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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1919)
-r. jioimi platti: lamhnu : Crystal Theatre, Saturday and Monday. MABLE NORMAND ' in "When Doctor 5 Disagree" . How to be beautiful though homely. Cold cream, pink pow der and the world was hers. Good Night, Doctor! Good Morning, Judge! l'liACU IN" PLANK FLimiT President Carrollof tlie I). A. It, to Meet Monday. Sioux Lookout Chnptor of the D. A. I n. wilt mnnl will. Wra I - ..... nikuv i. linnlbor Moildav nvniiliic. flntnlinr r of the D. A. I 1 II. M. Grime, jjv r Gthv nt 7:30. no a Jury .Itctnr, Tlfe ftfroncr'sjtfrM cWpattFlPamst J Mcconnoll a, won Known fnr- eek to Investlgnto the kltllnK of mor of tho NIcIioIh neighborhood, dlod obert L. Massey, nnd wlilolfNtloiirn- the early pnrt of tho wcok from kldnoy 1- trouble, with which ho hnd boon nf- ft..i- II I nt in I for nninn tlmn Tlin funnrnl Chlcngo, mlllturj avjator, department f Program Singing of "Anuricn;" noon and rondorcd a verdict. This was held from the Methodist churcti of air sorvlco, United- Stntes Army saluting tho ling and giving tho Pledge; ' verdict did not fix the guilt upon Lfon t Horshoy yostorday nftornoon. which says: (i , discussion of the year's work, led by Darling, simply n finding of malicious I Tho deceased camo to Lincoln coun- 1 alll lniorincu Uy lHO Director Ol tlin rntrn,i yi-a Mrlmnu ...,.. ntM. ' rl,.l,,. ........1,... i... n .. lv frmn Ifnltl. rmmlv Iwimlc nn ninni I . vDu..v, .... ......uu, '..v,, lltlll 1UIVMIIUUD IltlltUUi UJ IUI HUH, III i J w.. "'--" . . ...w. w orlcnn Folk Songs," Mrs. Mnbol Duke persons, using a 38-cnllbro rovolvor, years ago and locnted In tho valley, Solby. Miss Inna Huffman will hnvi on Tuesday, September 2d, whoroby , nnd was ono of tho most snuccoasful .It II. McConncll Dies. I afc A ",uuu) uvuiiing, vjuiuuur uuiv in i . ou. ; ivuut'rt u. itmnevy, ami which iiuuiu of Commerce, Is'lncolpt of a letter , The hostesses will be lrs. 11. B. Haker. cd after securing all possible ev from Colonol Josonh C. Morrow? of Mrs. Wm. Hendy nnd Mrs. Grimes. ' demJe, reconvened Wodnosdny for f!lilonin. mllHnrv hvlnlnr ilnni rtmnnt V n .... . . .. ". ... . SPECIAL SATURDAY, two part comedy, ORIENTAL ROMEO." AN SBVGNTV.TlUtEL CONTESTANTS ENTERED FOIt K0UN1)-UP Secretary .JtlasUhgs.of the Round up which jv'ly'.KQVheld at tho fair grounds Octcfcer ff9th. ' 10th nnd 11th, reports that seventy-three entries have boon made In tho events sched uled for tho three days, and among those who have entered are somo of tno best known riders In tho west, i Tho horeses and steers for tho i Air Sorvlcn. Tlnttoil Ktnti Arniv tlmt I ho has made arrangements for nn alr I piano rollnblllty tost to be made -bo-j tweon Now York and San Francisco, starting from New York on October 8, 1919 Your city hjis bcen consider- ed as being suitably located so that one of tho landing fields may bo so- lectcd within Its limits or In the Im mediate vlclnltv. x i: j While it is not ktiqwn nt present tho t oxnet number of nirplanea that will 1 participate In this test there is a I sufficient number of entries guurnn- Dlxon carries nothing but tho high- teed, which, considering tho linport est quality of whlto ivory toilet ar-' anCo of tho event, will attract world; Holes. I wido attontlon to tho event Itself irnd Sidney McFarlnnd lias been in Col- to ovcry. locality immediately con orado for several days looking up j nected with it; on this account It Is land with a view of homesteadlng un- assumed that the local offlclnls and dor tho soldiers' right. j influential corporations connected For Sale Range and soft coal heat- j with cities at which landing places er. Phono Red 1017. 75-2 1 will bo selected, will desire to favor- chargo of tho musical program con sisting of folk Bongs. j A full nttcndauco Is desired. It is hoped to hnvo the yoor books ready j for distribution. LOCAL AND PEJONAL show will bo furnished by Cogger and season wm uo p,aycu uus "cni00 niovomont and render all assistance Taylor, who for a number of years ,at the caat end clty park Thc om,os-, posslblc' hnvo furnished animals for the round-!,ug forces wlU bo tho regular H- S" ' W,th thcsc ltloas' a,ul actlnB llU(lcr up at Ogalalla, frontier days at Chey-team and a team comP08cd oC forier tho Instructions of tho director or Air enne and for wild west stunts that JHgh schtM)1 8tar8, Tho fli"st garao wlth Servlco' Washington,- D. C, I shall have in times past been pulled off in an out-of-town team will be played arrive In your city within a few days a u T I .1 - ..Ilk.. 1- ...1. T 9 . f 11... .... 1 I i , this city. They have collected for tho 1,1UU ol !Bf w"un ins-,r u,e purpose oi trying to locate a ..!.,.,., . ... - i ton will be the contenders for suprem- suitable field for use as indicated, to exhibitions next week a lot of ani mals that are as wild as were those , ay' i that roamed the prairies in tho days Morrill, uenmsi. uince over ... , Wilcox Iejjnrtment Store, when wire fences were unknown. Km .in, ,,,,,, , There aro apparently quite a few Several of 'the riders and rope , XT ,. .. , , ... men in North Platto who do not know inrowers irom a uistnnce nave ai ers for suprem-' suitable field for use as indicated, to secure tentngo or shelter for head quarters and for such officers, men and supplies as may be needed for tho time being, and to confer with the city authorities regarding tho proper ready arrived, and among these are1 that drawing a check against fund3 police protection of public and private ! uuder false pretenses subject to arrest. Just which do not exist is obtaining money property as well as the safety of con- and thesjiarc tcstants and spectators. at present' ::o:: worthless checks are being issued in j LOCAL AND PERSONAL largo numbers, one business house ; L nnnlilnir flvn Wpilnnndnv. Tf tlm nrnf.. t DIxnim L'rlllil tlii'lr limuiw. liiriaii&i. iinu ia uiho a iun-muKer. .. low. Tom Douglas of Pendleton, Ore., who has been one of tho premier riders in the big doings which have been held In that city each fall for a number of years past. He Is an all-nround rider Ho hns entered a number of the events which wllj be given dally. Other riders who are here waiting for tho opening are Mr. and Mrs. Wilkes, of Mile's City, Mont., who are return ing from tho east after a successful tour. They both have a country-wide reputation as riders. .Western, t Nebraska and Wyoming riders, many, of whom are known In North Platte, will put in an appear nnce next week, and when they all get here , and walk.At,he streets ; with, thqlr bfoad brimmed hats, sheep skin shaps nnd clanking spurs It will remind one of tho time when this city was the center of a "cow country." ::o:: .Mar. and Mrs. C. J. Perkins returned dll foi- Everett at Bloyd came down from i Cheyenno yesterday to spend a wu inarkct.Plo of days visiting friend; . Mrs. Frank Sullivan returned yes terday from Omaha whorr- Mio hu)- ti'lttprl tn n. Rprlmis nnnriiVrn anvor-iT arc delinquent In tho payment of 1918 1 f, ag0 Wanted Liberty bonds price. Louis Ltpsnitz. In supplementary pages of this is sue will bo found a list of thos,e who real estate taxes. It will be noticed 1 there is a new departure in that tho I All eye work doneby Dixon & Son is names of the owners of the property . fa" " l" b,, J 1 1 are given. To tho man who is sensl-1 N- A- Willlnnls trainmaster of tho live tne puuncaiion oi nis name m u"ui s- this connection may mako him "hot terday looking after company bust, blinder 'the collar.'' But - he has iio , ncss one to uiamo but lnmseir. He Knew, 6r ' i'or bale Aeariy. new six room ought to hnvo known, that his taxes house, full basement, three lots; also becamp delinquent the first of last a flvo acre tract, best garden ground May and he hns which to pay. had flvo months In Thursday morning they' attended' tho from Omaha where wedding of their nephew John C. Oswald, who was mar ried on October 1st. , the Big Ring. See "Clinton & Son' i, - it your Hyes ann pati-jflcd. Sign oi For Sale Small safe, at offi.oe. 6f J. E. "Evans. :o::- Can bo seen 70tf in town. Call at 1009 west Tenth or phone Black 843. Sight Specialists Dixon & Son. Tho teachers of the primary de partment of the Presbyterian Sunday school invito their pupils to a party In the basement of the church Satur day afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. I VALUE AND ' PRICE $1,985.00 Chandler $1,376.00 Cleveland $1,223.00 Dodge Brothers If cars were plentiful, you would, as you always have done, compare value and price very carefully. I invile you today, to do the very same thing. A Chandler standard touring car sells today delivered in North Platte for $1,985. Compare with other small cars selling for almost as much and then with other cars which used to sell at the same price or less, for which you are. now asked to pay from S2,'40O to $2,800. Chandler is not profiteering at your expense, and as a consequence demand for this good car is double our possible production. And we have no price change in Dodge Brothers open cars for more than a year. Consider carefully what the market affords at 81225 which compares with this wonder ful medium sized service car. Is it any wonder that we are behind on delivery with such value at such prices. The new Cleveland Six, which is just out is just a smaller Chandler, quality in every line, high class in con struction with such feature as silent timing chains and Bosch" magneto ignition. You will marvel at its ease of riding or driving. Try it and compare real value, when you can buy this small quality car for SI, 575, delivered here. Don't be hurried into buying, be patient and obtain one of these good cars, good value at a fair price. The good cars are naturally first sold and harder to obtain, but a little patience now will amply repay you in the longer and more economical service that you will obtain from a good Dodge, Cleveland or Chandler car. JoVoHmoigh) rjs3E)TrE)Kl EAdB s "Service "Our Owners" North Platte, Neb. :o:v sald Mnssey wns shot and killed. j nnd progressive fnrinerH of tho ! N'lchols neighborhood. Ho lonvos h Miss Laura Murray will entertain wlfo and two children, tho lnttor by a tho Saturday nftornoon Bridge Club former mnrrlngc. v tomorrow nnd Monday evening will bo hostoss to mombers of tho Travel nnd 1 A Inrgo cluster diamond of real Sfclit Specialists Dixon fc Son. 1 Study Club. valuo at Dixon's for $185.00f Scene from '-Bill Apperson's Boy", starring Jack Pickford Kentucky Mill Folks in dramatic feature. Mountain Honor code is same for centuries. At the SUN, Tuesday and Wednesday. lllackleg- Season. 3,000 doses Blackleg Germ Freo Ag gression, per dose 25c. Ono dose will Imuitize that calf for life. Also syring es and needles for sale. Dr. Pritchard,' Tho railroad icing plant has bei i Distributor. U-iS advised that durinc the next nffnn.i uays roriy-nvo nunureu cars or ap ples and grapes will bo shipped over the Union Pacific and will need be iced nt the local plant. Let your eyes be tho Judge. If they smart, ache or burn, they should be taken care of. Ask your friends and you will find that Dlxons arc reliable. E. N. Ogier has begun the erection of a seven-room bungalow on the lot In the 500 block on west Fourth street which ho rocently purchased and from which he removed tho former building. Four hundred cars of fruit in tran sit were iced at the local railroad plant Wednesday. Tho peach and plum season is drawing to a close, but grapes and npplcs are now being shipped freely. Tho members of tho Itebekah de gree staff wero entertained at a fried chicken dinner Tuesday evening at the Odd Fellows hall. Twenty-three mem bers enjoyed the dinner and the oven lng of fun which followed. When in North Platte stop at tho New Hotel Palace and Cafo. You will be treated well. 58tf Tho S. & R. service station sold thirteen hundred gallons of guso llno last Saturday. Tho reason not more was sold at tho station was be cause tho supply becamo exhausted before nil callers wore supplied. Painting- and Paper HnngJnf,'. H. II. Lniirigrnf, Phono Black 570. Up to yesterday morning about olie thlrd of tho blocks In Neville's sub division had been sold, nnd tho lots in Flynn's addition aro meeting with Just as ready sale. Gene Crook, who Is handling theso blocks m lots, said ho sold three lots boforo breakfast yesterday morning. F. F. Dowllng, state fire Inspector. has been spending tho week In town making nn Investigation of bushier buildings and making recommendations whoro ho finds unsafe conditions. He tolls us that ho -finds conditions hero much bettor than in tho nverngo Ne braska town, In fact conditions lx re ho says aro exceptionally good. gpegga in nmmsvnxv? North Platte AT FAI OCTOBER lOUE GROUNDS 100 Head of -the best Bucking Morses 76 of the best Contestants,. - Consisting of Bronco Besting, riders Ladies and Gentlemen, steer roping, high riding, bulldogging and in fact every thing seen at any Round Up or Frontier. Teddy, Champion bucking steer, will be here, Case's Champion bucking Mule will be here. Something doing all the time, begins at one o'clock and lasts till six. A big Carnival at night. Bring in your bad bucking horses, they will be ridden. $25.00 for champion local bucking horse and $25.00 for cham pion bucking mule. Come and have a real time. & NORTH YOURS, PLATTE ROUND A. HASTINGS, Sec'y. UP.