The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 07, 1919, Image 1

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- V
NO. 77
jaruxiCAN shoqts hhutiiek.
Noxt Thursday, Friday and Saturday
tho peoplo ot North Platte and tribu
tary ?ectlon will have an opportun-
"Valentine Gomez, a Mexican employ a section hand at Bird wood, was
brought to the city yesterday morning
with two bullet wounds in his back.
The shooting wns-done by Jesus Do
mentu, a brother-in-law of iho mnu
he wounded, also employed on the amusement was busting bronchos
T. A. LTNlonmoyor is in town today
I'orcy Shott returned Sunday from
a buslnoRS trin to Omaha. I .
The latest bullotln yoitcrdny stated i hold gooda to Fairfield, Nob., whero ho
Lieut. Otto G. Funk, and a detail of that Prosidont Wilson continues to im-! hn accepted tho pnstorato of tho
soven men 01 mo twoiuh Aero aquau- prove.
Mrs. K. W. Fotter and daughtor Joan i ron, I. S. A., arrived in town Sunday , , ,
Z f T.Vt, LuYZ tiVrrmvhnv ortV spent Sunday with friends In Gothon- and will remain until all of tho thlr- J: .ume uu
Ity of witnessing tho cowboy sportu ' v-mvnn nlnniM wlilrh unrticinuto In '"orning from a buulnoss vl&lt In Om-
wiiinii worn nnnnlnf fortv or mora onrg. ,vj-Boon pianos winui parucipaio in .
- .. MAn.i . tlMnl.HH.. .r. tllliV.
. ony Hlvons grind their own lenses. j JVorth Wa'Tl. Keith Neville returned this morning
whlch Were popular
years ago, when tho range riders on
aeotio. and who following the shoot- lllK wild horses and wild steers and '""M."1" ' win imve uimrgu ai mv irom umaua wnoro
lng made a hasty getaway from tho hxs 0thcr BUuil9 which required end guest ut tho Andrew Csgson home j landing field east ot the c Ity. and acting business,
section house where the shooting oc- i0urago as well as good horsemanship.. wc8t of town- w,n to quartered on tho floldr The i)X0llt,.prnd t,e
Charley Llerk went to Omaha lasti
men will bo served breakfast and
porlenced airplane ground men, ox- and soo them
(heir own lenses
Christian church.
North Plutte will expend not loss
than a quarter of a million dollars in
now rofliduncQB this yonr. That's a
pretty lair showing and a good strldo
toward securing that 20,d00 Inhabitant
Call 212 for fresh groceries.
c.iirrnd. Whnn Khnrln" Salisbury.. Deo- f v.n .ntuiinii imm innrniu
' .... - UUJO IL IV.U I KJ J ' J I v UltUI IVJ ... .V ' V. II. VU Vyil... .... ... o V . . ,
uty auuon anu ur. j. ivorr nrnvea passed, yet there aroN tolay in tins night to attend the state synod of tin,"; A , , , .r
at tho section house at cloven o'clock rcat woat ft numbcr of riders who are Lutheran church. it 1 ,17 ,n. dbyUln V.
Sundnv nlcht. after havlnu been ad- ,.u ,i ,;0t nn i,Pnvn n. worn . . I oera f io North Platte A. U. C. L'nn-
vlsed of the shooting, they.found Go- those of toe Bevintlcs. A number of Herbert Duke and George Bacon are ; teen. . Now hair combs. Mr. Dixon sent dUH,lg the round.up
mar. with one wound in th small of ;0 Haers are now In North Platte Pong a. few days In Logan county The detail of men sent here aro ox- them home from Ch'cago. Stop In -.Thursday, Friday and !
tho back, tho other back of the loft nnd thty wjn participate in tho sports u" " """" "'
shoulder. lie roiuseu 10 leu wno ma to .0 KiVOn durlnc tho Round-un which u. U. Sturges has accopted n position
irnr.llnnml 7 lnf ImoI u-.ii.V- fnr StBgOIUttnn. , , 77tf
Cnspr. Wyo.. whero he 1ms secured a ' Tho alrplnno oWnod by J W. Hllos,
position and will loX'ate. ot Gothenburg, and in charge of ah
experienced aviator, win mako iiigiun
in this city
Saturday of this
5S,'," Jl!XLaZi,C; F. Selmrmann. a former North The customary uooiv lunch will bo
Platto citizen now local h1 in Omaha, sorved at the Elks' homo Thursday.
tho shooting and why the trouble wlu bo lled at the fair grounds this with the Harrington Mercantile Co. as J 1,0f" to remedy any defect mat ma
arose, hut from others it was learned woek Tncgo riders, rop0 throwers a hay and grain buyer. I " ":' ap v,v arrived In town this motilng to visit Hero's a ruthor bad state of condl
that tne trouuio arose over mone hn.t i111Btcrf, Como from all Darts of a ,,.. r i i,iino .. r' frlsnds and transact business. tlons. A vminir Nnrth Plntln rminln
matters, that Donionti. had got his tho coUntry west 0r the Missouri, even dlnner ,mrty nt the Pac)flc dlnlng
gun and fired three times, U'o of the U8 far nB from Pcndl?ton, Ore., and room Sunday evenlnc.
bullets enterliiK Gomez's back, the iMua r.ttv Mnninnn. nnii timv nrn
third cutting a groove along tho left mnn tha llf,Sf to ho found anvwhere ' Wanted Competent girl for house
side of tho head of Sam Jackson, a To provide mounts for these men,
negro also employed as a section hand. 'i,ad horses have been brought In
Dr. Kerr gavo the wounded Mexican from Ul0 northern and western rang
Small family.
Phono 243.
Wages $7 per
first aid and the following morning cg. whorovor Low Cogger, who Is ns-
the latter was brought to town fo 8omuiing tho horses and steers, learn
further treatment and in order to 10- ed of a.real wild animal, he was not
onto hv V.rn v nnn nf tlio. llllllntR which i ... tt l, i,u i,nf i,
J "J - ttiuw lu KtJl. t, turn 111 u U i i.: v iiitiv 1 1 ,
lodged In the body. It Is believed that hnB an "cRatlon of horses and "Ight for Omalmtp attend tho Lutheran
Gomez will recover. stoera that win test out the riding B,ou Aue w" rL'luru oiuuruay.
A hunt Is being mado for the Mexl-1 quantles of the riders. Case's famous Why have a headache when Dixon's
can who did the shooting but up to! ,,, wm ha on i,andi and jt js ai80 yo s,,QCiaust at your service
tnis morning no nau noi uuuu upjii u- announcod that "Teddy" ..the world's
hOnd0d- ::0::- wfll tttao b law oS?c. ' rmn S iSSndS
V,. S Clinton llrcnks Arm.
C. S. Clinton, who for three weeks
Victor Halligan and Arthur Lcard
went to Omaha Sunday to spend a
couple of days looking after business
Dixon & Son, Eye Specialists.
Hally D. Main, of Wallace and Fran-
A Hunplnir nnrtv will lm liold nt tlm
. . . j i.. 1 " . . .. .
past nas ueen vismim uia uu,uBuiui Eikf. hom0 Friday evening of this
Mrs. Arthur McNamara at Oakland,' woek
Cal., had the misfortune last week to , .t,
fall and break his left arm. Tho ac- Mrs. N. E. Buckley and Mrs. C. R.
cldent occurred at tho McNomara Morey will "ntertain a.t brldso this af-
home and was due to stepping on a ternoon at the home of tho former.
rug which slipped on the highly pol- Mavor A. F. Stroltz leaves today for
ished floor. By reason of the accident omaha whero he will visit relatives ces Goodwin of "MeriiiKO. wero united
Mr. Clinton's return home will be and transact business for several In marrlago yesterday by Judge Wood
somewhat delayed. days. hurst. ,
Ladles of the Me' church will give Mrs. F. H. Wliltlake and Mrs. Lund- Sidney McFarland, Butler Milton
a receDtion in The church parlors Oc- vail, of Wallace, wero visitors in town berger .and Cecil Cool returned Sun-
vesterdaV and were guests at the meet-, day" from Colorado where they filed
of our city schools and board, the mln- ng of the Travel and Study Club last onTioinosteads under tho rights given
ister and family. Tlio fti. . people - ;
and friends are cordially invited. Julius Pizer has been spending the, Wanted Shotes, 50 pounds and up.
f nntntnnft ittTtrtHMntl n If1
twfelvo planes leavo San Francisco for The initial Toot ball gam6 of the sea- toiiwuhuu ro iiopono uioir
(New York the same day. As North son will be played at thoaU end park wedding on account of inability to s.
Platte is practically oqul-distant from noxt Friday afternoon. A lnrgo and curo a 1101,80 ,n wlllcn t0 ,Ive-
'ocean to ocean, tho east bound planes enthusiastic crowd on the lde linos Aloxander Graham, who was rector
are likely to reach this city at about will help to put "pop" in tne home oi uio lumscopai cuurcn oi tins city
tho same time as do tho west bound, team. . thirty or moro years ago, and who is
It is not probable however that all tho ' ufoon & Son, Eye Specialists 1 now n Christian Science lecturer, will
"planes will reach North IMjtto the "Tho Bppcial'bond election for $50,000 K?55ttt
same day, thfty may string along for fv navlnc itprflpCtloii bonds li1 , . Su,ldn - October 2Cth. Mr.
several days. or , ,,,, , g i. k, , ?, mi Graham is considered one of tho most
When theVst plae from the east, brilliant lecturers on the Christian
reaches St.. Paul, Nob., its arrival J$to
there will be wired Lieut. Funk and mucU 1)avln vlll North'piatto do next' Seo 'Clinton & Son'
will bo bulletined in town so that our ? N foIk , b t f v moro 0. xCX nV)oUt your Eye troubles,
jieoplo may know when it may bo ox- , M, n,nttn To i(imBM ii,i f JtZKVh ' ....
Judge John Grant has moved hlsii)ccted to reach this city, and the ar- i"" . tr piT t V ' V Vffi?) sn"8iac"" ine-
rival of cast bound (planes at Sidney nrn-PI, i tii navlnc Hni ' N- Sign of the BlgRins
will also bo bulletined. , progress in tup pauni line. ' , , , , ,
With Lieut. Funk are U. P. Potter,
Jack Prigel. W. Hamilton. Tom Ogll
vey, E. C. Gamls, H. Williamson nnd
Everett Evans and Albln Sandall
left tho latter part of last week on a
plrasure trip to Kansas City.
Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Koch left la&t
store to rooms over the Union State
Harrv Dixon has just returned' froir past week in Colorado buying and sell- A. A. Marrs, phone 704F13
4.1 J... tftn tn flilonr-n nnM nlllr 1I1E lilllU. II 11I1U 111 W5""ii i niu. 1 nil i . t .... rn....
uulllf, V..JJ w V " . n..i ,. 1,-,1 ,lnll i IIO I.H1IU1U UUIUIUUIIUIIU Ul U1U 11.1Kb 1 .
says no will nave uay no uuaunucu uu arousinc considerable enthusl-' I ,
stock for Christ- ars for the erect on of a now Jewish , "l 1
eastern points. He
mas shoppers' that ho hag .ever had., synagoguo in that city. v
Carl Burton.
(HPS -C b?SwJ
.'foveninc tho team cantalned hv .T. .T.
7 J Ijailigan had made 379 jioipts and the
team capiainca oy j -. ti. avails azv
Tlio club house on the Country Club
grounds is ready for the plasterers
and will be ready for occupancy about
November 1st. It will have a large
reception room with fire place, dining
room, kitchen, shower baths, nnd
rooms for other purposes, with run
ning water and electric lights.
Peter Jepsen, of Curtis, transacted
business in town yesterday.
The Travel and Study Club met nt
the homo of Miss Laura Murray last
evening and wero Interestingly enter
w ii)
Odette Le Foafcenay makes
an appearance in North Plaite.
It is the most important, musical
Event of the season.
Next Friday
The celebrated soprano will render those se
lections with which she has .won her chief
concert artiste. Mr. Thomas A.
success as a
Edison's Three Million Dollar Phonograph will
Call, write'or telephone us for free tickets of admit
tance. They will be issued in order of application.
Easy for Cincinnati 1
In tho world's scries, Cincinnati toolc
yesterday's game from Chicago by a
flvo to nothing score. This glvos',
Cincinnati four games to Chicago's one
anl if the former wins today's game
tho pennant goes to the Ohio team.'
The series has attracted considerable
Interest In North Platte, though not as
much as in former years, nnd the bet
ting In town has been light. I
::o:: !
The Lutheran Choir Musical
The members of tho Lutheran choir
are busy selling tickets for their com
ical. Since they have under-
purchase of their new choir
go.wns, they are determined to nlako
of It. All thoy ask is a kindly
An architect from tho A. Moorman
Co., of St. Pail, Minn., is in town fcik- j
lng tho necessary measurements for,
remodeling tho lower floor of the Odd
Fellows' building, the entire area of
which will be occupied by the Platto
Valley, State Bank. Tho Morman Co.
are tho architects who planned the
First National Bank building.
The Third Ward Lutheran aid will
meet with Mrs. Fred Frederlckson, 315
west TJiird street Thursday afternoon.
G. w. Dlener, late of Plnnt precinct,
Dfleption from the neonllo when call-
irpon to purchase tickets.
The heart appealing Irish sotig in motiorJjr
"Kathleen Mavourneeii"
The sweetest drama ever written. God loves the Irish! You'll
love KathleenI The beauty, tho charm, lln loughterand the
love of Ireland will go straight to your heart.
Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday.
i. "
Lies, jealously nnd deceit are overwhelmingly defeated by
romance. It's three to one but the one wins.
Crystal, Thursday and Friday,
talned with a talk on foreign coun- wrltes The Tribuno that ho and Mrs.
..... 1 WX r.A. .... ....... A. I 1 L 1
tries, and especially Gormany, by Mrs.
V. B. Klllian, of Wallace who per
sonally conducted sixteen tours a-
broad. Miss Janet McDonald contrib
uted two piano numbers to the program.
. :o: :
Jttmclics and llcilhugs.
Exterminated with one application
of B B B Bug Powders. North Platto
agent, A. W. Home, Phone Black S2J
U.n Biir Riim
See "Clinton & Sou'
(.i t ;nur Eyes ani
!-v.tls:iod Sign ot
Diener aro now permanently locnted
ot National City, three miles from San
Diego. Cal.
The Golden Rule Bible Class of the
Presbyterian church will meet Friday
afternoon with Mrs. H. S White, 422
vest Sixth street. There will bo im
portant business and a full attendance
Is requested.
Mrs. Henry Gllfoyl spent Friday ev
ening in Sutherland, where she wont
to organlzo tho choir for the new Pros
wyteriun church.
: :'o: :
Land nnd Lire Stuck Sale.
W. J. Blckley will offer at auction
salo tomorrow on tho former Bill Ross
branch seventeen miles northest of the
city, the 1040- acres of deeded land
which comprises tho ranch and also a
school land leaso of C40 acres. Ho will
also sell at tho samo time fifty-one
head of cattle, twenty-six head of
horses, thirty-two head of hogs and a
'ot of farm machinery.
Apperson's Boy"
Jack Pickford.
"Dreamy Chinatown"
Napoleon and Sally.
Two of the best monkeys on
the screen.
"Society Sensation"
Tonight & Tomorrow.
The World to Live In'
Can a girl take everything, have
tho world to live in, and give noth
ing in return? Well, see!
Speaking of
Fall Footwear
HERE is just as much difference be
tween our JOHN KELLY shoes for
women and the ordinary kind as there
is between day and night.
Take ndle of the grace the contour
-the sureness of style-design.
As Tor the quality, the wear, the easy
fitting, you just have to know that the
shoe is made by JOHN KELLY.
In black, brown, kid, grey or bronze.
E. T. Tramp &. Sons.
All Star Caste.
Mutt & Jeff
"Everybody feoing It.