The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 21, 1919, Image 1

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    t. . . . . V
No. 90
The North Phitto Community Chor-' Wnslilnctnn. Nnv. 20. Tlin cnlistliu- Thoi'O WR8 filed With tho County
H8 was organized at tho Franklin aud- crs' union, 35.000,000 members strong, clerk yosterdny nrtlclos or IncorporaJ Wyoming penitentiary at Rawlins. for Work Wodnosday. and It Is said that
ltorlum Wednesday evening by tho will 800n bo In action. , ton of the North Platto Equity Assocl- holding up trains on tho Union Paclflo since thon tho mines are runnlnr to
oiecuon oi miss wen Hartman prosl- it will call nationwide strikes 'One "on, tno ouject or wnicn is to wnoio
dent, W. H. Mungor secretary-treas- of tho first will hp niralnst stvloR. Ev- sn'o nnd retail grocorlos and pro-
urer, Mrs. O. II. Shrlver dlrcctess, and oryono of tht 35,000,000 women be- visions; to buy, slaughter and soli
an oxecutlvo commltteo consisting of longing to tho union will pledge her- llvo stock; to buy, sell and ship dairy
Mrs Furnk Hatch, Miss Esther An- self to last year's hats and last year's products; to manufacture and deal In
Cbnldws, Miss. Sadie Trovlllo, Paul I gowns. "Ice; manufnotufe and soil Ice cream
Harrington and Ira L. Bare, and with' or course they will do it," said tttttl ico"! to buy tutd soli coal, lumber
tho prosident and socrotary-treasiTror Miss Edith S. Strauss, appointed, by nntl building material; to deal in en
as ex-offlcio mombers of tho commit-! Attorney Gonoral Palmer as marshal sines and motors, farm machinery and
t'f. Tho executive commltteo ap- 0f tho army of women to bo mobilized equipment; to buy nnd sell hardware
pointed committees on music, mom-' 0y the government in a gigantic of- nna furniture, dry goous nnu doming
borshlp and by-laws. Tho orgnnlza
t'on starts with a membership of over
iuny ana uns numuer win uo ai loasi
doubled by the date of tho next meet
ing, which will bo announced later.
The music commltteo will at once so
fenslvo agalnBt tho high cost of llv- nml wearing apparol; to manufacture
lng. 'Every woman is willing to nll 8011 oread, canes and pies; to miy,
war last year's hat If she knows ev- Bn store and repair automobiles, and
ory othor woman is doing it 10 manufacture and sell automoble
"I've already gone on a strike toD3' Indies and automobllo parts; to
against high prices. I havo taken a Provwo and maintain restaurants, or
lect music, and as soon as It arrives Vow to buy no more clothes until those Pces of entertainment.
regular weekly rohearsals will bo
hold. Tho membership feo was plac
ed at ono dollar. Qualifications for
membership consists of ability to sing
I am wearing can no longer bo called iI,e 1110 01 1110 corporation snau con
clothes, tlnue for a period of nincty-nlno years,
Evoryono is organizing in America oss sooner dissolved
oxcopt tho poor consumor. Until the
and a promlso that tho member will I consumers unite nnd stand sollillv
attend rehearsals regularly and absont behind tho government in an intensive
himself or herself only for a very campaign against high prices wo
good reason. Chorus work demands, nilgilt na won slt With folded arms
regular attendance if tho best results antl watch the profiteer flourish,
aro to bo obtained if one-third the ''Tii0 women must carry on about
membership absent themselves one , nine-tenths of this warfare against
evening and anothor third tho next high pricog( anu with 35,000,000 of
evening, the chorus will havo up-hill them organized and working as a
work. I B0U(i unjt with tho government in six
Tho object of the chorus is to fur- months wo can get the cost of living
nish music for community gather- ; lmck to normal levels,
ings, for national holidays when pro-; in every city and village there
grams are glvon, to furnish freo OV-'mnst. lin a lenmin nf cnnaiiinnm wlin
oning concerts at tho auditorium and pie(iBe themsdlves to do without rnth-
nucreu concerts ai me cnurcnes on or than pay excessive prices. When
Sunday afternoons. These will fur-, mIlk ls ralaed to a price beyond rea
nlsh ontertainment for our people and son, ince aBainst tho people of New
tend to Increase tho desire for music (York, they will call a milk strike and
nnd at the same time through tho re- 0I1 cortain days of the week do wlth
hoarsals benefit tiro members and out mlik until tho law of supply and
probably bring out talent that has demand forces a cut In tho price,
laid dormant. ono of the reasons for excessive
Later it is expected to have a com- nrlrpa Is that tlin Amnrlwin nnlilln Ir
munity orchestra tftr an accompanl- drunic with money. People have more
ment to the chorus. ; money than ever before and they are
Those wishing to become membors ( spending It recklessly,
of tho chorus should see or phono j one of tho first things we must
Mrs. Shrlver, Mrs. Hatch, Miss Tro- HO ls to cut out senseless luxuries,
villo or Mr. Bare within tho next three Anothor is to Increase production."
or four days.
The capital stock of tho association
ls placed nt $200,000, divided Into
twonty thousand shares of ten dollars
each, the stock to bo non-nssossable,
Ten thousand dollars of tho stock
shall bo paid- up at tho tlmo of tho
commencement of business.
Tho affairs of tho corporation shall
be conducted by a board of seven di
rectors who shall bo elected annually
by the share-holders, and the directors
shall elect a prosident, vice-prosldont,
secretary and treasuror from thoir
own number. Tho present qualified
directors are: Edgar M. Dawson, Har
ry M. Johnson, C. P. Burroughs, Wm.
Ebright, Tlios. Orton, Gene Crook and
Wm. Simants. Attached to tho articles
of incorporation are the names of
twenty-three others.
: :o: :
'Amethist cut glass, vory new. Dix
on, the Jeweler.
Madam Flanders has sent the Style
Shop another shipment of blouses.
Queen Quality shoes for ladies at
Wilcox Department Store.
Advance Agent Raymond, repre
senting Guy. Bates Post in "The Mas
queradors," spent yesterday in town
making arrangements for the appear
ance of that big attraction at tho
Keith December 10th. The stage at
the Keith is the only ono large enough
Wyyomlng Miners nrc Working.
The minors at Ilanna nnd Hock
, Springs went to work Monday, wont
Bill Carlisle sorving sentonce In tho on a strllfu iinduy, thou roturnod to
I.. . f i , r .. .a... .,.., i i . "
in x9io mm iyiu was niuuon in a oox nil capacity.
of shirts which loft'tho prison shirt District Poromnn McGraw said this
factory Saturday, and after the bo morning that tho railroad had plenty
va delivored at tho freight houro ho of coal for Its use. Part of this coal
sawed his way out. Obtaining civilian hna bo n coming from Rock Springs,
.clothing from a (shoep hordor Mlfi5ffthk grantof part of it from Utah.
Bteallu weapons and nnimunir3Hj-rtf0 mimhers of cqal cars a'i nov.
froltt'raiich cablits, ho mado his way being sent, wost, Indications that Wy
to Rock River, whore on Tuosdny conl will begin to moM. Just
night he boarded train No. 19, ontor- what offect tho resumption of work
ed a tourist, sleopor by smashing a at tho Wyoming mines will havo on
vestibule window, fired ono shot local conditions la not known. Tho
through tho root of tho car to terrify Union Pacific takes for its own uso
passengers and forced all hut "old much of the roal mined nt R'ck.
irion, women, children, soldiers and fe.irings.
sailors" to contribute. "I do not rob. ::o::
tlfose," ho told tho passengers. Dutch " silver, vory now, Dixon, tho
Vi.B Callsle stood in tho vestibule j0woler.
waiting for the train to stop a pas-i .r '.r ,. .. . . .
songcr fired at close range and tho' MrB: T Crookott returned to
bandit Is hellovc-d to have boon hit. I Glr!?ul tIs'nnd, ll,,B morn'nK after a
He carried a rillo over his shoulder TvrlB,t n tho homo o hcr Bon A- c
and a pistol in his hand. Blood wn8,H0Wftru-
found on tlio pistol, which tho bandit Special prices on ladles' coats,
dropped In his hurried escape. His, suits and dressos nt Wilcox Dopart
Evo'ry pair of Merlnto silk hose ls
guaranteed. You get them at tho
Stylo Shop at $1.50 to $3.50.
Wo do al kinds of general ropalrl between Denver and Omaha to admit
work. John H. Null, COG Locust. 89tf the settings for this show, and for
We deliver fresh meat with grocery) this reason North Platto gets a date
orders. Dick Steggeman, 'phone 212. tf in preference to Kearney. Grand Is-
::o:: land or Fremont. Three railroad cars
Knlser Named For Trial. ( are required to carry the scenery, and
London, Nov. 20. The first list' of the company travels by special train.
Germans to bo tried by the allies fori our stock of ladles' coats, suits and
aro hold-
AH Uhlon barber shops on and after
November 21th will open at 8 a.jn.
and close nt 7 p. m., except Snturdnys,
when the hours will bo from 8 a. in. to
9 p. m. Shops will be closed Thanks
giving dny, but on November 20th will
bo open until 9 p. m.
: :o: :
A most charming assortment . of
women s and misses jff -and coats bpinB responsible for-theorjUotalsf!(iro88flg w too largo and wo
ut a Buviub-w "mil tu ou, 80 names, according to tne Kvenmgi hg a special sale on these ltoms to
a garment at Tho Leader Mercantile
Co- '
The Coates company recolved a car
of coal yesterday. Ordinarily this
would bo an unimportant announce
ment, but in these days when the coal
supply overtops almost everything
else in tho mind of the public, the
receipt of a car of coal Is very. Im
portant. Th car received Is being
doled out in 500-pound lots to thoso
who aro absolutely without coal.
C. M. Trotter has been In Omaha for
several days hustling shipments of
Paige cars, of which he has been
short for a couple of- weeks.
Tho Style Shop' has the hibbon and
will tlo free of charge any kind of
bows you wish.
News today. The list Includos tho mlucft tho atock to what ft should he.
luriner nuiHur. uiu lormer crown non't fall to make vour ntircliase now
. A 1 ... . '
Wilcox Department store.
prince and Admiral ' Von Tlrpltz.
English iudgo will preside, the. news
paper stated.
-: :o:
Gordon Love, accompanied by Uuy
1 Cantlln, returned from Omaha Wed
You will save money by buying your - f -, ; the b St
nt wiionv nnnnrtmont. stnm. ! wiu bu impaired to some extent.
.. c I Tho Wilcox Department Store is
inlRlnnl Hhrlstmas treo and oxer- ' holdlnB 8Peclal sal of laUles sultS
coats and dresses.
municipal Christmas tree and oxer
clses at the Franklin auditorium, and
while tho progranKlias not been com
pleted in full, it is the intention to
mauo 11 o occasioa a happy and Inter
esting ono for all. The newly organ
ized community chorus will sing.
See tho new dress silks at Wilcox
Department Store.
Freight traffic on the Union Pacific
keep up wonderfully well, In fact tho
volume of business is nearly as great
as during the early fall rush, and this
in face of decreased coal shipments
Teak wood candlo sticks, Dixon, the
hat was found by tho train guard.
A posso of officers, citizens and U.
S. cavalry spent Wednesday search
ing for Carlisle, but without result and
the mon hunt was Abandoned by rea
son of tho failure or tho posses to find
anyf'frnll of tho bandit. The gonoral
bollbf ls that Carllslo was enabled to
escape from the scono of tho robbery
In a high-powered automobllo which
had been in readiness by one of his
Carlisle ls said to have boasted that
ho could escape from prison nny tlmo ( partment Store
no uesirea. "x am nero uecauso i
want to bo here," he ls said to have
told tho prison officials.
Try Dixon this Xmns, you will bo
Muhsing underwear for tho wholo
famjly nt Wilcox Department Store.
f or sale New unver typowritor No.
A" bargain. R. W. Adams at Dr.
Brock's office. 90tf
For Sale Or will trado, 120 acres
land In Dent County, Mo. All fenced
with hog fence; 35 acres in cultiva
tion, 6 acres In orchard, balanco Um
ber; m miles from town. Enqulro
E. E. Moody, North Platto. 90-4
ment Storq.
Thoro will bo six numbors in tho
auditorium lecturo course, tho first
of which will bo glvon December 13th.
Tho adult season tickets nro placed at
$1.20 plus 12 conts war tax; tho sea
son tickets for school children at CO
cents plus 6 conts war tax. This ls
tho cheapest In prlco lecturo courso
over offered tho pooplo of North IMatto,
and tho talent ls unusually good.
Attend tho special salo of ladlos"
coats, Bults and drossos at Wllco Do-
Tho local camp of the American
Legion, nn organiation' of mon who
woro In service during tho world war,
has entorod Into a contract with thop
Hallowoll Concert Co., to give a con-ci
cert In tho Franklin auditorium on tho
evening of December 3d. Following
tho program at tho auditorium a . -dnnco
will bo glvon at tho IC QJull
tho ritURlo f6r wh!ah will bo furnflfliod,
by a ten-ploco orchOHtra of tho cdm
panyT Tho Hnllowoll Company is well
known In North Platto, as tho or
ganization has appeared horo sovoral
times under tho auspices of tho B. P.
O. Elks. It Is ono of tho best mus- t
leal organizations traveling and novor
falls to please Its audiences. '
Tho Amorlcan Loglon play tills '
company in order to secure funds to
carry out its work, and to boost tho
membership of fho local camp.
Llbby cut glass for tho brldo. Dixon,
tho jowolor.
Keith, Tonight.
"The Lost Princess"
' Rjluud Wins Match.
Bobby Bylund defeated Fay Jokesch
In the wrestling mntch at the Labor
Templo last evening, securing tho
flr,it"lall In ;forty-two minutes and the
secojoa In Six- minutes. Jokesch. was
thlrtyipounds heavier than Bylund and
it wasi necessary for tho latter to
wear out the former In tho first
round. Tho first fall was secured
through a ilyng mare hold, tho second
by a bar toe hold. Tho attondnnco
was farly largo and every spectator
was pleased with the contest. As ono
spectator exprossod himself "It was,
an honest to goodness wrestling
: :o: :
Up to Inst Tuosday evening, Judgo
and Mrs. J. S. Hoagland, enrouto to
Florida by car, had reached Cairo,
111. They had traveled over some
awful roads, nnd on cortain days had
mado only thirty-five miles a day.
Notwithstanding this they woro on-
Joying tho trip and Mrs. Hoagland's
health lias already, been Improved.
Dlxon & Son grind their own lonsos.
See Dixon's jewel case, nothing but
diamonds and pearls.
Special salo of ladles' coats, suits
and drosses now at Wilcox Depart
ment Store
Visit Dixon's gift store.
A happy story proving that crowns
don't matter when love ls king. Two
ipart Sennett comedy
Bucilla embroidery packages for
Christmas; seo tho display in WllcoV
Department Storo windows. ' ,
Mrs. M. E. Scott, Mrs. J. S. Slmms'
and Miss Myrtlo Boolor wero hostoss
os at a nlcoly appointed function at
tho Scott homo yoBtordny afternoon ,
nt which Miss Irma Huffman was tho "
honor guest Tho nffalr was a Hnoniw.
shower to Miss Huffman and sho ro
cslvod many beautiful pieces. Room
nnd table decorations wore pink roses.
Twenty-four guosts wero present. ,
0. O. Cabot, of Edison, Nob., died
yesterday forenoon nt a local hospital
whurn ho had been recotvlng treats
ment. Tho romalns Wero shipped to
Pdlson last ovonlng
Educator and Kowplo shoes for
children at Wilcox Dopartmont Storo.
Crystal, Saturday.
"Secret Marriages"
Tho story of a girl who goqs against
her parents' wishes and loses hor door .
key. A thing that has really happoncd
nnd might occur In your vory own fam
ily. Tho Sunshine Comedy
1 V i.L M J J T J I, imniuciy aim mesuay.
She wanted to elope it's funny but her husband objected.1
I mat 6 so! aut we snouiu worry qdoui nubDyi uome see ine
fun! The picture is every bit as jjood as it sounds. 1
Weak Links in a Strong Chain
That's just what imitation parts are wherf they become a part of your
Ford car. They look strong enough, but the metal isn't there, the strong,
durable Vanadiun;4steel that goes into the Ford Chassis and every Ford
part. Ford parts are specially cast and heat-treated, each according to its
use. Some require a hard, flint-like wearing surface, others need resili
ency, and some need just "toughness."
Ford metallurgists have been studying these problems for sixteen
years and know just how each unit should be made to endure a maxi
mum amount of wear and tear. They know that best results can be ob
tained only by the use of special formulas for different parts, and that
honest Ford parts wear from thirty-five to one hundred per cent longer
than counterfeits.
We carry complete assortments of genuine Ford parts for both passen
ger cars and trucks. And our garage is equipped to give careful, prompt
Ford service fx-om minor adjustments to complete overhauls. Drive in,
it's better to be safe than sorry. Come to the Authorized Ford dealer for
Ford Touring $000.
Ford Itondstcr $575.
Ford Sedan $875
Ford Coupelet $750. .
Ford Truck $500.
All with starter, F. O. B. Detroit.
Insist on Genuine Ford Purls '
Theda Bar a
"The Serpent"
Texas Guinan
"The Love Hunger"
Lillian Walker
Taming Hons ls easy compared with
nmlng human beings is tho decision
arrived at by Fram after living a few
months In the village of Littleburg
2 reel Larry Semon Comedy
, "Girls at Bay"
Corrine Griffith
Oth chapter,
Elmo the Nighty.
-the get-together time!
TT AVE you ever thought that what you
-L J-really appreciate about Thanksgiving
is that spirit of reunion it fosters.
Why not have that get-together spirit
ever present in your household?
An automobile will help by providling
the means whereby your whole family can
enjoy the utmost pleasure in each other's
Naturally, your selection of a car will be
influenced by the facilities for continuous,
satisfactory service offered by the dealer
who sells it.
You aro -assured of this satisfaction in
the purchase of a Dodge or Chandler car
from lis.
Immediate delivery today, subject to prior
1 Dodge Touring
1 Chandler Touring
1 Chandler Coupe
Telephone 844
Sixth and Locust
Notice tho now bodies nnd upholstering on
tho 11)20 Dodges.
1 r'ltTTVTTffcl