STHlKK OF COAL MINKftS VAIiLKD OFF TUKSHAY Be Unli mited in Your Choice of the World's Finest Music With the ordinary phonograph your choice is restricted to one make of record. With the Brun swick you play any record you fancy. The com plete catalog of all record manufacturers all artists, selections, etc., are yours from which to choose. The Brunswick has other charms to recom mend it. They are two exclusive features that make possible the superior Brunswick Method of Reproduction. One the Ultona that presents the proper diaphragm and needle necessary to play any mike record. The other, the Tone Amplifier an all-wood vibrant throat chamber that restores tones hitherto lost on the phonograph. Packard and Bond Pians. Music Exclusively. A Bargain New Columbia Grnfanoln, $126.00 stvlo. nn Hnlft JnS.OO. W. It. MALONRV - "Gentlomon wo will comply with p,0. i the mandate of the court. We do it . . .. ! under protest. We are Americans. " " ' We cannot fight our government. That' Blankets, the best and lowest in ' is all." ' l,r,C0, The Loader Mercantile- Co. 1 Wl.tu wnu Ilia tntmmnt tnniln liv " i i inn i t.iv v..v i ji.i ivii'ui-. ......... . i John L. Lewis, ncting presidont of the John Stafford, of Big Springs, was a business" visitor in town Wednesday. For Sale Manure spreader in first class condition. Can bo soon at Van Cleavos's blacksmith shop. II. Bu chanan. 87-2 mine workers, at Indianapolis Tues j day following tlio order calling on 1 the nation-wide bituminous coal strike In which ovor 100,000 men worn ln 1 solved. i At six o'clock the same evening tho following order was mulled, nddrossed to official end member:; of the United Mine Workers of Amprlnu Em "Dear Sirs and IJrotIn',o. In obed- 1 ii'iioo to the mandnto issued on No vember 8 by tho United States court, district of Indiana, Judge A. H. Andcr--n presiding, the undersigned hereby ndviso you that tho order of October j 15 directing n cessation of operations ifi the bituminous coal Held of vour jurisdiction. Is withdrawn and can rplled." Tho same day the officials of the union nccoptod the Invitation of Sec retary of Labor Wilson to meet tho op erators In Washington today. ( Tlio news of tho cancellation of the , strike order was received glndly tho country over, and hero in North Platte much relief was expressed, for tho i coal condition, duo to the storm and ' extreme cold weather was becoming very serious. Public :o: : The Orson Covel Sale which was to be held on the 11th, has been postponed on account of storm and will be held on Thur day, November 20th, 1919. ED KIERIG, Auctioneer. J WALKER MUSIC COMPANY I I NORTH PLATTE. I I EASY PAYMENTS. i UBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at Public Auction on his farm 4 miles west of North Platte on tho Christ Sund place on Tuesday, November 25, 1919 Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp 2 HEAD OF HORSES One team of mares, 5 and 7 years old, weight 2100. gmnt-Bteklu (Jlctbunc. 1UA L HAKE, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One l'cnr by Mall, In advnuco..$1.75 One Year by Carrier, In udvnnco, $3.00 Eutored at tho North Platto, Nebraska Postofilco as Socond Class Mattor. FRIDAY, NOVKMIUU M IHLMiltS SLOW TO HHTUllX TO THEIR DAILY WORK Over 2,2(10 Memberships Sold. Mrs. J. F. ClalKiugh. city chairman of tlio Third Red Cross Roll Call, re ports that ovor 2200 memberships wero sold in North Platto. This is a splendid record, and certainly rollccta credit on Mrs. Clnbaugli aim tlio mom bors of her various committees. Last year 2700 memberships, wore sold in North Platto, and tlila, too, when tho world war was still in progress. Tho Mine workers throughout tho coun try have shown an unwillingness to return to work until tlio meeting or tho mlno workers' officials and tho op orators which is called at Washington today. Continued suspension of work has existed in all tho Union Holds slnco tlio strike ordor was cancolled Tuesday and tho stocks of coal every where havo of course grown sorlously small. It Is not probable that a full resumption of work will occur boforo tho mlddlo of noxt wcok, and by that tlmo tho domain! will bo so heavy tho country over that deliveries will ho so split up that no one placo will gat the amount it requires. It Ib thoroforo ev ident that a shortage of coal will ex ist In Nortli Platto for several weeks to como. : :o: : Slocks Jlrop With a Crash. Prices in tho stock innrket broke with a crash at 1:30 o'clock Wednes day. No group In tho list was spared. General Motors fell below 300 and Crucible Steel dropped to 212V6. Brok ors reported it was almost Impossible to borrow monoy at any prlco and as a Highly Improved C40 acres tractor land located 19 miles north of Chappoll, Neb., and seven and 1 a half miles southwest of Oshkosh.1 This land is located right in tho very best part of tho famous Chappoll, Neb., wheat country. Soil is of tho very best; it lays almost perfect. Tho im provements on this- place are easily worth $12,000.00. This Is a money maker for some ono. Prlco $75.00 per aero. Terms about ono-half cash, bal- anco to suit purchaser at G per cent interest. A Good liny 100 ncres located six miles from Lodgepfolo, 'Nob. Good soft of im provements; 120 under cultivation; 3D . 1 .. ...1.nnJ- ii.l.UI. -...141. .1. Place. The weat hc,for coming one year old aged over 35 bushels per acre this i year; corn will make about 25 bushels 9 HEAD OF CATTLE 0 milch cows coming fresh the first of tho year, 1 two year old heifer 1 five month old calf. Frederick Bowers Coming. Tho fact that Frederick V. Bowers sales UiIb your really make a bettor , irt tho star of "Kiss Mo Again," which showing than last year, for at that WH1 bo seen Thursday, Novombor 27th, time ovorybody considered It a patrl- at tlio Keith theatre, Is reason otic, duty to becomo a. member, whllo ! unough why you should go to seo tho this year tho appeal o patriotism I (production,- for Mr. Bowers, in nddl could not bo mado so strong or con-! tlon to bolng ono of America's best vincing. Reports of tho roll call In tho county outside of North Platto do not show up very well. : :o: : per acre. Lot us show you this ono. Price $90.00 per acre; very reasonable terms. 320 acres for and one-half miles result stocks wore thrown overboard j north of Nortli Platto. Neb. Fair sot for whatever they would bring. Rails ,of Improvements 50 acres under cul hold up fairly well but thoy had not tlvatlon; balance hay and pasture; shared in tho rapid ndvanco of Indus-1 connidorahle moro on this placo can be a t i .1 ..t a i I Krrvlr r TMila I c? o rrrxrvrl rnn fry Mr ThV aZt bee n o comn.etelv do- y. Vrlco' $27.50 "nor mW: ,tont. ness, 7 dozen chickens. Mots Car. moralized In the last hour when call T$5000.00 cash will handle this; terms) .... ' I A 1. 1 It Till J i money rose to thirty per cent, tiieii" " oamnw. wm uiko cuj highest rate sinco tho panic of 1907. property on this up to about $2500.00. Ovornleht losses of 10 to 25 nolnts ROBERTS BROTHERS LAND CO.. iN'ortn I'latto, eur Valentine, Nobr. Schuyler. Nobr. Chappoll, Nebr. :o: : 3 POLAND CHINA SHOATS, WT. 70 lbs. EACH. FARM MACHINERY Cultivator, disc, rake, -walking plow, Champion sweep, now G-foot Deer lng mower, 3 inch low Wagon, new Anker Holt cream separator, 170 egg Old Trusty Incubator, 50 ton prairie hay, 300 bushels corn, 20 rods of hog fence, 10 foot hay rack, set of lVi work harness, set of new breeching work wore scattered throughout tho list and Goneral Motors showed a decline of 05 points. Tho federal reserve board issued a statomont Wednesday afternoon say ing that tho situation was serious but not ularmintr. - i 8G- Iiijiiuction Against 'r.v T'a" Providence, R. I. A temporary in- Thoro wore feoblo rallies later when Junction against tho enforcement of call loans foil to 25 per cent but tho the prohibition act was granted Wed tono at tho closo was extremely weak, nosday by Judge Arthur L. Brovn of FJtKE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS: Six months Urrid on bankable notes. FELIX J. BOKOSKIE, Owner. COL. II. ar. JOHANSEN, Auctioneer. F. C. PIELSTICKEK, Clerk. Sales wore estimated at shares, a record for tho year. : :o: : 2.300.000 tho federal court, on Hie irroiinil Hint tho eighteenth amendment was incon-l slstent. United States Attorney Harry ! A. Bakor announced that ho would im- makc an appeal to the of Johnson, here. It is said, has a united btntes circuit court at uoston. ... . . . . T ..1 1 1 .. T-. . .1 1 T. . .1 nri newBmiDer cunning wiiicli informs 1JUUia,"a' ruuunu .iuku m The Johnsons Won the War Wichita, Kan. A man by tho name mediately light comedians, Is also ono of the country's foremost composers and ninnv rf lila ImnilMfnl ImllmlH urn played In every musical homo in tho those whom it may concorn that tho to Evans in open court declared Wed i,,,wi n,n ti.,.rn ,ir, ntimr ronsnns for Johnsons won tho war. i ncrJay ho is "firmly of the opinion" going to seo "Kiss Mo Again." In the1 According to tho clipping there1 wartime prohibition is unconstitutlon- Ilrst placo It Is an unsually good mu- wore 53.200 Johnsons in tho army, slcnl play; In tho second placo, tho against only 51,950 Smiths, 4S.000 cast contains many woll known mu- Browns, about the same number of Postponed from Nov. 14th Owing to very poor health, I will soli at public sale at my farm one and one-half miles duo nort of Hprshey, Nebraska, on tiny Colorado Laud. Tho following item is taken from .tho Parker (Col.) Post: "Tho C B. Anioft ranch hist nortli of town sold last week to,Lypoldt & Ponnlngton otslcal comedy artists and besides mere Aiuiersons aim cantors uuu oniy zo, "Ndrth Platto, Nebraska. Mr. Penning- aro pretty girls galore, and nil that 000 members of tho Jones family, ton was here to closo tho deal. Tho goes to make a production of true ::o:: ranch Is ono of tho best in tho valloy. Broadway proportions. Everywhere To the "Family .Man" There aro 1285 ncroa In it and tho i "Kiss Mo Again" has boon scon it has. Do you know of anything that can property has boon hold at $50 an aero.' loft a long trail of agroeablo crlti- afford tho wife as much plcasnro as "Mi1. Mustard, of North Platte, ajclsm behind It and tlio only persons t "something for tho house" lirothor of tho man who purchased tho i who speak ndversoly aro thoso who It's what sho will buy, nlno times HnAvlcnv rinteh a Hhort tlmo niro will "feako possosslon of tho placo for tho nbv owners on March lBt. Frank Amofl who has boon running tho placo for his fathor Is undecided as to what .idio will do. Ilo is a good veterinarian innd it is possible that ho may return to tho practicing of his profosslon." ' :::: . Can you think of anything moro use ful for a wedding gift than a ulco sot of china dinner ware? Wo carry a full lino. Clinton, tho jowolor. fiild' nothing unite up to tholr con ception of what a show ought to be. ::o:: First Lutheran Church. Morning worship 11 o'clock, sub ject, "The Church of the Ltvjng God." This Is tho closo of the socond yonr of tlon. this pastornto. Evening worship eight out of ton, if you give her the money to select a gift for herself. ' Then why not bo right for once In your lifo, this Christmas nnd give her FURNITURE? Lot us help you in making the selec- AV. R. MALONEY CO : :o: : 'V o'clock-, subject "Tho Chloroformed. All children's and missos' lints at soui for services. REV. C. F. KOCH. Pastor ,v.,, .,,.j.v ...v. Jul I'liiuiruu s ami missos unis at I." Sunday school at 9:15. Clusaos Kreatly reduced prices, for Saturday ftll. Evoryono welcomed nt these luui Monday only at Tho Leader Mer cantile Co. If. L. Brown, of Horshoy, transacted business In town Wednesday. al and Indicated a disposition to enjoin Elwood Hamilton, collector of Internal rovenue for Kentucky, from Interfer-! Ing with tho sale of about 1,000.000 gallons of tax-paid whisky known ns I "linn. Elinli ::o:: For Sale 320 acres, all level, 5 room house, large barn, windmill and cement tank, all foncod nnd cross fenced, 17 acres alfalfa, 100 acres moro in cultivation, daily mall route, school house on farm, S miles from Chugwnter, Wyo., lovol road to town, 35 miles from Nebraska lino. Prlco $35.00 per aero. Will tako good town property, as first payment nnd carry back balance at six per cent. WALTER "WILSON, SG-2 Route 1. North Platte. ::o:: Teachers' Examination The Lincoln county touchers' ex amination will bo held in North Platto, Brady, Maxwell. Sutherland and Wallnce, Saturday, Novombor 15. Commencing at 10 a. m., tho following described property: 1 3 Head1 'of Horses Team of Geldings, 12 years old, wt. 2000; team of geldings 9 and 10 years old, wt. 2400; team of mares 7 and 8 old, wt. 2400; I black mnro 8 years years old, wt. 1200; 1 gelding, smooth mouth, wt. 1100; 1 bay gelding 4 years old wt. 900; 1 brown maro. coming 4, wt. 1000; I black mule coming 4 years old; 1 brown mare coming 2, wt. 1000; 1 bay gelding, 10 years old, wt. 1500. If" to- Banking by Mail Is Perfectly Safe ' If you livo nt a dlstnnco from this bank you can nso Undo Sam's Mail Service to good advan tage In your banking. By doing so, you can save a trip to town when it Is inconvenient to come in person And "Hanking by Mail" is perfectly safe if tho sender uses ordinary care in mailing his letters. Monoy am bo sont in the form of a Postoffice or Express Order, draft or check, and without be ing registered. Currency should be forwarded by rogistored mall always. You'll find our bank-by-niall service entirely satisfactory. BLACKLEG GERM FREE AGGRESSIN 25c A DOSE. One dose immunizes the calf for life. Extra strong 7 dose syringes, needles, etc., for sale. All orders promptly filled with lresh vaceine. DR. VV, T. PRITCHARD, Distributor. North Platte, Neb. Platte Valley State Bank. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. FARM LOAMS I have plenty of SIX PER CENT MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches, with interest payable annually and with option of paying all or part of loan at any time. Tax free mortgages bought and sold. T. C. PATTERSON, Loan Broker. B. & L. Bailing, North Platte, Nebr. i t j 10 HEAD OF CATTLE Four cows, three 2-year-olds and three 1 year old. 127 HEAD OF HOG S Ono male hog. IS sows and 108 hoad of shoats. FARM MACHINERY, ETC. 3 Deorlng mowors, Canton hay baler, Swanson two row, walking plow, Dempster hay stacker, 5 wagons, 2 nearly new, 5 sets work harness, set sin gle harness, Dane hay swoop, two hay rakes, slnglo buggy, riding plow, beet rack, two hay rakes, beet drill, beet diggor, 3 section harrow, beet cultiva tor, disc cultivator, disc, manure spreader, fresno scraper, hog oiler, hog fencing, 2 dozen chickens and numorous other articles. FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS Sums of $20 and under cash. On sums ovor that amount 8 months time will bo given purchaser on good bankable paper drawing 10 per cent Interest from dato of sale. No property to be removed until settled for. COL. L. M. McCLARA, Auctioneer. HANK OR LINCOLN COUNTY. Clork. Wm. F.Smith :rm i more FEED t-"' a END FOR CATALOG Jfc CATT i Carlci OMAHA. NEBR. j See Display on lot east of Herrod's Grocery. HARRY J. VANNATTER, Local Agent.