The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 24, 1919, Image 8

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Adventurers Are Now Prospect'ng tho
Coasts of Baffin Bay and
Davis G trait
Ono of tho really pathetic stories of
modern history Is tho mutiny of Henry
Hudson's crew when lio was exploring
tho arctic wntcrs of North America,
and his abandonment, with his son, In
that vnst lnlnnd sea that bears his
name, a writer In tho Urooklyn Eagle
remarks. Many lives have been sacri
ficed In tho quest of tho North and
South poles. Sir John Franklin's and
tho Jeannctte's parties In the north
and the recent Scott expedition at the
south only need he mentioned.
Plans are afoot to open up the Baffin
boy region to commerce. For many
years small steamers have been mak
ing summer visits to Hudson bny to
trade with thn natives', and tho Cana
dian government Is building a railway
to one of Its ports. Hnllroad and com
mercial development of Alaska by
American enterprise has caused pros
pecting of tho mineral resources of
the coasts of IJaflln bay and Davis
strait, with tho result of finding, at the
former place, gold In milllclent quanti
ties to Justify development, and coal
of excellent quality along the latter.
Tho latitude Is about the same as that
of the Yukon region and only a few
degrees north of that of Nome, which
has developed Into a large community.
So impelling H' tho lure of gold that
the hardships of n arctic climate will
not deter adventurers from hazarding
their lives against the wealth said to
be burled under tho eternal snow and
Ico of Ilallln Island.
Cloee-Fisted Farmor Learned Some
thing About tho Value Legal
Lighte Set on Services.
Chauncey M. Depew, In writing tho
story of his life, recnTls his llrst law
case. It was in Peeksklll. Tho client
was a farmer and ho wanted an opin
ion on certain property rights.
Dopew spent a week In looking up
the points of law that had bearing on
the case and when he had finished
charged the modest fee of $5i.
"Too much," cried the farmer.
"Hut It's taken me a whole week to
prepare this," protested Depew.
"Don't make no. difference," declared
tho farmer. "I figure $1.50 Is all It's
worth and that's all you're going to
About a week Inter the man came to
the office again.
'"Mr. Depew," he said, " had somo
doubts about that opinion of yours, so
I took It down to Now York and
showed It to Mr. . And what do
you think he charged me, Just for
rcndln' that opinion of yours und put
ting his O. K. on It?"
"How much," demanded Depow, ull
"Five hundred dollars 1"
Canada's Bird Refuge.
It Is something for one bird to tell
(mother that Canada has created a
series of reserves. In tho province of
Quebec where (drds are safe from man
made troubles.
Unlike most bird refuges, Perce
Rock, a picturesque, island near Perce
village; tho east and north cliffs of
Bonavonturo lnlai(, three miles further
away; and the northernmost of tho
Magdalen Islands, 124 miles out to sea,
have been set npnrt specltlcally to pro
tect birds whoso value to mankind Is
chiefly their beauty as o purt of na
ture. There Is no attempt to argue, for
example, that tho ganuet, the klttl
wnko, or the razorbill auk should be
protected because they "help tho
former" ; they are protected simply be
causo they are birds.
No human being may steal an egg
from their nests; no weapon danger
ous to their welfare mny be brought
within a mile of their inland sunetu
nrles. Naturally all other birds are equally
safe, and the refuges wlU be a help
toward carrying out Hie purpose of
the International treaty for bird pro
tection. Yellowstone Park Grows.
Yellowatono national park Is ex
pected to grow 1,205 square miles
larger as soon as the prusent congress
Teuches a bill neglected by the last
session. The proposed extension, 80
miles to tho south of the established
boundary, as descrlbod In Popular
Mechanics magazine, takes In Jackson
lake and the wonderful mountain
scenery about it, part, of tho famous
Jackson's Hole country.
Besides providing the only variety
of scenic beauty 'now locking In the
park, tho addition Includes the sum
mer grazing ground of America's last
largo herd of elk, and some of the
uiii-ai liuui-linillllg wuiur in
Fish Had False Teeth.
A fish wearing false teeth was
hooked In tho Gulf of Moxlco, near In
dian Hocks, Flu., by A. L. Andorson of
Judge Anderson wns Invited to go
out In a boat with H. II. Ingersoll, a
well known resident of Indian Hocks,
.During tho day thoy brought up n
speclmon of the "swell toud" or hurtlsh
As the hook was pulled out it brought
with It a front plato with four false
tooth attached to a gold bridge.
Later It wort learned by the aston
ished fishermen that n few days be
fore n visitor from Oldsuutr, it nrnrhy
resort, had dropped his teeth wWA
bathing. Kansas City Star.
At Least Two Inventors Before Him
Had the Idea of the Value of
Steam Power.
It Is a popular Idea that we owe
tho steam engine entirely to tho Inven
tive genius of James Watt.
Tho ldeu, however, Is quite errone
ous, for steam was In use as a motive
power before he come on tho scene.
Several types of steam engine were
In use, notably Savory's and New
comen's. Hut thoy were cum!erwi;'.'. extrnv
ngant, and of smnll power, and It wan
while repairing a model of n Neweuin
en engine that Watt, who was working
ns a mathematical Instrument maker
nt the time, evolved various Improve
ments, notably tho separate con
denser. Meeting Matthew Baulton, a manu
facturer of metnl goods, he entered In
to partnership and they produced en
gines, which at once established Watt's
repututlon. Improvements and inven
tions followed quickly, one after the
other, and the prcsent-dny udvuncc in
motive power is due to the pioneer
work of Watt Even today the stenm
engine remains the same In principle
ns Watt evolved it
It Is an Interesting fnct, by the way,
that Watt's workshop, exactly as ho
left It, still exists nt Hcathflcld hall,
Handsworth, where tho engineering
genius spent tho last nineteen years of
his llfo carrying on scientific Investi
gations. London Tit-Bits.
Scotsmen for Many Centuries Fought
and Lived Under the Flag
of the Bourbons.
Until tho eventual fixture of the
nanovcrlan line on tho throne of Bri
tain, there was always a company, at
least, of Scots In the Roynl Guard In
France. When Louis IX mndo his fa
tal crusade In Egypt, a Scottish legion
fought under tho Bourbon stnndnrds.
Llkowlse, In all tho marches of Jeanne
d'Arc tJiere were Scottish volunteers.
Scottish schools, academies, hospitals,
convents and other Institutions flour
ished In France for many years. Queen
Marie, It Is said, spent her last years
In exile In one of the Scottish con
vents In Paris.
During these centuries, all France
was a laud of pilgrimage for the
Scots, 'Trains of pilgrims were seen
annually assembling nt Saint Wnast.
I'lous Scots also founded shrines at
Mcnux, Rhelms and in many secluded
vales of Champagne. As late as 1810
mnnuscrlpts attest the presence of
Scottish emigrants, whose names soon
became confused with French forms.
It Is said that one French king, de
spairing of tho frivolity of his heir,
suld to him, "If thou should govern
them budly, I would far rather that a
Scot came to rule over them."
The old' saying that some folks would
find fault If they wore going to be
hanged Is undoubtedly true. There
nre ton many dissatisfied humnn be
ings, a minority, to be sure, but
enough to shade tho picture which
portrays our everyday life. Hanging
U a serious matter, and no one can
wonder If Its contemplation causes dis
satisfaction to tho herrt of the occa
sion, but lesser Ills and woes, and
common things like wind and wenther,
lack of money, unpleasant occupations,
a crumpled roseleaf In the bed, a
wrinkle in some other woman's get up
which has escaped her own, turn loose
n stream of fault-finding dlsugreeable
and contemptible. We might as well
decide that wo all have something to
bear In this world and that we will
bear It without grumbling; wemlght
ns well subscribe to the truth that
If it is not one thing, It Is another,
and set our teeth and sny nothing.
Caroline Harris Lee.
"Ghost" of ThomnB a Becket.
St. Thomas, tho "first Agnostic,"
whose festlvul was pluced on the
shortest duy to punish .his unbelief,
shares this anniversary with a very
militant namesake, Thomas a Becket,
pllgrlmnges to whoso shrine Inspired
Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales."
His specter, known uniting the
vergers ns "Thomas a Backet's ghost,"
can be seen occasionally in tho crypt
of Canterbury cathedral. It is a real
ghost, and has been photographed.
Ono photograph showed a dim flguro
of a prelate against n pillar, while an
other snapshot taken from the same
position, but on a different day, re
vealed no such appearance.
Rationalists explain that nn ancient,
fresco on the pillar, painted out at tho
Reformation, becomes visible through
tho overlaid material during damp
weather. Loudon Chronicle.
We went housekeeping Immediately
upon our mnrrlage, for mother said
sho despised these boarding peoplo;
sho went to housekeeping when sho
was married, and sho meant all her
children should do tho same; und if
their husbands weren't able to go to
housekeeping then they weren't ablo
to bo husbands, und there wns nn end
of it; and no two people, sho said,
brought up in different fashions, could
unlto their lives into ono without somo
Jnrrlng, and a third party was sure to
turn that jar into an earthquake ; and
if there were fewer third parties hnlf
tho trouble would bo dono away with ;
for sho believed hnlf tho divorces and
separations and quarrels In the state
were brought ubout by boarding house
intimacies with third parties. Harriet
Prescott Spofford.
'Clinton & Sou will
take care of your Eye
Glass trouble; we guar
antee to glvo you satis
faction. Sign of the Big
l'lnno For Sale
Wo havo stored in North Phtto a
strictly high grado piano which If sold
at onco can bo purchased at n positive
bargain Terms. For particulars ad
77-G Donver. "olo.
General Farm Sale n Specialty.
References and Dates nt First Na
tional Bank, North l'lnttc, Neb.
Phono 1000.
North Platte Tent
and Awning Co.
109 West Sixth Street
l'hono 210
Big Price for Furs,
Don"t sell your Furs before see
ing me. Furs are high and I
am offering the top prices.
Licensed Embaniers
Undertakers and Funeral Dlroctora
Buy phono 11
Night phono Black 53S
Notice to Creditors.
Estate No. 1682 of Gust Katsanos, de
ceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estate will take notice
that tho time limited for presentation
and filing of claims against said es
tate Is February 21st, 1920, and for
settlement of said estate is October
17th, 1920; that I will sit at tho county
court loom in said county, on Novem
ber 21st, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., and
ton Fobruary 21st, 1920, at 10 o'clock
a. m., to recolvo, examine, hear, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
o21n!4' County Judge.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estato No. 1G88 of Sam Botonis, de
ceased, In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estate will tako notlco
that the time limited for presentation
and filing of claims against said es
tate Is February 21st 1920, and for
settlement of said estato Is October
15th, 1920; that I will sit at the county
court room in said county, on Novem
ber 21st, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., and
on February 21st, 1920, at 10 o'clock
a. m., to roceivo, examine, hear, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
o21nl4 County Judge.
Notice of Petition.
Estato. No. 1697 of John Rylander, de
ceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per
sons Interested in said estate take no
tice that a petition has been filed for
tho appointment of Petor C. Oberg as
administrator of said estaet, which has
boen ct for hearing horein on October
31, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated October 6th, 1919.
o7o24 County Judge.
Notico of Petition.
Estato No. 1695 of Henry F. Coates,
doccased, In tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per
sons intorostod in said estato tako no
tico that a potltlon, has boen filed for
tho probato of an instrument purport
ing to bo tho last will and testament
of Honry F. Coates, docoased, and for
tho appointment of nn Executor of
said cLtQto, which has been set for
hearing horein on October 28, 1919, at
9 o'clock a. m.
Dated October 1st, 1919.
oGo24 County Judge.
Election Proclamation.
By vlrtuo of tho authority in me
vested hy law and in keeping with
Chapter 19G of tho Session Laws of
Nebraska for 1919, providing for tho
election of dologates to a Constitution
al Convention, I, A. S. Allen. County
Clork of Lincoln County, Nobraska,
do heroby proclaim that a Special
olecdon will bo hold throughout tho
County of Lincoln, State of Nobraska,
on tho 4th. day of Novombor, 1919. at
tho usual voting places, during tho
hours designated by law. At such
Election tho electors of tho GSth and
77th Representative Districts in Lin
coln County, Stato of Nobraska shall
oloct n number of dologntes having
tho cuallflcatlons of electors to said
convention, equal to tho numbor of
Roprosentativos which said G8th and
77th Represontatlvo Districts were en
titled to elect to tho Houso of Hep
rsontatlvos of tho Thirty-seventh Ses
sion of tho Loglslaturo of Nebraska.
Witnosa my hand and official seal
this 8th day of Octobor. 1919.
ol0o31 County Clerk.
Keep your eye on
Corner Front and Dewey.
Phone 221;
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postoftice.
Phone 58
A modern Institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Staff: '
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lncas, M. D.
J.B. RedEeld, M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte. Nebraska
5, C, 7 Building & Loan Building.
Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Roxall Drug Store
Office Phone 371. House 1068
Physician, Obstetrictnn
Surgeon, X-Ray
Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day
Phone Office G42 Itosidence G7G
Practice Limited to
Sunrory and Radium Therap)
728 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, .Nebraska.
Phone nt My Expense.
Sutherland Nebraska.
General Auctioneer.
Live Stock and Farm Sales. Phono
or Wire n( My Expense for Dates.
Legal Notice.
T. F. Laughlin and Estella Gibson,
Jamos Gibson, Rachel A. Staloy, Rosa
Connor, and Robert Staloy, heirs at
law of John Staloy, doccased, and Cecil
Touoll, National Firo Insurance Com
pany, Tho South Half of tho South
Wast Quartor of Section 32. in Town
ship 11. Rango 32, in Lincoln County,
Nobraska, and all porsons claiming
any interest of any kind in said real
estato or any part thoreof, will tako
notlco that on tho 28th day of June,
1919, W. T. Gulher as plaintiff filed
his petition In tho District Court of
Lincoln County, Nobraska, tho object
and prayor of which aro to foreclose
a certain mortgage deed nlloged to
havo boon executed and delivered by
tho dofondnnts W. T. Ervin and Winnie
Ervin to T. F. McLaughlin May, 9th,
191C, and thereby convoying to said
Laughlin tho South Half of the South
West Quartor of Section 32 in Town
ship 11. Rango 32 in Lincoln County,
That on October 6th, 1919, tho said
W. T. Ervin and Winnlo Ervin de
fondants filed their answer and cross
petition in said action, the object and
prayor of which nro to clear title to
said lands of certain clouds thereon
and to quiet and confirm such titlo in
tho snld M. T. Ervin and to oxcludo
each and all of said defendants, and
nil porsons claiming any interst of any
kind in said real ostato or nny pnrt
thoreof, from nny right, title or claim
against said promises.
You aro required to nnswor said
cross potltlon on or bofore tho 24th
day of Novembor, 1919.
Dated October 13th. 1919.
CARR, Their Attorneys. ol4 n7
i lucjuonaiu uatiK may.
Phone 97.
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Government Veterinarian and ox
assistant doputy State Veterinarian
Hospital 315 South Vine Street.
Hospital Phone Black 633
Houso Phone Black 633
Bonded Abstracter.
Public Stenographer.
Office with B. M. Reynolds, Architect
Apt. 1 Reynolds Terraco.
Phone Black 1105.
North Platte, Ncbr.
For the treatment of Medical, Surgical
and Obstetrical Cases. A place
where tho sick aro cared for so as to
bring about normal conditions In the
easiest, most nntural and scientific
Phono 110. North Platte, Neb.
Office over McDonald Bauk.
Office Phono 1186 Res. Phone 1120
JOHN S. SIMS. 31. D.
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Office Phone S3 Residence SS
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Phsylclan and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
nnd Obstrotrics.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 115
Office Phone 340
Res. Phone 1237
Osteopathic Physician '
Bolton Bldg. North Platte, Neb
Phone for Appointments
Announces his discharge from milit
ary service and the establishment of
his office over HIrachfeld's Clothing
phones: Office 333. Res. Red 856.
Taxi and Livery
Phone 90S. Black 398
Notice to Creditors
Estate of David Day, deceased, in tho
County Court of Lincoln County,
Tho State of Nebrasga, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notice that the
time limited for presentation and fil
lng of claims against said estato Is
February 7, 1920, and for settlement
of said estate is October 4, 1920:
that I will sit at the county court
room in said county, on November 7,
1919, at 9 o'cyock a. m., and on Feb
ruary 7, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., to
receive, examine, hear, allow, or ad-
Just all claims and objections duly
o7o28 County Judge
Notice of Final Report
Estate No. 1612 of Earl E. Butler, de
ceased, In tho County Court of Lin
coin County, Nebraska.
Thos Stato of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested in said estate take no
tlco that the administrator has filed a
final account and report of his admin
istratlon and a petition for final set
tlement and discharge as such, which
have heon set for hearing boforo said
court on Octobor 31, 1919, at 9 o'clock
a. m., when you may appear and con
tost tho same.
Dated Soptombor 30, 1919.
o6o24 " County Judge.
Notice For Publication Isointed Tract
Public Land Sale. Department of the
U. S. Land Office at Broken Bow, No
braska, September 27. li13.
Notice is hereby, given that, as di
rected by tho Commissioner of tho
General Land offico, under provisions
of Sec 2455, R. S., pursuant to the ap
plication of William B. Howard, seri
al No. 012001, wo will offer at public
sale, to the highest blddor, but at not
less than $5.00 per aero, nt 10 o'clock
n. m. on tho 13th day of November,
next, at this offico, the following tract
of land: S&SE&, Sec. 32, T. 15 N., R.
30 W 6th P. M.
The snlo will not bo kopt open, but
will bo declared closed whon those
present nt tho hour named havo ceas
ed bidding. Tho person making the
highest bid will bo required to im
mediately pay to tho Receiver tho
amount thoreof.
Any person claiming ndvorsoly the
above-doscrlbod land aro advised to
file tholr claims, or objections, on or
boforo the tlmo designated for- sale.
Notice to Weil Contractors nnd
Well Drillers.
Scaled bids will bo received up until
6 p. m. Oct. 21st, 1919 nt the offico ot
City Clerk of.tho City of North Platto
in tho Keith Thentro Building for the
furnishing of all labor and materials
and tho drilling of a 24 inch well to a
depth of 170 feet on tho well site near
tho Intersection of 1st nnd A streets
in the City of North Platte.
Specifications and bidding blanks
can bo obtained at The Water Com
missioner's office in tho City Fire
Estimated cost of well complete
?3,OO0.OO. (
The City Council reserves tho right
to reject any or all bids.
Attest: O. E. ELDER, Mayor.
(SEAL) City Clerk 79-3
Depnrtmcnt of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Offico ut Brokon Bow,
Nobraska, Soptember 19, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that Nelson
D. Wells,, of North Platto, Nobraska,
who on April 8, 1916, made homestead
entry North Pntto No. 06342, Brokon
Bow, No. 011901, for the WJ6 NWVi,.
Section 26, Township 12 North, Rango
31 West of 6th Principal Meridian, has
filed notico of intention to make
three-year Proof, to establish claim
to the land abovo described, boforo W.
H. C. Woodhurst, United States Com
missioner, at North Platte, Nebraska,
on tho 8th day of November, 1919.
Claimant namos as witnesses:
Stephen W. McDormott, O. L. Watklns,
Carl Braeder, R. S. L. Voss, all of
North Platte, Nebraska.
s23o24 .Register.
In the Matter of Edwards SItz, Bank
rupt. Case No. 56, In Bankruptcy, Voluntary
Order on Application to Sell Real
At North Platto, in said District on
this 6th day of October, A. D., 1919, be
fore Walter V. Hoagand, Referee in
This cause came on for considera
tion on tho application of tho trustee,
J. C. Hollman to sell at public auction
the undivided one-seventh Interest of
teh bankrupt, Edward SItz, in and to
tho following described property to
wlt: Tho North West Quarter (NWi)
of Sec. 6, Twp. 45, North of Range 17,
West of tho 2nd P. M. in Prince Albert
County, Province of Saskatchewan,
Canada; and also Lots 17 and 18 in
Block 8, of tho town of Peterson, Clay
County, Stato of Iowa;
Upon consideration whereof, it is
ordered that tho trustee sell the inter
est of tho bankrupt, Edward Sitz, In
and to tho abovo described property
at public auction at the office of ref
eree at North Patte. Nebraska, on the
15th day of November, 1919,. at 2
o'clock p. m.
It is further ordered that the trustee
advertise said sale for a period of 30
days prior thereto In the North Platte
Tribune; that 30 day,s notice bo given
by mail to each of the creditors and
parties to tho record in those pro
ceedings, the samo to bo given by
mailing a copy of thls.order.
It is further ordered that a credi
tors' meeting be held at the offico of
W. V. Hoagland, Referee In Bankrupt
cy, at North Platte, Nobraska, on tho
15th day of Nov., 1919, at 3 o'clock p.
m., for the purpose of considering the
report of the trustee and the confir
mation of said salo and any other mat
ters that may como before the referee
In tho matter of said estate and more
especially the objections of the trustee
and tho bankrupt to tho proofs of
claims of Christ Paulson and tho First
National Bank of Peterson, Iowa, that
are on file In said estato. Said parties
will take notice accordingly.
O10-O31 Referee in Bankruptcy.
Legal Notice.
Green L. Sherman, Annie Sherman,
Peleg G. Vary, Frontier Stato Bank of
Curtis, E of SW&, and W of SEVi
Sec. 22, Twp. 9 N Range 27, W. 6th P.
M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska, and
all persons claiming any intorest of
any kind in said real estate, or any
part thereof:
Will tako notico that Wesley T. Wil
cox, plaintiff in a certain action whore
In Wesley T. Wilcox is plaintiff and
you and each of you are defendants,
on the l4tb day of October. 1919, filed
his petition in the District Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you
and each of you and all persons claim
ing any Interest of any kind in tho real
estate, hereinafter described, or any
part thoreof, the object and prayer of
said petition being to quiet plaintiff's
titlo to the E of SWVi, and W& of
SEV4, Sec. 22, Twp. 9, N., Rango 27,
W. of tho 6th P. M. In Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, plaintiff alleging in his
petition that he has been in tho open
and continuous adverso possession of
said real estate as owner since on or
about Jan. 1, 1903. Plaintiff also
seeks to havo his title quieted against
a certain mortgage upon tho nbovo
described real estato, executed by
Groen L. Fliorman and wife to Peleg G.
Vary on May 1st, 1893, which mort
gaged is recorded In Book 21, at page
52 of tho mortgage records of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, plaintiff alleging
that said mortgage Is barred by the
Statuto of Limitations of tho Stato of
Nebraska. Plaintiff also seeks to havo
his titlo quieted as against a certain
mortgage upon said real estato, ex
ecuted by Groon L. Sherman and wlfo
to Frontier Stato Bank of Curtis on
May 17, 1S93, which mortgago is re
corded in Book 18, at pago 282 of tho
mortgugo records of Lincoln County.
Nebraska, plaintiff alleging that said
mortgage is barred by tho Statute of
Limitations of tho Stato of Nebraska.
Plaintiff also alleges that ho has ac
quired a now and Independent titlo to
said real estato by adverse possession,
you aro rurthor notified that unless
you answer said petition on or boforo
tno Z4th day of Novombor, 1919, Judg
ment will bo rendered against you.
uaiou uct. 14, l'Jiu.
ol4n7 Plaintiff.