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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1919)
Women's Boots of Unusual Beauty The New Season's Models are Now on Display in Store and Window SEIIKASKJL MISSIONARY SOCIETY .MEKTS HERE Mi XT WEEK HAVE you seen them? The graceful long tapering vamps and high Louis heels bri the boots for dress ocassions the distinctively walking type of boots for shopp ing and informal occasions with Military heels. Both the finest types of the shoe crafts man's art. The well-known quality ideals of the maker, JOHN KELLY, are maintained in these shoes. These are styles of unusual attractive ness' and we cannot recommend them too . highly. E. T. Tramp & Sons SHOE STORE. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Denb'st Office oyer tht McDonald State Bunk. Tho forty-third annual mooting of tho Womon's Missionary Society for tho Synod ofNobraska will hold their inootlngs In tho First Presbyterian church beginning Tuesday, October 2Sth, and continue through Wednesday, teg tho 29th. There will be from fifty to BovonJ-y-flve ladios from tho different Sjj pans ci me suuo in uuuuuunce uuu lu addition to U1080 hero will bo a number of speakers from tho Woman's Missionary Board from ,N'ew York, and Mr. William Dannor,, secretary of mis sions tc tho lepers. Miss Totrle comos with an experi ence- that few have had as well as a woman of scholarship and to hear her will be a rare treat for tho people of North Platte. Wo nro told that Mrs. Larimer, of Pittsburgh, will not only ontertaln her nudionco but will In struct them along tho lines of missions that will bo very Interesting. And then wo will all want to hear Mrs. EM T. Allen, of-PersIa, who will bring tiB- greetings from that much tnlkcd oi( country ai mis ume. men wo uuvo soniu (11 cm own women from Nebras ka vln Rio always In tho forefront of thrf wuK and who have for us mes sages that will Inspire us. Tho public Is cordially invited to attend and especially the ladies from the missionary societies of the other cnurches. You will seo by the pro gram that there will bo many good things In storo for you. Como and en- Joy them. Tho women of tho Presbyterian church have as their goal this year in tho New Era Movement more than two and pno-half million dollars for mlssi' us. ::o:: To The Voters. In presenting my name to tho voters of the 77th district as a candldato for delegate to tho constitutional conven tion I present tho following that you may know who I am. Came to Lin coln county In 1871. Have resided continuously In Keith -county since 1878, where- I have owned and operat ed a farm and ranch. A graduate of the Nebraska School of Agriculture and progressive. I believe In a con stitution fitted to tho needs of a grow ing Nebraska. Since Lincoln and Dawson counties will each have a delegate In tho con vention, fairness would Indicate that Keith county should have the float rep resentative. Your vote will be appreciated. II. S. LUTE. Paxton. Neb. . The Store That Shows the Largos! Variety and NewestThing First. WMWM LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. B. B. Boatman left yesterday morning for a visit with friends in Denver. Dlxou & Son, Sight Specialists. Tnni Nnlnn returned Tuesday from Omaha where ho spent tho week end with friends. Dick Woods, formerly of this city, has sold his farm at Crocker, Mo., and moved to Wayland, Mich. Air Walter Goodman arrived Mon day from Lincoln for an extended vis It with her son E. R. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Relnsh. of Oma ha, are spending the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Jas Nolan. Wanted Liberty bonds at market price. Louis Lipshitz. Mrs. Steve Baldwin returned Tues day from Portland where she had been visiting relatives for tho past six weeks. Dixon has a beautiful now assort ment of platinum and diamond tie pins $15.00 to $100.00. Mrs. Nettie Munsill, of Omaha, who had been visiting her niece Mrs. Ar thur Allen for a week, went to Far nam Tuesday to visit relatives. Homelier tho date, Thursday, Oct. atOh anil reserve 11 couple of hours on that evening to help solve North Platte's problems, which nro renlly your problems. House For Sale Call 308 south Sycamore. 81-2 Dr. and Mrs. B. O. Baer reurned AVednesday to their home In Pleasant on, Iowa, after a short visit with tho latter's sisters, Mrs. Bangs and Mrs. Mary Watts. Our aim Is to handle only the high est grado of diamonds. Dixon, tno quality jeweler. Roy Churchill, of Fremont, spent Wednesday, and Thursday with his sis ters, Misses Mablo and May Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Oleson, of Goth enburg, visited friends Jn town Tues day. Stolen Ford car, license number 137652, ongine numbor 2505710. $25.00 reward. Address Gil south Chest nut street. 80tf H. Smith landed In Mrs. Wjlfr'jl btuart. of Lexlneton, is visiting liei paients, Mr. and Mrs.j82&84. John Tlshe. New numbers in tricolette dresses.! Wedding Licenses 11 ml Weddings E. T. Tramp & Sons. A license to wed was granted Mon- Mr. and Mrs. H. Miles, of Paxton,' day to Lllburn Phillips of Hastings were business visitors In town Wed- nnd Effle Beatty of Brady. nesday I Ray Gingrich and Hazel Bellstrom, An open stock of Nippon dinnerware cfwGot,henbur' w!ro mnrr,cd by r Ill f fern Tvwilliiir'ur TnnoHnv is carried by Clinton, tho jeweler. " , ' . . I Llcenso was granted Tuesday to ur. anu . rs. .u 11. yarv in, 01 u-,Honr.- Rico of this city and Minnie erianu, visueu wiui menus in town 'White of Gothenburg, yesterday. I ::o::- Painting nnd Paper Hanging. H.t Two Greek8 WOro arrested Wcdncs II. Lnndgraf, Phono Black o,0.. ny on tlie .charge of stuillng fruit A bo oaby Was born Wednesday at from cars in transit and pleading tho Twinem hospital to Mr. and Mrs. j guilty before Judge Woodhurst wore Grimshaw, ot Keystone. If you are interested in a good me dium priced coat ask to see our $25.00 plush coats. E. T. Tramp Si Sons. Lester Neuman returned homo each fined five dollars and costs Now arrivals at tho Style Shop. Six beautiful evening gowns designed by artists who know. Now arrivals In the children's do- Tuesday, after a year's service over-i partment of ready to wear at Tho .. 1.1. 1 I ' T 1 V 1 ( I f Huas wiiu me uiigmecring corps. , lA'iiuur .u ercunuie uo. Rov. Henry Ives, of Sidney, rector Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knox returned of the Episcopal church in that tovvn 'yesterday to their homo In Sanderson was a North Platte visitor yesterday. ! Texas, after a two weeks' visit with For Sale 8 room house, all mod- Mr- nnd Mrs. John Knox. They wero em except heat, and two lots. Call accompanied on the return trip by 212. 81-4 Mr- and Mrs- John Knox who will Tho number of uncompleted houses fP0" the winter there in the hope in North Platte indicates that carpen- wil1 bo a bcnc(lt to Mr- Knox 8 tors and plastorors will be busy the ne!UU1, greater part of tho winter. j While wo haven't a good way in The public is invited to attend a'hich to display our morchamlisn. free lecture on Christian Science at ZlZl I I hVQJho Up,V,lM the Keith theatre Sunday, Oct. 2Gth, at,minuto styl(!S- R T' Trnmp & Sons' 3 o'clock, new time. 81-2 Judge Lovett, president of tho Har- MIss Gertrude Goodln, who had been1 fi,na" SUP of a"radI' ecompan. visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Pnss, for tho past three weeks, returned Wednesday for her home In Lebanon. Ky. For Sale The Doncgan house at 208 south Sycamore Street.. Phono Red 1107. 79tf Maurice Fowler, of Grand Island. Is in town today attempting to secure cars in which to ship about forty mules which ho purchased In tho Sutherland section. led by President Calvert and oth er Union Pacific officials, passed through on a special train at threo o'clock Wcdnesdny afternoon. Judge Lovett is making an inspection of the Union Pacific system. For Sale Fivo grado Holstein cows. H. E. Norton, North Platto, Phono 798F2. 80-3 Mrs. Jessie B. Bacon, of Omaha, for merly of this city, and her mother Mrs. Mary Hoylo-Knight, of Gothcn- bliri left. Wrvlnnsflnv fnr T-Tnirni-atrnvn. rur cuiu oovou louu uuBU Uu uDt Mdt to aUend the Farm Women's Na Third street. All modern. Threo I tlonal congress. Mrs. Bacon is presi blocks from high school. Inquire of ,iont of tho Nnbr-Si, i)rfini, nf ,hls Isaac Deats, GOO block east Third. Phono Red 1233. 80tf Hogs dropped a dollar a hundred In tho South Omaha market Wednesday, a loss of eight million dollars to tho T1 l. TT !.! " ...O.. i uiuufh D buiuiui. iuKa ""Mines. Dixon handles them all. . . , . m . TT .. , , W. V. Hoagland wont to Omaha last Wanted at Twinem Hospital Stu-1 niM .,, ,, w, trnnoni. ,iainna dent nurse rtnd general assistant. Ap-j for BOVoral (lnySi IIo ,g presl(ent of a company which will mnko morchant- organ'.zntion. PIckard china, Libby cut glass, Cor dova leather and Gorhnm sterling si ver nro all considered tho standards nnd the highest quality of tholr varlou San Francisco Tuesday morning? hav- effect ing mndo tho round trip of C.402 miles In tho trans-continental air derby. Capt. Smith was tho first east bound ply at Dr. Twlnem's office. 81tf Boginning next Monday morning tho banks will open at nine o'clock and closo at half past three, tho samo hours as was observed before tho day light saving act of congross went Into 1)0 YOU DANCE I For nrlvato lessons in all ballroom flier to reach tho North Platto control dancing, phono 841 botweon C:15 and station. i7:l p. m. Gay Iloston, Instructor. Dr. Hownrd Yost, Dentist, Twlnom! Special prices to clubs, organizations, ganco nnd warmth on tho hnnd. Cull Duilillng. Phono 307. 77tf'and classes. 81-2, at tho Stylo Shop and ask to seo our : - mlk lined silk gloves, all sizes and able sugar from corn, each bushel of corn producing thirty-six pounds of sugar. Herotoforo a certain grade of brown sugar has been mado which has boon used for sweetening pur poses. Undor a patented process, Mr, Hongland's company will produce n whito sugar equal to that of cane or beet sugar At last wo havo found a glovo that fills tho long folt need, combining 'lo BLACKLEG GERM FREE AGGRESSIN 25c A DOSE. One dose immunizes the calf for life. Extra strong 7 dose syringes, needles, etc., for sale. All orders promptly filled with Iresh vaccine. DR, W. T. PRITCHARD, Distributor, North Platte, Neb. shades. :o: ; Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. Here's an Exceptional Buy. 52G acres 45 acres hay alfalfa, 400 acros In crop, bainnco pasture Fenced and cross fenced, now buildings cost ing $10,000.00. School within sixty rods o: tho housofour miles from a good town. 200 acres In whont that gooi with place, $105 per ncro. $5,000 caeh down, $25,125 March first, balance I term. This price good only ton days (WW fly I lo , $35 Featuring Saturday mart Fall Suits, $29 Showing distinctive style changes Velonr, Tricotinc, Silvcr . , tone, Oxford, Serge, Ylania, Beaver, Jersey and Poplin. OTHER SUITS PRICED AT $46.00 to $95.00. Fall Dresses For present and future wear, Men's Wear Serge, Tricotinc, Tricolette, Satin, Silk, Taffeta and Georgette, in all the new colors, exclusive de signing and delightful grace, silhouette new sleeves are featured. Sizes 16 to 46, $24.75, $35.00, $39.50 Coats and Coatees v.! , A wealth of smart styles to choose from, at $23.75, $35.00, to $150.00 -f-: ; : 1 " STYLISH, STOUT SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, WAISTS, SKIRTS. Georgette Waists The wide variety of styles, pleas ng choice for all requirements, the waists arc made of excellent Georgette in all popular shades. $4.98, $5.98, $6.98, $7,95 and up. Children's Coats and Dresses at $4.50 up to $18.75 BLOCK'S North Platte's Leading Exclusive Ladies' and Misses' Ready-to-Wear Store. Seek to Overturn Government Washlncton. Oct. 20. Whllo mem bers of tho Bonato labor committee in vestigating tho steel strike sat fairly dazed and dumfounded, Jacob Margo- lis. of Pittsburgh, I. W. W. attorney and admitted advocato of social revo lution, today, told them a story of ul tra-radical activities which ho said un derlay and wero associated with tho natlon-wldo strike of steel workers. Even more remarkable to his hearers was tho Pittsburgh attorney's deline ation of a partially successful attempt covering tho pat two years to fuso at Pittsburgh, for an unstated, but vague ly hinted revolutionary puposo, the I. "W. W1., bolshoviki and Russlnn Indus trial workers, whoso Imagination, ho acknowledged had been caught by tho s'uecoss of Lenlno and Trotzky in Rus sia. All wero working, ho told thp com mittee calmly, "to creato a now soci ety within tho shell of tho old." : :o:: R. C. Glnrlck, of Gothonburg, trans acted business In town Tuosday. For Salo A single bod, child's bod and small oil stovo. Phono Black 207 Ralph Smith has returned from Kearney whero ho wns called by tho illncs and death of n brother. Imported Japanese klmonns at tho Stylo Shop. Mrs. "W. S. Dolson, who had been visiting In town for sovornl days, re turned to Grand Island yoterduy morning. Tho dnlnty autumn blousos in a now display at Tho Loador Morcantllo Co. Two Moxlcnns, charged with break ing Into a bunk houso at Brady, woro arrested at Gothonburg Wednesday by Spoclul Officer Curtis' and brought to tho Jail in this citv. From tho bunk houso they took a grip containing clothing, and wero about to ship tho grip to Kansas City when nrrostod by Officer Curtis. Wintor clothing for tho kiddles at O. M. SWEDBURC, 20 Years Experience Pure Bred Live Stock and Farm Auctioneer HOLDREGB. NEBRASKA. Making sales l-egularly for some of the best breeders and farmers all over the state. Am selling nearly every day in sale season and will appreciate tho opportunity to make your sale. For sale dates write me or call at the Union State Bank, North Platte, and arrange for sale dates and terms. INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimited funds at its command to assist in the buildfng or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. Sl-2 v LIBERTY LAND CO. Tno Leador Mercnntllo Co.