked his smile. She lllto his soft voice thnt was so different from tho men's voices that she had known. "First, I will get food for you," she suggested shyly, and went at his di rection In search of It. Every morning thereafter, Laurel ran, nil nglow, up the mountain path. Tho stranger had need of her, and service was Laurel's only creel. Sho must not betray iln presence, ho told her, bis" dark eyes beseeching, ho wished It to be kept unknown. Sometime she would learn why. lhit now now he loaned her books and magazines with pictures of beautiful women In a wonder of which Laurel know nothing. Sho spelled out the books until far Into the night. She dreamed dreams and kept tho secret. It was Dave who enmo upon tho girl one day with thu dog at her aide, Intent upon her happy errand of mercy. "Whoso dog?" he questioned, nnd when she refused to answer, Dave bided his time and secretly following, came upon her at tho very tent door. . "We'll see," ho said angrily, "what It Is you're hiding from your guard ians," And Dave saw. Tho man lay white and calm be neath tho tirade of tho mountaineer's accusing tongue. 1 "So you uro tho mystery mnn we've been hunting," ho raged, "hiding away like a cur for the crime you'vo done. Mny bo you thought wo wouldn't get word of it in this Iono corner, but we did, and we've been laying low." Tho man on the cot turned to tho .Bin. "Lnurel," he asked, "do yon believe nne to bo tho mnn ho thinks me?" 'Uie girl came closer. Mystery man," she replied, "nil the .world could not make mo believe jnnythmg of you that Is not right and true. My henrt knows." "lle'6 n thief," Dave stormed. "lie's -Uie lionest man that I lovo," Laurel answered. Djivo Jumped to his feot. "You've dared make love to horl" Uie cried. Tho man drew from his ninttreiH a 'budget of papers. "They may explain my reason here," Iho said. And when Dave looked up from tho papers his face had changed .humbly. i "So you nro on the trail of that slip pery one," ho muttered. "You, a fed eral detective 1 I'm sorry, I thought" "That," the man replied, "concerns mo little. H Is what Laurel thought that mattorod. She had promised to go bnck to tho worhl with mo as my wife. And" "And I ni going with you, Mystery Una," said Laurel. "gORN OF FIRE AND BLOOD" ! Officer Tells of Circumstances Under Which Colonel McCrea Wrote "In Flanders Fields." 'In Flanders FluhN," to quote the words of Major General Morrison, who commanded tho brigade to which Lieu tenant Colonel McCrea was attached at the time, "was literally born of fire nnd blood during the hottest jHmse of the second buttle of Ypret. "My headquarters were In n tronefi on the top of the bank of the Ypres canal; and John had his dreeing tu Hon In a hole dug In' thu foot of the bank. During periods of the hnttlv men who were shot actually rolled down the bank Into his dressing sta tion. Along from us a few hundred yards was the headquarters of a regi ment, and mnny times during the 1(1 days of the battle, he mid I watched them burying their dead whenever there was n lull. Thus the crosses, row on row, grew Into u good-sized cemetery. ".Inst as ho describes, we often heard the larks singing high In the air, between the crush of the shell and tho reports of the guns in the battery Just beside us. I have a letter from him In which ho mentions having written" the poem to pass away the time be tween the arrival of hatches of wounded, and partly ns an experiment with several varieties of poetic meter." The unit with which MeCriio served was the most advanced of all the al lies' guns by a good deal, except one French battery, which stayed In a position yet more ndvanced for two days, and then had to be taken out. MANY SEEK COVETED TITLE Thousands of Young Chinamen Un dergo Severe Examination In Hope of Becoming Mandarins. Though Chinese education Is grad ually undergoing change, candidates for the title of mandarin still gather at three-year Intervals In Chinese cit ies, nnd the examiners sit In their robes of state under their umbrellas and conduct the examinations. Many of the younger generation nowadays have imbibed a western Idea of education; but many still begin with tiie lioolt of Three Characters, the Hook of a Hundred Families and tho Hook of a Thousand Words, and pur sue an educational system thnt Is held to be more than 30 centuries old, to the ultimate triumph of becoming man darins and enjoying the ceremonial honors, distinctive costume and an In dividual reputation for wisdom and learning, that go with the title. The examination consists In tho writing of philosophical and political essays, ex position of the savings of Confucius. commenting on Chinese texts and the composition- of sentences nnd maxims In prose and verse. . Tho number of candidates ut such examinations still counts up Into the thousands. Sometimes their failures, one might say, In the phrase with which western editors return ambi tious contributions, have been "due to no lack of merit." for the number of vacancies to be filled at any one time In the list of mandarins Is very small compared with the number of candi dates. Christian Science Monitor. Ponds Like Pools of Ink. In cross-country flying, clear, quies cent ponds of water are usually the darkest areas In the landscape. Often they appear like pools of Ink and their relative brightness Is much less than that of black velvet. This Is easily explained. The water Is perfectly clear and the bottom Is black and porous. Little or no light Is rellected except from the surface. Incidentally a pond of this type pro vides the best mirror In the landscape, for Its background Is almost perfectly dark, which Is not the case for turbid water. If one watches very carefully he can detect the Image of the air plane rellected In tho water without dllllculty at L',000 or .1,000 feot. This gives a true vertical line which may be of use on some occasions. At least observation of this Image gives a rec ord of the horizontal speed regardless of other movements of the airplane. M. Lueklesh In the Sclentlllc Amer ican. Harvest and Hunter's Moon. Tho full moon nearest the autumnal equinox (September '."J) Is known as the "harvest moon." Owing to the oc currence of minimum retardation In the time or rising at that period, this moon rises at nearly the same time on several successive nights. It rlxei early and gives tho husbandmen who have been playing golf all day an op portunity to gather their crops, hence Its name. The "hunter's moon" Is the moon following the "harvest moon." The occasion for Its name Is obvious, it occurs at the season of the year when the country youth, the harvest having been gathered, slings his gun over his shoulder and wanders through the Woods In search of the gray squirrel and other larger game. i Aces Up. Young Lawyei If your honor pleases, we will show that appellate courts have decided on similar plead ings that wherein plaintiff's witness hnd appeared with evidence after hav ing been subpoenaed duces tecum Ills Honor (accustomed to hearing gamblers In police court) Walt a minute there. You say, "deuce take em." Well, this court deehlodly will no admit "douwn take 'em." (Intr ally speak!it t lvjs 1ms been hel'J Uint ue heat 'am. 0C ONE EVENING By MILDRED WHITE. (Copyright, 1919, Western Newspaper Union) The leaves blew In crackling henps across the wind-swept verandn ns the man hurrying to escape hd October shower ascended tho steps. To nil np peaninces the old house was vacnnt; darkly nnwelcomo the windows con fronted him, nnd there was no re sponse to his ring. The stranger lingered ns though loath to leavo. then went slowly around the garden path. At tho lower end of the bouse a light rewarded him. It shone from n curtained window, and tho man went unhesltutlngly to n side door set In a vine-covered porch. As he raised his hnnd to the old fnshloned door bell, he paused, struck by a comfortable home-like picture. Inside, a womnn was seated In the glow of n rose-colored Inmp. Her face was bent over the crimson wool she was knitting, nnd her Silvery hair In curling tendrils touched her pink cheeks. There was something singu larly youthful about that bent head, notwithstanding the whiteness of its soft colled hair. Though told winds shook the porch, the woman Inside was clothed in dnlnty white. And present ly, ns though Instinctively aware of a witching eye, she raised her fnco In the Inmp light, while the mnn outside cnught his breath, as one who had seen a vision. , Then no longer hesitant, his sum mons pealed through the rooms. The woman, arising, stood startled by the table; as sho uttered n word, a grent dog came from beneath It. aggressively speaking protection. The animal, pre ceding her to the door, she opened It, awnlllng the stranger's mission. The sound of his volco was pleasing assurance. "I found no one at home In tho front of tho house," he said, "and so came around here to beg for shelter. I am overtaken on a dnrk road In the storm. May I nsk tho liberty of running my car Into the barn nnd, If possible, ac commodation for myself over night. Twice I hnve found accommodation," he hnstenod to add at her stare of nstonlshment, "In this snme house." "I see." The woman's voice sound ed sweet In his enrs. "But you misunderstand. That was In the grcnt part of the houso which Is separated from my smnll wing. I live here nlono. My neighbors have gone away for the evening but will re turn Inter." Sho considered a moment, bcr linnd on the dog's head, the wind tearing around the corner tossed wet leaves against their faces. "You are welcome to wait In my sit ting room until they return," she said Impulsively. "It may help you pass tho time, Mr. Cole," she said. Hut the man took a chair opposite her own, regnrdlng her thoughtfully. "I would like," ho snld, "to tell you of one evening In my life which this one recalls," She looked nt him with n quick, In viting smile, then Into her blue eyes enmo a wondering, retrospective light. "It wns on Just such an evening years ago," tho mnn went on. "thnt I lost my way In this same road, and begged for shelter for the night at tho same house. An elderly couple wel comed me hospitably, nnd by their fire side, In a room like this, wo sat and tnlked of many things. They .were In terested In all that I could tell, while nearby, her lingers busy with embroi dery, but her beautiful eyes often up raised to mine, sat a young girl." Tho man paused. "There seems nothing more to tell about her than that," ho said musingly, "but her very presence there, her personality, appealed to me as no woman over hnd appealed be fore. "It was she who bade me good night, passing nt last up the high stairway with but one bnckwnrd glanco to soften my disappointment. I wns obliged to leavo very early tho next morning. Back In my city homo I realized In nstonlshment thnt I had not learned the nnmo of my protectors or more nbout tho young girl thnn that they called her 'Le. Dlscournglug this finality, to nn nrdent heart which would hnvo confided Its affection to paper, seeking tho faint hope of a re ply. The girl's unforgettable face haunted me for a'year. Then a second time I went bnck to the lonely rond nnd sought shelter. Strangers opened tho door of tho house, strangers took me In. The old MncGregors were dead they snld. '"Their daughter?' I asked breath lessly. "'Dead nlso.' they replied. "It wns as though my future had ended suddenly boforo Its beginning. Yet In my heart 'Le' still lived. Ono evening had made for me her person ality a deathless thing. Always I saw her, silent, sweet, appealing." The man arose, his face was white with emotion. "Tonight." he snld. "I came agnln." The woman arose also. Sho spoke softly, hastily. "I remember It all," sho said. "I was visiting grandmother and grand fathor then. There was something about yon thnt one did not forget; your glad frankness, perhnps yourself. I am Leonle. When my grandparents died they left to mo this home. I rent tho hlggor half, and try to make my own little homo hero." In the rosy lamp light lie two stood and looked Into otivh other's rni-n. 1 Hofore them euittil to stretch n fu ture ns roco-colored nnd ns bright. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North of Postofiice. rhone 58 A modern Institution for the cientiflc trentmfot of medical, surgical nnd confinement cHHes. Completely equipped X-Uay und diagnostic laboratories Slaff: Geo. B. Dent M. D. ' V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. RedSeld. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. You May Think FRATER a grouch but if you will come to him Cor Drug Store needs, you will soon discover he isn't and that he doesn't rob you on prices. Office Phono 340 Res. Phone 1237 DR. SIL1FFEH, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platte, Nob Phono for Appolntmontt. JOHN S. SIMMS. 31. D. Special Attention Given to Surtrery McDonnld Bank Building Office I'liono 83 Residence 88 GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstretrics. Officer: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Resldonce 116 DIL ItEDFIELD Physician, Obstetrictnn Sururcon, X-Kay Calls Promptly Answered Night or Baj Phone Office CIS Residence G7C DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLET Practice Limited to Surgery and Therapj 728 City NaUouaJ Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. ALBKRT A. LANE, Dentist Hooni'i 1 and 2 Belfon Building North Platte, Nebraska DR. L. J. KRAUSE, DENTIST McDonald Bank Bldy. Phono 97. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embamera Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phone 41 Night phono Black CSS Legal Notice. T. F. Laughlln and Estolle Gibsou, Jamoa Gibson, Rachol A. Staloy, Rosa Connor, and Robort Staloy, heirs at law of John Staley, deceased, and Cecil Touoll, National Flro Insurance Com pany, The South Half of tho South West Quartor of Section 32, In Town ship 11, North of Rango 32, In Lincoln County, Nobraska, and all persons clnlmlng any interest of any kind In said real ostato or any part thereof, will take notice that on tho 2Sth day of June. 1910. W. T. Gulhor as plaintiff Hied his petition In tho District Court, of Lincoln County, Nebraska, the ob ject and prayer of which nro to foro closo a certain mortgngo deed alleged to havo boon executed nnd dollvorod by tho (lofondants, w. T. Ervin and Win nie Ervln to T. F. Laughlln May 9th. 1910. and thereby convoying to snld Laughlln tho South Half of tho South west Quartor of Section 32 In Town ship 11. North of Rnngo 32,-W. Cth P. M., In Lincoln County, Nebraska. That on October Gth, 1919. the said W. T. Ervln nnd Winnie Ervin de fendants filed their answer and cross petition In said action, tho object and prayer of which aro to clear title to said lands of certain clouds thereon and to quiet nnd confirm such tltlo in tho said W. T. Ervln and to oxcludo oach and all of said defendants, and all persons clnlmlng any Interest of any kind In snld roal ostato or any part thereof, from any right, titlo or claim against said promises. You nro required to answer said cross petition on or boforo the 22d day of Decomber, 1919. Dated Novombor 10th. 1919. W. T. ERVIN and WINNIE ERVIN. Defendants.1 By IIOAOLAND & HOAOLAND and E. E. CARR. Their Attorneys. nlldS DKS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors ), (!, 7 Building & Loan Building. Offlco Phono 70. Res. Phone 1242 THE TWINEM HOSPITAL, 100S WEST FOURTH STREET, North Platte, Nebr. For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A place where the sick are cared for so as to bring about normal conditions In the easiost, most natural ana sciemmc manner. Phone lit). North Platte, Neb, Notice to Non.Itestilent Defendants. Oscar L. Llvlngstono and tho EV4 of tho SWi and Lots C and 7, Section fi, Township 12, Range 30. Lincoln coun ty, Nobraska, and all persons claiming any interest oi any kuki in sam real estate or nnv rmrt. Hinrnnf. will linm- by take notlco that Robort E. Ander son, tilnlntiff in an notion whnrnln the said Robert E. Anderson Is plaintiff and you and each of you are defend ants, filed his mntltion in thn dlstrle.t court of Lincoln coounty, Nebraska, on, tho Cth day of October, 1919, tho object and prayer of which said potl- Hn 1u in ntltnt nl n ( tl I ff ' a HMrt It. n twl to the EV, of the SWV. and Lots fi nnd 7, Section C, Township 12, Range 30, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Plaintiff further seeks in said action tr nnlnt lils tltlo ntmtnct n nnrtntn mortgage executed by John Klemnn, single, to Margaret Livingston which mortgage is recorucu in uook is, page 2'Jb, of the mortgage records of Lin coin county, Nebraska, and which inortKnco Is dated Aucust 17. 1893. Plaintiff alleges In his petition that said mortgage has been paid, and that tno same nas oeon barred by tno statutes of limitation of tho state of Nebraska; that he and his grantors have boon In tho absolute, onen. ex clusive, continuous and adverse pos session of said land for moro than ten years and that the iplaintlff has a new and absolute tttlo to said real es tate, and that the defendants have no right, titlo or interest of any kind In ana to saw real estate. You are renulrnd to answer sntd petition on or boforo tho 22d dny of December, 1919, or judgment will be taken acainst vou bv default. ROBERT E. ANDERSON, Plaintiff, By Halllgan, Beatty & Ilalllgan. his Attorneys. nlld5 Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Mead State Bank, a corporation, Wllber A. Brothwell, Phoenix Invest ment Company, a foreign corporation organized under tlie laws of tho state of Colorado, and tho SW4 of Section C. Townshln 10. Rnneo 33. Llnnoln county, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any interest or any kind In said real estate or nnv nnrt tbornnf. defendants, will hereby take notlco that on tho Gth day of November, 1919, A. H. Stevens, plaintiff, filed his peti tion III the district e.nnrt nf l.inrnln county, Nebraska, In an action where tno saiu a. h. Stevens is iplaintlff and you, and each of you, aro defendants, tho object nnd prayer of which peti tion Is to quiet tho plaintiff's title In and to tho SWVl of Section G, Town shln 10. Ranco 33. Lincoln noun t. v. Nebraska, against the claims and de mands of oncii of the defendants to said action In said real estate. Plaintiff alleges In his petition that .tho defendant. Mend State Bank, a corporation, Wilbcr A. Brothwell nnd Phoenix Investment Company, a for eign corporation, claims some" right, tltlo or interest in and to said real estate by virtue of a mortgage exe cuted by Stephen A. Albro and wife to Mead State Bank on Decomber 24. 1889, which mortgago Is duly recorded In Book 5, ipage 298, reh0 estate rec ords of Lincoln county. Nebraska, tho said Mead State Bank claiming to own somo Interest In said mortgage, and tho said Wilber A. Bothwell claiming to own some interest in said mortgago as assignee thereof from said bank and as purchaser of said premises under a foroclosuro of said mortgage, and Phoenix Investment Company claiming to own somo in terest in said real estate by virtue of being tho owner of somo of tho notes secured by said mortgage PlnltlMff nllntrnc liot nn .1 - - v-o-o .uiu diwu iuui i(,uj,o and the indebtedness socured thoreby lmvn linnn no M U. . . 1. .. i havo boon nald. that thn barred by tho statutes of limitations of tho State of Nebraska.. Hi tiff has been In tho open, notorious mi uao uuuii in mo open, notorious, oxelnnlvn nnntlmimie l.notiln .!.. , .j, .tuouiu, nuiui.iu possesslon of said real estate for moro than ton years, and that ho therefore Hon linvn nr. r-trrUt till l-i x : . . . " " ' miuresi or ntlV lMn.l In r. n 1.1 1 , . ....... . lKUl uhuiui, naving linn 11 linw.n1 tl,nnArHn . . . I been barred therefrom III Cinlrl nsl verso possession and tho statute of limitations of tho stato of Nebraska. nm uiu juuuiren to answer said po- tltton on or before' tho 22d day of Tlnnnmlvnr. 1 (11 n l ou aro required to answer said po December, 1919 A. II. SIEVF.vs Pio!nn- By Halllgan. Beatty & Halllgan, his morneys nlld Sheriffs Snle of Perlsnble Goods. Notice Is hereby given that bv virtue nt o ,ii . . ."llU0 iiiuicmneni issued by tho'tntn wiiii. i. nam BB" Cnnnt.v .Tun nt t i 1 r, 27.1.. ' . V110, whlch has been set for lmnrinr. County Judge of Lincoln County, in a suit pending wherein Tho Leypoldt & Pennington Co., a corporation, is plain tiff nnd A. A. Prultt, real namo un known, is dofondant, and to mo di rected, I have levied upon ono car of potatoos as tho proporty of A. A Prultt; and whereas said goods have boon considered of a perlshnblo nas iiiro aim an order of salo having is sued from said County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, nnd to mo di rected, I will on tho 22d day of Novom bor nt tho hour of 10 a. ni. at building known as Tho Lamb Wnro Houso on Lots 1 nnd 2. Block S4 or Original City olf North Platte, sell at public auction to tho highest blddor for cash 30., SO pounds of potatoes, taken un der said attachment, ordered sold, ns the proporty of A. A. Prultt. Dated this 8th day of Novombor. - A- SALISBURY, T. S. BLANKENBURG, Bonded Abstracter. Public Stenographer. Office with B. M. Reynolds, Architect, Apt. 1 Reynolds Terrace. Phone Black HOC. Legal Notice. To William E. Plckons and tho heirs, dcvlsoos, legatees and personal representatives of said William E. Plckons, and nil persons Interested In tho estate of said William E. Pickens, defendants: You and each of you will take notice that A. Bollo Swarthout as plaintlif has filed her cortaln petition In the District Court of Lincoln County, No braska, and ooject and prayer of which aro to partition the following described lands sltdato In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots Fivo (5) and Six (G), Block One hundred and eighty-six (18G) of the original town of tho city of North Platte, part of Lot Threo (3), Union Pacific Railroad plat lying south of Lots Fivo (5) and Six (G),. Block Ono hundred eighty-six (18G) In tho City of North Platte, the north forty-four feet of Lots Ono (1) and Two (2), Block Ono hundred seventeen (117) of tho original town of tho city of North Platte, all of Lot Three (3), Block Ono hundred twenty-seven (127) of tho original town of tho city of North Platto, West twonty-two feot of Lot Threo (3), Block One hundred four (104) of tho original town of tho city of North Platto, part of Lot Six (G), Block Ono hundred four (104) of the original town of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot, thence 132 feet In a southerly direction along tho east side of said lot to the southeast corner thereof, thence GG feet in a westerly direction along the south lino of said lot to the southwest corner thereof, thence 82 feet In a northerly direction along the west lino of said lot, thence east 3 feet, thence 15 feet in a northerly direction on a lino parallel with tho west lino of said lot, thence east 3 feet, thence 35 feet In a northerly di rection on a line parallel with the west line of said lot to the north line of said lot, thence east CO feet to tho placo of beginning; all of blocks Ono (1) and Two (2) In Thomson's Sub division of a part of Lot 4 of Section 4, Township 13, North of Range 30, west f tho Gth P. M. of the original town of tho City of North Platte, Nebraska. And the following described lands sit uate In Dawson County, Nebraska, to wit: Lots Ono (1), Two (2) and Three (3) In Block Flfty-slx (56) of tho orig inal town of the city of Lexington, all of Block Ton (10) in C. L. Ervin's Ad dition to tho city of Lexington, and a part of Block Seventeen (17). Mw. Coil's Addition to the city of Lexing ton, iNebraska, described as follows. Commencing 100 feet west of tho northeast corner of said bloelr 17 thence south parallel with the east, lino oi saiu uiock 150 feot, thence west parallol with tho north line of said Block 100 feet, thenco north parallel with tho west line of said block 1.10 feot, thence east to the place of be ginning. And to confirm title In nnrt to all of said lands in the following suurus ana proportions to-wlt: In tho plaintiff an undivided eleven twelfths (11-121 internal In nil nf onl.i describedl ands and in the defendants or sucn or them as may bo entitled thereto an undvldetl on-twelfth (1-12) nterest and for such other nnrt fnrHior i relief as is just and equitable. xou and each of you will make ans wer to said petition on or beforo the 8th dny of December. 1 defaults will be taken and judgment entered against you as in said petition praycu. Dated October 28, 1919. A. BELLE SWATiTTTnTTT Titfl By EVANS & EVANS. Hor Attorneys. o28n21 Order of Hearing. In the Matter of Hm rctni c ti... Rylandor, Deceased. Now on this 31st iinv of rwi, 1919, on the filing of the petition of kllcn Rylander. nrnvlnp- Mint Tnin. n ... . - r a v. 1 1-1 vj. (Jhnri? lin nnnnntJ . of snlil notnt t n . . " "... v.oiui.u, u. vj. ijuuior, iianicu in th will, having declined in wrltinir to I n ns act as executor. It Is hereby ordered no tnm . iuciuum -8 .1919 bo set for the hearing thereof beforo this court at 9 o'clock a. m.. u""n una court at u o'clock a m nm! Hint nnt,nn i., , . . " . - "uui-D ui Bum noanng oe clv- " the heirs, devisees, and all persons Interested In snld estato by miblicntlon ...toiw uuiuui ior inreo successive weeks nrior to snM 1, . : vnrn, nintt" "l 1,10 nnMv n... '. . 't''u aBI"'" " "-"j "uBiiuiiur printed and nuh- Mlci.l,Vrl l Tl 'U i1 U tJ " 111 "'"coin county. Nobrnnitn Itr-tr r i iwl. war. H. C. WOODHURST." County Judge. n4-3 i i cimon. Estnte N. 1702 of Mary A. Simants I oronsnil In !. n i ' wl ...uij, i. omiants, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. TllO StatO Of Nnhrnolro rp ,, s i l . . ii., iu an ner- 5 n?,8 ,ntonted In said estato take ,u" uiai a Petition has been filed S man La , 0f WU,,am M oimants as Administrator nt i.i .. herein on Novombor 28. 1919. at 10 w .w,iv ti. in. Dated Oct. "8. mm (SEAL) WM. H. WnnrmiTnom H4-21 . . 41 who I , County Judge. , , tico o Creditors. Estate .No. 1695 of Henry p. Coates. de ceased, in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraskn. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss. Credl- Ztu m, dS,tat0 w, tnk0 notice tha inn. t(id for Presentation and fll Ing of claims against said estate Is March 5, 1920, and for settlement of Hi TS. u CtOb0tr 28 that0 wm sit nt tho county court room in saw county, on December 6, 1010. a 9 o clock a. m., nnd on March 5 19"0 bnn9 C ,00k 111 m" t0 rocelvo, examine (SEALl Vr T-T T.r, Sheriff. U4-2S " UUHST. County Judge.