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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1919)
ixftleelsln tribune. THIRTY-FIFTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 18, 1919. No. 89 (The lorth KKKKASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY WILL lUT Cl IIUILMNG In Friday's issuo a four-lino local announced tho salo of tho Mrs. Sarah Hangs property In tho 200 block on west Fifth street to T. F. Healey. At ihvs tlmo tho Item was written It was known that tho purchase had been wade by Mr. Healey for tho Nobraska Telephone Comipany, but at that par ticular tlmo tho matter was not "rlpo" Tor publication. The telephone company purchases tho lot for tho purpose of building a "homo" for Its local plant, and beforo tho end of j., 1920 It is hoped to have a building ompieteu mat win liavo cost the com pany not less than $40,000. It was known for somo tlmo that tho ompany desired a building site, and an offer of $9,000 was mado for tho Redflold corner at Fifth and Vine, but tho Doctor asked $12,500. Mrs. Oarlson was approached, but she de ollncd to sot a price, and Charley Hendy, who owns tho former Long loy protporty, was also asked to name price. Tho site purchased, however, is Just as satisfactory to tho company as either of tho properties named. Tho building to bo erected "by. tho com pany will cover the entire lot, will bo two stories, with brlclc as tho con traction material. It will bo built with a view of permanency, and there fore well constructed. Tho cost of this building will bo less than one-half tho sum tho company will invest in tho North Platte plant, tor an entire now system of switch boards and appurtenances will be in stalled in tho now building. Tho total expenditure as proposed will reach about one hundred thousand dollars. It is the policy of tho Nebraska Tel "Vphonu Co. to own its. own "homo" in 11 the larger cities, and that it has decided to make this investment in North Platto is evidence of tho bollef of tho officials In the futuro growth of Hio city. -::o::- Do you need a new skirt? A big shipment just arrived at E. T. Tramp fc Sons'. LOCAL Al) PERSONAL Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. Mrs. C. J. Perkins and daughter, Mrs. Langlols, returned this morning from tho cast. Mrs. J. W. Payne and Mrs. Allison Wilcox and Jtwo children leave this week for a visit with relatives In Iown. For Sale Kitchen cabinet, book case and chiffonier. Phono 102, 016 west Fourth street. Itay Cantlln goes to Omaha tonight to accompany homo Gordon Lovo, who has had so Berlous tlmo with one of his eyes. Leave your orders early for Thanks giving turkeys nt Martl's moat market Our blanket solo still continues nt prices within tho reach of all. Wools, wool naps and cotton blankets. This is a real .saving proposition. U. T. Tramp & Sons. Tho Lutheran ladies' aid of tho Third ward will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. A. B. Cultoti, 1302 west Third street. For Rent Modern sleeping room for gentleman. Call Red C84. Lieut. B. W. Maynard, winnor of tho recent transcontinental air race, an nounces that ho expects to start with in tho next eight days on his attempt at a one-stop flight from .coast to coast Ho hopes to cover 1500 mllos or better in a single hop with a Temodeled Do Havlland plane which has been named tho Greyhound. Wo can fit you out In any style or quality in ladles', misses' and child Ton's underwear, which are absolute ly guaranteed to fit in ovory respect, and have all tho modern improvements that go to make theso garments all that they should be. Ask for the Athena brand. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Christian Sclonco sorvlce Sunday 11 a. in. Wednesday evening meetings ovory week at 8:00. A cordial invi tation is extended to all to attend theso services. Building & Loan build ing, room 25. Wo can sell you a slip-on veil at 15c. B. T. Tramp & Sons. SWIMMIN'H POOL ASSUItKU AT THK CITY l'AHK At a meeting of tho Wolfaro Associ ation last evening a committee which j had been appointed jointly by the Wol faro Board and tho Park Commission ers mado a report on tho feasibility of constructing a swimming pool at tho north side city park. Tho meeting unanimously recommended that tho Park Commissioners accept the report and begin nt once Btich construction work ns Is possible. A committee con sisting of D. M. Leypoldt, J. C. Wilson and F. R. Elliott was appointed to act In conjunction with the Park Board In tills work. The pool will bo located at tho north side of tho city park grove, will bo about 100x300 feet In area and the water supply will bo taken from tho North Platte Irrigation ditch nt a point several hundred ynrds west of tho cemetery and carried to tho park through a lateral. Tho estimated coat of the lateral and pool Is botweon four nnd Ave thousand dollars. (6 Benjamin B. HamptorTprescnts THE WESTERNERS" The photoplay of the novel by Stewart Edward White . v A Great Authors' Pictures, Inc., Production. Roy Stewart Robert McKim Wilfred Lucas Mary Jane Irving Mildred Manning Graham Pettie Frankie Lee Seven Stars make The Westerners Romance of the Black Hills. Based on actual occurances. Two day job making horse go over cliffs in The Westerner. AT THE SUN Three Days, Commencing Tuesday 18th. : :o: : (ynmnsium Exhibition. The Girls' Gymnasium class will give an exhibition at tho Franklin auditorium December 3d at eight o'clock In the evening. An admission of 35 cents will bo charged for adults and 20 cents for children, the pro ceeds to be applied to purchasing ad ditional equipment for tho gymnasium. Tho program for tho evening will bo published later. LOCAL AIS'I) PERSONAL Baptist missionary society meets Thursday of this week with Mrs. M.'s tard, 320 south Vine street. Hostesses Mesdnmcs Case, Noumyer, Kolrlg and Mustard. Topic, North American In dian. Leader, Mrs. Hull. Look up ans wers to question box in October Mis sions. S. W. V. auxiliary meets Wed nesday of tills week at 2:30. REMEMBER, your watch will not leave ED'S bench (In Frater's Drug Store) until it Is RIGHT. 87tf Arthur T. Dodd, manager of the U. P. dining hall, has been transfered to Evanston. Ho is succeeded by Mr. Clingorman, who with his wife, ariv cd Sunday. Have you ever worn tho new fash ioned hose that aro seamloss, fit both tho foot and the limb nnd absolutely keep their shape after laundering? E. T. Tramp & Sons. Tho married members of tho Travel and Study Club entertained the un married members at a theatre party last evening followed by a two courso lunch at .tho Jiom'e of Mrs. M. E. Scott. For Sale Horse, wagon and har ness. North Platte Light & Co, All Sammy Girls who have sweat ers or yarn are requested to return same at once to either Mrs. John McGraw or Mrs. A. J. Salisbury. A new shipment of wearing apparol ior tne intants. e.i T. Tramp & Sons. R. L. Graves returned this morning from Kansas City where ho attended a meeting of tho selling agents of tho Sherwin-Williams Paint Co. See Clinton & Son about your eyes. The Women's Homo (Missionary so- cltoy of tho M. E. church will meet with Mrs. Duvall, 302 south Vine, Fri day afternoon. Wo havo a car of fancy box apples either on the track or at any of our stores. It will pay you to lay in your winter supply. Gamble & Springer. Dixon & Son, Shjht Specialist. A girl baby was born Sunday to Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Loth. Mrs. Jamos Hart loft yosterday for Chicago for a visit with hor sister. We dollver fresh meat with grocory orders. Dick Stoggoman, phono 212. tt Mrs. W. E. Strango, "who has been taking treatment at the Twlnom ho pital. returncdstorday to her Jlqra in i'oxton. ( A platinum tlo pin for him. Dixon. tho Jewolor. Tho ladles of tho Prosbytorlan ' church will hold their annual fair andj supper December 3d. Supper will boj served cafeteria. i mi. - t 1 1 , i . . .1 inu liuuieran nuuos oi uio l'trat and Second wards will meet with Mrs. H. W. Bird at 221 south Vino street on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C. H. Hooper roturncd Satur day to her homo in Lowcllen after spondlng several days at tho E. S. Davis home. Tho snow of last week In crndunllv disappearing and tho ground Is ah-, sprnint' mo moisture without a wast age... Dixon's store Is ready for Xmas shoppers. W. A. Kcaton spent a couplo of days this week with his uncle E. S. Davis' while onrouto from Red Star, Montana, to his new homo in Denvor. Miss Helen Bonner entertained the' mombors of tho Senior class Friday, evening and several hours woro pleas antly spent with games and music. Thoro will be Rebekah Initiation Fri day evening, followed by a social ov oning. Refreshments will bo served and all members aro Invited to attend. Rev. Sundborg will speak Friday ov oning. November 21st. at 7:30 at tho J'eople's Mission church on north Locust street. Everybody welcome. The party who took tho shoes from the kSun theatro Saturday jilght havo been identified. If they will return them to this offico thoy will save them selves trouble. i We have a car of fancy box npples minor on me trade or at any of our stores. It will pay you to lay In your wihtcr supply. Gamble & Springer. A. W. Plumor and mntlinr lnvon. morrow or Thursday for southern Cal ifornia where thov will rnninln unfit about tho first of April. During their aDsenco air. ana Mrs. u. u. Graves will occupy their home, , Dixon's Store la tn ho vniiH lmn.1. quarters this Xmas. Don't fall to liour Hnrri-finrhntvU National Field Snerfitnrv. nt Mm T.nMi- oran Brotherhood, tonight at tho Luth eran cnurcn at eight o'clock. His message Is one of Importance. All will bo welcome. Fancy nlaid dress skirt, nmv mminin now on dlsnlav at E. T. Trnmn Sons'. Tho Parent-Toaclior AKsnpfnJ !nn nf the Lincoln and Jfiffnrsnn r)i bo hold in their respectlvo buildings on Wednesday, afternoon of this week nt j o ciocic. a run attendance of moth ers and fathers Is desired. THE UNIVERSAL CAES Every Ford Owner Should Know Just what Ford Service Is, and why It is different from ordinary garage service, and why it is more profitable to patronize tho Authorized Ford Dealer Tho Ford Dealer is a part of tho Big Ford Family. Ho carrlesa largo stock of genuine Ford parts for re pairs and replacements so you don't havo to wait while ho sends for them, and he uses only genuine parts because ho knows the imitation parts aren't dependable and don't wear. Ho has a thoroughly equipped up-to-tho-minuto garago with tools that enable his Ford Mechanics to efficiently and properly make any repair from a minor adjustment to a complete overhaul. And when tho work is finished, Ills bill represents the reason able, standard Ford prices. Now, wo aro Authorized Ford Dealers a ; part of that Ford Sorvlco organUatlon which was formed chiefly to put within each community a dealer who would havo more than a passing interest in Ford repairs and adjustments. Wo aro prepared and oqulpped to rondor prompt, careful Ford servlco, Drive in or 'phone and we'll come after your car. . kuuA - t&i&:$tX8 Ford Touring $(100. Ford Roadster $575. Ford Sedan $S75 Ford Counolot $750. Ford Truck $55)0. All with starter, P. O. B. Detroit. HEND-OCIER AUTO CO. Insist on Genuine Ford Parts Co to Gothenburg Today. Tho high school foot ball team goos to Gothenburg at noon todny to play a gamo this afternoon. Many of tho Sonlor ami Junior students will ac company tho team nnd tho classes tn the Sonlor and Junior buildings woro dismlssod nt noon, but to partially mako up tho lost tlmo tho schools con vened at olght o'clock this morning. :o fc. . Foot all Next Friday Clio Scotts .Bluff foot ball team will bo horo notft Friday for a gamo with tho local school team. Tho BUgar city team Is said to bo strong and a good gamo may bo expected. On Thanksgiving Day tho North Platto team will play tho Grand Island team In that city. : :o: : Notice After Dec 1st tho Ideal Bakery will not buy milk bottles. Customors will bo required to bring their bottles to oxchango. Bottles will bo furnished but not bought. WM. OTTEN. ::o:: Mlchnol McDald arrived Friday from Now York to mako an extended visit with his brothor, Father Patrick Mc Dald. Mlchnol who arrived In Now York from la 'nnd about nix wooks ago.' accompanied the Knights of Co lumbus degree tinff to Sidney und was initiated into tho order. A diamond for her Xmas. Dixon, tho Jewolor. Tho ladles' aid society of tho Pros bytorlan church Will moot In tho church parlors Thursday, afternoon ontortnined by Mosdamos Hoagland, Hoxlo, and C. M. Nowton. Mrs. Danl. Burke, wont to Maxwell last ovenlng where sho will mako n protracted visit with Mr. and Mrs. J L. Burko. Wo do al kinds of general ropalr work. John H. Null, GOG Locust. 89tf Tho Catholic Girls' club will moot Wednesday, ovonlng at tho homo of Mrs. John HUdobrand. Assisting host esses will bo Misses Ruth Hubbard, and Ethol Frvo. r A Pnront-Teachor Association will bo organized tomorrow afternoon at tho Washington school This will glvo oncu or tno live buildings an association. UNION PACIFIC WINNKR IN "NO ACCIDENT" TEST Union Pacific omployos. 33,200 in numbor, won first prizo for tho Cen tral Western rail region In the "No Accident" week competition, Octobor 18 to 31. This Information Wa re colved from Halo Holdon, regional, di rector, Chicago, Tho Burlington was second nnd tlio Southern Pacific third. Tho Chicago and Eastern Illinois, Rio Grando; Clti-.' cago and Alton, Santa Fo, Washingloii Orogon Short Lino and Rock Island followed In tho ordor named. ; Tho Union Pacific showed a de crease of Dl per cent In casualties over tho same period of 1918. ::o: s Flour Sacks 100 lb. Flour Sacks at $1.25 a dozen. 50 lb. Flour SackB at 50c a doz. IDEAL BAKERY Cantrnctors report that thoy are well along with their building operations and havo practically ovorythlng en closed so thnt'insldo work can bo com iplotod should stormy weathor occur. Tho most bclntod building is tho now Twinom hospital on west Fourth street, which Is being roorod this week. For Sister a ploco of parolln ebony from Dixon's. Crystal Theatre Thursday and Friday. When a Woman Strikes Beware! Tho most venomous sting is a wom an's vengeance when disappointed in lovo. Tho greatest Western molo drama. Friday Special Comedy, 1 mJUMni TOM MIX IN "Rough 'Rdmg Romance'' He lost a heart! He found a heart! He a cowpuncher, She a princess and yet love f,6und a way. Nothing can stop the man who dares. it' Audits 30c. Children 35c. Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. HH2K3 SSSHHl "jf-7 A TWENTY MULE TEAM BORAX PRODUCT THREE WONDERFUL PRODUCTS FOR THE PRICE OF TWO For one week only, beginning MONDAY, NOV. 17 the dealers named below will present a full-sized 15 cent sifter-top can of BO-RAXO to every purchaser of one pound 20 Mule Team Borax and one small package of 20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips. This is your opportunity to try without any cost to you, this wonderful, delicately perfumed toilet and bath soap powder, which contains the correct percentage of borax to cleanse and preserve the skin. BO-RAXO is a toilet necessity as an aid to clear, lustrous, healthy com plexions and its use by every member of the family safeguards the family's health. Be sure and get your full-sized sanitary sifter-can of BO-RAXO and a booklet. 20 Mule Team Borax helps in the household in 100 ways as every housewife knows. 20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips. Pure Soap and just the right amount of Borax will not injure the most delicate fabric. Will wash fine linens, laces, lingerie dresses, flannels, blankets and sweaters, fluffy-clean without shrinking. .u. NEW YORK CHICAGO " " "c xjuiua in xnc marvelous aia the Soap Chips that docs the work" to Soap wherever (I'M HUIEJEM fsoapiaused" M I PACIFIC COAST BORAX COMPANY WYORK CHICAC SAN FRANCISCO McCrackon Ilrugr Co. HcXIchucl's (irorery Redemption Stations NOKTII PLATTK, NMIItASKA U'eslenfeld & Sou Hush Mercnittllo Co. Loudon Grocery Cuuililo with Springer, No. 1 S22 N. Locust St. No. 211(5 Kust H St. No. SI-C21 L'ust 1th St L