The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 21, 1919, Image 12

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We fix
,',. ana uhvw&
tm k"W" mi if
.. """"" A',rtll4!
J&f- us iest
If your watch is not keeping correct time, do not blame
the watch-blame yourself. Perhaps '.'your watch only needs
' We will clean or repair your watch or anything else that
needs fixing, and do it RIGHT and charge you for- our work
only a reasonable price.
We-charge you nothing for lesting youreyes, and if you
need them, only a moderate price for your.'glasses.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Sign of the Big Ring.
gemi'Hteekit! Sribune.
IKA L MAKE, Editor mid Publisher
Oho l'cnr by Mall, In ndrunco. .81.75
Ono Yenr by Carrier, In ndvancs$2.00
Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska
Po'stofflco as Socond Class Mattor.
JMSJfc I ill. J j i ft on u .
Coal Scarce In Oniabiu
Tho Omaha Deo of yestorday said:
An order cutting off tho supply of
coal from schools, churches, non-os-
sentlal Industries, and places of
amusement was Issued yesterday by
V. M. Joffors, chairman of the tor
initial coal committee Tho order goes
Into effect Friday at 7 a. m.
"Whllo tho city Is not entirely with
out coal, thero Is no sign of rollof In
tho near future," said Mr. Jeffors
"and tho order wns imperative. Somo
schools mny havo sufficient coal to
remain open a short time, and the
order will bo retracted at tho moment
wo havo assurances that it is safe,"
Wonderful blankets for nowadays;
full slzo bod blankets In cotton and
part wool at $2.45, $2.95, $3.45 and up;
Falling after tlireo attempts to rati
fy tho poaco treaty, tho senate late
1irwlnnar1n1. tilcrltf lnlfl It nfltfln miflpfl
tho Bpoclnl sossion nnd wont homo.' Part wool at ?4.90, $5.95, $0.45 and up;
ah mnrnmlM Affnrtu ti hrliitr ratl-i 100 por cont puro wool at $9.85,
flcatlon failed, tho throo resolutions 12-4C $"-G5 and UP at Tho Leader
of ratification all going down by ov-
orWhelmlng inajbrltiosi Tho republican ' ::o::;
lon.inm nnfiamntlv ' dnsnalrlne of llrst Prosbylerlnn Church
hrinMno- i.f1 Mm sonata to-! The pastor is very anxious for a full
cntiinr fn rnnv Rort of ratification then' attendance Sunday at tho morning
put in a resolution to declare th& war J worship as thero aro cortain plans
nt nn niwi adoptod by tho officers to bo prosonted.
. Two of tho throe ratification votos Preaching at 7:30 p, m. Sunday school
wore tnken on tho resolution drafted) 1U
by tlio rs.mbhuui majority, containing, , A , .;:o:: 77" ,
rADotv.iti a ui.ii.i, ini4ifinnt .viiKnn' Hrst Lutheran Church.
had told democratic" senators in a let-' Morning worship 11 o'clock, special
tor r.nill,.r lrt' tii, dnv: would mea.i mossago, "Clay In tho Hands of tho
nituinontlnn in 11... trAntw. On rianli of Pottor." Evoiilng worship 8 o'clock
tho votos moat nf U-t tfemoorntV hup-I subject. "Will a Man Servo Go,! for
i.orteM of til,. voted unaln"t Naught? Sunday. Bchool at 9:45 with
rnHiWirv, Classes for. all
I ai uie morning Borvico tno men wno
I aro to participate In tho Evory Mem
...Jbor Canvass will bo commissioned
""a rpi.i,, i .,,.. ,.. l. ., ., ,... i
ontortalncd Tuesday a veiling by Mra.; "
n hi mu 1..4...1 i... niL lir nr "o urge all mombors to bo prosont
V. mi iiuuur, anniniuu iijr hud. 11 . cn. r....i .i,i .iiii.. .i
Camming and Mrs. Guy Popejoy. A So """rev C ! KOC Pastor
Jorw '.Inllirl.tfnl nrnirnin Innlminrl turn COm0, -. U KlA ll, 1 aHlOr.
piano numbors by Miss Emma i
Twentieth Century Club.
Tho Twentieth Century Club
-: :o: :-
F5guo and recitations by Miss Lola
Tllford. Mrs. Wilson' Tout gavo a
CliriKtlan Church.
Rlblo school 9:45 a. m.
very dotnllod and Interesting account' qh,"r r . Vv ' i 3 nV
P ',,, .!,. u , " (i., . i oubjoct of tho evening sormon,
of. tho Federated Club meeting at m.i.... t.... rm, n...i mi.i '
FalrbUry. Tho Twontloth Century t" Zt '. b
Club was loaded with honors and the1 "itn.', .m,in.. p fpi,.,i,0i..i
nrc'mdenl Mrs Goorcn Frntor wns I 1 ltt,I,S recognition of Thanksgiving
SSfed as ono8of U e Uvo.veSo doT- Jj" f XlrfonZT&i
egates to the natlomU meeting next for tIS
81 n"h' . . I will bo glvon to all at all times.
' I ,; o;
-i 11 mn m J t..i. m i. '
C(um Jor iruH decries, ukk Warm, durable pretty sweaters nt
u",","m""" "".Tho Lendor Morcantllo Co
Christian Sclonco sorvico Sunday 11
av ni. Wednesday evening meetings
every weok at 8:00. A cordial Invi
tation is extended to all to attond
theso services. Building & Loan build
,lng, room 25.
You certainly got your monoy's
worth at tho Stylo Shop.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
proiont full board and county olork. 1
Claims were allowed as follows:
Wm. Anthony, work on tractor, $10 ,
Sim Carson, work on blade, $5. j
Martin Wyman, blacksmlthlng, $11.15
National Refining Co., gas aim oil j
$103.19. !
J. F. Snyder, road work, $4G.00. ,
A. E. Boll, meals for Jurors, $83.50.
II. Woodgate, road work, $31.50. I
AVilber Atkinson, road work, SU2.00.1
F. I). Westonfeld.mdaa co. pdor7.3Dj
E. E. Brovvnoll, use of hall for olec- i
tlon, $0.00. I
G. W. Karlger, road work, $24,110.
Ed Oilman, road Work, $17.00.
W. II. Watson, mdso co. poor, $7.10. !
Paul Moyor, hctvIcos, $10.00. i
F. L. Ketchnm, hauling sand, $14.75.1
Joe Derlngcr, auto hlro, $10.00.
C. L. Boyle, hauling gravel, $14.00. ;
J. S. Davis Co., supplies, $45.45. j
W, S. Ilaskliis, road work, $37.50.
yr. "W. Bromor, road work, $10.50. I
Goo. Homllrlght, road work, $42.00. !
Alvln Bakor, road work, $133.00. I
Wm. Bailey, road work, $115.50.
E. W. Unruh, road work, $9.80.
James Eckhard, road work, $21.00.
George Frnzer, road work, $36.00.
Fred C. Johnson, road work, $5.00.
John E. Scram, road work, $18.00.
Wosloy Cockle, road work, $12.00.
B. S. Applegate, road work, $31 50.
Sam Hawkins, road work, $70.00.
E. C. Hostcttor, bridge work, S33.00
Wilson Brothers, blacksmlthlng, $3
C. L. Grant, hauling, $73.50.
Sundry porsons, appraising road No.
415, $29.00.
Sundry porsons, road work, $53.10.
Nob. Tolophono Co., rent and tolls,!
It. I. Shappell, Borvlees, $12.00.
Chns. Klein, road work, $24.00.
F. Pease, road work, $24.-00.-J.
Peaso, road work, $10.00.
A. E. Huntington, services, $6.00.
J. R. RItner, brldgo work, $150.00.
D. C. Richards, services, $33.34.
Georgo Garman, dellvoring ballots,
H. C. Frandaen, road work, $15.00.
Tedor Trembly, road work, $12.00.
Emll Sukraw, road work, $4.00.
C. H. Lantz, road work, $4.00.
C. L. Applegart, road work, $4.00.
.T. F. VanCleavc, road work, $4.00.
Herman Yanken, road work, $4.00.
C. C. Bowman, rond work, $4.00.
C. L. Bowman, road work, $4.00.
J. N. Kony, blacksmlthlng, $1G.90.
S. C. Bowman, road work, $4.00.
S. M. Souder, postage, $143.39. c
T. H. Fisher, road work, $C00.
O. H. Emplo, mdso., $2.00.
Ernest Sukraw, road work, $8.00:
R. F. "Winkenwerdor, road work, $1G.
Georgo Robb, road work, $8.00.
Chas. Mason, road work, $206.75.
Raymond Ward, road work, $4.00.
Arthur Oolse, road work, $4.00.
G. W. Campbell, road work, $8.00.
Frank Sukraw, road work, $4.00.
Chas. NIckelson, road work, $4.00.
Ludwlg Sukraw, road work, $8.00.
W. Darnell, road work, $18.00.
R. Pacol, road work, $12.00.
Wiley Moon, road work, $28.0.
J. T. Zolgler, road work, $5G.OO.
J. W. "Wolch, road work, $G3.00. ,
Waltor Romus, road work. $28.00.
Roger Waltomnth, road work-$10.50
uay Teeters, road work, $19.G0.
Ell Howard, road work. $35.00
N. A. Schecongost. road work. .173.50.
G. A. Schrenongost, road work, $72.10
Joiin Maas, road work, $21.00.
Sundry persons, surveying, $96.60.
L. M. Cochran, shoveling snow, $1.75.
Leo Mustard, rond work, $66.50.
Adjourned to Novombor 24, 1919.
: ;o: :
Stock Market Dad.
Tho break In tho stock marknt
which began more than a week nso
assumed moro serious proportions
Wednesday. Tho entire list was car
ried to lowest lovols in many weeks,
gross recessions In spoculatlvo Indus
trials ranging from 5 to 30 points. The
operations amounted to moro than
Sovoral of tho tax oxemnt Libortv
bonds sold nt now low levels.
: ro: :
Over Hlrschfcld'.s
Offlco Phono 333 Res. Phono, 1020
A Service message
How We Help Farmers
By providing a safe place to keep the pro
ceeds of corn and grain sales, and income from
other sources.
By advancing funds for the purchase of
otock, feed, seed, machinery and other essentials.
By offering sound advice based on the ex
perience gained through contact with scores of
formers on subjects pertaining to tho business
' end of farming.
Platte Valley State Bank,
Statement of Ownership
(Published ns required by Act of Con-
gross or AugUBt 24, 1912.)
I, Ira L. Bare, solomnlv Bwear flint
I am tho solo owner, editor and pub-
UBiior or Tlio North Plntto Sonii-
Wcokly Trlbuno published at' North
Platto, Nebraska; that there aro no
otlior porsons Interested financially In
uio Bam Nortu iMatte Soml-Weoklv
Trlbuno, thnt thero are no mort
gage or other security holders.
Sworn to boforo mo this 20th day of
November, 1919. W. H. MUNGER,
(SEAL) Notary Public.
i Q
Datoa can bo made at the Platto
Valley State Bank or Phono 150
Sutherland, Nebraska,
always tako stock buyers with mo.
She Ifhped She SuedSim Dar?ce '
Still he did not seem io car&. Vet
sPm vPoii Mint atfajf ifvm Jus Fiancq
ffa fiktiicfe juttorts Qrecct $tctq& Success,
4'.; .- f AW! mt&m
November 25th,
Afternoon Matinee starting at 2:30
26th, 27the
Circumstances Indicate Probabllltr
That Vqst Hoards of the Mongolf
Has Deen Discovered.
Whether Asia's most famous treas-ure-hnnnl,
the concenled valuables. of
the Mongols, has beeit found, Is stlll'ji :
mystery to those who have dreamed of
finding the precious relics of kings and
emprri -s hidden somewhere In tho
ruins of the c!t'es of central Aslu. Re
cent reports that some of the Jewels
and gnldwork of the Mongols have
reached India confirm the belief that
I; the tivnsuro-hourd has been ransacked
at last.
Five hundred years) ago the desert
was green and temples and luxurious,
palaces adorned central nnd southern
Asia, often called the "tomb of lost
million's." The Mongols, the most for
mldtible of the tribes nt that time, rav
aged eastern nnd central Europe In
the thirteenth century, and carried
their loot with them. With the pas
sago of the tribe the great secret to
explorers has been the place of their
hidden treasure.
Some years ago two men In Ynr
knnd sold some relics of nnclent Asian
workmnnshlp, and It Is believed they
had come upon tho tomb of tho treas
ures. It was then thnt an adventur
ous Englishman, 11. Spnuldlng, cnllcd
them to him and set out to further
explore the treasure region. It wns
reported that he hnd penetrated the re
gion, but that he had been slain on
making his getaway. The appearance
of some of tho ancient relics In India
recently Is believed to Indicate that
Spauldlng wns robbed and that tho
treasures are slowly being sold by his
25c A DOSE.
One dose immunizes the caif for life. Extra strong
7 dose syringes needles, etc., for.SJtje, Allardes promptly.
filled with Iresh vaccine.' . 1
DR. W. T. PR1TCHARD, Distributor.
North Platte, Neb.
You would not tako cold were It not for a predisposition or sus
coptlblllty. duo to boiiio weak spot in your body.
You ofton sit In a draft without talcing cold. You may tako tho
"flu" whllo nolghbors all around you aro Immune.
There Is a dofect In your mako up which renders you susceptl
blo to disease Tho problem Is to find the dofect and correct It.
Isn't It plain to see that somo part of the machinery of yoUr
wonderful body is Inactive, thus causing dlsenso?
Whon tho orgnns of tho body aro functioning" normally disease
cannot exist, nor can you catch cold. Ofton a cold leads to serious
complications, nnd when It attacks a person with weak spots In his
nnntomy, It Is hard to contend with.
Chiropractic Is tho sclonco of common sonso applied to tho hu
imn machine, and tho art of adjusting tho maohhio, when It is out of
order. Dlsoaso is an effect. If you wish tho offoct to cease to exist,
got a CHIROPRACTOR to adjust tho causo by moans of Chiropractic
Chiropractic is apcompliahlng wonderful results when applied
to many dlsoasos. Give It a fair trial and bo eonvlncod.
I have plenty of SIX PER CENT MONEY
to loan on improved farms and - ranches,
with interest payable annually and with
option of paying all or part of loan at any
Tax free mortgages bought and sold.
T. C. PATTERSON, Loan Broker.
B. & L. Building, North Platte, Nebr.
Public Sale
The undersigned will offer at Public Auction at the Crook & Cobb
ranch, formerly known as tho old Garman ranch, llmlles northwest of
Dickens, 14 miles northeast of Wallace, 10 miles south of Horshey on
Monday, Nov. 24, 1919
Commencing nt 12 o'clock noon, the following property:
Seven Head of Horses
Farm Machinery, Hay, Feed, Etc.
Two sots of harness, 1 wagon and rack, spring wagon, saddle,
riding lister, now Mollno two-row, 2 cultivators, McCormlck mower,
Doerlng hay rako, McCormlck corn binder, 2-sectlon harrow, 30 acres
corn In shock, 100 bushols ear corn, 200 tons of cano In bunch, cut bo
fore frost, 25 tons of hay In bunch, 20 tons hay In stack,, 8 sections of
wlntor rango.
TERMS Sums of $20 nnd undor cash, above that amount six
months' tlmo at 10 por cent Interest
CROOK & COBB, Owners.
COL. II. M. JOHANSEN, Auctioneer. 1'. C. PIELSTICKER, Clerk.