The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 17, 1919, Image 5

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Friday and Saturday.
Special assortment of lmnil
kocchlofs, white with embroid
ered flower designs lu corner at
10c, 13c, ISc.
rAiiot nerJiiBtwviinieranrtvrembr-
ered designs In cornerwl
dainty lace edges at x(
25c, 30c, 35c.
Other finer quality handker
chiefs with embroidery dealigna
and dainty laco ddges at
40c, 50c and 75c.
Silk hbso with lisle tops, sizes
S1 to 10, most all colors at
Full fashioned silk, hose, most
all colors and sizes, guaranteed,
at .
Full fashioned silk hose, garter
tops, 82 to 10 and most all
shades, guaranteed, at
Full fashioned silk hose 8 to
10 slzos, garter tops, guaran
teed, at . . . . .. .
Se$ our Windows Friday.
Try our Marinello Beauty Shop.
Phone 199.
I Popular priced coats for ladlos and
mlssos In cloth and plushos, also a
' big lino of tho new style short coats.
I K. T. Tramp & Sons.
Harrison Hurnlmm oamo up from
Loxlngton and will visit a fow days
with his daughters, Miss Vina War
rington and Mrs. Chas. Calhoun, bo-
foro going on to his home In Long
Elizabeth Confer. Instructor on
piano, specializing on boglnners.
Call at or address 208 Maplo streot or
phono Hed 2(57. 78-4
Sttvo 20 to 40 per cont on your win
ter coat or suit and select one now
from tho big spot cash purchase . of
ono of tho loading Now York makers
All their sample room mcdols, somo
over 300 garments In all to soleci
from ot Tho Loader Mercantile Co.'s
Mrs. Kate Sullivan returned Tues
day to her homo. In Brndy after spond
Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday.
"The Girl Who Stayed Home"
a distinctly artistic achievement, It deals with American young
men and woman whose lives were changed and ennobled
through the agency of the great war.
LOCAL AND PERSONAL ! Miss LIna Lawhead, of Broadwater,
I visited with relatives In town this
F. E. Thompson returned Tues- week.
day from a short visit with friends in
Mrs. John E. Jones, who under
went an operation at an Omaha hos
pital Wednesday, is reported to bo
doing nicely,
Francis O'Connell arrived home
Wednesday after fifteen months ser
vice overseas with the 502 Refriger
ator Plant Co.
A now shipment of coats jn both
the long and short lengths. E. T.
Tramp & Sons.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swope returned
Tuesday from Omaha where Guy hadl
been- looking after business matteis
for several days.
Joseph KarbuBh, of Omaha, Is a
guest at the Landgraf home on east
Sixth street. Mrs. Karbush has been
visiting hero for a week or more.
We guarantee satisfaction and will
be pleased to give you information
about your eyes. Clinton & Son, Op
tometrists. C. M. Trotter, of this city, yesterday
sold to the Harrington Mercantile Co.
one thousand tons of alfalfi and three
hundred tons of wildliay which he had
cut on leased land near Brady.
Correct your error. Grnsp yotir
2nd opportunity. Buy n lot in II. &
S. Addition Annex 'Oct. 22nd. 80-2
J. A. Jaeger arrived AVednosdaj
from Omaha to take the position of
chief operator at the western Union
office. Mr." Jaeger will move liis fam
ily hero as soon as he can secure a
Will the party who has my moth
er's organ,- which was loaned by E. S.
M. Parker, please address W. H.
Parker, 210 east 9th street, Grand
Island, Neb. 80-2
Geo. W. Suhr and daughter, Mrs.
Edith M. Orr, of Norwalk, Ohio, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Pros
ser. This is Mr. Suhr's first visit to
tho west, but Mrs. Orr has visited in
town several times.
Our stock of set and unset diamonds
is the most complete in the west.
Clinton, tho Jeweler.
A beautiful piece of Sheffield silver
will be an appreciable wedding gift
Clinton, the Jeweler.
John Young, of Ogden, is visiting
friends in town this week. John way
formerly a switchman here.
Mrs. F. E. Daly returned this morn
ing from Omaha where she has been
visiting this past week.
A lot of new styles In children's
cine-ham dresses. E. T. Tramp &
C. V. White, of Omaha, was in town
yesterday inspecting' the work at tho
Western Union relay station.
Jay Smith and Ferdinand Streitz
returned Wednesday from a two
weeks' trip to Powder River and Cas
per, Wyo.
Sale of lots in II. & S. Addition
Annex opens OcOt. 22nd. Watch for
quarter page adv. Tuestlny for prices
and terms. "-
Mrs. Edward Day, who had been
taking treatment at the Twinem hos
pltal, returned Wednesday to her
home in Keystone.
Houso dresses nnd aprons, a big va
riety of styles, just received a new lot.
Wo can .surely .please you; they aro
made rlgljjt and fit right. E. T. Tramp
'& Sons. ' .-
"Checkers," a big special produc
tion taken from the racing melodrama
that was a tremendous success on the
legitimate stago for many years, will
bo tho attraction at tho Keith theatre
Wednesday and Thursday, J&ctobor
22-23. Tho story is a sensational ono
having to do with race horse plots.
It ends with tho most thrilling race
track scene ever witnessed.
For Sale Seven room houso on east
Tiuru street, aw mouern. inree
blocks from high school. Inquire of
Isaac Deats, COO block east Third
Phone Red 1233. SOtf
The first colllnion on the Nebraska
division in over a yoar occurred nt
Optic siding a short distance east ot I
Kearney oarly Tuaedav morning whom
the engino of train No. 4, with George
StoHrnu of this city engineer plowed
into the roar of a freight train stand
ing on tho main track. Engineer
Stearns, owing to a denso tog, did not
see tho train In front until nlmoat up
on it. Ho rovoraed his engine, ap
plied the otnorgoncy brake and both
ho ami his llromuu sticking to their
post, plowed through tho cabooso
and throo box cars loaded with boxed
applet,. As the engine crashed
through the cars It toppled dvor on
its side. Stearns nnd his fireman wore I
able to cxtrlcato thomselvos from tho
wreckage nnd miraculously escupod
any serious Injury. None of tho
freight "crew wore injured, but whom
Two Great
tho wreckage of tho burlnc caboose
ing.Uio week, end with her daughter, libx'cnrb, Which had caught fh:o,
Miss Wynne. Mrs. Sulllvnn wns en- w oeing cicnneu up tno cnarreu
route homo from a three months' visit body of a man wns found,. There was
in Denver. nomine found to Indicate his Identity,
0 . T, , on. "Ut mcmbors of tho freight crow stntcd
rur omu xjun iui k'"uh,,b. (Jmt ,m wnfl ,m oporntor who h(u got.
west I'ounn. "".ten on the train west 'of Kearney and
Hnrry Wright, Tom Emplo and W. II. was doad-heading his way enst., The
Turplo, charged with drinking homo- collision delayed traffic about fiVo
mado beer, were lined $10 nnd costs Hours,.
each by Judge Woodhurst. All threel An investigation Is being mado as to
of the defendants gave notlco of ap-,! wnero tno rauit or tno wreck lies.
peal to the district court.
Queen Quality shoos are sold only nt
Wilcox Department Store.
of the
Brunswick Method of Reproduction
The Ultona. This all-record player has revo
lutionized phonograph ideals, and is instantly
adjustable to each type of record.
With it you can play all records at their best.
All artists, all bands, all selections are at your,
command, i
Only The Brunswick offers this great invention.
.Married Wednesday Utcnlnp.
Lorenzo Muellor and Miss Luclllo
... i . 1 1. i
'Hm Mnnlflti nrnantitnfl Tlin Trlhnno' Vw jiuuvwr uuiu Iiiumuu ui uiu 11UIUU Ul
M.UU o antinlv if TVTn- I UHUU b pUIUULS iUr. iUUl 1UI H. XI.
laga grapes and apples somowhat ;7or','', '. . .
H,nlW tl.nn flio Rin nf vmir ),nml. Tim' 0:30 Wednesday, OVOIlIng, III tllO pr08-
f.nit n,nn nUnr-A nf w at i once of about, thirty relativos and
1.1 U1V VIIIIIU 11 VIII Vll Uftrfl I 14 W ( ' t T .
Plimviliopa rnnnnil Vnrlli Dlnlta mnn I gUCSIS,
nnw rovUUncr nt TVInMn,! W.ncl, 'l Mrs. UoISOU, of Mindeil, sister Of tllO
I groom, played tho wedding march ns
For Sale Talking macliine ana S the young people took thoir placos
records. 519 east H street. I1 under tho wedding bell and Rev. A. C.
C. M. Trntter rntnrnort Wnilnnailnv! Hul1 of tho Uaptist church performed
from Omaha. He was a passenger oni V,10 coromony-, Afterwards a wedding
train ko. 4 Monuay nignr wnon it """ -j,, .... v.. ..0
... nun ruiuuvos. yviter iovemuor isi
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mueller will bo nt homo
at 520 south Walnut Btrect.
crashed into tho rear end of n freight
at Optic and was considerably shaken
up by the sudden application of tho
brakes and the Impact of tho col
lision. For Sale Five grade Holstcin cows.
H. E. Norton, North Platte, Phono
798F2. 80-3
Nothing has been hoard of the Ford
car belonging to C. L. Ross which was
stolen from Fifth streot at tho Odd
Fellows' block over two weeks ago.
This is the first car stolen from a
North Platte person that has not been
recovered, but in this case no clow
has been obtained.
See our lino of King Albert sterling
flat ware, just received. Beautiful
pattern sure to please. C. M. Austin,
Jeweler. 79-2
Lieut. Trunk'made a trip to Oconto
' The Twentieth Century Club
The Twentieth Century Club will
meet Tuesday evening, October 21st,
at eight o clock with Mrs. Frank II.
Barber, at 803 west Fourth street, Mrs.
I. L. btebbins assisting.
The evening meeting is arranged in
deference to tho wishes of a number
who find themselves unable to attend
tho afternoon sessions. A program of
personal Interest will be provided un
der the direction of Mrs. Harry Gll-
foyl and Mrs. Stanley Orr. A large
attendance Is desired. MRS. ORR,
80-2 Chairman of Press.
The All-Wood Tone Amplifier, which de
velops new tonal qualities, bringing out
tones hitherto lost. It is constructed
entirely of wood, like a fine violin.
Investigate these exclusive features before
you make even a tentative decision, for old
ideas are sure to be discarded-
The Brunswick has created a nation-wide
appreciation. Thousands
are being sold to those
who insist on the best.
We will gladly play The
Brunswick for you and
explain its new features.
Make your own com
parisons. Let your ear
Keith Theatre BIdg. North Platte.
lionibiii Plane Wrecked.
Tho big Martin bombing nlane.
'itiesfiay to salvage tno airship which which was expected to reach North
had been dashed to the ground by a , Platto Tuesday, was wrecked that day
strong current ot wind anu damaged near lutan, thirty miles west of Om-
beyond repair, but fortunately without aha. Sailing along at an elevation of
accident to the pilot or tho electrician 1 1,500 feet Captain Francis and his
vrg wit''-!r.:-i. The ship wns en-: passengers failed, by reason of
rovto to una city when the accident tho dense fog, to seo Omaha and nt-
occurred. ; tempted to make a landing near Yu-
For Sale A few thoroughbred lau- n doing so tho piano crashed in-
Duroc Jersey male pigs. Big stretchy to telephone wires and posts and foil
follows. Fred Nelson, two miles west to t'10 ground a wreck. Nono of the
of North Platto. 78tf . occupants were injured. The bomber
: :o: : ' will be crated and shipped to Minneola
Entertains ut, liirthdav Part v. antl North PIntto pveoplo will bo de-
Mildred Skinner entertained a score DrlYcu ?f seel,,S the big fellow.
or mnrn frlnniis Wrvinnsrinv nvnntv, luesday Lieut. Johnson, pilot of
His nnoaslnn nf imr Mt-tb nnnivnran. 'Plane No. 10C, became lost In the fog
Honor guests were Mlssos Ida Otton- at Omaha and in attempting to lnnd
Rtnln nmi Trmn TTiiffmnn H.n fmo- at a point other than tho landing
Mildred's music teacher and tho latter ! place', wrecld his machino and sus-
. , . . . . . T "I 1 Tt Ol DAI. Alio (n,l.lAa I
ner instructor in elocution. Tiio doc- ..,..
orations were descriptive of Hallow
Een. Tho evening was devoted to
music and readings to which Miss Ot
tensteln and Miss Huffman contribut
ed. The evening closed with tho serv
ing of a two-course lunch. Mildred
received a number of pretty remem
brances of the day.
::o: :
Stock for Sale.
On account of having t move soon.
1 offer for sale five head of milch
cows, nine head of stock cattle, one
Shetland pony colt, thirteen head of
hogs and four dozen Buff Orpington
chickens. C. A. MOORE.
72tf 215 west Twelfth St
Plenty of six per cent money, an
nual Interest and optional payments
B. & L. Building
Are you Going to Have a Sale
This Fall?
' Soon the fall sale season will open already
many farmers have engaged us to handle the
clerking of their sales.
Our experience in this work is of especial bene
fit to them and they are quick to realize the
many advantages that come through having our
officers care for their money affairs.
If you contemplate having a sale this fall or win
terbetter come in aul see us now about terms
ami dates. Tt will puy.
Platte Valley State Bank,
Before soiling or contracting your
sweet Clover Seed' seo JOHN R."
CHURCHILL, local agent for the
Berry Seed Co.. of Clnrinda. Iowa.
Write mo at North Platto or Phone
Black 1237. I guarantee tho top price.
LMano For Sale
We have stored in North Platto n
strictly high grade pl.ino which if sold
at once can be purchased at a positive
bargain. Terms. For particulars ad
77-G Denver, Colo.
The sale of Wm. J. Bickley North
Platte, Neb. which was to be held on Oct.
8th, was postponed on account of rain,
and will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 22nd,
COL. ED KIERIG, Auctioneer.
Cattle Sale
The undersigned will sell at public sale at the Bird
wood ranch, six miles west of North Platte and six
miles east of Hershey, on
Wednesday, Oct. 29th, 191
i commencing at 12 o'clock west time,
175 High Grade White Face Cattle,
Several Horses and a lot of
Farm Machinery.
We Buy and Sell
Obtain our Prices,
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
Chas. Olsen, ) A t.
H. M. Johansen, Auctioneers.
F. C. Pielsticker, Clerk