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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1919)
We fix Watcftes .ct' tts test j&x ' 4 5 If your watch is not keeping correct time, do not blame the watch-blame yourself. Perhaps your watch only needs CLEANING. We will clean or repair your watch or anything else that needs fixing, and do it RIGHT and charge you for our work only a reasonable price. We charge you nothing for lesting your eyes, and if you need them, only a moderate price for your glasses. CLINTON, The Jeweler. Sign of the Big Ring. CITY AND. COUNTY NEWS. LOCAL AND PERSONAL '. Shop early at Dixon's. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Ilomlgh returned yesterday from a visit In Omaha. A few good second hand Fords at tho right price. Hendy-Ogler Auto Co. Paul Harrington returned yesterday morning from a huslness trip to Oma ha. .Full lino of wheel goods for Xmas, John H. Null, GOC Locust. 89tf Judgo Grimes wont to Loxington yesterday to continue tho torm of dls trlct court. She wants a diamond bar pin this! Xmas. Sco Dixon's stock. Mrs. Blanche Flold and mothor, Mrs, Dakar, loavo tomorrow for Los Angoles to spend tho winter. Our storo is full of sugcstlons that are sure to make Xmas decisions easy or you. C. M. Austin, Jowolor. 89-2 Mrs. J .W. Payno entertained the Mothers' Club at a theatre party at tho Keith Saturday evening, followed with a lunch at tho Oasis. Engraved Xmas cards should bo or dered at Dixon's nt once, as tho time is short. Neighbors and friends tendered n surprise party Friday, evening to Mr. and Mrs. Curt Wilson. Citrd games were tho entertaining feature. Have you seen Clinton's dlsplny of Nippon china ware, imported direct from Japan. Misses Mary and Josophlno Sadie, whoso home Is south of town, left tho latter part of last week to visit rela tives in tho east part of the state. Dr. Morrill, Dontist. Office over Wi! cox Department Store. tf O. H. Thoolecko and Guy Swopo wont to Overton Sunday and brought back Mr. Swopo a car which had been stolen and abandoned at thn place FranktJfSibol, cashier of tho bank at LoMoyno, and Miss Mary kosuro, a teachor of Burwoll, wore mnrrled Sat urday forenoon by RoV. H. B. Hess. . Mayor Strpltz lias been confined to tho houso for a week or moro by a Hovoro attack of the grlppo. Diamonds for Christmas gifts, our Btock Is most complete Clinton, tho Sorgo drosses from $18.00 to ?0.00 Jowolor. nt "Wilcox Department Storo, Judgo II. M. Sinclair, of Kearnoy,' irlatfml nlfl Hmn frtnnrla nntl tn,iannfnr1 t legal business In town yesterday. Gamblo & Springer. guinea pigs for sale Wo have a car of fancy box apples yclther on tho track or nt any of our I stores. It will pay you to lay In your A $1,G00.00 diamond nt Dixon's will winter supply, interest you. I Rabblts and tf Mr. and Mrs. John Jones arrivod Call at 222 east Tenth street, home Snturdnv from Omaha, whnri?' Mm. .Tnnon Hiihtnlttnri to nn onnrntlnli ' Mrs. M. E. Scott, Mrs. J. S. SlmillS several woolen airo. and MIsb Myrtlo Beolcr will glvo t,. , c u, , . , . shower to Miss Irma Huffman Thurs iMxoH .v nun, oikiii, aiiuciiiiiNiN. ,my OVonlng nt the homo of Mrs Dr. and Mrs. Carson, of Grand Is- Scott. , w ; Z. w 5 i. Morale underwear. America's sreat rtnnti, nf a t nii, ' ' , est undergarments for women, mad 1 of pure wool, silk and wool and cotton For tho brldo, a storo full of great In all stylos and sold exclusively nt BUggoBtlons. Dixon, tho Jowolor. BLOCK'S storo. Watch Dixon's windows. Dr. L. E. VanDIvor, of Brady, trans acted business In town Friday. For Small Brothor . good pocket knife fromDlxon's. Mrs. L. E. Hastings and daughter Minerva spent Saturday in Omaha. You Can't bftt a bicycle for Xmas. John H. Null, 000 Locust. S9tf Miss Helen Brodbeck linn accopted a position nt Clinton's jewelry store. 0. E. Mullen, of Omaha, apnt the week end with his sister, Mrt. Tim Hanlfln. China dinnerware for Thanksgiving, and a very usoful wedding gift. We carry a full line. Clinton, tho Jwplr. Loave your order at Martl's onrly for your Thanksgiving turkey. Mr. and Mrs. N. , C. McKinley. of Sutherland, were busfness visitors in town Saturday. Dlxons grind their own lonsos. Supt. A. V. "Woodruff is spondlng a couple of days in town looking after company business. A diamond and platinum dinner ring rare value at Dixon's $95.00. Genl. Supt. F. H. Hammlll, of Omaha was in town yesterday transacting company business. Wanted Liberty bonds at market price. Louis Llpshltz. Mrs. C. A. Weir came up from Grand Island Saturday to spend the week endl at the P. M. Sorensen home. Matlneo at The Sun today. First show 2:30, second show 4:10. Theplay will be "The Westerner. W. H. McDonald, who had been con fined to tho houso for a week, is again occupying his desk at the bank. Special Kettle rendered lard. Brod- bock's Meat Market. 86tf Mrs. Thos. Monihan, of Ogalalla, spont tho week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Chamberlain. Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phone 148 Mrs. Owen ones loft yesterday even ing for Los Angoles where Bhe will spend tho winter with her sisters. Dr. Howard Yost, Dentist Twincm Building. Phono 1107. 77tf A. C. Howard returned yesterday from Ogden where he had gono to ac company his mother to this city. Sneclal Kettle rendered lard. Brod beck's Meat Market. Ira Sage camo up from Maxwell Sun day to spond the day at the C. H. Stamp home and accompany Mrs. Sago homo. See Clinton & Son about your eyes. Mrs. A. W. McKeown and daughter Miss Josophlno, went to Omaha Sun day where Mrs. McKeown will under go an oporntlon. s For mothor, a Cordova bag, tho jeweler. Mrs. Walter Beam returned last week to her homd in California after a visit of several weeks at the, John Wolnborger home. For Sale Seven room houso on east Third street. All modern. Three Isaac Dents, COO block cast Third, Phono Red 1233. 80tf Mrs. T. E. Cox, of Sutherland, who has been suffering from rheumatism for some time past, is taking treatment of Miss Mlnnlo Slemnn. Call 212 for fresh groceries. Dick Stogcmann See Clinton & Son about your eyes. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Wilson nrrived from California Friday and will spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Wilson. To whom are you going to sell your Hny and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer tho highest prices. C4tf i Kcd Cross Election. Tho annual olection of directors of Lincoln County Chaptor Amorlcan Red Gross, will bo hold Wednosday, No vombor 2Gth, from 10 a. m. until 7 p. m., in the lbbby of the postofflce build ing. Fifteen mombors will be voted for tho nominating committee hecom mendlng tho following names: Miss Annie Kramph, Wilson Tout, Mrs. E. S. Davis,. Mrs. B. B. Field, W. P. Sny der, W. J. O'Connor, Mrs. Joe Roddy, Mrs. M. E. Scott, Mrs. Chas. Hogue, Mrs. R. F. Cotterell, Mrs. I. L. Burc, Mrs. A. P. Kelly, W. V. Hoagland, Cnpt, E. W. Fettor, M. D., E. F. Soe bergor, Mrs. C. W. Grovos, C. L. Bns klns, M. J. Forbes, Harry Dixon, Capt. A. W. Shilling, Samuel Souder, Oscar Sandall, J. J. Halllgan, Mrs. R C. Langford, N. E. Buckloy, R. D. Birgo, Mrs. H. A. Lawhoad, Mrs. M'. F. Hos ier and Mrs. M. H. LoDpyt. A meeting Of, the, directors (which includos the branch clialrnon) is also called for tho samo evoning at 8 o'clock at Chaptor headquarters, for tho purpose of electing officers and an executivo commltteo for the ensu ing Red Cross year. E. F. SEEBERGER, Chairman. : :o: :. Coniplnints About Fuel. Complaints are frequent these days concerning Inability to got results from the fuol administration. Re quests for fuel from consumers vital ly in need of coal, and whose failure to get coal may affect tho lives, health and property of a large number of people, are sent to district head quarters dally and the ono thing that those requests inevitably bring is slow action. ; A largo number of small Nebraska, towns nro out of coal or nearly out.! Their requests have been received, forwarded to headquarters and the' railroad agents in charge of the coal I are awaiting orders to supply them. Tho ono thing that is getting on the nerves of men who must hear these complaints Is tho slow action on re quests. Some coal requests are being approved and some coal is being de-l livored where needed, but In a number J of Instances the margin of safety has LincoIn'Snai.the break,ng strain ' 1 EBBBEEEBEEEHEE Mrs. Ray Cantlln spont tho week ond In Omaha with hor son Gordon Lore, who is taking eye treatment from Dr. Gifford. Call and inspect our diamond stock. Wo nre sure to havo something u please you. Tills is going to bo dia mond Christmas, and now is tho time to select. C. M. Austin, Jeweler. 89-2 CHR STMAS s DIXON 3 The Jeweler, Johanscn's Sale Dales i November 18th, M J. Rielly land sale in Max well. 22nd, Fred Nelson hog sale in North 8cttj Platte. Ubin, Felix j. uokosKl, general farm sale, 4 miles west of North Platte. 29th, Landholm & Anderson ' pure bred hog sale at North Platte. December 3rd, Harry Goldsmith's general farm sale, southwest of North Platte. January 20th, Georgo Snyder, general farm j sale, east of Maxwell. Dixon, !Fc.bnlnry im, L,eo iuustaru, general larm sale, southeast of North Platte. . ( Trees for Fuel. Andy Olsen, who lives a half mile south of tho Plntto Valley school houso has about one thousand good sized ap ple trees which ho is offering free for fuel to those who will haul them away. Mr. Olsen concluded that tho land de voted to the orchard would bring bet ter financial returns If devoted to al falfa, lienco cut down tho trees. ::o:: BUZZARD ROOST RANCH PUBLIC SALE Tho administratrix of the John B. Colton estate will soli at public auc tion on tho ranch l'tniles northwest of Eddyville, beginning at once aftor lunch, on Tuesday, November 25, 1919. 220 HEAD OF CATTLE 45 being pure bred Aberdeen Angus stock eligible to TOgistry, yearlings to 5 years old, bulls, heifers and cows, Remaining 175 head mixed grade cows, heifers, steers, yearlings and calves. ' $.-0.00 Buys 77tfG rooms and bath, furnaco heated, on- Missns Luclllo and Anna Linden- tlrely improved stucco houso on full moyer woro able to return yesterday to corner lot Has garage. Tho balance their schools south of town. aftoT be-1 can remain on mortgage. Phono r wm HAY We Buy and Sell Obtain our Prices. THE HARRINGTON MER. CO. INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimited funds nt.its command to assist in the Building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this , Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home, T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. ing snow-bound in town for tho nast' Dlck 021. week. For Sale A bargain: 8 room houso.jl modern except heat; has garage, bnrnM and coal shod. Phono black 1132, 408 1 east Eloventh street. 86tf ' Mrs. Julius PIzor returned Saturday from Denver and Choyonno where sho! had been visiting for tho past three wuukh. one was uccuiiiihuuuu jiumu by hor son Harry, j Suits on Salo A big nssortinpnt to soloct from at prices that aro a real in ducement to buy tailored suits and tho moro drossy garments. Wo can fit any. tlguro. K. T. Tramp & Sons. i "Billy's Placo," opposite tho depot, I makes a specialty of steaks and chops. Also servo 35c and 40c merchants' lunch. Try us. SStf Tho Episcopal guild will hold a salo of aprons and fancy work In tho church basement on Uio afternoon of Docembor 4th. During tho afternoon a 25 cent luncheon will bo served. For diamonds this Xmas see Dixon. Account of strikes thoy nro unablo to furnish us with Broken Blossoms which wo had booked for noxt wook, but had tho good luck to substitute "Tho Westernor" In its placo. Sun thoatro. 88-2 Our ivory mnnlcuro sots, traveling sots, ovor-nlght boxes, jewel boxes, puff boxes and hair rocolvers, ovory thlng in ivory: somo pretty now pat terns that aro beautiful, como and see thorn. Clinton, tho Jowolor. Tho bill board cast of tho Rexall storo has boon torn down and the col ored man whoso building south of tho dopot was wrecked by negro-hntors sovoral wooks ago, will oroct a build ing and ro-opon his rostaurant For Salo Either sex puro bred Chostor Whlto. pigs. E. E. Atkinson Brady, Nob. 84tf Tho boilor of tho heating plant in tho W. II. McDonnld homo blow up ono clay last week and mndo a sorry moss of things gonornlly. Sovoral seating stovos woro placed In uso until a now section of tho boilor could bo secured. Special Homo cured bacon 35c por pound. Brodbeck'B Moat Market. tf Tho county commissioners mot in sosslon yoBtorday and cleaned up busi ness that had accumulated for two wooks. On account of tho storm Com missioners Koch and Sprlngor woro unablo to attond tho mooting sched uled for last wook. For Brother an Everphnrp pencil. Dixon, tho Joweler. 89tf 40 HEAD OF HORSES 1 grade stallion, 7 years old, others 2 years old and up. 53 HEAD HAMPSHIRE SHOATS FARM MACHINERY, ETC. One complete haying outfit, wagon, two-row lister, cultivators, plows and many other farm utensils. FEED, ETC. Lot of stacked prairie hay, 15 tons in bunches, 20 tons stacked alfalfa, 100 tons straw, 120 acres cam stalks, millet, 20 tons cane bound and shocked Eddyvillo M. E. ladles will serve a good lunch beginning at 11 o'clock, a. m. Terms $25 and under cash. Over ?25 a credit of G months on approved notes at 8 per cent from date. MARY COLTON Administratrix Estate of John B. Colton, deceased. COL. PARK Hi. CRDSLNBEItRY, jucti oncer. B. It. IIEDGLIN, Clerk. Hi Wages paid telephone employees and the cost of materials to keep up the telephone, have increased rapidly the last few years. To lurnish satisfactory telephone service majvcs it necessary to charge higher rates now than when expenses were much lower. Telephone rates have advanced much less than the cost of almost anything else. Nebraska Telephone Company