The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 18, 1919, Image 7

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Secretary Lane and Bernard
Baruch Tryinu to End Big
Wilson Loses Treaty Test Vote
When Reservation Is
Moro Miners Return to Pits In West
Virginia Hlnes Says No Commu.
nlty Need Fear That Supply
Will Be Shut Off.
Washington, Nov. 7. While the gov
eminent Is .standing pnt tri Its opposi
tion to the soft coal strike and Is en
forcing the law and taking other
steps to uphold the position of the
.'Pt-cHldunt that the strike Is unlawful
imd an attack upon the puhllc Interest
jtnd the government, Franklin K. Lanu,
Secretary of the Interior, chairman of
the recent Industrial conference, and
Bernard M, Unruch, chnlrinau of the
puhllc group In that body, nro quietly
engaged In Informal mediation be
tween the coal operators and miners
with n view to urrlylng at somo basis
upon which the strike can be abandon
ed nnd negotiations begun with honor
to both sides.
Information In the hnnds of govern
ment otllclals In touch with the strike
situation Indicated an Increase In bi
tuminous coal production, especially
In the West Virginia fields.
A further defection In union forces
was noted In the early morning re
ports, nlthough officials were not able
to say whether the break In the union
ranks was Increasing to nny great ex
tent. This phase of the situation Is hcing
watched, closely by the government de
partments, particularly the railroad
administration and the department of
Director General nines reiterated
that no community need fear that It
would be cut off entirely from fuel
supplies so long as the stocks under
supervision of the railroad administra
tion last. Ho declared the primary pur
pose of the machinery set up by his
office was to guard against concen
tration of conl stocks In one section
to the detriment of another.
Railroad administration officials re
fused to accept seriously published re
ports of trafllc "ongestlon In somo ot
the Inrger terminals.
Charleston, W. Vn.. Nov. 7. Contin
ued Increase In conl production In
West Virginia Is expected by oper
ators, following receipt of reports that
more mines In the organized districts
may start operating soon. Reports re
ceived by them Indicate that there are
npw forty-four mines working In or
ganized or partly organized districts
throughout the state which were
closed early In the strike.
In the thoroughly orgnnlzed dis
tricts mine union officials say the
strikers are standing firm. Relative
to the position on which strikers stand,
W. N. Vnnderpool, president of the
local union of mine workers at South
Carbon. In the heart of the Kanawha
region, told newspaper men that the
(striking miners demanded an Increase
In wage's to meet the high cost of liv
ing, but "did not Insist on tho six hour
Disposition of federal troops In the
tVest VIrglnIn coal fields was complet
ed and tho military authorities were
in position to "cope with any situa
tion which might arise'." said Adj.
Gen. Thomas Davis, who has been co
operating with Col. W. P. riarrell'.
ommnndlng the soldiers.
Returns From 59 of the 88 Ohio Coun
ties Are Tabulated at
Columbus, O., Nov. 7. Practically
complete returns of Tuesday's elec
tion from T)0 of the 88 counties tab
ulated at the office of tho secretary of
state show the wets to be leading on
all four prohibition proposals by tho
following majorities:
For the 2.70 per cent beer proposal,
For repeal of state-wide prohibition,
Against ratification of tho federal
prohibition amendment, 20,105.
Against the Crnbbe slnte prohibition
nforccment net, 50.075.
4UT0 BANDITS GET $20,000
lob' Bank at Averyvllle, III., After
Putting Cashier in Vault Es
cape In Car.
Peoria, III., Nov. 7. Five masked
nen robbed the Merchants nnd Me
!hanlcs' Stnte bank of Averyvllle cf
120,000. They entered tho bank and
forced Cashier Yl. i5. Reese and other
employees Into the vault, locked It and
took everything In sight. They es
caped In an automobile.
Finns to Aid Russ Anti-Reds.
Stockholm. Nov. 10. Citizens' meet
ings In various parts of Finland, ac
cording to advices from Helslngfors,
hnvo votf-d In favor of Intervention In
the nntl-bolslicvll; cnmpalgn against
Marne Bloodiest Battle.
Paris, Nov. 10. Tho bloodiest bat
tle of the great wnr was tho battle of
the Marne. Official figures Just com
piled show tho losses were: Dead,
B20.000; wounded, 400,000: total, 829,-000.
Norman 11. Davis or Tennessee, one
of the financial advisers of the Amer
ican pence dclegntes at Paris, has
been made usslstant secretary of the
treasury, succeeding L. S. Itowe.
Reds Cut Off Large Numbers Six
Hundred and Thirty Die In
Petrograd Prison.
London, Nov. 8. A member of the
northwest Russian government has re
ceived a message sujing that Gdov has
surrendered to the bolshevlkl, accord
ing to a message from Helslngfors. If
this Is true, another line of communi
cation with .General Yudenlteh's army
has been cut.
Helslngfors, Nov. 8. Tho Esthonlnn
bureau learns that General Yudenltch
has succeeded In extricating tho great
er nunibur of his troops after suffer
ing heavy losses, but that his forces
In the region of Gatchlnn nnd Lugn
were completely cut off by bolshevik
Bolshevik reports attribute the. de
feat of General Yudenltch In" this re
gion to the cutting off of these troops.
A bolshevik report received through
German sources says that G30 of the
1,000 Inmates of the Kresty prison In
Petrograd have died of starvation.
Bight thousand fugitives, according
to Helslngfors newspapers, have ar
rived at the Finnish frontier from the
Petrograd district.
A bolshevik wireless dispatch claims
the capture of Tchernlgoff, on the
River Besnn, 80 miles north of Kiev,
from General Denlklne's forces.
Revnl. Nov. 8. An official communi
cation from the Russlnn northwest
army headquarters under date of Wed
nesday says that white troops have re
tired north from the SJeltsJa river and
are concentrating for a counter attack.
Tho whites occupied a line 30 kilom
eters west of tho Gntchlnn railway.
Judge Evans of Federal Court of Ken
tucky Rules Dry Law Is Un
constitutional. Washington, Nov. 0. The govern
ment appealed to the supreme court
from the decision of Federal Judge
Evans of Kentucky, declaring uncon
stitutional the war-time prohibition act
and ordering release of distilled spirits
held In bond at Louisville. A request
to advance tho case for early hearing
Is said to be planned.
Operators Say Protection Is Needed
to Insure Continued Pro
duction of Coal.
Washington, Nov. 0. Request for
federal troops to guard coal mines
was made by Kentucky operators who
conferred with Fuel Administrator
Garlleld. Threats mnde against tho
continuance of operations necessitated
protection to Insure continued produc
Government Nabs About COO Suspects
In Twelve Cities.
Washington ?nv. 8. Tho "Red
rally," the commingling of the radi
cals and malcontents, anarchists and
I. W. W.'s, foreigners nnd others,
camo to sudden grief last night.
Agents of tlio government made sys
tematic raids in nine cities of the
United States and captured about 000.
High Tax If League Falls.
Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 8. Defeat of
tho League of Nations menus fSO per
cent Inerenso In tnxes In the United
States, according to William McAdoo,
former secretary of tho treasury and
director general of tho rullroads.
Prominent Germans Arrested.
Berlin, Nov. 8. Twenty-two per
sons, Including somo high officials nnd
bankers, nro uudor arrest nt Cnrlsbnd
In connection with u coal-hoarding con
spiracy. Ten thousand wngonlonds of
coul uru Involved In the case
Mild Roservtlonlst3 Join In Support
of First Clause Sought by the
Committee After (Defeat of
King Amendment.
Washington. Nov. 10. The first
clause of the treaty reservations
I drawn by the foreign relations com
mittee, a preamble requiring three "
the other great powers to accept the
i reservations, was adopted by the sen
'ate after many efforts to nmeni It
unci failed.
The vote was 48 to 40, the mild
reservation group lining up almost sol
idly In favor of the measure. Tho
only Repuhllcnn voting In the negn
tlvo was Senator McCunibcr (Rep.) of
North Dnkotn. Three Democrats.
Reed of Missouri, Gore of Oklahoma
and Walsh of Massachusetts stood
with the Republicans for the pream
ble. For tho amendment Republicans:
Ball, Borah, Brandegee. Cnldor. Cap
per, Colt, Cummins, Curtis. Dilling
ham, Edge. Elklns, Fall, Fernald,
France, Frellnghuysen, Gronna. llnle,
Harding, Johnson (Cal.), Jones
(Wash.). Kcllog, Kenyon, Keyes, Knox,
La Follettc, Lenroot, Lodge, McCor
mlck, McLean, McNary, Moses. Nel
son, New, Newberry, Norrls, Page,
Phlpps, Poindexter, Sherman, Smoot.
Spencer. Sterling, Towuscnd, Wads
worth and Watson 15. Democrats:
Gore, Reed,. Walsh (Mass.), 3. Total,
Against the amendment Demo
crats, Ashurst, Chamberlain, Culber
son, Dial, Fletcher, Gay, Garry. Har
ris, Harrison, Henderson, Hitchcock,
Johnson (S. D.), Jones (N. M.), Ken
drlck, King, Klrby, McKollnr, Myers,
Nugent, Overman, Owen. Phelnn, Pltt
mnn, Pomcreno, Rnnsdell, Robinson,
Sheppard, Simmons, Smith (Ariz.),
Smith (Ga.), Smith (Mil.), Smith (S.
C), Swanson, Thomas, Trammel,
Underwood, Walsh (Mont.), Williams
and Wolcott. Republican: McCuui
her. Total, 40.
An amendment by Senator King
(Dcm.) of Utah to mnke It possible
for a foreign power to accept the res
ervations merely "by recognizing the
United States as n party to the
treaty," was rejected, 40 to 42.
The senate then took up the first of
tho commltteo's 11 reservations, relat
ing to withdrawal from membership
In the league. Senator Thomas
(Dem.), Colorado, moved to strike out
the provision that notice of withdraw
al could lie given by a concurrent res
olution of congress.
President Wilson told Scnntor Hitch
cock of Nebraska, administration lead
er In the senate treaty fight, that he
would be entirely satisfied with any
reservations supporters of tho treaty
might feel justified In accepting, pro
vided they did not nullify the League
of Notions covenant and were designed
for tho purpose of Interpreting the
terms of the treaty.
In the first test of strength on tho
reservations proposed by the foreign
relations committee, the senate refused
by a vote of 48 to 40, to strike out
the provision which would require ac
ceptance of tho reservations by the
other powers.
By the same vote and with the snmo
partisan alignment, the .senate rejected
another amendment, offered by Sena
tor McCunibcr to the preamble pro
posing that acceptance of reservations
"might be" effected by exchange of
diplomatic notes. The committee pre
amble requires such an exchange of
The senate also rejected n proposal
by Senator Borah (Rep.), Idnho. to re
quire that all four, Instead of three
of the great powers, be required to
accept the reservations. On this vote
the mild reservation group of Repub
licans swung over with the Democrats.
The president, Senntor Hitchcock
said, on returning from "the White
House, expressed "his very strong ap
proval" of what had been done to
dnle, and agreed that no compromise
would be offered unless a deadlock
was reached on a resolution of ratifi
cation. Senator Hitchcock outlined hts pro
gram as first an endeavor to defent the
reservations reported by the foreign
relations committee, and If thnt failed,
to vote down the resolution of ratifi
cation containing them. His next
move would be to present a resolution
of ratification, and should a deadlock
ensue, to nttempt a compromise with
Republican opponents. -
Senntor Hitchcock was with the
president for half an hour. Mr. Wil
son received him propped up In bed.
Hurl Bomb at Steel Men.
Donors, Pa., Nov. 10. The second
bomb outrage In two days occurred
hero when a street car filled with steel
workers was hurled from the tracks
hy an. explosion of dynamite. Several
of the men were bruised.
Dry8 Win In Kentucky.
Louisville, Ky., Nov. 10. Unofllclnl
returns from 00 counties In Tuesday's
election showed a majority of 4,rir0
for the statewide prohibition amend
ment nnd Indicated that tho amend
ment had won.
Recent portrait oi Lord Fludlny,
British lord high chancellor, who prob
ably will preside over tho tribunal
that will try the former German emperor.
Responsible Newspaper Says Outbreak
Planned Beginning in the Ruhr
Coal District.
Essen, Germany, Nov. 7. Investiga
tors for the Deutsche Allgemelno 7.oU
tung of Berlin claim to have discov
ered plans for a communist uprising I
lo depose the present German gov
ernment nnd to establish a new ono
modeled on the Russian plan, which
would be associated with tho present
Russian soviet system.
The Investigators assert that tho
proposed revolution Is to bo assisted
and officered by Russian bolshevists,
and that the outbreak Is to have Its
linHimftifT hi Hi. IMilit.
The responsible nevvspnper publishes a
warning so energetic thnt It Is accept
ed In well Informed quarters as of
more Importance than the. ninny ru
mors In circulation. Munich, Bruns
wick nnd other cities nre claimed to
bo subcontcrs for tho movement. Ac
cording to the paper, spartnclsts and
communists will be armed throughout
Search for Husband When Bodies Are
Found After Home Is De
stroyed by Fire.
Bedford, Ind Nov. 8. A seventeen-year-old
wife and her slx-week-old son
were murdered here nnd their bodies
almost consumed In an Incendiary tire
which razed their homo shortly after
midnight. The husband and father,
John Bailey Blair, is being sought In
connection with tho killings. Tho
Blalrs lived In n small frame house
set In a lonely cornfield six miles from
this city.
Possible That Seat of Kolchak Gov
ernment Will Be Moved to
the Eastward.
Omsk, Nov. 8. Owing to the menac
Ing advance of the bolshovlst forces,
f.-n!1.t. I 1
limlpary evacuation of Omsk by the
American hospital and such govern- j
merit departments as are not directly
necessary here. It Is posslblo thnt the
seat of government may be 'moved to
iho eastward.
Senate Committee at Washington Vir
tually Decides on Thlo Pend
ing Legislation.
Washington, Nov. 0. Temporary
legislation continuing government
iinranteed returns to the railroads nf
i' f Ihelr return to private control Jai
miry 1 until such lime as congress can
nact permanent legislation vlrlunlly
was decided upon by the f-ennte In
terstate commerce commit teo.
Thanksgiving Day Nov. 27.
Washington. Nov. 7. President Wil
son set aside Thursday. November 27,
ns Thanksgiving day In a proclainallnn
which said the country looked forward
"with confidence to the dawn of an
era where the sacrifices of the nations
will find recompense In a world at
peace." i
"Sleeping Sickness" Kills Two.
Portland, Ore.. Nov. 0. Two deaths
from "sleeping sickness" have oc
curred In Portland this week, and an
other case of the strange dlwnso Is un
der observation.
Date of G. A. R, Encampment.
Atlantic City. N. J Nov, 10. Tho
1020 national enenmpmpnt of tho
Grand Army of the Republic will be
held In Atlantic City from Sept. 28
to Oct. 2, It Is announced by Com
mnnder In Chief Daniel M. Ilnll.
Son Qlaln, Father Suicide.
Qulncy. III., Nov. 10. Brooding over
tho death of his son, Loren, who wns
killed In nctlon In France, Is behoved
to huvo caused Theodore W. Potox,
uged fifty, of Pnyson, III., to commit
suicide by shooting himself.
Grabrlclo d'Annunzlo, "dictator of
Flume," surely lins had a long pose
under tho limelight. Ho wns popular
ly credited with n largo sharo In
pushing Italy Into tho war. He made
a namo for himself ns an aviator. And
when ho took possession of Flumo all
tho world looked on In amazement.
The Flume adventure of the fear
less d'Annunzlo has boon dubbed
"Garibaldlan" nnd as such glorified.
Judging by superficial appearances, In
fact, It bears some rcsemblnnco to tho
famous expedition of 18G0. But the
likeness goes no further thnn mere
appearances. If wo compare d'Annun
zlo's expedition with Garibaldi's vo
soon discover a capital illffcrenco be
tween them.
Tho one of 18C0 wns prepnrcd and
accomplished by a handful of private
citizens frco of military duty and
"with the approval of the govern
ment." Tho Flume CXncdltlnn linn
been conceived and carried Ollt liv
refused obedience to tho law and against tho wish of the government
Light." This Is the most vuluable gem In tho Persian collection. Its beauty
was onco ns famous In India as that of tho Kuh-l-Nur, tho "Mountain of
Light," which Is now In tho crown of England.
The shah's belt Is so thickly studded with gems thnt It weighs 18 pounds.
Ills diamond-set scimitar Is valued at $1,600,000. An emerald In his tarboosh
is so large that the names of all the kings of his line arc engraved upon It.
Ono of Ills robes of state Is stiff with arabesquo patterns wrought In
diamonds, rubles and emeralds. Ills epaulettes nro of gold set with diamonds,
with a center of enormous emeralds and hung with a heavy fringe of solid
Tho United States has fought nil
hor wars to "preserve the home," nnd
yet probably 00 per cent of hor people
nro tenants. This was the text se
lected the other day by United Stntc3
Senator William M. Calder of Now
York In nn nddress before tho New
York Renl Estate nssoclatlon's conven
tion urging tho necessity of a nntlonal
campaign for tho creation of homes.
Ho said:
"Tho object of each of our wars
hns been, In the last analysis, to pre
serve tho home. Yet wo find that to
the majority of people In this country
'homo' means little more than a dwell
ing for which they nro paying rent.
What Is worse In tlio situation Is that
tho percentage of these rent payers Is
"In 1800 we were advised that 52
per cent of the pcoplo In America
lived under the rental system, In 1010
that tho percentage had Increased to
fKi, and probably the census of 1020
people will be classed at tenants."
follow the footsteps of Bubylon or Romo who, when they reached tho pinnacle
of civilization, fell into tho pit of selfishness and cruelty which marked tho
beginning of their downfall.
Tho General Federation hns moro than 2,000,000 members. How are
women of America going to uso their power? Women must bo trained In
organization, they must follow their altruistic tendencies and build a structure
not of partisanship but of high purpose and flno Ideals. Then America will
not decay."
9 w v$H
f rnrrnionto nf tha rnfrnlnr nrmv irVilnti
Politics may make strange bedfel
lows, hut world wars bring stranger
visitors. Ahmed MIrza, tho young
shah of Persia, Is reported to be plan
ning a visit to tho United States. If
he comes and brings with him oven a
part of his 3200,000,000 collection of
Jewels his visit will be strenuous.
The shah's crown Is of solid gold
thickly studded with gems. It is snld
to weigh more than ten pounds. It
contains n.ruby "as big ns a hen's
egg." This ruby Is snld to be 3,000
years old. According to tradition, It
once adorned the turban of Saladln,
tho chivalrous foe of. Richard Cocur
do Lion 'during the wars of tlio cru
sades. To replaco his heavy, ponderous
crown the shah has, for stato occa
sions, nn nstruklmn hat adorned with
an aigrette on which gleams, like a
headlight, nn lmmcnsa diamond,
known as tho TaJ-c-Mah, or "Sea of
will show that fully 00 per cent of the
"America has been accused of car
rying her Individualism too far, but
had It not been for her Individualism
America's democracy would huvo
beeu shattered," says Mrs. Thomas G.
Winter of St. Paul, prominent candi
date for the presidency of tho General
Federation of Women's Clubs. "Be
cause of Inntltutlonallsm, Germany be
came tlio most nutocratlc government
on earth and America must exact
eternal vlgllanco lest lnstltutlonnlism
solzo our educational system nnd we
suffer the same fate as Germany.
"Tho spotlight of war has defined
our failures und recognized our vir
tues. Amerlcn, to Europe, formerly
meunt the grasper of mean dollars,
but throughout the world war Europe
learned to define America In terms of
generosity, for what nation has opened
her purso strlugs to suffering humanity
ns Amerlcn?
"Watch America: do not lot her