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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1919)
NORTH PI, TTE SF.MT AYEVMV TRHU'NK u7M Nasty Colds Get instant relief with 'Tape's Cold Compound" Don't stay sluffcd-up t Quit blowing and snuffling I A dose of "Pope's Cold Compound" taken every two hours un til three doses are taken usually breaks Hip a cold and ends all grippe misery. The very llrst dose opens your :loggcd-up nostrils and the air pass ages of the head; stops nose running; relieves the headache, dullness, fever Ishncss, sneezing, soreness and stiffness 'Tape's Cold Compound1' is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents nt drug stores. It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Con tains no quinine. Insist on Papc's 1 Ad. V VHMJL JUTS VJJL;iVrj- V-JLl 1 .sinnnfflnm v II y m-yim a- f M sj m . GOOD ROADS KEEP EARTH ROADS IN SHAPE Her Eyes to Blame. Some time ago I had my eyes tested, (belladonna being dropped In them to enlarge the pupils. The eye doetot assured me I'd be able to see perfectly (Provided with a pair of (lark glasses Aly friend, who was with me, said she wasn't so sure about It. On leaving the doctor's ofllco we boarded a crowded car, my friend going to the front and leaving me to tako a vacanf seat In the rear. All of n sudden I could see hardly anything, and In sitting down I sat on a young man's lap. I quickly removed to the vacant ent beside him nmld the titters and laughing of a group of college boys standing In the back entry. My only relief was In the blnck glasses I wore, for I knew no one would know mo again without them. Watch That Cold! Chills and colds tend to throw an extra burden on the kidneys and pois ons, that well kidneys normally throw off, accumulate. That inay be why you have been feeling bo tired, irn table and half sick since that cold. Don't wait for worse troubles to set in! If you suffer constant backache, headaches, dizzy spells and irregular kidney action, get a box of Doan's Kidney Pills today. Doan's are help ing thousands. Ask your neighbor! An Iowa Case C. B. Weston, Jus tice of the peace, Traer St., Greene, Iowa, says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills oft and on for attacks of kidney complaint. "When I take cold It settles In my kidneys and brings on tho at tacks. Mornings I have a lameness In tho small of my back and the kidney se cretions are unnatu ral and Irregular In nassace. I always use Doan's Kidney Pills at those times and received prompt relief." Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S "ifES? FOSTER-MILBURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. Congress Likely to Act on Police Unionization WASHINGTON. Congress is likely to' take n hand in the question of the unionization of tho police force and Us nlllllatlon with tlie American Fed eration of Labor. If It does, It will come nbout In this way: In Washington, Instead of tho Issue going to a strike, it has been taken to tho courts by tho police union. Tho union has nsked for an Injunction preventing the com missioners of the District of Columbln from carrying out their orders that any member of the force found to be long to a union nfllllatcd with a labor organization would be discharged, on the ground that their right to organize Is illegally Interfered with. Tho pressure of the American Federation, with its four million mem bers, Is being used In Washington to win recognition of tho pollcV union. The District commission's, on the other hand, hnvo taken a position from which, they assert, they will not retire that no member of the force may belong to a police union nfllllatcd with a labor organization. The commissioners have full Jurisdiction, but already' the contest has extended to congress and It le likely that before tho struggle Is ended a vote on some phase of the question will bo forced. For example, Senator Myers of Montana proposed In the simute that congress Interposo by refusing to vote the pay of any member of tho Washing ton police force who belonged to a union. In pointing out the nutlonnl Im portance of the question the Montana senator said: "If the police department of the District of Columbia Is permitted to unionize and nlllllnte with a superior body of organized labor, you may be suro that the pollco forces all over the country will follow suit and do the snme thing." , Senator Thomus of Colorado said he thought congress should inform tb,e District commlsstonprs that it was squnrely behind them. WAHIED DEPUTY ft PfVV' CHIEF flGAME WARDEN m. .lv lull wjrsrSi l 4 Wanted by Uncle Sam: A Deputy Game Warden THE United States department of agriculture Is In need of a ivell-qualltled man, not less than twenty-five nor more than forty-five years old, to fill a vacancy In the position of deputy chief United States game warden, and th United States civil service commis sion will give a most practical open competitive test to secure the tight man. The entrance salary will bo be tween 2,500 nnd .$3,000 a year. Head quarters will be in Washington, D. C. The duties of the position are to assist In administering the law which gives effect to the treaty between tho United States anc! Great Urltuln for the protection of migratory birds ami the sections of tho United States penal code known as the Lacey act; In tho supervision of the United Stntes game wardens and deputies In the gathering of evidence nnd the preparation of cases for prosecution of alleged violations of the federal game laws, and In ofllco administration ; and to participate in conferences, in and out of Washington, -with individuals and organizations interested In wild life conservation. In accordance with Its practice in connection with positions of thts class, the examination given by tho civil service commission will not require the applicants to appear In an examination room for a mental test. Those who apply will receive a rating on their educntlon and practical experience, weighted at 80 per cent, and on a thesis on n selected game conservation subject, weighted nt 20 per cent. Those who attain u passing grade will later be given an oral test to determine their personal qualifications for tho position. Failure in this oral test will render the applicant Ineligible for appointment. Applications will be received by the civil service commission up to nnd including October 28. Full information nnd application blanks mny be ob tained from tho secretary of the local board of civil service examiners nt the post olllco or customhouse in any of 3,000 cities, or by writing to the United Stutes civil service commission, Washington, D. C. Engineer of Wisconsin Highway Com mission Tells Benefits of Patrol System of Maintenance. Karth ronds will be in exlslenco over wide areas for many years to 'come, notwithstanding tho rapid exten sion of "pormnnent" road beds of dif ferent materials. Mr. F. Sergeant, a division engineer of the Wisconsin highway commission, writes : "After a season's experience with Iho patrol system of maintenance In division No. 7, whore wo have prac tically nil earth roads, I am more thnn ever convinced that this typo of rond can be fairly well maintained by this system, even where subject to consid erable heavy motor trafllc. "A patrol section should not be more thnn six or sevon miles In length and should bo taken earo of by one man with team. This man should be held responsible for the condition of his section at all times nnd should be re quired to devoto nil of his time to the work. "The pntrolmnn must have a good team, and the wagon box equipped with a dump bottom. The county should furnish a light two-horso blade grader, road plane, plow, scraper and necessary small tools, such as shovel, pick, bar, brush scythe, rake, etc. "In spite of nil tho claims made for tho road drag as n maintenance tool, we find tho light blade grader or the roud plane far superior to it, and we advocate the use of these tools entire ly for road maintenance. We find that road drag having no bearing except on tho blade, has a tendency to gougo nut the matcrlnl In soft spots making them still deeper, nnd giving the rond a bad, wavy surface, while the blade grader or the road plane, having u long wheel base or bearing surface, cuts only on the high spots and dis tributes the material in low places, building them up and giving the road a nice, smooth, driving surface. A blade grader should be so constructed that one mnn can drive the tenra and make all adjustments necessary while the machine Is moving, ns only one man Is required on this work. "An earth road with low crown nnd badly sodded shoulders ennnot bo properly maintained by the patrolman, but should be first trimmed up with u heavier outfit, cutting oft and remov ing heavy sods, properly heaping up the crown, filling low places and open Ing up drainage. "The blade grader should not be used on earth roads when they are sloppy, but should be used as soon as tho material is dry enough to roll nice ly on the blade, and pack Into tho ruts nnd depressions. And no great amount of material should be moved at one j time ; a quarter or half inch cut Is suf ( licient for the best results, furnishing , all tho mnterlal that the blndo can dls i tribute evenly. Under ordlnnry weath- i Caused by Acid-Stomach If people only realized the health-destroy-Ins power of an acid-stomach of the many kinds ot sickness and misery It causes of the lives It literally wrecks they would uard against It as carefully as they do against a deadly plague. You know In an Instant the first symptoms of acid-stomach pains of Indigestion; distressing, painful bloat; ecur, gassy stomach; belching; food repeating: heartburn, etc, Whenever your stomach feels thts way you should lose no time In putting It to rights. If you don't, serious consequences are almost sure to fol low, such as Intestinal fermentation, auto intoxication. Impairment of the entire ner vous system, headache, biliousness, cirrhosis f the liver: sometimes even catarrh of tin atomach and Intestinal ulcers and cancer. If you are not feeling right, see If It Isn't eld-stomach that Is the cause of your 111 health. Take BATONIC. the wonderful mod rn . stomach remedy BATONIC Tablets quickly and surely relieve the pain, bloat, belching, and heartburn that Indicate acid tomach. Make tho stomach strong, clean and sweet. By keeping the stomach In healthy condition so that you can get full trength from your food, your general health steadily Improves. Results are marvelously quick. Just try BATONIC and you will be as enthusiastic as the thousands who have used "It and who say they never dreamed anything could bring such marvelous relief. Bo get a big 60-cent box of KATONIO from your druggist today. If not satisfac tory return It and he will refund your money. ATOMIC IFOR YOUR AClfrSTOMACK) Army Gas Masks Are Proving Extremely Versatile RMY gas masks are proving extremely versatile. A vaudeville comedian face ts tiously uses a gas mask to protect himself against the hot air of his fellow comedian ; while lu a more serious way, the worker In a match factory renders himself Invulnerable to deadly chlorine NOW GO AHEAD WfTHTrt' i v v II -v v fumes by wearing an army mask. An engineer wrote to the chemical warfare service of the war department asking for a gas mask, because he was growing old and could not stnnd the smoke which Hooded the engine cab whenever the train passed through a tunnel. The mask was sent, nnd the engineer wrote that It saved him his position. Other engineers have since bought masks for the same pur pose. A Now York society woman stepped from her limousine Into the office and demnnded a gas mask. She explained that she had Just opened her New York house, und that moths were positively eating up her clothes and house furnishings, ller butler, ordered to fumigate, had purchased a large quantity of formaldehyde und three dozen sulphur candles, lie spruyed formaldehyde all over the house, and lighted tho three dozen candles. The fumes soon became so strong Unit It was Impossible to stay In the house, and she had hurried after a gas mask In order to have some one open the windows. Her footman, who hud been In the nrmy,fltted on the mnsk and entered the house without being at all affected by the fumes. The woman's pets, a monkey, cat and parrot, wertfall found dead In the housfi. Patrolman Cutting Weeds Along Side of Road. er conditions the material is In n fnlr condition to work with tho grader foi nbout three days after a' ruin, giving ample time for three full ro(unds ot the section which should lenvc even n badly rutted rond In fairly good condi tion. Ho suro to nlways make the first round trip on tho center of the road. "Six Inches of crown to a 24-foot driving surface Is sufficient. Care should bo tnken that the rondbed Is nicely rounded, and not dragged to u peak in tho center or a large rldgo of loose earth left there." in Congress ' IVlay Scare Automobile Thieves roads aid rural students Immediate Possession filch land, pan of a largo successful Hstale, new bolldlnics. soft water, paved roads, main line It. 11., on State Highway, good markets, blub school, grade acbools, cburohes, good American neighbors. Land plowed and ready to go on at any time. Will con- Ilder only good hard-working bonest farmers wbo now a real opportunity and who want to become owners themselves. Will Rive a nye year lease and yon can average from IM to $75 per acre per year as yonr sbare. You must bare live stock, Implements, and some money. Yon must be willing to work bard 8 days a week. For that klud of a man will bo given a obance to own a place for himself. Land produces two crops year. Uest grain, alfalfa, truck, fruit, cat tle and nog feeding and dairying farms in America. Located In San Joaquin Valley, CallfornlaatUhow cbllla near Fresno. Farms all about tbls estate owned by iOO middle western farmers and bankors, Write quick and tell me all abont yonrsolf ltstyont family, live stock and Implements, State in detail yonr financial condition. If you. mean business I can rent you from 01 to 800 acres or employ you as Farm Manager. Don't hesitate don't put Itoff, Tell mo all abont youraolf and 1 will call. This Is an op portnnlty ot a Ufa time fur several man and tbelr families. Address EASTERN TRUSTEE Sulte61D 109 N, Dearborn St., Chicago, 111, PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM aemovfiOuidraa-stoptllalrKalllnci Restores i-oior ana Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair li'i. .... I ,M a rfM.U. t.f. M IW. Will f I'W K, , u,... IniKOiChrm. W k$. I'ste hoctie. N.T HINDERCORNt) Itnnores Onras. Cal.i louses, eto., stops all pain, ensures comfort , to the feet, makes walking eair. lie. by mail or at IrugJ gUU. UicosCbtulw Woiiu,l'akuofQs,U.X. AUTOMOBILE thieves will Und their activities dangerous if the senute, passes u 1)111 recommended to It by tho liour.e. The bill wns Introduced In con gress by Representatives L. C. Dyer and C. A. Newton of Missouri. It Is o compromise between one designed by WHAT DOfOU THINK'A THAI? tho St. Louis men nnd one by the Na tional Automobile Dealers' association. Under the provisions of the bill a penitentiary sentence awaits uny one who stenls an automobile, buys a stolen car, or has one In his possession, knowing the car to be stolen property, or drives a stolen car from one state to another. Automobile dealers have long waited for a federal law to protect them. Their organizations have, urged tho members of congress to pass a law rather thun to let each state handle this nmttor. With a federal law on the books there would be no con flict between the various states, as the law would be the same In all. The bill Includes the following: "Section 2. Whoever shall In any stute, territory, or the District of Columbia, steal or unlawfully take, carry away, or conceal, with intent to convert to his own use, any automobile, automobile truck, ot any other motor vehicle, orsunll buy or receive or have In his possession any such nutomoblle, automobile truck or nny other motor vehicle, knowing the same to hnvo been stolen, or shall thereafter, in any other manner or moans transp'ort such auto mobile, automobile truck, or other motor vehicle In Interstate commerce, to any other state, territory, or the District of Columbia, or to a foreign country, Hhiill bo deemed guilty of n felony and upon conviction thereof shall be pun ished by Imprisonment for not morethan ten years." Much Larger Percentage of Attend, ance Noted in Sections Where Highways Are Improved. (Prepared by tho United StiUes Depart ment of ABrleulturo.) While It is true Unit various factors contribute to increase or reduce tho attendance at schools In given sections of the country, It Is worthy of com mcnt that In the states having u high percentage of Improved roads n. muc'n larger percentage of rural students en rolled regularly attend the schools than in the states having a small per centnge of Improved roads. SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE RELIEF For 200 vcbm GOLD MEDATj Unnr- cm Oil bits enabled suffering human tv to withstand attacks of kidney. liver, blndder nnd stomach troubles and all diseases connected with tho urinary organs, and to build up and restoro to health organu weakened by disease. These most important orenna must be watched, because they filter and purify the blood: unless they do their work you are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervous ness, despondenoy, backache, stomach trouble, pains in the loins and lower abdomen, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lurabneo nil warn you of trouble with your k kidneys. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are the remedy t! u need. Tako three or four ererr day .'ho healimr oil soaka Into the cells and lining of the kidneys and drives out the poisons. New life and health will surely follow. When your normal tltor has been restored continue treatment for a while to keep yourself in condi tion and prevent a return of the dis ease. . Don't wait until you are Incapable ot ficktinjr. Start taking GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Your drtijTRlst will cheerfully refund your money If you are sot satisfied with results. But be sure to set tho origins! imported GOLD MIC DAL nnd accept no substitutes. In three sizes. Sealed packsres. At all drug stores. Syrup Purity Absolute purity with nil Its own virtues Is ono good rcaBon why w know you vriu iiko r armcr jonti doiiuuiii V Yt 5ou try It. 1U superior troodnesa Is pledget! by the farmer oaea label and you can depend upon It. Earth Roads Suffer. Earth roads been tho greatest sufferers from water, and it Is upon them that the greatest amount of money has been wanted. Decent Road Will Help. . "Hack to tho farm" will moan some thing when there's a decent road to go back over. Mall Carrier Appreciative. If any traveler appreciates the value of Improved hlghwnys It is tho rural mall currier. 1 iHtr 0 sk M IMS s nwsmaBssMM i imnusiimisjiiiiin i m Farmer Jnes A Sorghum Blend syrup Mads by an exclnstvo process which makes It wholesome, economical and delicious from cano grown in our own fields. Jta. nBila vlUwat tab slrutww New Rcclpo Book Sent FREE Tk Fort Scott sorghum svsup Co. 'kew- XtuL ImUlaTfKM, S&NIASCTTT. HO. f rt 'II . UU l lrt droit, tw . snd 11i UluS, All. raWuVMIW Wilson Patent Never-BreaR Trace Positively Guaranteed From Ripping, Stretching or Dreaklnj inquire oF Your Dealer Wilton Trace & Mfg. Co." 1721. ZJ Lswrtaca St. Dsavsr, 'Vs. O&ADBURY, DENTIST 30 YEARS IN OMAHA. Painless Dental Work zuaranteed 10 years. Fillings, Crowns, Bridge-work, Plates and Extractl. cr. Homo treatment for Qum Discuses, tightens tooth and proservos health. It will pay you to como for this Quality Work. Send for Booklet Dai WOOD M tIN OF WORLD DUILDINQ, OMAHA. NtZBSk HALEY'S COMET 61 YEARS AGO Is Same Terrific Wanderer In Space That Has Appeared Down the Ages. The world was up all night Septem ber 12, 1010. Haley's comet blnzed across the roof of tho world. This "great comet," whose revolution oc rupled l!02 years, was first seen In Au gust, 1858, by a gentleman In Altonu, but Haley's comet, nnmed after the astronomer who calculated Its prog ress, Is tho same terrific wanderer In depths of space that has appeared down the ages, nnd to which succes sive names have been given Heln's comet. Donatl's comet, etc. Prom the records of history It seems that tho comet appears to foretell some world disaster. It appeared before the. fall of Jerusalem under Titus; In the reign of Louis the Debonair, 837, and the king died shortly after: It appeared before the dentil of Caesar, 4IJ B. C. Again It appeared three years after the capture of Constantinople by the Turks. 1450. It appeared In 1801, Just before tho Civil war, and In 1010, be fore tho great war. What is a comet? It Is a member of tho solar republic a hirsute star, a vngnbond orb, that travels fit almost Incalculable speed, whose tall Is fifty- live million miles long who approach es tho sun, not to be consumed In It, but to draw- from that radiant source the energy necessary for Its future (ravels In the unknown abysses of tho drmnment. It has Its own orbit which It follows. What mind dnro follow that? The man who never makes a mis take is usually not accomplishing much. IlUBsln's nnnunl production of salt exceeds 2,100,000 tons. Bilious? Constipated? WHY SlirrEnt When a postal requestlns lmiSia HAMl'LUS of Hod Cloud Liver llerrlet will bring quick relief and happiness. Won. derful Homo Homcdy continuously sold sines 1883, IIlRhest testimonials from grateful users. Write today for Kill: 13 SAMPLES and Information without cost or obligation, to II. Claries At Sons, Inc. Dept. O, Balti more, Md., tl. 8. A. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 42-1919. THEY TURNED AWAY DAZEDLY Young Couple In Search of an Apart ment Run Into Unusual Landlord. They were swapping 3'nrns nt tho Athletic club the other night nnd Prank Gurbutt told this one, though he doesn't vouch for Its vernclty. "The young husband touched tho landlord's doorbell timidly and his wlfo just ns timidly sought his hnnd, when the door banged open nnd a tierce, bowhlskcred man confronted them. "H-havo you an npnrtment to rent?" piped the young husband. "Hnvo you any children?" ronred the landlord, running a sinewy hnnd through his whiskers. "No," replied the young husband, promptly. "Any dogs?" blared tho lnndlord. "Not n ono," chirped tho young wife, "Well, then," said tho landlord tri umphantly, "you can't got In here. We never rent apartments to pcoplo who haven't children or dogs." The door slammed In their face and they turned away dazedly. There's a Difference. "How can I bo successful In life. Uncle Jim?" "Let mo understand you, boy. DC you wnnt rules for being successful In llfo, or do you merely want a for mula for getting rich?" More Economical Than Coffee Better for Health and Costs Less Inst ant Posttim A table drink made "quick as a wink" by placing a spoonful in a cup, then adding hot water, and sugar and cream to taste. 1 IHSTAHT & irOSTUM a umwi -a i 9 There's a Reason for POSTUM Made by Possum Cereal Company Battle Creek, Mich. Said by Grocers and General Store No Raise in Price