The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 11, 1919, Image 1

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No. 87
i 1 1 -
Supt. Phillips nnd Asst. Supt. Wall,
of tho Pacific Fruit Express Co., wore
in town yesterday making arrniiKo-
monts for tho ico Bupply nt this tor-!
ininal for tho 1920 season. This is
tho last winter that Ice will be cut
and stored at the North Platte plant.
Early next Bprlng tho company will
begin tho erection of a mammoth ar
tificial ice plant with a capacity to
meet tho full requirements of the
plant nt this point The capacity of the
houses in this city is practically fifty;
thousand tons, but this year the plant
capacity was insufficient to supply tho
increased demand, and hundreds of
cars of ice were shipped In from other,
points, tho greater part coming from'
St Louis.
Tho artificial plant which it is pro
posed to build will have a capacity to
not only meet the present day require
ments but to meet tho increased de
mand's of tho future, and probably
supply tho ice needs of points up and
down tho lino.
: :o::
Endeavoring to Get Coal.
Local coal dealers, each of whom
have from fivo to ten cars of coal in
transit, are using every knwn moans
to havo one or more cars released in
order that emergencies which exist In
town may" be met Up to yesterday
their efforts had not resulted In any
posltlvo promises from tho Union Pa
cific offices in Omaha, although it was
stated that the matter would bo taken
up with the federal authorities. In
the meantime there are families in
North Platte who aro suffering
through lack of coal.
Mrs. J. B. Jeter, who had been vis
iting her daughter in Chicago and at
points farther east, returned homo to
day. Ball Brand rubbers and overshoes at
Wilcox Department Store.
Crystal Theatre
Tonight-: &: Tomorrow.
"His Bridal Night"
A rollicking farce; a triumph in mo
tion picture art The picture that con-
tains the constltuentsof 1 a life time.
Mr. Richard A. Rowland and Mr. Maxwell Karger
Out of the Fog
Adapted from her great stage success
By Frederick Adams
At The Sun Theatre
Three Days, Commencing November lltn.
Cancellation or tho strike order
which slnco midnight of October 31
has kept four hundred thousand union
miners out of the coal pits of tho
country was ordered by Judgo A. It.
Anderson in tho federal district court
st IiWlanapolls Saturday. Violation
of tlio 'wartime federal food and fuel
contract act, as alleged by tho attor
ney -general's department, was af
firmed by tho court, who said that tho
strlko was not only Illegal, but that
under the circumstances it approach
ed rebellion. Unless the union lead
ers choose to defy the court and
there was no Indication of any such
Intention they can move only to
wards ending tho big walkout. Tho
court's order was so worded that fail
ure to cancel the strike call or nny
affirmative word or action tending to
"aid or abet" tho continuance of tho
strlko, would make them violators of
tho injunction and In contempt of
Parcnt-Tencher Associations.
Tho regular monthly meeting of the
Junior high school parent-teacher as
sociation will bo held In the Frank
lin auditorium Wednesday afternoon
at 3 o'clock. A good program has
been prepared.
The parents of tho pupils of the
Senior high school will hold a meet
ing with tho teachers In tho Senior
high school assembly room at 3 p. m.
Wednesday of this week. If It Is
agreeable a parent-teacher associa
tion will be formed.
A parent-teacher association was
organized In tho Jefferson school re
cently with the following officers:
President, Mrs. Hull; vice-president,
Mrs. Sholver; secretary. Miss Walter;
treasurer, Mrs. Swope. Over fifty
members were present and plans were
made for the work during the coming
year. A good membership committee
was appointed and a large member
ship will be secured., Tho annual
duos were fixed at 25c. Tho next
mgethigjvyjlll Je announced later. A,
program is being (prepared'. ' " '.' '
Chicken Supper.
,' Thursday, Nov. 13, beginning jit C
o'clock, tho M. E. aid society will serve
In the church parlors tho following
menu: Chicken and gravy, hot biscuit,
mashed potatoes, relish, cake and cof
fee Price 50 cents. The 'public Is In
vited. C. H. Walter returned this morning
from a busines trip to Omaha and
other points east.
Auto robes at Wilcox Department
Mrs. Shelly, of Falrbury, Is tho guest
of her Bister, Mrs. H. C. Block.
Queen Quality shoos for women at
Wilcox Department Store.
Judgo Grimes is in Lexington this
weok holding a term of district court.
We .do all kinds of gonernl repair
work. John fli Null, GflG Locust. .-'
Tho Phllos Gutia club will moot this
afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Ed
H. Dixon k Son, Sight Specialists.
Mrs. Goo. N, Glbbs and daughter Su
san went to York this morning to visit
Our blankets aro -all 70xS0. You
cannot beat tho size or quality. E. T.
Tramp & Sons.
J. J. Iialllgan went to Lexington this
morning to attend tho session of dis
trict court
Keith Nevlllo went to Omaha last
night whero ho will transact business
for a few days.
Rabbits and guinea pigs for Bale.
Call nt 222 cast Tenth street. tf
Mrs. Geo. Prosser entertained tho
Phllos Guna club Friday compliment
ary to her nolce, Mrs. Orr, who lg. her
Atho'na underwear made to fit tho
figure. Made In all gradea of mater
ials, mercerized Hule, wool and wool
nnd silk. E. T. Tramp & Sons.
For Sale Victor feed grinder, good
as now. Owen Jone, North Platte.
Men who were out bucking snow
say tho storm hero was mild compared
with tho blizzard that raged all the
way from this city to Sidney.
Now Is the time to have that dia
mond laid away for Xmas. See
Dixon's stock.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lloyd, who live
south of town, left Sunday for Stock
ton, Cal., whero they will spend tho
winter with their daughter.
J)r. Howard Yost, Dentist, Twinem
Building. Phono 307. 77(fj
The Royal Neighbors will moot at'
thejJC. P. hall Wednesday, afternoon.
Lunch will bo' served. All members
are urged to bo present
Give thought to Xmas. Dixon can
hardly wait to show his very com
plete stock.
Arthur McN'amara arrived this
morning for a few days' visit at tho C.
S. Clinton home while enrouto from
AVashlngton to his home In Oaklnnd.
Seo Dixon's beautiful diamond case,
nothing but diamonds and pearls.
Mr. and Mrs. Mlko Hayes returned
this morning from Excelsior Springs,
Mo. Mrs. Hayos had beon there for a
month and returns feeling much Im
proved. A few steamor rugs loft at salo pric
es. -E. T. Tramp & Sons.
Trainmaster Sholver returned this
morning after being out on the Third
district for thirty-six hours bucking
snow. Ho looked ns though ho had a
strenuous time.
Sight Specialists, Dixon & Son.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. Carroll will go to
Omaha tomorrow and will go from
there to Lincoln to attond the univer
sity homo coming day which will bo
held Saturday.
Elks, Masons, Odd Fellows and
Knights of Columbus members, seo
Dixon's lino of Emblems, rings, pins,
buttons and charms.
The Sunday Lincoln Journal con
tained a picture of a dozen girls of the
freshman class at the state university
who had been initiated Into the Mys
tic Fish an honorary society. Among
tho faces appears that of Miss Marjory
Russell, of this city.
Rlankets still on sale. You cannot
afford to miss this opportunity. E. T.
Tramp & Sons.
Snow fell so fast Sunday, night, that
it clogged and dammed tho North Platte
river and It was with difficulty that
the Union Pacific pumping plant on
tho rlvor bank could secure enough
water to furnish a supply to tho loco
motives At ouo timo during tho night
thoro were but six feet of water In
tho tank.
Educator and Kowpee shoos for
Children at Wilcox Department Storo.
W. IL McDonald Is confined to tho
hoiiMo following a very serious attack
of gall :t-jno trouble Friday afternoon.
Ho was attacked about 3:30 while at
tho bank and from thon until sovon
tho following morning two physician
worked over him, and his condition
was such that during tliat period ho
could not bo romoved to his homo.
You should seo the now arrivals In
coats at Wilcox Department Storo.
The undorslgnod officers In charge
of this station wish to thank tho peo
ple of North Plntto for thdlr many
kindnesses nnd their help In co-op-aratlng
to make this station a buccoss
.during the recent trnns-cnntlnnnbil
While' appreciating tho assistance ot
all, special mention should be mndo of
the following namod firms and Indi
Mayor A. F. Strcltz assisted by re
ceipt of mall and express, furnishing
of police protection and use of water
C. 0. Welngnnd for the many klnd
nosos and accommodations to Lieut
Trunk and tho detail of olghtoon men
Whp were guosts at the McCnbe. For
the dinner glvon by him to Llout.
Trunk, pilots of tho race and the detail
in chargo of tho field.
Leigh Carroll's gonoral co-operation
as iprosldent of tho Chamber of Com
merce, also tho uso of lumber and
Newton E. Buckley, who acted as
sponsor and mndo easy our subse
quent dealing with other 'Civilians. His
advice as to whom to seo nnd whero
to .obtain supplies was invaluable and
made possible quick and efficient re
sults, Mr Buckloy was Instrumental
In making arrangemont for tho uso of
thoj land used for tho atrdomo and In
addition personally furnished automo
bile Dnd typowrltor for our use.
jj L. Loudon furnished nocossary
-'Gordon Payne, agent for ownors nnd
Loward C. Cornet, manager of land
useu for alrdomo should bo men
tioned, not only for uso of land, but
also their aid against prnlrlo fires,
which are constant menace about horo.
Tho former gave valuable advice as to
mothods of preventing and combatiiiK
and the latter personal assistance and
that of some of his men In fighting
Bitch a fire.
The local chapter of tho American
Rod. Cross contributed in a large de
greVto the success of this station
through- tho efforts of Mrs. Chns.
Bogue, president E. F. Soebergor, and
two members, Mrs. Theodore "Busklrk
and Mrs. Guy Granger. Particular
credit Is duo tho latter two, who oper
ated a canteen on tho Held during tho
race, serving excellently, cooked meals
to contestants and members of detail
when tho expectation of tho arrival of
ships prevented their depnrturo from
the alrdomo.
The Sammy Girls, of whom Mrs.
John McGraw is president, gave sweat
ers to members of this command be
foro tho arrival of wlntor clothing.
They also gave a dance, tho members
of this command being their guests.
Tho local lodge of tho Elks oxtonded
tho use of their club nnd invited con
testants, who remained In North Platto
over night, as well as members of this
command to their dancos.
Our transportation needs were well
taken pare of by tho generosity of C.
M. Trotter, who furnished tho uso of a
Dodgo nnd later a Hupmobllo touring
car and also a Maxwell truck. J. V.
Romlgh furnished tho uso of a Dodge
commercial car; tho Ilondy-Ogior
Auto Co, furnished tho uso of a Ford
truck for several days nnd nlso gave
gurago space. In emorgonclos and In
absonco of other menus of transporta
tion Chas. Bloomberg, proprietor of
the Hotel McCabo Taxi Sorvlce, gave
tho uso of whlchover of his vehicles
was available.
Derrykberry & Forbes, Inc., facili
tated the purchaso of minor supplies,
outsido tholr lino, handling tho charg
es on their own account. Also by
tho loan of a chain hoist made pos
sible tho change of motors in a Do
Havllnnd Four (Ship No. 8, Pilot Lt
Llout, R. M. A., A. S. A., 'Command
ing. OTTO G. TRUNK, 1st Lieut. A. S. A.
-: :o: :-
; I. 0. 0. F. NOTICE.
I The I. 0. 0. F. will hold Initiation
i Thursday ovonlng, November l.'Mh.
J. GUY SWOPE, Secretary.
Card of Thanks.
Wo wish to express our heartfelt
ti :mks to neighbors and friends who
m kindly assisted us during tho lllnoss
a d death of our husband and father.
We also wish to thank them for tlio
bo' 'tlful lloral offerings.
For Salo Manuro sprendor In first
clasn condition. Can bo soon nt Vnn
Cleavos's blacksmith shop. B. Bu
chanuu. 87.2
! T()Y01T ,
at eight-o'clock,
lo ee
Along' with National BIouso Week
Tho Style Shop takes tho opportunity
to give a Stylo Show, which will bo
one of tho nowost, most attractive nnd
most Interesting ovents ot the season.
Everything thnt goes to mnko up a
woman's wardrobo from evening
gowns to a bungalow apron, will bo at
tractively displayed by
All prlcos nnd slzos will bo.'shown.
First there menus first aeat
: ::o::
Tho Wclfaro Association and Feder
ation will meet this evening nt eight
o'clock nt tho public library building.
Style Show with living models nt
tho Stylo SJiop next Frt'ny evening.
You nre Invited.
Clinton, tho jowoler, has In stock
several pnttorns In full sots orchlnn
dinner ware, mnkes a fine wedding
Tho Episcopal guild will moot
Thursday afternoon In tho church
basoment with Mosdames Amos,' Gol
den, Purdy nnd Cox ns hostesses.
If you aro In need of n coat, Wo havo
a big selection of only very classy
garments in both tho full length ana
short models. E. T. Tramp & Sons.
Keith, Thursday.
What are you laying up for
v..v ..... ...u.u jruu Him uuu ai
of entertainment.
Crystal, Thursday and Friday.
1 --nr-
"A Womaft
Old gossips are usually youpg flirts gone to seed, the fangs
of scandel sink deep and the venom of slander kills. See this
picture for a truthful picture of married life.
Now He Throws
Case of J.
Today he "throws physic
to the dogB" as Shakespeare
recommended centuries ago.
Today he Is enjoying the nor
mal health intended for every
human being, and his means of
correction was chiropractic.
There was pressure upon the
nerves at a point between joints
of his backbone which was cor
rected by adjustments that re
stored the mechanical align
ment of the displaced joints.
Nature delivered healthful vig
or to the weakened functions of
his body just as soon as the way
was made clear.
FREE Let us. clear the
pathway of health for you.
Let's talk it over. Consultation
is free. Make it today.
Drs. States & States,
Tlio P. S. C. Chiropractors.
IluIIdlng and Lord Building
North l'latto ifr- Nebiaskn.
North Finite Baptist Assomhlj.
Tho fall assembly of tho North
Platto Baptist Association will bo hold
Wednesday In . tho Baptist church.
About twenty pastors and delogates
from out of town aro expected. Four
outsido sneakers, Rev. C. H. Bancroft,
Rov. J. D. Collins, Rov. B. B. Bradon
and Dr. Murphy, M. D., of tho Bengal
Orlssa missioil 'field In Iridl.v .will
speak. Tho church will servo a picnic'
supper to tho dologates and all mom
bors of tho congrogatlon. Each family
is asked to bring meat sandwiches
tho rest of tho supper boing provided
by tho committee.
An Important business matter will
bo decided by tho church tho samo evening.
. v . .
Full lino of wheel goods for Xmas.
John H. Null, GOG Locust
Keith Theatre
Tonight & Tomorrow.
IN ;
The Unpardonable Sin
A picture that everyone
is seeing and you must see. .
Don't regret act.
future generations? A picture
niu aquiu ume give you me dcsc
Physic to Dogs
T. H.
Health Talk No. 25 by Drs. States.
His trouble was constipation,
and the accompanying dizzi
ness. He used purgatives con
stantly. It was seldom that he
had a natural movement of the
tr -APMS
, M I
(LIFE AND health)