Nebraska Directory
Hotel Loyal, Omaha
lake DodeeStrect Car From Statlont
RntPii f-00 P without bath.
xulco l$1SoUp wltn bath.
Tim tlotoH WHh a Roputation
:H. . BRYANT Pronrlclors O. E. CARNCT
Ask us to put your name on
our quotation list that you may
compare our prices with others
BmWMIUlBMrH Ml warn psffsr
btbl BUYER55EU.tRS cattle
Hess & Swoboda
Special attention to ontsld
orders lor floral designs bj
mall or express. Quick Berries
Importers and Jobbers
1503 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb.
1 412-17 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb
JAccordlan, knife, side, space, box,
'sunburst and combination pleat'
inp. neinsutcmnpr, picot edging,
plnktap.rtichlnp.coverlnEr buttons,
all ntjlcs and sizes. Price List free,
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies, En
Cases and Chicken Coops
1309 Jones St 1901 E. 4th St.
Caused by
Lj5ft mm nmnnmu
Importance of America's Future Naval Program
WASHINGTON. Undo Sam's future nnvnl program Is beginning to ussunie
greater Importance than ever because of the trend of events In the
Pacific. Japan has gained a dominating position In the Orient and by virtue
of her exploitation of China la des
tined to become n power of such pro
portions and resources that she will
bo able at any time to challenge the
control of the Pacific.
Japan Is building a great navy as
rapidly as her resources permit. At
present her naval strength Is esti
mated tit less than half that of the
United States, but she Is specializing
in tho construction of fast battle cruis
ers, which many naval authorities be
lieve will be tho determining factors In
future nnvnl warfare. Tho Japanese naval program now under way will
provide 73 cruisers of all classes, conipored with 47 cruisers of ull classes In
the American navy.
With the Philippines unfortified at Japan's door, with the Hawaiian
Islands Insufllclcntly fortified In tho middle of the Pacific and containing a
preponderant Japanese population, and with Japan ncqulrlng tho Germnn nrchl
pelngocs In between, many statesmen are of tho opinion that tho United States
should not neglect to mnlntaln n grentor naval strength than Japan's in all
types of craft as Insurance ngalnst trouble In tho Pacific.
Of course such views are not entertained by those who believe that tho
League of Nations Is going to banish war forever.
It is noteworthy, however, that President Wilson deemed It Important to
send Admiral Rodman to the Pacific with an American fleet stronger in many
respects thnn Japan's present available licet.
Naval officials estimate that most of tho ships authorized in the 1010 pro
gram will have been completed by netft year and nil of them by the summer
of 1021. This will give the United Stntcs 41 first-class dreadnnughts, 21 bat
tleships of tho second class, six battle cruisers, ten scout cruisers, 400 destroy
ers, and 131 submarines.
North Carolina Poultry Club Member
Made Remarkable Record With
Small Flock of Hens.
(Prepared by tho United Btntca Depart
ment of Agriculture)
A not return of $2 a hen over a four
months' period Is tho remarkable rec-
, ord of a North Carolina poultry club
; member who, about tho mldtllo of Jan
j uary, mated 15 White Leghorn hens
I with a standard-bred male of the sumo
j variety. During the ensuing four
months these 35 hens inld 1,103 eggs.
I Of this number 50 were placed In tho
j Incubator, from whle'' 41 chicks wero
hatched and all but five were raised.
, The owner marketed six cockerels for
. $3.G0. Ho now hns on hand 30 pullets.
Ho sold .101 eggs for hatching purposes
for $30.50, as well as M dozen innr-
llllltons ot people who worry, are despoil--dent,
have spells ot mental depression, feel
blue and are often melancholy, believe that
these conditions are due to outside Influences
over which they have little or no control
Nearly always, however, they can be traced
to an Internal source acid-stomach. Nor Is
It to be wondered at. Acid-stomach, begin
ning with such well defined symptoms as In.
digestion, belching, heartburn, bloat, etc.,
will. If notchecked. In time affect to sums
degree or other all the vital organs. The
nervous system becomes deranged. Digestion
.utters. The blood Is impoverished. Health
and strength are undermined. The victim ot
.acid-stomach, although he may not know
the cause of his ailments, feels his hope,
courage, ambition and energy slipping. And
truly life Is dark not worth much to the
man or woman who has acid-stomach!
Get rid ot It! Don't let acid-stomach nold
you back, wreck your health, make your
days miserable, make you a victim of the
"blues" and gloomy thoughts! There Is a
marvelous modern remedy called KATON1C
that brings, oh! such quick relief from your
atomach miseries sets your stomach to rights
makes It strong, cool, sweet and comfort
able. Helps you get back your strength, vigor,
vitality, enthusiasm and good cheer. So
many thousands upon thousands ot sufferers
have used BATONIC with such marvelously
helpful results that we are sure you "will
feel tho same way If you will Just give It
trial. Oet a big 60 cent box of EATONIC
-the good tasting tablets that you eat like a
bit of candy from your druggist today. Ha
will return your money If results are not
oven more than you expect.
Will "Gob" Also Be Put in Davy Jones' Locker?
OFFICIAL Washington Is smiling over the episode of "Josephus and the
Gob." Which Is to sny thnt out In San Francisco Secretary of the Navy
Daniels fell afoul o the word "gob." "It is a short, ugly word, and I don't
like It," said tho secretary. "It's not
worthy of the men of our splendid
fleet," and thereupon the honorable
secretary consigned gob to the same
fate which has already befallen star
board, port, rum, whisky, grog and
dress uniforms.
But'out at tho Great Lakes naval
training station near Chicago tho gobs
apparently don't agree with Josephus.
i From the commandant to the newest
gob they agree that the nnvy, far from
I fllcHIlncr "r.nli" rnrrnnlo If .t'lfli nfCnrt-
tlon, respect, love, worship, veneration, delight nnd some other minor emotions,
none of which are in the least like those felt by Mr. Daniels. Anywny, hero
Is the reply that comes from Chicago which is tho" cause of Washington's
"This 'gob is not a pretty word," tho secretary said.
"It Is not only too absurd, but doesn't sound well-bred
And so, to mo, It has occurred to knock it in tho head."
"Aho-ee there," arose a cry from out a thousand throats.
"Avast, belay, likewise stnnd by, nnd man tho second boats;
At last this here Josephus guy has got tho navy goats."
"ne changed our rum to liquids light" they checked some bitter sobs
"He turned the 'starboard' Into 'right' nnd still we held our jobs;
But now, by gosh, we quit wo fight stand fast, there WE ARB GOBS."
E-Z Sfove Polish
Din't fiat sound funny?
E-Z is a v'd graphite paint.
Prevents rutt. Coat vrheel
rims with li-Z and tires will
Hp off with no trouble Carry a can with you,
appiy with rag. Martini Hartln,llfrs.,Chlcat'0
Quick and Positive relief.
nLANTOF." the world's
greatest discovery. Guaran
teed. Ask druzeist or write
lor B. Urson Co., 2300 Clrard, S. Oept 7, Minneapolis, Mini.
Immediate Possession
Rich land, part of a large successful Kstato. new
buildings soft water, pavpd roads, wain line it. It.,
on State lliubwjy, good markets, bluh school, grade
schools, oburcbus, Kood American neighbors. Land
plowed and read; to ko on at any time. Will con
sider only good liard-norklng honest farmers who
know a real opportunity and who want to boCotui
owners themselves. Will give a flvo year lease and
yon can average from ISO to 175 per acre per year as
yonr share. You must have live stock, Implements,
and some money, Vou must be willing to'work hard
fidajs a week. Vor that kind of a man will beglvsn
a chance to own a place for blmself. Land produces
two crops year. Ilest grain, alfalfa, truck, frulu cat
tle and hoif feeding and dairying farms In America,
Located In Han Joaquin Valley, CallfornlaatCbow
chllla near r'rosnn. Farms all about this estate
owned by 4U0 middle western farmers and bankers
Write quick and tell me all abont jourself-llst your
family, live stock and Implements. State In detail
your financial condition. It you mean buelnets I
can rent yon from tsu to 800 acres or employ you as
Farm Managor. Don't hesitate don put It off. TeU
me ull about yourself and 1 will call, This Is nnop
portunlty of a life tlmo for several men and their
Suite 617
109 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
Club Boy Feeding His Flock.
ket eggs for $20.07, making a total In
come from his small flock of $51.80.
The cost of feeding the flock during
this time wns $21.40, which leaves a
net return of $33.40.
This record is by no means excep
tional, as, with the coming of tho poul
try club nnd with the development of
enthusiasm among Its members, egg
producing as well ns flock Income re
turns, has greatly Increased In every
Properly developed and fostered,
poultry Is one of tho most profitable
side-lines In which most farmers cud
become Interested, and, at present,
there Is hardly any nctlvlty of modern
farming which will pny better than the
maintenance and production of goot?
To Understand Scenery Now Enjoyed Emotionally
THIS Is tho dny of emotional enjoyment of nntlonal park scenery. Tomorrow
Is to be the day of appreciative enjoyment of national park scenery. In
other words, various factors In tho national movement have united In a
campaign of education of tho people
so that they may double their enjoy
ment by having an understanding of
the scenery they now enjoy only emo
tionally. A work of this scope Is a large
undertaking. Nevertheless, this fact
helps to lessen the undertaking. The
natlonnl parks of America are not
onjy the subllmest areas of natural
beauty easily accessible, but are also
tho completcst expression of tho his
tory of the earth In Its mnking. More
over nature has spread her records so that anybody with understanding may
read; they are accessible to all.
When tho day of the understanding of scenery comes and the American
tourist views with real appreciation tho stream-made Grand Canyon abyss, the
giant crater of a vanished volcano that holds Crater lake, the Yosemlte valley,
glacier-dug; tho nnked granite core of the Rockies in Rocky mountain, nnd the
old, old ico-enrved shales of ninny-colored Glacier, his enjoyment will be
greater In proportion to his knowledge. For no man can take out from
nature's beuuty more than ho puts In which is to say that wo enjoy according
to our experience and capacity.
Dip Affected Parts In Crude Oil or
Kerosene One Submersion Is
Usually Sufficient.
Scaly leg Is caused by a small mite
which burrows underneath the scales
of tho legs, where It feeds and lays
Its minute eggs. The legs bocomo st
sore at times thnt fowls are unable to
neratch for food or set on tho roost.
Tho treatment consists of dipping
the logs in crude oil. If not conven
ient pure kerosene may bo used. Dip
early enough so that the oil will drj
before tho fowls go on tho roost, and
be careful that tho oil does not get
on tho fenthers. One treatment is
usually sufficient, but if tho old scales
have not peeled off after 30 days li
should be repented.
Eggs Can Be Produced in Fail and
Early Winter as Easy as Spring
if Hens Get Feed.
If tho hens are In good condition the
poultry keeper can get eggs just as
well In the fall and early winter ns In
spring, If they are fed exactly 12 hours
apart every day In tho year, and have
ample time to eat tho feed before go
ing to roost. Professor Rico has the
results of many practical tests made
at Comejl and elsewhere to provo this
Why Mexicans Know Americans Can and Will Fight
SOME of the members of congress from tho border states ure all "net up"
over the Mexican situation uud say somo forcible things In debate. Rep
resentative Hudspeth of Texns, a Democrat, made a speecli the other day
unu saiu among otner tilings, in con-
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 41-1919.
The New Class.
"Willie, nnino one of tho specula
tive sciences."
The greatest dividend in human life
is happiness.
fAJ? Nlfito nntl Mornlntf.
WJlJlMC Have Strong. Healtfy
Eye: If they lire, Itch,
"Tor d&Xfi W smart or uum, u oorcy
Z. rvrC Irritated, Inflamed or
YOUR LYt5 GranuIated,useMunno
often. Soothes. Refreshes. Safe for
Infantor Adult. At all Druggists. Write for
Free Eye Boo!:. KurfK Eji Sumdj C Calais
NO -1 HO
nectlon with the Emerson resolution,
which directs intervent'on:
"You muy sny it means war. I
i sny It does not mean war. They have
not forgotten, gentlemen, when Zach
nry Taylor went almost to tho City of
Mexico wltli 0,000 troops and whipped
Santa Anna at Buena Vista. They
have not forgotten when Gen. Win
field Scott visited Mexico and whipped
Santa Annn at Chnpultepcc. Santa
Anna had 25,000 troops and Scott had
only 5,000. They have not forgotten that the 'grlngocs' can and will fight.
They have not forgotten that Snm nouston and his 080 coonskln cap and flint
lock frontiersmen vanquished Santa Annn with 1,800 of picked troops at
San Jacinto, whore a nation wns born In the short space of 18 minutes. They
hnvo not forgotten the tlmo when old Sam Houston rodo hltfwhlto horse, lend
ing those unconquerablo frontiersmen against Santn Anna at San Jacinto sing
ing that love song, 'Come to the bower I have shaded for thee.' When ho put
the fear of God Into them with tho minlo balls from tho mnzzlo of tho flintlocks
und the craven cownrds, when they saw deatli approaching, fell upon their
knees In front of Houston nnd his gallant frontiersmen und pleaded, 'mo no
Alamo ; mo no Goliad,' when their hands at that tlmo wero red with tho blood
of tho dead heroes of both places. No I They have not forgotten tho Alumo,
where Crockett died, where Fannin died, whore Bowie died, where Travis drew
his line and said, 'Every mnn who wants to dlo for tho liberty of Texas como
across this lluo,' and every man crossed. No; they know Americans will fight."
Don't overstock your land.
Keep house and yard clean.
Provide u nest for each four or flvo
Don't keep a male bird. Hena lay
just as well without a mule.
All ducks should bo mnrketed when
they aro from eight to ten weeks old
If tho most profit Is to bo niado from
When fowls do not hnvo access to
nutural green feed, sprouted oats, cab
bage, mangels, cut clover, etc., should
bo fed.
If tho chicks appear droopy molsteD
tho down on their heads nnd sourer
for head lice. If tuese Uco aro found
use hand lico ointment or vnsellno oi
sweet oil.
It Is good practice to separato with
in rensounble limits the growing stock
according to ago. Smaller chicks
should not bo crowded from tho feed
ing troughs nor harrlet by tho strong
er and older ones.
F&rmevJones Syrup is Better
First, last and all tho time wo maintain tho quality 1 Its
excellence cannot bo duplicated. It'a wholesome, economical and delicious.
Naturo holpo us. Tho cano is grown under our supervision from Beed
chosen under direction of our own agricultural experts. By un exclusive
fitubusu wi jumiujiitiuru wo kogu mo punty nnu Roouncss wmcn como
. l i . i , , ...
a rum uio bwuui, juicca ot mo Borgnum. we
includo sugar syrup with nn addition of corn
syrup to provent fermentation.
farmer Jones
v Sorghum Blend Syrup
Stnd name for our new FREE Recipt Book.
Moos ffrnslos without this elrnature:
Thi Fort Scott syrup Sonohum Co.
Wumfactaw of UM CoaiCBm &
tpg -1IS?ga
In all cases ot
DIstompor, Pinkoye, Influ
enza, Colds, otc:
of ell horses, brood mnres, colts,
uuuons, is to
On their tonguo or in the feed put
Hnnhn's T.lnlllil rnmnmm.l OI,,. .
remedy to oil of them It nets on tho
blood and elands. It routs tho disease
by expelling1 tho dlsenso Rerms. It wards
oft tho trouble no Mat r how they aro
"exposed." Absolutely freo from any
thing injurious. A child can safely talco
It. Sold bv (lmcrrrlntB- linrnnna il-nlnt-n
or sent express paid by tho manu
faoturors. Speclnl Acenu Wanted.
jfan. j I
3V l?fcs.
(k. motorized macnincry on
Qb m
Earn from $200 to $400 a month as
an Auto and iractor mecnanic
or be your own mechanic Tor
. i i i . . . .
I.vr7i . nit ruction In
,MmmK?Cv?v!rjNrtii .iir. tiiio ww r
Town.. .. Stnte.
Addreait 2-132 O Nt Lincoln Auto and Tractor School, Llucolu, Nrhr.
His invulnerability.
"No, I do not think you are deceiv
ing me," replied old Festus Pester, to
the somewhat disgruntled Inquiry of
the purveyor of oil stock. "In fact, I
know you are not. No ono enn de
ceive me about oil stock. I am per
fectly aware that not more than one
person In every thousnnd who invests
In that sort of truck ever even gets
his money back. If It wore of any ac
count, my young friend, you would not
ho peddling It nrountl." Kansas City
Incentive to Realism.
"Say," said the stage manager to
the heavy villain, "you've got to cut
down a little on that murder scene
with the bishop. You had tho women
in tho house hysterical last night. It
wns too realistic!"
"I can't help it," growled the vil
lain. "Thnt guy borrowed four bits
from nio last payday and won't como
across." Richmond Times DIspntch.
Political Boundaries.
"Johnny, you hnven't studied your
geogrnphy lesson."
"Not very well,' confessed the
youngster. "But father says that
geography Is one of tho most difficult
und uncertain studies now before the
A man expects rounds of applauso
when he begins to climb tho ladder
of fame.
Ignorance Is bliss until It begins to
nssoclato with egotism.
His Sprinting Days Ended.
"I've Just been out to visit tho grave
of poor Plkosly in Green Hill ceme
tery." "He was a good friend of yours."
"Yes, wo commuted together for
nearly twenty years, night nnd morn
ing. It seems strange to think of
Plkosly sleeplnp there quietly and nev
er lifting a finger when the eight o'
clock local blows for Green Hill stn
tlon, on Its way to town." Birming
ham Age-IIerald.
Softened the Censure.
The small girl Is proud of the fact
that site goes to kindergarten nnd is
always glatl to Instruct her 'smaller
sister In tho various plays Rhe. has
learned at school. When It enmo to
teaching tho tot to do one of tho
dances, however, her patience was
sorely tried and finally she said to
her: "Well, dear, that Isn't tho way
to do it: but you're cuto anyway."
Both Supplied.
"We have an old family knocker on
our front door.' t
"We have one Inside."
If you once get Into tho hnblt of
telling the truth you will find It much
easier than lying.
Men listen when money tnlks. Prob
ubly that Is why wo sometimes hear
of hush money.
Tho loss some people have to say
the more dlfllcult It Is fur them not to
sny It.
1- fap
m umt
I Cereal
A Drink
That's Part
of the Meal
Kas a flavor thaiis sure?
"to please. An eco
nomical factor in
housekeeping. A
health builder, used
instead of coffee
No Raise in Price
Two sizes usually sold at 15 &, 25
Md by Postum Cereal Company
Buttle CreeH, Michigan.