The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 21, 1919, Image 6

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    Crystal Theatre
Tonight and Tomorrow
The Faith of the Strong
In a country, whoro nature rulos nnd
man obeys lived Paul LaRuo big of
i..i r. 5iil4rt(,',1innrT-' lihUjUnliOWfiil 'tt
IrlOflUBIllP SO UUUIUI, 10 strung uuu
no humanpowor could destroy It-
Mr. Krausc, who recently came here
from West Point, baa begun the con
struction of a. resldcnco In tbo 800
block on wost Fourth stroot
For Sale A nice now residence
property last houso on North Maplo.
For price soo L. D. McFnrland, 200G
oat 4th street Phono Red 732.
Gordon Love suffered an Infection
Alter battling through four poriods TRANS-CONTINENTAL JtACK.
of fifteen minutes each, the foot ball
game played on tho local grounds Frl-, Lieut. B. W. Maynard won the trans
day alternoon botweon the North Platte continental air ratio when he landed at
and Kearney high school teams re
suited In a scoreloss tic. Once Kear
ney vorked near tho goal, and just
boforo tho close of the fourth period
North Platte got tho ball on tho seven
of an eyo Friday and tho trouble bo- yard lino and made a drop kick that
onmo so painful that in company with fulled. Tho gamo was rathor savagely
Itay Cnntlln he wont to Omaha Friday fought, tbo Kearney players, it is said.
night, usiniK mo icneo kick oh eve ui u
Mincola field on his return trip at ton
minutes boforo two o'clock Saturday
aftornoon. On tho round trip he trav
eled 5,200 miles nnd his actual Hying
time was about fifty hours.
Death winged its tragic flight with
the army's groat trans-contlnontal air
derby. Ten lives hnd been tho toll
to tho tlmo Lieut. li. aiaynaru
North Platte plnyors, and two or three I crossed tho
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
flntulilnv Una
Ellzauoin uower, liiniruviui o
Dlnno, specializing on boginnors.
Call at or addro&fl 208 Maplo street or fQpt tQ wJn but th(j beBt offortg m n(Jt, Fr(jm Now York tQ gun Fnuicigc0
puouo iicu n - nvnii. It was a fine exhibition of foot
Owners of property abutting on thoj j,ail by evenly matched teams.
alloy botweon Front and sixtji nnu ::o::-
Dewoy and Pino will present a potltion
to tho city council asking that, they be
allowed to pave tho nlloy.
Wanted Llborty bonds at market
price. Louis Llpshitz.
Miss Smith, of Suthorland, visited
with friends in town Friday.
Houso For Sale Call 308 south
Sycamore. 81-2
Mrs. J. B. Edwards went to Omaha
Sunday to visit friends for week.
llr. Howard Yost, Dentist, Twincm
Kiilldlmr. Phono 007. 77tf
Mrs. Albert Durbln went to Grand
Island yesterday to drive homo a car,
Call 212 for fresh groceries. Dick
Stfiirnmann. 77tf
Jim Elliott camo up from Maxwell
to attend tho show at the Keith Frl
day night.
For Salo Ten horso power tractor
cood as new. Prico $350.00. Phono
Black 1122. 80-4'
Tho Indian Card Club w'.ll bo enter
talncd tomorrow afternoon by Mrs. A
13. Hoagland.
When in North Platto stop at the
Now Hotel Palaco and Cafo. You will
bo treated well.,
Entertains at Luncheon
Tho Sebastian Insurance Agency en
tertained at a luncheon at tho Union
U'. .1 1.. I nn,- Cf.n t li f1 n f nr- r I
7 Xh ,rSlqBn mentary to E. S. Albrltton, second
fiMf 11 vice-president of tho Minnesota Mutual
The 'ta!ff'ciiritf6,8 commission has Life Insurance Co. Covors were -laid
given the Loypoldt-Pennlngton Co., f0r about thirty, tho guest1? including
of this city, tho right to Issue two nun- tho pnlemon of tho agency nnd their
dred thousand dollars worth of com- ladles, nnd a dozen friends. .Follow -mon
stock of tho company. ing tho four courso luncheon, with J.
J. T. Keofo loft Friday night for Lin B- Sebastian Presiding, short talks
.. wore. made by Mr. Albrltton, J. Q.
vcen "ihTu-IUo; of Notre Dame v. Koch. Later In .tho
and Nebraska. Enrouto homo ho
transacted buslnoss In Omaha.
For Rent Furnished room In mod
orn home. Lady preferred,
doslred. Phono Red 913.
J. Boyd Allen, who has boon living
on the Blrdwood ranch, will have a
i ... nnt ni.H on
."T",'"". Monor & Co. insurance agency to
u,"uu,""u,uu."':?' ,'u,ru " irethnr with tholr nntlro real ostnto
cattlo win no mciuuou in mo saio. ', , -utn -,
An audionco that filled tho Boating h0ts located in ho Bollovuo addition
capacity of tho Koith smiled and in tho northwest part of tho city,
laughed and applauded tho "Tailor- w. F. Barrett, who was a member of
Mado Man" Friday ovonlng. It is a tho Plener Co., becomes manager of
clovor comedy and was well prcsonted. the II. & S. Agency farm de partment.
Shaffer fountain nons Kuaranteed to Mr. Dlener expects to make California
give satisfaction. Dixon, tho Jowolor. his future home.
I. i--. ; i ; ;
If ntvi'u in I1 vrwmt tmml Tlit i
Iodgo inj York last week, W. V. Iloag- r2rj Jcrcs 45 ncrcg h a,fa,fli 40n
land, of this city, was elected depart- acnMJ ,n cr0P( bamnco pastre. Fenced
merit compandor of tho Patriarchs nn(1 CI083 fonccfi now budlnR8 cost.
Militant, a branch of Odd Fellowship. , $i0.000.00. School within nlxtv
Tho Pctors Shoes, none bettor, sold rods o." tho house four miles from a
only by The Leader Mercantile Co. gopd town. 200 acres in wheat tbnt
Our bit: nurchaso of money, worth goes with place, $105 per acre. $5,000
back enables us to sell shoos at old cash down, $25,125 March first, balance
prices. Wo fit them all, mon, women terms. This prico good only ton days.
afternoon a conference of the sales
mon was hold at which Mr. Albrltton
gave u talk full of helpful advice.
The Sebastlnn agoncy will write over
Board if a million dollars of Insurance thl
80-3 year for tho company, it represents.
Buys IMcncr & Co. Agency.
The II. & S. Agency has purchased
and children.
Will tho party who has my moth
er's organ, which was loaned by E. S.
M. Parker, please address W. H.
Parker, 21G past 9th street, Grand
Island, Nob. 80-2
Over five thousand dollars worth of
Btock In tho proposed co-operatlvo
storo In this city hate been subscribed
and tho promoters anticipate no
trouble in
Wnnted Girl for housework, good
wages. Mrs. J. V. Romlgh, phone 309,
Rov. P. McDald has been "In New
York tor a week past visiting a brother.
I will have a sample of tho new
Hnlllnir nil tho stock nec- Chandler Sedan and Coupe for ypur
KRtf nsanrv in Hnonrn suffloinnt canltal to insncctloii tills week. Beautiful faml-
i !.. i.. .!., v onra .T. V. Ttnmlirh. Tloalnr.
... LUilUUUi, L i 1 1 UUDI11UOO. ( J " ' 1 o--
j Mrs. will wniiomain win enieruuu
friends this evonlng in her mother's Wnnted First class salosman to Stolon Ford car, license numbor
apartments in the- Reynolds terrace, work tea and coffee routes In North 137C52, engine numbor 2505710. $25.00
Platte and surrounding territory, call- roward. Address Gil south Chest
Swell carrots for salo 75c per bush- , on fnmU trnd(J For fuU pnr. nut street 80tf
mo cuy. lltt( Nob 8i.4 gt pntrlck,8 cimrch during the ab-
Tlio li. a. iiauiuon Annex iois , w j Bell( Hv,ng on tbo nirdwootl, sence of Rov. McDald
win uu un Huiu uci. --u hi v ... .... wns ,n town Friday after special ma
announcoinem uci. --is, oo-- toHn, for hB now buudlgs. Ho has a portmiity. Buy
Tho Glbbs and Pennington farm at 1 Just completed a largo barn, and Is g Addition Annex Oct.
n'nviiinno lina luuin anlil hv ihn T? nli." flntnlilntr n. now rnsldonco which will
Aria n,na T.nml Pn in ATr. Cvnni?.- nf i ht ninrlnrn In nil rosnocts. nossesslnc Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Condit arrived
error. irnsp your
a lot In 11. &
22nd. 80-2
tho routo of the flight was dotted with
disabled planes which were forced to
milt tho race or crashed to aestruc
tlon from the air. Many fliers were
Sxty-two contestants startod the
big raco the most ndvontursome
nonceful air competition the world
has known. Forty-seven,, . tpok, the
air from Mincola and fifteen from San
Francisco on Wedhosdny. October 8th
for tho 5,200-mllo round trip, high
speed norlnl lourney.
Tho groat raco was marked by many
Incidents of interest. With virtually
simultaneous starts from Mlneola and
San Francisco, wost bound and east
bound fliors strove to win the honor
of crossing tho continent first. News
of Lieutenant Mnynard's arrival Sat
urday, October 11th, at the Pacific ter
minal was followed In two hours by
word that Major Carl Spatz and Lieut.
E. C. Kiel had reached tho Atlantic
terminal within half a minute of each
other. Captain Lowell H. Smith fol
lowed them with claim to first place In
nctual Hying tlmo.
Maynard's actual flying tlmo from
Mlneola to San Francisco consumed
Uttlo over twenty-five hour3 and the
flying time of Spatz and Kiel camo
within tho 27-hour limit they said
Army air service computed Smith's
actual flying time, however, at thirty
minutes bettor than Maynard's
Hero at North Platte Lieutenant
Maynnrd and Captain Smith landed
within a few minutes of each other,
tho first flyers to greet each other
from the east and west. Both had
been Hying at a rate close to two
miles a minute. Maynard led his field
by a generous margin, but Smith was
hotly pursued by Spatz and Kiel who
arrived at tho North Platto control
station only a few minutes behind him.
On tho return Journey the "flying
parson"--Maynardgot away from San
Francisco a day or better In advance
of Kiel, Smith and Spatz at Mlneola.
Ho winced It fast and furlouslyallow
ing himself no more than tho required
thirty minute stops at control sta
tions. The snapping of a crank shaft
within twenty miles of Omaha Thurs
day forenoon held him back. Ho
worked on repairs all that day and
night and Friday climbed Into the air
again and headed "homo."
In tho first thirteen hours of his
flying tlmo Maynnrd reeled off 1,090
miles, estimated. Smith, driving east
ward, raced 1,460 miles In the same
numhar rf hnnra nlein octMmntnri
Lieut Maynard flow tho 142 miles of
tho last lap in hi3 great flight at a
speed of nearly twq miles a minute.
The first persons to greet him as ho
stepped from his machine on the Mln
eola field wero his wife and two little
: :o
O 9
Personally supervised by
Allen Dwan
Three Days Co
Matinee Thursdayafternoon at
2:30 and 4:15.
Wo bavo a very choice stock of dia
aond solitaires and clusters. Quality
and prices nro worthy of your consid
eration. Clinton, tho Jowolor.
' License to wed was granted Satur
day to Roy McLaughlin nnd Ruby
Benjamin, botli of whom gavo their
rosldonco as Cozad.
a heating plant, olectrlc lights
running wntor,
and last week from San Francisco and will
make North Platto their Homo, sirs
rrt1lf wno fni-mnrlv AHaa "RaMinr TTncr-
Mmiiirnnmrv trnot of! of HOG acres
wnst of tho oxnorlmontal farm to F. Sale of lots in II. & S. Addition
F. Zimmerman for a consideration of Annex opens OcOt. 22nd. Watch for
olghty-fivo dollars per acre. Mr. Zlm- quarter pngo adv. Tuesday for prices
mornmn for nlno vears nast has lived and terms. o"--
fcouthwest of town and has mndo a
Tho now buildings completed In
success of farming, Btock growing cM,.inn,i VMP mnoii tim vnhm
lo wiiom uru you BoHB i" yuur , u.m umumm .uo..iB. jiu ia u. of 45 000 and tho end is not yet Tho
Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mor- through this winter 500 hens and 1 to'tal lnciu,ios tho now $45,000
cnnuio wo. win ouer uic lugnesi, uruiBa nuvunu cubus 01 ustja uiiu iivn , , bull(llnK,
Qihe White MAZDA Lamp
Kind to the Eyes
The comfortable, pleasing light from this new
lamp, so kind to the eyes, appeals to everyone.
It makes youleel at ease wherever they are.
More than that, the interior attractiveness of any
store, office or home will immediately be improved
by this new
It adds the finishing1 touch to interior decoration.
Made in a china-white, tipless bulb, 50 watts only,
and can be used in any existing socket or fixture
where you now have clear lamps of 40, 50 or 60
watts. Gives a satisfying, glareless light soft
in its brilliancy.
There is no comparison with any other lamp
you have ever known. See it lighted today.
North Platte Light and Power Co.
For Salo Cood used cars, condi
tion like new: 191S Oakland Six tour
ing, llko new, $750: 1918 Scrlpps
Rooth. 3 passenger, $550: 1917 Ford
touring, good, $350. J. V. Romigh
Dixon & Son. sight specialists.
J. C. Don, Tom Cooloy, R. D. BIrgo
Will Rltnor, Horton Mungor and two
other succeeded In killing olghty-flvo
ducks and ono brandt at Sarben Sun-
day. Don took tho high scoro In tho
numbor killed.
Miss Sadio Trovlllo nnd Miss Co
colla Ililgort wont to Omaha Monday
to hear tho Chicago Grand Opera Cos
pany which presented Alma Gluck In
"Aula" last ovonlng at tho Brandols
A diamond set in ono of Dixon's
whlto gold or platinum mountings
mnkos twlco tho display.
Mr. and Mrs. John Singleton, who
had boon visiting tho latter s sister
Mrs. Emma Poor, arrived from Now
York yesterday and will spond nom:
time hero with their daughtor, Mrs. L.
B. Hastings boforo returning to tholr
homo in Long Bench, Cal.
For Salo Flvo grade Holstoln cows.
II. E. Norton, North Platto, Phono
798F2. S0-3
Mr. and Mrs. Burdett, of Portland,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L.
13. Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Burdott aro
I driving through to Tampa, Fla whoro
they will spond tho winter and in tho
spring will go to Mnssachusotts to
spend somo time visiting his people.
Mrs. Burdott wns formerly Miss
Blanche Smnllwood, of this city.
Consult Dixon & Son, sight special
ists, about you oyos.
Tho Woman's Christian Tompornnco
Union will glvo a reception Friday ov
oning, Octobor 24th, a ttho Baptist
church, to tho mothers and lady
toacherB of our city. Wo want flvo
hundred mothers at tho mooting. Light
refreshments will bo sorved, a pro
gram will bo glvon, all free. Wo nro
assisting tho state health department
to carry on tho fight against tho health
W. C, T.'U. Press Supt
All the automobile trade magazines
and all tho manufacturers warn us
that the present shortage of good
cars will continue from a year to two
years. Both tho Dodgo and Chandler
fnctorles aro more than doubly over
sold. It will suroly pay you to get
your order filed now for dellvory, oven
If you do not want your car until next
sprliift, as all authorities say
spring will see tho worst shortage of
cars which tho trade has evor experi
enced. If you will protect yourself,
If vou want to buy a good car at a
rlcht price, it will bo well for you to
net promptly. Remember also that wo
glvo exclusive service on tho cars wo
sell, which may bo worth a good deal
to you. If you have need of continual
service from your car. Repair parts
in stock in North Platte for our cars,
vhloh moms no oxnonslvo dolavs for
it.-imuti. uur mum im m noil kooh cars
nnd plvo good after service.
Good Cars J. V. ROMIGH Good Service
Robespierre's Curious Watch.
The number of watch of various
kinds nnd size nnd vnlue which are
now seen In the windows of the jewel
er-watchmakers of Paris reminds a
correspondent of l'Kclnire of the watch
which once wns the property of Robes
pierre, and which the correspondent
saw at an exhibition of curios. It
surely should have long ago found its
place In the Carnnvnlet. The watcn
was In the shape of a pear ana of trie
size of one, and wns made of silver.
It opened In tho center, the face be
ing In flie lower section, while the top
section wns ornamented with penr
leaves wrought In silver,
the size of a pear, arid a good deal
heavier, is plainly Indicative of some
what bizarre tastes on the pnrt of the
"Friend of the People." That is, at
nny rate, how it strikes l'Eclalr's cor
respondent. Christian Science Monitor.
Aviator Killed at St Paul.
Last Friday Llout. Cameron Wright,
manager of the trans-continental con
trol station at St Paul, Neb., was
killed, and his companion Miss Holon
Haggart fatally injured when an Ori
ole plane In which they were passen
gers dived to the earth from an ele
vation of 250 feet Tho plane, which
was dtmollshed, was owned by a party
in Gibbon and driven' by Rex Randall,
of Gibbon, a returned soldier, who suf
fered a broken arm. Randall had
made several flights with passengers,
and on the last trip had take up Lieut
Wrignt and Miss Haggart
: :o: :
A Cordova purso for her. Tho host
A watcW:"" " riu
. , .iiTof them.
Kitchener's Dog.
Lord Kitchener's favorite dog, which
he left in the hands of Admiral Grant
before embarking on the cruiser Hamp
shire, Is believed to have become a
good Australian. Admiral Grant, who
has been appointed first naval mem
her of the Australian naval board,
brought Kitchener's pet to the com
monwealth on board the battle cruiser
Australia. Ordlnnrlly the common
wealth does not encourage tho land
lng of cats and dogs from overseas, but
Australia holds Kitchener In such dear
memory that one may safely conjee
ture tlint exception will be made In
this Instance.
Dixon has a complete line
: :o: :
.Art Store For Snle.
On account of 111 health we aro com
pelled to sell our art storo. It's a bar
gain. See or write The Brauer Co.,
Gothenburg, Nob. 78-4
: :o: :
Before selling or contracting your
Sweet Clover Seed seo JOHN R.
CHURCHILL, local agent for tho
Berry Seed , Co., of Clarinda, Iowa.
Write me at North Platto or Phono
Black 1237. I guarantee the top prico.
: :o: :
Notice to Hunters.
Hunting chickens in the sandhills
In northwestern Lincoln county and
in all of McPherson county Is strictly
prohibited by the residents of that
territory and all trespassers and vio
lators of tho law will bo arrested and
prosecuted to the Mmit.
Gamo Warden.
Big Price for Furs,
Un tr Saturday evening twentv-ninn
of tho livers who had loft tho Mlneola
flold in tho trnns-contlnentnl ddrby had
'eirhed San Francisco. The remaining
thlrtv-one. somo of whom wore killed nys tho American Forestry nssocla
or iniunvl. failed to rench tho western tlon, Washington
rerminni in tho allotted tlmo nnd worn
'llsouallflpd In tho race. Tho allotted
Warblers of All Colors.
Not taking Into account the human
hlnia whn nrr comnthnos referred to
as warblers, you will find on looking Don"t sell your Furs before see
into a bird book that there are many , jng me furs are high and I
kinds of warblers, ranging alphabet'- Jr rr. ,.!,
cally all the way from gray-breasted ! am enng the top prices.
warmers to ycuowruiupeu warmers, j Tt32UTT'7
U. Uil Ulll J j.
tlmo ended Saturday ovenlnc at sun
Jap nrt coods. trays, nut dishes, bns
ketw. candle sticks, etc., Dixon, the
quality Jeweler.
W. f. Mny, who has owned and op-
oratod tho Gothonburg telophono ox-
ohanKe for many years, has sold tho
plant to the Nebraska Telophono Co.
Tho latter company is gradually an
sorblng tho moro Important Independ
ent lines.
Tho Lincoln Highway wost of tho
Baker school houso has beon in very
bad condition for sovoral days past.
This road was but recently graded
and tho rains placed it in a condition
that makes it difficult to nnvlgate.
Dixon & Son, sight specialists.
Following tho John Corbltt salo at
Wallaco next Saturday a wild west
show will bo staged. Tho program will
consist of broncho busting, horso rac-
os and riding wild steers and "bad"
Seven thousand people woro fed at
tho barbocuo hold In connection with
tho harvest festival at Gothenburg-
Friday ovonlng.
A contract has boon lot nt Cozad for
twenty-seven miles of hard surfaced
road nt a cost of $99,403.
Tuck combs for tho French roll, $2
n pair. Somothlng now. Dixon, ths
quality Jowolor,
If. you had a collection of them all
together they would take In nbout nil
tho colors of the rainbow, yellow,
orange, chestnut, black, white, green,
gray, brown and other colors, with
numerous shades entering Into their
beautiful plumage.
Radio Telephone Usef.ul.
Tho extraordinary value of wireless
telephony for dlrectlonnl purposes In
connection with aircraft has been em
phnstzed recently In its relation to
night flying, says the Scientific Amer
ican. It often happens of course, that
In daylight lnter-communlcatlon be
tween plnnes, or between wireless sta
tions and aircraft, Is unnecessary, but
In flying across country nt night the
uso of the wireless telephone will cer
tainly become more efficacious.
Notice to Creditors.
Estate No. 1682 of Gust Katsanos, do
ceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estate will tako notlco
that tho time limited for presentation
and filing of clalmB against said es
tate is Fobruary 21st, 1920, and for
settlement of said estate is Octobor
17th, 1920; that I will sit at tho county
court room In said county, on Novem
ber 21st, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m.. and
on Fobruary 21st, 1920, at 10 o'clock
a. m., to receive, oxnmlno, hear, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
Operating Under Difficulties.
The Huan provincial government Is
operating directly tho Shul Kou Shan
lead stiver mine, ono of tho Inrgost
In Chlnn. The ore Is being smelted
ns it Is mined, bnt tho government
Is short of funds and the lack of suffi
cient capital Is a serious handicap.
Soo 'Clinton & Son'
about your Eyo troubles,
satisfaction every time.
Sign of tho Big Ring.
County Judge
Notlco to Creditors."
Estato No. 1G88 of Sara Botonis, do
ceascd, In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska
Tho State of Nobraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estato will tako notlco
that tho tlmo limited for presentation
and filing of clnlms against said os-'
tato is Fobruary 21st, 1920, and for
settlement of said estato is October
15th, 1920; that I will sit nt tho county
court room In said county, on Novem
ber 21st, 1919, at 10 o'clock n. m., and
on February 21st, 1920, at 10 o'clock
a. m., to recolvo, exnmlno, hear, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
21nl-l County Judgo.