The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 03, 1919, Image 1

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No. 76
1 win
Dr. J. St Twlnom rocontly pur
chased u lot of Dr. H. C. Hrock in tho
700 block on woat Flttli :md linH let'
tho contract for tho erection of .1
hospltul thereon. The building will!
ho smouldering Are of rnco lintrod
which has boon notlsenblo since the
murder of Conductor Massey broko out
into a Hamo early yesterday morning
v. hoi p. party of a dozen men set
liavo a sufficient number of rooms to . fire to tho negro restaurant which oc
accommodato eighteen pnttents vt cupled a smaU building on tho comer
one time together with rooms for op- j soutu 0f tho depot The lire was act
eratloi.s, office, matron's quarters,1 fron, tho outside and wna phobably
kitchen and sun parlor cr lounging j'uidcd by the use of coal oil. A nogro
roo,n' I employe of tho place who was In tho
At one time,. It, was Dr. Twinem's building at the time, was told to va
Intention to occupy, the third and "mooso ami be evidently did not wait
fourth noors of his proposed new , for a 8ecoll(i command. Alter the fire
building at the corner of Fifth and . lmd gotton a Bood atart tho rJoter3
Locust streets for hospital purposes, J departed, and soon thereafter some
one turned In an alarm to which the
department responded, but tho lire was
not subdued until the Interior was
destroyed. Several men at tho dopot!
but later concluded that such would
not bo advisable, hence the construc
tion of tho building on west Fifth.
Mrs. Rebecca Wood left Monday ev
ening for Omaha after a three weeks'
visit in Lincoln county with her broth
er W. W. Knotts and his sons of
Wcllfleet, and' her niece Mrs. Jesse
Kilnkel of this city. She attended tho i
Lincoln county fair and sought tout
historical points in our county that
wero deeply interesting. She will
visit relatives In Omaha this week,
then will visit in Iowa and Wisconsin
before returning to her home
Grafton, West Virginia, in November.
Thermostat bottles at Dixon's
guaranteed not to break; $9.00 quart
Though we have passed into Oc-1 ajtogethor to be desired, but as cltl
tobor, we are having summer temper
itov. A. C. Hull returned this morn
ing from a. week's visit to points In
Montana. '
Silk ttiorgettc and '"npos do Chine
I oui-ff i m! wauls, PfW lot cn mlo
by Tim Loader Morcantllo Co.
Tho nights of Columbus will In
stall tho rocontly, olectcd officors next
Wednesday, evening. Installation cor
omonles will bo followed by a smoker.
Adolph Hanson, who had been In
servlco overseas and landed at Nor
folk News Septembor 25th, arrived
homo this morning.
The stnto superintendent has desig-
Col. J. C. Morrow, director of the
If. S. air service for tho Chicago di
vision, arrived In town last evening
and will remain tho greater part of
President a Very Sick Mini.
Tho following bulletin was Issued
last night by Dr. Grayson, chief phy-
Organized Inbor in North Platte was alcian to ProBidonl Wilson:
further augmented last evening by the "Tho president is a very Hick man.
unionization of practically all tho His condition is loss favorahlo today
iimin. and he romalnod in bed throuchoul
louay looking over tho landing place 0s ortho olty.-ThlB dorks' union stnrtH tho day.
ior me iraiisconunoniai nignis wnica . ... ,nomborshlt of 100. mniclnz "Aftor consultation with Dr. F
start simultaneously from Now York u thc trollg0Bt Iubor organization in Dorcum of Plilladolplila. Drs. Sterling
nd San Francisco on October 8th, towu cUlQr Umn Uw ra,lroad brother- Huffln and E. R. Stltt of Washington.
twenty-Jlvo planes leaving New York hood8 Tho moetlug t0 orBanlzo waa who all agreed as to his condition, It
west bound and twelve east bound hol(, at tho labor tom,)lo and tho ,lt. was dotorinined that absolute rest Is
from San Francisco. The planes tcndaI1C0 of thoso d,rccUy interested ossontlal for some time."
wjucn win participate in mis cnuur
unco contest ombrnco practically all
the typos in government service and
was largo. , j
Tho officers elected woro as follows:
By no moans buy your wlntor blan-
I Hnnrv Knhlnr nrniiinn mIh iniain kcts without first scoliig The Loader
i the raco Is camnetltive in its nature. ri
muo.l .,o. h 1 la to and butl er and as flrst plnCB to go to th(J pIlot.who flr3t ninunlck, second vlco-prosl- below tho other stores' prices."
iho nrr nal 'raining schools In Lincoln rflurlftH tim nhioptivn nnii. ,i ,,ir "umuMi m-i-unu wto pasi
county. There are 153 such schools in 1 S U 0 b give: to tho 1? IwnS dnt' ?El MoLaM c"rrcs,0Ild,S " ! , A"r white woman was assaulted
. . I1" al80 U0 b'Veil lO tllO pilot SllOWlllg flnnim n dncrnfnrv I...nnnn1 llnilinnml . liv n nfttrrn In ninnlm WnHnnaitnv l.nt
tho shortest actual Hying time. While PpnqilPor Maa sinoir nr.,ou nrmn. imm, n,u-Un f ni Wnn,i Wj.
tho state.
Most wonderful lino of women's and
saw thc mob in action, but wero not ni,3fieP coais. SU113 "u urosses at;
ablo to distinguish them. Tho owner
of Mio restaurant, who is Bald to have
conducted & very decent place, mo
lested no one, and attended to his
business, announces that ho will not
attempt to re-engago In businss. His
fumituro is a, total loss and ho car
ried no Insurance.
No law-abiding citizen in North
, 1 Platte will excuse or condone this act
in . .....
ui ursuu. mo iaci mai ine proprietor
is a colored man does not make tho
act less heinous than though he w.cre
the pianos will all leave their starting
points on tho same day, it is not prob-
prlcea to fit your purse. The Leader, able that all will reach North Platto
Mercantile Co. on tho same day, as with so nfany ma-
Tho Peters Shoos, nono better, sold chines participating delays duo to en-
only by, Tho Leader Mercantile Co. Our , ty1 ana ouier trouuio may uo ox- bor Union,
big purchase of many months back peeled. The planes will not fly at "
enables us to sell shoes at old prices, intent nor on Sundays and the flight
We lit them all, men, women and chh- each day will bo short. Tho landing
pondenl, Miss Helen Sousor recording ing tho mll'tary patrol In that city.
secretary, Leonard Hobiusou gunrd
ami Frank Dlstel guide.
Tho lodgo was organized by R. C.
CantlHi, .secretary .of the Cohtral Lr.-
-: :o: :-
station east of North Platte will bo
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Vernon, of
Boone, Iowa, former well known rcsl-
aturo during mid-day, and tho Ilrst
killing frost is yet to appear. On the
12th of last April Thc Tribune man
picked his first boquet of hyacinths
from n bed, and he hopes to be able to
pick asters up to October 12th, thus
making a flower blooming season of
six months that almost equals
southern California.
Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phone 148
white. Wo may detest the negro, wo ; dents, liavo been In town for a day
may iook upon mm as a cltlzon not : 6r two vlsltlnir t.hMr nnn ti.ov v v
i gc to Julesburg touay to visit for i
zens wo cannot excuse mob violence Bhort time and then return here to re
in any shape or form, for if we do in ; main for a week or so. x
this caso, those guilty of the act will
be led to believe that we approve of
their lawlessness and this may lead
them to commit oven graver offenses.
Dixon carries nothing but the high-,81' Paul No W and tho flrst point west Mercantii0 Co
est quality of white ivory toilet nr- at suiney- Two ot tho planes are of
tides. tino a""""" Homuing type, which nro
provided with two Liberty engines,
and capable of carrying a ton or
more of bombs;
Colonel Morrow In company with
Mayor Stroltz, L. C. Carroll, N. B.
Buckley and others visited tho land
ing Hold east of tho Lincoln highway
bridge this morning and tho Colonol
pronounced it satisfactory. An of
ficer accompanied by a detail of eight
men of the aviation servlco will ar-
Mbst wonderful lino of woman's and
misses' coats, suits and dresses at
prices to lit your purse. Tho Leader
Kodaks and films at thc Rcxall.
Rev. C. F. Koch and Chas. Llerk go
to Omaha Mo'nday night to attend the
.Lutheran State Synod. Mrs). Koch.
We are certain that a very great ma-1 " " ' , ""u' , ' T rlve ,n town next Mondtty and rcmn,
jorlty of our people condemn tho pro- !llnH ZZ 1 T T ?,r8'tTVV. all the planes have passed. Thoy
Keith, Tonight.
AllRTlll Will frr no dnlarrniAn trs .
ceedlngs of yesterday morning and , mlas-loiiary convenUon and lw .j . ontiy
aro ready to stand up and be counted j wU1 th(J convontIon of ,
ther acts of lawlessness.
Charloy Turner, the colored pprter
at Rebhauscn
a bootlegger, and who Is said to be
responsible for bringing to North
Platto the tougher element of negroes,
left town last night with the expecto
tion never to return. ' Several white
men, who recognized Turner as a
disturbing element, advised him to
Try the Rexall first.
will bo quartered on tho landing field.
As each piano arrives at St. Paul its
arrival will be wired to tho officer in
charge of the North Platto field, and
in this way wo will bo advised ot its
A score or more colored men, worn- approach, and tho samo will annlv as
mauson'a barber shop, who has, 9? and chilUren, left .North Platto, on Ito advices from Sidney aB to the ar
hlmself somewhat notorious as aifferp' jiiis 'hist evenii.g and iasvnvol' of the east boundplanog. ' '
"IB"hch In tt oecime niarmca over , uoionel Morrow stated that none of
t,!tVle lnty-) reports that they would tho planes in the race would Have a
bo l ,toJ' f-it of t-wn by force and speed of less than 100 miles an hour.
concluliit to leao -hlle the goln,;j . ::o: :
swas safe and easy ' Blankets, tho best, at The Leader
Try the Rexall flrst. arerc""te Co.
Tho Modern Woodmen will give a Mrs. C. J. Perkins and Mrs. J. T.
free entertainment at the K. P. hall Murphy will leave Tuesdav niornlnc
Beat Hune at Their Own Game.
The most hateful chapter of tho
work of science In wnr Mas tho In
troduction of chemical warfare. The
flrst gtts attack, on April '22, 11)15, and
the five others that followed within
little more than a month, found the
nllles unprepared, and It was not un
til September that they were able In
nny wny to retaliate. But the Imme
diate reply was one that did honor to
science. Due to tho splendid work of
the late Colonel Harrison n system of
defense by gas masks, was established,
In which the allies were for the greater
part of the war far ahead of their ad
versaries, who only succeeded In com
Ing up to them by lenrnlng and "ony
Ing our methods. II was lmpoMfot to
estimate what would have been the.
destruction caused by toxic gases but
for these defensive measures.
the throe dally papors did not publish
nu account of the crime.
Full elzo bed blankets on salo at
Tho Leador Morcantllo Co.'sxat $2.45,
$2.S)C, $3.45 and up. AVool nap blan
kot3 tit $4.45,, $4.05, $5.45 and up. Our
advice Is buy early. Tho Loader Mer-
CillitllC l.O.
Dbcon carries nothing but tile high
est quality of white Ivory toilet ar
ticles. ' ::o::
Christian Science service Sunday 11
a. m. Wednesday evening meetings
every weak' at 8:00. A cordial invi
tation Is extended to all to attend
these services. Building & Loan build
ing, room 25.
: .o: :
For Snle.
North half of norteast quarter of
Section 30, fl'wp. 15, Rungo 27, Lin
coln county, Nob. Black sandy, loam.
South end of Garfield table. Nine suc
cessive crops. $1,000. Wrlto James
A. Sloto. Hatfield. Ark. 75-3
Waifs of a. Big City'
At every turn the'y confront,
you know the voice of the city?
leave town, and this he consented to
do. tomorrow evening to which the general for York, Neb., as delegates to the
Puppies for sale. Call Black 395. public Is Invited. The program will stato convention of the W. C. T. U.
Rev. Robert White, who recently re-j consist of impersonations and charac-. By no means buy your winter blan-
'rurned from Y. M. C. A. work over- j tor sketches by Chas. A. Drury and i;ot without first seeing Tho Leador
i seas, spent part of yesterday In town motion pictures. No admission will be "Morcantllo Co. Tho best blankets way
Atmosphere and action. Scene of wonderful northern beauty,
action of intense interest, a love story that is new and charming,
a production that js elaborate and appealing.
Two Part Comedy, "HER FIRST KISS
Special Tonight, Sunshine;
comedy, "HER FIRST KISS.'
while enroute to Scotts Bluff. He ex
pects to locate in western Nebraska
or Wyoming as pastor of a church.
Rov. White was formerly a Presbyter
aln minister of this city.
Kodaks and films at the Rexall.
Clinton & Sou' will
tale care of your Eye
Ulass trouble; we guar.
:i tee to give you satis
faction. Sign of the Dig
The Peters Shoes, sold exclusively
by Thi5 Leader Mercantile Co.
The members of the Lutheran choir
aBatstea ny their friends' 111 render a
musical at tho Keith theatre October!
10th. Miss Irma Huffman will be one !
of the chief attractions The procoeo
will bo used in the 'mrchaso of chol
robes, tne procuring of which the
choir has undertaken as Its task. The
tlckeis will be on sale next week.
! below tho other stores' prices.
Rastus' Ambition.
Visitor Rastus Johnson Is very
shiftless, Isn't he?
Sninbo No, suh. Dat man am de
most ambitious nlggah what Is.
Visitor Ambitions?
Sambo Yes, suh. He says he won't
be satisfied until his wife am doln' al
do wu5.blns in town. Life.
Marinello Beauty Parlors
In Connection
Phone 199.
The Style Shop
Marinello Beauty Parlors
In Connection
Phone 199.
- Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday.
New Fall Waists, all sizes
and colors in Crepe De
Chine, Georgette, Satin,
Plain, fancy or combina
. tion effects up to $16.50
values, special at
Regular $1.50 and $1.75
house aprons, all sizes
and patterns, special at
Ladies Fall and Winter
Dress Skirts in the new
fabrics and colors, all
sizes up to 38-inch Waist
measure. Regular
$14.75 values. Special at
etc v r i
dome Bride
Viola Dana
The Dare Devi! Queen
Charlie Chaplin.
Wonderful creations of Silk, Satin, Charmeuse and
Tricolette. Sensible street frocks of Serge and Tricotine.
Combinations of Silk Georgette and lace evening gowns.
Harry Carey
'Ship O'Hoy'
. Billy West.
"The Unknown Love"
Doloccs Cassinelle
E. K. Lincoln
"Elmo the Mighty".
9 '
'."it "i
Speaking of
Fall Footwear
THERE is just as much difference lie
tw.een our JOHN KELLY -shoes for
women and the ordinary kind as there
is between day and night.
Take note of the grace the contour
the sureness of style-design.
As for the quality, the wear, the easy
fitting, you just have to know t that the
shoe is made by JOHN KELLY.
In black, brown, kid, grey or bronze.
E. T. Tramp 8z Sons.