Scmt-lfekly (tribune. IRA h It A UK, Editor anil PujillslioT SUBSCRIPTION UATE8! Olio l'cur li) Mull, In nilTitncc. ,$1.75 One Ycnr by Carrier, In advance, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco as Second Claas Matter. Fill DAY, SEPTEJIllER 2G, 1010. COJnilSSlONKItS PKOCEEDINGS m Soptombor 22, 1919. Hoard met imrsuunt to adjourn ment, irosont Commissioners Koch,' Harmlnghauson und Springer, when tlio following business wus transact od: Jolm Rltncr, bridge work, $150.00. John Schrhm, rond work, $91.00. Nebraska Culvert Co., culvert, $01. Sundry persons, roud work, $150.r,0 Sundry parsons, river work, $227.00. Sundry persons, rond work, $208.00. Joo McConnell, rond work, $10.50. . J. F. Snyder, dragging, $2G.B0. C. E Brownoll, use of hall, $0.00. , Win. Johnson, brldgo work", $151.60. ,. J. S. Stopper, repairs on grader, ifco.oo. O Duokworth, road work, 9.50. Clyde McKain, road work, $7.B0. Carl Fletcher, dragging. $40.fi0. J. Fv Snyder, road work, $100.00. Jawo Long, road work, $30.00. O. II. Sholty, blade man, $05.00. Clyde McKain, road wrk, $15.00. Josso Long, dragging, $7.50. '"Wm. Anthony, road work, $30.00. : .W. D. Waldo, grndo work, $101.01. J. H. McConnell, road work, $18.75. Snn'dry poraons, road work, $114.00, W. T. Elliott, river work, $105.00. Dalo Smith, road work, $14.00. Wm. Loypoldt, road work, $31.70. L. 13. Gordon, grader work, $10.00. Adnm SoiihcI, delivering ballot, $100.00. Sundry persons, surveying. $100 50 E. P. Van Metro, road work, $8.00. Fred Snnds. road work, $27.00. B. Teal, road work, $30.00. . J. I), Tollllon, road work, $15.00 Mohji Mulrhcad, road work, $13.50. , J. W.ijtoso, dragging, $G7.50: Allnirt Durbln, damage on cars, $tti.W. H. V. Woodgnte appointed overseer Bllt. No. XI. Adjourned to Sept. 29, 1919. -Blvhio Services nt Episcopal Church. imp; la SPANISH "FLU" IS Al OLD ENEMY IN A NEW NAME. DRS- STATES THE CHIROPRACTORS It used to be a bud cold v.ftti fever, then it came over from France with a new name, L.i Grippe, and swept the country. It stayed so long that we trimmed it down to one short word, Grip. Then it started In China and coming west by the way of Spain landed with a new label, "Spanish Influenza." It's the same old enemy ami .here-is no occasion for panic- -just care. Keep the bowels active avoid devitalized air. Don't allow yourself to be come clogged up. full of cold and fever. Every ounce of the invigorating power of the body comes from spinal nerves there is no other way for the power that is in the. brain to reach the body. Spinal adjustments clear the way for free passage of nervous power. They wipe out weakness and bring hi health. FREE Call for a free consul tation. Results in acute cases come quickly after spinal nerves are freed. DRS. STATES & STATES The 1 S. C. Chiropractors, lliilldlng and Loan llnllding DR. L. J. KRAl'SE, DENTIST MaDonald Bank Bldg. t . Phono 9?Y ATTENTION Auto North Platte, Nebraska. ADJCSTJIKNTS Are given with cl qntlfic precision in nil diseases ulfcctlng the following or gana: . j' Brulu Ejes " Ears t. ; Nose . ., Throat Anns x Heart Lungs Lher Stomacli Pancreas ' ' Splwii Kldiicj s Small Bonol Large Bowel (lonilnl Oitrans Thitrlts .niuf Legs Drivers, Bicycle nnd- Motor- cycle aiders. ! 1. You must not exceed n speed of ' 12 mllos an hour. 2. You must not use nn nuto with j the mufflor oDen. I 3. You must not pass another' car I at night without dimming your head lights. . 4. You munt not to around au i other car nt the Intersections. 5. Minors under 10 years must not ' drlvo motor cars. I 6. Blowing horns continuously and for fun day or night must be stopped. 7. Always koop to tho right. S. You must not obstruct traffic by stopping cars on Dowey street when another car Is nearer the curb. 9. Bicycle riders must keep off the sidewalk except" In vory muddy weath- or. 10. Pedestrians must not jay hawk across the streets. Violators of the Vehicle and Motor Laws will bo stringently dealt with. S. C. MECOMBER, Chief of Police. Keep your eye on FRATER. HE KNOWS THE DRUG BUSINESS. Corner Front and Dewey. Phone 221. T. S. BLANKEMBURU, ) Bonded Abstracter. AS L Public Stenographer. Office with B. M. Reynolds. Architect, Apt. 1 Reynolds Terrace Phone Black 1105. I : COUNTY NEWS. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC .W the undersigned dentists of North Platte, will close our offices every Thursdny afternoon until Oc tober 1st, lDlfl. f Signed: II. C. BROCK. A. L. LANE. I). E. MORRILL, L. .1. KRAUSE, II. E. MITCHELL, 0. II. CRESSLER, AY. P. CROOK. band of savage Sioux Indians swoephiK down Into this end of the county drove; off with thorn a herd of horses. S oral bond" of them belonged to Mr Cohn. The original claim filed with i tho government was in the neighboi- (Froni Tho Vindicator.) . llooa of nIne hundred dollnrs, th The lnrgesf land snle In this vicinity clieck received this week was for t o was recorded Wednesday of this week hundred and forty dollars and was in whan if .1 SiiiHvim sold th mnrii hn full settlement of the claim. M. . reocnth purcliased from H. C. Wind- Colm hAs seen this country develoo HRAOY. THE TWIXE2I HOSPITAL, 11)08 WEST FOURTH STREET, North Plntte, Nolir. For the treatniont of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A place where the sick are cared for so as to bring about normal conditions in the easlost, most natural and saenunc manner. Phone 110. North PlntttvNob. , puost to Arthur Gaudreault of Parnani J1"0"1 a Mme th:it 'c could purctm . : 45. for $85,00. Mr. Sullivan's profit in the k;"Sp tracts of valley land for a strio,' Holy tiommunlou 8 a. m. fllturflh snhnrd nnd hihln pIhmb fi Morning prayer and sermon 11. Ideal was $30,000, having paid $55,000 r beads to the present time whw . Church sohaool north side 3 p. m. for the place this spring. Mr. Oaudre- vu' '" me mnu is ior saie Evening prayor and sermon 7:80. , unit is one of the largest breeders of, 1688 than two hundred an acre. Cot It. O. MACKINTOSH, Rector, 'white face cattle in tho stute, and has jonwood Springs has passed out of e.- ::o::, had aeverul sales that have run over itence nnd very, few people ronnii i ''.lot nliinil Six lu lmr( Run It, nt tin, mi,, hiinrirnil thnnsnnil ilollhr 1 mn: I wll cn tell of its location or Of tl r nomigh garage, or first booth at fair lie ha? announced that lie w-il spend many holduoi-. Indian raids and otiu r grounds. J. V. Romlgh, Poaler, tlO.OOO immoiliately In Improving the "tiri',,Mg ,6Veuts tlmt happened around ::o:: place. Tho ranch consiatn of 23&0 Mr. Cohn is enjoying good hoaltn PIrst Luthernn Church.. 4acrts ot deeded land, and 040 acres of 11,1(1 11V0B a- Procont on a trnct of laml Motn nr wors h n 11 oc oclt. SUb- utilinnl land lonao from tho state. Th - "e souin sine or mo nvor wni"ii jeet "The Necessity for a Spiritual rnnch in hnlf n mile steal of Brady on ho picked out for his homestead thoi- AwoUettlng." EvoniuK , worship S:00 the Lincoln Highway,, and Is- Ideal foiS man e" 8 aR. o'clock, subioe .i "A Div dofl Heart. n. nf fino stnnlt. Sunday Bclvool 9:4G. Manuny of this week Magnus .1 Cohnj Wo nro now maotlng in tho basement oneot our plonoor Hottlors. who came of our new church and we cordially to thla'valloy when Uie Indlnli' rnlo' JUVitc an See Land Lease ool FOE SALE. I wiil ool I rat public auction in front of the Brady State Bank in Brady; on Jfeursday, , October 2 9 1919. AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. -The Lease oh School Section , !, Twp. !'!, R:nge 28. Thits Sals will be for Cash. ;;E..':H. springer, Administrator C. O. Lind Estate. I'hone 30S ALlJEItT A.' LANE, Doulist . Rooms 1 and 2 nolton Gullrllcg North riftMt- N'f'.rhikJi T)IiS. Sl'ATES Si STATES Chiropractors ,,, (. 7 lluiiding & Loan iluildln?. Office Phono 70. Res.. Phone 1242 W. E. FLYNN ATTOKMiY-AT-LAV Office ever UlcHenald an!. Offh-c I'hone 1 i:?C, Res, Phone Vi JOHN S. SIMMS. M. I). Special Attention Given to , Surirery McDonald Hank Rolldiug Office Phone ,8:i ,., Rcsideuce S lIIiRSHLY (Prom Tho Times) Tlie poll of votes cast Tuesday .it friends and uiranKera to vara-n frnmimit. nnaurroiice. lt.' Mc- the-election waa tho lightest ever c -it in(! our cburcl their oliurch homo, .pimmon n milltarv nost und Cotto, - nt election in years. Iloagland REV. C. P. KOCH. Pastor. Rnrimr tlm hiir tnwn of tho'Rot 2H, Uoeelor 17 nnd Bbriaht 1. in r, ' countrv, received a chock from the this precinct. If the turn-out was tho. ninn 1a law. irnvapiunplit In Biit.lfninnt nf iL load 801110 ltl all tile prOCillCtS ill the COUflty ale. f 1 deferred claim. Fiftv years rko a there wore loss than one -fifth of the . i " votes oast, Geo. Edmlstew, who last week abld his farm near Hershoy for $Ii50 per acre, tue nighost price over paid for inncl iiMlio Platte vtMfv p l""b 320 acre, near UIg Spruit, a,iu will move there about March 1. TV - lie purchased adjoins that of his son Roy, and tho purchaao price was 40 por acre. A sad accident happened last Thurs day afternoon near Sutherland where in tho mother of aix children lost hir lifdt An old family horse, loose, came ap in the front yard of the Orville ire land home and Mrs. Iroland went out to drive it away from the house v. hen tho animal kicked her (n the stomach with both hind feet. As pho va in a delicate condition the Injury was of such a serious naturo Hint she died the next morning. The actions of th horse wore entirely unlocked for as the anlnml had novor been known to bo me,an iu any .way before and l ad been in the family for years. WALLAt'K. (Prom tho Winner) Last Friday evening lightning struck nnd killed a horse belonging to Ed Calling, and a close call It w k. Mr. Calling was driving homo from Sutherland and ns tho rain and elec tric storm cHino on, ho unhitched hU teaih and sought shelter under tho spring wagon.- After lt calmed n lit tlo he went to his team nbout forty foot nwny.und it wtm hero lie realized how close the call was, as he found only one animal nllvo. It occurrid nbout S miles out of town. Qflici' phone 'Ml. Has. phonp 1 t. . O . D R O S T tt rlhr '-'jvsfciftl. North PiM N'hm-' Kn(fll)t of Columbus Building. GEO. R. DENT, Phsjlclnn and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery mid Obstretrlcs. " Office: Building & Loan Building" Thones: Office 130, Residence 115 INCORPORATED 1887. Miataa! Building andijLoan Association, Of North PIfttte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. . The Association 1ms unlimited fumls at its eonnuand to assist in the building or purclutsc of homes for tho people of North Platte, If you are interested, tho officers of. this Association will render every assistance, and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. , SQCietniy. lllncklra- Season. 8.000 doses Blackleg Gorm Free A- Kmawon, por dose 25c. Ono dose iil loiimle mt calf for life. Also srln 4 ob and needles for sale. Dr. Prltclmrd. uistrinutor. . 72-8 GUARANTEED NOT TO BREAK Dlt. IlOWAltl) YOST, DHXTIST Twinem Bldg. " Phone 3(7 v. t. PitrrniAHi). (Jnulunte Vutcrlnnrlan lilx-Governmeut Veterinarian and ex ,aHBltnnt deputy State Veterinarian .'Hospital ait. South Vine Street. r UrispltHl Phone lUuck ' ''House Phone Black 08 Office Phone 3i0 Res. Black 370 I)U. SHAFPElt, Osteopathic Physician Helton Bldg. North Platte, Nob Plu-ae for Appointments. 1)11. HAROLD a rE.YN'ER Annuunteos his dischnrEo from mlllt ary service and tlio cstablishmnut of his office over Hirschfeld's Clothing store . Phones: Office 333. Res. Red 85G TENTS AWNC'dS COVER . PORCH CURTAINS North Platte Teat and Awning Co. 105) West Sixth Street " SOUTH PLATTE, If KB It. Phono 210 AUTO CURTAINS AUTO TOl' II miU HAMILTON Taxi and Livery DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Phone 5)(1S. Black SOS NORTH PLATTE ..Genera! Hospital. (incorporated) One Hall Block North 01 Posloflicc. riisne 58 A modern Institution fur thu cientltic treatment of medical, "surcical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Rny and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Den!. M. D. V. Lncas. M. D. J. B. ReJ5eld, M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Mr. Cream Seller Yoa will never know what we can pay for oreum or the quick service we' can give you until you have sent us a can of cream. So before you sell that next can of cream nsk your neighbor what K. & Sons at North Platte are paying for Butterfnt. He will know; or better still come In and see us Not the Biggest but tho i-cst. Best In the west. Kirschbaum & Son. Phone Estate of James II. Robinson, deceas ed, In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss. Credit ors of said estate will take notice thai tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate Is January 24, 1920, and for settlement of said ostato Is September 10, 1920; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county" on October 24, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on Jan uary 24, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed (SEAL) WM. H. C. AVOODIIURST, 23ol7 County Judge. DOCTOR C. A. SELBi' Physician and Surgeon Office over Rexnll Drug fjtoie Office Phone 371. House 10GS Ml. KEDFIELl Physician, Ohstctrictan Suniyon, X-Ruy 1 Calls Prompt! Answered Night or. Dnj I'hone Office lil-J Resldeuce (!76 DOCTOR I). T. (H'lCLKY ' lr;i;ll:i I.linTil Ui N .iurjicrj und IfiuJiiiiiT Tlientio 2- Mh Null. mill Kant. KtltidtiiK. FOR A REAL AUCTIONEER Phono at 3Iy Expense. R. I. SIIAPPELL, Sutherland Nebraska. 1. 1). 1JR01VNFIEL1), General Auctioneer. Llv.e Stock und Farm Sales. Phone or )Vlrc at 3Iy Expense for Dates. HKIJSHF.Yi NEBRASKA. Legal Notice. Harmon Albert Surlier will take no tico that Dora Frances Surber, as plaintilf, commenced an action in the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, on April 1G, 1919, aguinst you nr. dofoAdunt. tho object and prayor of said action being to obtain a divorce from you, tho isaid defendant, on tli grounds of extreme cruelty and gross wnntdn and cruel desertion. You are roquircd to answer said pe tition on or bofoie the 27th day ot October. 1919. DORA FRANCES SURBER, slfiolO Plaintiff, ED. KIEMG, Auctioneer (ieiieral rami Sales a Specialty, References and Dates at First Na tional Bank, North Platte, Neb. Phone 1000. Rickey Land and Stock Sale Oct. 2d. DP.IIKYIIP.RHY & FORBES, Licensed Embamors Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phone 41 Night phono Black fSS ijp- Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Junk. L. LIPSHITZ. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Offlco at Broken Bo. Nebraska, Septomber 19, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Nolson D. AVolls, of North Platte, Nebrasku who on April S. 191G, made homestead entry North Patte No. 00342, Brokou Bow, No. 011901. for tlio WVfc NW Section 20, Township 12 North, Range 31 West of 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mal: three-your Proof, to establish claim to the land abovo describe.'! before W H. C. Woodhurst. Unitod St. icq Com missioner, at North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 8th day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Stephen W. McDermott, O. L. "NVatklns, Carl Braedor, R. S. L. Voss, all of North Platte, Nebraska. MACK C. WARRINGTON, s23o24 .Roglster. VERN MACEl, Mgr. 3G0. SIS No. Locust. Notice to Creditors Notice to Bidders. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office 1.1 O. E. Elder. City Clerk In and for tlu- city of North Platte. Nebraska, for ho construction ot side walk- a:.d cross walks in and for smid city, ny to 5 o'clock Septomber 30, 1919. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen at the offiro of the City Engineer. O. E. ELDER. S1G-2G , ' City Clerk. Legal Notice. Eber H. Smith, Claud G. Smith. L'i Haze Smith. Lots. One, and Two !i Block. 7 of Penniston's Addition to tho City of North Platte, Nebraska, am1 all. persons claiming any interest oi' any kind in faid real estate or any part thereof defendants, will tnki' r.c tice that on the Gth day of Sepiombfr, 1919, Alice O. Coo. plaintiff filed 'ier petition in the District Court of Lin CQl.n County, Nebraska, against yaii! defendants, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree of sai-1 Court quieting and confirming saM plaintiff's tite,to the above deserlhc.l real estate nnd to enjoin eacii and ail of paid defendants and all pcrs-ons claiming any interest of any kinJ In said promises from u-isertlnjr any in terest Uterein adverse to said plalntiif. ou and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 20th day of October, 1919. ALICE, O. COLE. Phimiitf. By Hoagland & Hoagland and Carr, Her Attorneys. 0c, .Voilcc of Ini-ortximtiaii of Union State Hunk of .orth IMntte, ?tiriiNlia. Notice Is hereby Khvn that th.' ui. UorslBi'eil have fovmeil a corponit'on undfir the name of "t'nlon Stato Bank of North Platte. Nebraska.' with the principal plnco of business in tin- rlty or rs'ortn I'latte, Lincoln county, Ne braska; the general nature of the bu.-l-ness to ho transacted behiK a commer cial banking buslnesw umlor the laws of tho State of Nebraska. The amount of the cnpltnl stock Is the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00), all of which is to bo paid in at tho time of commepaem'-nt of business Tho commencement of busi ness shall be the day of June, 11)19. or as spon1 thereafter as author ized by the State Il.inkinc, Board of the St:ite of Nebraska, ami anid corpor ation shall terminate the 16th day of June, lOCU. The affairs of the cor poration shall be conducted by a hoard of directors consisting of not less than three nor more than seven, who nhar) oloct from their number a president and secretary and select a vlce-pr-'.ldunt and cashier and such assistant c-sh-iers and clerks as may be neee-wy to conduct the business of said corpor ation. Gust Hrantlnjr. Samuel G. Anderson. Theodore O. Swen.on TCrt AVusterlngr. Alfred .T. Swenson. John Victor Swenson Elof A. Olson. Charles AV. Swonson. I.I2GAr, XOTICK. Notice of Final Report Estate No. 1G02 of Alma B. Sims, do coasod, in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested In said estate take notlco that tho Administrator )ias tiled a final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlomout and discharge as such which ljave been set for hearing before sail) court on Octobor 17, 1919, at 9 o'clock a m., when you may appoar and contoet tho same. Datd ""Soptomber 19, 1019. ' (SHAD WM. II. C. WOODHURST, s23ol0 County Jiulga. , In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska'. August Schmidt, Plaintiff, vs. Leo J. Lucey, Barton li. Baker, Elean or Baker, his wife, PIrst National Bank of Lexington, Nebraska, Defend ants. Notice to Non-Uesldept Defendant. Leo J. Lucey will take notice that on the a-Oth day of July, 1919, August .Schmidt, plaintiff herein, filed his pe tition lu the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and prayer of which nre to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by by Leo J. Lucey to the plaintiff upon Section number Twenty five (2.r). tn Townrhlp number Thir teen (13), north of Range number Thirty-four (34), west of the Hlxth Principal meridian In Lincoln county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one certain coupon bond, or note, for thu sum of $S,0po.OO, dated July fith, 1914, and due July Gth. 1919, bearing Interest at the rate of ten per c.-nt per annum after maturity; and one Interest coupon note dated tlu same, due July fith, 191S, for $480.00, on whloh there was paid on Slay l-'th, 1919, tho sum of $250.00, for $4S0 00, bearing interest at the mte of ten pt cent per annum after maturity; and oli Interest coupon note bearing the same date due July Cth, 1919, bearing interest at ten per cent per annum af tersnmturlty ; that there Is now due and N payable on the said notes and mortgage tho sum of $9,124.27, for which sum with Interest from this date plaintiff prays for a docroe that the defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may ha sold to pay the same and satisfy the amount found to be due. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the lJlth day of Oc- IUIJUI, 1.91V AITQDST .SOHMIDT By John II s:-ozu Dated Aucust 30th. 1910 er soHMiOTi'iRinti Lfiulsrmun, his Attoi cr. rney