The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 04, 1919, Image 11

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It isn't age, It's careless lWini? that
ipnts men "down and out." Keep your
Internal organs In pood condition and
you will always bo phyalcnlly lit.
The kidneys arj the most over
worked organs in the human body.
When the break down under tha
train and the deadly uric acid ac
cumulates and crystallizes look outl
These sharp crystals tear nnd scratch
the delicate urinary channels causing
excruciating pain and set up irrita
tions which may causo premature de-
Seneratlon and often do turn into
tadly Brlcht's Disease.
One of the first warnings of slug
arlsh kidney action is pain or fetlffncBS
tin the small of tho back, loss of appe
tite, indigestion or rheumatism.
Do not wait until the danger is upon
you. At the first indication of troublo
,o after tho causo at once. Get a trial
box of GOLD MEDAL DTaarlem Oil
Capsules, imported direct from the
laboratories in Holland. They will give
almost immediate relief. If for any
cause they should not, your money vill
4e refunded. But be sure to get GOLD
MEDAL. None other is genuine. Id
ealed boxes, three sizes. Adv.
Pay of Jap Soldiers,
in the opinion of the Jul, the pay of
Japanese soldiers is too small. At
present it is 1.50 yen (78 cents) a
month for first nnd second-class pri
vates, and 1.95 (OS cents) for corpo
rals. Even If the pay bo increased 50
per cent, says the editor, it will not
ufllee for the needs of the soldiers.
At present they have to get money
sfrom home to mnke up the shortage,
which is not right. The totnl pay of
the soldiers amounts to $2,150,000. If
It is trebled, the government will need
only $4,300,000 additional.
In these days of unsettled' weather
4ook out for colds.- Take every pre
caution against the dreaded influenza
and at tho first sneeze remember that
Boschee Syrup has been used for
fifty-three years in all parts of the
tJnited States for coughs, bronchitis
nd colds, throat irritation and espe
cially for lung troubles, giving tho
patient a good night's rest, free from
coughing, with easy expectoration in
the morning. Made in America and
kept as a household panacea In the
'homes of thousands of families all
over the civilized world. Try one bottle
and accept no substitutes. Adv.
Landladies in London are forming
an association for the protection oi
their common Interests.
Nothing Is so uncertain ns the cer
tainty of certain politicians.
By taking LydiaE.Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, One
of Thousands of SuchCases.
Black River Falls, Wis.-"As Lydin
JD. Pinkbam'fl Vegetable Compound
operation, I cannot
eayenoupn in praise
of it. Isuffereufrom
!-a Lt 1
organic iruuuiuBunu
my sido hurt me so
I could hardlybe up
from mv hod. nnd I
was unable to do my
1 T UrTA I
uuusunuiiv, x hum
tho best doctors in
EauClairoand they
wanted me to hava
an operation, but
T.vdin F! Pinkhnm'a
Vegetablo Compound cured n.o so I did
not need tha operation, nnd I am telling
all my friends about it" Mr3. A. Y.
RtM7Eii. TUnck River Falls. Wis.
It is just such experiences ns that ot 1
Mrs. Binzer that has made this f amoua
root and herb remedy a household word i
from ocean to ocean. Any woman who
inflnmmntion. ulceration.
displacements, backache, nervousness,
irregularities or "tho blues" should
i . ill -1 1 n n ttinl .
not rest unui ima tjn i v...,
and for special advico write Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
To Preserve
and keep all
household linen
spotlessly white
and in perfect
condition use
Red Cross
Ball Blue
in the laundry
every week.
Nothintr else will
take its place and nothing else
is just as good. All grocers, 5 c
'may be checked and more tcrioua conditions
(j the Uuoat often will be avoided by
promptly giving the child doae of aafa
Tho flush of youtli soon pusses from
the face,
Tho spoils of fancy fror.n the mlml
Tho form mfY lose its yrcmctry nnd
nut time can clnlm no 'te'.ory o or
tha heart
Whore apples arc plentiful one may
hnvo a variety of dishes lii-sldes apple
t t)les and apple
sauce, good as
they nre. Here
is nne to enjoy:
Apple Souffle.
Stqw good tart
apples as for
sauce, adding lem
on peel und Juice.
Spread the
stowed apples high nronnd the sides
und bottom of a baking dish. Mnko a
custard, using the yolks of two eggs
nnd n pint of milk, with a tablespoon
fill of cornstarch mixed with .two of
sugar; flavor with climnmon. Cook
tho custard nnd lot lt cool, then pour
It carefully Into the upple-llned dish.
Beat the whites of two eggs, add a
tablespoonful of sugar and cover the
top. Brown In the oven and servo
Apple Stuffed With Nuts and Rais
ins. Core half a dozen even-sized ap
ples and remove the peeling of half of
each apple. Tut half u cupful of wa
ter In a saucepan : Into this set the ap
ples, the half which Is unpeelcd down,
us this keeps them from losing their
shape while cooking. Turn nnd bnsto
carefully until the apples are tender.
Set them carefully Into a baking pan
nnd fill the centers with one-third of
a cupful each of chopped nuts and
rnlslns; sprinkle over them n little
sugar nnd bake In n moderate oven
until glazed. Serve with the sirup
poured around them.
Baked Apple Dumplings. Select tart
apples which cook without losing their
shape, though this Is not necessary.
Core and peel. Cook In water and
sugnr enough to float them until nearly
done. Itemovo them with a skimmer
and place each on a square of pastry;
All the tores with sugar nnd lemon
Juice nnd drop a little of thickened
sirup In which they were cooked over
them. Moisten the tips of the pastry
nnd press together over the top of tho
apple. Bake In n hot oven until well
browned. Serve with cream and sugar ;
dust with nutmeg.
To Make Egg Sauce. Beat two PRfrs
until light; add a half-cupful of milk,
n half-cupful of sugar, and cook over
hot water until thick; add vanilla and
Apple and Raisin Roll. Take two
cupfulls of chopped apple, a half cup
ful of raisins. Place on a thin shoot of
pnstry and roll. Place In a deep buk
imr dish, putting the folded pastry on
the top. Pour over n cupful of boiling
water, add a cupful of brown sugar
and a tablespoonful of butter. Bake
one hour in n moderate oven. The np
plos with tho sugar and water will
mnko stillicient sauce, or crenm and
sugar mny be served with It.
To grow and to keep In person ns
nttrictlvo as possible should be not
only everyone's pleasure but should
bo also everyone's duty.
Flow very rarely do wo see tho
toothsome crullers, dainty, sugary, rich
and crisp. The same
recipe may be used tor
fried cakes, but the man
lier of cutting the cruller
makes them so much
more ntraetive. Boiled
twice as thick as pastry,
then cut in oblongs with
throe or four sills i-nt
nearly through to the edge with a
sharp knifo they look llko an old
fashioned barred gate before they nre
fried. Drop Into deep hot fat and fry
a golden brown; roll In powdered
sugar before serving. Homo cooks
twist the little strips before dropping
Into the fat. whlcji gives them an
especially attractive appearance.
Crullers. Take one cupful of sugar,
two eggs, three tablespoonfuis of but
ter, one cupful of swoet milk, a tea
spooriful of cream of tartar, one-half
teaspoonful of soda, some grated nut
meg and a bit of salt. Cream the but
ter, add the sugar and when well
mixed the yolks of tho eggs well beat
en, then a little of the milk with flour
sifted with the dry Ingredients anil
fold In tho stiffly beaten whiles. Use
Just us little flour as possible to roll.
Chill on Ice before rolling and tho
cakes can bo hnniiled very soft.
Sour Cream Doughnuts. Bent two
eggs until light and foamy, add one
nnd three-fourths cupfiils of sugar and
continue bentlng until the sugar is
nearly dissolved; add one and one
fourth cupfuls of sour milk, one-fourth
of n cupful of thick, sour cream, a tea
spoonful of soda, a half loaspoouful nf
salt and grated nutmeg to flavor. Add
as little flour as possible to bundle;
set on Ice an hour to harden before
rolling. Fry In hot fat. using the one
minute test. (A cube of broad brown
ing In nne mlmito In ibo fat.)
Dumplings. Delicious (lulTy dump
lings may bo prepared as follows:
Take one beaten ogg, one cupful or
butter milk, not too sour, twri teaspoon
fuls of baking powder and half a teu-
spoonful of snlt sifted In flour enough,
to mnko about a cupful and a half oi
drop batter. Drop from a tenspoon Intc
n boiling hot kettle of meat wltb
plenty of bones on which to rest the
dumplings. Cook eight minutes. Dc
not lUcover during tho cooking.
The health and riiornlo of a people
dopend mainly upon the food they
eHt nnd tha homes they live In. Ellen
The chestnut Is the nut which be
longs to the tlme-honnred holiday, and
no party on that occit
slon Is quite complete
fMffiti$ w,,,1,)"t ,lr! nnd roast'
t(ffl& Fa I od chestnuts.
Hs RvM Itonstcd chestnuts,
doughnuts, apples and
cider make the Ideal re
freshments. For n Hal
lowe'en luncheon or n
supper, by excluding the
daylight and covering the
lights with orange-colored tissue, or
using candles with orange shades, the
table will be most attractive. Kor the
centerpiece, a largo pumnkln may bo
cut In the form of a basket and used
as tho fruit holder for grapes and ap
ples. Small gourds or tiny pumpkins
may bo decorated with a face and
lighted with a candle Inside; these may
bo favors for each plate, and nround
the pumpkin grape or nutumn-tltited
loaves may lie placed. Small squashes
may be used as candlesticks, or brass
candlesticks are always appropriate.
White gourds for Jack-o'-lanterns
und white cosmos us u oontorpleoo
mnke a very attractive table.
Another pretty device for a candle
light supper: Kill a largo punch bowl
with water, place tiny paper boats
lifted Willi tiny candles to float on the
Chestnut Croquettes. Mash roasted
chestnuts to a smooth paste; add n
tablespoonful of butter, two table
spoonfuls of milk, the grated peel of
a lemon, one teaspoonful of salt, a
dash of cayenne und the beaten yolks
of two eggs. Korm Into bnlls the size
of large chestnuts, dip in egg yolk,
then In crumbs, nnd fry in deep fat.
fiarnlsh with slices of lemon nnd pars
ley sprays.
Marrons au Juc. Those are chest
nuts preserved In a lemon sirup, and
may be prepared In chestnut season,
keeping for years. Shell. .and blanch
the chestnuts, after cooking them in
the shell until quite tender. Prepare
a lemon sirup, nnd turn In the chest
nuts, when scalding hot, nnd seal air
tight. These may be used as a garn
ish for Ice crenms, sherbets, puddings,
or may be served as a confection,
dipped In fondant or chocolate, or
drained and rolled In powdered siignr.
Search as wo will we will nnd that the
Inner unseen realm of thought Is In
variably tho realm of causo and tho
realm of material form Is the realm
of effect.
It Is In the every-day food where wo
need vnrloty. Anyone may create
some dainty for an
occasion, but it
takes real brain
work to keep go
ing every day and
avoid monotony.
Frizzled Oys
ters. Put half a
OIIDfUl Of KU'Pfif
fat into the frying pan, add three well
beaten eggs, mixed with a cupful of
cracker crumbs. Add two cupfuls of
oysters, with their liquor; season with
salt and pepper nnd cook' ten minutes,
st.rrlng constantly.
Cabbnce Salad. Select a small,
heavy, round bead of cabbage. Cut a
slice off the top and scoop out the In
side, leaving a thin sholl. Shred tjie
cabbage with half as much celery; mix
with a highly seasoned boiled dress
ing; add a few nuts nnd All the shell.
The shell may be used to bold the friz
zled oysters and tho salad served on
lettuce loaves.
Spoon Bread. Take two cupfuls ot
sweet milk, add one cupful of corn
meal and cook until it mnknii n umnmii
'mush; add two cupfuls of buttermilk.
Hair a teaspoonful of soda, one tea
spoonful of salt ami three well-beaten
eggs; mix well and bake lu n woll-but-terod
pudding dish. Serve from the
Baked Pears I'oel and core pears
and fill the cavity with sugar, butler
and a bit of grated lemon rind. Place
In a baking dish, pour over wnter. add
sugar and the Juice or n lemon; bake
until tender, basting often with the
sirup. Boll down the sirup nnd pour
over the fruit, ('bill before serving.
Corn Flake Dainties. Take two
cupfuls of corn (lakes, ono cupful of
coconut, one egg. well beaten; add a
toaspoonful of vanilla, a speck of salt
und ii cupful of sugar. M:c well and
drop by small tenspoonfuls on u baking
sheet. Bake until a golden brown.
Chopped pecaiiH, peanuts, hickory nuts
i,r any kind of nut may he used In
place nf the coconut.
Shelled pecan, browned In a hit of
nutter und dusted with a dash of cay
enne pepper und xult, Make a very
dainty dish.
American Is Head of the New Republic of Russia
WASIIINGTONThls is n queer world nowadays. Did you over hear of
Uhro-Iluslnln nnd Its acting governor, Gregory I. Zsntkovitch? Of course
not. Well, Uhro-lluslnln Is one of the smallest of tho now self-governing
republics In Europe nnd Gregory I.
lsi4 iOiin II
w.r j Ni j ii m i
tered nil over tho country. They nro
represented by the American National council of IJhro-Iluslns. This council
ivorked so energetically that In 1018 at the convention of the Mid-European
union In Philadelphia the Ituslns were recognized ns n self-governing unit of
tho Czecho-Slovnk republic. This was ratified by an American plebiscite.
Uliro-Kuslnln has a population of about one million. Its capital is Uzhorod.
Set in tho Carpathian mountains, lluslnln Is noted for Its plcturesqueness, with
Its pretty, well-kept houses and its quiet, contented people In their bright
national costumes. ,
D. A. R. Exchange Stars and Stripes With Congress
EN THE house tho other day Koprosentntlve Mondell of Wyoming, tho
majority loader, called attention to a beautiful new flag suspended back of
tho speaker's desk. He read a letter from Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey,
president general of tho D. A. It., pre
senting the flag us u substitute for the
one presented In 1001 by one of tho
:hupters of the society. Ho offered a
resolution accepting the flag, which
was unanimously passed by a rising
vote. lie then offered the following
preamble and resolution nnd asked
unanimous consent for its immediate
consideration :
"Whereas thy flag which was dis
played In tho hall of tho i.ouse of rep
resentatives from the year 1001 until
displaced by tho flag presented to the house by tho National Society of tho
Daughters of the American Involution, and this day accepted by tlie house, u
period of time covering the first 10 yenrs of tho twentieth century, during
which the house of representatives participated In the events preliminary to
nnd in the enactment of legislation for thu prosecution of the war with tho
imperial German government nnd with the royal Austro-Hungarlan government,
und during which time also many other historic und important acts originated,
were perfected, or consummated herein ; therefore, bo it
"Itesolved, That because of tho association of said flag with tho legisla
tive history of the United States during tho period nforesnid, and In token of
tho house's appreciation of tho patriotism of the members of said society and
of the women of the United States, the clerk of the houso of representatives
Is hereby authorized and directed to deliver said flag to the board of manage
ment of. thu Nntlonul Society ofjthc Daughters of the American Revolution, to
bo displayed nnd carefully preserved in the urchives of said society, together
with u 'copy of this preamble und resolution."
Congress Apparently in Favor of Budget System
CONGRESS is apparently taking the nntional budget system movement
quite seriously. The Illinois plan of control of public expenditures through
a budget system was cxplalued to the house appropriations commltteo the
I 1
said, nnd the administration of tho
public health service and other subsidiary bureaus should bo removed from
the treasury department. In other words, snld the governor, while nil tho
other departments are working to secure increased appropriation!;, there
should be one central bureau whoso sole duty it should bo to keep expenses
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly that somebody outside tho Influences
of tho departments should receive tho estimates and make up a budget for
which he would be responsible and who should answer to the president aloue,"
Governor Lowden declared.
The appearance of Governor Lowden on the floor of tho houso following
bis tostlfjlng before the appropriations committee was tho signal for an ova
tion whtch interrupted proceedings. Democrats nnd Republicans alike Joined
In an outburst of cheering nnd applause.
The creation of a special commission for tho preparation of n national
budget would bo a "dangerous experiment," said the governor, maintaining
that an Independent commission would not bo held to a proper responsibility
for Its nets.
"If we require the president to submit a budget, saying what expenditures
he believes to be necessary for the proper running of tho government, then tho
country will know that tho president asks only Unit amount, and no more."
American Legion Post Opposes Reclamation Bill
SENATOR FLETCHER of Florida read Into the Congressional Record the
other day resolutions adopted by Tampa post, No. 5, American Legion,
which are substantially as follows: "Whereas various measures lmvo been
introduced in the congress of the Unit
ed States for the aid of tho discharged
soldier, sailor and marine, veterans of
iho lute war; and, whereas, among
such measures Is II. R. -187, referred
to as tho Mondell bill, otherwise the
national soldier settlement net; und,
whorons, such a measuro will not bene
fit all soldiers, sailors and marines,
and even under tho most favorable
circumstances It Is limited to approxi
mately 80,000 out of '1,800,000; and.
whorons, under the terms of said bill
uu lnltlul capital of not less than .fl.'JOO If required of each soldier, sailor und
marine; and, whereas, said bill Is not confined to the public lands of tho
United Slates, but provides for 'projects' to bo purchased In the several states,
thus opening the wuy for fraud, reckless expenditures of public funds, and
real estate grafting of all natures and kinds; nnd, whereas, a certain measure
has been Introduced In the congress of ho United States providing for loans
for tho purpose of securing to the discharged soldier, sailor and marine,
veterans of the Into wr. oily or country homos, and In the sum of from $1,000
to 9f,000 at 4 per cent Interest und payable over 40 yenrs of tlmo; and,
whereas, this in tho judgment of this post of tho American Legion Is the
fairest nnd most equitable of all such measures, both to Uie soldier and to
the United States; therefore, bo It
"Resolved, That we condemn and oppose H. R. 487, known as tho national
soldier settlement net. nnd that we favor and acclaim this loan measure."
Zsutkovlch Is nn American citizen. He
hns Just been here nfter his wlfo nnd
children and Is on his way back to re
sume his official duties. IBs official
titlo is "President of tho Directorate
of Autonomous Ituslnln."
American Itusslnns are settled In
largo numbers in about 100. cities of
Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Con
necticut, New Jersey nnd Illinois, and
smaller numbers nro to be found scat
otner day oy uovernor ijowuen or nil
nols, who suggested that machinery
similar to the Illinois plan be set up
In tho federal government, with tha
secretary of tho treasury exercising
the exclusive authority and responsi
bility for appropriations analogous
with the position held by Omar H.
Wright, Illinois' state director of
flnonce. Tho treasury department
should bo made tho exclusive depart
ment for national finance, tho governor
S (thu IS THE ONE1)
P Sp' j? WF WANT - J
Serious Kidney Trouble Had Made
Life Miserable, But Doan's
Removed All tho Trouble.
Hasn't Suffered Since.
"I had such severe pains in my
back." says Mrs. Albert Akroyd,
801 W. Indiana Avenue, Philadel
phia, Pa "that they almost doubled
mc up. Many n day I could not do
my housework nnd at every move
it Bccmcti as ir my
back would break In
two. My feet nnd
ankles swelled until
I had to wear large
sized slippers nnd
sometimes I couldn't
stand up.
"I had dizzy spells
and dreadful head
aches nnd fler?
flashes passed bo- Mrt.AVnyd
fore my eyes, nnd a heavy weight
been resting on my head, the pain
could not hnvo been more distress
ing. Tho least nolso startled me, I
was so nervous. I couldn't control
tho kidney secretions and tho pajn
in pnssugo was awful.
"It began to look ns though my
case was beyond the reach of modi
clno until I used Doan's Kidney
Pills. Tho first box benefited mo
nnd four boxes cured nil the trou
bles. I hnvo had no further causo
for complaint."
Stoom to before me.
Thos. U. Walters, Notary PubUc
Cat Doan'a at Any Store, 60a Dos
Rank Cowardice.
"You ask a divorce from thin man
on the grouud of desertion?"
"Yes, your honor."
"Rut ho says he left homo becnust
you were always throwing household
utensils at his bend and ho was afraid
that some day you might hit him."
"That makes his conduct all tha
moro reprehensible, your honor.
deserted under fire."
Nebraska Directory
on Automobiles
Wo repair and Bupply parts for all make
of electrical equipments used
on automobiles.
Aathorlted factory rvprrtentntlTet for AttrMer
Knot MfK. Co., UlJur Motor LIsIiUdk 0o.,0onriotl
cut Tel. A Uloo. (lo., Dncto Bleotrlo Co.. UlcetrU
Aato-Llte Corp.. Krlctxin Mfs. Co. (Eerllog Mas
noUi), Urar & flayla. Inc., ttukomo Hleclrle 0
(Klngiton Matnstoa), Tho K-W Ignition Oo.(Mf
natoi, North Mail llleotrlc Co., Bloima Magneto Oo,
Sp&rka-Wltblngton Oo. (Uparton Ilorat), Bplltdorf
Horrlco A Halt Co., Ward-Leonard Klootrlo Oot.
Weitlngbouto Ulec a Mfg. Oo.
Auto Electric Service Company
Floctrlo Hiarter SPECIALISTS
B torn go lluttory)
2205 Farnam Strict OMAHA, NEB.
Our crude oil requirements are
permanently provided; that's why
Deep Rock products can be
depended upon because you
know you can get them the same
uniform quality always assured.
Shaffer Oil 8c Refining Co.
Hensliaw Hotel
KunoricAN rxjui
T. J. O'Brien Co., Prop).
iijj wrrnooT bath
15th and Funam Sta OmajM
Whan Print Are Ordarad
Prtnta SMxSU, 3 0.ntS 2MH W. i cental
poatol card alio, 0 cents, postpaid.
Denton Photo Supply Co.
15th & Farnam St. Omaha, Nek.
Omaha Crematory
Send for illustrated booklet
Address or call on
Forest Lawn Cemetery Assn.
720 Brandeis Theatre Omaha, Neb.
for Your Live Stock Ship to
Omaha, Chicago, So. St Paul, Sioux City
Standard equipment. Ample po-wer. Imeat
guto thin cur before buying. Write or caU fa
catalog aud our proposition to dealers.
8107 Varnnm Street Omaha
Highest Prices
for Cream
Ship direct to manufacturer and eliminate tha mid
dleman. Ship any day as we will cl e you benftflt
of all raises In price while cream Is In transit. We
guarantee service and good satisfaction.
""w. N. U., OMAHA,NO. 43-1010.