The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 21, 1919, Image 7

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    Just Received i
10,000 Gallons
Testing 69 Per Cent.
Makes Starting E;:sy.
"Wanted Housekeeper, npply t
"W'cstcnfcld's Grocery.
Miss Irma Johnston spent Sunday,,
with friends in Elm Creek.
Painting. nnd Pnpcr Hnnglng. JI.
II. Lnndgrnf, Phono Jllaclc 570.
Miss Lauretta Coyne, of Oto, Iowa, is
visiting her cousin, Miss Bessie Cham
berlain. "Checkers" was tense on the stage;
it is intense on the screen. Keith
theatre, Wednesday and Thursday.
10 discount for cash on nil lots
Nold in II. & S. Addition Annex Oct.
22nd. 80-2
Miss Anna O'Connell came up from
Grand Island Saturday for a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Con
nell. For Sale The Donegan house at 208
south Sycamoro Street. Phono Red
1107. 79tf
The degree staff of the Knights of
Columbus lodgo went to Omaha Sat
urday night to put on the work there
For Sale Passenger brakemon's
coat and vest in, good condition. In
quire at Harry Samuclson's store. 80-2
Mrs. Robt. Vance returned yesterday
to her homo in Kemmerer, Wyo., after
a visit with her sister,, Mrs.. R. O.
For Sale A few thoroughbred
Duroc Jersey male pigs. Big stretchy
follows. Fred Nelson, two miles west
of North Platte. 78tf
Mrs. Geo. Frater and Mrs. Wilson
Tout left yesterday for Fairhury to at
tend the state convention of Federated
Woman's Clubs.
A dinner ring of rare value and of
exquisite pattern at $95, displayed in
Dixon's diamond case.
W. R. Maloney, wrent to Omaha Sat
urdary with tho K. C. degree staff and
remained over Monday to look after
business matters.
Mrs. H. N. Jacobs returned Sunday
to her homo in Denver after a two
weeks' visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Stuart.
The public is invited to attend a
free lecturo on Christian Science at
tho Keith theatre Sunday, Oct. 2Cth, at
3 o'clock, new time. 81-i
Wm. Bird, who made his home with
hU son Ed Bird, at Hershey, died
Tuesday at tho age of seventy-two
Death was duo to Bright's disease.
Miss Effie Christ and Mrs. Adam
Christ returned yesterday from Lex
ington where they spent tho week end
with their sister, Mrs. Albort Neaveax.
If you want "Exactly Right" time
you can have it. "ED" (in Frater's
Drug Store) ropairs and regulates
watches so they aro "exactly right."
By no means buy your winter
blankets without first seeing Tho
T.nnrlnr Mercantile. Co. The best
blankets way below all tho other
stores' prices.
For Salo Seven room house on east
Third street. All modern. Threo
blocks from high school. Inquiro of
Isaac Deats. COO block east Third,
Phnno Rod 1233. 80tf
Misses Cora. Helen and Ether Sous
or, Lydia and Hattio BJorklund and
Mrs. John Boyle, Miss Margaret
Duggan and Allen Duggan were called
to Elsie Saturday by the death of their
sister Mrs. Ed. Duggan. Funeral ser
vices wore held yesterday.
By no means buy your winter
blankets without first ceelng Tho
Leader Mercantile Co. The best
blankets way below all tho other
stores' prices.
Arthur, the seven year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Eckhardt, pass
ed away Sunday at their homo near
Farnam. Funeral services will bo held
this afternoon at Campbell, where tho
bpdy was taken for interment.
Earl Wright returned homo Friday
after two years service overseas. Earl
was stationed at Tien Tsin, China and
wiiile enroute home the ship was
struck by a typhoon which held them
for ten days, so that they were fifty-
one tlays on the water.
Rev. Andrew J. Graham, C. S.,
member of tho board of lectureship of
the Mother Chuch, the First Church of
Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., will
deliver a lecture at the Keith theatre
Sunday, October 26th, at 3 o'clock
new timo. 81-2
The Baptist General Auxiliary met
Thursday afternoon at the ihome o
Mrs. A. N. Durbin with Mesdainfcs
Garrison, Bybeo and Lincoln as as
sistant hostesses. After tho program
which had been arranged by tho mis
slonary committee, a delightful lunch
was served
J. Vernon Lunsford arrived Sunday
from Great Lakes, where ho received
his discharge from tho navy,. and Is a
guest this week nt the Lochlel John
ston home. Mr. Lunsford, who was a
master mechanic for the Union Pacifl
before his enlistment, has made elgh
teen round trips on the steamer Levi
Lieut Kiel, who was one of tho firs
east bound flyers to reach Mlneohi
field, leached tho North Platto control
station on the return trip at 4:51 Sat
urday afternoon and after remaining
thirty minutes, loft for Sidney, where
ho arrived at 5:39, covering tho 12
miles in forty-eight minutes. lie re
mainod in Sidney over Sunday.
At last "Checkers," the well know
racing melodrama has been made into
a big special film production and is to
be presented with an all-star cast by
William Fox at tho Keith theatre for
two duys, starting Wednesday, "Check
ers" is especially adaptable for tho
motion pictures, for it contains many
elaborate scones that can bo accurate
ly displayed on the screen
The new Cleveland Six is a wonder
fully easy car to drive, very easy rid
ing with its 54 inch rear springs, but
host ol all is the lasting qualities
built into this fine small car. Bosch
high tension magneto, Tlmkon bear
ings throughout, silent timing chains,
Novorleak top aro but a few of tho
high grado features. Have a look and
a rldo in this small car made by tho
same people who have always made
tho Chandler. J. V. Romlgh, Dealer.
Tho dance given by the high school
students at tho auditorium Friday ev
ening proved a very pleasant affair.
There were present as spectators two
mombers of tho Public Welfare Board,
a member of tho board of education
and several mothers of boys and girls
who wore on tho floor. These adult
spectators, somo of whom do not look
Consider Lake nt Park.
Tlios. Gnss, of Kearney, spont Sat
urday in town, having been called hero
by, the Wolfaro Bonrd and Park Com
missioners to express an opinion as to
tho best plan of putting in n lnko nt
tho city park. It was found that it
would be possiblo to make a lako 100
by 300 feet or moro Just north of tho
park grovo and that wntor to keep the
lako supplied could bo secured by tap
ping tho irrigation ditch at the brldgo
west of the comotery and running it
through a lntoral to the lake." An os
tlmato of tho cost of tho lntoral and
lake is now bolng mndo.
. in;;
The national agreement with shop
employes wont into offect Sunday nt
midnight. Under its provisions an in
crease of wages and bolter working
conditions result. Car men rocolvo
nn advance of nino conts an hour,
making yiolr wage slxty-nmo conts nu
hour, wiuie enrpotuors m tno same uo
partincnt will receive Bovonty-tlirev
conts. Various percentages are grnntH
cd othor' shop employes. 1
A tlrl Is always pleased to know it
is from Dixon's store.
J. L. Kelso has roslgncd his position
as brakeman for tho Union Pnclflc nnd
has purchased a half interest in the
Star Rubber Co. at Sutherland. Mr.
Kelso wont up to Suthorland Saturday
and will probably movo his family
there in the near future if ho can so
curo a house.
Furniture for Salo Threo dressers.
sideboard and other household goods.
Inquire at York's feed store, 009 Locust.
Edwin King, of Lowellon is in town
visiting relatives nnd friends. For ton
years) past ho has been ranching fif
teen miles north of Lowellon and haa
met with good success. At present ho
is living in Lowellon.
Between 110 nnd 120 men arc now
employed in the car department nt
this terminal, with a combined month
ly wage of approximately twenty
thousand dollars.
Mrs. Elmer Pockham, who had been
visiting friends in Brady and Gothen
burg, spent yesterday in town while
enroute to hor home In Hnigville.
Supt. A. W. Woodruff, of Cheyenne,
was In town yesterday looking after
Union Pacific business.
Mrs. J. F. Clark, of Julesburg, un
derwent an operation at tho Twinem
hospital yesterday.
Dn H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phone 148
Archie Coombc, of Hershey, was a
business visitor in town Saturday,
See Dixon's sight specialists and seo
! Swedish Mission will meet nt 720
HOUSES THEM ANEW, north Locust street nt tho People's
Mission church at 7:30 p. hi. noxt Fri-
"Conic on. Romorso-" How woll one, day evening , October 24th. All are
remembers the cry in "Checkers," the1 welcome
famous racing play which held tho
stage so many y.enrs, plnyod tho coun-
try from end to ond over nnd over
again, nnd made millions for its own
ors. Remorso wins tho high stakes in
tho play, although unknown up to that
time. Remorso, Chockors, Push Millor,
Port Barlow nnd tho rout thoy all
come tc llfo again In the mammoth
William Fox, film production of
"Checkers," which will be shown nt
tho Keith theatre Wednesday nnd
Thursday. Richard Stanton, who stng
cd th- picture, hns taken ndvnntneo of
uio cumoor atmosphere to mnko oiu
of tin most spectacular pictures over
miown in this town.
Chockors Is a roformed raco track
tout who falls In lovo with a Southern
beauty. His advonturo is besot with
troubles, but ho ovorcomos ovory oh-
.. . ::o::-
Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Israel, of Jinv.
well, visited frlonds in own Saturday.
A ten pound girl bnby was born Sat
urday to Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Glonson.
Dr. Footo, of Omaha, spont yostorday
in town and performed sovornl opera
tions nt tho Twinem hospital.
Ed Statton, living south of Wallace
mm just nnisneu threshing 5500 bush
ols it wheat.
Christian Sclenco service Sunday 11
a. m. Wednesday ovening meetings
uvcry wcok nt s:oo. A cordial lnvl
tatlon is oxtonded to all to ottond
tneso serrices. Building & Loan build
tug. room 25.
::o:: .
Super Gas.
Just received, 10.000 gallons of
oupor uas, testing 09 por cont. Only
30c per gallon. Makes starting easy.
J. S. Davis Auto Co.
: :o: ; .
Plenty of six per cent money, an
nual Interest and optional payments.
B. & L. Building
Cottage-' for Snlc.
Six room framo cottage, modern ox-
copt heat, two blocks from tho post
office, at a bargain and on easy torms.
T. C. Patterson, B. & L. Building.
For Sale
Lots in Ottenstein's Grovo, Block 3
Miller Addition; sidewnlk, gas and
sewer in. Call at residence 314 wect
mini street. Phone 259. 73tf
Miss Lorottn Murphy went to Omaha
Sunday to nttond n meeting of tho
stata associations of librarians. As
sistant Llbrarlau Mrs. Annio Church
is in charge of tho library.
air. Land Huycr.
We are prepared to supply your ov
cry nood; from tho small eighty acre
Miss Edith Ritner has resigned her farm to the twenty thousand aero well
nnaiunn nt tiif TirnnkB RtinHn. I improved ranch.
I 1. 1 .1 1 I . . . . .
. . . . . " i.oiuiiiKB arc in ieornsKn. uo o.
For quick bale u.igut room, an rfldo. wvnmin(, nt,., onilM, nnw mt
modern residence. Liberty Land Co. tf own and control manv tlinunni r
Simon de Montfort, Earl of Lclcsster,
Known r.e "ijzth'-r cf dnoliah
house of Commons."
acres in this territory. This land cost
double what it did four years ago
LISTEN MEN It is duo for tho sec
ond double in tho very near future.
Tho people are going to tho middle
west to found a homo for tlinmnnlvoH.
?e'a'liziiig that their children cannot
have another onnortunitv to nemitrn
Tlio ilrst great democrat in lMigiana , tno best of soil at a prlco soon to be n
was Simon de Montfort, earl of Lelees- thing of the past. Wo do not want
ter, who was slain in battle 054 yenrs jyou to take our word for It. Come
ngo as the lender of the rebellious jand seo us, or address your communi
humus. Slmnn do Montfort WHS nlso , Cation to the
the spokesman for the great masses ROBERTS BROS. LAND CO.,
of the people, and he held that it liH North Platto, Nob,
was the duty bf the nobles to stand
between the people nnd the monarch i
ns guardians of their liberties, to
watch over the exercise of the roynl
power and prevent Its nbusc. In the
great battle of Lewes In 12G4 the bnr
ons, under the command of de Mont
fort, completely defeated the king nnd
the royalist parly. In tho battle of
Evesham on August 4 of the following
year the tables wore turned and the
democratic earl was killed and the
barons sustained a ruinous defeat.
During the brief period of Simon's as
cendency, however, ho had laid the
foundation for the house of commons
nnd had Inspired In the brensts of the
people a devotion to liberty nnd dem
ocracy never to be stamped out by
royal oppression. "Every king Is ruled
by the laws," declared Simon do Mont
fort, and he held that the "generality"
should have a hand In the muklng of
the laws by which th'ey, ns well as
the monarch,. were to be governed.
Simon de Mont fort's immortal place
in history is indicated by tho rever
ent title historians have given hlra
"the Father of the English' House of
The greatest racing story in the world with thorough
breds and high life intermingled with a basic drama of the
human emotions.
Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday.
Georcianna Badgerow attended the with favor upon dancing, admitted
soldiers' homecoming celebration at that thoy could see no harm in dances
GothAnburcr Friday ovening. of this kind. This Is tho danco that
See "Clinton & son' aroused so mucn criticism wnen tno
nhout vour EyeB and board of education granted tho stu
satisfied. Sign ot i dents permission to hold It in tho
the Big Ring. I Franklin auditorium.
25c A DOSE.
One dose immunizes the calf for life. Extra strong
7 dose syringes, needles, etc., for sale. All orders promptly
filled with iresh vaceine..
DR, W, T. PRITCHARD, Distributor,
North Platte, Neb,
We are closing out our
stock of Pathe records. Re
gular price of these records
run from 75c up. Sale price
bundle of five records for
Walker Music Co.
That the Game Is an Old One Is Sure,
but Its Origin Is Hard
to Trace.
Discussion of possible changes in
the terminology of tennis naturally In
cludes the nnmo itself; nnd here there
are many possible origins. Tho game,
In ono form or nnother, Is very old.
Tho Greeks knocked a bnll back and
forth and cnlled the exercise "phen
nls," for which the Roman nume was
"tenlludlura." "Phennis" nnd "tenl
ludlum" wero ancestors probably of
tho slmllnr French sport in tho middle
ages, and modern tennis may, for that
matter, have been nnmed from the
province of Tennols, where this game
was exceedingly popular. Possibly,
but improbably, the name is derived
from tho French "tenez," in tho senso
of "get ready." "Douce" is genernlly
accepted ub another form of tho
French "deur," but "racquets" has
several possible sources, tho most
likely perhaps being tho old medie
val word "rachette," meaning the palm
of tho hand, when tho gnmo was
played llko modern handball. Chaucer
nnd Shakespeare both knew tho ganio
in England, and, whethor or ot thoy
played it, had doubtless looked on
with satisfaction, nB did Queen Elizabeth.
Don't Be Alarmed
Will tho influenza como 'again? Surgeon Oonoral Dluo of tho U. S.
Amv TVTnfltnnl Dnnrtrttrinnf ropontlv mmln thn ntntmnnt. Mint tlm Infill'-
4 11 J ' - V IVt Uf -w w w - ----- "
enza had re-appeared m a number or cities in miiu iorm. Tiioro aro n
few cases In Omaha.
Discussing tho matter, n high official of tho Nebraska Chiropractic
Association said: "Tho medical men In govornmout sorvico have
uBked congress to appropriate five millions of dollars to pay for an
Investigation of causes of tho influenza nnd methods of prevention and
cure. Tho medical mon declaro that there Is no sorum Hint may boi
used to prevent influenza. It is a fact known to all modical science that
thero has boon found no antidote for tho Influenza, thoroforo medical
men want tho government to expend millions in laboratory research
work in tho hopo ot finding somo way to prevent another epidemic."
"Tho Nntlonal Chiropractic Association has compiled statistics
showing that last winter 88G doctors of Chlropraclc professionally
cared for 35,314 cases of Influenza of whom all but 41 recovered. This
Is n death ratio of one-ninth of ono per cont, and this low death rato'1
is duo to tho efficiency of Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments. Thero is
nothing known to tho nrt of healing or to tho efficiency of chratlvo
agencies that can compuro with this record of Chiropractic In its con
flict with tho "flu."
"Chlroprntlc Is no loss effcctlvo when applied to other diseases
than It Is when applied to tho "flu" and it is moreover a preventative
for Chiropractic fortlflcB tho system against tho approach of diseases."
I n
I We Buy and Sell I
I Obtain our Prices. I
Scene from "CHKCKKltS" which
will be presented nt TUB KEITH lVcd
ncsday and Thursday.
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.