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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1919)
j 'm r ' THH NORTH PLATTE RKAiI WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF Timely News Oullotl From All Parts of the State, Reduced for the Busy. SCORES OF EVENTS COVERED Kt roots of Republic, ICiik., Just across the lino from Deslilor, this state, arc reported unsafe after dark in account of tho nightly battles be tween large Hooks of owls. Tim town Is located near the Republican river niidMho owIh remain In tho timber '.hiring tho lny hut at night seem to ho attracted hy tho electric lights nnd iwiinn about like locusts. Tlioy tire t numerous nnd vicious Hint they" at tack huiniin 1 1 1? In km. Slop are being fnlien liy Hie town authorities to rid I ho locality of the pests. Many tou'iia and dial i Ids In No finiskn aro In need of fuel, according to' complaints reaching the offices of Governor MeKelvIe nnd tho State Kali way Commission at Lincoln. Crete, Sluitit, York, Superior and scores of rithof places report schools and public (till tins either elo.od or on the verge of closing hucuuso of no coal. Mayor Kd 1. Smith of Omaha, who members of a moh attneked September 28, during tho rioting which culminated In tho burning of tho Doug las comity courthouse and lynching a negro, Is hack on the Jnh In the met ropolis nfter sovernl weeks spent In the south recovering from Injuries re ceived In tho affair. All attendance records of the No hraska Slate Teachers' association meetings throughout Its fifty-three years of history were broken when registration of teachers went over the fi.OOO mark at the Omaha convention last week. The hlgln st previous rec ord was 4,800 at the UtM meeting nt Oiimlia. ' Following Is a reply sent by the Stale Hallway commission to a mcs sagu from citizens of Long Pine In which It was suited the city was out of fuel: "No Nebraska power to In terfere with government. In every great emurgency we may be able to help. Much rod tape, however." Wahoo business men who have been taking their places In the paving gang promptly at 7 and worked until mid night In order that there might not bo a possibility of Wnhoo's business sec tion being caught unpaved by an early winter, expect to soon see tho work completed and their hopes realized, Broken Bow citizens sent a dispatch to stnte ofllclals nt Lincoln In which thoy urged Hint tho governor send a messagu to the president of the United States asking lilm to call for volun teers to work in the coal mines so thnt the situation could lie relieved. A larger corn yield than was ex pected Is being harvested In Dodge and surrounding counties. It Is re ported that thoro Is a shortage of cornluiBkors, notwithstanding farmers are pnylng 8 and 10 cents a bushel. Tho Wahoo city council donated tho uso of a house thnt stands on one of the lots acquired lids summer for a city park, to the Hoy Scouts and Hint organization will remodel the house and fit It up as n modem scout home. Of tho 100 cnndldates elected to the Nebraska constitutional convention more Ihan half aro lawyers. Fanners are second in strength, with a sprink ling of bankers, merchnuts nnd those engaged In Industrial pursuits. Omaha citizens voted 2 to 1 In favor of a $5,000,000 bond Issue for the Im provement of the public schools of tho city nnd for a $100,000 Issue for tho erection of a new police stntlon nnd city Jnll. The commission planning the now $5,000,000 Nebraska stnte capltol has returned to Lincoln after visiting capl tol buildings at St. Paul, Minn., Madi son, Wis., and '.Tefferson, Mo. O. 0. Smith, chairman of the Ne braska stain board nf agriculture, wns elected president of the Fnrmer's Na tlonal congress at Its nnnual conven tion nt nugerstown, Md. 0. 10. Trevey hns been chosen secre tary of Uio children code commission Mr. Trcvoy for sovernl yenrs has been secretary of the charity organization In Lincoln. A proposed special funding bond Issuo to euro for registered wnrrnuts In the sum of $210,000 wns benton In the recent election in Ncmnha county. Two bridge and road bond Issues, of $75,000 nnd $50,000, respectively, wero carried nt tho election November 4 ut Pawnee City. SchoolH nt Marsland wero forced to close Inst week because of tho lack of fuel. Examination for applicants to prac tlco law In Nebraska, which wns to bo held at Lincoln Nov. 18, has been post poned to Nov. 25. The Nebraska Telephones company hns asked the state rallwny com mission to continue Its present ex change rates, expiring .Tnnuary 1, nnd tho Rurlciiou telephone toll rates, which expire December l, during tho yeur 1020. Tho Douglns county commissioners linvu slgneil a fifty-year contract with tho Union Paclllc railroad to penult tho state highway to occupy part of the Union Pacific right of way in Douglas County. Goyonior ZnCKolvlo nn issued n Hod Cross proclamation u which ho appeals to tho people of Nebraska to renew their nionincrsuip in tne or gnntzatlon, nt least to the extent of becoming members at the luminal rat of tl ner year. Ho rx;i'o-ned the wish that Nebraska show a HW per Frank W.'tos and Stanley Bar ton, attorneys of Wither, ale made de fendants in an action filed In supremo court at Lincoln which hns for Its ob ject their parliament disbarment from the practice of their profession. Tho law firm was tho target of very sharp criticism (luring tho draft days of the war because of their activities In be half of wealthy Snllne county farmers who desired to get their hoys relieved from army service. It has been announced that John Hulberl, chief englner of the New York ponltonlhiry,. will bo paid $1100 for manipulating tho electric chair when A. V. Orniniiior nnd A. B. Cole, convicted of murdering Mrs. Lulu Vogt In llowiyd county July 5, 1017, nre executed at the state prison at Lincoln, January l), next. Among a total of thirteen proposi tions voted on by Lincoln citizen at Hie recent election a $.'100,0110 bond Issue to extend tho municipal llgl ting system lost by ;17 votes and a proposi tion to take over the Ntieet car lines was snowrd nii'or by a big majority. Kloven propositions which mean much to the city were easy winners From Brown county, South Dakota, conies the report that farmers In tho district nre organizing for the purpose of establishing the live-day week and six hours a day plan. It is proposed to put in Just enough on their farms next year to keep themselves busy six hours n duy for live days In the week. Returns from the constitutional con vention election In Nebraska show that Non-partisan league candidates went down to defeat In many districts. Of the 100 delegates elected it Is lig ured but ten are In sympathy with the league, while 75 arc known to bo opposed to its methods. Ralph T. Wilson. 21, student at the Crclgbton Medical college. Omaha, nnd Alfred I. Reese, University of Ne braska sludenl, were .among slxly-four men In the United Stntes lo receive appointment to 1018 Khondcs .Schol arship to Oxford University In Hug- land. A. L, Ilungerford of Crawford, whlla boring for wnler for coninicrclnl pur poses, near Hie oily, struck an nrloslan well nt a depth of H20 feet. Tho well, he says, tlows nt the rate of lOO.OOU gallons n day, and hns a touch of sul phur nnd oil. Tho village of Candy, In Logan county, scut word to state olllclals at Lincoln thnt the town was In dire straits because of the coal strike. There have been only two cars of coal unloaded there since last summei, tho message stated. No more coal enn be sold by the basket, but must be sold by weight and in every case the purchaser shall be given a receipt showing tho nmount of coal received. This Is tho order of the Nebrnskn board of agriculture, Just Issued. One of the best entertainments ol the kind ever held In Nebraska took place nr. David City the other night when the Commercial club Invited the men folks for miles around for u smoker at the club rooms. D. O. Lonergan and Sons, living near Bennington, Douglas county, paid a world's record price for the Poland China boar, "Designer," which they purchased from Wllllnin Ferguson of Scrlbnor, for $:i0,000. .Too Steelier, of Dodge, claimant of tho world heavywelglit wrestling chnmplonslilp, defeated Kd "Strangler Lewis of Kentucky In a one-fall match at Madison Square Garden, New York, in The proposition to bond Johnson county in mo sum oi ju.wu as a uiuei- lug Issue to take care of outstanding Indebtedness was defeated by a tied sivo vote In the recent election. Tito Gothenburg high school foot ball team in idl probability will be tho clinmpinn tenm or central ami western. Nebraska this season. They have not been defeated this yenr. The now Mntthew Lutheran church, erected on the slto of the structure de molished during tho cyclone last March near Cednr Bluffs, was dedicated with appropriate services. Tho drive to raise $1,000,000 tor mo. building of a permanent exhibition grounds for the Ak-Snr-Bon at Omaha hns closed with more than the re- quired sum subscribed. Acting Governor P. A. Bnrows nas Issued n statement to tho people of tho state asking them to conserve as much fuel as possible during the present emergency. Five of tho twelve delegates elected to tho constitutional convention in Douglas county were candidates sup ported by organized labor. A Blue Springs committee of threa Is raising funds for a memorial monu ment to ho erected to tho soldier dead of all wars. The Nebraska Farmers' congress will hold a two days' convention In Omnha, beginning Ducember 10. Germanla hull at Stanton, scene of gny soclnl functions of German socie ties boforo the war, was completely de stroyed by lire of undetermined origin Geo. W. Iloldrege, manager of the Burlington rond west of the Missouri river, Inn? purchased the 5,520-ncro Schwahu ranch, near Chndron, tho con sideration being $1118,000. Mr. Hot- drego Intends to make the ranch one of the show places In western Nobrnskiu Grant county has exceeded Its quota for tho Roosevelt memorial fund by 10 per cent. It Is tho tlrat county In tho state to go over the top, neeprdln to those In charge of tho Roosevelt memorial campaign In Omaha. Suit for $250,000 damages hns been nied hi United States district court nt Lincoln by Beryl A, Felver, former Nonpartisan league organizer, for an. alleged attack mndo on hlui near ('larks, May 28, 1018. Ilo nnmed twouty-threo defendants In his petition, many of whom aro prominent in tho state. ' ' 1 Opening of the world's labor conference In the Pan-Amerlcnn building, Washington. 2 Poulet nnd Bono 1st, French aviators, photographed just boforo their stnrt on n flight from France tooAustmlin via Italy, Greece, Arabia, Persia, India, Slum and Borneo. 3 Jewish Poles offering to President Pllsudskl of the republic of Poland tho traditional bread and salt of friendship. NEWS REVIEW 0 CURRENT EVENTS Government Refuses to Vacate Legal Proceedings Against Coal Strikers. GOMPERS APPEAL IS IN VAIN Operators Declare He Has Misrepre sented tho Facts People's Atti tude Toward Radical Labor Leadership Shown In Mas sachusetts Election. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. Firmly refusing to bo put In the po sition of compounding a felony, the federal government has rejected the proposition of the union labor lenders thnt It abandon the legal proceedings ngnlnst the coal strike as a prelimi nary to negotiations for peace. On Saturdny Assistant Attorney General Ames asked Federal Judgo Anderson at Indianapolis to make per manent the restraining order, thus es tablishing the illegality of the strike. If this is done, according to the lead ers of tho miners, tho strike will be of long duration because the men "will resist to tho last any attempt at wrongful compulsion." In most of the bituminous Holds there was little change In tho status, thouch onorntors In Colorado and West Virginia reported gains In pro duction. In several states the shortage of conl bognn to mnke Itself felt and there were appeals for tho release of conl conflscnted by tho railroads; n number of trains were cancelled to snvo fuel; In some places the schools were closed for short periods. President Wilson gave to Fuel Ad ministrator Garfield full authority over prices, distribution nnd shipment of all fuel. Doctor Garfield delegated to the railroad administration his au thority over distribution. Such broadly was tho coal strike situation nt tho time of writing. Thero was little sign of yielding on either side. The operators of Illinois were of the opinion thnt tho strlko would last two weeks longer nnd that then public opinion nnd the government would compel tho miners to call It 'off and accept arbitration. In which enso the operators would agree to tne flve-dny week, If assured of adequate sunnlv of cars, nnd would grant an Increase of wnges. Samuel Gnmnors, who with W. S. Stone, bend of the locomotive engl neors, has been working to bring about a compromise, made the appenl for vacation of tho Injunction against the strike, nnd issued a statoment do signed to justify the demands made by tho strikers nnd accusing the op erntors of much wrongdoing and nn fnlrness. The latter retorted with a statement saying that Mr. Gompors' pronouncement wns full of mlsrepre setitntlnns, continuing: "It Is not true that tho operators representatives walked out of Sec-re tnrv Wilson's conference, leaving Mr, Lewis with no altcmatlvo hut to call a strike. The operators' representu tlves accepted President Wilson's pro posit I In Its entirety and withdrew from the conference In order thnt their presence might not embarrass Secretary Wilson In his effort to per sunde the miners to take the honorable courso thus opened to them "At the time of their withdrawal, the operators ndvlsed Secretnry Wll son thnt they would remain In Wash lngton, awaiting his call to further ennferenco. "It Is not true, as Mr. Gonipers Im plies, that the miners aro not penult ,)y ,,,c operators to work full time, The operators have no control over the demand for conl. They can merely stand ready to produco nnd furnish It when tho public requires nnd Is willing to accept It. "It is not true thai tho miners re ceived an advance of 20 cents ti ton In 1014. "It Is not true that tho operators raised the price of conl $5 n ton In 1014. On the contrary, tho price wns reduced. "It Is not true, ns Mr. Gompors states, that for the past several years the miners have averaged only 100 to ISO working dnys n yenr. "It Is a fact, however and Mr. Gompors could easily hnve ascertained It that virtually every bituminous mine In tho country hns on Its pay roll a substantial number of men who deliberately lay off from one to three dnys a week when they have nn op portunity to work." Snmucl Gompers nnd his conserva tive associates among the leaders of tho Amerlcnn Federation of Lnbor de serve commendation for their elTorts to keep tho radicals nnd nnnrchlsts from gulnlng control over organized labor In this country, but they nre not doing their cause or themselves any good by giving their full support to such movements ns the conl strike, the steel strike and the strike of Bos ton policemen. Public sympathy Is be ing rapidly alienated by some of the methods adopted by union lnbor, and In America public'" sympathy Is abso lutely necessary to success in such matters. Thnt the people really are waking up to the perils of the situation was fully demonstrated in -the Massachu setts election. Governor Coolldco, who had taken a firm stnnd against tile striking policemen nnd had In sisted on the maintenance of law and order, was up for re-election nnd was opposed by Richard II. Long. The lat ter, running on tho Democratic ticket, hud promised to reinstate the police men If elected, and the contest really centered In the strike. The result, of course, everyone knows Coolldgc was returned by nn overwhelming major Ity nnd the radicals, who had gatlv ered their forces to the support of Long were crushed. Of tho other elections of the week tho most Interesting wns In Kentucky, whero E. P. Morrow, Republican, de feated Governor Rlnck by n large plu rality and the state-wide prohibition amendment won. In New Jersey B. I. Edwards, Democrat, who ran on a wet platform, was elected governor; nnd Ohio voted wet on nil four of the liquor propositions presented, accord Ing to incomplete returns. Mnrylnnd nnd Mississippi were carried by the Democrats. In New York city Tam many sustained a terrific defeat, los ing ten aldermen nnd eighteen assem blymen besides vnrlous other ofiiees, The Oys'er Bay district sent Lieut. Col. Theodore Roosevelt to the as sembly with n whopping big vote. President Wilson warmly congratu lated Governor Coolldgo on his vie tory over the forces of misrule, as do all good citizens regardless of party The Republican loaders also rejoiced because thoy looked on the results In the Bny state and In Kentucky ns n forecast of tho results tn the next presidential election. Democrats were elated over Now Jersey, nnd tho wets derived much comfort over the vote In that state and In Ohio. Despite tho apparent deadlock over the peace treaty in tho senate, the In dications nre thnt nn ngreoment for onrly final action Is nt hnnd. Secre tary Tumulty arranged with tho pres ident's physicians for n visit by Sen ator Hitchcock to Mr. Wilson In order to Iny before him the entire sltuntion. explain the evident Intentions of the majority concerning reservations and obrnln.the president's word ns to what ho would accept In thnt lino. Over and over ngnln Mr. Wilson has said ho would accept no change In the treaty or reservation which would compel Hie resubmission of tie pact to the other nations, and the majority senators aro taking cognlznnco of his determination. Alrendy they have changed tho Lodge reservations by n sentence pointing out that the ac ceptance of the reservations by tho other powers, as required by the pro posed ratification resolution, may be obtained through nn exchange of dip lomatic notes. They nlso planned tn strlko out the fourteenth reservation, declaring the United Stntes Is not bound to submit to tho Lengue of Na tions questions of vital Interest or na tional honor. According to Paris advices the treaty of Versailles will become effec tive on November 28, when tho ex change of ratifications between Ger many nnd such nntlons as hnve rati fled the pact will take place. Ger many hns not yet fulfilled u numbei of the provisions of the armistice nnd wns Instructed by the supreme coun cil to send a delegation to Paris on November 10 to sign n protocol guar anteeing to carry them out, nnd nlso to surrender certnln vessels nnd float ing docks as n penalty for the sink ing of tho wnrshlps In Scnpa Flow. Germany Is excited over the revela tions In n leading Berlin paper of n big communist plot for nn uprising this winter which, beginning with strikes to cripple Industry, shall end in the establishment of a soviet form of government in close nssoclntion with the present bolshevik govern ment of Russln. The conspiracy, it Is said, Is led and financed by Russian The outbreak Is to hnve Its beginning In the Ruhr coal-mining district, nl rendy full of Spartacans, and Munich and Brunswick will he nmong the muln centers of uprising. The com munists believe n large part of the national defense nrmy will desert nnd join their red army. The pendulum of civil wnr swings bnck nnd forth with considerable regularity In Russia. At this writing It Is tho bolshevlkl Hint nre winning General Yudenitch nnd bis white army of the northwest not only fnlled to reach Petrograd but nre now said to be In a most precarious situation The reds issert they are surrounding him, thnt they nre receiving heavy re enforcements nnd that bolshevik troops nre nttncklng him In the rem from Luga. This, however, came di rect from Trotzky, and he Is a notori ous Unr. Consideration must be given a report from Uclstngfors thnt 20.000 Finns hnve secretly volunteered to Join Yudenitch and nre well equipped Denlklne's nrtlllery has destroyed Derhent on the Caspian sen, and he claims tho Don Cossncks In the latter pnrt of October, enptured 55,000 bol shevlkl. But ho does not seem to he getting much nenrer to Moscow. Ad mlrnl Kolchnk's Siberian armies, which were defeated on the Tobol river, have retired far to the east and likely nre still on the move. The bolshevik government lenders hnve reiterated their willingness to make peace and to pay the old Rus slan debt If they are let alone. Congress hnd been dawdling along In the matter of railroad legislation, but was aroused to action Inst week when Director General nines In formed Sonntor Cummins thnt Presi dent Wilson hnd determined to return the ronds to their owners on Jnnunry 1 whether or not congress hnd pnssed any bill for their regulation. It wns recognized ns Impossible to pass tho Cummins bill or anything like It nt this session, so work wns begun nt once on n temporary measure to meet the emergency nnd to avert a threat ened flnnncin! catastrophe. It will provide for the restoration of the roads to their former owners and for continuation of the government gunr- unty. but all controversial matters, like :lw anti-strike provisions of the Cummin Will, will bo omitted. General Pershing, appearing before the senate nnd house mllltnry commit tees, opposed the crvntlun of nn inde pendent depnrtinent of .tvlntlon ns pro posed in the New bill, but urged tho concentration of nuthorlty for tho pro curement of nlrplanes for tho army, navy and post office departments A special army hoard has just mnde n report recommending thnt congress enact an aviation policy based either on n ton-year program with large an nual appropriations gunrnnteed to stimulate commercial aeronnutlcs. or make appropriations for air develop ment by the post office, war and nnvy departments. If the former policy Is adopted the bonrd recommended that a separate depnrtinent of aeronautics bo created; If the latter, that a com mission under the director of aeronau tics reporting directly to the president ho formed to co-ordlnnte the work. Secretnry linker transmitted the re port to the sonnte committee, stating that he disagreed with both Hie pro. posnls. Ilo snld If a lugl agency wero to bo created. It diuuhl bo ap pointed nnd controlled hy tho cabinet members whoso depr.i ttu-ntN oijM he directly affected. NEARLY 1,000 REDS ARRESTED IN EASTERN CrTIES. Seized. Documents Reveal Plot to Overthrow Government. Many to e Deported. Washington, D. C Inaugurating a general warfare on radical aliens ad vocating forcible overthrow of the gov ernment, ngonts of the Department of Justice, nsslstod by thu immigration bureau, rounded up nearly 1,000 men nnd women In raids In more than a score of cities, including the national capital Itself. More than 200 of those arrested will oe held for deportntlon atid It wan an nounced at the Department of Justice Hint it was the intention to request tho Department of Labor to deport njl aliens found to he engaged In radical activities. In their raids In Newark and Tren ton, N. J., the federal agents seized materials for making bombs and a complete counterfeiting outfit, together with considerable counterfeit money. In practically every raid the officers found great quantities of literature of" the "red" nature. The Union of Russlnn Workers first nine Into prominence during the sen ate investigation of the steel strike, Jacob Margolls, counsel for the strikers' committee, testifying that be sought the aid of the Russians in tins- strlke. Attorney General Palmer disclosed that. Adolph Sehnabel, whom ho de scribed as "the brains of the union of Russian workers," was taken into. custody 10 dnys ago. He is now at 13111s Island, nwniting deportation. Peter Blanki, who succeeded Sehnabel as general secretary of the Russian union, nlso Is being held for deporta tion. With the announcement of the na tion-wide raids, Chalrmnn Johnson of" the house immigration committee said his committee soon would begin an Investigation of the alleged delays In tho deportation of aliens now in cus tody. The committee nlso will seek to determine whether any additional legislation1" to deal with radical aliens Is necessary. Plans of the union to bring nhout an overthrow of the government through a general strlko Is revealed in docu ments seized. With the government overthrown and everything "wiped from the enrth that Is a reminder of the right to 'private ownership of prop erty" tho Russlnn workers, according to their manifesto, looked forward "to the magnificent, benutlful form of a man without a god, without a master and free of authority." The documents and publications ob tained in the raids, officials said, are of the most Inflammatory nature, and make no effort to conceal the union's program of destruction and death to achieve Its end. IRISH GIRLS MUST BEHAVE. New "Republic" Forbids Colleens to Spoon With British Troopers. Dublin. Love-making by the girls of Ireland with members of tho Brit ish government forces hns been pro scribed by the Irish republican army. Any girl keeping company with a gov ernment soldier or policeman will be penalized by having her hair cut off. One girl has already suffered Rio pen alty, losing her tresses for walking out with a soldier. The proclamation hns been1 posted, signed by "the competent military authority," saying: !Whoroas, certain girls wanting In self-respect, have lamned themselves by keeping company with the nrmy of occupation, It Is deemed proper by competent authority, both to safe guard morality and to stop bad ex amples, to publish tho names of t hose culprits and nlso to warn them that after the publication of ihls proclama tion those who persist In the above mentioned scandalous, unpatriotic-company-keeping render themselves liable to the punishment of being branded by bnvlng their hnlr cut off." All loyal subjects of the Irish repub lic also nre requested to shun public bouses which entertain members nt tho enemy army until such time ns thoy make reparation hy a complete change of conduct. Kansas Teachers Oro-mlze. ' Kansas City. Mo. Forty high school teachers of Kansas City, Kas., have applied for a cliurliv Vrom tlio-Ainerl-enn federation of teachers which Is af filiated with the American federation of lnbor. Fuel Shortage Closes Plant. Dos Moines, la. Tho Ilawkeye Port land cement plant here closed for Inck of coal and 200 employees are thrown out of work. It Is reported that one mine near Rlpploy and another near Corning are operating. Die From Eating Ccrn. Watertown. N. Y. Mrs. Flnmr Towner nnd two children Kllaahoth, aged 12. and Lillian, aged 10, are dead, and a son and daughter are dying as tho result of eating preserved corn. Professors Join Union. Missoula. Mont. More tlnni a hun dred members of the faculty of the Unlverslty of Montana have become nieoibe-s vt i he now Faculty union No. 120. -1Y -1 wllli the American Fed eral t 'i 1 ii. cent membership.