NORTH PLATTK SKMl WEEKLY THIIH'NH. NOW RAISES 600 CHICKENS After Being Relieved of Or ganic Trouble by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Oregon, III." I took Lydia E. Pink oam'b Vegetable Compound for nn or- .gantc troublo which (pulled me down un til 1 could not put my foot to the floor and could scarcely do my work, and as I livo on a small farm and raise six hundred chickens every year it made it very hard for me. "1 saw the Com pound advertised in our paper, and tried it It has restored my health so I can do all my work and I am so grateful that I am recommend ing it to my friends." Mrs. D. M. Ai-teus, R. R. 4, Oregon. 111. Only women whohavo suffered the tor Cures of such troubles and have dragged long from day to day can realize the relief which this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters. Women everywhere in Mrs. Altera' condition should profit by her recom mendation, and if there are any com- S Mentions write Lydia E. Pinkham's ledicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. The result of their 40 years exporienco is at your service. lIllllllllllliMIJIIIIIIIIII An Obsession. The fnvorlto American sport Just now appears to bo noostlng prices. The prices advance whllo you sleep, nnd In tlio morning you nro qulto like ly to And a new schedule awaiting you with a uniform Increase all along the Hue. At least, that's what a Cleveland man believes, nnd lie points In proof to a certain conversation lie claims to have overheard recently In n down town store. Here It Is: Clerk (to proprietor) Isn't It nbout time for us to mark down our shelf worn straw bats? Proprietor (In horror) Mark 'cm down I You mean min k 'cm up. The Cutlcura Toilet Trio ITnvIng cleared your kin keep it clear by making Cutlcura your every-day j toilet preparations. The soap to clcanso nnd purify, tho Ointment to sootho and I heal, tho Talcum to powder and per i fume. No toilet tablo Is complete j without them. 25c everywhere. Adv. i What Arc These Maples? What are these maples and beeches and birches but odds and Idyls and madrigals; what are these pines and firs and spruces but holy hymns? Holmes. No Interest "Iteggle Is very narrow." "Of course; most Hats arc. ton Transcript. -Bos- A Serious Law. "What is the law of gravity?" "That you must not laugh at a Joke." OLD 1 AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Sclenco says that old ago begins with weakened kidneys and digestive organs. This being true, it is ensy to believe that by keeping tho kidneys and diges tive organs cleansed and In proper work ing order old ago can bo deferred and life prolonged far beyond that enjoyed by tho average person. .ft Tor over 200 ycar3 GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the weaknesses and disability due to advanc ing years. It la a standard old-timo homo remedy and needs no introduction. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil is inclosed in odorless, tasteless capsules contain ing about 5 drops each. Take them as you would a pill, with a swallow of water. Tho oil stimulates tho kidney action and enables tho organs to throw oit tue poisons which cause prematura old age. New life and streugtli lncrcaso as you continuo tho treatment. AVhcn completely restored continuo taking a capsule or two each day. GOLD MED AL Haarlem Oil Capsules will keep you in health and vigor and prevent a return of the disease. Do not wait until old ago or discaso bavo settled down for good. At tho first sign that your kidneys are not working properly, go to your druggist and get a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money refunded if they do not help you. Three sizes. But re member to ask for the original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. In sealed packages. PAT EVIDENTLY MADE GOOD News From America Seemed1 to Prove Irishman Had Not Misjudged His Capacity. I'nt FInnegan had left his wife In Ireland nnd gone to America to try his fortune nnd establish a home for , his family in the new World. It was Borne two or three weeks after Pat's departure that bis wife stood In the meager gnrden in front of her home, looking down the road her man had gone, and moodll.v speculating on his success. She wns rudely startled by the harsh voice of Mrs. O'Leary call ing her over the fence. "Have you heard the news from America, Mrs. FInnegan?" "Faith, an' Ol have not." "'Tis In the paper this maruln'. Iteaa it fer ycrsilf. 'America gone dry. Last alcoholic drink sold at mid night, Juno 20.' " Mrs. FInnegan looked doubtful for a minute; then, swelling with pride and casting a triumphant glance at Mrs. O'Leary, she shouted back: "Faith, an' Pat nlways said, give him two weeks an' there was not a country in tho wourld he couldn't drink dry." Life. He's Lucky at That. My youngest boy and I were In a restaurant nnd the waiter asked what we would have. The boy said: "Any thing but ham. and eggs; that's al! I ever get at home." Chicago Tribune. An old bachelor says being pos sessed Is nine points of the Inw with women. Unfortunate Arras. Arras, on the Itlvur Scarpe, was the capital of the Gallic tribe of Atrebates In the time o Cnesar. Later the capi tal of Artols, Arras Is now tho chief city of the department of Pas-de-Cnlals. Since the fourth century Arras has been famed for Its woolen cloth, and particularly for fine tapestry hang ings. Arrns was invaded In 1014, when her grand palace and petit palace were de stroyed by bombs. The grent cathedral was. absolutely shattered, as well as the railway station. Not one house was left Intact. Just one of the former Inhabitants, nn old woman, was left there. Although It teemed with mili tary life, beautiful Arras became a corpse a dead city. His Regrets "No doubt it Is the continual gnaw ing ot your conscience, because of your outrageous profiteering, that prevents you from sleeping!'' we sternly de clared. "Oh, no!" returned the human hog. "What keeps me awake Is tho thought that there Is no wny by which I enn collect a draw-back on the goods I sold for reasonable profits before the pres ent em of high prices." Kansas City Star. , The Imperative. Heck "I understand that your wife Is subject to moods." Peck "Wrong! She hns but one, and I am subject to that." It Is tho people who lack love who find It so hard to forgive. 1 At the Bediming' and the End of the Day There's health and comfort in the truly All-American table beverage The Original FOSTUM Cereal Bid your coffee troubles good-bye by joining the great army who now drink Postum instead of coffee. Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c. Everywhere at Grocers. TREATMENT FOR CANE FRUITS As Soon as Fruiting Season Is Over Old Canes Should Be Pruned Out and Durned. Cnno fruits, Including rnspberrios, blackberries nnd dewberries, growing under normnl conditions, produce strong, vigorous shoots from tho crowns enrly in tho spring, says V. It. Gardner of the University of Missouri college of agriculture. These become the fruiting ennes the following year. When they get to be about two and one-half to throe feet high they should have their terminals pinched back an Inch or two to stlmulnte the formation of lateral or branch shoots. This makes a more compact bush thnt Is less subject to winter injury, nncV thnt, under ordinary ctrcumstances, Is more productive. The cane fruit plan tation should be gone over several times, .pinching back ench time the shoots that have reached u height of two and nnc-hnff or three feet since they were gone over before. The lat erals yshould then be nllowed to grow as long as they will, no heading bnck being afforded them until the begin ning of tho following season, when they may be shortened to a length of 12 to 18 inches. If for nny renson the new shoots of the cane fruits have been allowed to become four to six feet tall without pinching, they should not be headed buck during the summer. Such late heading would be liable to force the production of laterals that would not mature well before winter, and thnt consequently would be more subject to winter Injury. As soon ns the fruiting season is over the old canes that have borne fruit should he pruned out, carried off tho patch or field nnd burned. Many growers neglect to remove these old enncs until the following spring; but it Is importnnt that they he removed promptly. If left during the summer nnd fnll months, they harbor Insects and dlscnses that spread to the new growth, decrease the next year's crop nnd shorten the life of the plantation. As n matter of fact, the best and most effective way to deal with the Insect nnd disease problem in tho cane fruit plantation Is to cut out nnd burn tho old canes Immediately after each fruit ing senson. They hnve to be removed mm A Field of Empire Red Raspberries Trained to a Single Wire Trellis, Under the Linear System. anyway nnd, It Is no more expensive or troublesome to remove them then than later. When this plan Is followed spraying seldom need be resorted to foi the cane fruits. Commercial plnntlngs of the cane fruits should receive thorough culti vation throughout the growing season. In the case of small home plantings, heavy mulching with straw, leaves, corn stalks, lawn clippings, etc., may take the place of cultivation. This helps keep down weeds, conserves the moisture, keeps the soli cool during the hot summer months and otherwise pro motes tho health and growth of the plants. CHEAP FORM OF INSURANCE Appropriate Music. "Cnn't you play something else than that everlasting 'March' from 'Lohen grin' nt my wedding?" asked tho sev eral times grass widow, who was ar ranging for another of her mntrl monlnl events. "Certainly, mndam," responded tho courteous orgnnlst,, And ns the bridal cortege wended Its wny down tho aisle the church shook to the thundering forth of tjmt popular clnsslc: "Over and Over Again I" Kxchnngo. A Compliment. Simon Wolf, the Jewish leader, Is eighty-two years old, and he Is a great friend of Chauncey Depew, who has just turned eighty-five. On the dny that Depew was eighty-live Wolf sent him n telegram saying. "You are thteo years my senior in years and fifty years my senior In Intellect." Which Is a rather neat compliment. Value of Orchard Is Greatly Increased by Spraying Cost Is Compara tively Small. Although spraying Is one of tho most expensive of orchard operations, the value of the crop Is so greatly In creased thereby, that It Is n compara tively small Investment, tho expense amounting to merely a fraction of re turns directly due thereto. Orchard spraying Is very chcup form of Insurance. PROVIDE VARIETY OF FRUITS Sufficient Supply Can Be Produced in home Orchards Throughout Large Part of Year. A sufllclcnt rango In variety of fruits can bo produced in home or chards throughout a large portion of the country to provide a supply In the fresh state for the table during a large part of tho year and for canning nnd otherwise conserving for use as desired. Instead of seeing snakes nnd other reptiles, tho bibulous tramp sees axes and wood saws. When n married woman sits for a portrait her husband has a stand for It. likffih-Krt Contents 15PluidDrapfr Two Fast Talkers. Oklahoum produces two of the fast est talkers In the national house of representatives. The expert oillclal ste nograph rs of tho lower body sav that Representatives Scott nnd Ferrlp -md Charley Carter the latter with a trace of Indian blood In his veins enn spin out words faster thnn possibly any body else In public life. Their diction and enunciation nro good, however, and they are easier to report steno graphically than a slow-talking spenk er who gets his sentences all "balled up" and hns not termlnnl fncllltles when he gets Involved with nouns, ad jectives, verbs nnd ndverhs. The fel low who starts a sentence nnd never puts a verb in It Is the pest of repor torlol experience. When a Colt Is a Steer. A clerk of the Urltish war trade de partment, answering an applicant for permission to export n pedigreed colt to South Africa, asked: "State If the colt Is a shorthorn steer." Photographs of the letter have been circulated by the applicant. Never fear to bring the subllmest comfort to the smallest trouble. Back Given Out? Housework ia too bard for . woman who it half lick, nervous and alwaya tired. But it keeps piling up, and give wwlc kldneya no timo to recover. If your back it lame and aJy and your kidneyg irregular; if you have "blue tpclli," tick headaches, nervousness, dizziness nnd rheumatic pains, use Doan'a Kidney PiXU. Thev have done wonders for thousands of worn out women. A Nebraska Case Mrs. Frank l'lkas- lov. .2036 P St., Lif -coin, Nob., says: "I pwyAWtor' StorT was in awful ouapo from Inflammation ot tho bladder. I lay flat on my back for a week with terrible agony in the small ot It. My kidneys acted irregularly and annoyed mo greatly. I could hardly re frain from scream ing. My feet swelled twice their natural nlzo and v 6 r 1 1 g o nnnltn hnrl mn nnnrlv crazy. Three boxes of Uoan's Kidney l'Uia entirely cured me or tno lnnam matlon of the bladder and backache. Tho dizziness wont away and tho swelling went down." Get Do.n'i at Any Store, 00c Bo DOAN'S 'VfJifs FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. I IflsHW Children Cry For iig'.ri in n " i rnnnr.-.l PER GENT. 1 AicfablcIYcpyaj $j IJnilthcStomadisawlBrfj m Lnccna nesstuiv !" - 1 ncrmcrOnltim,MorpWncnor Mineral. NoTTJAbou w I him S"" ft f.lnf1Pfmedvbr Constipation and Diarrhoea ana rcvcrisnnw Yni-c P resitting uAercfrCTnjnjrfaMy: racimitcS:jnat,rf TfflSCESTAtmUOHPMi" TMTTVV "YOK What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant uso for tho relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying-Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS pBcars the Signature of j4 Exact Copy of Wrapper. Girdles of Braided Fabric. On the long overldouses silk cords or ropes of braided fabric are the fa vorite girdles. In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMK OINTAUH COMPANY, NW YORK OITV. Give every one a square deal. Theodore Roosevelt. Jf George Washington never told a lie, we'll bet tie didn't make fishing a hobby. The average man doesn't kntw his poor relntlons and ills rich ones don't know him. None. "lias Mrs. Nexdore any grandcbJV drcn?" "No; they are all perfect Imps." No man who listens to doubt will da wbnt bo Intended. riorbcrt Kaufman, OOD IDEA! Open your LuckyStrikepack age this way tear off part of the top only. Protects the Lucky Strike cigarette a cigarette made of that delicious real Bur ley tobacco. It's toasted. Ql Guaranteed by