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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1919)
fr iz NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 28, lJl9. TIIIRTY-FIFTH YEAH. No. 83 SUGAR MEET IIAKTEST IS l'HOUKESSINU YEJIY ItAPIDLY John Bryan, of Horshey, Hold at;ent tor the American Beet Sugar Co., wao a North Platto visitor yesterday, and from hltn It was learned that the har vest of sugar boots Is progressing rap Idly, In his district. Unless unusual storms occur, Mr. Bryan said tho har rost would bo convpleted by tho tenth of noxt month. Owing to the scarcity of cars, the beets cannot be shipped as rapidly aa hauled to tho shipping stations, and there Is now plied along tho track 1500 tons at Hershey, 1000 tons at Nichols, GOO tons at Blrdwood and 100 tons at North Platte. Tho ostlmated crop between North Platto and a line drawn north and south two miles west of Horshey which Is tho American company' ter- rltory is 21,000 tons, or an average i of about ten tons per acre In value the crop represents over $200,000 ::o:: CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Sight Specialists, Dixon & Son. Bed Cross relief line can't be link- en Mrs. Geo. Fisher spent Sunday with j friends in Tryon. Mrs. Taos. Green went to Omaha Saturday to accompany Mr. Green home from tho hospital. Platte Valley Aid society will hold a supper, program and bazaar at the Baker Bchool house Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Straliorn re turned Saturday from a short visit with friends and relativos In Chicago. The diamond bar pins at Dixon's' , , i will pleaso any one. lied Cross workers who put in not less than 800 hours, can secure ser-. tlon win organized. Tho mooting will vice badges by calling on Mrs. D. C. be cailed at 3 o'clock and will bo over Congdoon. by 5. All parents of children, attend Mesdames Holdorman and Johnson ing tho Jefferson school are invited will entertain this evening at a mlscel-! and urged to be present, lanoous shower complimentary, to Miss : :o: : Maymo Cooney. ! In honor of the birth anniversary of .the. late Theodoro Roosevelt flags floated from a. number of business ' buildinirs vestordav I The ladies' aid society of the Pres-' byterlan church will meet in the church parlors Thursday afternoon, enter- tained by Mesdames Ogior, Geo. Gar - man and Rogers. Corsets that shape your figure - prop - erly, at The Leader Mercantile Co. Tho Episcopal guild will moot next Thursday afternoon at the church with Mesdames Edwards, Patterson, Stuart, Wyman and Finn as the entertaining committee. KEITH THEATRE ON E NIGHT Fiarewell Trans-Continental Tour of the most sensa tional spectacular melo drama in a half century. THE ALL AROUND TflE WORLD SUCCE35- PRINCESS THEATRE MELBORNE. NOT A MOVING PICTURE Overseas romance of love and valor, replete with laughs and thrill?. A MILITARY MELODRAMA OF TODAY Hjr Walter Howard EVERY CRITIC EVERY PAPER IN NEW YORK UNANIMOUS "Received with enthusiasm." Tlmsa. "Applauded to tb. echo." Alan Dale. NMlhty punch to the play.'' Mali. I "Play went over -with a. ban." Teleerara "Shouts Vent up a' U. Park Theatre laat nlnt tor "SEVEN DAYS LEAVE' Charles Darnto "Continuous roar of applause and approbation shook the ratters of the playhouse ' Evening; Journal "Has enouch sensations to equip half a doxen suoh plays eminently successful.' a Louis Sherwln. Olob mwolr and brazenly confess to llklnr this stylo of play." Journal of Coramsro -MeKultsraa tiiat makes your blood Untie." Evening 8un. "Entertainment of lively Interest and suspense.' HeraJd. Nothlnt heretofore to vie with the compelllnt thrtU." Tribune. Wins vociferous applause of Wr audience." Sun. t t '."JUnts with vtrlotlo fsrvor cramrood full of auapuste and excitement." World Superb cast and criginal New York Production. Seats on Sale PRICES 75c, $1.00, $1.50 BcL 2'J, 2 p. 111. l'AKKNT-TKACJlKK ASSOCIATIONS AUG 1IKIXG 0KGANIZE1) Tho Junior High School Parent Toachors' Association was organized last Thursday with about sixty mem bers present. The topic for discus sion was "The Coopereatlon of Homo and School." Tho following spoke: Mrs,. Harry Porter, Glenn Mincer, Mrs. Hpwaxd McMlcliaol, Mrs. S. W. Throckmorton, Miss Mary Morrow and Mrs. Frank Barbor. Supt. Tout pre sented the matter of organization and the following officers were elected: Mrs. William Morris, president; Miss Mary Morrow, secretary ahd Mrs. Howard McMlchael, treasurer. -It was decided to meet tho second Wednes day of each month from 3 to G In tho afternoon. Tho dues wore llxed at 25c payable at the next meeting. A pro gram commlttoo was appointed and Jo preparing a regular program for the next meeting. Tho Lincoln school Parent-Teacher Association met last Wednosday at the Lincoln school and perfected It"? organization; Mrs. Van Noy, president; Miss Emma Brown, secretary; Mrs. Eschelman, vice-president; Mrs. Gar rard, treasurer. At the opening of tho program the assdatlon sang "America" and this was followed by a piano by Miss Lamb, readings by MIs LoDIoyt and Mrs. TIley, a vocal solo by. Mrs. Brown and an address by M. E. Crosby. Dues were fixed at 25c i year and a hustling committee was ap pointed to solicit memberships. Mrs. Owen was the chairman of the- meet ing. A meeting Is to be held In tho Jef ferson school on Wednesday of this ! wopk fnr tin nf Hlammolnnp m - ... some of the problems that are com mon to the parents and teachers and lf desirable a Parent-Teacher Assocla Tcn dollars reward will bo paid for detection of boys .who have been car rylngjoff tho Keith theatre poster boards or disturbing any of the out sldo fixtures of either the Keith or ry8tal theatreS' O'ABMAN. MrSl P' Al Norton entertained at a (llnner narty Sunday complimentary !to Mr and Mrs" Alox Fenwick who left Sunday evening for California. ! Pearl bea(,a of wnderful "eauty, Dixon, t.he jewoler. The Lexington Pioneer announces the marriage in that town of Floyd Emerick and Mabel Colo and Ray Hunter and Mabel MullerJ.'all of this city Friday 9 Opt. 31. ADELPHIA THEATRE - SYDNEY. - Mail Orders NOW 31". K. UAltKlW PASSES AWAY IN HALTDIOKE SUNDAY M. IC. Itanium, who twenty, or moro years ago hold tho position of district foreman for tho Union Pacific in thin city, died suddenly in Baltimore Sim day. Tho news reached North Plntto yesterday through a telegram received by Mrs. Blancho B. Piold. Particu-, lara of .Mr, Barnum's death are lik ing, but It is presumed that heart af fection was tho cause. Ho had not been in good health for a year or more but had boon ablo to retain his official position with the Baltimore & Ohio road with which ho had beon connec ted for a number of years and was in Baltimore on business connected with his position when the end came. La Orange, III., has been tho family homo since Mr. Barnum severed his connection with tho Union Pacific. Ho is survived by a wife, a daugn. ter and two sons. Tho daughter Is married and lives at LaGrango, Ed mund is a major in tho regular army and still in Franco, and Richard is in business in Detroit. The news of Mr. Barnum's death Is received with regret by tho North Platto friends of tho family and by the older railroad employes with whom ho was vory popular. : :o: : Keport of Salvation Army Drive. The following report of the Sal vation Army drive is furnished by tho county chairman Mrs. M. E. Scott : North Platte, Mrs. J. F. Cla- bauglu Chairman $201S.72 Hershey, Fay Brewer, Chm. 314.00 Wallace, Mrs. A. J. Mother- sead, Chairman, 295.00 Brady, Bruce Brown, Chm 250.00 Sutherland, E. R. Spalding, Cliairman 188.50 Maxwoll, J. R. ElUott,Chm... 144.70 Dickons, J. Pielsticker, dim 81.00 Wollfleet, Geo. Taylor, Chm. 28.50 Total $3355.4:2 Lincoln County's Quota$3317.00 Overscribed 33.32 North Platte, Wallace and Hershev Vent "oyer the t top" while the rest did not' reach their quota. Wallace, was tho first to "go over' and North Platte next. Tho quota for North Platte was $1824.00 and under the able Readership of Mrs. Clabaugh wont $224.72 over that amount Mr. Brew er at Horshey was ably assisted by Mrs. Julia Todd in securing $2G.OO more than their quota. The state at largo raised only about half Its quota so wo may be glad Lin coln county did her full share in this worthy cause. o: Pears! Pears i I have just received another car of pears which I am unloading at the Locust street crossing, and will be sold at tho car or at my grocery. Price $2.75 por bushel. A reasonable amount, of sugar will be sold with each bushel of pears. McMICHAEL GROCERY. :o: : Word was received In the city a day or so ago that Private Geo. A. Hall 'had arrived safely from overseas whero he had beon in service for a year or moro. He was sont to Camp Merritt for discharge and is expected homo within a few days. All wool middies with braid trim mings on collar and sleeves $8.50 at Tho, Style Shop. Judge Tracy assessed a ten dollnr fine and costs yesterday against Chas. Carpenter on tho charge of Intoxica tion. Carpenter was picked up by tho police Sunday. Buy her a Cordova bag at Dixon's. The Engagement Ring mi emblem of sentiment nnd Joy, should )o a SolKalro Diamond, per fectly cut and brlllJunt! lot us show yon sonio beautiful gems of varlons sizes ready for mount ing to order, or In correct settings ready for use. C, M. Austin, Jeweler. Corner Front and Doney. COUNCIL F0IUU2D TO HACK HOY SCOUTS' ORGANIZATION At a meeting held at the Franklin building Saturday evonlng a council of twonty-flvo was organized to boost tho Boy Scout movomont In North Platte. C. F. Tomplo was elected chairman of tho council and Wiley Walker secretary. Tho duttos of this council will be to select tho scoutmas ters, to Interest boys In becoming members, to see Uiat tho companies ard supplied with tho needed para plianalla and to back tho movement both financially and morally. At tho Saturday evening meeting tno opinion was expressed thnt not less than three hundred boys aro ready to becomo Scouts, and with tho council of twenty-live backing the movement, thus giving solidity to It, tho Boy ScijutB In North Plntto promise to bo come a ipromlnont factor In tho lives of our boys. Following the meeting of last Sat urday evening at tho FrankKn audi torium, a luncheon was held at the Oasis yesterday noon and tho formal organization of tho North Platto Boy Scout Council was offected Twenty representative men of tho educational, religious, business and professional interests wero presont and pledged hemsplves to give their time and por sonal energy to mako the Boy Scout work In North Plntto a success, es pecially In vlow of tho necessity for It as shown by the recent unfortunate events In connection with certain scliool boys. Officers wero elected as follows: President, M. E. Crosby; 1st vice-president, J. Q. Wilcox; 2nd vlcja-presldent, A. N. Durbln; 3d vice president. Rev. Koch; secretary, W. W. Walker; treasurer, Wilson Tout; scout commissioner, J. C. Hollman. Various committees wero also appoint ed and a constitution and by-laws were adopted. It is tho intention to put on a campaign for scoumasters for six or eight moro troops in ndditlou to the two already existing, and to pro vide quarters and equipment for tho 300 boys of scout ago In North Platte who want to becomo scouts and who n$Sv and will be benefitted , by, tho vtfQflc. Too much cannot bo said In fa vor of tho results being obtained by the organization of the Boy Scouts of America. Urn t The war Is over, tho Red Cross is not Visit Dixon's and see hiii large dis play of dianmonds. North Platte slid from daylight sav ing tlmo to normal tlmo at two o'clock Sunday morning without confusion. Banks opened yosterdny at nine and closed at 3:30, which hereafter will be the regular hours. . We would like to show you our new Vanity Fair silk lined, double tipped silk gloves. There is only ono place to buy them, at Tho Style Shop. The remains of Mrs. Nannino Peter son, who died Sunday, at a local hos pital) were taken to her home In Lo Moyno whero funoral services will bo held today. Interment will be nt Campbell. For Sale Seven room house on east Third street. All modern. Threo Isaac "Beats, COO block east Third, Phone Red 1233. 80tf There were many prospective land buyers In town yesterday, In fact there are qulto a few In town overy day. Un fortunately a majority of them do not have enough ready cash to enable them to buy tho bettor class of land. :o::- For Snlc Second hand Chevrolet Touring Car In good repair. 414 So. Walnut. 83-2 AT THE SUN THEATRE. TUES. &fWED. DUSTIN FARNUM IN "A Man's Fight" ALSO Monkey Comedy. THURSDAY FLORENCE REED IN "Women Under Oath" ALSO Mutt & Jeff. LOCAL AXD rEltSONAL Mrs. Thos. Gorhnm, of Grand Island, is tho guest of her slstor. Miss Maymo Gorhnm. For Snlo Soft coal burner In good condition. Phono 943. i Tho Methodist indies aid will meet Thursday aftomoon In tho church par lors. . . . The new-"Vanity Fair" .sllk -timlar-wear has arrived at Tho Sty hi Shop. Mrs. W. L. Richards went to Ompha this morning to visit rolatlvos for a fow days. For Sale Portable steel garago for $75. Phono 38. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. B. Buckley will leavo In a fow dnys for a two weeks' visit In Now York City. Misses Mlnnlo Sloman nnd Lillian Hoppo returned this morning from a week's visit in Denver. James Dugan left this morning for Oshkooh, whore ho will spend several days shooting ducks and gooso. Wo aro requested to nnnounco that tho meeting of tho Royal Nolghbors for this week has been postponod. Consldor health and comfort first when buying undorwear. Tho Style Shop have tho kind you should wear. A class of six was Initiated nt tho meeting of tho Elks last ' ovonlng. Ralph Ford was olected to fill the ex isting vacant office. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snckett, who had been tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bowon for a week, loft this morning for their home In Norwalk, Ohio. 199 Is tho Marlnello 'Beauty Shop phono number at Tho Stylo Shop. Simon Bros, took out a heating plant today to the now house which Alfrod Loth Is building on his farm twolvo mllo8 southwost of town. Did you boo that beautiful blouse In the Style Shop window? Thero are some prettier ones Inside. Mrs. Raymond Burgnor was taken to Omaha last night by Miss Alice Slc mon wlmro tho former will enter the Mothodlst hospital for treatment. N For Salo A 'alnglo bod, child's bed and small oil stoVo. Phone Black 2C7. Mr."aud Mrs. P. A Norton roturned the last of tho week from Excelsior Springs and Iowa, where they had beon visiting for sovoral weeks past. Mrs. Buckloy, of Portland( Ore., jiQ3 beon the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. ft. Buckley for sevornl days past while enrouto to her former homo In Str6nlR borg. Crystal. Thursday and Friday. JANE GRAY "WKen My Ship Comes In" from the story by Gouverneur Morris. The girl who leaps from rural life to stage renown suggests the power of youth and beauty but there is more to life than renown of the stage. CLEAN UP Extraordinary Values i Hats. 25c to $1.98 Children's Hats Children's Trimmed Hats Children's Trimmed Hats Children's Trimmed Hats Ladies Hats " , Ladies Hats - ' Ladies Hats Sale Starts WEDNESDAY. W. J. O'CONNOR 5, 10 and 25c Store. Mr. and Mrs. John Vernon roturned yestorday from Boono, Iowa, where they wero called by an accident which bofoll W. R. Vornon, a former North Platto resident. Mr. and. Mrs. Brushwellor, who had boon making tholr homo in Virginia, Minn., stopped over in town last night to visit Mrs. Brushwoller's brother, Henry llecker, while onroute tp.Bould or. . ? Now dresses arriving dally at Tho Stylo Shop, tho newest creations just from the dcslgncrr. Tho community supper undor tho auspices of tho Wolfaro Association la to be held at the Masonic hall on Thursday ovcnlng at 7:00 o'clock. Tho ttckots nro $1.00 and can be purchas ed at elthor the Rexall drug store or the Autonides store. Tho supper is to bo Borvod by tho Indies' aid of tho Luthoran church and tho menu is a particularly appetizing one. For Salo Round Oak baso burner, No. 1C. Phono 257 or call 714 west Fourth. Keith Theatre Wednesday & Thursday "THE EYES OF TRUTH" A picture every true Amer ican should see. NORMA TALMADGE at her glorious best in , it IN 'The Way of a Woman' The truest wayn-tuo finest .way. but - -- anyway see this photoplay for 'vh'o is so wise as to know "Tho Way. of a ' Woman." 4 4a (M-JK.. Crystal Theatre Tonight and Tomorrow IN MILLINERY HIT 'ALE in Ladies' and Children's . Values up to $5.00 25c andShapes ' -, ' r 98c $1.49 $1.98 98c $1,49 $1.98