4 '"in1 DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Gradnate Denti&l ' over tht1 McDonn'd State Bunk. "GOLmVOKTHYT TkOtS MILE ON LOCAL TRACK IN 2:1:1 I Kilts mincy, Twesieni 4DrnKas Auonuanu tu ma county inir iri Cobus , Block, bf Cothftnburit, prcmifcr auto driver, ngalu cleaned the day Haw "Goldyorlhy," a throoiyaar- ! Mrs. Oestrelch, of Herihey. spent JtUILUY CLKAX3 TIIK PLATTKU I Friday with friends In town. j Puppioa forTfalo. Cull Black. 805. Mr, visited friends ,ln town Frlduy A'V THK AUTO.MOIULK KACI..S Rhiiiy, , j , tJtil TVmfa rym, tvilU Uiu Ik (in uronuj n in iviiuui j well" , ncHiur; vjt t utitv ju .t.io itl tic nun iiig (tviv i v v 1 v , tuut mui ti Hi aw vjiv m i rl Mnnnn nmtnnl.ln til 1 n tlin, 1 4 O W a U j g ,Bl nn(j jWeepgtft,.f,i Jnrgen Adon, of Gothenburg, wat a cleaning up $100 on the track rccoru LOCAL A1 TEItSOXAL huslnoss visitor In town Friday. Wnnted- nrlco. Louis $G00 on the North Platte Special trot. The youngster was not permitted, how.n-, er, to go his gnlt In the succeeding hettts, nnd Tip Frisco took three of, 212 -Liberty bonds at market .N.000 the i" nnd ?46 ,n, th? flv ,ft?J?u 2 : 20,.(2,7f , .2..;2i' . 3Uls Linsliitz. r'10 bandlcap race. ! In tho 2:12 paco "Whltefoot" lost ' " I All ttrlm linvn 1 tinuarwl TMill'.i Mm ' Oral" linnf ntwl tttnn nlr Mirrtu Try tho Roxall first. I Dr. Voorhecs Lucas returned Friday driving admit that ho is courngonVs straights in 2:13, 2:13V4 nnd- 2:11. Vnv qntnTrnrll .lollvArv cur Phono i fr0,n a ton dny auto tr,p t0 Clieycni'e and offlclont and thut ho keeps his car' Inthe 2:22 paco Emily Axey tooK ovor a clean racer, a gentlemanly man, and . has thousands of admirers' anions auto race cnthuisasts but If tho ru- Dlxon & Son, sllit specialists. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Office Wilcox r-epurtroent Store. L.C. Craig, of Ingham, transacted' Mp ,, Mra ril. nnnitn nf Tll, race enmu sasis- i,i,ainoUa in n.n, Sntnr.i.iv. "V . ' " lure races are 10 ue held in North 2:1G4 and 2:lSVfc Friday's events closed with a sev-en-olghths mile rash, a flve-olghths dash and a one and ono-half mile re Wanted Some one to wash whi- with friends In town Springs, visited over the week end pintto tho management must see to It lay. Tho first was made In 1:30 and dows and woodwork. Phono 1C4. 76-1 Dr. Thos. D. IJoler, of Omnha, spent Sunday and Monday visiting friends In town. Painting and Paper Hanging. II. II. Landgraf, Phono Jtlack J70. Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Goyor, of Big Springs, visited friends in town Sat urday. For Sale Small safe. Can bo seen at office of J, B. Evans. 70tf John Thornton, of Gering, was u week end guest at tho Mosc McFar land home. Wanted Orders for potatoes. Will deliver about October first. Write or phono John Brosc. 74-2 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jncobson, of Ldxington, spent Sunday at the Lctli Jncobson home. I. N. Dressier, of Brule, was in tdwn Saturday transacting business and attending the fair. Kodaks' and films at tho Rexall. Mrs E. F. Sccberger left Saturdny night for a visit with Mrs. Donald Goodwill at Minden, La. Cameo pinB, you will be delighted , 'on to 'look over Dixon's very extensive slock. ?4.00 to $G0.00. Ed Stoftrcgan has rented window Hpacc in tho Fratcr drug store and will open a watch repairing shop. , Henry Brogan and children, of fcoy stono, spent tho woek end with Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. Kodaks and films at the Rexall. that other drivers of Rhlley's ability 'tho second in 1:04. Time was not an- aro secured. While evorybody llk's nounced on tho relay. Ithlley, likes his style of driving and This closed three days' racing on aro willing for him to take the monry.lone of the best, if not the host, track in the state by horses that wore far thorn in a cnncrnl demand tlmt hiri cuiujiuijiui D nun it iiuiuui itu ' , Ernest McFadden has purchased competitors who can at least at tima of George Eddy the rosidence proper- take tho pole from him. There Is not ty at 003 west Eighth street. much excitement in three or four ens following each other round nnd rovnU Dressmaking and all kinds of sow ing done at COO west B. Phone " "T" V V " "..""7! uiacK jbj. -onous, especially in a 25-miIo race; John 'JNoill, at Omnna, was tho and but little enthusiasm Is nrousod. guest of his cousin Jack Stack the If, on tho other hand, tho drivers oc- lattcr part of last weok. - i casionally changed positions in the tw nnvnti race, if one shot ahead of tho other, Try tho Roxall first. j thcn logt aga,n t0 the onc ho ha( bes. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoo Zlmmor came cd, tho grandstand Would rock with down from Sidney Saturday i,o visit yells and enthusiasm. We believe that friends and attend the auto races. Tribune readers will agrco with the auovo SMuemcms. The results of Saturday's ovonts were as follows: t Midget race, Ave miles, won by B. E. Freol, of Brady in 7:32. Track rcord, ono mile, won by Rhlley In 1:054; Breed going In 1:08 and Ruenker In 1:09. In tho North Platte Special Rhlley took all three heats of live miles each, the first in 5:52 the second in 5:45 and tho third in 5:45. In tho third heat of this raco Ruenker met with an ac cident, a broken splndlo causing hl3 car to no over and he suffered a brok- P. J. Norton camo up from Grand en wrist and three fractured ribs. Island Saturday to spend tho day with Wehn of Bridgeport took the first nis parents, Mr. ana Mrs. v. a. Nor- iient of tho Lincoln county live mile ton. special In G:15, and Ma,ls, of Salina. Kan., the second heat In 5:4G. In tho five mile Platte Valley race, Ben Ross of Forks won In 7:29. I Rhlley woh the 25-mllo sweep stakes In 28:31 finishing a half lap ahead of Bullock and with Breed coui- Earl Stamn left this mornlnc for fnc In third. Salt Lake where ho has accented In tho handicap raco BullocK, who In nrulilnvi nit tt.ntm1lr.fr nudity, fst. rl-t.i Wnu fMVnti tlm Innfrnot Infill WnrV Wl! 11 , ; t1 UlllllUtl i.u 11 4 Tf. 111(3 UUUktUL lUi 111V " n .w.nuv au, u... ...... to wuom aro you going to sou your Oregon Short Lino. Breed second and Rhlley third. Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer-i , , , , , 1 cantuo ijo. win oner tue mgncsi', , v . prices. , G4tf , lomo1" Me":oa yftfordllL ra h , . nil, 1411U 1,1119. II, 11, .Jlllllll better than any ever beforo seen in Nortli Platte, and this feature was certainly a pronounced success. Horsemen who were here were highly pleased witli general condl- GoodmanhBnckley Trasl Col 111 Gust Front. SOUTH PLATTE, JiEIl. Plione o REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OF STOCKS, ATTORNEY-IN-FACT, RECEIVER, ASSIGNEE, TRUSTEE, GUARDIAN, ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES, EXECUTOR OF WILLS. Insurance department safe deposit department bond department OFFICERS: E. R. GOODMAN, President. N. E. BUCKLEY, Secy.-Trcas. tho track with tho leader maintaining tions and csplclally the fine track. They were of the opinion that the result of last week's races will ad vertise tho North Platte track and aid In securing for the 1920 fair even better horses than were hore last week. ' Judge Hoagland will return today from Thedford whero ho was called Saturday evening on legal businoss. Dixon's grind their own lenses. Mrs. W. H. McDonald and daughter Janet returned tho latter part of laat week from a visit In San Diego, Cal. , Judge and Mrs. J. S. Hoagland re turned Saturday from Columbus, Ohio, whero tho attended the G. A. R. reun- Try tho Rexall first. Mrs. Harmon Chambers and son Bob, of Keystone, spent Saturday v 1th her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Valuable little books on Blackleg andtho different serums, and how to administer samo, for freo distribution, Dr. Prltchard, Distributor. 72-8 r.nnto A. E. Bell, who recently sold tho Dixon's grind tliclr own lenses. liberty Inn, will enter v-r Insurance field as solicitor for the Fidelity com pany. CITY AJJD COUNTY NEWS. Tho Catholic ladies' will serve Ice. for several days :o: : Failed to Ghe Credit. In tho Tribune's article telling of tho arrest of Darling,, the negro mur derer, credit should have been given to Chief Mccomber and U. P. Dcctectivc Galycan for apprehending Darling. Ev ery available clue had been run down, prior to Darling's apprehension, and these two officers concluded that a search of tho negro quarters on cant Front street was the last resort. There a crap game was raided, flye negroes arrested and at tho last moment a trunk In ono of the rooms was broken Into and the automatic revolver found which Darling had used and subse quently gave to another negro. With this evidence In hand, a search for Darling was made, be was found and jailed and his confession followed. Chief Mecomber and Detective Gal- Plcnty of Sugar for State Over seventy-nine thousand bags of sugar, of ono hundred pounds each, aro enroute to Nebraska, it Is an nounced by, tho United States sugar board It is claimed that this ship ment was delayed because of a strike fot stcvedors and a scarcity of cars. There are nearly two million pounds of sugar ordered for this state from western nnd southern points, In ad dition to the enormous shipments tied up in the east. It Is annonced that this shipment of sugar will go for ward shortly and thus relieve tho shortage which now cvalls over the country. Mr. Land Buyer. We are prepared to supply your ev ery nood; from tho small eighty acre farm to tho twenty thousand acre well Improved ranch HEKSIIEY (From Tho Times.) Lolgh Eyerly returned homo Friday for overseas. Lolgh Is looking fine after his severe scigo of Influenza, and mighty glad to get home. .Ivan Shinkle returned homo. Wed nesday from overseas duty. Ivan says he was but twonty-two days In get ting home from the time he loft Cob lenz, Germany. He is tho last of the Hershey boys in the service. Burglars tried to enter O. H. Eycr ly's homo last Saturday night, but tycre frightened away when Mr. Ev erly fired his revolver a couple times. - We understand the switch has ar rived for the spur from the main line out to tho factory site. Appears as though it wore time for the Hershey people to wake up. Now that all tho boys are back from Our holdings are in Nebraska, Colo rado, Wyoming and South Dakota. We service, It Is high time that Hershey own and control many thousands of acres in this territory. This land cost double what it did four years ago. LISTEN MEN It is due for the sec ond dpublo in tho very near future. Tho people aro going to the middle west to found a homo for. themselves. yean were also present at and tooIvi realizing that their children 'cannot wake up arid give a "real home com ing." Other towns are honoring the boys, and we certainly hold our boys as being among the best. They are en titled to a real celebration. ::o:: James Mullen of Hastings', spent cream, cako and coffee In, the basn-, 0,.,1115 nr yesterday with his sister, Mrs. Tim mont of tho .parochial school at four "' , ,.. u. ,, " Han fin. ,. m, '.1 .1 . all Wool MlHBns at JG.fiO. Indies 7.50. 1 - - .. uur..w,.. lgco Frcctlnmn at t'h8 pa,ace fiolel Mrs W. H C. woodhurst ns ac- Now Flvo Room Houso and four rphnnn a. , coptod a position at tho Wh ttaker lots for sale: 1720 cast Fourth street. ... 1 millinery, shop Seo L. D. McFnrland, 2005 cast' , MV- "na uao; "oinpson came , ,Mra. a. McVlcker went to Lexington Fourth Street. 71-5p "ow" lr,om nuppuu rriuny l0 aponr Slmdtly t0 Epcnd a C0UI,ie of ,iaya witU .... . bo week end with tho former's pai' mi'bs Mahol McVlcker r Morlo Maupin nnd Rayomud Oglor 0nts Mr and Mrs. ,Fred Thompson. -M"? ' McvleKCf 'students at tho state-university, spent SIirllt snp-iniiuts lllvon & Sim . .S,,mon ?ro,?at retu,rned Sunday to tho week end in town vlsttlnp rem-' s MictliUlsts, "Ixon hiB homo In Paxton after a short visit Hives and attndleng the races. ' ' Mf,8- G- ? P,1,08"1,1"! :ntl1 Mr3- G W- at tho Mrs- Joh'1 Murphy home. rr,, , ,, ai,i Qn.iv nf i,.na fS11- ,,,,tt,. to For Sale-Hard Coal burner in good The Ladies! Aid Society of the Pros- Chappell Friday to spend a few days rmHMmi rail nod -u 7R-ln bytorlan church will meet In tho with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thompson. . C" ";, ,"..,,,. I P church parlors Thursday afternoon,, . . . . 4 ,. .,' Mss Elizabeth Hanlon left for Oma ontbrtained by Mcsdnmos M. Johnston,' . Fred. Wolngand returned Saturday ha yesterday to visit her sister and to nimmli'prliiln nnd unmU i to ll,B llomo 1,1 Omulm after a short attend tho Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. T " i visit hero with his lirothor C. O. Wcin- I Gothenburg 3II1I Hums The entire milliner plant belonclnc part in tho Inquisitorial given Darling1 have another opportunity to acquire, to tho Platte Valley Milling company and which resulted in the negro's con-j the best of soil at a price soon to be a I of Gothenburg burned to tho ground fesslon. tiling or tne past, we do not want Friday night. Tho loss included the ::o:: you to take our word for it. Corns, power plant, office, mill and elevator Now Addition on Sale Tomorrow. and see us, or address your communi-i filled with 85,000 bushels of wheat. Lots in the Flynn' addition, owned cation the ! Tho cause of the fire is unknown, but by Keith Neville and located in the' ROBERTS BROS. LAND CO., it started under the floor In tho bran east end of tho Fourth ward will go on j74tf North Platte, Neb. room. The loss totaled about $200,- sulo tomorrow at the office of Gene . ::o,:: ... , d00- and ls Partly covered by insur- Crook, on Front street. Tho lots! ' hstrayed tattle- , ance. A strong southeast wind kept rarigo In price from ?195 to $335 each.' Essayed from the pasture on the the rest of the town, In danger for ...in. .. i. i ifa .1 i ' former G. P. Howard ranch. plcM somn Hmp mill u uuaii puymeiii ui $ou uuwn una i . , , , . ... $10 per month and no Interest. Ten ftccrs brandetl JJ on right hip. Re-; per cent off for cash. These reason- " 1" ue piUU . "ormauo:i ablo prices and favorable terms leaulng to recovery of cattle. mnlrns t nnctnltilo fnr nlmnst nvprv nnn J. UwH to secure a lot on which to build a home. In the Neville -sub-dlvislon, located In tho same neighborhood, and which has been' on the market for about a weok twenty-six blocks had been sold up to yesterday. ::u;: ' : :o: : i 75-2 Phone 797F031 Low Prices in California. In an advertisement appearing in tho San Diego (Cal.) Daily Union of September 20th, It Is stated "that ow ing to large arrivals of hogs from Omaha, Nebraska, tho following de cline In cuts will he made: Fine pork ronsts 30 pnntK n tionnil nnrlr rIpiIIc n t i -,n..... 1P1 , ' 'v Wllo tho Interior work is not alto- cand and RiRtn.r m. a. it. sstamn. '".. i1 '' cents a pound." Funny, isn't it that ffiJViil Jdo Grimes returned to Ogalalla eral weeks visiting with her sister. ioa grocery as an auto show room. Tho yterday to complete tho term of d s i. t ..i.. i.., ' trlct court. Ho was accomnanlod bv ruuia huh uuun irunuiy uuuuruiuu, cuu tor post roJoved and an office nnd ac cessory room flttol up In tho rear. Tho Trlbuno will begin a serial pub lication next Friday genorally known as tho delinquent tax list. Under a trlct court. Ho was accompanied by Attorneys Halllgan, Hoagland nnd Crosby. Donald Newton, a studont at tho state university, came up from Lin coln Saturday nnd drovo back Sunday D I A tM O N D S spells both quality and reasonable prices at Dixon's. J. B. Bailey, the now station agent, roturncd yesterday from Oshkosb whore he had boon called by tho ill ness of his wife. For Sale Extra good quarter sec tion 5 miles from North Platte. Also now law not only the. description of ,Foril Car wllic1 110 w111 "ae wh,lc ln Min Inrwl n iwl.lol, tl,n hv lino .ir.f l.nno I 1-ilIlCOHl. paid is given, but also tho name of the; Tho Gothenburg band, which is an stacked hay, corn In Hold and forage, dwner of tho land. j excellent musical organization), ns- Phono 79GF4. ; :o: : 'Clinton & Son' will take care of your Eye Glass trouble: we guar- j anteo to give you satis faction See 'Clinton & Son' about your Eye troubles, satisfaction every time. Sign of the Big Ring. Ring. t For Sale. North half of norteast quarter of Rnnllnn SO Til'n 1 K TJnnn-n 97 Tin. Sign of tho Big coln county, Neb. Black sandy,' loam. South end of Garfield table. Nine suo- msnin; uio, f i,uuu, iviim uuiiica A. Sloto," Hatfield, Ark. 75-3 Blackleg Season. 3,000 closes Blackleg Germ Free Ag- gresslon, per dose 25c. Ono dose will Notlco to Creditors Imunize that calf for life. Also syrlng- Estate No. 1G89 of Mary Voselpka, de es and needles for sale. Dr. Prltchard,' ceased, In the County Court of L!n Distrlbutor. 72-8 coin County, Nebraska, o:: Thn Rtntf nf N'ehrnHkn ProiHt- Eldor Joo Johnson, a rogularly or I slstod tho North Platto band in fur- Mr. and Mrs. Verno Manr and chil dained colored minister who camo 1 musio ui. uiu ouniy mir rn- ruu u.o -v,b"lu,H, r . : hero from St. Louis last week, will , uu unu '"' ay, oi., iukviiik hold services ench evening tills weak, Do y,ou need underwear, sweaters, pn' , . ' at tho Pentecostal tout on west Ninth nmcklnaws, ilannol shirts, blankets, RAINCOATS Made to measure, street. Tho public generally ls in-' raincoats, etc. Seo Frccdman at tho Ovorcoat and raincoat in one. From vlted to nttend thoso rovlvnl moot-1 Pnlaco Hotel (Phono 4G.) It will pay 9-00 uu- Sco Freedman at tho Pip ings, j you. Nono bettor for quality. aco Holel (Phono 4G.) Lucion Smith roturiuid to Julesburg! Mrs. John McGraw returned Friday S'''t Specialists, Dixon & Son. yesterday after a short visit ln town. ' from Elsie, whore sho attended the n"8 ,H the week r the district fair Untold us that G10 acres of thn ' fnnnmi nf iUr Dnvidsnn nn.i miu at Maywood, and if tho weather Is fa- land ho had in what avonmed Hrlttaln. Tho fonnor was a verv close vorablo me ny from North Platto will twority-olght bushols per aero, an- friend of Mrs. McGraw In their girl- attend tho latter part of the week, othor 640 yielded twonty-slx nnd a' hood days, I Tho Lexington Pioneer records the fractional section about thirty. Ho isi TI n , . ., .. , 'marriage in that city on September shipping the greator part of tho wheat . M' lu uoufla8 11119 btQl 118 fosl I9th of Roll Do Voro Morton Davidson from Venango 'lenco Proportjt on wost Sixth street of No t, p, tt to No, s u f Lex. I to onglneer John HUlobrand for a incon Chlof Mcombor and his forco raided consideration of $5,G00. Mr. and Mrs : ' . tho Atlas roominc Iioubo on north Lo-! nniurina nvnont. in mnvn tn PnrMimd l!" J- i'-fltnos ,wuo nail upon taking cust'strcet Friday ovonlnK and placed! inn short tlmn to mnko thnlr homo. , treatment at a local hospital, was m moved to his homo at Wallaco last Hlcks-Stllloy.-Andrdws Salo of Reg- week. Ills condition is said to be lstorod Short Horn Cattlo at tho salo somewhat Improved, pavilion Irnam. Nob Wednesday I p Sale or Trndo t ,lnrBaIn October 29th Eight bulls , 37 cows, 25 2S0 no of d ,ftnt, hnppovod l00 cows with calves by side. Wr to A. O llcro8 broko. p08BOSSlon noW foP Hicks, arnam, Nob.,, for . catalogue, tf whoat 8outu of Gorlngi Neb In. At tho monthly meeting of tho Mu- qulro at 1005 north Locust St. 75-2 tual Building nnd Loan Association ' For Salo Range and soft coal heat dlroctors Friday ovonlng loans on city or. Phono Red 1017. 75-2 proporty aggregating nearly ninety Walter Sullivan, who for tho past thousand dollars woro approved and , two months has boon visiting his un allowcd. A good part of thoso iclo, P. H. Sullivan, went to Denver loans were mado on houses that have yesterday for a short visit with his boon completed in tho laBt thirty days, cousin, Mrs. Guy Chamborlain. Seo "Clinton & Son' uixon's diamond Btock will com nbout your Eyos and Paro with any city stock. satisfied. Sign of h EiisIkii Campbell of the shin Cal- , lao, visited botweon trains Saturday tWMHHHHWWMWWHHHWHMHUHmtHHHHHHHHUHUHHHUUHUI,UUUUUl , . ... 'k W llO rPCOIltly TO" .M.............v.v..-.v.'.v.v.v.v.;v..vv..'.v.v,:v.,:K::t;w:KK celved his discharge from tho samo it CarUrl rhw nrlr Pntfn ship. Ensign Campbell had Just re- J.i )i : J: it X under nrrost Oscur Jonos and his wlfo Violet, Hazel Andorson and Roy Good win, tho lntter a rosldont of McPher sqn county. Tlioy were taken to Jail, but' lator released on a bond of $50 each and will havo a hearing this week.- N. E. Buckley has begun tho oreo tlon.of a six apnrtmont terraco at the corner of First and Ash stroots. Tho fbrrac6, will bo ono-story stucco, at tractive in appearance and each apartment will havo flvo rooms nnd bath; Realizing tho demand for liouse8, Mr. Buckley concluded ho would do his sharo in helping to house tho people. It ls hoped to havo tho torraco completed boforo tho first of the. year, tho Big Ring. U 'colved his discharge and was onrouto T i. i dl ac in ma uoino in an i-ranc sco. rnoneus your soraer tor your stroot . - - Car load choice sacked Potatoes will be here .about October 1st. .winter supply of from five to twenty-five bushels. 8.ffoSto L We will deliver them in North Platte to your home I'KSJSilJ'K V l i i fi on ill f: l' oxcess of ono hundred thousand ,W , sacked at J1.8U per bushel. it dollars and that a little ovor a mllo The Leypoldt & Pennington Co. PHONE 99 or 206. it. . J.t 'of pavomont had boon laid. it i.t it U -::o::- Nebraska hogs aro shipped to south ern California, butchered and sold at retail a ta less price than here In North Platto whero wo ship out thousands of head. :o: : Commends Rot. White. Rov. R. H. White, former Presby terian minister in this city, recently returned from overseas where for a year ho was in the Y. M. C. A service. Ho was hut secretary with tho First division at Argonno, assistant secre tary at Base Section No. 2 at Rowcji, and hut secretary In tho LeMaug area. In a letter to M. E. Crosby, H. C. Car roll, of tho national war work council says: "Wo greatly appreciated Mr. Whlto's work, and y.ou will be glad to learn that ho made good." : :o: : Driver Ituonker Injured. C. S. Ruenker, of Grand Island, one of tho drivers in tho nto races Satur day, Is In a local hospital suffering from three fractured ribs and a brok en wrist. These injuries wore re ceived during tho second heat of the North Platto Special race when a spln dlo on Ruonkor's car broko and he was dltcbed. Ho was picked up and con voyed to tho hospital ln an ambulnnce and his injurlos glvon tho proper at tention. : :o: : Was 'IVd Drenmingl Tho Wnllaco Winnor says: Tod Funk returned from Omaha Tuosday. While In North Pintto early that morning ho was stopped by three masked men and covorod with their cuns. They quickly ascertained ho was not the man whom they were after and did not bother him. Ted learned later In tho morning that U. P. Conductor Mnssey who had come in on train No. 15 a llttlo after mid night, as ho hnd done, wns found mur dered. Winter Apples For Sal Good winter apples for salo at the former Dillon ranch four miles west and two miles north of North Platto on Lincoln Highway. Price $1.00 per bushel, or 75c por bushol If you pick them. Como Sunday or any othor day. GEORGE STEWART. Phono 780F022. ' : :o: : llrs. Nulinffoy Acquitted Mrs. Maud Mahaffoy, charged with shooting and killing hor husband, a ranchman living north of Ogalalla sov'eral months ago, was acquitted by tho district court Jury at Ogalalla Sat urday. Tho defonso made tho ploa of insnnity nnd "tho Jury accopted tho evldoncc- and roturncd a verdict ln ac ror naie I ors of said estate will cako notice Lots In Ottonsteln's Grove, Block 3 that the time limited for the presenta Mlller Addition; sidewalk, gas audition and filing of claims against said sowor in. Call at residence 311 west estate is January 31, 1920, and for Third street Phono 258. 73tf! settlement of said estate ls Sentombor --::o:: 2fi. 1920: that. I will sit. nt. Mm rnnntr court room in said county, on be- Stock for Sale. On account of having to move soon,! tober 31, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m and I offor for salo five head of milch ; on January 31 1920, at 9 o'clock a. cows, nino head of stock cattle, one m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, Shetland pony colt, thirteen head of or adjust all claims and obje tions hogs and four dozen Buff Orpington duly fl'cd. chickens. C. A. MOORE, (Seal ) WM. II C. AVOODHURST, 72tf 215 west Twelfth St s30ol7 County Judge. QThe White MAZDA Lamp Roaches and llcdbuirs. Exterminated with ono annllcatloa rov,'nncn therewith or P. i, ', Vw Powdrr North Platt, - n-- i'g'-nt, A W Hoiir Ph' t, ii, ck':l n f: n, sk-M sr-Tli'M. Kind to the Eyes The comfortable, pleasing light from this ney lamp, so kind to the eyes, appeals to everyone. It makes you feel at ease wherever they .rc. More than that, the interior attractiveness of any store, office or home will immediately be improved by this new EDSSON MAZDA LAMP It adds the finishing touch to interior decoration. Made in a china-white, tipless buo, 50 watjscoly, and can be used in any existing socket or 7::. :tnro where you now have clear lamps of 40, 50 or 60 watts. Gives a satisfying, glareless light soft in its brilliancy. There is no comparison with any otherlasap ' you have ever known. See it lighted today. North Platte U$t and Power Co.