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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1919)
FRED STONE "Johnny Get Your Gun" Rough stuff in the Palm Court. Count Bullion-nia, n fortune hunter happens to choose nn heiress of Fred Stone's acquaintance so Fred puts a necklace around the dear fellah's neck and then adjures him to listen to the Voice of Pure Reason. Nasty Situa tion for Mister Count, what? Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. OR. 0. II. CRESSLEK, Graduate Dentist Officii over the McDonnlil State Bunk. ! LOCAL AND 1'EKSOyAL A girl baby wna bom Tuosdny to Mra. Helen 'iglie. .MIks Anna llonnanson has accopted a position at tlio Leador. i Mrs. Fred Elliott loft Tuesday' for Phono 78GF22. i Cecil Cool stopped over In town , Tuesday while enrouto to Wyoming to ; ontor land undor the homestead act and which right Is given him under , tho soldiers' compensation act. I For Salo Three cotHe . puppies 3 j months old. $2.50 ,$!acnt Call Black ! 39G. 7G-2 l i Bryan Schott arrived homo yostor j day on a furlough. For some time, past he lias boon stationed at a con valescent hospital at Denver. Ho hopes to soon receive his discharge from sorvice. ! For Sale Two corn stalk drills. - V ' 7G-2 i CrclgMon Haney Dies. 1 Crelghton Harvey, aged nineteen, Ktl.n U'no lnli..i,l t.. 1... t .! , Madison, Wis.; where she will visit An otherwise quiet evening h en-;" pays forty dollars a month. J ednes- her son Bon. livened on cast Front street Wednea-,; Postmaster McEvoy returned yo-1 day of ast wcok( d,e(1 about eleveI1 For Sale Household goods. In-, day when a real estato agent and an Jterday morning from Omaha, whore 0.clock Tuesday night Ho seemed quiro of Mrs. J. 13. Murphy, 214 cast out-of-town Cattle buyer- came to h bad gone to consult a specialist ' to ghow somo lmprov'ement Mondny Tiuru btrceu )ulunD' " " , night, but grew worse Tuesday fore At Mi,P,.if. nf T'nvtnn. nrriv.-.l two uczon uy sianuers, awaracu A Bon was born Mondfiy t3 Mri stnd Mrs. L. Logan. " " . "" Mrs. E. N. MoNamar, of Partem, visited with friond In low n Wtdnee day. . , There will be a mooting and Initia tion of Ilobekah lodge this evening at Hoven-thlrtv For Sale Cable & Xolson Plflno. Never used. Cheap. Good tarm P. 0. Bok 513, Phone Black 171. Mra. Lucl and Miss Scott, registered nursoK, arrived Tuesday from Chicago to tal;.; poxltions at the Twlntm hou pltal Mrs. W. J. Stuart returned yoster day from Chicago where she spent several weoks visiting her sister Mrs. Fred Lathrop. I am extracting choice honoy. .Brln,' your containers and get thorn filjed. Ono mile N 3-4 E., VI X. R. MoFai land, Pox G2G, Xorth Platte 7G-2 Mr and Mrs. Q, M. Trotter returned yoHtorda from Omaha ' whore they had gone to attend tho k-Sar-Ben. but returned -whcn the fasttvltiot wore cancelled. For Sale Lease on 160 acres of land four miles west of 5orth Platte. Lease runs until March 1, 1921. This year's crop of corn and hay will be sold with tho lease. Phono 79GF4. An open competitive civil service examination will be held nt the post office on October 18th for messenger boy at the weathor bureau. The po sition pays forty dollars a month. Postmaster McEvoy returned yos- I J I Tm. On My ay From a thoughtful man to a thankful maid. I carry a message of sweetness and beauty that mere words cannot convey. I am a "messenger and a symbol of service known wherever the finest candies in the land are eaten. Ch ocolates and Confections The Sampler contains a winning assortment of those chocolates and confections that have -been "Famous Since 1842." Sold at the store that has the best of everything McCracken DruglCompaMy. -. dozen knock out to tho real cstator. I Tho Crystal program tonight a dltlon and does not dare to e rt himself to any extent, noon and passed away that night. Hs mother and sister had been with him Tuesday for a short visit with her mother Mrs. Frank Hoxie. 1 Tho Crystal program tonight will I ' Do tho movies make your eyes burn several days preceding the end. J. T. Kcefo left Wednesday night for Present Ethel Clayton in "ASporting and cause you tobe sleepy? If so It Tne fUncral will be held this nfter Lln'cohi and Omaha to transact busi- Chanco,," a study of a gjrl who .is la time to see Dixon's sight specialist. noon at two o'clock at the Christian ness for a dny or two i moved bv imputes. A comcdydrama ; Miss Kate Clark, deputy county church, the services to be conducted "mIbb Maudo Miller left Tuesday for that offers good enteyUInment a;jd the treasurer, has been forced by III- by Rev. Koch. Laramie whore sho will spond a cou-ltwo part comC(ly An Oriental Ro-, health to take a prolonged vacation I That this former Xorth Platte boy plo of weeks visiting friends. meo." , ' j She has been out of tho office for sev- should meet such a tragic end is dcop- room Ic0 or '10 raUroa(1 l),ant ,s now I eral weeks.and her conditionals suph ' ly regretted by, all acquaintances, wanted to on our or vo rom shipped in 'from the Anheuser-Busch that much longer rest is 'needed, and to tho father and mother, who hou8,o. Inquire at tho J. s. uavisLoj browory gt hQVllg' Th,g ,CQ jg1 county Treasurer Souder and Clerk were to long residents of the city, the Garage. coming In sufficient quantity to sup- j Elmer Baker are doing the work, but sympathy of friends Is extended. Mrs. Sarah Ryan, of Bushnell, Xeb., . ,. . . . . . .,! we,i. it is a strenuous business life thovaro - .1. - 1 1 M I I ' is .tho guest of her daughtors Mr. neS(ay ovenjng seventy-five cars of 'leading. Kawllngs GInn and Mrs. Lyman Bcr the. hurst. 'ice wero in tho yards waiting to bo Dies of Appendicitis Raymond Carter, of Dcatur, 111. To whom are vou coins to sell vour . . .1 1 .1 1 1 i I . 1 m . . , ' unloaded. Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer- U1UU u 1UI:U1 uit"n uusuay uven- r i,m u irrmildil Wiultino. ....... - eantile Co. will offer the nlchest Inir followinc nn onerntlon lnr nnii'c' .tT " "".-o v Valuablo little books on uiaciueg nr " . ... " " ' day to Curtis Tunnell of Gandy and nmI tll0 difforont serums, and how to Pnces; u?u appendicitis. The young man came Nollye Freol of Gandy fiy Judge Wood-1 administer snmo, for free distribution. I J' RmlE reports the sale iof jlore some time ngo as a solicitor for Dr. Prltcnard, Uistriuutor. '-Sjiougo uroiners iwo-ion irucK3 to magazines. When taken sick his Gcoruo CanwrlKht. grandson of Eu-' Chas. Gelrken and R. H. Waltemath. -l)r. A. C. Howard, of Alliance pnss- 1 mother was sent for and arrived Sun- ' nnr,n Pnrnni'I frli onfl hrntlmr nf Trnnn iDndco rnmlRtnrn tn V. H. TTItifrHiHnn 1 it 1...... nr.i ed Uivough yesterday and spent the , " " n' , " u",7 "Z" lul a" . uanwrigiu 01 inib uiiy, ujuu t mc u""uu "'"b"i """b f,"- "'" uay morning, 'ino remains were tan- armv hosnltal at Greenville. X. C, last mercial trucks to W. J. Bell and AVP week of tuberculosis. The deceased , D. Eshleman,, a winter car to Amos en to Decatur Wednesday night for burial. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith, who re cently moved to Idaho, havo returned !to Xebraska and are at present visit ing relatives In Kearney. It is prob able that they will again make Xorth Pintle their home. Itfxons grind their lenses. A Xorth Platto man who returned time botwon trains with Dr. C. A. Solby. I.1CUI. siuncy spinner, wno mm uun.. twenty.thrco ycars ohl and wfts , Thompson of Wellfleet. a sedan t0 J. s-wlth ompany E, and in all spent ov- l)0rn nna rn,8cd ,n t,B cltyi but on. '. E. Sebastian and touring cars to R. or two years in seMco,, haa resumed Jn Qhl ! E. stenger, AV. II. LeDioyt and X. C. hls position in tho Fink harness store. t Anderson For Sale or Trado at a Bargain j Antiorson. "t yU t0 R Gooi,w'" CTffot 280 acres of. good land, improved, 100 I In this day and age nothing will before: buying your fall suit. Helen broko Pog8C8slon ncnv for i0 for the particular lady but a real Mlnshall, representative. 7G-2 whont South ot Goring( Neb. In- Cordova bag. Dixon is the exclusive Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ilnzon returned nulro at 1005 north Locust St. 75-2 agent for Xorth Platte. "Tuesday from California, whoro they. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Xorton will j Thero is a noticeable decreaso in had been spending their honeymoon, lcavo Sunday for Grand Island for a tho number, of colored men in town, from Omaha yesterday says that city . .1 111 .1. l l.nioi a ..1 L ...11. II.aIh ..nn T T VnP.. I . ' r. ... . , .! , . n , . , i. since mo aunuay riot is very -quiei in a business way. In tho evening tho streets are deserted, about the only Individuals to bo seen are tho soldiers patrollng tho streets over a good or tion of tho city. It would bo diffi cult to estimate the Jlnancial loss the riot caused tho city of Omaha : :o: : Stock for Sale. On account of having to move soon, I offer for salo flvo head of milch cows, nino head of stock cattle, one Shetland pony colt, thirteen head of hogs and four dozen Buff Orpington chickens. C. A. MOORE, 72tf 215 west Twelfth St. 'and will mako their homo here hub short visit with their son, v. J. isor- ioss than one-fifth ns many as dur- k -winter. ton and family, after which Mr. Xor-, in(? the summer. Their scattering For Salo-iFord car in excellent ton 1U'1 J,m wlu Bo to Excelsior j bQgnn following tho murder of Con nnmiMnn CnU nt. H02 west Sixth, or Springs to spend a fow weeks taking (luct0r Massey. Tho police are tell- Bhono.Rod 3G5 70-2 tll batns aml Mr8, Norton v,n to lng all colored Iowa for a Visit with rclutivos. : Lieut, and Mrs. B. L. Lambert, who ..o:. had been visiting relatives in town, Benches ami Bedbugs. w,ic,iv n.t r u, left Tuesday for tho in Pugot Sound men who nrrive In town to "movo on," nnd they movo. Three arrived in town from the wer-t Wednesday, Exterminated with one application. . . ,,, Tllpv ,,,,,. navy yard. They woro accompanied af j n n n,,K powders. Xorth Platto .. . D . ,, ..' "by Mr. Lnmbort's mother. " l" 1 i wait for the sun to reacli the mld- agont, A. W. Homo. Phone Black J20 j WC8tthoy ,eft ln8tnnter. it RESTORED NERVOUSVIGOR DRIVES OUT APPENDICITIS DRS- STATES THE CHIROPRACTORS All nervous power of the bowels comes from nerves leaving tho backbone between joints. There will be no lack of vigor and health In the bowels where these nerves are free. Case after case of appendicitis has simply faded out following adjustments of tho joints of the backbone. With the return of natural nervous vigor to these parts, tho condition cleared itself. For Salo Lots In Ottenstoln's Grove, Block 3 Mlllor Addition; sidewalk, gas am! sowor In. Call at rosidenco 311 wect Third street. Phono 258. 73tf FREE That adjustments , of disordered joints of the backbone removes the cauBe of appendicitis is easily demonstrated. Call for a free consultation today. DRS. STATES & STATES Tho P. S. C. Chiropractors. Building anil Loan Building Nqrth Tlatte, - Nebraska, ADJUSTMENTS Are given with sci entific precision in all diseases alfectlng Uio following or gans: ' Drain Eyes Ears Nose Throat A nun Heart Lungs Liver Stomach Pancreas Spleen KidnejH Small Dowel Large Dowel (icnltal Organs ThlghK and Legs Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. Ill East Front. NORTH PLATTE, NED. Phone (!i REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OF STOCKS, ATTORXEY-IX-FACT. RECEIVER, ASSIGXEE, TRUSTEE, GUARDIAX. ADMIXISTRATOR , OF ESTATES, EXECUTOR OF WILLS. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT RON!) DEPARTMENT OFFICE S : E. R. GOODMAN, President. X. E. BUCKLEY, Sccy.-Treas. S. M. SOUDER T. F. HEALEY Liberty Land Company Office Over Rexali Drug Store. Choice Farm Land in Lincoln and adjoining Count ies. Also some good Ranches. Houses and Lots in all parte of North Platto. Look for the bib l sign. Jfe j S i 8 INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association lias unlimited funds at its command to assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. HAY We Buy and Sell Obtain our Prices. THE HARRINGTON MER. CO. CThe White MAZDA Lamp Kind to the Eyes The comfortable, pleasing light from this new lamp, so kind to the eyes, appeals to everyone It makes you feel at ease wherever they are' More than that, the interior attractiveness of anv store, office or home will immediately be improved by this new, EDISON MAZDA LAMP Tt adds the finishing touch to interior decoration Made in a china-white, tipless bulb, 50 watts only' and can be used in any existing socket or fixture where you now have clear lamps of 40, 50 or GO watts. Gives a satisfying, glareless light soft in its brilliancy. There is no comparison with any other lamo you have ever known. See it lighted today. Worth Platte Light and Power Co. ft