The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 07, 1919, Image 4

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Sinned Against, and shall it
be forgiven?
Rupert Hughes" astounding
you -wan Jome of our-
JJand -Painted mtna.
Col. Wm. Boatty, of Brady, speii
i Wednosday In town with his son Rib
'rL Mrs. Chas. Strauss, of Plattovil'c,
I Col., Is visiting her parents Mr. nnd
Mrs. John Burko.
Gome See .
Watch Dixon's Windows.
Mrs. Goo. Bock and daughter Mi i
Evelyn, of Gothonburg, visited frlon I.j
In town yostorday.
A long string of La Tuaca pearls .t
Dlxon'b for $15.00. VerV good ' u. -(
and exceptional boauty.
I If you aro atul to buy your wint r
Just come in and see our artistic hand-painted China. You
t' will then make some of it YOUR?.
We should also like to show you our exquisite CUT GLASS
i- Whenever you think JEWELRY, think our store, where when
; you buy a thing, you may KNOW that it is the VERY BEST.
Wutch Dlxon'tt Windows.
Tim Hiinnlfln Is reported to bo quite
Joo Piolstlcker, ot Dickons, trnns--nctcd
business In town yostorday.
Ilabblts and guinea pigs for Balo.
Call at 222 cast Tenth street. tf
C. T. Wholnn returned yesterday
morning from a business trip to Oma
ha." l
Special Kettle rondorcd lard. Brod
hcck'8 Meat Market. 8Gtf
Mrs. James Fmzlor wont to Omaha
this morning to visit friends for a
fow days.
. A nice set of dlnnor china would
mako a useful wedding gift, Clinton,
I tho Jowelor.
Dr. H. G, Brock. Dontlst. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Roynolds Bldg. Phono 148
Tho Bollonnnkors' Union held a
dancing party at tho K. P. hall Wed
nesday ovenlng.
II. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.
. Mrs. Mary Landgraf loft Tuesday
for Wllbor, whoro she will visit rela
tives for somo time.
A. P. Kolly reurnod Wednesday
night from a week's hunting trip In
tho vicinity of Oshkoah.
Long clgarotto holdors put up In
lcathor cases; a now lino nCDlxon's
Mrs."ll. L. Cochran' wont to Omnlnv
"Wednesday to attend tho mooting of
the teachers association. '
jjlf -you .aro Btlll to buy your winter
sulC now Is tho timo to buy It and
savolfrom $10 to $25 nt tho big suit
sale 'now on at BLOCK'S.
fWhen In North Platto stop at tho
Now Hotel Palaco nnd Cafo. You will
bo trcatod well. B8tf
Miss Waltors and Miss Thompson
wont to Omnha Wednosday to nttond
tho teachors' convention.
Dr. Morrill, Dontlst. Office over AV11
cox Department Store. tf
latteries -
We are now located in our
new quarters in the LeMaster
Building formerly occupied by
C. M. Trotter. We have a fully
equipped shop, A Better Battery,
A Real Battery Man and all we
need is a trial.
C. V. Turplo, who had been trans
acting business in Omaha, returned
home yesterday morning.
Bradloy sweaters for the whole fam
itly at Wilcox Department Store.
Mrs. Mary Elder wont to Denvor
yostorday morning where she will vis
It for a woek or ton days.
Goorgo Maxwell returned to Hast
ings yesterday after enjoylnc the
hunting horo for tho past ton days.
Honry Ellas went to Omaha this
morning to visit with Gordon Love
who is in a hospital there having his
oyo treated.
Lloyd Gummoro went to Stratton
Tuesday to spend a fow days looking
after business matters and visiting his
To whom aro you going to sell your
Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer
cantile Co. will offer Xho highest
prices. C4tf
Mrs. J. F. Knrbush, who had been
visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Land
graf, loft Tuesday for her home in
Wo have somo very prcttv nattorns
In dinner china set's and can fit you!
out with a full sorvico. Clinton, tho'
- 'Mr. and Mrs. Omar Huff loft this'
mbrnlng for Omaha, whero Mr. Huff,
goes as a delegate to tho dispatchers'
c&nvontlon. I
Lost Between 310 west Sixth
"Btroot and 31G west Fifth, a chiffon j
waist, l'inuer picnso return to culler
ot abovo addressees.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. B. Louden loft yos
torday morning for Denver whoro they
will visit tholr daughter Mrs. L. C.
Sawyor for a week or moro.
An early order will cot vou n reason
ably (uick dollvory on any of tho sUui-j
dard Dodgo modols. Soo about It to-'
day. J. V. Itomlgh: Dcnlor.
Womon's suits of character and In
dividual Btylo at money saving prices
that will mako you $7.50 to $20.00 on
any suit you buy of The Loador Mor-
cantllo Co
Telephone 731.
suit now In tho timo to buy it and
save from $10 to 025, at tho big s tt
sale now on at BLOCK'S.
Mrs, J. F. Clabaugh ontertainod t o
Old Neighborhood Club Thursday .
ternoon cornplimontary to Mrs. ,1c u
Singleton. t t,
Miss MIna Bristol ontortalned 1 f( r
young ladlos at a slumbor party W t
nosday ovoning complimentary to M
Morlo Kelso.
Mrs. Ferguson and two children, f
Wheatlandi Wyo., Is visiting her mom
or, Mrs. Tda Morrill and hor aunt Mr
D. E. Morrill.
Frank Koops, who had been dem
onstrating the air motor lighting sy -torn
at tho Romlgh Garage, returned
to Lincoln Wednesdny.
Miss Murgaret Plttman entertained
ten couples of young people x,t
evening complimentary to Miss Merlo
Kelso, who leaves Sunday for Call-i
fornia to apend tho winter. j
Hiram Ristine wns brought up from
Gothonburg Monday by Dr. Berkofer
and submitted to an operation for ap-'
pendlcitis at the General Hospital.!
The patient Is reported to bo doing'
Misses Fritz and Carter entertained
the F. F. F. club Wednosday evening
at mo nomo or ur. ana Airs. j. u. Rod
flold. The ovenlng was entirely given
over to the pleasure of dancing and
cards after which a delightful lunch
was served.
Mr. Grocer butcher contractor -have
you considered what a Dodge
commercial car would do for your bus
iness, how It would save you money
over your present equipment. Ask us
about these sturdy light trucks. J. V.
Romlgh, Dealer.
::o::. '
Lots for Sale.
To close an estate I am offering
for sale two full "lots on west Second
street In tho original plat. Do not
fall to call at onco as these are fine
lots close In and will bo bo sold.
85-2 J. E. EVANS
Kcilh Stands by Lute. 1
In Keith county Lute received a vote
of 404 to 80 for Wilcox, and In Dawson
county Wilcox's vote was C92 ,nnd
T.nfn'a a r
Luto's majority In tho three coun
ties exceeds 400. '
"Tho Dancing Widow." '
"Tho Dancing Widow" is clashed
among the best of tho current musical
comedy offerings. With a laugh in al
most every line, tho catchiest of music
and an extremely attractive girl chor
us, "Tho Dancing Widow" Is an ideal
entertainment of mirth, music and
song. Tho Keith theatre will be tho
happy rendezvous for those who wish
to see this morry, girly, jingling play
101 ;
Ncthodlst Church Announcements.
Proachlng 11 a. m., subject "Moses
tho Supremo Judge."
Preaching 7:30 p. m., subject. "Is
Christ Coming Again?" -'
Sunday school 9:45 a .m.
Epworth Leaguo C:30 p. m.
: :o: :
Pear Special
Wo will sell pears In bushel baskets
Saturday, November 8th, at $2.30 per
bushol whllo thoy last. This prico is
good for Saturday only.
- Batterie
lllBjSSslSSySuK K' HHfl
BSIpBw' jflpHH
-" ' ...I.... i,,.. i , .I.-1
cra Tiae, Wee
All our comforters go on sale Sat
urday, Nov. 8. E. T. Tramp & Sons.
J. J. Ilalllgan transacted business
in Cozad yesterday.
The Dutch silver In Dixon's window
is creating a great deal of interest.
The closing of certain coal mines In
Wyoming nnd Colorado has matoiiaJb
decreased freight traffic on the Union
Consider your eyes. You have only
ono pair ana money cannot buy an
other. Give them the best care. Con
sult Dixon's sight specialists.
Special bargains In children's coats
for Saturday only at BLOCK'S.
Mrs. ,2V. F. Crook and daughter
Phyllitfreturned Tuesday from Chad-
ron whero she hnd been visiting her
sister, Mrs. Douglas Covers.
I' or Sale A bargain: 8 room house, I
modern except heat; has garage, barn
and coal shed. Phone black 1132, 408
east Eleventh street. SGtf
The Lonesornohurst club will give a
dancing party nt the Masonic hall next!
week. This will be tho first of n scr
ies of dances which the boys are plan
ning to give this winter.
See the beautiful set of sliver plated
ware put up, In a velvet lined mahog
any chest complete, $33.50, at Dixon's,
of course.
Laura Snider Hied a complaint In
the county court yesterday charging
hor husband with deserting Iter on or
nbout October 14th, 1919, without
good or sufficient cause.
Miss Sybil Gantt was hostess Wed
nesday evening to a party of young
ladies. Tho ovoning was devoted to
cards and music, ufter which a two
course luncheon was served.
Coal for Union Pacific consumption
nt this termiunl. nnd for company
needs at points west, is being shipped
from tho mines at Shoridan, Wyo.
This coal Is delivorod to U. P. at
Northport and brought down tho
branch. About ttfteon cars a day are
received from this source.
Can you think of anything that
would'be more useful for a wedding
gift than a nice set of china? Wo aro
carrying a full lino of dlnnor ware.
Lot us show you. Clinton, the Jowelor,
sign or tho big ring.
ho lnrgest linos of Infants' wear in
town is at Wilcox Department Store
Joss P. Litsoy filed a complaint In
tho county court yesterday against A,
Burton in which tho latter Is charged
with disposing of property that had
boon mortgaged to Litsoy. Tho prop
erty consisted of. certain tools nnd i
lot of leather and upholstering goods
Weaving Carpet and Rugs. Call nt
.108 south Walnut or phono Red
S"f). 84-3
Mrs. M. E. Scott, who has charge of
tho Red Cross membership drive in the
businoss section, roportod yestordny
forenoon that 1,138 memberships hud
been sold In tho Bfx business blocks.
This did rot include tho memberships
sold at ho booths at tho postofflco and
tho Union Pacific dopot.
Stolon Ford car, license numbor
137C52, onglno numbor 2505710. $25.00
rownrd. Address Oil south Chest-
nut strcot.
Clinton & Son will
take caro of your Eye
Glass trouble; we guar
f :CtKU
Plus Tax.
TWO SHOWS 7:00 AND 9:00.
Furs! Furs!
We have the greatest collection of
dependable furs ever assembled in a
city of this size. We havo them in
sets or separate pieces in mink, fox,
lynx. wolf, fitch, seal, muskrat.
beaver, mole, coney, etc., all priced to!
stand comparison. BLOCK'S. j
::o:: ,
Mrs. J. Kelso returned Tuesday front !
Sutherland where she spent the week
end with Mr.. Kelso.
Aro you In need of a steamer robe?
Best thing for an auto robe, all go al
sale prices. E. T. Tramp & Sons.
General Manager Jeffers, of tho Un
ion Pacific, has been at Rock Springs,
Wyo., since the miners' strike began,
and expects to remain there through
out tho strike. Tho Union Pacific gets
its supply of coal largely from the
Rock Springs mines and Mr. Jeffers
has gone there to use his influence in
keeping up the production.
A platinum necklace at Dixon's with
throe large diamonds; nn exceptional
pattern, $240.00.
There is a beauty and a re3tfulness
about tho new Chandler closed models
which takes all the fatigue out of
driovlng and makes every minuto In
the car a pleasure to both driver and
passengers. Won't you try ono of
these cars out for a short drive soon?
Wo will appreciate tho chance .to
show you. J. V. Romlgh, Denier.
In appreciation of tho road work
done by the Chamber of Commerce on
roads north of the river Henry Hansen
has mailed to tho good roads commit
tee his check for one hundred dollar; .
Mr. Hansen also contributed the use
of six horses for two days. If more
farmers wore as deeply interested in
good roads as is Mr. Hanson, Line jm
county would havo moro good ror-ls.
Mildred Cecil and Marguerite DeVoniin Anhrw
Mittenthals omaching musical comedy sensation "THE
? Cn oyfVeaBiSC!DANCING WIDOW" Which
1 b,fcn f U'e "lg Keith Theatre. Ydny, m
A soul stirring picturiza
tion of the Most Tremendous
Story ever written. An all star
cast with Matt Moore, Mary
Alden, Edwin Stevens, Wallace
Beery, Wesley Barry, Bobby
Eclipses all other Motion
Pictures! Has rocked the Film
industry to its Foundation! The
Sensation of all Screen Classics!
11 - 12.
Dixon & Son grind their own lenses.
One day service on broken lenses.
Keith, Saturday.
Enid Bennitt
"The Virtuous Thief
Two part comedy,
with the DeHavens.
Gamble with' Springer
and buy
Picnic Hams
21c per Pound
1, 220 North Locust, Phone 203.
2, IK! Ent H Stroet, Phone 49C.
, 21 Enst Fourth, Phono 791.
be the attraction at the