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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1919)
Ofrdnme. THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATrE, NEB., OCTOBER 17, 1919. . 1 No. 80 S3 NEWS IN AND AltOUNI) THE COUJtT HOUSE Collecting Itala. i MAYNAUO l'ASSES T1UIOUKI! ON HIS HETUHN TM1. It is understool tho county com mtssloncrs will take no uctlon In ro f County Judge Woodhurst has boon instructed by Lincoln authorities to .... n.nil ,,1. .nrAa t l.ta f(ttne "'i nk'f" " LIdUt B. W. Maynnrd, winner of the sard to tho now court house until nf- criminal civil and probate cases illed i?at.11 ot tho ?"ny tni,n '.co ".U,."2 Inr tl.n fW Tnnnn-v A1,..t .-... .,.),.. .11a. mr lllglH. wassou uirougu 1UIU1 riUUB time they will ask architects to sub- missed, together with tho linos and y;trday forenoon on his return trip mlt plans, thoso will bo examined, a foes. To get this data requires nu im- Landlng In San Franclfco at 1:3(1 selection made and then bids asked monBe amount of work. This data is ! "tu,rtdn "r after making the for tho Mlmtrlixtlnn ' will nnt.i t,.,! H, lnW.tln.. f t,.,-lgUt frOlU MltieOla tO P HBCO 111 111 urally consume some time; in fact, constitutional convention which meots iic'unl . . l)vom7ou.r tho commissioners are not inclined to! in December. Tho growth of tho bust- otaps va"a, "ftn1,uo " "out lot tho contract until tho payment of'ness in the county Judge's office is.?1'"11, ?JtJ,r,B? " tho retur" tho 1919 taxes begin, which will bo shown by this work. In 1891 the total trip at 1:2. nicsday afternoon and. after Uio first of May. By waiting ! number of criminal cases was forty-1 !?nt , ne nlgtht t Battle Mountain, until then thoy will havo money from' olght, 1918 o number was ono ; ?5G "i113 oa8t'.hf startlg point, the court houso tax" to meet tho inltinl Hundred and sevon. The fees and Ho fl- from Battlo Mountain to Sld exponses. costs in 1891 were $700. in WIS tho ' oy Wednesday, reaching this station OlHOS fllnd in Mm off po nf r Inrlr , tntn 1 n-no J 7RK l-''reu l Prossor indicate a big docket for the December term of tho district court. Among tho cases arc about a dozen petitions for divorce, the result of ill-advised and unhappy marriagos 'or tho frailties of men and women. Robert Lee Artley, of Maywood, the well-known ball player, mo'destly ap proached Judge Woodhurst Wednes day and asked for a marriage license. Tho young lady of Robert Leo's choice is Maude M. Stewart, and sho became his bride through a ceremony per formed by Pastor Koch of the Luther an church. When North Platte :o: : cago tonight and Mincoln tomorrow , ovonlng. During times in his flight Lieut. county residents call at tho treas-1 ists were Mrs. Shriver, Mlssos Trmu urers offlco to pay their taxes, less. Huffman and Sadlo Trovlllo and Paul than twenty per cent of them can toll ' Harrington. the lot-and block, or the sub-division j ::o:t of the Bection, town and range which; Death List Is Lnrge. thoy own. It is rather peculiar so! Up to yesterday eight men had few know the description of their been killpd in the trans-qontinontal property, yet it is a fact. j air race. Ono of these was a colonel, Judge Woodhurst united in mar- three Were majors, three lieutenants riage at noon yesterday Horace Hun-! and one sergeant. Just 'the number gerford and Mary Emorick. both res'-, of men engaged in the race has not idents of this city. The groom is a been 6tated, but probably in the helper in tho Union Pacific shops. neighborhood of a hundred. TJiis County Commissioner Springer , majtes tho death rate high. called at tho court house yestorday; "nv V with a woo-begono look, which with NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. mm is unusual, it developed that A Splendid Mimical Tlin tnimlnnl trlvnn lnaf nvntitn the Lutheran choir, asslsod by others,' ?,myna reached a speed hut lltlo less drew an audienco that filled the house I "'"'J -00 mns an 111,lour- , . , . 4 and those present were well illoasod 1 Tho smooth sailing which Lieut, with the excellent manner In which Mnynard has had was interrupted nrorrrnm -na mtnro.l Tl, yOStOrdSy fOrOtifWn WllOn llO WB8 fnrmnnpn ntt,tn,i fi,o u-nrti. of lnrni fprcecl to land his plane noar AVahoo. vocalists, that there is a sufficient i Neb- " account of Uie breakage of a cranui snau on nis maciuno wnuo flying at an altitude of 3,000 feet. Ho succeeded in landing without In jury to himself or to his observer, Sorgt. Kline. When told that air officials at Wash ington had announced that Lieutenant Mayntird would be permitted to con lnue his flight if a now plane could bo obtalnod regardless of rules of tho contest, Sergeant Kltno said ho and his pilot would bo ready to "hop off" immediately if given a new machine. number of finished singers in town to give a rocltal that merits big audienc es. Each number was generously ap plauded, showing that the effort of each participant was appreciated. and Lincoln i Those who assisted he choir as solo LOCAL AM) PERSONAL TO THEATRE GOERS . The curtain nt tonight's piny "The TnilorOrmlo Man" nt the Keith will go up promptly nt 8 o'clock. "Ed" just had all his teeth extracted .and wasn't feeling any happier than he looked. Leon Darling, who killed Conductor Massey last month, has not had a pre liminjirv linnrino or fni o c i .1 If he h-i Jnri it imo tr, n. ! "inner nonce, riene give mis your from us one or our oldest contlnu r,r nio.i,f ' ' ,, Tr. " prompt attention and olilljre. ; residents Ho came to North TirlV; m ,V," V:3. HERSHEY S. WELCH, ; lwth the Brown family in 1872, and n.,, ',nA , "in i "Jf" '- i 80-1 V ntcr- ConinilsSioner. .thp fall of that year attended school ed during the term of December Dis trict court. Keith, Saturday. WALLACE REID IN The Love Burglar a picture of richcontrasts. Sunshine comedy- "The Yellow Dog Catcher." mm i II) I M I Mill I I HI Wl Ml Ml II' Mil r Crystal Theatre, Saturday and Monday. TOM MOORE IN "The City ol Comrades'9 The rise of a self made failure. A man may be down but he's never out. Two-part comedy "CHASING HER FUTURE." Old Timers Leave Town Mr. and Jlrs. M. H. Douglas left last evening for Portland, Ore., where There are fust four more dnys In thoy will make their future home. On which to pay your witer rent and get account of Mr. Douglas' condition, a your discount. No discount will lie permit to ride on tho second section allowed after Oct. 20th.. -Ill parties of train No. 1 was granted, thus avoid wl hnve not pnld by that time will , ing delays and stopovers. ho subject to being shut off without Tho leaving of Mr. Douglas takes ous Platte in in ;o:: ; the. log building which stood nt tho i At a meeting of the Public Welfare , corner of Dewey and Fifth, with Mrs. Board Tuesday evening plans were . Sohter as his teacher. formed for a membership campaign, r When Mr. Douglas was still a boy, It was decided to "hold a supper- aU he entered the emplay of the Union which the purposes of the-welfare as-'.iPaclfic and had been on the pay-roll I tocYition will be explained. Mrs, j for forty-three years, when stricken I Chns. Bogue was appointed chairman' several months ago with paralysis. of a committee to arrange' for tho "Bob" Douglas was a genial fellow, supper, the date of which will be an- immensely popular with everybody, nounced later. ' Mrs. Douglas had also been a resident A big new assortmeno of Styles in of tho city for many years, a splendid cloth coats for ladles just arrived; woman who was prominent In social, extra good material In the plain, also church and charitable work, and one the fur collared garments. E. T. Tramp wll WH1 be keenly missed by every & Sons. (acquaintance. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yates went to' ::o:: Sutherland yesterday to - visit Art The Travel and Study club will Yates, who recently returned from toeet with Mrs. May Walker Monday Omaha where ho submitted to an evening. operation. ' i Sioux Lookout Chapter of tho D. A. The' Lutheran ladles of, the First R- will hold a colonial party at tho and Second wards will hold an ex-'Odd Felloes' hall October 27th. change at the Derryberry & Forbes Tho subject of sermon at tho Pros store tomorrow. j byterian church for 11 a. m. "A For Salo-Tho Donegan house at 20S Falthful Church Rewardodf.. am, nt s south Sycamore Street, Phone Red p m- ..Qut of Tlme Sundny 8choo, ll"7. TJtt nt If! n 111 I.nt nilV dnrrm l.r. , one In bin tllnci finnil mnaln w. .... V. J . . I U . A WUt ... (lltli ,,lilVll H. II. N'owman wont to Lincoln this morning called there by tho serious illness of his undo. Curing tlannsls on sale tit Tho Leader Moroantllo Co. at 22&, 26, 27V4c Mid up. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Honilrji went to Gothenburg this morning to attond the harvogt festival nud home com ing to the soldlor boys. The Peters shoes nro sold exclusive ly in North Platto by The Leador Mor oalittld Co. Mrs. A. F. Strcltz will entortnln at a luncheon today complimentary to Mrs. Uakor, ot Detroit, who Is tin guc8t of her. daughter Mm. Blanche Field. 'For Bent Furnished room in mod ern homo. Lady preferred. Board if desired. Phono Bod 913. 80-3 The J, E. Sebastian Agency will en tertain certain officials of tho Minne sota Life Insurance Co., Its salesmen aud a few. friends at a luncheon at tho IT. P. dining room tomorrow. Silk Georgetto and cropo do chine bloust's and .waists, a new lot on sale by Tho Leader Morcantilo Co. The Catholic Girls' Club met Wed nesday evening at the homo of Mrs. Harold Blalock. Tho evening wns do voted to cards, Miss Ethel Fryo cap turing ilrst prizo and Miss Betty Roache winning the second. A civil service examination for clerk in the local po3toffice will bo held November Sth. The examination will be- held at the postofflco. Pref erence will bo given to honorably dischnre'd soldlors. Wo will bo pleased to mount your llamond in a white gold 14 IC mounting. Clinton, tho Jeweler. 10 discount for cash on all lots sold In II. & S. Addition Annex Oct. 22nd. 80-2 - Mr. and Mra. Allon, who had been making this city their headauartcrf for several months, loft today for their homo in Lincoln by auto. Tho.v w$e occompanlod by their daughter Mrs. Overstreot. Platinum and diamond dinner rings 9100, ?200, ?300, ?400 and $500, flno selections. C. M. Austin, Jowelor. . Fireman Rodgors, while taking wat er at Willow Island early yestorday morning slipped from tho tank and (ell to the ground severely injuring his back. He was brought homo on tmjft No. 13 and attended by Dr Kerr. Blankets, the best, The Lender Mercantile Co: The J. F. F. F. club met Wednesday evening at tho homo of Misses Eliza both and Helen Brodbeck. The evening was given over to business and the completion of the details of orgnnlza tion after which a delightful lunch was served. Short length coats in the plushes for misses and ladies in a big range ot stylos and prices. E. T. Tramp & Sons. The Sammy Girls are planning for what Is believed will bo a very pleas ant dancing party next Monday night for the aviators who are stationed hero. Tho Sammy Girls nro noted for the completeness with which thoy perfect their arrangements for their varied entertainments and tho mem bers of tho air crow can confidently anticipate a pleasant ovonlng. SFAYOlt STHKITZ Kl'.LKIVUS LETT tilt BY All! tjKltVlCK Tho first lottor to reach North lntto by aorlal delivery was recoived oitorday morning by Mayor Streltz, to whom It was delivered by ono of tho pilots participating In tho trans continental night. Tho lottor, which is published bolow, was accepted at Washington October 7th for '-iiorlal dollvory to - Now York and Uhcnco handed for its North Platto dollvory to tho pilot on a trnns'contlnontnl plane. This is tho lotter: "U. S. Sonato Chamber, Washington. D. C. Oct. Gth. Hon. A. F. Slroltz, Mayor of North Platto: Dear Mayor: Pormlt mo to extend greotlngH to ou and tho other cltlzons of North latto, through Uio kindness of tho bravo men who aro travorsing thp continent by an unexplored and haz ardous route, with a view to encour aging tho dovolopniont of an enter prise so promising for futuro benefits. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, G. W. NORMS' (U. S. Sonaton) Manufacturer's samnlo room mod- ols of all tho latest styles in womon's coats anil suits; somo over 300 to so loct from at a saving of 20 to 40 por cont on nny garment you may select. no Leader Mercantile Co. On account of tho musical last ov onlng tho Elks' dancing party waR gam postponed without announce ment of date. I'alntlnir and Pancr Ilnnirlinr. If. IL Lnndexnf. Phono IHnclc 570. ptreets. ' 'I lUt.,t ,., !..,,... . ....1 ,. !.!. I mivi uuuui i;ai ui JJl lliCS UUlUVi tho today's prices. We lit them nil. ) men, women and children. The Lead- 1 or Mercantile Co. Ml GUARANTEED NOT TO BREAK Special Sale OF Ladies' Silk Hose Saturdays, October 18th. We will place on sale for Saturday only several dozen Ladies1 Silk Hose. These Hose are seconds slightly imperfect but the same quality as our regular stock and at the saving in price are sure to go out quickly. Colors Black, Brown, Navy and White. $3.00 values .50 values 33c. Come early or you will be disappointed in getting the colors and size you want. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. AT THE SUN THEATRE FRIDAY BERT LYTELL IN "One Thing A Time O'Day" ALSO TEXAS GUI NAN IX 2-ree!s. SATURDAY MAE MURRY IN The Big Little Person ALSO GALE HENRY IN "Pants" 2 reel comedy. MONDAY MAE MAC FARNEN "Beans" ALSO 4th Chapter "Elmo The Mighty" -::o::- CITV AND COUNTY NKWS. Mrs. J. H. Smith roturnod to hor homo In Choyenno yostordny after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Qulnh. T. It. Green, who has been in art Ohaha honpttal for a month, recov ering from an operation,. l expected homo in a day or two. Tho Brunswick hasn't a soul, bill It HAS tho- most owndcrftil and nat ural toW of any phonograph on ilio market. Come In nnd hear It. Let your car bo your Judgo. Walkor Mu-, sic Co. . Sovoral cars of potatoos havo been ordered by Hershoy merchants,' which is ovldenco ot tho shortngo of tho crop in Lincoln county. Tho po tatoes ordered will bo rotniled nt about $1.75 por bushel. Full slzo bod blankets on sale at Tho Leader Morcantilo Co.'s. at $2.15, $2.95, $3.45 and up. "Wool nap blan kots nt $4.45, $4.95, $5.45' and up. Our advlco Is buy cnrly. Tho Entro Nous club was enter tained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. R. L. Hosford. Cards were tho enter taining feature, tho first prize going to Mrs. John Wolbnch, tho second to Mrs. H. A. Lawhead and tho guest prlzo to Mrs. A. E. Huntington. En joyable refreshments wero served. - Manufacturer's samplo room mod els of oil tho latest stylos In womonla coats and suits; somo over 300 to so loct from at a saving of 20 to 40 per cont on nny garment you solect at The Leader. Mercantile Co.'p. ::o:: Super Gas. Just recoived, 10.000 gallons, of Supor Gas, testing 09 per cont. Only 30c por gallon. Makes starting easy. J. S. DaviB Auto Co. "Checkers" A thrilling spectacular story of racing life with splashes of ; comedy. Bigger, better with more punch than the original. stage play. Adults 30c. Child ten loci KEITH THEATRE Wednesday & Thursday, , October 22-23. V, Your Purchase of an ' . Automobile Is of sufficient importance, and its ultimate use is of sufficient necessity to warrant utmost care in selecting your dealer At our store the purchaser derives the benefit of the knowledge, skill, facilities and experience of our organization. This is an important con sideration in your purchase. We are always glad to Calk over your pur chases whether you intend buying immediately or not. Dodge Brothers and Chandler Motor Cars j. v. ROMIGH Phone 844 5 Gth and Locust. Have you Iried the now "Cleveland Six?"