The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 14, 1919, Image 1

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V . .tt..
No. 28
Tho docket for the term of district'
oourt which convenos Dccombor IhI
contains one hundred and sixty-two
cases, and of those thlrty-ono aro pe
titions for dlvorae, In other word'
nearly one-fifth of all cases to he
heard aro for legal separation. Thcso
figures aro astounding; there Is cer-
talnlv Just catiso for the crowing do-
mand that something ho' done to hHJsen enough coal on hand and In transit
tho divorce evil for ovil It must bo I from tho mines to continue the opora
aonsldercd. Some bar must bo placed, tlon of tho plant for a period of thirty
on ill-ndvlsod marriages or divorces I days, but It is now found that coal
ai must ha mailo more difficult to ob
tain. I was cither never shipped or has bcon our people who aro unablo to got coal
In speaking of divorces tho other! conllscated in transit. Therotoro tho through tho regular channels, thoro
day a prominent lawyer said that in 1 company lias only a limited supply of foro I, A. F. Stroltz, mayor of North
liis opinion a law should bo passed re-'coal on hand and a moderate- quantity Platte, do hereby, direct II. S. Welch,
quiring parties to a marriago to pub-i which is known to be in transit. wator commissioner, to sell at a re-a-
llsh tho fact not los than three months 1
Lii advance. This, ho said, would dojlayed becauso of bad weather, so un
away with many hasty marriages, the! less lighting restrictions are observed,
contracting parties to which generally! It is possible that tho plant may havo
wind up In tho dlvorco court. I to shut down before tho coal In transit
Tho plaintiffs and defendants in tho arrives. The result of this would bo
Uilrty.-ono cases on the Lincoln county, that all customers of tho company, in
vourt docket aro: i cludlmr a largo percentage of tho
Eva M. Ehers vs. George H. Ehlors.
Ellon Adamy vs. Nicholas Adamy.
James H. Eggers vs. Dora Eggers.
Dora Surbor vs. Harman A. Surber.
Sadie Calkins vs. Wm. B. Calkins.
Minnie Shaner vs. Scott Shaner.
Vorua Gates "cs. Clldo Gates.
II. L. Douglass vs. Nora Douglass.
Margaret Malcolm vs. A. M. Malcolm.
Bello Tumor vs. Chas. Turner.
Gladys Fransen vs. Frans Franson.
Rose Krauso vs. Carl Krause.
Etta Sailor vs. James Sailor.
Bernle Jones vs. Carl Jones.
Alonzo Hayes vs. Ruby Hayes.
Clara Merritt vs. Hugh Morrltt.
Emma Padgett vs. Loron Padgett.
Minnie Banta vs. Joseph Banta.
Arthur Leard vs. Ruby Loard.
Letah Drake vs. Guy Drake.
Laura Hammer vs. Clyde Hammer.
Mario Phelps vs. Carlysle Phelps.
Ethel Sheets vs. Clyde Sheets.
Pearl Askwlg vs. J. C. Askwig
Anna Burdell vs. J. A. Burdoll.
Hazel Jackman vs. James Jackman.
Reaka Harris vs. Joseph Harris.
Ira. Richards vs. Marlon Richards.
Bertha Harrington vs. Robt Har
Llley Bartholomew vs. Aaron Har
Sadie Talbot vs. John Talbot.
"The Microbe"
Viola Dana
Texas Guinan
"Hell's Agony"
"Sundown Trail"
Monroe Salisbury
Gale Henry Comedy.
"The Climbers"
Counce Griffith
8th chapter, Elmo The
Benjamin B. Hampton'presents
The photoplay of the novel by
Stewart Edward White
A Great Authors' Pictures, Inc., Production.
Roy Stewart
Robert McKim
Mildred Manning
Graham Pettie
Frankie Lee
Seven Stars make The Westerners Romance of ihe Black
Hills. Based on actual occurences, Two day job making
horse go over cliffs in The Westerner.
Three Days, Commencing Tuesday 18th.
C. H. Moroy muuugor of the light
pomiiimv. tliu largest users 01 coai in
Nnrtii Platte, made an anneal toduy to
the patrons of his company to .curtail
, - - - - -
tnoir consumption of electricity in ev-
ory Doaslblo way to save coal. Air.
Moroy a statement follows:
."It was thought at tho boginnlng of
tho coal strllco that tiie company nau
which was supposed to be in transit
"This quantity in transit Is boing do-
homes of the city, all factories, hospit-
als and .public Institutions would bo
without light or power. There would
bo no power for electrical instruments
used by doctors and dentists.
"Even though the coal in transit
arrives in time to prevent any shut
down, It is possible that the mines
may be slow in opening up and mak
ing deliveries regardless of the fact
that the strike is ended, and it will
take possibly a week after the mines
do open up to got coal delivered.
"In the interest of nil, and In spito
of any loss of revenue to tho company,
wo feel It our duty, therefore, to ad
vise everyone to be conservative In tho
use of electricity. In other words we
request everyone to save electricity so
that tho supply of coal may be made to
Inst as long as possible. Individual
savlug of electricity may appear to bo
insignificant to the private citizen,
but individual savings in the nggrogate
can accomplish a considerable econo
my. One 50 watt lamp burning In the
homo' of each of our customers re
quires moro power, and therefore
more fuel, than Is used to supply any
one of North Platte's largest indus
tries. "Wo are today requesting all tho
merchants to limit their window light
ing to two hours per night, oxcept Sat
urday night, and request each ono of
our other customers to economize in
their use of electricity as much as pos
sible until this emergency Is over.
"We'Teol hopeful that we will get
through the present difficulty without
having to shut down tho plant hut wo
also feel thnt It is our duty to warn
everyone of the exact condition of af
fairs in order to enlist tho co-operation
of our customers in conserving fuel
and light to avoid, if possible, the In
convenience and possible suffering
which might result should wo not ask
for tho co-operation of our customers
in tho saving of fuel.
"All tho industries
In North Platto
depend upon us for power, as well
ns tho hospitals, and thoreforo many
worthy laboring people might be
thrown out of employment and many
sick people micht be caused to suffer
were this situation not taken In hands
at once.
:o: :
Hny of Hope for Coal
Local coal, dealers have been as
sured by tho Union Pacific company
that the cars of coal thov had in tran
sit prior to November first hnvo not
been confiscated or diverted; thnt the
cars are simplv "hold" for order of tho
government. This Is encouraging, for
the dealers had some reason to believe
that tholr coal had been either seized
or diverted. Yesterday one dealer
was advised that two cars of his coal
which had been held at Rawlins had
been released, and the two cars will
nrobablv bo started on their way to
North Platte, but It Is not known how
soon thev will arrive.
North Platto dealers had about forty
oars In transit prior to November
first. If thoso havo not. as tho Union
Pacific states, been confiscated or di
verted and will be released by tho gov-
ornmont, there is a ray of hope for
better coal conditions in North Platte.
r :o' :
Sight Specialists, Dixon & Son.
Wilfred Lucas
Mary Jane Irving
Presidont Van Cleave, of tho Wef
faro Hoard. Had a coiuoronco witl
Mavor Stroltz vostordav aftomoon ft
regard to tho city selling nfty tons of,1
- - . - .
Ub storage coal to those who nro liy
absolute need of fuel. Tho stock
coal at the water plant Is more than
sufflclont to last through tho wlntorj
und arty tons can.-Do spared
As a roKiilt of tho conference, Maydn
Streltz issued the following:
"Whereas, an omorgoncy exist
through tho shortage of fuel and in
order to prevent suffering of thoso of
sonablo prlco and In reasonable quail
titles, fifty tons of city coal, but only
upon order of a committee of tho Wol
fore Association who shall havo per
sonally Investigated such need."
Late yesterday afternoon tho Wol
faro Hoard appointed J. O. Wilson,
whoso phono Is Black G83, ns tho por-
son to whom application for tills coal
shall bo made. Mr. Wilson will in
vestigatc the needs of each applicant,
and if tho coal is needed ho will is
sue an order on Commissioner Welch
who will sell tho coal to tho party to
whom the order Is given. The pur
chaser will have to see to tho dolivery
of the coal.
: :o: :-
Illggins I'acklnyr (Viiipuiiy.
'To Our Lincoln County Citizens:
I have noticed in tho papers lately
advertisements for tho sale of differ
ent kinds of stocks. Most of these nro
preferred stock for promotions; whore
tho common stock costs nothing but
owns tho company; whllo tho prefer
red stock furnish the money to run
tho business, but has nothing to say
in the management.
1 havo become connected with tho
Higglns Packing Company, and have
recently become president and am op-
crating tho company. Every dollar's
worth of stock Issued by this company
represents a dollar paid by tho pur
chaser for It. There is no promotion
stock. It is all common and partici
pates both in the management and the
dividends. No corporate stock can
ipay dividends until the business Is in
The Higglns Packing Company took
over an Independent plant in the Un
ion Stock Yards of South Omaha In
191S. Nearly all of our stock Is owned
by farmers and ranchmen In Nobraskn.
All but four of tho board of directors
aro farmers and ranchmen. Wo have
been operating the plant at a profit'
over since Its purchaso and will pay'
a nlco dividend this year. N
In addition to this we are erecting
a new modern packing plant.
I beliovo that this is a conservative
stable investment. 1 hnvo put my
money into It, as a business Investment
and do not hesitate to recommend It.
II would bo glad to see many stock-
Miolders from this county. I have re
quested tiie company to semi a sales
man to this county, and Mr. J. N. Wil
kerson Is now here. We aro a going
concern, now producing packing house
products at a profit,
When you go to the butcher or gro
cer, Insist upon Higglns smokist pro
ducts. If you have money to invest and n
sound conservative Investment appeals
to you, Investigate tho Higglns Pack
ing Company before plnclng your mon
ey. If interested, lot mo know and I
will havo Mr. Wllkerson call on you
Yours truly,
President of tho Higglns Packing Co
:o: :
Latost stylo coats wonderfully, low
In prlco. See them at $19.05, $24.05
$29.85, $34.05 .and up. Tho kind you'll
like at a prlco you wish to pay at The
Leader Morcantilo Co.
L,aiosi siyic coais wonuoriuuy low.uay, mit on account of the snow on
Louis Kolly and Ernest Rlnckor will tho ground tho game was cancelled
go to Lincoln today to witness tin"
Kansas-Nobraska foot ball game
which will bo played tomorrow.
La Tusca pearls In a wonderful as -
sortmont. Dixon, tho jowolor.
Bishop Geo. A. Beecher spout yoster
day In town while enrouto homo from
a trip to Broadwater and other towns
on tho North Rlvor branch.
Block's blouse and waist sale wilt
ond tomorrow night tho same time the
National Blouse Week passes into
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North oi Postoflice.
Flioae 5S
A modern Institution for the
ncientitic treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement canoi.
Completely equipped X-Kny
nnd dntmiBtic laborntoriai.
Geo. B. DenL M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. RolfiekUl. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
McVlckor lints will ba shown at the
lyk show tonight
Mrs. A. J. Salisbury returned this
morning from a brlof visit in Omaha.
All of our suits are now going at
cost and some nt loss than cost.
.1 LOCK'S.
Mm. M'urv Klilor rnttirtipri this innrn-
I.... c 1.. n '&A.
T;ie orent of tliu soason tohlglit.flcTt"
style show nt tho Stylo Shop.
Mrs. H. C. Brock and son loft UiIb
morning for a visit in Omalin and
Tonight at 8 o'clock a stylo show at
tho Stylo Shop. Living models. First
cotno lirst soated.
Miss Irma Huffman wont to Uothcn
burg this morning to spend thn day
.with friend".
, You can savo from two to ten dol
lars In buying your waist at the big
Svaist salo now on at BLOCK'S.
Yernu Mann has purchased the Mrs.
Barnoy McDonald house In the 400
block on west Sixth street for a con
sideration of ?3,0U0.
Furs of elegance at reasonable pric
es. Tho Loader Mercantile Co.
Victor Hnlllgan made a good bag of
ducks this week and shared with his
friends by, entertaining at a stag dln
nor Thursday noon.
McVlcker hats at tho stylo sliou to
night. Sport promoter Solby announces a
wrestling match at the firemen's hall
next Thursday ovonlng botweon Hobby
Bylund of this city aijd a mat artist
who lives at Big Springs.
The most stylish dresses In season
able fabrics at Tho Leader Mercantile
Tlio Union Pacific Is erecting several
thousand feet of snow fences in tho
west ynrds to prevent a recurrence of
tho drifts which wore formed during
the storm this week.
Hats displayed at tho stylo show to
night furnished by tho McVlcker Mil
T. F. Henley yesterday purchased
tho Mrs. Sarah Bangs property on
west Fifth street Mrs. Bangs will
glvo possession as soon as her now
house on wost Fourth Is ready for oc
You Just can't afford to miss tho
style show tonight nt tho Stylo Shop.
Among thoso ontcrtainlng for Mrs,
C, L. Shelley wore Mrs. R. C. Cuni
niipgs who was hostoss at a six o'clock
dinner Tuesday and Mrs. F. W.
Rlnckor Who entertained at a llnnor
party last evening.
Wool serge and heavy ilannol mid
dles in navy, red and green, all sizes,
and ranging in price from $3.9S to $15
Trainmaster Woir, of Grand Island,
is In town today, coming hero to assist
in relieving tho congestion of cars In
the local ynrds duo to tho storm.
You can savo from two to ton dol
lars in buying your waist at the big
waist salo now on at BLOCK'S.
Harm Shnnk, of Elm Creek, was
brought to town yesterday by Dop
uty Marshal Lincoln nnd arraigned bo-
fore U. S. Commissioner Woodhurst
on a charge of a violation of the Reed
amendment. Shnnk was placed un
der $2,000 bonds.
II. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.
The Methodist ladles served a splen
did chicken supper at tho church par
lors last ovonlng to a very largo at
tendance, a greater number being
present than tho ladlos expected, yet
everyone was served In a satisfactory
i Tho most stylish dresses in season
able fabrics at Tho Loader Mercantile
: Tho North Platto foot ball team was
scheduled to play at Gothenburg to-
yostorday atiornoon. it conditions are
favorable tho gamo will bo played
! noxt Tuosday.
i 10 living models dlsplnylng a worn
an's wardrobe at tho Stvlo Shoo to
Members of Company F. Canteon
Service, gave Mrs. Edmund Dickey a
surprise Wednosday, whon they called
unannounced and spent the afternoon
with her. Cards woro tho entertain
ing feature, tho aftornoon closing with
a lunch which tho invaders took with
Tomorrow night will end our bit
waist salo. If you want a real swell
waist at a big saving In price you
hnd buttor loso no time- in getting
down to BLOCK'S waist salo.
Tho Paront-Toachor association of
tho Sonior high school mot Wednesday i
and organized by tho oloctlon of Mrs.
York Illnman prosident, Mrs. W. W.
Cummings vlce-prosidont, Mrs. W. T.
Wilcox treasurer and Miss Lula Erb
in prlco. Seo them at $19.05, $21.0.1
J20.85, $34.GD and up. Tho kind you'll
Ilka at a prlco you wish to pay at Tho
leader Mercanttlo Co.
A hundred or moro parents woro
pr'.'hent at the mooting of tho Puront
Ttafhor Association of tho Junior
big)' school Wednesday aftornoon. An
addr&HB on "Criticisms of tho Schools,"
wns delivered by Miss Annlo Kramph,
and a program of music and readings
Ilundrods of economical women'
buyers' have taken advantage of tho!
real ulBt ImrKdins offered till" week'
durlii the National Blouse W. el. falei
Com mend A ssoclnl Ion
do not know with whom
'North Platto the Paront-Toachor As-
sociatlon idea originated, but wo aro
free to commend it as tho best move
that lias over boon mndo for tho suc
cess of tho North Platto schools. Co
operation of parent nnd teacher has
boon sadly lacking In tho past nnd
through this lack our schools havo not
u as successful ns though co-op-
crauon nau oxistcu. tho interest
on in tho association at each of tho
flvo school buildings by tho parents is
evidence that they hnvo nwalconed to
tho fact thnt thoy havo a responsibility
In tho matter of tholr children's edu
cation and that tho ontlro rcsponslbll
ty should not rost with tho teachers.
This association will glvo parents a
knowledge of school affairs not bo
foro known, nnd unjimt criticisms of
tho teachers aro cortnln to bo loss fre
quent. ::o::
Radicals .Making Trouble
Activities of radicals throaton Ber
ious trouble in tho bituminous coal
mlno fields of Wost Virginia, accord
ing to roports received Thursday by
tho department of Justice
Tho situation was described by de
partment of justice officials as "par
ticularly ntiBty." Mcotlngs, directed
and attended lnrgoly by Russians, havo
precipitated some violonco among tho
coal minors, tho roports said.
; to:
- Tho Stylo Shop stylo show tonight
nt 8 . First come first seated.
A daughter wils born Monday to Mr.
and Mrs. Percy O'Brien, of Kansas
City, former North Platto residents.
All of our suits aro now going at
cost and somo nt less than cost.
Henry Parkor has returned from
Jordan, Minn., whero ho hnd been tak
ing trentment at a sanitarium for sev
eral wcoks.
It's going to bo swell and you'll bo
sorry If you don't see tho stylo show
tonight at tho Stylo Shop.
Tho North Platto Public Welfare As
sociation and Federation did not havo
tho mooting last Tuosday evening as
was announced, on account of tho
weather but will meet noxt Monday ov
onlng nt 8 o'clock at tho public libra
ry. Tho ontertnlnmont and recreation
committee has a report to ninko in re
gard to the swimming pool at tho city
park that they and others have beon
planning on. All who aro Interested
In theso tilings nro urged to bo pres
ent and help in tho work of giving
both y'oungaml old a good plqaa
place of amusement. f'
Dr. Morrill. Dontlst. Office ovorjSWil
cox Department Store. tf
Morodo underwear, America's great
est undergarments for women, made
of puro wool, silk and wool and cotton
In all stylos, and sold exclusively at
BLOCK'S Store. s '
Furs of oleganco at reasonable pric
es. Tho Leader Mercantile Co.
Special Homo cured bncon 35c per
pound. Brodbeck's Meat Market. tf
Ask us about our Christmas bicycle
Club. John H. Null, 000 Locust.
Lost Ladles' Elgin wrist watch,
plain case. Finder please return to
this office Reward. 87-2
Crystal Theatre, Saturday and Monday.
"A Misfit Earl"
He's a mitfit earl but a perfect lover and he brought the wild and
wooly west into society. Saturday special, Two comedies,
Johnny Get Your Gun and Know Thy Wife.
Keith Theatre, Tonight.
"Chasing Rainbows"
A photoplay that shows that no man is worth a girl's broken
heart. The two part animal comedy.
And he could shoot the date out of a dime. The police came but
"Big Bill" didn't need them-finished the job before they got
there. The best picture Hart has acled for a long time. Don't
Miss it.
Adults 30c. Children 15c including tax.
Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday.
Knees Serious Charge
A complaint was tiled In tho county
court yostorday charging William
Zlorloln, who livos In tho Fourth ward,
with Incest, his fifteen year old
daughter boing Ills victim. Ztorlolu
was arraigned in court yostorday nt
tornoon, pleaded not guilty and tho
hearing was set for tomorrow.
Tomorrow night will end our 4ig
waist sule-If you want a" real sVoll
waist at a big Saving In price you
had better loso no time in getting
down to BLOCK'S waist salo.
Lllirrty Bonds
If you wish to dlsposo of your bonds
state amount and Issue for bost price.
Address "Liberty Bond," caro Somi
Wookly Tribune. 88-2
Keith, Saturday.
Frances Hoggson Burnett's story lot
simple lovo and faith. Its sontimont
will send you awny completely satis
fied. COMEDY
Rough Riding Romance
Tho daredevil, of j.ho, world .. out .von
turos himsolf in this story of lovo in
trlguo and power. Coming to ,
Keith Theatre
Wednesday & Thursday
Nov. 19-20.