The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 21, 1919, Image 1

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No. 81
o r th
E. F. Scoborgor expresses tho opin
ion that North Platte should provide a
pormannont landing flold for alrplalns.
basing this belief In view of tho prob
ability of a trans-contlnntal air mall
sorvlco by the government and the
natural growth of nlrplano ' travel
which Is certain to como, Many citlos
havo already officially designated
landing places for llyors and through
taking this step hope to secure recog
nition as a control station or as a
recognized and established landing
Aviators agree that tho Platte val
ley is tho logical routo for all east or
west bound filers to follow. Tho wide
river is not only a natural guide, but
tho widenoss oftho valley permits of
a forced landing anywhere.
A tract of land containing six or
eight acres with tho length of the
flold about six times Its width would
bo needed, and should of course be as
nearly perfectly level as possible. The
flold must bo marked so that a flier
can easily discern it while a thousand
feet In the alrt and tho four corners
should bo lighted at night. At tho
start other needs on the field would
bo a supply of gasoline and lubricants
for sale, but eventually hangars would
probably be necessary.
Trying: to Reduce the High Cost
of Living.
Sntnrdny, October Sfltli,
ATc will sell 2" dozen resrulnr $1.2.
Itrooins, nil new stock for
Limit, two to each customer.
north rintte, Neb.
: :o: :
A derailment of several cars oc
curred In the west yards this morn
ing, and as ono car was thrown across
tho main tracks traffic was delayed
for over nn hour. Unfortunntely the
wrecker had been sent to Cheyenne
for ropalrs and the work of clearing
the tracks was necessarily slow.
MIssos L. B. Stevens and Margaret
Maxwell returned Sunday from their
liomcs in Kearney and resumed tholr
duties at tho Platto Valey school Mon
day morning after a week's vacation
duo to a contagious disease among
tho pupils.
Judge Grimes went to Chappell yes
terday where he will hold court this
week. He was accompanied by At
torney Halllgan. . , -
Mr. and Mrs. P.. J. Clabaugh came
from Greeley, Col., yesterday to spend
a few days with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh.
For Sale 8 room house, all mod
ern except heat, and two lots. Call
212. 81-4
IMxons grind their own lenses.
Chas. LiBton, of Dickons, transacted
business in town yesterday.
Did you see the beautiful beaded
bags iii Dixon's window? ?14 to ?G0.
Adolph Oestrich, of Hershey, trans
acted business i town Saturday.
-Suit Velvet bags, $G to ?20. Dixon,
tho quality Jeweler.
Mrs. I, Grogory entered the Twinom
hospital for an operation Monday.
Tho P. E. O. Chapter will meet with
Mrs. H. M. Grimes Wednesday afternoon.
Col. Wm. Beatty, of Brady, spent
yesterday m town visiting ms son
The Lexington foot ball team de-j
feated tho Curtis Aggies Friday by a
score of twelvo to nothing.
L. C. McGraw returned Sunday from
Gothenburg where ho had been doing
special work for several days.
Wanted at Twinem Hospital Stu
dent nurse and general assistant. Ap
ply at Dr. Twlnem's office. Sltf
Tho Methodist aid society will hold
their annual supper and bazaar De
cember 18th.
Mr nnd Mrs Will Klenk and children
left this morning for Omaha where
.they will visit for several days.
Tlie Elks' dancing party which was
.postponed two weeks ago, will be
held Thursday evening of this week.
Wanted, at Twinem Hospital Girl
for general work. Apply Dr. Twlnem's
Mrs. C. A. Lowell arrived from Chi'-i
cago Sunday, having been called hero)
j by tho Illness of her father, Judgo
j MUtonberger. ,
, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland re
turned yesterday from York whore
they attended the Odd' Follows' grand
J For Sale-Hardman piano In excel
lent condition. Call at 513 east Fourth
Walter Hoxie, who Is associated
with "L. C. Smith in wheat growing,
came down from Julesburg to spend
the v eek end with tho home folks.
Harry Stevens has sold through the
H. & S. Agency, the property at 500
south Chestnut street to John Rowe,
of OgalaUa, who will move to this city
In -a short time This property" Was
formerly owned by F. P. McGovern
and has been re-sold three times with
in eighteen months. 1
Lost Pocketbook, Monday after
noon on west Fourth street in the 200
block. Return to this office and re
ceive reward.
On January first next tho Lincoln
Highway from North Platte oast to the
sounty lino, a distance of about thlrty
throo miles, will bo turned over to tho
state, nnd It will bo maintained by
state and federal aid and will bo under
the control of tho state highway com
mission, or, state engineer. In othflr
words It will pass from the control flf
the county commissioners.
It ii expected that early noxt spring
the graveling of the road will begin,
and hy fall of noxt year this thirty
throe mllo stretch of road will un
questionably bo In such condition that
the auto driver can turn his wheels
Just as fast as ho doslros without en
countering high spots, low spots or
stretches of sand; in fact it will be
as good road as is possible to make
of dirt and gravol. Gravol for tho road
will be obtained from the river and
will be screened as taken out
Machinery for digging, screening
and loading gravel arrived at Suther
land Saturday and tho work of grav
eling tho Lincoln Highway between
that place and North Platte will start
In a fow days. Contractor Wholnn has
completed grading this road to a point
oast of tho Baker school house, and
with fair weather will poon havo'
completed that work Into orth
Platte. The work of graveling the road
will be continued during tho wintor,
or at least when the . weather permits,
and the work will probably be complet
ed oy spring In this work tractors
and dump wngons will bo employed.
Whon the highway west Is graveled,
the work of graveling the highway
east will begin. This will give Lin
coln county, fifty-two miles of gravel
surfaced road running oast and west.
JTho highway from Sutherland west to
the county line will sooner or later
become a state projetct, and will also
be made Into a porfect dirt pond, thus
giving us a splendid highway cloar
across the county.
Tho passing of this sixty miles of
road into the hnnds of tho state, and
to bo maintained by tho state, will re
lieve the commissioners of the ex
pense of maintaining Just that much of
tho county roads, and will give them
more funds to devote to other county
i i
Tho purposes of the now Welfare Tho bodlv mnnirlod bodv of n. man ,
Board, and tho Association which wAs found noar 6'Fnllon Saturday by Sunday tho McCrnckon Brothers
stands behldn It are rather gonernllyla wost bound frolght crow who ro-'''niS storo was entered, tho cash rog
mlsumlerstool. In a good many homos ported tho fnct to Tralnnmstor Shol-, ,Btor robbed of nbout twenty dollars
It Is being hold up as a new bogey man ' ver. Claim Agent Watts, accompanied 1,1 CIlHU and t,ire0 cartons of cigarettes
to help scare youngstors Into doing by, Undertaker Mnlonoy, wont to O'Fal-' (,nc carton of chowlng gum car
tho things their parents think they Ion and gathering tho dismembered rlcu on Entrance to tho storo was
ought to do. In one day tho attention body together, brought Uio remains to' saiiUHl by climbing through a roar
of the Prosldont of the Association this city. , , transom, but In leaving tho tltldves
was calhuLJii tho morning, to tho fact ' On his poraon Woro papers which mnUo tucIr ox,t through a door wliich
that th8pSs8oclatlon was falling so identified him as Charles Gilford, and luul li0cn looked from tho insido and
complewiy to do what peoplo oxpected that he had been shipped out of Kan-i tn0 ke' ,eft ln tuo loc,' Tuls ky was
it to do that It was simply helping to sas City as a laborer but his plnco of I wltdI1 nnu through It tho Identity of
Bond tho town oven more rapidly to resldonco could not lm lnnrnnri it tn.1 tho thieves was discovered. Two boys
nau given a ouncn or uoys to nnotnor
boy who who gnvo them to his fathor
and he ln turn gavo them to tho po
llco, and to the lattor was also nntnod
tho boys who originally had posses
sion of thorn. These boys proved to be
Harold Tylor and Wnltor Warron,
both under fifteen yonrs of ago and
both students nt tho Junior high
school. When apprehended by tho of
ficers they admitted that they had not
only been guilty of entering tho Mc-
tho "demnition bowwows" than It had learned also that ho had boon mn
been going. In tho ovonlng ho was ployed as tin applo picker on tho Glon
told that tho Association was making burnio fruit farm north of Sutherland,
tho town so puritanic that no man, but no particulars could bo learned
with good red blood in his veins cared as to how ho met his death other than
to live In North Platto any longer. that ho had boon run down by a train.
North Platto Is not going to tho bow- Tho body Is bolng hold at tho Malonoy
wows neither Is it becoming so purl-; niorguo ponding nn attempt to learn
tanlc that broad-minded men aro of his homo town or rolattvos.
avoiding It. However, it has some I :to::
problems somo rather serious ones Suggest Choral Society,
incidont to tho fact of its recont rapid ! Mrs. Shrlvor. Mrs. Frank Hntch. Mra
growth and Its transition from tho Lelnlngor nnd Miss Trovlllo, four of Cranken storo but had also robbed tho
small town size to that of a largo town North Platte's most talontod vocalists,1 BU'1 c&sos bolonglng to tho Kearney
that It Is beginning to think ltsolf as : suggest tho formation of a choral so- foot LuI1 Payors tho preceding Friday
a city. The Wolfnro Association exists doty, nnd that once a month a Sunday afternoon. Those suit cases had been
simply nnd solely for hto purpose of nftornoon concert be given In one or'loft ,u a Jockor in tho Junior high
helping to solvo thoso problems In Buch tho churches. Such a society of sixty I uulldlnR nnd they had gained entrance
a fashion that North Platto will con-; or moro volcos could easily bo form-1 to tll locker by moans of a skolcton
tlnue to bo what It now Is a vory on-lod, and wo understand Mrs. Shrlvor ke' rrom caS0B the boys had
Joyable place ln which to Jlvo. Whon1 would tender hor sorvlcos ns director.! taken a watch, n camera, four foun-
North Platto was a small town two or, Though perhaps past tho singer's ngo!tam l,e,,8 sovernl knives, a bunch of
iwjo uuu p.i.ou in iiiuiiuy. x no DOyB
told whero thoy had hidden these ar
ticles ns well tho cigarettes and gum
tirkeir from tho McCrnckon store se
lecting a half dozen places in which to
cacho them. All the articles wero ro
covored, but a portion of tho money
had Leen spent. Tho boys nltft ad
mlttud that they had tnkon two spot
lights nnd Bovoral locks from Derry
berry & Forbes, picking up these arti
cles v.hllo lounging nround tho storo.
Owners of tho Btoros robbod will con
fer with tho offlcors today ns to wheth
er the boys shall bo sent to' tho re
form school, or simply paroled to tholr
parents, with instructions to roport to
tho offlcors at stated Intervals as to
their behavior.
::o: :
:o: :
For private lessons In all ballroom
dancing, phone 841 between G:15 and
7:151). m". Gay Heston, Instructor.
Special prices to .clubs-1 organizations,
aiid. classes? ' MF''-- ' '-81-2
' ::o::
Mrs E. C. Coates is spending this
week with her daughter Mrs. Harold
Chambers at Keystone.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Perkins, of
Milwaukee, are guests of tho former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Perkins.
& S. Ad
dition Annex
TIiq north half of Blocks Four and Five of Graceland Addition immediately adjoin
ing the H. & S. Addition on the south, are all being improved with sidewalks, cross
walks and graded streets and will be placed on the market the morning of October 22d.
Theseiots are immediately south of and facing the beautiful H. & S. Addition. All have
north fronts, are as level as the floor, exceptionally reasonable in price, and will make
fine homes. The side walks and graded streets in the H. & 8. Addition connect them up
with a continuous thoroughfare to the business part of town. Electric lights, city water
mains and fire protection immediately across the street north, furnish the opportunity
to make homes built on these lots modern and up to the minute.
All lots in North one-half of Block 4 at $300
All lots in North one-half of Block 5, at $325
Other lots ranging from $175 to $225
Lots in Blocks Four andl Five $20 down
and $10 per month.
All other lots in Graceland Additioi. ,
$10 down and $5 per month,
10 per cent discount for cash on all lots
If you were too .late to buy a lot in the H. & S. Addition, here is your chance to get
one right next door. There are also eight lots now listed for sale in the H. & S. Addi
tion, et us show you.
Remember we are exclusive agents for lots in IV & S. Addition; Taylor's; Grace
land; Peniston's; Cody's 1st and 2nd; Scouts Rest; Dolson's and Ruddy's Additions and
Buffalo Bill's and Landgraf's Sub-Divisions; Hershey's Sub-Division of acreage tracts;
and we also have lots and tracts scattered all over .town. We can place you if it is pos
sible. Let us prove it. Call or phone office of the
H. 8c S. AGENCY.
SALE OPENS 5) A. 2ff., OCTOBEIt.22.
three pooplo who were interested In Tim Trlhu
civic probloms could havo a pretty 1 proves of tho suggestion, nnd trusts
good idea of whut tho town needed, but that all slngors In town will bocomo
tlmt situation no longer oxlsts. mombors. Though wo hnvo not boon
North Platto needs a Welfare Asso- authorized to so stato wo aro cortain
elation that will bring together ropro- that Mrs. Shrlvor will bo glad to havo
sentatlvos of all of tho diverse elo- thoso Interested phono 'tholr names to
mouts of her population and ln which her, nnd when a sufficient number
hor probloms can bo threshed out in a have been hoard from a mooting for
good tempered manner and tho solu- tho purpose of organization
tlons which seem tho best, carried Into called.
offect through tho medium of tho Wol- A chorus such ns suggested would
fpe Board which was created and Is i bo an asset to the city, for there aro
controlled by tho city council. many occuslons during the yonr when
The word "Welfare" Is becoming tho sorvlcos of a chorus could bo used
somewhat shopworn as tho tho word to great advantage.
'uplift" long ago became of Its abuse ' ::o:: - .
but it it. difficult to find a name which I Club Meeting Tonight.
nts tiw -Association any bettor. A good . Tho Twentieth Century Club will
many peoplo think of tho Wolfnro meet this ovonlng at eight o'clock with
Hoard simply as another repressive In- Mrs. Frank Barber, 803 wost Fourth
strument. This Is duo to tho fact that street, Mrs. I. L. Stobblns assisting,
ts initial work which attracted pub- This evening meeting is nrrnngod ln
11c attention had to do with some doferonco to tho wlshos of a numbor
"aon'ts" which seemed rather necos-, who and thomsolves unable to attend
sary, but the things that tho Assoc!- the afternoon sessions. A program of
atlon is, planning to do through tho personal Intorest will bo provided un-
Board aro largo things, things' that der tho direction oralis. .Henry Gil-
-m,,.. " ".u "uu-wuuii; uuu iiuii- juyiu ami mrs. BiuniwirxfEAxiargo uio community, . it is pian-rattendanco is doslretfiwt"
iilng to make tho city parks real places! :;o: :
of healthy amusement for all of the For Snle Chenp.
pooplo. It is hoping to make tho long Set of double harness In good con
talked of community houso a fact. i ditlon. JOS south Mnple street.
Tho Association, If It Is to servo the , ::o::
communlty as it should, If It Is to pro-! Manager Arnold, of the Stacy Mor-
moto good citizenship nmf accomplish cantllo Co., returned yesterday from a
the big things for North Platte that trip to Colorado whore ho went to
should be accomplished needs a larger look up tho potato situation. He e-V-mombershlp.
It needs every one who pects tho arrival of several cars of
really cares about the futuro of North Orcolov notatoos which hn can wlmlrf.
Platto. It has some dues. Thov arn sale nt $2.85 nor hundred.
not largo $1.00 por year. It Is coliur
to havo a supper next week to which
It wishes overy one who is Interested
In North Platto to como The dato and
pla'co of holding this sunner will bo
naiinounced Inter. Watch for tho. dato
and resorvo that evening.
Attention 1
Thoro will bo a regular meeting of
Signet Chapter No. 55, O. B. S. Thurs
day evening, preceded by a banquet at
six o'clock complimentary to tho
Grand Chaplain, Mrs. Todd, of Kear
ney. All members and- visiting mem
bers arc Invited to attend. Thero will
bo official Inspection.
Funeral Tills Afternoon.
Tho funeral of tho lato Mrs. Mary
SImants will bo held from tho resi
dence of AVI 11 SImants this afternoon,
1. A. It. Entertainment.
Tho National Society of tho Daugh
ters of tho Amorlcan Revolution havo
undertaken tho restoration of tho vil
lage of Tilloloy in France. To help. In
this vork Sioux Lookout Chapter, will
give an ontertalnmontv Monday. 'ovon
lng, Oetobor 27th, nt tho Oddfellows
hall. A snlendtd .nroernim!in.H hnnn
fashioned minuet and rocitatlotis .A
number of-the members, of tho society
will be dressed ln colonial costumo.
Card tables will bo provided for thoso
who care to play. Tho public Is in
vited. Prlco of admission GO cents.
Will Norrls returned yesterday
from Lincoln whoro ho had gone to at
tend tho Nobraska-Notro Dame foot
ball gamo, ln which tho lattor won by
a score of thirteen to nine.
Tho mothers of pupils attending tho
Junior high school will hold a moot
ing with tho teachers of that school on
Thursday afternoon of this week for
tho purposo of discussing somo of tho
probloms of tho pupils. Tho meoting
will bo called at 3 p. m. It is prob
able that a Paront-Teacher Associa
tion will bo formed nnd regular meet
ings hold during tho wintor. Our
cJilldron aro of moro importance than '
our other affairs and consideration of
tho child's wolfaro should como be
fore almost ovorything elso.
Practically all of tho property stol-'
on from tho Kearney foot ball toam'
last Friday has been rocovorod and :
Supt. Tout sont to tho Kearnoy man- i
agor with tho explanation and apol
ogy, for tho Incidont Tho local polico'
made tho capture and It was a good '
piece of work.
No airships reached tho North
Platto control station yostorday .butj
two or threo aro expected to nrrlvo
from tho wost today. A piano thntj
reached hero Saturday, had a disabled
entfino and had to remain until yes-i
terday afternoon for repairs. j
Mrs. Todd, of Koarnoy, tho Grand
Chaplain of tho Ordor of Eastorn Star
Villi bo presont at tho rogular chaptorl
meeting Thursday ovonlng. j
W. J. Laudgraf and O. J. Pass ro-. 1
turned this morning from Omaha
wlire thoy had gono to attond a K. C.
ola y initiation. j
Wanted Two or threo rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished. Cull 138.
The Catholic ladios will hold an ox
change at tho Malonoy store on Satur
day, Ootobor 25th. I
Mr. Kellogg, of Nobraska City, is
the (;'K'nt of Mrs. J. J Ilalllran, having
arrive J tho latter part of hit week.
Crystal Theatre, Thursday and Friday,
The World's Greatest Mystery Drama,
Thrills that Bite. Smart Gowns. Love fend Revenge
The Christian Science Society of North Platte, Neb.
o n
at the
at 3 o'clock new time.
Rev. Andrew J. Graham, C. S., is a member of
tne board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The
First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston,