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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1919)
in 4 Keith Theatre, Saturday ENID BENNET IN 'The Haunted Bedroom' all about a ghost and a missing man found later.) Bill Parsons Comedy, HE DID AND HE DIDVT. " LOCAL AND 1'EItSONAL DIxons grind lenses, quick Service. The I). P. 0, Elks "will have, n class Initiation next Monday evening. Don t lorgct that you can got rib bons at the Stylo Shop. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Baldwin, ot Cal ftway, have been in town for several days visiting tho Doctor's parents. A blc assortment of suits from wMnh to make vour selection. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stono and daugh ter loft yesterday for a visit with friends in Omaha and Des Moines. Queen Quality shoes at Wilcox De partment Store. Co. Supt. Cochran ,Co. Treasurer Souder and Co. Attorney Keefe wont to I'arnam Tuesday to rc-distrlct a cfIiooI district. EnEravcd wedding rings in plain nnd yhito gold at Clinton's Jewelry store. John ,E. Stcnvall went to Rawlins Tuesday to meet a sister whoso home Is In Sweden and whom ho had not Dr. J. S. f5Imm wa cnllod to .lulos burg Tuesday evonlng on professional business. DIxons grind lenses, quick Service. Auto tourists aro tf 11 pacing through, a 1ml f dpzon parties pitching tholr tents on tha camping grounds Wodnosday ovoning, and several wore located on tho grounds last evening . Rducntor shoos" for your children can be bought at Wilcox Department Store. ' i The automobile Industry and its allied branchos givo employmont to more than ono hundred people in North Platte. Ton yoars ago few were omployod In those linos In this city. If your child is backward in his studios, complains of headache or oyostraln, have his eyes examined by Clinton & Son, optometrists. The Public Wclfarp Board has sub mUedjJa IMBI for jtl$nnlon Pucjrtc balldmg jfjpferly .ust-dptt a dispatch ers' offico." If tho bid Is accepted a slto will bo secured, tho building re moved thereto and used as a commun ity center. For Salo A few thoroughbred Duroc Jersey malo pigs. Dig stretchy follows. Fred Nelson, two miles wost of North Platte. 78tf A new front Is being put In the Harrington building now occupied by C. "M. Trotter as an auto show room. When this Improvement Is completed Mr.' Trotter can boast of ono of tho best appointed auto show rooms in the state. For Rent Furnished room in mod ern home. Lady preferred. Board If desired. Phono Red 913. 80-3 Earl Stamp has been In town for a day or two while enrouto from Omaha to Pocatello. Idaha. Ho is now trav eling auditor on tho Oregon Short Line, a position which keeps him on the movo all tho time, a feature of the work ho does -not enjoy. Several shipments of now coats and dresses were received this week by tho Wilcox Department Rtoro. An eight ton road roller, being used seen for over forty years. Something now in a vanity case at, on paving operations at Shelton, tlp Dlxon's; different than any you over, Ped over while crossing the U. P. tracks at that point lato Tuesday and Carl Lunkwltz, for many years llv-,. . 1 before It could bo removed iters of tho American Revolution have lng on Birdwood creek, idod Tuesday I ,SB'nt"Vt m0 ca undertaken the restoration of the vii- aftcrnoon after suffering for several. , . . ... ... , I lago of Tlloloy. France. To help In months with cancer of tho stomach. . A Pyrox g ass baking dish w 11 bo , k soux ChnDtor wlll Jlcmorlnl Park At the request of tho Twentieth Cen tury Club the council has designated tho cast ond park as Memorial Park in honor of Lincoln county boys who passed away while In sorvlco in tli" world war. This pnrk has been n glected by reason of lack of funds put in a water system, without whl ! trws, shrubbery and blue grass cm' not very well exist. With m Incroan 1 levy for parks, tho monoy from whw h will becomo available beginning noxt May, and with the co-operation of th? Twentieth Century Club, It Is hoV'l to mako a start with Improvemfliits that will flnnlly result In making thr park a beautiful place. Unfortunately North Platte purchased parks but nn glected to provide funds In a proppt amount to beautify thorn. Ton thous and dollars aro needed to mnko im provement that should have boon made several, years ago. Tho drst step to bo taken Is a water suMy.' not only for tho oast ond parkwi for tho Fourth ward park, and It Is probably that In both Instances this water supply must be obtained through Independent plants, for the present mains leading to both pnrks aro Inadequate to supply tho needed wntcr and the city is not in financial shape to lay larger mains. ::o:: Rod Cross Roll Cull. The third Red Cross Roll Call will start Sunday, November 2d, and end November 11th, and tho Lincoln Coun ty Chapter is getting ready for the campaign. In soliciting members In tho country, the school districts Mil bo used as tho unit division, and the treasurer of each district will bo ask ed to take charge of tho soliciting In his district. Here in North Platte committees will bo appointed to mako a house to house canvass. Tho Rod Cross needs universal co operation In carrying out its .peace program. It needs now, as It needed then, tho dollars and tho hearts of those who subscribed to tho second roll call, and needs them as badly, for the future work of tho organiza tion Is great. ::o:: I. A. It. Estcrtnlnincnt. Tho National Society of tho Daugh' So Human -it amazed all North Platte Ohui t..' n, nfi... uti t, to ran appreciate weaning gin. Clinton, You get them at the guaranteed. Style Shop. Miss Wlnnlo Beauchamp, teacher In School District 80, northwest of this city will give a box social and enter-1 talmont on Hallowe'en night, tho pro ceeds to bo used for tho school. A largo attcdanco Is desired. An attractive menu has been pro vided for the Community Banquet Thursday evening, Oct. !10. You'll en Joy It. Price of ticket, $1.00. If you aro Interested in a dresRy dress lor .street wear,' or afternoon wear do not fall to boo our last ship ment of drosses, because they sure aro classy. E. T. Tramp & Sons. ::o:: . For Snlo Lots In Ottensteln's Grove, Block 3 Millor Addition; sldcwnlk, gas and sower in. Call at resldenco 314 w6ct Third street.. Phono 258. TM THE STYLE SHOP GLOVES At last ve have found n glbvo that fills (ho long felt need, combining ele gnncc mid warmth on the hand. Ask to see our silk lined double tipped silk glomes. All sizes nnd similes at per pair tho Jeweler. In the Elks' billiard tournament tho team captained by J. J. Halligan leads tho J. E. Evans' team by seven ty; 11 vo or more points. Tho tourna ment will bo concluded in a few. days and tho losers will pay for tho sup per which Steward Kennedy will servo. Ladles' coats In all good styles ranging In price from $18,50 to $125, A' big and varied assortment from which to mnko your selection. E. T. Tramp (c Sons. Tho Ford car bolonglng to Paul Moy,cr which was stolen from Sixth street at tho McDonald bank building Monday night, was found east of Max well Tuesday, tho driver having run out of gasoline. Tho car when found had a broken front spring and was otherwlso damaged. Flsk hats, known everywhere for their superiority In style aro sold at WUcox Deportment Store. Cattlemen who have stock to ship aro very much peeved ovor thejc In ability to secure cars m wnicn to ship tholr stock to market. Alex Brown, who lives o ntho south side, said yestorday that ho had boon nt tempting to get cars for two weeks, and ho can got no Information as to when cars will bo given him The Tribuno had ton calls In ono day for furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, nnd Inquiries for rentablo houses aro JiiRt as numerous. ' Tho hundred or more houses which havo been erected this season seems not to havo lessened tho demand for houses by tenants glvo an entertainment, Monday oven lng. October 27th, at tho Odd Fellows' hall. A hplondld program halbeen prepared Including music, an. old fashioned minuet and recitations. A number of tho members of tho society will be dressed 1 colonial cSstume. Card tables will bo provided for those who caro to play. Tho public. Is In vited. Price of admission 50 cents. Tho program will commence promptly nt eight o'clock. Refreshment's will bo served. $1.95. lUcklcy Sells Ranch nt Auction. Tho W. J. Blckley ranch, seventeen miles north of town, was sold.,at; pub lic auction Wcdnseday. Ralph!Mqrrltt purchased 480 acres at $17.25 p?rracro. C. G. Swanson 500 acres at tliosame price,, nnd B. E. Freed purchased the G40-acro school land lease for $3,100. At the same time flfty-ono head of cat tle, twenty-six horses, a number of hogs and a lot of machinery was sold. Tho horses and machinery brought good prices, hut tho cattle sold rather low. ::o:: "Sovon Days' Leave," tho big spec tacular New York and London mili tary melodrama, will bo presented at tho Kolth theatro Friday, Oct. 31. It enjoyed a continuous run of two, yearn at tho Lyceum theratre, London, Eng land, fix months at the Park theotre, New ork, to tremendous business Tho story of tho play concerns prin cipally a rollicking younft maior, back In London on leave of absence, with buoyancy and heart enough to fall In love with a cortaln young woman who ardently welcomes his wooing. But Cupid has fairly opened his eyes to Wanted nt Twlnnm Hnqnltnl run ! nKnlr, when enters again sinister for snnnrnl wrtrlr. Annlv nr. Twlnnm'. Iv tho Clutch of tllO Conflict WllOSD 0fflCOi Sjtj! roars can still bo heard within the i hownrH. and from rornnnno thn iilnv Next Sunday night nt midnight wo instantly stiffens to tho tense thrill of can turn our clocks back an hour nnd danger for both tho furlough's prlncl do our buslnoss on n day that is forty pal, his fiancee, and Indeed all about Odd minutes faster than sun time, I thorn who aro dear to both. Many of instead or an Hour and forty minutes. Mm nlnmna nf Hfo in Tminn nK it in nt In our opinion tho tlmo under which prosont hazards of spies, leveling ot o imvc nocn living lor a good many castes, awakening of a finer spiritual months past has been a disadvant- note foil Into tho alembic. There lu age, rather than an advantage, to us a thrilling .denouement when a sab- nnd wo wlll welcomo tho change to marine. Is exploded in view of the mo oiu sinnuaru ot time. audlonce. Scene from the Great Allied Victory Play end all around world success, "Seven Days Leave," at the KEITH THEATRE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31st. iOME of your friends must have been in the ige audience which heard, Odette Le Fontenay in her Tone-Test recital at Methodist Church. Ask these people about it. This is the astonishing discovery made. The keenest musical ear can not distinguish any difference between the voice of the living artist and the RE-CREATION of that voice by the New Edison. And does it not amaze you, too, that Mr. Edison has succeeded in producing an instrument that captures every subtle sweetness of the human voice that gives you all the ear can give you of the art of the world's great artist. No other phonograph dares to make this direct comparison. le NEW EDISON 'The Phonograph With a Soul" The New Edison alone can RE-CREATE music for you. Come in and hear it for yourself. Make the great discovery for yourself. HARRY DIXON, Jeweler. The instrument used in Friday's Tone-Test is tho regular model which sells for $285 (in Canada $431). It is on exact duplicate of the Laboratory Model which Mr. Edison perfected after spending Three Million Dollars in experiments. S OCIE'f AND CLUBS Mrs. Will Waltomath entertained at cards Tuesday evening, tho twenty guests passing several hours very b gnntly. An enjoyable feature of tho evening were tho solos rendered by Paul JIarrlngton. Mrs. Ira L. Bare entertained at a luncheon Tuesday, covers being laid for eleven. Tho Indian Card Club was enter tained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. A. B. Iloagland. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. S. Huffman enter tained about twenty guests Tuesday afternoon at an announcement party. A floral May-time love story had been worked out by filling In names of flow ors in blanks in the story and bridge was tho order of the afternoon when Miss Florence MacKay went to tho piano and began playing tho Lohen grin wedding march, slowly down the stairs camo little Betty, Mario Walto math dressed as a bride and bearing a largo white basket filled with pink nnd white heatrs. Each guest was pro- fconted with a heart which boro tho announcement: "Irma Margaret Huffman-Arthur Arnold May, Thanks giving Day, November tho twenty-sev enth." A delightful throo course lunch was thon served. Table deco rations woro white nnd pink chrysan themums with kowplo dolls dressed ns brides for favors and a hugo pink and white wedding boll suspended over tho bride's table. A largo attondnnco put its mark ot approval ou tho ovoning sosslon of the Twontloth Contury Club which met RECORDS! We are closing out our stock of Pathe records. Re gular price of these records run from 75c up. Sale price bundle of five records for $21.30. Walker Music Co. with Mrs. Frank Barber on Tuesday Mrs. I. L. Stebbins assisting in dis pensing the generous hospitality. Mrs W. C. Shelvor presided In the absence of Mrs, Winter, who with Mrs. Wilson Tout, Is 'attending the state convention at Fatrbury. The Community Sing under tho direction of Mrs. Henry Gil foyl -vas followed by a most interost hirt clscutelon of "Thrift!' as. recom mended by tho United States govern ment in co-operation with the wom an's clubs. Mrs. Stanloy Orr as chair man, was ably assisted by Mrs. J. L. Louden, Mrs. R. F. Cottorell and Miss Kramph, who brought the value of ixperienco to their various handling of tho subject. Miss Janot McDonald closed the program with two charming selections, valso and preludo by Chopin and an etude by Czernc7. Tho social hour brought a very success ful evening to a close, somo forty members and guests having availed themselves of the opportunity. : :o: : Christian Church Notes. Biblo school 9:45. Preaching at 11 a. m., subject, "Capital and Interest." Preaching at 7:30 p. m., subject, "Bridging the Chasms." ::o:: Cottage for Sale. Six room frame cottage, modern ex cept heat, two blocks from the post office, at a bargain and on easy terms. T. C. Patterson, B. & L. Building. : :o: : Card of Thanks Wo desire to express our heartfolt thanks to tho friends and neighbors for their many kind acts and sympathy in tho loss of our little son. Also for tho beautiful floral tributes. MR. and MRS. E. C. GRANNELL. FRED W ALSTON'S Big Type Poland China oar Sale 30 HEAD 30 Tuesday, October 28th. Sale held Rain or Shine. Sale to be held at Palace Livery Barn 1 1-2 blocks North of Depot. LEXINGTON, NEB. 1