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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1919)
S&mHBtecklu Eribunc. SgWffiHfflfi IJ, 1. HAKE. Editor ami Publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES: One l'enr by iMnll, lu advance. 1.73 jj Oiic-Vcnr by Carrier, In advance, $2.00 jLjfjj Entered at tlio North I'latte, Nebraska Mm Postollice as Second Clans Matter. jfaJ FRIDA V, OCTOBER .'!, 11)1!). EjL , V , COUNTY Sliiinlii 1-iiiniiiv Pn III Spfi'ffiirr vv Knowing tno ninny days that Pros- ldent Coatos, Secrotary Dirge and otli- jj ors .connected with the county fair LET spent In nrranglng for the fair, tlmo iXi they could Illy afford to tako from j- tholr huslnoss, Tlio Trlbuno suggests B3 that a paid secretary be employed g3 noxt year. TIiIh secretary should bo- Stl gin his work not later than Juno ami Jfi koep continually employed until tho fair Ib closed. If ho Is an active hoc- US rotary ho can easily And employment . . ii .. ii itt . i At Auction at 2:3 P TUESDAY, W 1 LANV M. 1919. during thoso four months, getting out tho premium list and advertising mat tor, collecting tho exhibits, arrang ing for the races, arganlzlng his forces for fair wook, placing tlio exhibits and locking aftor the thousand and one things In connection with the fair, It is absolutely, unfair to ask a busi ties man to take from his business tho tlmo required to arrange for n county fair. :so:: Public Library Notes , Patrons show Interest In tho juvonlle department. Mrs. Emma Poor, n. former North Tlatto rcsldont, now living In Now York City, supplies tho library with Instructive current event news. Mrs. Ailcen Cochran donated a col !i Sfi On the above date at KIMBALL, NEBRASKA, we will sell atpubHc auction to the highept bidder regard'ess of price the following describee) real estate: The Northwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 13, Range 53, Kimball County,, Nebraska, lecatr d nine miles ?cu!h of Dix, Nebraska. .TERMS OF SALE:- 20 per cent of the purchase price cash day of sale 30 pir cent February 1, 1920, when possession will be given. Owner will carry r'emnirder of purchate price cn the aboae described land for a period of ihree and five years bearing interest at the rate of six per cent payable annu illy. Good and sufficient abstract of title together with warranty deed delivered to purchaser day of settlements : -: LAND LIES LEVEL Keep your eye on FRATER. H KNOWS THE DRUG BUSINESS Corner Front and Dewey. Phone 221. GOOD BLACK LOAM SOIL J1 For Further Information Address raska Realty Auctiod- CENTRAL CITY, NEBRASKA." MARK CARRAHER, Auctioneer. ML A. LARSON, Owner. Co. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital. (incorporated) One Hall Block North oi Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution fur the ociuntlflc treatment of medical, surgical nnd confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. DR. L. J. KRAtsE, DENTIST McDonald Bank Bldy, Phone 97. I)If. IlWAltl) YOST, DENTIST Twlneih Bldg. Phone 307 W. T. PltlTCIIAlU). Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vine Street. Hospital Phone Black G33. Houso Phone Black 032 T. S. BLANKENBURG,, Bonded Abstracter. Public Stenographer. Officp with B. M. Reynolds, Architect, Apt. 1 Reynolds Terrace. PhoneBlack 1105. In the Police Court Tlio pollco court was the scone of much activity Tuesday, nearly a doz- GMUKCII NOTICES. THE TWINE Iff HOSPITAL, 1008 WEST FOURTH STREET, North Platte, Nobr. FJrat Lutheran Church 'Morning ImllvifliinlH fnp.inir Ills linnnr .Tmltrn Worshln at 11 o'clock, sublent. "Life I . ' . - n' ... t..,' , For the treatment of Medical, Surgical iuuo joiks. ;mu,u.ui,cl uu ..u.UUD v,i.,..h0o, ..u v.w.. . , aml obstetrical Cases. A place ..MiSB.Thoa Hansen furnished a beau- fliurpny anu tnroo coioreu crap snoot- ociock, suoject ino spirit or Aiiar- where the sick are cared for so as to tiful decorativo bordor of natural ors, who had been arrested several chy and Rebellion.!' Sunday-school bring about normal conditions In the autumn loavos, to bo used In tho chil- dajyj previously wore fined $10 and at 9:45. All welcome at any service, dren's dopartmont. costs each. Colo nnd Murphy cashed Come and worship with us Rev. C. The branch library for the children up, hut the nogrpos did not haVo the F. Koch, Pastor, of tho Fourth ward will bo opened in coin anil woro sont back' to Jail. ; Sunday will be Rally Day at the tho Lincoln school this month. Cy Shaw, who lives north of town, First Presbyterian church. Tho"Sun- Phone 308 - ALBERT A. LANE. Dentist Rooms t and 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nobrnskii easiest, most manner. Phone 110. I) US. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5. 0, 7 Building & Loan Building. XT It. r 1 I norm iMiut, office Phone- 7a ,,! Res.. Rhone 1242 natural and sclentitic W. E. FLYNN- Tho Nebraska Library Association got hold cf some bootleg , w hiskey daj;-school will have a rally and a will hold its twenty-fifth annual Tuesday evening and it mado him so , promotion of pupils. It Is very lm- mootlng in Omaha beginning October light-headed that the sidewalk was portant that all pupils of the school 20th. scarcely wide enough for him to nav- j bo present. At tho 11 o'clock service ATTORNEY-ATLA W Office oi er McDonald Bunk. Office Phono llilG Res. Phone 1120 :o::- igato. His fun cost him ten dollars and trimmings. ' Jim Taylor, colored, was plnced ''Lutherans Return Thanks Soptomber 30, 1010 To tho Rector, Vestry, and Members, umlur arrCHt for talking "sassy" and Church 8f Our Saviour. North Platto. threatening a policeman. Ho was Kind Frlonds:-At the annual con- Kiven his cholco of going to jail for urocational mectinc of 'the First Evan- "kty days or getting out of town gollcal Lutheran church .held laBt ov- w'thln twenty minutes. He accepted i class at 9:45, holy communion and enlng tho following aqtlpn was tak- tho latter alternative and hiked. ' sermon 11 a. m., church school, north cn: Louie Larson and a, half breed In- side,' 3 p. m evening prayer and ser- "Movcd, that in consideration of tho d'au n,1( ll,s vifo wero P'cked up ln(mon 7:30. R. O. Mcintosh, Recton orothorly christian snlrit of tho rec- tho old Sodlcott building lato Tups-I Methodist church, Sunday, October there will be communion and recep tion of mombers nnd the christening of children. It is desired that the entire membership be present. Tho pastor will preach at eight In the evening. Episcopal church Holy communion at 8 a. in., church school and bible JOHN S. SIMMS. M. D. Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phone S3 Residence DOCTOR C. A. SELBY Physician and Surgeon Office over Jtoxall Drug Stoic Office Phone 371. House IOCS 38 Office phone 241. Res. phone l' L . C . DROST. Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - Ntfbwwn Knight!' of ColumbUB Building DR. REDFIELD Physician. Ohstctrictan Surueon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Daj Phone Office 042 Residence CTli tor, vestry and members of tho Epls- dll' afternoon, Larson and tho woman copal Church of Our Sayiour, who so occupying ono room while the hnlf klndly opened to us th'h doprs of tholr brced w"8 locked In nnother. The church during tho past olghtcou Woman was in a stupified condition ! Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Epworth Cth, 1919. Preaching 11 a. in., ''The Outlook." Preaching 8 p. m. "Mob Rule or Justice, Jungleism or Law." months, nnd who did everything pos slblb'to make our visit with thorn a pleasant ono, wo extend to them a rls from Borne drink she had taken. They woro carted to jail, and lator Larson paid ?10 and costs nnd tho half-breed lng vote of thanks; and that aH may wlfo woro warned, to got put know our kindly feeling of appreel- of tnV". nd they got. ntion in this mattor, ::o:: "Bo, it furthor moved that a copy of Mr. Land Buyer, this motion bo given to the press, a , Wo hre prepared to supply ydur ov- copy mailed to tho rector, and that it fry nood; from the small eighty acre bo spread upon tho minutes of thin farm to tho fwenty thousand acre well mooting." improved ranch. ,,Tho nbevo motions wero unanimous- Our holdings aro in Nebraska, Colo- ly, carried. ' rado, Wyoming and South Dakota. AVe Gratofully yours, . own and control many thousands of FIRST, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN acres in this territory. This lnnd cost CHURCH. double what it did four years ago. C. FRANKLIN KOfllt. in,,r LISTEN' MEN It is due for tho sec- League 7: 00 -p. m. H. E. HESS, Pastor. ::o: ; HERBERT F. TRAMP, Secretary. ::o:: and doublo lu tho very near futuro. Tho people aro going to tho tniUdi? woat to found a home for thomsQlve ), realizing that their children cannot Estrayetl Cattle. Eatrayed from tho pasture on tin huvo nuothcr opportunity to acquire fonnor C. P. Howard ranch, eight tho bfst. of soil at a prlco soon to be a stoors branded JJ on right hip. Re ward will be paid for Information leading to recovory of catUe. w. j. uuuw, 7fe-2 Phono 797F031 74tf thing of the past. Wo do not want you to tako our Wofd for It. Conn und seo us, or addross your communi cation to tho ROBERTS BROS. LAND CO.. North Platte. Ne Be Prepared! How many times have you had a good busi ness opportunity that needed a little ready nibn Cfy, but you did not havo the cash? A wirings ac count is the first step toward success we know this, and can prove it. Start a savings account today. Our new semi-annual interest period has jut begur Money deposjted between now and the 10th will draw interest from the 1st. Platte Valley State Bank, NORTH PLATTE. NEB. t Swedish Mission f Rov. Sundberg, of Gothenburg; v.ill preach at the K. P. hall noxt Sunday, October 5th, at three o'clock ln?Uie afternoon. He Is a iluent speaker. Do not miss hearing him. :o: COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS.' September 29, 1919. Board of county commissioners met present Koch. Herm'inghauseu and Sprlngor, when tho following business was transactd: H. S. Haskins, road work, $29.00. George ,Karrlger, road work. $17.50. Leo Toillion, hauling gravel, $28.00. F. D. Wcstonfeldt, m'dso.. ?50.80.t A. S. Allen, "office oxponses. $83.50. Dr. F. A. Graham and J. 9. Baer, Insanity board, $14.00. Paul Meyer, survoyliig, $61.75. Paul Moyor surveying and office ex penses, $33.50. s"s too minting, biauo man, $l50.00i ; . Chas. Lcypoldt, englno man. $1.50.00 Ailcen Cochran, snlary and expenses $218.35. Fayo Eldor, salary, $S0.00. Tim Sutton, aalary, $100.00. j.. A. J. Salisbury, salary, $145.80. r A. S. Alien, snlary, $10G.G7. Anna Andorson, caro of Emma An'-' dorson, $35.00. L. A. Gambrol, salary, $S3.33. Esslo Wessburg, salary. $100.00. Win, Anthony, onglno man. $30.00. L. E. Gordon, blndo man. $25.00. E, C. Hostottor, brldgo work. $4G.50. W. T. Elliot, river work, $75.00. ' John Perkins, rlvor work, $14.00. Ashley Peters, servlcos, $130.00. Pcaso & Son, blacksmlthlng. $17,20. Suiulry persons, rond work, DIst. 35, $170.55. Alvln Baker, road wprk. $84.00. ' E. H. Springer, sorvleos nnd mile age, $180.40. S. J. Koch, survlco and mileage, $12G.70. GEO. B. DENT, Phsyician and Surgeon. Special Attention GIren to Surgerj and ObstretricH. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 115 Office Phone 340 Res. Black 378 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Belton Bldg. North Plattf), Neb Phono for Appointments. DOCTOR D. T. QI'IOLEl" Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Thorn )) 7i City National Rank Hull.lliitf. Oniuhn. NohniNk FOR A REAL AUCTIONEER Phone at My Expense. R. I. SIIAPPELL, Sutherland Nebraska. DR. HAROLD a. FENNEII Announces his discharge from milit ary service and the establishment of his office over Hlrschfeld's Clothing store. Phones:. Office 333. Res. Red 85G. I. D. BROWNFIELD, General Auctioneer. Lire Stock and Fnrm Sales. Phone or IVIre nt My Expense for Dates. HERSHEY, NEBRASKA.. TENTS AWNINGS COVERS PORCH CDRTAINS North Platte Tent and Awning Co; Mr. Cream Seller Yoj will never know what wo can pay for cream or the quick service we can give you until you have sent ua a can of cream. So before you sell that next can of cream ask your neighbor what K. & Sons at North Platte are paying for Butterfat. He will know; or better still come In and see us Not the Biggest but the t'ost. Best in tho West. Kirschbaum & Sod. VERN MACE. Mgr. Phono 360. S18 No. Locust. Notice to Credilors Estate No. 1689 of Mary Voselpka, de ceased, in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, -?s. Credit ors of said eitnte will take not:ce that the time limited for the presenta tion and filing of claims against said estate is January 31, 1920, and for settlement of said estate is Soptember 26, 1920; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county, on Oc tober 31, 1919, 'at 9 o'clock a. m., and on January 31 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and nbje tlons duly fl'ctJ. (Seal.) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, , s30ol7 County Judge. Notice to Creditors Estate of James H. Robinson, deceas ed, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss. Credit ors of said estate will take notice that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate is January 24, 1920, and for settlement of said estate is Soptember 16, 1920; that I will sit at the county court room in said county on October 24, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m and on Jan uary 24, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., to re celvo, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST. s23ol7 County Judge. Notice to Bidders, Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of O. E. Elder. City Clerk in and for the city of .North Platte, Nebraska, for the construction of side walks and cross walks In and for said city, up to 5 o'clock September 30, 1919. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen at the office of the City Engineer. O. E. ELDER, slC-20 . tiity Clerk. Legal Notice. 109 West Sixth Street ! NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Phone 210 AUTO CURTAINS AUTO TOPS Legal Notice. Harmon Albert Surbor will take no tice that Dora Frances Surbor, as plaintiff, commenced an action in the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, on April 16, 1919, against you as defendant, the object and prayer of said action being to obtain n divorce from you, the said defendant, on the groquds of extreme cruelty and gross, wanton and cruel desertion. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 27th day of October, 1919. DORA FRANCES SURBER, sl6ol0 Plaintiff. HERB HAMILTON Taxi and Livery DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Phone 90S. Black 39(5 an a F. W. Hormlnghnuson, services and mllongo, $142.90. Bond of Union Stato Bank county depository approved. Adjournd to October G, 1919. boo 'Clinton & son'! about your Eyo troubles.' 'aMnfnctiou ovory time. Sign of tho BlgRfng NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Broken Bow, Nebraska, Soptember 19, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Nelson D. Wolls, of North Platto, Nebraska, who on April 8, 191G, made homestead ontry North Patto No. 06342, Broken Bow, No. 011901, for tho WMs NWV. Section 26, Township 12 North, Rango 31 West of 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make throe-yoar Proof, to establish claim to the land nbovo described, before W. II. C. Woodhurst, United States Com missioner, at North Platto, Nebraska, on the 8th day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Stophen W. McDermott, O. L. Watkins, Itlrkcy Land and Stock Sale Oct. S. Carl Braeder, R. S. L. Voss,- all of MACK C. WARRINGTON. s23o24 .Register. ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Snles a Specialty. References und Dates nt First Na tl.inal Rank, North Platte, Neb. Phone 1000. ' DERRIBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Enibamcrw Undertakers and Funeral Director a Day phone 11 Night plijujo RJack 6SS 3 ( Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides arid Junk. L. LIPSHITZ. N'otlco of Final Report Estato No. 1G02 of Alma B. Sims, do ceased, in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobrnska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all por- nonrt interested lu said ostate tnlco notico that the Administrator has filod a final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlement nnd discharge as such which havo been set for hearing beforo said' court on October 17, 1919, at 9 o'clock a m., whon you may appear and contost tho same. Dated September 19, 1919. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODHURST, s23ol0 County Judgo Eber H. Smith, Claud C. Smith, Exa Hazo Smith, Lots Ono and Two In Block 7 of Pcnniston's Addition to the City of North Platte, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any Interest of any kind In said real estate or any part thereof defendants, will take no tice that on tho 6th day of September, 1919, Alice O. Co, plaintiff, filed her petition in tho District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree of said Court quieting and confirming said plaintiff's tlto to the above described real estate and to enjoin each and all of said defendants and all persons claiming any Interest of any kind in said premises from asserting any in terest hterein adverse to said plaintiff. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or bofore the 20th day of October,' 1919. ALICE O. COLE, PlaintifT. By Hoaglnnd & Hoagland and Carr. Her Attorneys. s9o3 .Notice of Incorporntlnii of Union Stnte Hunk of North l'lntte, NVbrnxku. Notices Is hereby kIvou. that the un dersigned hnv' formed a corporation under the mime of "Union Stain Hunk of North I'latte, Nebraaka,'" with the principal place of business in tho city of North IMatte, Lincoln county, Ne braska; tho general nature of tho busi ness to he transacted being a commer cial hanking business under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The amount of tho capjtal stock la the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars (JG0.000.O0). all of which is to be paid In at the tlmo of commencement of business The commencement of busi ness shall be tho 16th day of June, 11)19, or as soon thereafter as author ized by the State Hanking Hoard of tho Stato of Nebraska, and snld corpor ation sholl terminate the 15th day of June. 19C9. The affairs of tho cor poration shall bo conducted by a board of directors consisting of not Iobs than three nor more than seven, who shall elect from tholr numbor a prosldent and seoretary and solect n vice-president and cashier anil such assistant cash iers and olerks as may bo necessary to conduct tho business of said corpor ation. Oust Hrantlng. Sumuet O. Anderson. Theodore O. Swonson. Kd Wostoring. Alfred J. Swenson. John Victor Swenson Klof A. Olson. Churles V Swonson V