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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1919)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Icbraska Directory IN OMAIIA Henshaw Hotel EUIIOPKAN VUM T. J. O'Brien Co., Prop. 11.26 tvitiiout bath 11.15 up with batu 1 5th and Farnam St., Omaha FILMS DEVELOPED FREE When Prinla Are Ordered Prints 2x3M, 8 cents j 2Hx4M. i cent; postal card alze, 0 cents, postpaid. Beaton Photo Supply Co. 15th d: Farnam Sta, Omaha. Nab. ELECTRIC SERVICE on Automobiles We repair and supply parts tor all maker of electrical equipments 1 imcat'UJ.iH ce nsed on automobiles. lotnonied factory representatlrea for Atwater tent Mfa. Co.,BIJur Motor LlfhtlDit Co., Columbia ltorajoBnUery,CxmnoctlcntTcl,.Y.Kloo. Co., Detroit flectrlo suitor Co.. Disco lllectrlo Starter Co., 7neu lllectrlo Co.. lllectrlo Anto-Lite Cora., Brief on Mfg. Co. (Morllng Maanoto), Gray It Daylt. Inc.. fneK-W Ignition Co. (Magneto), North Hut nice Mo Co., I'c run life Storage Uattry Co., Sparks wlthlngton Co. (Sparton Horns), Siilltdorf Serrloa I Bales Co., Tan Hlcklen Co, (Speedmeters!. Ward Uonard Klectrlo Co., Westloghousa llloo. & Mf t. Co. Auto Electric Servico Compnny ignition ) Klectrlo Stiirtcr f SPECIALISTS Storage liuttery ) 1203 Farnam Street OMAHA, NEB. LASTS LONGER I Our crude oil requirements are permanently provided; that's why Deep Rock products can be depended upon because you know you can get them the same uniform quality always assured CONSUMERS REFINING CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Highest Prices (Ship direct to manufacturer and eliminate the mid 'Jlleman. Ship any day as we will clve you benefit sl all raises in prlca while cream is In transit. We fuarantee service and eood satisfaction. ALAMITO DAIRY CO., Omaha, Neb. Celebrated Knight Engine, best on earth. Nc tsxbon trouble. No Talve or engine trouble. Sleeve ralve type. took this car over before buying. Good Uro territory open to dealers. Write for catalog nd descriptive matter. KNUDSEN AUTOMO. SILE CO.. Distributors. 2107 Farnam SL, Omaha TO SHINE A COLD STOVE Quick and Easy Uso E-Z STOVE POLISH Ready Mlxt Keady to Bhme itliiw i ilAOTIN A MAET1N, CU1CAGO mil lib The Evidence. Knlr Overseas Visitor Anil, my dear, they're just the cleanest boys fou ever saw. It must hnvetbeen the day they sent their things to the laun dry, for the major took us all over the imrracks, and there wasn't a sheet or pillow slip In sight anywhere 1 And not tven a speck of linen In the mess hall I The Stars and Stripes. BACK LIKE A BOARD? IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS There's no uso suffering from tho awful agony of larno bade. Don t wait till it "passes off." It only comes back. Find tho cause and stop it Diseased conditions of kidneys are usually indi cated by stiff lame backs and other wrenching pains, which are nature s sig nals for nelpl Hcro'a tho remedy. When you feel the first twinges of pain or experi ence any of theso symptoms, get busy at once. Go to your druggist and get a box of tho pure, original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, Im ported fresh every month from tap Trboratorics in Haarlem, Holland. Pleasant and easy to tako, they instant ly attack tho poisonous germs clogging your nyBtoni and bring quick- Teliof, For over two hundred years they have been helping tho sick. Why not try thom? Bold everywhere by re liable druggists in scaled packages. Threo sires. Money back If they do not help, you. Ask for "GOLD MEDAL" and be euro the name "GOLD MEDAL" la on the box. -Adv. Unfortunate Insect. A friend, pnsslng ho house the oth or day, saw llttlo Jeanno playing with a bumblebee in some wnter. "My." said the friend, "but tha bumblebee is certainly having tho tlnw of his llfol" "Yes," said Jeanno and then wltl n tinge of regret, "but ho doosnM know It. lie's dead." t - - 7 17? JUT? Hests, nelreshes.Soslhes, 'fwJ Heals-Keep your Eye, Strong and Healthy. II they Tire. Smart Itch, oi Burn, If Sore, Irritated I Inflamed or Granulated use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book Marine Eye ilemedy Company, Chicago. U.S.A. o E stelil .' Up-to-Date Smuggling by WASHINGTON. Smuggling and rum - and submarine Is looked for In the commissioner of lnternnl revenue, and preparations nro innde In advance to defeat the twentieth century smug glers: Tho attention of the treasury de partment was particularly directed to this new danger of employing modern methods In smuggling by the acci dental capturo of nn airplane that came across the Canadian border Into northern New York with several cases cf contraband liquor. It wns entirely owing to an nccldent, however, that this ennturo was mnde. nnd thn ofll clnls of tho government hrtvo no doubt thnl large quantities of contraband liquor hnve reached this country already over the same air routo. There Is reason to believe that some venturesome pioneers of this new mode of smuggling through the air hnve already landed several thousands of dollars' worth of semiprecious stones from the topaz mines In Mexico, some where In the Interior of the United States. At any rate, the menace to the natloual revenues has become so Immediate that Secretary Glass has decided that he will ask congress for transfer of COO airplanes and hydro-airplanes from the nrmy and navy to his department and funds enough to create an effective nlr patrol. Later on he will ask also for the transfer from tho navy of a largo fleet of boats specially designed for chasing submarines, In order to protect tho Bencoasts and estuaries from the danger of .smuggling by submarines. Extra! All About the Wonderful Island of Yap WHAT about the island of Ynp, In the far-away Pacific, which may becomo a possession of tho United States as reparation for tho sinking of tho Lusltanin, and Is wanted by the American navy for a cable and wireless sta tion? "Yap," the National Geographic October, 1014 Yap Is strangely pld and are still in the stono nge of progress, Bachelor clubs closed to the women clothes all grow on trees. "The chief decoration of the male Is a string of pink shells made Into a necklace, and since no man Is rich enough to own such a treasure the best ones nro loaned out for such a period as the wearer may choose to be dressed In the height of fashion. As there are no button holes, the man may wear two bouquets In each onr, a sort of corsage bunch in a large hole In tho lower lobe and a small boutonnlere In a smnllcr hole in the ear higher up. Shell cuffs made of conches add the finishing touch to the correct attire." Other details given are that "large money" of the Island consists of mlll stonellke disks of limestone from Babclthuap, 400 miles to the south, and ouo of these disks Is four feet in diameter. Such a piece of currency may bo worth 10,000 coconuts. Slept on Outpost Duty and Pardoned; Made Good NB of the two American soldiers sentenced to death for sleeping on out post duty in France and subsequently pardoned by President Wilson, was killed in tho great Aisne offensive in wounded and flnnlly honorably dis charged. This was disclosed by an exchange of correspondence between Secretary Baker and President Wilson. Private Forest D. Sebastian of El Dorado, 111., twenty years old, was killed In tho Aisne battle. Private JoffN Cook of Lutla, Okla., aged nine teen, was wounded, in tho same battle, but recovered to again fight gnllantly in tho Argonno offensive, where ho re ceived ills second wound. In writing the president of the gallant conduct of tho boys after tho president had pardoned them, Secretary Baker said: "You will recall that early in 1018 four death sentences were presented to you from France; two for disobedience of orders you remitted to terms of Imprisonment, and two young boys, Scbastlnn and Cook, who were convicted of sleeping cn outpost duty, you fully pardoned. "It will interest you to know that upon restoration to duty both mnde good soldiers. Sebastian died in battle in the Aisno offensive in July, 1918. Cook was wounded in that battle and restored to health in' time to light In tho Meuse-Argonne battle, when ho again fought gallanUy nnd wns for tho second time wounded. He hns been now restored to health through medical attention and hns been honorably discharged from the service." ' "Kismet" it is fated says the Turk. And tho great war seems to give weight to tho saying. Tercentenary of the Pilgrims in Three Countries THE tercentenary of tho Pilgrim Fathers Is to be 'celebrated next year In England, the United States and Holland on nn extensive scale. Tho prin cipal Items In tho overseas program are: May and June Meeting and cere monies at Scrooby, Austorfleld, Bos CI etc., to culminate In the sailing of a New Mayflower from Southampton and Plymouth, carrying returning American delegates, and also a British nnd Dutch committee, to America, via Boston, Mass. September-October Celebrations In Amerlcn. Iteceptlon in New Plymouth, Boston, etc., followed by reception In New York and tour of the United States. November 0-11 Celebration throughout English-speaking world Iq honor of the Mayflower compact and of the planting of free Institutions In America. Last Thursday In November Universal celebration of Thanksgiving day. December Universal celebration, Including memorial church services of tho arrival of tho Pilgrim Fathers at New Plymouth. Popular celobratlons, during 1020 will, It is hoped, include pageants; inauguration of monuments, university functions, establishment of lecture ships, scholarships, etc. Airplane and Submarine running on n large scale by airplane very nenr future by Daniel C. Itoper, by other government officials unless 5 society says, "the westernmost of tho western Caroline islands, is situated about 500 miles, southwest of Guam and 800 miles cast of the island of Mindanao of the Philippine group. It has a population of about 7,000, and was the administrative center for the western Cnrollnes, the Pelew and tho Ladrone islands. The Germans had made plans to locrite a wireless station there, but were prevented when Aus tralian troops captured the island in strnngcly up to date. Its Inhabitants The natives are strict prohibitionists. dot the Islands. Food and drink and July, 1918, and tho ether was twice ton, Cambridge, and other places, to celebrate the origins of tho Pilgrim movement. Visit of British nnd American delegations to Holland (dato to bo fixed). Meetings nt Amsterdnm, Ley den, Delftshaven and The Hague, to commemorate tho sojourn of the Pil grim Fathers in Holland (1009-20) nnd their departure for tho now world. August 4 to September 10 Cele brations at Southampton, Plymouth, TEST ROAD MATERIALS FREE Machinery for New Laboratory In stalled at Colorado Agricultural College. (By O. V. ADAMS, Colorado AprriculturaJ College, Fort Collins, Colo.) Tho experiment station of the Col orado Agricultural college at Fort Col lins hns Just completed tho Installa tion of tho machinery for a new labor atory for tho testing of road materials and Is now fully equipped to make all the standard mechanical tests on rock, broken stone, slag, gravel, sand nnrl top soil. Tho laboratory has been Installed for tho purpose of aiding the peoplo of tho state in their rond-buildlng problems. No charge Is mnde for tho testing of any matcrlnl; the samplo must, however, bo of sulllclent size to enable complete investigations to bo made. The first systematic attempts to dc tennlno tho value of rock for road building purposes by means of labora tory tests were made In France In 1878, Stretch of Improved Road Between Cripple Creek and Canon City, Colo. and the excellence of the French ronds can no donbt be partly attributed to .the selection of the best available ma terlals for their construction. In 1893, a road material testing lab oratory was established by the Massa chusetts highway commission, with the Inte Logan W. Page in charge. This work has developed until today there are many such laboratories through out the United States, and road en gineers arc more and more coming to reallzo tho value of such tests and to specify thnt matcrlnl used in road con struction shall measure up to certain established standard requirements. INJURY DONE TO GOOD JWADS Autos and Motor Trucks Do More Harm Than Steel-Tlred Vehlcleo on Account of Speed. Thcro is more damage done to the roads now by autos and motor truckf than steel-tired vehicles over did, foi the reason of greater speed of motoi vehicles and their drivers have tlu same fool tracking habit tho hors drivers always had. Driving in tin same tracks never dnmuged steel tires, but it is the destruction of the roads and rubber tires. The motor vehicle Is worse for tho roads thnn liorso rig? on nccount of grentcr speed. Tho rea son running In a track is damaging to rubber tires, Is a sharp rock will be set in tho side of the track; with the sharpest corner out to nip n piece out of every tire, and sharp rocks cannot dodge or bounce out of the bottom ol the track, but cut holes In tho tires nnd break the fabric, causing tho so-cnlled stone bruises, and rim cuts, even on properly inflntcd tires. DOUBLED LIFE OF HIGHWAYS French Engineers Find That Simple, Surface Coatings of Tar Were of Much Benefit. It lias been tho experience of the French engineers In building roads dun lng war times that simple, surface coatings of a tar preparation moro than doubled the life of tho road. This being true, it would seem advisable in tho construction of all country roads, to cover the surfaco with some crushed rock or gravel, and then use the heavy tar preparation, because tho binding effect pruvents tho material from slip ping to one sldo ; it holds the material Intact and gives the road u hard-sur faced covering thnt Is not only lasting, but adds to the efllclency of the road, Good Roads a Necessity. Good roads have become a ncceS' slty, not only on the public und mnln highways, but oh the township lines as well. Road Building la Simple Krifirl In 1 1 irlttirr fa nfciirt-ilu u mri r wau uiiiuiib m Munui valj a 4 J V Just two things are required monoy I.-. I.... 1 . . .1 11.. , . uuu uiiuiis. aiiu tiiu moru i) nu us you use, the less money you need. Permanency Essential. It Is essential that good roads havo "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN "Bnycr Tablets of Aspirin" to be gcnulno must be market' with the Bafoty "Bayer Cross." Always buy an unbroken Bnyer package which con tains proper directions to safely re lieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Colds nnd pntn. Handy tin boxes of 12 tnblcts cost bu a few cents nt drug stores larger packages also. AsplrH Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlc ncldcster of Snllcyllcacld. Adv. His Accomplishments. The cultured young Indy from Bos ton who was visiting In Ittehuiond had mentioned so often thnt she spoke half a dozen lnngunsos thnt the com-1 pany was getting decidedly bored, as no one present was able to prove her ' powers as a linguist. Finally, she turned to n tall, lank gentleman and asked: "And how many languages do you speak, Mr. Blank?" "Three, ma'am," drawled tho South erner; "poor English, fair Vlrglnlnn, nnd perfect nigger." Cutlcura for Pimply Faces. m- ..i. ...,i.. .....i smear them with Cutlcura Ointment. Wnsh off In five minutes with Cutl cura Soap and hot water. Once clear keep your skin clear by using them for dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to In clude Cutlcura Talcum. Adv. Going Too Far. "One should try to bear with tho faults of his neighbors." remarked the altruist. "To bo sure," replied Mr. Dubwalte. "But when one of my neighbors per sists In playing German grand opera records on his phonograph when he knows all the time I have a German officer's helmet on display In my liv ing room, I want to take an ax over to that fellow's house and assert my self." Birmingham Age-Herald. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there ie one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of tho subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the largo majority of those whose applica tions arc declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer fc Co., Binghamton, N. Y for a sample bottle. When writing be aure and mention this paper. Adv. Reached Limit of Endurance. Bobby's usual early morning chatter was suppressed to permit father to sleep. Unnblo to keep the silence longer, ho burst out: "My mouth's tired; I gotta talk now." :Nct flnntentslSPluidPraohml ;RiCLCOHOL-3PEnOEr.T. Q 41-1 s - - i s TI .(.asinfrP A .y 11 Avecc moiciTc )ujuuu"- j lsimilatinicFoWWula. g llngtiieStomachsana uwxo 531 ThcrejyrKmSiln4IIK r-t n,i 1W Contains neither Oplum.Morphuie ; nora Mineral. NotNajicotici JUSnna AhclpfulKcmcdyfor GonstipntJonandDiarrhoc. loss of Sleep rcsirtUni thcrcfrom11' rM-SImileSinMfa0 Otoe Cornel Cohp Exact Copy of Wrapper, n III IXEZBJTA VI TTrtlT "VI llf IV. 3t 3 DISCOURAGED Mr. Reuter Was Almost Helpless From Kidney Trouble, But Doan's Made Him Well. "I was in terrible hape from kidney trouble." says I). Reuter, North St., West Chicago, 111. "I couldn't stoop because of tlie awful pains in my back and tho steady, dull misery almost urove ino irantic. x nan to be helped out of bed mornings, the pains across i my kidneys were so bad J nnd nobody knows tho agony 1 went through. I 1 couldn't do anything and was almost helpless; it seemed 1 would never get d well. At times everything h in front of me grew dark I nnu i couuin t see lor sev- u ' eral minutes. 1 perspired RlBt profusely and I was thirsty all the time. The urine passed far too often and burned like scalding water. The passages were scanty nnd I had no con trol over them. "For two years I suffered, trying medicine after medicine without relief. I was just about discouraged and didn't think I would ever be able to work again. Hearing about Doan'a Kidney Pills I used them and four boxes cured me. My kidneys became normal. ny back got well and strong and all the other troubles disappeared." Stcorn to before me, JAB. W. OARR, Notary Public. Get Doan's at Any Storo, 60s m Bos DOAN'S 'V, FOSTER-M1LBURN CO BUFFALO. N. Y. Every Woman Knows that clean, snow-white clothes are a constant source of pleasure. Red Cross Ball Blue if used each week pre serves the clothes and makes them look like new. Try it and sco for yourself. All cood grocers sell it; 5 cents a pack-' age. easlkpjirectory The University School of Music LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Twenty-Sixth Year Begins September 6th MUSIC DRAMATIC ART ' Playground Supervision and Story TelHnj Complete courses In all departments Anyone may enter. New catalog on request. Address Adrian M. Nawana, Director. 1 10S R Stj , getT highest prices for Your Live Stock Ship to WOOD BROTHERS Omaha, Chicago, So. St Paul, Sioux City STOCKERS AND FEEDERS BOUGHT Oil ORDERS LEE W. EDWARDS ti E. Cor. 24th and Farnaa St. OMAHA. NEB. mWllka Telephone Douglas 8115 LADY ATTENDANT W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 39-1910. For Infanta and Children; Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Beara Signat In Use Over Thirty Years Twt es-NTAun company, ncw vouk crrr. CASTORA Always . the OT For lermnnency.