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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1919)
Ssmt'Jtekly Eribune. IltA L PAKE, Editor mid I'ulillnliir ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Venr by Mnll, In ndranco..$1.75 Ono Year by Carrier, In ndrance, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER. 18, 1915). COUNTY NEWS. WALLACE (From tlio Winner.) CovoyB of prnirio chickens, can bo noticed going over town every day now. The crop of them has boon good this year, and now as unow is on 'tho groMBd ' they aro In Hoarch (if some thing to cat. Corn husking Is on in full blast and tho tunk of tho ear can be heard on tho sldo board. Ton cents por bushel Is about tho avrago price paid in this locality. Tho worst blizzard flinco tho spring of 1914 swept this portion of tho coun try Sunday night and Monday, and "Wallace so far as common carriers aro concornod, has been cut off from tho entire world. Not a train has been nble to come through Blnco Satur day, owing to drifts, and after tho calm Monday morning Roadmastcr Wnlbrldgo ondeavored to got through with a crew and plow but they guc cocded In getting Just west of town whero they struck a drift twenty feet high and GOO foot long and after work ing for twelve hours (phoned in to town for all possible aid to dig the plow and engine out. All tho road's plows save this ono, uro west, but yesterday ono was sont cast out of Holyoko. If It wcro not for tho fact tho storm was resumed again Monday work would not have boon so difficult ns whon part of tho track was cleared It again filled in. BHART (From Tho Vindicator.) Oscar Landegron has been homo for tho past week, having been transferred from his Choyonno mall run to a sim ilar Job out of Lincoln, whero ho ex pects to bo .permanently located. Mr. Landogren expects to movo his family to Lincoln in tho spring. It boglns to look as though tho local tolophono Btrlko as well as tho nation al coal minors' strike had Imsoii broken. Mr. Brown informs us that so far ho has only romoved ono phono on do maud, and that all other phones aro In daily uso. Tho storm done consider able damage to tho linos, but thoy aro being put In order again as fast as tho work can bo dono, considering that a man has to go cither on foot or horseback to do thd work. A very lntlmato friend of Col. Win. -pa otn uo oj(of pooa v an bhoj irmn onol that happened last Friday. This. Is tho way tho story, goes: A strange man came to tho Reatty homo and ask ed permission to sloop in tho barn. Tho woathor being voryi disagreeable it was suggested that ho occupy a room In tho house formorly used for tho hired man, and tho wnndorot re tired in tho host of spirits, ns did tho family. In tho morning tho strangor camo down, washed and bruBhed hlm Bolf, mndo himself at homo nud nBkod whon breakfast would bo.j-oady. Mr. Reatty questioned tho man, and got tlng only ovaslvo answors finally snld to him, "I bollovo you aro an I. W. W." nud tho man promptly acknowl edged that ho was. It Is hardlv noc ossarv to snv that tho gont did not stay for brenkfnet. Tho colonel never was strong for tho I Won't Work or ganization, but to houso ono in his own homo for tho night wna a Uttlo too much. SUTHERLAND I (From tho Courlod.) Miss Julia Rurklund returned In&t Thursday night from a two weeks' viBit In El Vtinn TnvnH qi . . . Announces nia uiscnarge rrom mlllt Msii m ui j nso, iexas. Sho reports a ary service nnri thn ostAhUnhmnnt f T ... - SSK..Tty "''"'J0" hAH' ,fo Tuesday thnt tho snow atorm the first tit ie tirsinlr utiin 4 1. .. ... L 1. ... i I i uiu nvviv irj uiu wfxroi no ixixii over soon In tho hills Mrs. E. A. Wohlford and nlillil pnn iH r. r . ... .. 1 utuii-y, umnnu uouort, or worm Pintle, ' worn minsfH f Mra Tr,..,Q I,.-. ,.. laBt Thursday. N Mrs. Louis Potorson, of North Platto wus tho guest or old friends In this city last Thursday, , J. B. Crablll is having tho building formorly ocoupiod by, David Uman cloanod and ropalrod preparatory to putting in a restaurant nnd lunch! counter. Joo says that meals, lunches and hot soup will bo served at all hours. J Just whon It was thought that the Sutherland bcIiooIb would havo to bus-' pond for tho duration of tho strike,! , ?."0Lm'nr ,n .1V .olly .ro - ov.itxiiih niu wrmir ui uiuir COUl 01118 , for stray diamonds, n. car of coal wast sot out to bo disposed of by tho city fathers. Tho school was given about half of Uio car and G. L. Ruddln ln-j forniB us that sixty-four fumlllos worn supplied with about 409 pounds ench.l ' ?:o!. i MINES' AND BROTHERHOODS FAIL TO AGREE Ilono for an Immoainto nntil Ainnnr of demands of tho four groat brother- . ' . ' ' l - 14 ,U1 sosslon of tho conforottco botweon Dl- rector Gonornl Hlno uid tho brother-1 hood heads were postponed Indoflnlto- iy. I No official statomont was mado but it was understood no reomont could bo roanhod on tho principle of tlmo and a hnlf for overtime in road service 1 of trnlnmon. Sovoral Minor questions, IMffV .VIMUIIIViU IIIIDUIIim tlllWilUOll I lilivo-a direct bnarlnir oil thn ovortlnm question. :o:: IVhen In North Plntto Btop at tho New Hotel Pnlnxo and Onto. You will be treated well, B8tf frkpemuk v. bowers in "kiss m: a (? a in." "Kiss Mo Again," is the now musical comedy which will sorvo to Introduce Froderlck V. Rowers at tho Keith Thursday. Novombor 27. It was writ ton by Waltor Hommlngway and Ar thur J. Lamb and possesses all those comedy clemonts which permit Mr. Rowers to make tho most of his su perior comedy talents. Not since ho created such d buccoss In "His Rrldal Night" has this favorite comedian had a vehicle that promised so much and thus early in tho season it is being freoly (predicted that ho will duplicate his greatest success in this new pro duction. Supporting him is that clev er musical comedy Btar Alma Youlln, and a cast of superior talent. Thore is also u beautiful chorus which will be scon in tuneful musical num bors which wore written by Mr. Row ers. "Kiss Mo Again" will bo found to contain nil the essentials of con vulsing morrlment, entrancing beauty and satisfying diversion. Notice to Creditors Estato No. 1700 of Major A. White, de ceased In tho County Court of Lln , coin County, Nebraska. ' The Sato of Nebraska, ss. Creditors of said estato will tako notice that the Itlmo limited for presentation and fll 1 tng of claims against said estate is March 19th, 1920, and for settlement of said estate is Novomber 13th, 1920; .that I will sit at tho county court I room In Bald county, on December 1 18th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m and on March 19, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive, oxamlnc, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (SEA.) WM. H. C. WOOD1IURST, nl8dl2 County Judge. Rooler, Crosby & Raskins, Atty. Offico Phono 340 Res. Phono 1237 DR. SHAFFER, Osfoopnthlc PJiysIcJan Rolton Bldg. North Platto, Nob Phono for Appolntmontt. JOHN S. SIMMS. M. D. Special Attention Given to Surercry McDonald Rank Building Offico Phono 83 Residence .18 GEO. II. DENT, Phsylclan and Surgeon. Spoclal Attention Glien to Surgery unj Obstretrlcs. Offico: Building '& Loan Building Phonos: Office 130, Residence 115 BR. REDFIELD Physician. Obstotrlctnn Surgeon, X-Ray Culls Promptly Answered Night or Daj Phono Offico 012 Residence G7G DOCTOR C. A. SELBY Physician and Surgeon Offico orer Roxull Drug Store ! Office Phono 371. Houso 1008 DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY. Practice Limited to Surgery und Radlnm Therapy 728 City National Rank Building. Omnha, Nebraska. Office phone 241. Rea. phone 217 L . C . DROST, Osteopathic IMiybichin. North Platte, - Nebraaku. Knights of Columbus Building. DR. HAROLD A. FENNER Annill,ni,M h,a ,,,anuna , W - office over Hlrschfo.d's Clothing p,10es: Office 333. Res. Red 8BG. ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooma i 2 B,i(nn nuiMinir "oom8 1 11,1(1 1 Building North Platto, Nebraska. DR. L. J. KRAUSE, DENTIST McDonald Bank Bldy. Phono 97. W. E. FLYNN ATTORNEY-AT-LA Offico over McDonald Bank. Office Phono 1130 Res. Phone 1120 ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer General Form Snles a Special Ij. References nnd Dates nt First Nil vvjuvvo ituu iatvn life 1. ttriiinl Itmilr. Wnrlli Ylnln Vnii .ina Vast Tlilnl Sf n SALE DATES: Coolldge ('attlo Sale, Nov. ISth. M. .1. Rllloy, NiiTemher 11). Orson Co veil, November 20th. -l'LL. 0 voml,cr 2 ,tu' TV. T. PJUTCHARD, Grmluato Votcrlnnrlim Ex-Oovornmont Vntnrlnnrlnn nmi nv assistant doputy State Vetorlnarlan 1 iiosniiui lift Nnutii vinn strnM. Hospital Phone Black C33, House Phone Black 633 UR fir Tho undorslgned will oftor at Public Auction on his farm 4 miles west of North Platto on tho Christ Sund place on Tuesday, November 25, 1919 Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp 2 HEAD OF HORSES One team of mnros, G and 7 years old, weight 2100. 9 HEAD -OF CATTLE 0 milch cows coming fresh tho first of the year, 1 two yoar old hoifor coming fresh tho first of tho year, 1 Holstoin heifer coming one year old, 1 flvo month old calf. i 3 POLAND CHINA SHOATS, WT. 70 lbs. EACH. FARM MACHINERY ' Cultivator, disc, rako, walking plo w, Champion aweep, now G-foot Doer Ing mower, 3 Inch low wagon, new Anker Holt crenm separator, 170 egg Old Trusty incubator, 50 ton prairie hay, 300 bushels corn, 20 rods of hog fonco, 10 foot hay rack, set of 1U work haruess, set of new breeching work harness, 7 dozon chickens, Metz Car. FREE LUNCH TERMS: Six months time on bankable notes. FELIX J. BOKOSKIE, Owner. COL. H. M. JOHANSEN, Auctioneer. F. C. PIELSTICKER, Clerk. Sale Thoroughbred oars at the Johansen Sale Barn, North Platte, Saturday, November 29. 1 commencing at 1 P. M., sharp. 26 Head of Fine Animals will be offered. C: J; Landholm & Spn and Claus Anderson Owners. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital. (incorporated) , One Hall Block North ot Postofticc. Phone 58 A modern institution for the cientific treatment of medical, "surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas. M. D. J.B. RedHeld. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. TENTS AWNINGS C0YER8 PORCH CURTAINS . North Platte Tent and Awning Co. 100 West Sixth Street NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Phono 210 AUTO CURTAINS AUTO TOPS FOR A REAL AUCTIONEER, Phono nt 31y Expense. R. I. SIIAFPELL, Sutherland- Nebraska. You May Think FR AT a grouch but if you will come to him for Drug Store needs, you will soon discover he isn't and that he doesn't rob you on prices. ER CAI E1 AT NOON of Poland China I. D. BItOTOFIELD, Goncral Auctioneer. Live Stock nnd Farm Sales. Thone or 1Vlro at My E.pcnso for Dates. HERSIIEY, NEBRASKA. Big Price for Furs, . n ng me. Furs are high and I ! am ottering the top prices. L. LIPSHITZ. DEBRYBERRY & FORRES. Licensed Embamera Undertakers and Funeral Directors Ray iihone 41 Night phono Black 5SS ' Legal Notice. T. F. Laughlln and Estelle Gibson, James Gibson, Rachol A. Staloy, Rosa Connor, and Robert Staley, heirs at law of John Staloy, deceased, and Cecil Teuoll, National Flro Insurance Com pany, The South Half ot tho South West Quartor of Section 32, in Town ship 11, North of Rango 32, In Lincoln County, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any interest of any kind In said real estato or any part thereof, will tako -notice that on tho 28th day of Juno, 1919, "W. T. Gulhor as plaintiff filed his petition In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, tho ob joct and prayor of which aro to fore close a cortaln mortgage deed aUegod io nave oeen executed ana uouveren by tho defendants, "VV. T. Ervln and "Win nie Ervin to T. F. Laughlln May 9th, 1916, and thoroby conveying to said Laughlln tho South Half of tho South West Quartor pf Soction 32 in Town ship 11. North of Rango 32, W. 6th P. M.. In Lincoln County, Nebraska. That on Octobor 6th, 1919. tho said AV. T. Ervin and Winnie Ervin de fondants filed their nnswor and cross petition in said action, tho object nnd prayer of which aro to clear title to said lands of certain clouds thereon and to qulot nnd confirm such tltlo in the said W. T. Ervin nnd to exclude each and nil of said dotondnnts, and all porsons ojnlmlng any intorost of any kind in Bald real ostato or any part thoreof, from any right, tltlo or claim against said premises. You nro required to answer said cross petition on or boforo the 22d day of December, 1919. Dated November 10th. 1919. W. T. ERVIN and WINNIE ERVIN, Defendants, By HOAGLAND & HOAGLAND and E. E. OARR, Their Attorneys. nlldG DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors i, 7 Building & Loan Building. Offico Phono 70. Res. Phono 1242 1 THE TWINE M HOSPITAL. 100S WEST FOURTH STREET, North Plnttc, Ncbr. Por tho treatmont of Medical, Surgical und Obstetrical Cases. A place where the sick aro cared for so as to bring about normal conditions in the easiest, most natural and scientific munucr. Phone 110. North Platte, Neb. Notico to Non-Rcsldent Defendants. Oscar L. Livingstone and tho B o tho SW4, and Lots C and 7, Section G, Township 12, Rango 30, Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any Interest of any kind in said real estato or any part thereof, wfll here by tako notico that Robert E. Ander son, plaintiff In an action wherein the said Robert B. Anderson Is plaintiff and you and each of you are defend ants, filed his ipetltlon in tho district court of Lincoln coounty, Nebraska, on the Cth day of October, 1919, the object and prayer of which said peti tion is to quiet plaintiff's tltlo In nnd to tho B of tho SWVl and Lots 6 and 7, Section 6, Township 12, Range 30, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Plaintiff further seeks In said action to quiet his title against a certain mortgage executed by John Kloman, slnglo, to Margaret Livingston which mortgage Is recorded in Book IS, page 2DG, of the mortgage records of Lin coln county, Nebraska, and which mortgage Is dated August 17, 18U3. Plaintiff alleges In his petition that said mortgage has been paid, and that the same has been barred by tho statutes of limitation of tho state of Nebraska; that ,he and his grantors have been In tho absolute, open, ex clusive, continuous and adverso pos session of said land for more than ten years and that the (plaintiff has a now and absolute title to said real es tate, and that tho defendants have no right, title or Interest of any kind in and to said real estato. You aro required to answer said petition on or before tho 22d day of December, 1919, or judgment will bo taken agaltiBt you by default. ROBERT E. ANDERSON, Plaintiff, By Halllgan, Boatty & Halligan. his Attorneys. nlld5 Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Mead Stato Bank, a corporation, Wllber A. Brothwell, Phoenix Invest ment Company, a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the state of Colorado, and the SW1. of Section G, Township 10. Rango 33, Lincoln county, tfs'ebraska, and all persons claiming any Interest of any kind in said real estato or any part thereof, defendants, will hereby tako notice that on tho 6th day of November. 1919, A. H. Stevens, plaintiff, filed his peti tion in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, in an action whero the said A. H. Stevens Is 'plaintiff and you, and each of you, are defendants, the object and prayer of which peti tion Is to quiet the plaintiff's tltlo in nnd to the SWi of Section 6, Town ship 10, Rango 33, Lincoln Qpunty, Nebraska, against the claims and de mands of each of the defendants to said action In said real estate. Plaintiff alleges In his petition that .tho defendant, Mend State Bank, a corporation. Wilber A. Brothwell and Phoenix Investment Company, a for eign corporation, claims some right, title or Interest in and to said real estato by virtue of a mortgage exe cuted by Stephen A. Albro and wife to Mead State Bank on December 24, 1889, which mortgage is duly recorded In Book 5, 'page 298, real estate, rec ords of Lincoln county. Nebraska, the said Mead State Bank claiming to own some interest in said mortgage and tho said Wllber A. Bothwell claiming to own some interest in said mortgage as assignee thoreof from said bank and as purchaser of said promises under a foreclosure of said mortgage, and Phoenix Investment Company claiming to own some In terest In said real estato by virtue of being the owner of some of the notes secured by said mortgage. Plaintiff alleges that said mortgage and tho indebtedness secured thereby nave beon paid, that tho same is barred by tho statutes of limitations of tho stato of Nebraska, that plain tiff has been in tho open, notorious. exclusive, continuous, hostile, adverse possession of said real estato for more than ton years, and that ho therefore has a now and Independent title to said real estate, and that said do fondants and each of them to said ac tion have no right, tltlo or Interest of any kind In said real estate, having been barred therefrom by said nd verso possession and tho statute of limitations of the stato of Nebraska. You aro required to answer said pe tition on or before tho 22d day of uocember, 1919. A. H. STEVENS, Plaintiff. By Halllgan. Beatty & Halllgan, his Attorneys. nlld5 Sheriff's Snlo of Perlsnlile floods. Notico Is hereby given that by vlrtuo of a writ of attachment issued by tho County Judge of Lincoln County, In a suit pending wherein The Loypoldt & i'onmngton Co., a corporation, is plain tiff and A. A. Prultt, real namo un known, Is dofondant, and to mo dl rected, I havo levied upon ono car of potatoes as tho property of A. A. Prultt; and whereas said goods havo boon considered of a. perlshablo na ture and nu order of sale having Is sued from snld County Court of Lin coln County. Nebraska, and to mo di rected, I will on tho 22d day of Novom bor at the hour of 10 a, m. nt building known as Tho Lamb Waro Houso, on Lots 1 and 2, Block 84 ot Original City olf North Platto, soil at public auction to tho highest blddor for cash, 30,780 pounds of potatoes, taken un dor said attachment, ordered sold, as tho property of A. A. Prultt Dated tills 8th day of Novembor, 1919. A. J. SALISBURY, nll-21 Shorlff. T. S. BLANKENBURG, Bonded Abstracter. Public Stenographer. Office with B. M. Reynolds, Architect, Apt. 1 Reynolds Terraco. Phone Black 1105. Legal Notice. To William E. Pickens and tho heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of said William E. Pickens, and all porsons interested in tho estate of said William E. Pickens, defendants; You and each of you will tako notico thnt A. Bello Swarthout as plalutitf has filed her certain petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, and object and prayer of. which are .to partition th9 following described lands situate lu Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots Fivo (5) and Six (0), Block One hundred and elghty-slx (180) of the original town of the city of North Platto, part of Lot Three (3), Union Pacific Railroad plat lying south of Lots Five (5) and Six (6), Block Ono hundred elghty-slx (186) in tho City of North Platto, the north forty-four feet of Lots Ono (1) and Two (2), Block One. hundred sovonteon (117) of tho original town of tho city of North Platte, all of Lot Throe (3), Block Ono hundred twenty-seven (127) of tho original town of the city of North Platte, West twenty-two feet of Lot Three (3), Block Ono hundred four (104)of tho original town ot tho city of North Platte, part of Lot Six (6), Block One hundred four (104) of th3 original town of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, described as follows: Boginning at tho northeast corner of said lot, thence 132 feet In a southerly direction along the east side of said lot to the southeast corner thereof, thence 66 feet In a westerly direction along the south lino of said lot to the southwest corner thoreof, thence 82 feet In a northorly direction along ihc west lino of said lot, thence east 3 feet, thence 15 feet in a northerly direction on a line parallel with the west line of said lot, thence east 3 feet, thence 35 feet in a northerly di rection on a line parallel with the west line- of said lot to tho north line of said lot, thenco east CO feet to tho place of beginning; all of blocks Ono (1) and Two (2) in Thomson's Sub division of a part of Lot 4 of Section 4, Township 13, North of Range 30, west f the 6th P. M. of tho original town of the City of North Platte, Nebraska. And the following described lands sit uate in Dawson County, Nebraska,, to--wit: Lots Ono (1), Two (2) and Three (3) In Block Fifty-six (56) of tho orig inal town of the city of Lexington, all of Block Ten (10) in C. L. Ervin's Ad dition to tho city of Lexington, and a part of Block Seventeen (17), Mac Coil's Addition to the city of Lexing ton. Nebraska, described as follows. Commencing 100 feet west of the northeast corner of said block 17, thence south parallel with the east lino of said block 150 feet, thence west parallel with the north line of said Block TOO feet, thence north parallel with tho west line of said block 150 feet, thenco east to the place of be ginning. And to confirm title in and to all of said lands in the following shares and proportions to-wit: In the plaintiff an undivided eleven twelfths (11-12) interest in all of said descrlbedl ands and In tho defendants or such of them as may bo entitled thereto an undvided on-twelfth (1-12) nterest and for such other and further relief as is just and equitable. You and each of you will make ans wer to said petition on or before the 8th day of December, 1919, or your defaults will bo taken and Judgment entered against you as In said petition prayed. Dated October 28. 1919. A. BELLE SWARTHOUT, Plaintiff. By EVANS & EVANS. Her Attorneys. o2Sn21 Order of Hearing. In the Matter of 'the Estate of John Rylandor, Deceased. Now on this 31st day of October, 1919, on tho filing of the petition of Ellen Rylnnder, praying that Peter C. Oberg be appointed as administrator of said estate, J. G. Beeler, named in the will, having declined in writing to act as executor. It is hereby ordered that November 28, 1919, bo sot for tho hearing thereof boforo this court at 9 o'clock a. m., and that notico of said hearing be giv en the heirs, devisees, and all porsons interested in said estato by publication of a notico hereof for three successivo weeks prior to snld hearing in tho North Platto Trlbuno, a legal semi weekly newspaper printed and pub lished in Lincoln county, Nebraska. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, "4-3 County Judge. Notico of Petition. Estato No. 1702 of Mary A. Simants, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, To all per sons Interested in said estato tako notice that a petition has been filed for tho appointment of William M Simants as Administrator of said es tato, which has been set for hearing herein on Novomber 28, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated Oct. 28. 1919. (SEAL) WM. H. WOODHURST. 4'21 County Jud go. Notico to Creditors. Estate No. 1695 of Henry F. Coates, do ceased, in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss. Credi tors of said estato will take notico thn tlmo limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said estato is March 5, 1920, and for settlement of said ostato is Octobor 28, 1920; that I will sit at tho county court room in sai,d county, on December 5, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m., nnd on March 5, 1920 at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine' hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (SEAL) WM. H. WOODHURST n4'28 County Judge.