The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 10, 1919, Image 1

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OCTOBER 10, 1919.
No. 78
at mm H ww;
Dnuce Privilege Arouses Criticism.
' At a mcetlm: of the Board of Edu
cation Mondny evening tho high school!
FIVE AK3IY PLANES ltKAUIl nt Its dwtination, the plune llrai nrrlv-j CITY AND COUNTY NEWS.
NOKTH PLATTE YESTEKHAJ 1S will start on lt return trip, the,
' war department having decided thnti ... ... ... ,
the .v,,.ii ii,i,.-.i, ,,i ..!,,! Mrs. James Hart nnd Mrn. Win
very prun-j wuuuins wuh xuiuhi-, Btudentb were givon tno pnvnoge on F, ..iminnHi, of the sixty which. ; v...
nlzcd Tuesday evening, October 7th. at lloldlng a dnn0,ng party In tho Frank-; SarticliSlnit In the Iran Vcot , Y nd,8tance of nMrl slx
tho home of tho bride's uaronts. Mr. ! n BHinri,., ti.u hoiim cmntmi im. .ro . Paicipaunt, in tnc trana-con . mlleSi
,, u nm,D,, ..i, """""" " uneniai eniiurniico test reaciea .Norui
and Mrs. b. 11. Dcrryberry, when nn n renuost from tho students. When , ....
A1 ,v,,a ...,lnH k , " J:,' . t,.i JfUOlUIUttJ tUlUlllUUIl. rum
thousand Imwloy entertained the Indian Card
i,iuo wcunsuay auernoon:
their older daughter Alta, was united lt became known that tho request had ., ' . ' u , imvlnK loit
In ninrrlnirn tn Pan .1. Thntnsnn. Kev. ..... ..... ,i iu .n miltn n fnw : ",0H0cn,nR lron -lue w?81' Imvln ,ttl
H. E. Hess officiating.
Promptly at 8:U0 MIbs Helen Koontz
took her place at tho piano and Mls&
Caryl, sister of tho bride, sang "The
boon granted, thcro. woro quite fJvisau Francisco Wednesday' morning nt
who unuuiauu tun "f, ",' ,u " "iSiinriae, nnd one from the cast which
dancing in a school bui dine has never loft tho Mlneohl ,leld uoar New York
before been permitted In North Platte t about 9;15 Wednesday morning.
anu uoes not. seem 10 4c loicmwu j - This piano from the cast was tho tlr.1t
End of a Perfect Day," after which tho iWllcr0i thcro aro may who believe ""r . lt8 arr val in o being 4 -H
bridal party marched to an altar pre-'thoro ,9 nothing particularly harmful J J aXuoMjlW May
pared for the occasion, and decorated , in the board's action if tho dance is ",l0'l IVcSm m r Kitl,: at
wlUi U. S. nags and potted ferns. BUper vised or chaperoned by mothers
Tho ring service was used. 0f tno students. Whethor the privilege
TI,. 1 tnn. Hm l..tr1n ...no1 .... .... .
bridesmaid and Alfred Thomson, doponds upon th
brother of tho groom, best man. . dnnco and the opposition
Tho brld(e was att,ired in white j, aroused among school
georgette crepe with veil, and car- iB ,i!Mnntlv understood that this
rled white roses. The maid woro pink dance is to bo conilned to students of
georgotto and carried plnK roses. Ar-u10 high school nnd none others a
The men arriving yesterday gave, Wanted Girl for bookkeoping and
ovlnonce of tho strenuoug trip, their general office work. The Hlrschfold
facea woro roddenod by Iho buffeting Co.
wind, thoy wore numbed by tho cold, ,, , , . . . .
and had to exercise to got up clrcu- n Mr"- . V1" ll,0lr Ycnt, t0
,.,,,, Grand Ulnnd Wednoaday having been
wu itm iiitTo d ina serious miuosh oi
her mother.
Mrs. Pat O'Connor came from Oma
ha by auto this morning to visit her
mother, Mrs. Mnrgarot Hanlon, and
Bister Elizabeth
Prize fight nt tho Sun tonight,
Charlie Chaplin vs. Fatty Arbucklo.
Miss Annie Kramph loft last night
for Lincoln to attend n meeting of tho
stnto welfare board to which sho was
recontly appointed as tho 'member
from western Nebraska by Govornor
Wo aro nblo to fit everyone out In
anything you may want In wlntor un-
E. T. Tramp & Sons.
77tf dorwenr
tor the ceremony an elaborate dlnnor
was served to the guests, which con
sisted of tho relatives and a fow In
timate friends.
The bride Is a graduate of tho North
Platte high school and has taught one
year in the public school, also attend
ed the Kearney normal one year. She!
Is a sweet and accomplished little lady
and one her companion may well be
proud of. Tho groom is a graduate
of the agricultural school in Lincoln,
and has served twenty-ono months In
tho army as a member of the 89th
Division. He is n fine young man and
. . hnpn na Hid flofflll nn tllr n.v!ntlnl1 flnlll
tuo nappy young coupio receiveu ,"7 . , , TV 1
many beautiful gifts. They will be at- Hp expressed himself an- well pleased
home to their many friends at the Ex-, with the reception tho boys had re
perlmontal farm in a house all ready' colved and was glad to learn of the ac
and waiting for them ! t,on oE tho canteen ladies in furnlsh-
Tho out of town guests wero Mr. HiS lunches to tho boys, that the Sam
and Mrs. Thomson, father and mother 'v-v Glrla will give thorn a dance, that
of tho groom, his brother and sister the Elks had extended thorn the cour
and uncle and aunt from Denmark,' testes of their homov and that citizens
vpioWt ' . GUEST. will entertain them at their homes.
high school girl cannot Invite nn out
side boy or a high school boy, an out
side girl, and that one high school stu
dent has just as much right to nttend
ns another; that tho danco Is not to
bo conducted by any clique or faction
of the school
Extend Courtesies to Aviators.
Chas. B. Goddard, of St. Louis, rdp
resentlng the war camp community
service, spent Wednesday In town. He
came hero to see If the people of Nortn
Plntto wero, or would extend tho "glad
hand" to the boys who aro stationed
U a
Sell Iteshlcnce Property ' School Attendance.
The H & S. Agncy report the sale a. report submitted by Supt. Tout
of the following city property: to tho board of education Monday dv-
Tho Jacob Weber house at 1407 west onlng showed on October 4th an en
Fourth to J. W. Diener
The Frank Beeler property at 903
east Fourth to Joseph Rauch.
Two lots In Pennlston's addition,
one to Robert Arnold, the other to
Thos. Fagg.
Lot in Trustees addition to John
The buyers of the vacant lots ex
pect to erect homes thereon in the im
mdiat future
: ;o!'.
Wc are making big preparations 'for
finp iisnnl blanket-tialc. with a com-1
- . .luuiuii mi
pletq line of' fancies and plainMj1' tnebe needed.
rollmont of 1,531 in the city schools
and thirty In tho Raker school
Tho enrollment in the soveral build
ings at that tlmo was as follows:
Central , 1&4
Franklin 350
Jefferson 309
Wnshlncton -
Lincoln. r-- r-T r 341
Forty-eight teachers aro , now em
ployed and under a realignment" of
city school boundary linens and ar
rancements" for two or. three more
rooms three" additional teachers will
Each plane has a 200-gallon gaso
liho tunk. and at this station from
twenty to forty gallons was supplied' Call 212 for fresh grocerlos
nnoli nlnlin Tll'n t limlMflflr! trnllnna nt ftncrrvtiia rm
nard nntl electrician M. E. Kline, at n...
was the Intention to remain but thirty ?Z nLZ 'Vn "n" V County Commissioner S. J. Kochl Mr .nnd Mrs, C. J. McNamara, who
transacting buBl- months, returned Wednesday. Mr.
jMoNamara had been om ployed as on-
Ickard China' ?r .ln cl of ,lho at
Lexington and while ho was thus em-
reach Chevenno bv sunset the llvlim ' i i ployed MrB. McNamara and son wero
time constituting tho period between " 1
sunrise nnd sunset. Tho time made
by Lieut. Maynard between the St.
Paul and North Platte stations, 118
miles was 59 minutes or at tho gait
of nearly two miles a minute. Wed
nesday night was spent in Chicago.
immiLt'H ul nils cmurm smnnn. niir. . . .n .1.1.. 1 1 ,. . v . ..n.
"eyqnu me on0 auuee handing a tiro blow out. which occa- i v..,,.,f r .iin. wiiere lie nail been
conductor tno initial i ,, Hinv nr ni.,oto., minni. 1 i , . . . " T, . , . lness for soveral days.
wlilrb nmv V. , 7. , . . . 7 . 11 ganon. uuuricuuion on sueu as we
nntrnnq It an?..thetAod,d nsaln got hl tho afr use in auto engines will not stand tho Very now patterns In P
........ v.v. .... ,r.M.v .rti.wwv ... nfinr nrnniipofi nv rno hp i annpr iiihi. rii!Piveii iif. uixiiii s.
Mrs. Ed Rebhnusen was hostess to guosts of rolaltvcs in Omaha.
!lhe J F. F. club Tuesday afternoon.
Kniind-up Attendance Light. j Cards" wore tho order of tho afternoon,! hahy cftb for snl Cal1 Red
in i .
McGovern winning the.
At tho Hotel McCnbo last night It
Was said that 150 persons who had ap-
rne attendance at tlie opening day .Mrs. Andy
of th'i Round-up yesterday was, on first prize.
account ot tno uiustery and coin
weather, rather small. Howe
Tim Innn.wl ! t 1.1 r-... l"u"" l opuiio
( ' : v , 1 r "w through with and tho spectators
Smith Jnd Lieut S High school students, as Is custom-1 certain if rooms wero obtainable,
j ! i i ,n LTS I, . , ; , Tere are a large number of good ary proceeding a gnmo, held a foot ; Some of tho applicants for rooms were
ninno wniii,i'on0iiv rooni, !i 'in'i ,i rl(,ors on . u, Krounds, many of the ;-ba'ir rally last ovenlng, marching in found accommodations in private fam-
li uynisiuii ui iiiiu uuiin xjuu onuui
However, the , f'0' ,Sn,5:K1,t.cho? r' Dorn; Piled for rooms during the day had
3 was g6nohcd"tl 1 tb,cytc'0' 2 b'" burnor- beon turned away, but not until room
iccUitors pro-714 wo8t I,ourth- Phono 257. inB i,,lusca ,ad ue0a phoned to as-
posslbly Omaha before the end of the
flying day.
The third plane with Lieut. E. C.
horsos aro real outlaws and the
'ueers could not be moro wild and
frlky The management of the
l,..,.l .... .,,. I. 1 1 .
V,0 d ?nLc1"? S"1?.. tertalmnent for the public and It 1
wiih Major C.rl Spat, aid L M C"Mn
ranner arrived at 4;B4 and loft nt
giving their Class yells and songs.
5:24. The last to arrive was L?but R
S. Worthlngton who came In at 7:14
remained over night and. left at 7:12
this morning.
Major Spatz, in speaking of Ills
t'lnctnnntt Wins Pennant,
By defeating Chicago yesterday by
a scoro of ten to live, Cincinnati won'
the pennant in the world's series ball
gamos. Clnclnnnnti won flvo games
Beaded bags up to $G0 at Dixon's.
Wonderful assortment Just arrived.
ii Hi uuiu i'jjhuu iu mis cuy Hiiia hp , ii. r, nu . .t...
. . .. , , . Ul VImIIIi 11 11U11 V'lllVUKU VI Ull IIIU
f inu rniTI i t i ?, 7 Tuesday anil Wednesday games, the
of Salt Lake and battled it for an hour. KnM, r m, tm, .... .
and a half while at nn elevation
.itocker' of that team perked ut and
Ofc warn rrn fl i in f f v(ninit rof r m
X, iLnvr! mS 1, TaTt0rt runs for Cincinnati was bulletined.
Und practically all the distance that lhe lo3t hoart MorJ ,oca, mon '
M Z f m uro.omB. m wa8 bet on ysterday's game than on
same experience. Cutting out the
time lost at control stattions thp planes
averaged somewhat over a hundred
miles nn hour. Planes must spend not
loss thnn thirty minutes at each con
trol station, and can if necessity do-
manus remain ioriy-oignt nours at a
any of the preceding games, tho Chi
cago supporters backing their talk
with tho coin.
: :o: :
Dr. O. H..Cressler will leave Sun
day night for Omaha to take a post
"The Peace of i
Roaring River" 'Three Men and
It pays to advortlso but does lt pay
to answer a matrimonial ad? But this 'Co thoy walk Into her trap? Do thoy?
had an ex- These threo men .woro pals because
thoy all hated womon.
ottr-iiR and wY)ols ',ln nil israaes
Those wrio have attended our blanket
sales know they are real sales and a
real- money saving proposition. E.
T. Tramp & Sons.
Carl T. Lovall, of Cedaredge, Col.,
visited the Kenworthy family Wednes
day, leaving in the evening for Oma
ha. Wanted Two or threo rooms for
licht housekeeping Call Black G10
Just received a car of peal-s which
I will sell from tho Locuet, street
croerainc at $2.G5 a bushel. These
pears are in. bulk so bring your sacks.
UlbUV U1V 1 .
For Sale A few good boars
Westfall. phono 785F21.
During the Lincoln County, Fair week dosens of visitors and their fan Iks
took advantage of my scheduled last week here. Many couldn 't get nto the
singlo room to get waited on. Many have phoned in that due to the har
vesting 'of their crop's they wore unable to come In during that weeic.
To accommodate the many farmers and others who were unable to come in
during the past week but who will be hero for tho Round-up, I have decided
to stay here one moro week.
If you uiro one of of those who Intended to como in an see our line mer
chandise, but were unable to do so, don't miss this last chance, " will
. i. i.i i . Vnrii. P hittn residents and outsid-
pay you to come in us u iuuu uuumsui " , ------ - - ,,
ora who have already taken advantage of my past 12 weeks In this town.
By. soiling our goods direct from our! ' For Men, Women and Cl.lldrcn
nillls direct to' you wo eliminate the UNDERWEAR Cotton, wool and silk
nroflts made by the wholesalers,! mixtures, 30 grades.
iobbers and retailers. Then ngnln SWEATER COAT for school, sport
tho goods aro made In Utah whore and work In many styles, knits and
tho wool Is grown In abundance. 1 shades..
MACKINAWS pure wool.
2. 31 AD h TO r IT ' FLANNEL SHIRTS pure wool and
TTiiHnrwnnr. sweaters, flannel shirts guaranteed against shrinkage
mjip.klnawB. and all other of our .LEATHER VESTS chamois skin Un
manufactured garmens aro made toj ed.
vour individual measure and a per- BLANKETS 20 grades.
i ... i . tr.A imOIDIlV ctllr nnrl i'nrl
dren, all wool, all colors.
SLIPOVERS for ladles and mlssos.
RAINCOATS snappy fall and winter
styles, 25 grades.
Take advantage of my last weok(
hero anoSplaco your order for your
winter clothes with us TODAY and
yu will have no disappointments.
Ask your neighbor or any railroad ORDEK NOW PAY LATE It
n.l.1... ...Ill .nil .11 U... n , n.i. tllnn
man about mem. inoy win wn ah uruum mu uduyucu nmw
graduate course In porcelain work and
station, hut if they remain longer than Avery of San Francisco,
the lattor period they are disqualified
In tho race. ' . L.Dl.von & Son, Sight Specialists.
The-. plane driven by, LlouitWorth Mrs. Harrison nurnha'm aVrtva'd yos
Ington was an SE-5 type, tho other, terdny from Now York for a visit with
four verq De Havllands equipped hor-' daughters Miss Vina Warrington
with Liberty motors. and Mrs.. Chas. Calhoun while enrouto
Lieut. Trunk, who has charge of the, to her home In Long Bench.
North Platte control station, stated , , ,
last night that ho expected that not Cordova leather goods at Dixon's
less than ten planes will arrive today. tno sterling of leather
He had not, however, been advised Baby Mario Osborne at tho Sun Snt
Jast night as to how many pianos were urday in her flrst two reol comedy
pendmg the night at Sidney cr St. ! Baby Marie's "Round-up" assisted by
Paul, the nearest station west ami Llttlo Sambo. Bring out the kiddles to
east respectively. .the matinee.
f.JilnPinne8 nrC makln!f 'ucl bottor' Sale on blouses continues one moro
ill fi.J , e' nCd; fr I1."'19 y, do not miss it. E. T. Tramp &
not thought probable that any of them gons
would reach North Platte before this; , '
afternoon. The Cnnteen ladles were, A. A. Steadman will leave the first
therefore not In position to serve the , of the week for Kansas City and Jop
fllSrs with hot coffee and lunches upon .Hn, Mo., where ho will spend a
arrival hor. nnd the men in at least month visiting relatives,
two of the machines had not had anv-1 Dr. Morrill. Dentist. Office over
thing to eat during tho entire day. The; Wilcox Department Store.
Canteen, however, had a tent ereete.l , , ,
early i.hl morning and will servo cof- MrH- rtman, or Maxwell, visited
feo and lunches to all fliers who ar- wlth friends in town yesterday,
rive. , Doucet's orchestra went to Suther-
Two days after the last plane arrives land last night to play for a dance.
girl thought she
cuse. See what you think.
Cntnn'la unninl Qnnolithn fUCll Other. No
uuiui.uujf ov)t;iai wuiiaiunv t
, , , , r ICbmo and seo the fun.
comoay "Are riarnea ro
licemon Safe?
Now thoy Tiato
men, no uso!
i Crystal
uukui vau uiiu tiavitun j
Keith Theatre
Monday and Tuesday.
feet fit Is guaranteed.
All our sweaters for ladles, mon and
children are made of all wool, in
many styles and all colors.
Tho Utah woolen goods have been
sold direct to the sonsumcr for the
past 30 years in 15 dlfforent stntos.
you moro about the quality and
wear of our goods than wo can tell
you here.
between now and Christmas, and
paid for on delivery. All our goods
are Union Mnde.
Come to the Hotel Palace Phone 46
(Across from tho U. P. Depot.)
Walk right up to tho Sainplu Room on tho main floor and look our sam
ples over. You owe It to yourself to seo real woolen goods and save all the
money you can. If your happy family Is with you bring them along too.
I'll bo here ovory day of tho week from 9 a. m. to 11 p. in.
If you can't como leave a call for tno (phono 40) and I'll bring tho sam
ples to your house at any tlnmo and place.
D. A. FREEDMAN, Agent,
For the Logan Knitting Factory, Logan, Utah.
A Jl, r
j t. yfcamiiiiiiiiira
i 1 i
in lis? newest picture
Here s a picture for you a romance with
a regular hero, and heroine and oodles
of villains an everything. And such a
hero! He cleans up everything from
New York to the Mexican Border and then
hops to Europe to show them how to
handle a revolution. Can he do it?;
Well you know Doug !,
'October 14, 15 and 16th.
Matinee 10c and 25c. Evenings 15c and 35c
Keith Theatre, Tonight.
A humorous journey to poverty row by a rich family.
Two part Mack Sennett Comedy, 'The Foolish Age.'f
Mack The Medicine Man
There are two brothers and they are using their best judg
ment In buying up-to-the-minute quality merchandise, and
with their two stores the quantity buy will enable them to
offer exceptional values for the money. In order to supply
the demand they have ordered merchandise from as far dis
tant as Paris. Watch for that announcement. Everything
they recommend they are going to guarantee or refund the
purchase price.
Did you ever notice yourself comparing the quality ot
stationery used in the letters you get with what you use? It
is a mark of education and refinement. That is why this
store carries Highland Linen Stationery. Highland Linen
needs no introduction and the customer knows there is
none better to bo had. Come in and look over the assortment.
Two j
O, V. & E. N. McCracken, Props.
3rd and Pine Sts.
Hotel McCabe RldgK
2U Vears Experience
Pure Bred Live Stock and Farm Auctioneer
Making sales regularly for some of the best breeders and
farmers all .over the state. Am selling nearly every day in
sale season and will appreciate the opportunity to make
your sale. For sale dates write me or call at tho Union State
Bank, North Platte, and arrange for sale dates and terms.