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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1919)
Name lm ' uj.on lion Amt Hvnn Vr M,inson Ml ..3 7167 1211a 13 Hulic ct nl ......K'j 4 22 25 Thos. A. IJuyno N'sM: -6 4.03 Thos "W B.ine HEVlNK-NKUHEtt-N'a NWV 20 13.53 TotviiMlilp I) ItniiKC no James C. Stewart HEKSWVi SBU 12 19.22 James C. Stewart . . . .88Vtt-8WK8Bi 13 1Q.11 W. I. Pne 1 Bt71 Isaac Newton SWHSWtf 16 llCi! Isaac Newton WttSWH 2S 10.18 V. II. Conklln SW 22 10.17 F. D. Wade NRMNEV4 24 g.S James C. Stewart . .NW Vi.VBU-N'iN'WK H 10.1$ John Crawley SEW 9.02 John Crawley IWKNWH WSW 13 1S.29 '1'oiviittiilp jo itiuiKc no 11. J. Hilsabtck N!i A MWM 4 30.40 McDonald at. JJank N'H A K48BVi S 20.G2 . Alice U Ulchter 8WV4 10 11.10 J. U. Heckler NVU-NVi8VUS'H8WV4 12 21.31 ' Goo. A. Schrecona-ost ,.81CV4HW & SBU 12 1.31 ft? T. Latimer ..7 E',4 A E M NW H 17 Wllmor Porter ICH 20 S0.E8 Wllmr Porter NWtt &N'SW 21 3M0 Chns K. Chandler EViNBVi 22 0.67 Kertol Johnson NViNi 24 23.91 John II. Kolchert WViWtf 27 13.38 A C. Burton Wfc.NICH A KHNWtt 28 25.49 UtnliV L. Swanson 8WH8WU&SEHSBU 35 8.76 TuuiimIiIp II llmiRc 0 Minnie McGwire v5&FA ? Nels V. Anderson NOtt & S 8 24.S0 tnhn I Collins All 9 37.30 WaUeJ F. Votaw '.V.V. . WHNKU & Wi4 10 28.63 N. B. Legas ot al SBU 10 8.95 Honry Clemons All U pi." Hoyd B. McGuIro NEU 12 10.99 WnY J.' Wilson WJt J2 27.30 Wlllier Walt ..Eft " 41.CC M. P. Halladay .NWU .8 A. Q. Von Koroll ........ NWVi IS 7.10 Geo, A. Schrcconifost ...SIiiU 34 a.u Toirnslilii 13 Itnncc 30 Herman Johnson NM, & WfcSWU 2 61.61 Hermnn Johnson J2,;1 . 2 ,? '52 II. K. McCain NWU & SWVi 0 16.59 N. E. Uuckloy n ' Wm. C. Hose .SBtt 10 16.37 Oust HrnntlnK SWU 13 33.47 Chas. W. tfarllns .NWU 22 7.30 Oust UrantlnB SW " 33.47 W. H. Freeze .N 2 74.97 H. E. Votaw 26 28.97 Minnie Sonnomnn H 26 48.26 M. It. MognuHon All 35 47.00 Township HI ItniiKe .10 .- Chas. A. Wyman :Lot8c 3t0 7 ? innS? 8aml M. Carney -Lots 8-9 6 100.9.. W. T. Banks Pt. Lot C & 814 8 95,05 TouiihIiIh 13, ItniiKP 30. K. C. Smiley SWU 20 10.00 Scott Keynolds .EK ? 0.l Kate Connolly .813 U ? 38.85 8ott I.oynolds........L4 -'' .-J2, Hcott Itcynold B 35 19,42 ToivriHlilft M. HlliiKr 30. SffiS II. iJTpttN Vooa8 NWK. E-4 SBU J J John H. lJunnlUBh J'VNW 1 ,J! 1S,?I Edwin D. 'Drake NEU 10 8.1 .r-lla " Uoblnson .... Vi . N V, SE U 12 1 2.4 J David AV, Macombor....N4SE'l 17 ;f-8 D. A. Baum et al All 19 254.51 D. A. Haunt et nl Lots 4-.i -0 20.48 Geo. P. Patterson SNVV4 21 10.12 Geo! W. I.onK NI3U, NPttSBU 21 8.51 II. U DoiiBlas Pt Lot 1 28 J.M D. A. Baum ct al All (except Com. 29 105.23 D. A. llaum ot al All (Ex. Hoad) 30 184.62 D. A. Baum ct al..Pt N,4 No. of It. H. 31 43,82 II. N. Hart Pt. N4 31 111.30 Llllle M. Dean Pt. SEUSWU 32 34.32 Tumi IB, ItmiKC 30, Knox & Walter NEU 2 8.74 Chas. Waltor (J. O. Beoler)..E'4 SEVi , 2 4.01 A. D. Allen.. NN,BIBUNI3tt.SWi, NBV48EU.S148EU 8 28.83 Laura E. Allen. .SWUNEU.HNWVi. V NWVi SEU 8 8.18 Alice G. Brown N14N12U 22 4.81 John Woldon NEtt 23 10.39 Anna M. ParRcon WftSWU 24 5.79 John II. LamplUBh 8VU 32 6.52 Township 10, UnnKC 30. Harry G. Huckfeldt All 3 33.65 Margarot Williamson . ...SV4 8 20.85 Harry G. Huckfoldt. . . .All 10 48.03 Harry O. Huckfeldt ....All 11 20.49 Harry O. Huckfeldt ....All 15 20.49 8. U Ilollenhock All , 17. 35.79 8. L. Hollenbeck All 1SV 77.53 8. L. Hollenbeck AV14 & 8EH 19 30.90 D. W. Moon NBU & 8V4 20 30.90 H. L. Hollenbeck NWU 20 12.06 Harry G. Huckfoldt NEU & S'j 21 18.78 '8. II. Carney All " 24 42,27 Township II It II line 31 iU W. Darnell 814 8 14 2 7.83 John Seoloy WV4 3 16.55 I. . W. Darnell SViSEU 3 2.88 John Seoloy EV4 4 11.85 Ij, W. Darnell ,.E',4 10 10.90 .UW. Darnell NUU 11 5.35 Id. W. Darnell WNWU 12 2.88 Chns. Hltemun EV4NEU NWUNEU-N8EU NV4NWU-SWUNWU 13 11.68 Chns. A. LIston W4E4 St W4 19 19,12 Louis A. Meyer 8V4NEU-NVJSEU&EV4WV4 20 13.87 A. J. Mnrtmls et al 814SBU 20 3.50 A. J. Marquis ot al 8V4SWU 1 2.88 John It. Leu SWU 28 8.71 John It. Leu 8S,4&NEUSEU 29 8.49 J. It. Lou WVjNWU-WVtSWU-SEUSWU & SV48EU 30 11.27 John It. Leu N4 31 12.91 John It. Leu N'j 32 10.50 John It. Leu NWU 33 5.35 Township 10 ItniiKc 31 Chas. K Axtoll HWU 2 8.42 N. Bartholomew NM8EU 2 4.47 Kate Murphy SWU 5 0.20 Carl A. Anderson . . . .Lots5.fl-7 SEUSWU 0 5.91 P. D. Burke EV4NEU & NEU8EU 7 4.63 Carl A. Andorson ..WV4NEU t EWNWU 7 6.19 J E. Lawler N V4 SB U & 8WUSEU 88.78 Adam Burmood NWU 9 5.83 J. P. Brown SWU 9 5.83 W. D. CralKS ot ul SBU 9 D.SS Geo. M. Burmood NEU & NWU 10 22.90 Henry Meyers ., NWU '13 7.70 Prank M. Wolverton ....SBU 13 9.75 Sarah C. AVIlson SWU 20 6.32 Prank M. Wolvorton ...NEU 24 5.83 Prank Wilson et al All 30 25.94 John Seeloy 8EU" 33 5.35 &....P 9.,..:. .9 cwfm ypshrdlu uuu u sh ,, , Township II It a n Ke 31 ' Phil Beam 8EU 12 15.90 Will A. Frans All 19 20.5" l0lJP J,ullB,. NWU & S&S 22 25.63 J. H. C. Pulls NV48V4 22 6.05 Samuel Youiir E ',4 , 26 21.60 Sam, Young NBU 34 7.7C . Township 12 ItniiKP 3t T, Fl Zlmmorirmn ..Lotsl & 4 & SV4NEU 4 10.05 Elslu Broeder All 9 32 is T. P. SSlmmormnn N',4 10 W. II McDonald NBU 12 7 10 Elsie Broeder All id 3" 13 Walter Knutzmnn All 17 34'5 ?' L'"ofBor All 18 30.88 Elale Broeder All . 19 3" 13 Carl Broeder All 20 37 50 Sarah E, Hlmnn ot al ...All 23 29."oG W. B Ellis WV4NBU & EV4NWU 20 7.41 Maude B. Holmond SWU 26 7.41 T McDoimld . . ..NVjSWU 27 2fi as HUBh SoiiBor All 30 37.0 Hush Sonsor ....All 31 32.13 , Township 13 ItnnBC 31 Chas. A. Wymnn Pt. NBU & Lot 0 1 132.64 Ai .Ku0W5? Lots 7 ft H &. SWU SWU 1 10.90 Jainoii Sndlo SBU 11 00 on AVm. EbrlBht ....... 4 13 Sro? Dnv.O Bberlo .. . Y. . SEUSBVi 22 5 31 J"'f SnUle BWC 24 22.39 David NEU 27 9 17 John H. Johnson ....... NWVi 28 liV.7 T. P. Zlmmormnn NEU-NV4NWU-SWU NWU-WV4SWU 34 22.63 A. rtolohstoln ...SWU 1 oni W,jCJi11,,y, 8V4NEU-NV4SBU 2 aS Wm. Slebold 8 V4 NW U & SV4 4 114.17 D. A. Baum ot nl PtTNViSEU 9 2 03 A. ltelohste In Lot 1 - 11 Vr.i D. A. Baum ot al .'. .wSj & ia5'H D. A. Baum et nl SB?! 14 RiTo E. Pcharmann NV48EU 16 49 "4 AeJj:Vmnn-:fviNEU "l lfll I). A. Baum ot al NEU V t NWU-Pt. 8BU 24 05 43 I. Bartholomew Pt. SWU Itway "l 1Rn Seeley A. Baker .NV4813U8EVi 25 9 70 H o&S,' .SHNWU 30 23 98 it. wniiaoe Nwvi nTi ?S Wm A n.,,,, township IB Itnnui 31 Pay P. Morris ......... Hit, 12'Si Brookslo Morrlo ........ S14 12 S'lo Wm. Dravls . .Tr?" V? !'.' SWU "KB 31 Mary B Harris . . . . . .':;.sEh l "? . C. Paulson ... All r .V. Wm. E. GioBory NN 8,5 1 Geo. A. Mncomiior . . . . . .All i rJ'S? Ernct 15. PeaBlns NBU-NBUSWU-SEJi 34 33 Name It. b nr.ticn Tortnshlp 0 IIiiiikc 32 r. A Hartrcll 8i 1. A. UartwH .NBU I. A. Demllt NWU Orion L. Lum ....SWU G. A. Demllt EH f'lirlu TOtflw 8V Vi A. M. Demllt .NB A. M. Demllt NW Sarah F. Klmmel SBUNK? N ft SBU Louis Meyer All O. L. Jensen A'L. Louise Breach iCTAO c.. Chas. T. Broach 8WU ASV4SKU llosa Henderson BVtSwU N. H. Henderson WVtSWU Thos. H. Bruce NWU Wm. B. Weakley NVk, SEli ' Wm.. It. Weakley WHWfc Chas. A. Llslon All (1. B. Baldwin All O. B. Baldwin NBU fcEViSEU Geo. B. Baldwin SV4 Township 10 ItmiKC 32 Wm. II. Grllllths SV4 Oscar Fletcher NlfcN'A It. W. ItlsberB 8WU . , Elmer B. Lowe SWU SWU Wm. II. Grllllths NWU A SWU Geo. Turner All Hictlon Amt. 1 17 35 2 7 10 4 .14 ' 4 12.01 5 21. &7 5. 8.11 6 8.14 8 8.14 11 8.31 18 39.0 14 18.61 ,17; 8.11 17 11.66 18 4.12 if 4.12 2(5 8.14 SI 28.72 22 8.37 24 47.11 28 39.B6 33 12.61 34 20.50 7 8 10 IB Elmer B. Lowo . .W14NWU & SBU NWVi 17 lura M. Trmit Pt. NWU II. D. Baker Pt. NWVi Sarah Wilson Pt. SBU Sidney Dowoll NEU 8. J. Dowoll NV4 John M. Ballard All Leo Smith NBU EV4NWU -SWVi Frank Wilson ot al ....SBU Bosa B. Sutton NWVi O. L. Lum SBU, A. M. Demllt NBU A. M. Demllt v NEU A S4 Township 1 IlnnRC 32 Ocorso Andorson N.V4 & SBU Edw. J Gueck et al ....NEVi W. A. Chamberlain WV4 & SEU David W. JlttnK ww-A ..NEVi ..NWU .SV4SWU & SBU ..NEU vv "A oc niiiv II. Lonw Bobert M. Dowoll Fred A. Wohrman W. T. Ervlns Chns. E. Gibson . .Tnhn Wlllcen Township 1- unnne .1- John T. Culavln All Lewis L. Greene N V4 N E U E V4 NW U Walter H. Flobho 8V48V4 A NEUSEU rMlnlnn Tl Punnnr NWU Clinton B. Itunncr 8WUNEU-SEUNWU o NEVi SWVi A SWU SEU 8 osoph Bouch NWVi Louis T. Broeder EV4 It. D. Dennis NWU Township 13 ItnnKC .Tonnle B. McConnoll ....SV4 E. B. McConnoll All D. M. LeypoUlt NWVi Arthur It. Storms NWVi George Bodell WV4 Henry Cordes SBU Elmer C. Stevens NWU Itobert F. Burnett SWVi Peter Jepson NWVi Albert Oestrlch All Township M ItniiBC 32 Chns. A. Tollllon NV4NBU Oscnr W. Fransen SWUNWU-WV4SWU 20 20 20 21 22 24 25 25 27 23 31 32 12 12 18 19 20 20 32 34 34 19 24 29 4 5 6 9 18 18 20 20 23 33 13 14 r V. T'ntnmnn ...WltSKS 1- E. O. Johnson SBUNEU-EV4SEU 15 Albert J. Johnson . . 8W U N B Vi -W V4 SE Vi 15 U. M. Loypoldt ....SEUNWU r EV4SWU 16 W. J. Shlnklo WV4NWU 18 Gustnf'S. Larson WV4SWU 18 Julius Pizor S13H., , C. C. Penrson BV4NBU 21 It. A. Frame WV4NBU 21 W. W. Sadler 50x150 ft. SWUSWU 21 Ipmvor 1 Kl) t. SW'AHH "A -1 21 oo 22 23 29 31 33 31 3 3 3 9 10 11 12 17 25 26 35 36 .T. V llpinvnp Hormnn Schuster . -SEUSWU B. A. Frame NEU A SV4NWU II. Newberry SWU Darll W. Parker W'Vii,.,,, Ilershoy Lnnd Co Pt. NWU NEVi D. M. Leypoldt WV4 , Marlon Mackln Lots 3 A 4 & SEU It. A. Frnmo Lots 3 A 4 ASEU Township 15 H mi Be 32 Jemos S. Gilbert EV4NP.U A SV4 J. E. Copeland NE UNWV1 , L. It. AVcst WV4NWU-SEUNWU . Wm. Slebold All Vlctorln It. Vonclll. All James 8. Gilbert NWU Geo E. Payno All W. T Wilcox All Heirs W. It. McNcel am Heirs Owen T. Lytlo ....SV4NV4 A SV4 8. F. Dlkoman W4 Est W. B. McNeol Pt. Township 10 ItiuiBC 32 Anna Bartholomew NV4 A SEi Wm. B. Stnplos All , E. G. Cndy All J. P. Chlldorston ; All W H. Smith ...v E,A,.. The Hop. Printing Co. . . .8WU SWVi N. It. Leonnrd NV4SEV4 C. E. Knorr SEUSEU A. J. Whlto NV4NEU Ed. Smith SV4NEU Stella A. Dowd (Iteva Bigg) W V4 N W Vi SEU-NWU SWU A SEUSEU Ed. P. Smith NV4SEU Arthur Battles SWUSEVi D. M. Loypoldt cf al ....All It. N. IIowos NEU James 8. Gilbert All V. M. Loypoldt ot nl ....All A. II. Smith NV4NWU-SEUNWU Joe Bckrosh SWU NWVi U. S. Live Stock Co NEUSEU D, M. Loypoldt et nl ....All 1 G. A. Wundorllch NEUNEU-SWUNEU NWU Goo. T. Smith N V4 SB Vi -SW U SB Vi Township 0 Ilnnge 33 A. Strawder wNv A. Strnwdor EV4NEU & 0 7 12 13 15 15 17 19 19 19 19 19 20 25 27 28 29 29 29 30 33 33 W. 11. Yoho SV4 Oscnr M. Jonklns WV4NEU David It. Fulk NWVi P. L. Harper SWVi David It. Fulk BV4 C. L. Watklns NWVi 4 NWVi 5 13 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 Zora S. Harnor NV4SWU Hornco It. Travis SV4SWU W. It. Yoho NEU NEU WV4 NBU -SEU NBU SEUNWU BV4SWU A NV4SEU 23 Guy Yoho NEVi 24 W. It. Yoho NWU 24 Guy W. Yoho WV4NEU-NEUNWU-SV4NWU IT. It. Travis, Ail in NV4NWU 30 C. L. Dillon ..NEU-SV4NWU-NV4SWU 31 Township 10 ItrniRC Xt Chns. E. Tumor SWUNEU-SEUNWU-WV4 A. J. VanAuda SWVi' 8 John StackhouBo NWU 14 Isanc Klpp NEU 15 A. J. VanAuda NV4NEU 18 N. C. Borden SWU A SEU 20 Geb. II. Stromor SBU 23 Lars S. Swonson SBU 24 Wm. H. Oalvln NV4 26 Grnco M. McKenncy . . . .SV4 26 Wm. II. Gnlvln NEU 27 Grnco M. McKonney ....SV4 27 A. Strawder SWU 29 A. Strawder SV4SEU 30 A. Srawdor NEU A WV4SEU 31 A. Strawder NV4-NV48WU A SEU 32 John II. Shafor NEU 34 Wm. Calvin NEU 35 Township 11 ltnnce 33 Geo. J. Little ..Lots 1 & 5 SV4NEU A SV4 Gladys E. Itldonour ,...SV4 ...,Nj ...EV4 & EV4WW, .NBU s 8V4 ..All i . .NV4 A 8WU .All 6 10 15 24 28 29 32 33 Glndys E. Itldonour Lydln E. Helmtck . . John B. Plolstlckor , John B Plolstlckor John B. Plelstlcker . Hay Est. Co Townshln 12 Itnnirn :i:t Martin Anderson NE'iNBU-Lots 2 &. 3 A SEUNWU 2 C. Danlobjon . .SV4NEU-BV48WU-SEU 2 (i. B. Lobh NBUSWU-SV4SWU-NWViSEU 6 D. Tlttor!ng AH 14 B. A. Koohler All ;g Guy Foar All 20 Jos. H. llouoh(Gono Crook) All 22 Wm. MnRvor All 2G Guy L. Fcnr S W Vi N W Vi -W V4 S W U -S E U S W U 11.15 13.23 10,78' . 3.88 17.07 36.27 11.71 .05. .00 .60 . 13 CS.f 11.06, 24.28 12.82 0.85 11 60 IR.S0 13.55 33.57 31.94 9.22 30.49 11.73 8.21 5.14 9.74 19.27 9.74 34.80 31.93 8.25 13.15 7.05 9.58 7.01 17.35 7.01 69.54 100.01 14.34 30.70 34.26 21.06 23.60 26.4G 22.69 48.12 59.00 31.74 29.24 38.02 48.27 S5.4S 4S.82 32.35 124.53 94.80 88.31 6.47 38.59 211.78 73.09 54.78 30.27 50.82 58.13 51.03 13.24 1.50 4.12 22.89 21.07 5.42 23.00 25.47 19.65 17.73 41.42 22.40 30.0S 20.08 20.08 27.01 13.57 1.87 4.49 2.04 V19 3,89 12.24 4.20 2.03 27.01 9.22 27.29 28.63 4.83 2.3f 1.75 32.56 10.23 5.22 6.87 11.41 14.43 0.94 9.09 12.65 30.41 12.65 0.19 0.19 87.47 8.14 8.14 14.09 4.81 20.81 6.06 6.46 5.13 6.00 3.70 13.98 ceo COO 15.91 18.03 0.00 II. 93 8.71 3.71 9.71 47.02 6.06 0.06 24.01 21.88 17.26 III. 78 25.92 27.03 17.07 27.03 Robert Taylor NV4 & SWVi TowilHllll) 13 Itnnirf 3.'l Mapcs SWU Acnow All Agnow All Agnew N4 NV4 II. W. w. w. II. Mnpjos A SW John John John John John ltobt. A. Mlllor WVi Otto Silk NEU J. B. Bodoll SEU Ednn J. Llndokufol All II H. Votaw NE',1 Johannes Johnson SEU Johannos Johnson NWVi Arthur It. Storms SWU W. A. Chnmborlaln SEU John K. Barnott BV Tnwiittlilit .u fl...... .,. W. C. Besterson iot 8 ' Frank Coker SWUNKM-SEUNWU-NISU " Ad.ll MoKa.n Pt. 'iWi! 30 3 4 5 0 7 11 12 12 1.3 22 23 25 25 26 35 28 11.30 41.95 27.60 50.92 30.16 41.17 35.09 35.09 8.98 34.22 31.45 109.47 88.74 43.11 161.32 69,02 C9.2G 35.61 130.78 21.71 26,97 39.07 2S.24 11.03 15.18 2S.25 31.39 18,23 Nnmo Inscription Sec Gus Blitz mvf.wi.. x- u i.rwi. 11 H.miy Holding; Co... Lot 5 & HWUSWU 12 Nels J Young rt, 8W U NW U 13 Harney Holding Co Pt. WViNWVi 13 Gust Peterson EV4SWU 13 oust O. Johnson Pt. WVtNEU 14 Henry J. Fulk SWUSWU 14 O. L. Beeson NW'l 15 Honry Fulk 8W?i 16 Matthow II. Woodman ..SEU 17 Henry 'Fulk Pt. NEU ii Henry Fulk Pt. SBU S2 ltaymond V. Cary SWU 24 Jos. Bauch SEUNEVi-NEViSlCVf-SVtSEVi 28 Leona J. Pierson Pt. NWU 30 Fred Pierson Pt. SWU 80 B. B, McConnoll ..Pt. NV4SBU A SV4SEU SO W. A. Wilson P.t NWUSEU HO John W. Agnow Lots 9-10-11 31 Edward Pearson Pt. Lots 1 A 2 & Pt. 3 A 4 S2 John W. Agnow Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7. 8, 9, 10 A r . . SEUSEU 3.1 JohnW.Agnew Lots 1-4-15 & SV4 34 John AV. Agnew WV4 , 36 Townihlp in Ilnngr 33 E. B. Cummlngs NUSWVi-Pt. SEU 3 E. B. Cummlngs NBU A WV4SWVi 4 Polly Wilson BV4SWU 4 Lizzie S. Chittenden ...All 9 Prank Fafelta WV4EV4 12 Lydla A. Boss SWU 12 Carl Lunkwltz SEU 14 Lizzie 8. Chittenden .220 A. Wost of creek 15 Llzzlo 8. Shlttenden ....All 17 U. P. It. 11. Co All 19 Albort Saxton WUEV4 ANWU 22 Wllholmlnn Lunkwltz ..NEVi 20 U. P. It. It. Co All 30 U. P. B. B. Co All 81 Blrdwood Irr. District. .Pt. SWVi 35 Township 10 linngc 33 W. J. Taylor All 1 W. J. Taylor All E. of creek 3 Howard F. Flomlng ....All 6 Ivan O. Johnson All 8 Ivan O. Johnson SW Vi NWU -WV4 SWVi - SEU SWVi 10 W. J. Taylor All u BenJ. O. Shell NV4 A NV4SV4 12 E. G. Cady All 13 Elizabeth Lontz AV. of Creek 15 E. B. Cummlngs Pt. SAVVi 23 1) M. Loypoldt ot al NV4NV4-SEV4NEU-NEU SWV4-SV4SAVU A SEU 24 D. M. Leypoldt ot al ....EV4EV4 25 , E. B. Cummlngs All 27 Arthur AV. Elfeldt All 30 E. B. Cummlngs All 33 E. B. Cummlng Pt W. of Creek 35 Township 0 Itnngc 3-1 II. E, Votaw EV4 5 H. E. Votaw EV4 8 AV. A. Chamberlain ....NEU 10 AV. A. Chamberlain NEU 11 A. AV. AVebb SEU 11 A. AV. AVebb NEU 14 Elmer Dobson AVV4SEU 21 NElmer Dobson AVViNEVi 28 ' J. F. Meyers EV4SAVU 32 II. P.Merrell NAVVi 33 It. B. AVllllams SEU 34 Pat'k E. Sulllvnn All 35 Township 10 Itnnge 34 Anron Knln All 7 AVm. H. McParland NEU 8 George Schiller SV4NV4 11 F. AV. Conneally Pt. NEU 14 Chas. A. Kenney Pt. NEU 14 George Schiller Pt. ..7U 14 F. AV Conneally SV4NEU & SEU 17 AVm. D. McCrum SEU 19 Stella M. Parsons SAVU 20 Aaron Knln SV4 21 TowiinIiIp 11 linngc 31 Bay Rnney SAVU 4 Geo. AV. Lnw SAVU 8 Joseph Law SEU 8 D. E. Baney NV4 10 Ell Baney SEU 10 Geo. AV. Law All 17 AV. G. Pearson SAVU 28 E. It. Perrell NV4 A SEU 34 ltobt. F. Burnett SWVi 4 Township 13 linngc 34 Tom Finch SEVi 10 Geo. L. Hosford NEU 22 Herbert C. Rose NEVi 30 J. D. Goedert SEU 30 John D. Goeedert EV4 31 John D. Goedert ArV4 32 Township 14 Itnngc 34 U. P. R. R. Co All 3 H. Brognn SEU 6 U. P. It. R. Co NV4 10 AVm. A. Coker et al ....NV4 12 No. Platte L. A AV. Co. . .Pt. SEVi 13 Frank Coker Lot 1 14 V.yP. R. R. Co Lotsl-2-3-4 , 15 S. D. No. 96 Geo. O. Fowler ...AVV4NAVU A AVV4SAVU 25 Geo. O. Fowler NV4 ' 2G Sam'l E. Anderson All 31 Snm'l E. Andorson SV4SAVU A Lots 1 & 2 32 Isaac Dillon et al Lot 1 35 John Koth Pt. SEU 30 Township 15 Hnnge 34 Dennnis AVard SEUSAVU-NEUSEU-SHSEU 4 Heirs Alice M. Olson ...All 8 U. P. R. It. Co All 21 U. P. R. R. Co All 22 U. P. R. It. Co All 24 U.. P. It. It. Co All 25 Township 10 Hiinge 34 John A. Hnrshfleld All 2 AV. J. Root Lots 1-2-3-4 4 Payne & Sargisson EV4 0 AV, J. Tnylor NAVU A SV4 8 ' AV. J. Tnylor All 9 John A. Hnrshflold All 10 AV. J. Taylor All n. John A'ench SV-SV 12 W. J. Taylor All 14 W. J. Taylor All 15 W J. Taylor All 17 AV. J. Taylor All 18 W. J. Taylor All 19 AV. J. Tnylor All 20 AV. J. Taylor All 21 AV. J. Taylor All 22 AV. J. Taylor All 23 AV. J. Taylor NEU 26 W. J. Tnylor All 29 AV. J. Tnylor All 28 AV. J. Taylor All '29 AV. J. Taylor All ' 30 E. G. Cady All 31 Henry E. Olson E4 32 Henry E. Olson All 33 Henry E. Olson All 34 Henry E. Olson All 3s tlon Amt. 38 07 31.94 11.01 22.92 40.95 40.23 18.23 80,30 63.44 411.15 113.22 3.9C 77.09 15,84 338.68 132.59 299.15 39.27 8.97 .78 50.91 74.07 04.95 32.20 13.93 3.96 31.81 9.61 18.72 17.62 1392 31.81 31.81 35.75 15.21 24.83 24.84 .2.64 2G.C4 26.53 28.73 28.73 0.78 25.04 19.29 25.04 24.15 2.01 19.19 641 31.81 31.81 31.81 23.24 39.70 30.47 16.34 17.02 17.62 20.81 5.94 7.06 6.68 13.18 9.74 58.84 28.14 6.01 9.08 11.92 11.92 1.97 13.75 11.19 11.19 26.20 8.49 7.11 9.32 10.45 7.11 29.14 . . 7.11 27. 17.13 2G.87 47.24 50.95 50.90 50.49 50.08 27.72 11.05 13.89 18.20 4.49 1.50 5.63 3.35 210.31 55.96 63.91 25,39 .50 9.28 8.25 34.59 27.72 27.72 27.72 27 72 30.20 7.52 10.07 25.35 29.84 39.13 36 05 7.52 34 60 29.84 29.84 33.50 28."74 31.30 30.57 34.22 31.30 7.00 29.84 34.60 29.04 33.85 28.74 17.39 29.84 30.79 27.72 PRODIGIES PROVE A PUZZLE Puycholoolcal Experts Unable to Ac count for Their Amazing Preva lence In England. Infant nrodtples are lielnj; discov ered In KiiKlnnd nlinost dally. Some connect this with tho psychology of war. O110 of tho youthful ;naryils Is Pamela Bianco, a thlrUili.yar.old girl artist, whoso, drawings were given tho place of honor In an exhibition nt one of the principal London galleries. Critics dealt with them quite seri ously and said that the work was sug gestive of Hottlcelll and some of the other old masters. Pamela 1s an Italian girl tfho was horn In England nnd never had taken any drawing les sons. Itonnlo Kentledge, four, little more than 1 hahy, whose parents know nothing of music, has enjoyed six months of tuition on the violin. AJt , the Grimsby College of Violinists re cently he outranked 411 competitors, most of them la the twenties, and scored 111) points In a possible 120. Professor Danton describes him us a miracle. Little Hobble Day, aged seven, of Brighton, son of a motor mechanic, lias Wonderful nnwnra nf n1nltvnviinn according to tho Weekly Dispatch. Blindfolded, he described a numlcr of articles. These Included n treasury note (giving Its color, numbers nnd writing on the back), the colov nnd texture' of a piece of fnbiic lie hud never seen, the correct answer to n complicated sum in mental arithmetic and figures written down nt random. After five .minutes' test he com plained of feeling Icy cold. "I just see little pictures nnd I just say tlieii" is Bobbie's explanation. AMERICANS WILL BE THERE Opportunities Offered in Abyssinia Are by No Means Likely to Be Long Overlooked. After his visit to the United States one of the Abyssinian visitors admit ted thnt he knew now ,why there were no Americans In Abyssinia. As he had seen him nt home, the American, so the stranger from Abyssinia decided, is not given to slow nnd tedious travel ing. He wnnts to get about quickly, and Abyssinia, with nothing faster than n pack mule, offers no Induce ments of rapid transportation. "That, It seems," said the Abyssinian, "has kept the American man out of our country. It is too bad. We need bridges like yours, we need streets like yours, and we need men like yours to direct the building of them." Commer cially and Industrially, however, the truth probably Is that Abyssinia has not been "discovered." nnd when thnt happens the American mnn will come nnd build his own rapid transporta tion. The mere statement that the capital, Addis Abbeba, is a city of some 40,000 Inhabitants and no rail way connection with the outside world Is a temptation. Christian Science Monitor. Birds Have Right of Way. Fowl have the right of way in air, warns the director 'of military aero nautics. This is justice Indeed, since birds flew first. But this Is not all. Recently many towns along the Atlantic coast have been visited with dead bird showers. Aviators flying by u town would see n flock of wild fowl coming their way. They would set their machine guns and let the bullets fly. Presently a prominent citizen walk ing below would bo hit with a lurge. bloody bird. He complained to tho town, and the town complained to the department of agriculture. Then the federal migratory bird lnw between the United States and Great Britain was referred to, and It was found thnt shooting birds from nirplanes Is unlawful. The Wrong Man. -When I was an elghteen-year-ohl girl I was keeping house In my moth er's absence and received word from an old friend of the fnmiiy, of whom I was very fond, that he was to be our guest for a day or two. Toward eve ning when the doorbell rang I told our little colored mnid to answer It and show Mr. Blank Into the living room. I rushed into the room which was half dark, some minutes later and threw my arms around the gentleman who rose to greet me nnd kissed him soundly only to hear n strange voice sny, "I called to see If I could Interest you In n wonderful set of books I am showing today." I bucked to the. light and turned it on to view a perfect stranger n hook agent. But Mr. Blank's timely arrival Just then saved a little of my embnr rnsslng explanation. Chicago Tribune. Triple Tone Electric Bell. Three separate and distinct sounds are given by an electric bell which op erates on ordinary lighting current by means' of a transformer. In tho home, the bell can be connected with pus buttons Installed at three different doors front, kitchen and side, for ex ample. When one button Is pressed a clear ring results, when the second Is operated a buzz Is produred. and when the third button Is pushed 11 combination buzz and ring results. In the ofllce or shop this bell will prove most useful, since it enn be uscjl to call three different persons without necessitating them to count tho num ber of rings, as must often be done when the customary signaling Is em ployed. This boll hns no contnet points to burn out nnd no bntterles to replnce.