ditrn pl ttf. sriT vvv.h v Tium vi. The First Bottle of BR, Writes w JIr,T Sil'Vi'4,IlVrc?t Enclncer, G. Entirely Free from Catarrh of the Stomach "Poruna has positively done for me whnt innjy doctor fulled to do. I have boon tlmo and again compelled to take to my bed for days. The. first bottle of I'cruna pave relief and while I always keep It In the houso for emerg encies, I consider tnynelf entirely free it urn cntnrrh of the atouiacli, the trouble from which I euf fored for bo lone before taking this remedy." XJUDld or Tablet Form Sold ISveryivhere Auk Your Denier BiLSOIISlESS COLT DISTEMPER You can prevent this loathsome disease from running through your stablo and cure all tho coltn suffering with It when you begin the treatment. No matter how young. SIMIIIN'S IHSTIZMPISU COMPOUND Is safe to use on any colt. It is wonderful how It prevents all distempers, no matter how colts or horses at any ago arc "exposed." SPOIIN MI3IMGAI. CO., ttoithrn. lnd.. U. S. A. TREATMENT FO WA ALFALFA Old Field Cannot Be Revived By Resccding After Cultivating in Autumn. SEED IS WASTED ANNUALLY Caused by Acid-Sfomac If people who are bilious are treated e eordlnc to Incnl symptoms they seldom set rery much better. Whatever relief li ob tained la usually temporary. Trace bilious nets to Iti source and remove tho causa and the chances are that tho patient will re main strong- and healthy. Doctors say that more than 70 non organic dleeanes can be traced to an Acid Hlonmch. Ulllousness Is one of them. Imll-c-.-tlon, heartburn, belching, sour stomach, loat and caa are other signs of acid tomach. EA.TONIC, the marvelous modern tomach remedy, brings quick relief from these stqmach miseries which lead to a lonj train of ailments that make lite miserable If not corrected. EATONIC literally absorbs and carries away the excess acid. Makes the stomach strong, cool and comfortable. Helps diges tion; Improves the appetite and you then cet full strength from your food. Thousands ay that BATONIC Is the most effective tomach remedy In the world. It Is the help YOU need. Try It on our money-back-lf not-satisfied guarantee, At all druggists. Only 59 cents for a his; box. FATON1C C FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH) IP BB Stove Polish PL $$ Outshinos All WLMumm The Brainy Bee. The following Incident testifies to tho .remarkable sagacity nnil ellltiency of hoes. A hive was being "spied upon" by n wasp. When wasps nscertaln n hive Is worth attacking they often succeed In ousting the bees. Uvery flim; the wasp approached the small entrance hole a bee came out. An hour luter the wusp was dead. BREAKS YOUR COLD IN JUST A FEW HOURS EL I Makes Rusty Tipe Smooth E-Z Metal Polish for Nickel Parts H0W"THE SQUIRREL HELPS Uncle Sam Needs Seeds of Douglas Fir and Knows Where to Find Them. Tree need can't be bought In large quantities In the market. To restock the huge forests which are demolished every year, Uncle Sam needs the seeds of the Douglas flr, western yellow pine, Engelmann spruce, lodge pule pine, not by the pound, but literally by the ton. The government needs men, from two to six weeks every fall, to gather seed. When the call goes out, lumber jacks, college men, hoboes and former convicts drift Into tho camps and work aide by side, gathering huge stores of the precious seeds. Through experi ence they have found that their rich est sources are the cunningly nldden squirrel hoards. The squirrel Is canny; he nlways picks the very best of cones for his winter store. The Nation's Business. Snakes. It ts known that some species of ser pents lay eggs, as fanners often plow them up, and upon opening them they And the embryo snake within the leath ery covering. The e?gs of tho same pedes vary In size and shape, but are always oval. As a rule It Is the con stricting snake, or those which kill their prey by squeezing It, that lay eggs ; such as the black snake, boa con strictor, etc. "Pape'a Cold Compound" Instantly re lieves stuffiness and distress Don't stay stuffed-upl Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours un til three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all grlppo misery. The very first dose opens your clogged-up nostrils and tho air pass ages of the head; stops nose running; relievos the headache,, dullness, fevcr lshness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. 'Tape's Cold Compound" Is tho quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insjst upon Papo's I Adv. est Plan, Where Sod Is Beginning to Show Ravages of Wear, to Plow Up and Grow Some Cultivated Crop, Such as Corn. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) 1 It Is prnctlcally impossible to try to make an old alfalfa field look like new by attempting to sow more seed after disking or cultivating In the fall. Thousands of dollars' worth of seed are wasted In unsuccessful attempts to revive the waning stand of nlfalfa. Specialists recommend that fields on the decline should be plowed up and reseeded. t Even though tho seed germinates successfully, the plants mature at periods different from thogo of the old plants, while ordinarily the young plants are smothered out before they make much growth. Kvcn where nn alfalfa field Is patchy and covered with practically bare spots, it is not advisable to attempt to rcseed except by breaking up the entire field and again sowing down with nlfalfa. Not Profitable to Cultivate. It is always objectionable, according to tho specialists, to cultivate or disk nn alfalfa field Irrespective of Its age and condition, ns carefully conducted experiments have shown that the only section In which It was profitable to cultivate tho alfalfa crop in any way was in the Irrigated belt of the far West. Usually unfavorable results attend where nlfalfa is disked under eastern conditions, although in the case of nl falfa fields which have been badly in HAS BUST OF- HERODOTUS Antique In Metropolitan Museum of Art Identified as Portrait of Father of History. Dr. Hohlnson, director of the Metro politan Museum of Art, In New York, has Identified an antique marble bust, which has been In the museum's store room for 20 or 30 years, as being a portrait of Herodotus, "the father of history." The marble, which has lain In dust all these years, will now as sume an Important place of honor In the institution. There nre but five known portraits of Herodotus. The New York portrait bust was originally found at Dentin, In Lower Egypt, and passed Into the possession of Emll Brugsch Bey, from whom It was acquired and presented to the Metropolitan Museum of Arts. The recognition was based on the re semblance of the known portraits and the finding of the learned man's name Inscribed upon It. As a work of art It was not very highly regnrded, but as the sixth known portrait of Herodotus It assumes new dignity. It Is nlso said to be one of the best portraits extant 'If Tactful Nephew. Old Aunt (despondently) Well, I shall not be a nuisance to you much longer. Nephew (reassuringly) Don't talk like that, aunt; you know you will. Just So. "What Is a fire sale, pa?" "A sale of coal, my son." A Saver to pocket book and health, and a delight to the palate.' Do as vour neicrhbor is doinq and cut trie mqh. cost of tonq by drank? inq Instead of coffee No Raise In Price 5.0 "Cup Tins 30PI00upTlnsJ5() Made by Postum Cereal Company Battle Creek. Mich. Sold by Grocers and General Stares Four-Year Old Alfalfa Plant fested with weeds, it has been tho practice of many growers to disk after the alfalfa has been cut, with tho disks set nearly straight. Plow Up Alfalfa Sod. The best plan, where the alfalfa sod le beginning to show tho ravages of wear, Is to plow jp tho field and do vote It to some cultivated crop, such ns corn, for one or two years, and then to resced It to alfalfa after preparing n proper seed bed, liming tho soil if neccssnry, properly suoeulnting tho soil or seed, and sowing the seed early enough in the fall so that the crop will establish n vigorous root system and produce sufficient growth to wcath er the winter successfully. FATTENING FEED FOR STEERS Fxperimental Stations Recommend Corn Silage and Concentrates as Best for Cattle. Corn silage and concentrates are highly recommended ns fattening feed for steers. Expeilmentnl stations re port thnt silage and oil meal or cot tonseed meal Invariably prove to le cheaper than corn or oven than hiiy or corn with concentrates or silage and hay by themselves. It Is admitted that a steer cannot be finished for beef properly and to the best ndvantnge on an nll-silngo diet. But tho most polished steer on the market Is not nlwnys the most profitable one. II-gh priced feed nmy curcost the high priced carcass. TEST OF CORN IN NEBRASKA Loss of Nine Bushels Per Acre From Specially Choice Seed From Other States. At the Nebraska Agricultural College seed grown on the farm was planted beside seed grown within Blxty mllea or uie couege, and beside nrlze win nlng corn from Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Peed grown on tho farm nro- duced 48.8 bushels an acre ; seed grown wunin sixty miles of the farm pro duced -15.0 bushels an acre, and tho speclnlly cholce seed from other Ktntos rroduccd Hfl.8 bushels an acre, n loss or nine uushels an acre by Bending oui oi me state lor seed. SECURE WINTER FUEL FROM FARM W00DL0T Town Markets Will Keep Active for Several Months. Excellent Opportunity Afforded to Im prove Woodland By Removing Poorer, Less Valuable Trees Let Good Ones Grow. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Many farmers now hnvo their homo supplies of wood for winter fuel, but tho town markets will keep active for several months, and thousands of cords of wood will still bo cut for local use on the farm. In cutting cordwood, nn excellent opportunity Is afforded to Improve tho ' ifrfe04ll&-. V' nro tho result of nearly a quarter of a century of specialization In the rn&Hlntf of stylish clothes for Men, Young Men and High School Chaps Each garment contains our certificate of guarantee, fully protecting tho wearer and Insuring your absolute satisfaction. Popular Prices GtnetftnaU m First, last and all tho timo wo maintain tho quality I Its cxcellenco cannotboduplicatcd. It's rholcsome, economical and delicious. Nnturo helps us. Tho cano is crown under our supervision from Beed chosen under direction of our own agricultural experts. By an exclusive process of manufacture wo keep tho purity and noodncss which como iron, tno sweoc juicc3 or tho sorghum, wo includo sugar syrup with nn addition of corn syrup to prevent fomentation. Clean Up the Woodlot and Get a Sup ply of Fuel for Winter at Same. Time. woodland by removing the poorer, less valuable trees, leaving the better ones to grow. Many farmers who hnvo never before given this subject a thought are taking a real interest, because they see how quickly nature responds In better gvowth when given a little guidance and nld. The kinds of material to bo re moved for firewood Include trees un I sultnble for lumber, crooked trees ' crowding out straight ones, badly dls-1 eased and decaying trees, small trees ! overtopped and stunted by larger and better ones, dead trees that are mostly sound, tree tops left from former cut- I tings, and trees of the less valuable j kinds, whero others of greater valuo are present which need the room nnd . will prove faster money-making trees. Handling farm woodlands rightly 19 an Indispensable pert of profitable farm management. If lists of manufacturers or other Information are desired regarding portable wood-sawing outfits, and wood-splitting nnd tree-felllng ma chinery, the forest scrvlco of the de partment of agriculture will be glad, to furnish such material upon request. SOIKmiihiiwihy.1 JjJIlt CANE FLAVOR 'ARMER JONE Sorghum Blend Syrup S$nd name for our new FREE Recipe Book. Res fftoalst wlUuit this ttmtar Ths Tout SCOTT SoltatlOM 8YU CO. n ' StNKSAL omCM, kiRUI COT. MS runl- -I r-M H- KIMU.M4 mL bi -tt r nirVTw-4i Earn from $200 to $400 a month as an Auto and Tractor mecnamc or be your own mechanic tor motorized machinery on hah s Atim arm Kff p (W. J wui vtiii hiiii bid free li3FJ7S u'7 ' IT tl catalogue . ymJ i ili. iasik a t sKfW --m. - si - vu mt ad, clan and mall today. Nome. Town : State , Adilrcim 2-t'AS O St., Lincoln Auto nnd Tractor School, Lincoln, NrUr ROOFED SILO IS PREFERRED Helps Prevent Freezing of Silage, Keeps Out Snow and Protects Walls of Silo. my It. I. PATTY, South Dakota Experi ment Station.) The old notion that It Is unnecessary to roof the silo was wrong. Experience shows thnt a silo roof helps to prevent the freezing of the silage, keeps out snow, protects tho silo walls when empty, and thereby ndds to Its life service. The roof Is necessary on a stavo silo to give It rigidity In nddltlon to protec tion. If the roof Is put on after tho silo Is filled, no Inside scaffolding Is necessary. Common types of silo roofs aro shingled, concrete, light hollow brick, prepared roofing on tight sheathing and metal. Tho roof should tnntch the silo. If one builds n fire and wind proof silo, he should by all means pul on a fire and wlndprooof roof. The roof should be made to last ns long ns the silo. A short-lived roof should not bo put on a long-lived silo. Crooked Golf. Suzanne Lenglcn, tho world's tenuis champion, was talking to n group of American correspondents at Wimble don. "I don't care for golf," she said. "I think tennis Is much nicer. 1 think golf is queer." "How queer?" said a golfer. "It lets you cheat fco easily If you're Inclined thnt way. My father, played golf one day at Nice with a German. As he holed out on the first green tho (icrmnn said to him. "'How muny strokes did you do tho hole In?' " 'Seven.' said father. "'It's my hole, then,' said tho Ger man. 'I did It In live.' " 'Father didn't say anything, but when tho German asked him at tho second green how many strokes he had taken he laughed. "'No. you don't, Ilerr Snuerkraut' ho said. This time It's my turn to ask first.'." PORK REQUIRED FOR WINTER Farmers Who Raise Hogs, Kill and ( Cure Their Own Meat Save Cost of Marketing. Porkers ought to be grazing In Holds and pastures getting food to transform Into pork, for your winter ment supply. If farmers do not ralso enough hogs for their own ment who will? Some one must supply farm homes with pork, bacon, lard and sausage. Those who buy from tho stores aro likely to find the cost of handling ex cessive. Hut thoso who rniso tho hogs, kill nnd cure their own meat will savo tho cost of marketing. WATCH FOR NOXIOUS PLANTS Make 8ure That None Go to Seed and Prevent Spreading of Root Stalks of Perennials. Tn looking for quack grass It would bo well to watch also for other nox ious weeds, making sure that none go to seed and that tho root stalks of perennials are prevented from spread lug us much as possible- Garden of Eden In Mexico? A prehistoric race that lived In Mex ico centuries before Cortez ever nr rived there to crush tho power of the Aztec kingdom, was a civilized people who were flooded out of existence by a deluge that swept tho valley of Mex ico, as relics picked up near the capi tal city prove, and snmo writers assert that Mexico was the site of the begin ning of man and that It wns In this valley that Noah set forth for his 10 day tour of the flooded world. Life Vs. Existence. "Where do you live now, Joo?" "No place; still boarding nt the same house." ARE CARRYING IT TOO FAR Bathing Costume for Tennis Is the Abbreviating of an Ab breviation. This Is the dny of brevity. Tho names of states and cities are abbrevi ated. Christian appellations nro cut short and Initials substituted. The gro cer abbreviates "potatoes" to "spuds" and condenses "crackers" to "crax." Tho butcher writes "PC" when ho means "pork chops," nnd tho chemist shortens "wntpr" to "Il-U-O." Tho printer, referring to "n mass of balled up type," cusses and cnlls It "pi." Likewise, the sport writers character ize the "knock out" ns "KO." The doctor Indicates "sod-cne" when be wants "sodium encodylate.'' Hut abbreviations nre not confined to words. The VnnkB abbreviated the vnr. The rising cost of living has ab breviated tho purchasing power of o dollar. The airplane has abbreviated space, nnd electricity has abbreviated time itself. The laundry ofien abbrevi ates the size of one'H new shirt. Fash ion frequently abbreviates costumes. There Is, however, such n thing ns abbreviating too much. For In France, a bnthlng suit is considered sufficient raiment for one who Is In tho swim ming pool, but It Is highly objection able elsewhere. Tennis players clad in bathing suits arc carrying the abbrevi ation habit too far. They are abbreviating abbreviation I Unkind. "I just love to sit and watch the people danco." "Yes. I can't danco these new steps, either." IP Build Up With 6rapeNuts Popular for it's delightful flavor and Because it furnishes; certain food values neces-j Barjrfor building tho,be8l n body and brain Users know by test "There's a Reason? 3Q