The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 26, 1919, Image 4

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    jscinating little,
tf braco'lfcir watches
Jlcuiily Is tlio rcnaon ulij' so ninny
women InMtt more tlian ono bracelet
nntclir- Hccetit hioiIHh iiro hiicIi ok.
(jijImIIo (irmintciilH ono can no more
ho content with u nIiibIo ImicclH
wnteh Hum with Just one rln. Ms.
prcliilly ho slum Fiifllilon ftiys tlio
untch iiiiihI Im worn with cumlng
gowns. Hum lliougli II Is dainty ami
beautiful, ono docs not wfnr Hie
direct Match at a social function.
Many different models, In solid gold
ami guaranteed gold filled cases, each
a dependable timepiece. In vnrlety
and values an uncommon)- good
?20."t) to 7.').J0.
At Hie SIk.ii of tlio lilt; Itlng.
H'n9 TJabe Coonoy, of Ovorton, Is nblo prlcos. 13. T. Tramp & Sons.
Bpoiidlng ii fow days with her sisters, j Mout nm, Mr8 Ml,rlolI uunbert
Misses Nell and Maymo. a;rVeu from Now York yesterday and
Cleveland Six Is horo. See It at wm 8p0nd Rovornl days with relative.
Ilotnigh gnrago, or llrst booth at fair i jeut. Lambert has boon on the U. S.
grounds. J. V. Romlgh, Dealer. 1 g. "prlnoes Mutolka," and mndo four.
Tho H. & 9. Agonoy reports the enlo! teen trips across tho Atlantlo trans
Dt tUe Lesilo Light pronerty at Slfi, porting troops and supplies. He li
east Second to Win. Smith. i now onrouto to tho Paget Sound nuvy
Johp Don, Lorn Ualley and Clnrenm;ynnl, whoro ho has boon transferred
Snlcer roturned Tuesday from Grant
win-re. thy spent ft oouplo of days
A gunorn. Cbjna Clock at Dixon's.
o.oo. will Improve the host of homes.
If you want to see the roally now
( I'Miliii pictures be a "first nlghtor"
and see "Sunnyslde" at tho Keith (o
nlght. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Wilson came down
from Sutherland Wednesday to spend
the rrht of the week vlsitlnx friends
nnd attending the fnlr.
A c laim of twenty . senior high school
Ktudcnts has tflkeu up the subject of,
Journalism Uhder the thHtructton of
jMlas Helen Thompson. It Is protmUlo
that this class will have charge of
the high Hchool paper which was d!i-
continued last year on account of the
ou know 'how It Is; you try to do
feometulng for a friend und Ixiug!
everything comes tumbling down
round your hendi That's htw U'han
pa lb "An Innocent Adventurtaa. '
It's the Miost lifelike picture you ever
saw. it will bo shown at the KeUh
Saturday,. Come, won't you?
In Selling
In seUhjg grain at threaJUiig time, talft
that the'flnancial arrangement .be trans
M tid through the Piatt Vflly State Bank. v
u KPt puompt und satisfactory swyIco
Id tliis maimer from a Bang that protects ,
custom era' tut rest all timet.
Platf e VaSiey State Bank,
rTHE maximum of
A picture (2!Ax3W
tKra wcu as imnimani at
m an - it
-on at . uay ; or Lit aneroMK.
t ihht r movintf okkttm can be
art certainly.
ifwur Uns eu.ulHni:Btptked from $31.0XWfm00!
M muiti yoci- utvtstigartoti 8tfp. ht
Tlio Lutljgran, Woman's MlnHlonnry
ScjnsfdtT wnf moot at the piirsoiingo
till afternoon at throe o'clock.
i If MM 8on.tffh? lit SpeclallMs.
ost nordovii purse containing
about $5.00 In jdmriKO. Kinder pltUMu
ruturn to llwjW Studio. Hownrd
Ilryan lllgguis returned Tuesday
from Lincoln whom ho Imd Rono wim
tlio intention of nttcndliiK collaso this
ytmr. After looking the situation over
Ilryan duoldod to wait another" yonr
neforo eniBTfjig.
Immunlzo your cattlo from hlncklo
with buckle scrum nnd blncklogohU.
(lommoro-Dant Drug Co.
H. L. Pennington has purchased th
Henry Hrotomltz property, on south
Sycnmore, and Mr. llrotornltz in turn
hue purchased tlio dun Welnhnrg
pr6porty on south Fine. Wo tinder
stand Mr. Pennington will hoII his roa
donco on wost Fourth and romovo to
tho nowly purchased property.
I During the pant fovfdayB tlio police
I have been rounding up suspicious
I looking diameters and giving thorn
I curtain nnmbor of minutes to leave
town. The officers have accompanist!
ft number of thoso Individuals to tlio
depot, saw to It that tlioy bought tick
ets mid that thoy got on tho trains.
Visit Dixon's and so0 tholr diamonds.
They, will bo more than slad to show
them to you.
Olngham drossos for tho school
girls, all very olovor stylos nt ronson-
One of nixon's
alarm clocks will
get you there.
Tho members of theChrlsllan church
held n fnrowoll recaption Wodnosdny
evening for Hov. T. A. Wndemeyer,
their former paator. Vor the past year
Mr. Lludenmeyar lma boon on leave of
absanea to servo as Y. M. c. A. secre
tary for war work and although his
plana aro yet Indoilulte ho propones
to take up permanont Y. M. C. A.
Some changes have been made In
the football schedule as announced in
the. papers some time ago. Cosad Is
not to have football so that team has
hoon dronned out of the schedttlo.
Lmclniton Is putting on a team so wn
iWV6 arniugad' for a game at North
phitie on October 10 with Lexington
High. The Gothenburg gamo will be
played ftt Oothenburg Instead of Les-
itiKton. This givoa four games at
home. Lexington, Kourney, Lincoln
nhd ScOtta Uluff, and four games
awjv-wt t'uttts, Alliance. Gotheu
burg and Grand Island.
Dr. Morrill, DontBt. Office Over
Wilcox Department Store.
&ff Grain
The Master Key
Successful Photography
One curacra with the
combined sdvaniafa
o many
One Master Meekl
that untocka all the
doors cf yhoiography.
can rxj
in nay
Thd dWunty fair opened Wednesday
with .the largest crowd proeont that
1ih vr attended, tlia onanlnir dai
The larg nttJMrfhce Wait phrllr du
to tho gifocroalty of tho management
In admitting sahool children free, but
while the boys and girls wero out In
full force, tho nttondanco of adults
was much larger than usual. Yosur-
day tho crowd was considerably Inn
er than the day borore and tins affr
noon, tho last day of tho horso rac .
tho grandstand and bleacher's aro ev
puctod to bo packed and the uuto r; -orvntlons
The wost side of agricultural lmU
hiiB novor boon filled with n bettr
dleplny of products both from tl:
dry lnnd and tho Irrigated farm-1.
Ono of tho hirgeel displays ii mm'.c
by Otto Mourner, who lives nortliwe
of town, and nmong his exniuita nn'
live watermelons wIiohc combined i
weight Is 222 pounds. The agrlc ulttir-,
nl exhibit as a whole is tho boat tint
has been shown In goveral yoara. T.i-
oast side of the building Is takon i
by tho fancy work household arts sec
tlou and tho school exhibit. Tho la
ter Is very complete and ho arrange d
as to show what the pupils of th
schools both town and rurular"
doing In every-dny work.
The poultry building Is well lllle i
with pons of tho various strains of
chickens, turkoys, ducks and goose,
tho whole making a vory creditable
An additional cattle barn was- bum
this your, thus doubling thV number
of stalls, nnd yot every stall is filled.
T. 8 McCrone.' the north sldo cattle
man and breeder showr. two Herafoni
bulls that are dandles, and Merger anrt
Strykor, of Callaway, nlso show fln
animals of this breed, one bull ex
hibited by llerger weighing 2300. Dave
7, Zl JiZ roSfrii f
Latter of Paxton and Godfrey of Co-
smuI have each a line showing of Short-
1 1I.I..,. n alinUfn lit'
Kn wow EST There la also
n very aooa showiuk oi innuu m
th hore barn, ami the entries or
hogs wero so large that outsldo pens
had to be built. Scott Saanor of Wax-
woll has a number of pens, as has
alio C. G. Landholm. LeUart, an Ov
orton breeder, has a big showing of
Duroc Jerseys.
The exhibits all through are fine and
well worth viewing by fair attendants
South of tho grand staud la ldtoatod
the tents of the auto dealers, where
the" latest models of cars are shown,
and these diNplnva aro visited by all
autolats. In this section Is located
tho concessionaires, numbering nearly
fifty, ranging from the doll rack nnd
wiemle stand to the merry-go-roand
and Ferris whoel, the tented dramatic
show of the Al. G. Story Co. and fc
big tent in which wrestling and box
ing exhibitions are given. Here U
also located an irrigation pumping
plant put In by the Derryberry
Forb Co.. the pump-power Ueltwt
furnished by a tractor. The pump
has a 2000-gallon per minute capacity.
"KellS Volir theJPflco and that
Illa Light ccmpaniefl have their powi
i- plants on exhibition and show .tjo
what extentthe power can be uttllked
in tho fat-ai household.
3lr.Land lluyer.
We are prepared to supply your ev
ery nood; from the small eighty ace
farm to the twenty thousand acre wlllthe dMt. of tne officials of the city
Improved ranch
Our holdings are in Nebraska. Colo
rado, Wyoming and South Dakota. v
own and control many thousands c.
nor ( 1h tills territory. Title land cost
doubt what it did four years ago.
LISTEN MEN It Is due for the sei
oud, double In tfe very near future.
The people axe going to the iniddn
west to found a home for themeem;;,
realising that their children ennrt
have Another opportunity to acquire
the beat of soli at price soon to bf
m ing or ine past, we oo not waat
ytu to take our word far ft Qor.'3
and see us, w ajUlres yonr eonunum
catlon to the
14tt North Wattf. Nc-
Ablg afod varied aasortment ci
styles In petticoats tor ladtos in the
taffetas Jersejrs. atln and sateen".
E. T. Tramp a Sons.
Tef Sale
l.ot:s in OttencteJn's Chwve, BtocU. J
Miller dditlon; sidewalk, gas au
sewer ia r.U at resldoaco 311 wo-t
Third street. Phune 258. 7V:
Tha Dncc of the
Thei wonerful Nazimova.H "Z 1 . Se
SUN THEATRE, TV lv - imMctt
3Qr AteraHi M .
Itnlc.H OpTcrnlng Dunce.
V11 nlacas uM J(r dAgAnf IhMtfiu
rTglitfJ' 1 tRhtl during Mil the time
they are In use, and
no ao-cniiou
Meadow Dances," ,
"Flood or CfoldHld filghf dances are
to be permlltQii.'
All stairways und other passagm
and all rooms connected with danoc
halls must 1)9 kept ncceMlblo and well
Thi gontlemnn's hand must bo plao
h1 lightly, not over half way around
tlia lady, and above tho waist line. Tho
lady Ib to merely rest her right hnnd
In hor partner's hand and her Ic't
hand to rest lightly on her partner's
arm cfr shoulder. Tho touching of
heads Is positively prohibited.
No unduo familiarity, exaggerated
or suggestive forms of dancing bo
i vaon nartners will bo tolernten.
All unnecessary shoulder or body
motion or shimmy prohibited.
no minor children under tho ago of
i a vnors nliull fronilent. remain In. or
patronize dances unless acconipanlod
uy tlieslt- parent or legal guardian,
All dances which come under the
pupervtsicn of tho Doard of Public
Welfare must cloao not lntor than
12:30 n m. unless, given special per
rilsMon lit writing by the mayor of the
e'ty of North Platte.
Patron violating theso rules will bi
subjoct to oxpulsion nn also arrost for
lsordorly conduct. By order of the
City of North Platte
Theso rulos refer, howevor, to pub
lic dances only, and do not apply to
private dances where no admission fee
is charged.
Farmers JInko n Protest.
A dispatch from Washington dated
last Friday says': The farmers do not
intend, If they ban halp it. to be mado
tho victim of the government' attack
on th Wgh co.t of living. Prices of
ro,i,lrB .iim,i(i h.
srains and farm products Bhould be
the last and not the flrHt to go down.
Jo m national boanl of
(Arm organizations which today closed
its semi-annual meeting here. The
first move in the campaign decided
upon by dolegates of the organizations
initd under the nnt'onal board will
b0 an effort to secure the passage o:
the Capper-Herman bill allowing.wlth
!n cei'taln llm'tn, collective bargaining
among farmers.
The national botml. ;vrcordlnr to
Chairman Milo D. Campbell, o'. Michi
an, is no longer satisfied to be mere
ly an educational body, and Is golox In
to politics to make a direct fight pi
matters affecting the interests of th";
farmer. t
"It will not go Into any partv po!-1
tics," Mr. Campbell announced, "but'
like the aiVM-saloon league, will oper-'
ie through all parties It will be bi
partisan, Intor-partisan or non-parti-
pan." I
Among the senators who pledged!
their support to' the farmors are Smith j
.Georgia; Underwood, Alabama; Wads-,
worth, New York; Sterling. South Da
kot 'Kenyon( IoWR. 0wt KaIi8aa;
a Swanni Virginia.
t . Cmpnlsry Education.
ti. AUboys aiid gtrle living within Vie
boundaries of the North -Platte school
llatrlct. who are under 16 yearn of age
?tust enroll end attend the public o
rlvate scbools of this or some other
district unless be or she has coro
pletvd the elghtli grade or is too sick
physically or too weak mentally. It Is
school to take stops In th? coiir ; to
compel obedience to this law. Labor
inspectors will check us up and start
proceeding against anyone who em
ploy n child under 16 during the
mrs that school is in session. No
4ce hats been given that the school
cannot excuse, anyone and the courU
har not shown a disposition to let
offenders off lightly. Tbe costs ar
coatideraoie ana to avoid these par
enta had much better see that the
children are in school at once. Any
one knowing of a child subject to thU
who 1h not In school will help by
notifying the City Superintendent of
SeJeelsk whose duty it is to attend
to. fhjff niatUtr.
If iou are interested in a coat for
visttfr J' not fail to see our line of!
ronl3 never better or with more class I
C WSe"' right prices. E. T, Tramp & j
dbariaV doem't get to he .until astd
niiht t he doesnl mind it for he
- te slot-c uli farenoen until 4:00 a.
i . Pctter 'f ho h ' wansges It in
iuutylde." tho L "' haplin picture
thi Kr.ih FriUa ' Saturday.
Vei s Hive
rru sen it?
A very ' prdlty ' ceremony wnsf poffl
fbrmod at 12 o'clock Monday, Sop
tember 22, at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry' DIonor, when their daughter
Eva E. becamo the brldo of 'Prandls )2.
Palmer, of Sutherland. Rev. Dr. J.
H. Curry offlclalod In the prosonco of
near relatives of the young couplet
They wero nttonded by Mr. and Mrs. i
Mack McConil'ol of Horshoy, tho lat-l
ter being ft sister or the groom. The I
brldo was very, lovoly in hor trnveM
Ing dross of brown satin. Sho carried
e beautiful boauet of white bride's
roses and tho matron of honor carried
whlto and pink tea rosos.
- They camo to tho nltar to the strains
but a short tliho after twelve
of Lohengrin's Bridal Chorus render
ed by Mrs. Floyd Seaburg. Following
tlin nnrnmnnv n vnfV flnlntv limnlinntl '
was served by Miss Gladys DIonor,'
sister of tho brldo, and the Mlssos
Marie and Evelyn DIonor, cousins of
the brldo. The brldo 13 woll known
here, being a graduate ol tho North
Platte high school of '18. Tho groom
is also well known, having boon rnlt
ed in tills vicinity. He has been homo
only a short time, havitfg twolvo
montlu in France. Thlp is an unus
ual, wedding as It celebrates tho 22nd
annlvorsary, of tho bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. DIonor, also tlio fourth
anniversary of the groom's slstor and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCou
nol. Mr. nnd Mrs. Palmpr left that
evening on No. 7 for a short visit. Thoy.
will be at homo to Ihclr frlpnds after
October 1st on tholr farm sbven mllos
south of North Platte.
Christian Science service Sunday 11
a. m. Wednesday evening meetings
every week at 8-: 00. A cordial lnv!-'
tatlon Is extended to nil to attend i
theso services. Building & Loan build-j
Ing. room 25. 1
A Pleasant Place' To
Automobile. Business
NE aim the convenience and comforj. of all
persons doing business here is uppermost in
our mind.
Our aim provides a salesroom, not only where you
can leisurely inspect our models,' but where you can
come for advice on automotive matters, whether you
expect to buy or hot.
When you become i customer,! our aim provides
facilities and a trained organizaton that assures sat
isfaction, comfort of ownership' and exclusive service
to our owners.
We cordially invite you to make use of our store as
your aitoniobile headquarters'. ; j '
- D.odge,
y., amjnu u.p
"Service4"- Our OwrJEfis"
North PLATTS.Msa.
Phone S4 I
Ask ns for Information and sorvlco
recwd.s of the White 'Truck the
lieary-daty lowr.Iived truck.
Higher Rate Must
Follow Increased Costs
Tbi ! whft
luit awl
m to yjoM owr mm iok wjtblMm thb
JConl .Miners PrcparjfoStrlk'eJ;
United Mino Worker dologntps io
had boon .In convontlon nC" Clovolnnd
scattorcd to all parta of tlio country
Wodnosdny ready to call a strike of
all coal' minors on Novombor 1, In tlm
ovont demands made arc not mot by
tho oporntors. Unless a satisfactory
agreement, Is reached botwoon mine
operators nnd workers prior to that
time the hundreds of thousands of
miners over tho ontlro country nra
scheduled to' trlkc.
It Is understood that demands of
tho men havo been agreed upon and In
substance aro a flat increase of sixty
per cent In pay, and a six hour day
with a. flvo day maxlmuhi. Time and
a hrtlf for overtime is nlso In the de
mnnds drawn up.-
Stock for Sale. x
On account of having to move soon,
I offor for sale five head of milch
cows, nine head of stock cattle, one
Shctlnnd pony colt, thirteen head of
hogs and four dozen Buff Orpington
chickens. C. A. MOORE,
72tf 215 west Twelfth St.
: ::o: :
Those who examined the last week's
Literary Digest and read of Us trouble
j with labor can realize tho trouble that
textbook manufacturers are having in
supplying tho enlarged needs of the
schools this fall. The North Platte
Uonrd of Education adopted and.ordor
ed a supply of Gregg Shorthand In
July and the books havo not boon re
solved yot. Of course tho class has
been organized but Is not reciting un
til the texts arrive. In other classes
a similar condition exists although no
otKer class is entirely without books.
Shrine Pins at Dixon's.
Motor Cars.
Bth and Locust.
praiettt ikdiikt
mn In the
cost of m Vrtxir that got tuto
for t?leiiHon m-
tmJMe - wKiutrtuf more