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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1919)
Only Is Cents An Hour And Think of the Work it Saves . Ifel The Automatic Electric Washer. washes a tubful in a few minutes, without labor, and the clothes are cleaner, look better and last longer. And it can be operated for V, cents an hour! Think of the la bor that was formerly required to turn out a washing all being replaced by a few minutes' work at the rate of lic an hour. It certainly cuts out the Blue Mondays North Platte Light and Power Co. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald Stato Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL , Don't miss seeing Wm. S. Hart in one of his best pictures nt the Keith, last time tonight. It is "The Money Corral" and is the peppiest Hart pic ture put over for months. The markets are all short on mer chandise now and it behooves one to make Christmas selections, early. .Let us help you. C. M. Austin, jewel er. 89-2 Harry Benderet and Miss Ella Welch, both of Paxton, were united in marriage Sunday forenoon by Judge "Woodhurst, and the couplo left on a noon train On a wedding trip in the cast Don't neglect your eyes, have Dixon & Son take care of them. Nobraskans attending Columbia Un iversity, New York, have organized a Nebraska club. Among the members are Nanine Iddings and Leslie Bare, of this city and Roxana Erb of Goth enburg. The number of farmers in town Sat urday was unusually large. They had been.interned at home for a week by the deep snow and unbroken roads and were forced to come to town on business. Every girl wants a Cordova bag. Dixon has the kind they want. MrS. James Golden was the recipient of a surprise party Friday evening, when a score or more friends called and snent th ovonlng at cards. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. C. E. Lemon and C. V. Purdy. j Exceptional values in ladies' coats. E. T. Tramp & Sons. j Mrs. John Bratt and N. E. Buckley went to Omaha Saturday where they! wero Joined by Mrs. Buckley and Mr. Buckley's mother and the party start ed on a trip to New York City whero they will visit for several weoks. The American Restaurant in the Waltemath building on oast Sixth, which for six or eight years had been conducted by Chinamen, closed up yesterday. The room has been leased to a former business man who will re engage In business. The dogroo team of the Knights of Columbus returned yesterday from Sidney whero they conducted a class initiation Sunday afternoon, which was followed by a banquet in the evening. This is tho seventh class tho Sidney council has initiated. For Sale A nice now residence pro perty last house on North Maplo. For price see L. D. McFarland, 2005 east 4th street. Phono Red 732. 83tf The Style Slunv Tho stylo show put on at tho Stylo Shop Friday overling was a decided success and tho Jargo crowd in attend ance was well pleased with the dis play of costumes charmingly shown by tho ladles who acted as mod ols. Costumes for ah nccaslons woro shown and 'Mr. Popejoy fufthor pleas ed tho audlcnco by occasionally giving a short talk about tho gowns. Doucot's orchestra furnished appro priate music. Mrs. W. II. Cramor and Miss Cocolla Hilgort sang sovoral numbors and Trovelyn Doucot played a violin solo. The ladles who so charmingly assisted ns models woro Mosdamos W. II. Cramer, Trovoyn Doucot, W. w. Burko, Arthur Bullard, Emily Coates and Misses Gay Ileston, Hazel Smith, Wllla Rauch and Coral Marcelles. ::o: I'leadod Guilty to Adultery Tom H. Har'q was arraigned In tho county court Saturday on tho charge of adultery, tho Information charging him witli eo-hablting with ono Emma Sheldon, a married woman. Haro pleaded guilty, and was bound over to tho district court under bond of one thousand dollars. Are you in need of a nerve tonic? Are you grouchy? . Then see Con stance Talmadgo in ' "Experimental Marrlago" at tho Crystal tonight. It's a nerve tonic; a sure euro for tho blues! You shouldn't miss this pic ture any more than you should miss your breakfast in tho morning. It's essential for your happiness. Special Homo cured bacon 35c per pound. Brodbeck's Meat Market. tf Ben P. Bloom, of Crook, Col., and Alice C. Watson, of Welcome, Wyo., were united in marriago by Rev, Roland Mackintosh Saturday. The groom, who is a son of Peter b Bloom, of Cottonwood precinct, was but recently discharged from tho navy and tho bride was a yeomauette in the naval service. A community chorus will be organ ized thfs week which It is believed will eventually number not le3s than ono hundred voices. In conjunction with the chorus will bo a community orchestra of twenty-live pieces. Work- Ing together these two organizations will give concerts and entertainments during tho winter. For Sale Four horso power Fair banks gas eugino, good running order. Brodbeck's Meat Market. 8Ctf A federal officer has been in town for a day or two investigating a re port sent in that home-made booze was being manufactured in or near North Platte. As no arrests have been made it is presumed that he has failed to discover any illicit distilling. It has been rumored for slme time that home-mado booze is being sold In North Platte. With the aid of a cane Engineer Hugh Bird was able to get down town Saturday. Three weoks ago ho was passing under the coal chute at the round house when a workman on tho chuto tossed off a piece of tho iron sheeting. It struck Mr. Bird on the right leg above tho knee, cuting tho flesh to tho bono and making a very painful wound. Wo have a car of fancy box apples either on tho track or at any of our stores. It will pay you to lay in your winter supply. Gamble & Springer. Tho Fiold-Blrge Co. received two cars of coal Friday, tho receipt of which waj somowhat expedited by the fact that tho supply at tho federal building had become exhausted and tho receiving company was directed to deliver part of tho coal to that build ing. Tho remainder of tho coal was dished out in small quantities to those who had none on hand. Her heart's desire a beaded bag from Dixon's, $15.00 to ?G0.00. If you want to see tho real thing in photoplays como to tho Keith Wednes day or Thursday and seo Tom Mix in "Rough Riding Romance." Ho rides his trained horso, Tony, up six flights of flro escapo. And riding Tony ho lossoes a speeding train and climbs up by tho lariat to tho roof of tho car. He also rides four times around tho stair way of a beautiful palace and carries off a princess ho has rescued; if you want to know what else ho does come and See. I). A. IL Anniversary Dinner. Sioux Lookout Chapter Daughters of tho American Revolution, will cele brate their third anniversary at a din ner to bo given nt tho homo of Mrs. F. G. Hoxle, Friday, November 21st, nt 7 p. m. A cordial Invitation is extend ed to members of others chapters who now reside hero. Members unablo to attend are requested to send regrets. Dean Honker Dies from Fall Word was received last Frldav Mint Dean J. J. Bowker, former rector of mo episcopal church of tills city, who with Mrs. Bowker had been visiting in England for six months, had died Oc tober 28th from injuries received in falling down a flight of stairs. The Dean had gotten up during tho night and In the darkness had walked Into an open stairway. Word of tho ac cident and death came through a Jot ter written by Mrs. Bowker to Miss Annlo Kramph, and caused much re gret to Mr. Bowkei"s many friends In North Platte. LOCAL AM) TE11S0NAL -: :o: : Conductor Selbert Dies. A. M. Selbert, passenger conductor between North Platto and Cheyenne, died at his homo on west Fourth street Friday evening after an Illness of about two weeks. Death was duo to a tumor on tho brain, so diagnosed by a specialist from Omaha who was call ed Into consultation with local physi cians. The deceased had been in tho cm ploy of the Union Pacific for over thir ty lears, and had moved to this city six or eight years. Bereft are a wife and two daughters by a former mar riage. Mr. Selbert was a splendid citizen and a popular railroad man and his death Is deeply regretted. Funeral services woro conducted by the Masonic fraternity at tho temple Sunday afternoon and burial made In the local cemetery. ::o:: Let Dixon caro for your eyes. Considerable Intorost Is manlfostod In tho wrestling match to be held at tho Labor Tomplo Thursday ovonlng between Fay Jockoach of Big Springs ami Bobby Bylund of this city. Local fans have seen Jockosch In action, ns he easily dofoated Art Nollls. For tho Lady Friend- a beautiful boudoir vaso from Dixon's. Your Thanksgiving turkey will cost you In tho nolgborhood of fifty cents a pound. Tho prlco of tho fowl may In terfere to somo oxtent with tho sin cerity of your thanks offering, but fifty cents Is tho quoted prlco tho country over, therefore local growers or deal ers are not holding you up. Wo nro showing a very largo as sortment of diamond goods this Christ mas. Clinton, tho Jeweler. Mrs. II. T. Crockett, who had boon visiting a daughter iTi Ogdotl, Is tljo guest of h6r son A. C. Howard aiid family. Slnco tho donth of Mr. Crock ett sho has boon making her home at tho old soldiers' homo at Burkott. She was a pioneer resident of North Platto, coming hero In January, 1809. It was nccossary for Chief Mecom ber to servo notlco on a number of property ownors to clear the snow from tholr sidewalks, or Buffer a fine under tho city ordinance. It always happens that somo people are dilatory about cleaning thblr walks elthor from lack of time or a don'tglvoadarn spirit ::o:: Dies at Local Hospital Mrs. Almlra Fry, of Julosburg, mother of Mrs. S. C. Mecombor, who was brought to tho General Hospital In this city last Friday for treatment, died Sunday night at tho ago of olghty olght years. Death was duo to a rup turo and ailments incldont to old ago. Tho remains Iworo taken to Julosburg this morning to bo Interred alongside her husband, who died ten years ago. : :o: : For Sale Ono second hand Ford touring body with Detroit winter top, llko now.' HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. A good selection of reasonable priced Make this a iowolry Christmas Many diamond rings, $10.00 to $115.00. Dlx-j useful and pretty gifts at Clinton's on. tho Jowolor. ! Jewelry store , Crystal, Tonight and Tomorrow. CONSTANCE TALMADGE IX "EXPERIMENTAL MARRIAGE1' She loved him, she loved him not. Did she, or didn't she? A world of fun, suspense and alarming situations. : :n: Milch Cow For Sale. Good Jorsey milch cow and heifer calf for sale. Cow Is 5 years old and was fresh Oct 1st. Call at 221 south Walnut St any tlmo after 5 p. m. 89-2 : to: : Poultry for Sale. 1 Turkeys, geese and chickens. Phono 7S0F11. 89-2 : :o: : : :o: Liberty Ilonds If you wish to dlsposo of your bonds stato amount and Issue for best prlco. Address "Liberty Bond," caro Soml Weekly Tribune. 88-2 : :o: : W This talking machine is a. standard size $200 macnine -nas an me inecnamcai ieaiures oi me higher-priced phonographs looks, sounds, and plays like a $200 machine and is a $200 machine in everything except the price. fcU 4 UJ iwi 'LP Gamble with Springer THE CHAIN SYSTEM No. 1, 220 North Locust, Phone 203. ao. 1J(, East Street, Phono 490. no. (, usi jiast Fourth, Phone 791. I was there to make a sketch of lier. Luncheon was just over, and Bho was talking to a little knot of women. The nrst words I Heard, a I slid quietly Into a nearby seat, wer vxvationai uiscult," recalling pleas ontly my own tasty Uneetla Luncl cuii. i ukcu ucr, ami jfortably as she spoke at and ears busv. "Between the dark and daylight,' she was quo lolt of naus aeems waiting and listening f , children. Since they wj thlnus. I'vo irlven tlint tinlllos. First T linil iriS Then, when tlip to toddle. I ttut me in unxCE no (Iron's Hour like a feasR. Tor tin tiny toddlers there Isa iVarlec" menu, sometimes Uneeda' "Blscull ana mule, sometimes Graham Crack. ura Oatmeal Crackers or Lunch nin. cult. Tlli.s Is elinnirnrt mi hiippIiiI occasions t6 Old Time Sugar Cook. Newtoiw and, rarest of ro days when wo hod co cream and NftiSfessftad t those vere our oncnf J3 050 HI wi.'u-j ir -' .v-n -v v n If ALfflOM STOCK WATEBEBS Di HtJtS iL NON-rntciAriie . SSCND FO CATALO W MAWF? TVnwiill , s. 4lt 'itkUl Sr5r ; arm TV'rttrv-C' M-rt a r rin -i IL--""' fCL ,T, 3AV JfiS FEED E J STCoT MEAT 'UaewVw,-' OMAHA, NEBR. g See Display on lot east of Herrod's Grocery. HARRY J. VANNATTER, Local Agent. original, inherent noodness of t lnfit,i RIcTrnt . . - W W I M I W W H I is due to the superior materials and methods employed in the baking. The everlasting table- 1 r I ni a i a Ii. guuuiiessui uneeaa oiscuiiisuueioseutuiLy of the In-er-seal trade mark package. like up in lent. tern list JtOO- tcn pad of wero Hour "You see. cv went on. "are much If mois. ruey are most lovable ami most tractable after they've had something to eat. National Biscuit dainties always begin our Chil ls, It Plays ANY aad ALL Records You are not limited to any one catalogue The Royal, by a very unique device, which is worked by the twist of the wrist, will play any records perfectly, tho uhangu being made instantly. Come In and Hear This Wonderful Instrument Let us put on your favorite record onThe2oj'cr any mi&v., Edison, Victor, Columbia, Pathfi, Emer son, and then note the wonderful volume of tone the qitality of tone, and the perfect reproduction of the human voice and the var ious musical instruments. W. R MAL0NEY COMPANY. FARM LOANS I have plenty of SIX PER CENT MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches, with interest payable annually and with option of paying all or part of loan at any time. Tax free mortgages bought and sold. T. C. PATTERSON, Loan Broker. B. & L. Building, North Platte, Nebr. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY hour t seem ivy onotiKli , hut always i ilnlntv. nl. pp V ne na onlv Nnliniinl Jscult Products con bo. Dorlne Mio years when my babies wero growing up wo never missed tho Chil dren's Hour with its tasty feast. LAND AND LIVE STOCK AUCTION SALE The W. F. Godfrey Sale which was to be held on November 12th, has been post poned on account of the storm, and will be held oh MONDAY, NOV. 24lh. Located 24 miles northwest of North Platte, Nebr., on the west Tryon Mail Route. ED KIERIG, Auctioneer. BLACKLEG GERM FREE AGGRESSIN 25c A DOSE. One dose immunizes the calf for life. Extra strong 7 dose syringes, needles, etc., for sale. All orders promptly filled with Ircsh vaccine. DR. W, T. PRITCHARD, Distributor, North Platte, Neb. Sale of Thoroughbred Duroc Boars There will be sold at Public Auction at the Johansen Sale Barn in North Platte, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1919, commencing at 2 p. in. Sharp 12 Thoroughbred Duroc Boars An offering sired by Ulerstrator Giant 250100 and Fancy Victor, this offering is very attractive and will bean added aaset to any breeder or farmers herd. Will als sell 2 High Bred Hol stein milch cows and some small calves. 2 sets of new harness and some Household goods. USUAL TERMS. ; FRED NELSON, Owner. Col. H. M. JOHANSEN, Auct. F. C. PIELSTICKER, Clerk.