ggmHiBcritly .grilling. IRA L BARK, EilHor mid Hijnllnhcr SUBSCRIPTION RATES; One l'car by Mail, In advance. .$1.7S Ono Year by Carrier, In ndtunco, $2.00 Enterotl at tho North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco ttB Socond Class Matter. TUHSBAY, SMTEJIBER 10, 1010. SUTHERLAND WILL ENTERTAIN SOLDIER HOYS NEXT FRIDAY Tho "Woman'H Improvement Club, as sisted by tho people of Stherlnnd and vicinity will havo a Home. Coming dn$ (fyf tho soldlor hoys who have re turn6d from the world's war. Frldny, Soptombor 19th Is the day which has bean not. SptiUkorH from abroad will bo pros dift and arrangements are being made to have a good band to furnish munic during tho day and an orchestra will bo engaged for those who wish to trip the light fantastic in the ovonlng. Everyone should oomo early and l)rg welt filled baskets so as to en joy an old fashioned picnic dinner on tho school grounds. Thoro will bo nmusemonts for all, a .ball game, speaking, music by tho band, freo lemonade, smokes, a dance In tho evonlng, a parade, anil numer ous othor entertainment for tho peo ple. So come prepared to onjoy your solf and to help othorn onjoy them solvos. Sutherland Courlor. ::o:: Special Train on Hranch. President Coatos, of tho county fair, has contracted with tho Union PacUlc to havo a special train run on the branch on Saturday, Soptombor 27th, tho day of tho auto races. Tho train will leave IJaig about six o'clock In morning anil reach horo boforo noon. Returning It will leavo North Platte . about seven In tho ovonlng. CITY"AM)"c()ijNTY NEWS. Anv Ktv.lo In blouses can bo found at E. T. Tramp & Sons'. Ed Doguo and Raymond Oglor loft for Lincoln Saturday night to resumo their studios at tho stato ulnvcrrlty. Miss Jeanno Sollars returned yes torday from Schuyler whoro she spout tjio week end as tho guoat of her nunt Dr. Harold A. Fonnor loaves tonight on No. 4 for Omaha to attend tho No braskn Osteopathic convontlon which convenes "Wednesday and Thursday. You can havo that Well Dressed Look if you buy your clothes of Wll- 'cox Department Storo. North Plntto frlonds of "Jack Shiolds will bo Interested in knowing that ho has resigned tho cashlershlp of a bank at Ohadron and lias pur chased an Interest In a bank' lit Osh kbfjh and taken chargo. j Silk undorwear for ladios, In tho jersey, wnshablo sntln and cropo de chine, beautiful color combinations, "which make thoao garments unusually attractive, and are .vory modorntely priced. Do not fall to seo them. E. T. Tramp & SonB. Tho Robakahs will celebrnto their sixty-eighth anniversary Friday, tho 19th. by an entertainment for tho mqmbers of tho Robokuh and Odd Follow lodges. Tho Invitation Is also dxtended to tho famine's of" 'tho -mem bers and all oro cordially tlfged to attend. ::o:: ' Chicago Ilowllnglj Interested. Not hluco tho Bull Moose convontlon ?f 1912 had tho Chicago auditorium housed such a vast and wildly cheer lpg crowd as greeted Senators Borah, Johnson and McCormlck last week when they spoke against tho league of nations. Thousands wero unable to gain admission to tho auditorium ' and tho senators climbed out on the tiro oscapo and spoko to the crowd on tho etrcots which was as wldoly onthu slastlc as was tho inaldo crowd. Tho oponlng statement that "tho United States, tho greatest sovereign power on earth Is being forced Into a part nership with four foreign bankrupt nations" was greeted. with deafening npplauso both in the auditorium and on tho strcctB. Notice to Parents. Evory child boforo starting to school should havo their oyos tostml to see If thoy aro In fit condition to start In with tholr school work. A dofoot In their eyes can bo moro of a handicap than anything clso. Dixon & Sou havo made a specialty of testing chil dren's oyos. Consult thorn, tholr di agnosis will bo honest. GD-0 For Sale Half section of pasture land, somo can bo fnrmod. In Boctlon 33-13-31, Prlco $5,000. Terms, halt cash, bal ance to suit purchasor. Inquire ot Glaus Anderson, North Platto. 70-2 ::o:; 1'rlces and Prices. A co-operatlvo restaurant has been opened In Omaha by organized labor and tho prices charged are Just about halt what tho othor restaurants charge, Tho avorago prlco o a meal In tho co-operatlvo restaurant 1b from tVonty-flvo to forty cents; In othor restaurants from fifty conts to ono dollar. ;':o;r Apples For Sale Como to my farm Just oast of the Nlqliols school houso and pick up nil thd fall and winter apples you want at fifty conts por bushol. These aro good quality upplos blown off tho troes by tho heavy windstorm. 71-3 N. B. SPURRIER. :;o:t Notice to Bidders. Notlco Is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at tho office of Q, E. Elder, City Clork In and for tho .glty of North Platto, Nebraska, for -tuo construction oi suio waiKB nna cross walks in and for said city, up tjfh n'nlnnlr 1A 1010 ! Plans and speoiacatlons for tho work may bo soon at tho offlco of , 4ho City. Engineer. O. E. ELDER, slfl-20 City Clerk. 1 -i COUNTY NEWS. . j. , Hershej. (From the Tlmoa.) Art Danlelson aold 320 aoros in a-lS-M lying south of lleriliey, to f Mr. Downs, of North Platte. Consider- .!).. ........ O 1 1 r tt I bvujh u tuiuw. Tho many Horshuy frlondi of John O. Paul, .station agent at Hershey . about ten yoars ago will be grloved td learn of his death recently at Pow- oil. Wyo., after a very sliort Illness' of typhoid fevor. Ho leave a wife and five Httlo boys. , Clarence Mooro Hold the Wyman ifcrm near North Pnltte the first of tho week to Harry Wright and John Kennedy. The farm contains 381 acres and the consideration was I1G5 per acra Mr. Mooro bought this place less than a month ago for $15 per acre, tliu s clearing up ?U,430 in a vory sliort time. Dlnine Runner' drove m. a oar of oattlc from hit place about eleven miles south of Horshoy Saturday but was obliged to tako them back home A bocntise he as unable to secure a' car In which to ship them Ths ' utock shipments havo been extremely heavy Irom tho west and the local shippers aro experiencing real grief In securing any cnrB at all. Vorne Brewer reports the sale of thd O. W. Edmlston forty, whioh lies nmnndlntely north of HeiEhey to J. C. Mooro and Nell Turplo. Tho con sideration vas, $3b0 per acre, the hlgh ost price over paid for laud In this territory, if not In the cntlro valley. Tho now owners expect to enter this in the corporate limits of Hershey and plot It into town lots. ' The annual Odd Follows picnic win bo hold at Max Beer's grove south- oast of Hershey on Friday, September 19th. Contrary to tho impression of many, this Is not given exclusively for tho Odd Follows and their famtlios, but everyono Is welcome to como and onjoy thomsolevs. Tho one and only requirement Is that basket dinners bo prepared and taken said baskets to contain plenty of fried chicken, baked beans, cake, etc.. If y.ou haven't any chickens of your own, get some of tho neighbor's, If thoy don't object Ed Hogg, ono of our prosperous southsldo farmers, has boon busy the past few weeks threshing the small grain on tho south side. Ho reports) vory fair yiolds. Jess Burnett had 50 acres of wheat that averaged better than 24 bushels por acre. Charles Hlldobrands oats went 55 bushels to tho acre. Mr. Hogg's own wheat crop did very nicely considering that he hnd a fifty por cent hall loss. Ho had 1 450 acres and It averaged him 11 ! bushels to tho acre. Ho also has 200 acres of fino corn that ho thinks will run close to thlrtyrflve bushels,. Brady News. I (From tho Vindicator) Mr. and Mrs. II. C. WInquest and daughter Josephine departed Wed- nosuay morning lor acai Q, wn8,nSl- ton, wliorc they will visit their daugh- tty Affrni n alv u'nnlu' trie It nt GooHln ;. . ... " . "- iney win go 10 uoa Angeios wnere uiey Hill Dl'UJlU IUU .VllltUl. An honor has come to Mrs. James iubuuiiuuhh ui "ij uiu win ... k oi a nrwo uu .w rori nuroii, wwii. wv..u.. lw uu",1l " D wonco jubilee and tho demobilizing ot tho service ling of the Woman a Bon- ofit association In whose intorests Mrs. McCullough won tho trip. Tho jub&leo lasts thrco days, beginning Monday, September 15. Tho vllllago board met In regular ADMINISTRATOR 'ale oi ON MONDAY, SEPT. 22, M9, At 2 P. M., Government time, at the front door of the Court House in North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: All of Section Three and Section Four, in Township Eleven, North of Range Thirty, West of the 6th P. M., in Lincoln County, Neh.,' located 12 miles south and one mile east of North Platte. s These two sections make an elegant-stock ranch, altV nowly fenced with Uio best of posts and three wires. Has four room house, now barn, two good wells and windmills, two reservoirs, This is real grass land and there is GO to P0 acres that could be broke out and sowed to alfalfa. This land must bo sold to settle an estate. Any infor mation will be gladly furnished by. writing HARRY W. BKBBRO, at IIOLDREGE, NEB. Harry W. Ekberg, Administrator. session last evening. The board has been petitioned to run the llght.plant Mnndnv nnd Tuesday forenoon of oach ' wdek, and they have set Urn date of Octobar 1st as the neginaing xr. tins anrvlce. In order to fnset 'Uio -Oxtrti exponw from this service aml'tin ln cros In oils, etc., the board ftlSo vot ed to ralie the price of alftotrlo cur- .... rUHiM 1 w tif Iftrt, M ti rl t 1, t, lnlnmu, charge WM be $1,00 Instead f 75 A of tll0 ftbove wln be et- fcctlve October 1st. . . " ' O. See Clinton & Sou ($$1X5$ about 'ur and mulshed. Sign oi he Big Ring. iest Csh Prices Paid for figxc rfl .BllllUf. " L. LIPSHITZ. j ,, ,; - . Tfr.Ti rrn'TnVTi.,if "Jt. A "J-'AIj AUtliUflULlI) Phone at 3Iy Expense. 11. I. SHAPTELL, Sutherland Nebraska. W. E. FLYNN ATTORNEY.AT.LAW Office oi cr McDonald Rank. Office Phone 1130 Res. Phono 1120 ED. KIEEIG, Auctioneer General. Farm Snlcs a Specialty. References and Dates at First Na tional Bank, North Platte, Neb. Phone 1000. Geo. Dlener Sale, Sept. 10. S. R. Zimmerman Sale, Sept. 17th- Itickey Lund and Slock Sale Oct. 2d, DEBKYBEREY & FORBES. Licensed Embamers Undertakers andFunerulDlroctors Day phono 41 Night phono Black 588 HERB HAMILTON Taxi and Livery DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Phone AOS. Black .198 Mr. Cream Seller YoJ w,u nQVer k wfa t u f or Ick f WQ ti can give you until you nave sent us n can of cream So before you 8e,r that next what can of cream ask your, neighbor K. & Sons at North Platte aro puyi, for Butterfat. He will Know Qr betl r 8tlj, come ,n and 9ec us. Not the Biggest but the fest. b B t , th w f K irpnhhnum Kr Snn lllIOLifUaUlll V3. KJVllm Phono VERN MACEi, Mgr. 360. SIS No. Locust, Land NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, We, tlio undersigned dentists of North Pintle, will close our offices every. Thursday afternoon until Oc- loocr in, iviv. Signed t ii. c. brock, A. I. LANE, R. E. MORRILL, L. J. KRAUSE, II. E. .MITCHELL, 0. H. CRESSLER, V. F. CROOK. DOCTOJl C. A. SELHV Physlcinn and Surgeon Office over Rcxall Drug Stoic Office Phone 371. Houso IOCS DK. REDFIELI) Physician. Ohstetrictnn Surecon. X-Jtav, t'nlls Promptly Answered Night or Dnj Plione Office (iI2 Residence G70 JOHN S. SIMMS. M. 1). Special Attention Given to Sunrery McDonald Rnnk Ilullding Office Phone. S3 Residence SS DOCTOR I). T. QUIOLET Practice Limited to Surgery ami Raillnm Thi-rnp) 7SH City National Bank Building. On i ;ili a. Nebraska Phont- 308 ALHEItT A. LANE. Dentist Rooms 1 aud 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nebraska I) RS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors , 0, 7 Building & Lonn Building:. Office Phone 70 Res. Phoue Red 1009 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. c . ono S T Oslcopnlliic Phyr.ician. North Phut, NehnwKH, Knights of Columbus Building GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstretrlcs. Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 115 Office Phone 340 Res. Black 37C DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic IMiyHlcIun Belton Bldg. North Platte, Neb Phono for Appointments. DR. HAROLD a- FEXNER Announces his discharge from milit ary service and the establishment oi his office over Hirschfeld's Clothing store. Phones: Office 333. Res. Red 856 THE TWINEM HOSPITAL, 100S WEST FOURTH STREET, North Plntte, Nebr. For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A 'place where the sick are cared, for, as tb bring about normal conditions In the easiest, most natural 'and' scientific manner. Phone 110. North Plutto, Neb. TENTS A1VNINGS COVERS roncn CURTAINS North Platte Tent aed Awning Co, 109 West Sixth Street NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Phone 210 AUTO CURTAINS - AUTO TOPS NOTICE OF INCOIII'OIIATION OK Fiui.n-nnuii; company. Notlco Is hereby clvon that the nn derslgned have formed a corporation under tho name and style of ''Pield Blrgo Company" with the principal innue ot transacting its business In tho City of North Platte. Lincoln County. Nobraska; tho general nature of tho bualnoHs to bo transacted being tho Diiyinsr, selling and shipping of lumber building material, coal, liny, and grain the buying, leasing, soiling nnd conveying of real estate; tho buy ing, erectlnp. maintaining, leasing, seiiim? nnu conveying buildings; the erection nnd maintenance of such buildings and structures as may be deemed necessary for the successful conduct of such business, and to nur chnse real estate as a site therefor, or to rent tno same, anu to engage in such other business ns may be deemed nec essary or desirable for the operation nnd successful conduct of the nbove .mined corporation. The amount of the capital stock Is tne sum ot Hevonty-nve thousand dol lars (S7S.000.00) all of whfch Is to hn paid In at the beginning of business uy tne conveyance of property to said corporation of such value. The com mencement of business shall be tho 1st day of August, 1919, and continue for a periou qr twenty yenrs rrom such date. ThtwhJehest amount of Indebt edness to which the corporation shall nt nny time subject Itself shall bo the Slim of nftv thousand dollars rSEO.000.) The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted uy a poard or directors, con slDtlllg In nil not to exceed nve In nnm her, who shall elect n president, Hrst vice-president, second vice-president. nnd secretary-treasurer, to conduct tno uusitiess or the corporation. BLANCH 10 B. FIELD, V. W. BinQE, L. B. DICK. R. D. BIRdE, al9-4 NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (incorporated) One Hall Block North oi Postoftice. Phone 53 A modern institution for tho pcentlfic trpatm"W. of medical, surgical nnd confinement case. Completely equipped X-Rny and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. H. I). V. Lucas. M. D. J. B. RedfieM. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.' Keep your eye on HE KNOWS THE DRUG BUSINESS. Corner Front and Dewey. Phone 221. I. D. BR01VNFIELD, General Auctioneer. Llvo Stock and Fnrm Sales. Phono or IVIro nt My Expense for Sntcs. HERSHEY, NEBRASKA. IjKgaIj notice:. In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Aiifjust Schmidt, Plaintiff, vs. Leo J. Lucey. Barton B. Baker. Elean or BakeK hi Wife.' Flrfet National Bank of Lexington, Nebraska. Defend ants. Notice to Non-Resident Dofendant. Leo J. Lucey will take notice that on tho 29th day of July, 1919, August Schmidt, plaintiff herein, filed his pe tition in the district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, acralnst said dofend ants, tho object nnd prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by uy Leo .1. Lucey to the plaintiff upon Section number Twenty- nve t-'B), in Township number Thir teen (13), north of Ranee number Thirty-four (34), west of the Sixth Principal meridian in Lincoln county Nebraska, to secure tho payment of one certain coupon bond, or note, for the sum of SS.000.00, dated July 6th. 1914, and due July Cth, 1919, bearing interest at the rate or ten per cent per annum arter maturity; and ono Interest counon note dntrsfl thn same, due July -6th, 191S, for $4g0.00, on which there was paid on May 12th, 1919, the sum of $250.00, for $4S0.00, bearing Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum after maturity: and one Interest" coupon note bearing tha same date duo July 6th, 1919, bearing interest at ten per cent por annum ar ter maturity: that thero is now due and payable on the said notes and mortgage the sum of $9,124.2", for wmcn sum witn interest irom tills date plaintiff prays for a decreo that the defendants bo required to pay the same or tnat said premises may bo sold to pay the same and satisfy the amount round to oo duo. You are required to answer said pe tition on or neioro tlio 13th day or Oc toDer, iaiy. Dated August 29th. 1919. AUGUST SCHMIDT. Plaintiff. By John II. Llnderman, his Attorney NOTICE TO ciiKDrrons. Estate NO. 1683 of Laura A. Bertrman. wpcen8a. in tne Lountv uourt or coin county, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss.: Creditors of said estate will take notlco that tho time minted ror presentation and ni lllg Of Claims against snid estate Is December 23. 1913. and for settlpmpnt of said estate Is one year from this u:ue; tnnt i will sit at tho county coutt room In said county on Septem- iifr ij, i-jiv, at y o'ciock a. m., and on urcemuer ij, iyiy, nt a O'CIOCK a. m., u receive, examine, near, niinw nr ml. Just, nil claims and objections duly nied WM. H. C. WOODHURST. a24sl7 County Judge, NOTICE OF PETITION. UState NO. 168S. of Snm nntnnla .ueceaseu. in tne countv nnnrt nf coin county. Nebraska. une stato or Nebbraska, To all per sons Interested In said Estate, tako notice, that a notltlon linn boon oi.ri for the appointment Of Bnssln nntnnk as numtnistrntrix or said estate, which iiuis ueeii sei tor nearing Herein on oopiemoer i'utll, laia. nt 10 o'clock a. m. Dated August 29th, 1919, . war. H. C. WOODHURST, B--S19 County Judge Extension to Road No. 172 To whom it may concern: 'lho special commissioner appoint ed to locato a public road as follows: Commencing at the southeast cor nor of Section fourteen (14) in town ship nine (9), range thirty-two (32) thonco north on section lino three miles, between sections 13 and 14, 11 and 12, and 1 and 2, Twp. 9, range 32, intersecting with Road No, 172, said roaa to bo 66 feet wide, hai reported in favor thereof, all objetlons thereto or claims for damages by establishing said, roaa, must bo filed in tho office of the County Clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho 5th day of Novem ber, 1919. Dated at North Platto, Nebraska, this 26th day of August 1919. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN, a29s23 County Clerk. Notlco of Petition Estate No. 1689 of Mary Voseipka, do ceased, In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State cf Nebraska. To all por- eons interested in said estate tako notice, that a petition has been filed for tho appointment of Vlasta Vosolp- ka nsT adralnstratrix of said estate, which has been set for hearing here ln on SontombGr 26. 1919. nt 9 o'clock - - . Uv,.- (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, R2-19 County Judgo, T. S. BLANKENBURG, Bonded Abstracter.' Public Stenographer. Office with D. M. Reynolds, Architect Atf. 1 Reynolds Terrace. Phone Black 1105. Hospital Phone Black 633. Houso Phone Black G33 IV. T. miTCIIARD. Graduate Veterinarian Elj;ht years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court Houso. Legal Notice. Ebor II. Smith. Claud C. Smith. Exa Hazo Smith, Lots One and Two In Block 7 of Pennlston's Addition to tho City of North Platto, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any Interest of any kind In said real estate or any part thereof defendants, will take no tice that on the 6th day of September, luia, Alice O. Coe, plaintiff, filed lr petition In tho District Court o Lin coln County, Nebraska against said defendants, the cfbject and prayer of which aro to obtain a decree of said Court quieting and conQrmlug said plaintiff's tlte. to tho above described real e3tato and to enjoin each and all of said defendants and all persons claiming any Interest of any kind in said premises from asserting any in terest htereln adverse to said plaintiff. you and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before tho 20th day of October, 1919. ALICE O. COLE, Plaintiff. By Hoagland & Hoagland and Carr, Her Attorneys. s9o3 le;al NOTICE. Ernest F. Snow. Rose F. Snow. Rob ert C. Orr, E. F. Stephens, The South .East uuartcr or North East Quarter and North Half of South Quarter ana south East Quarter of South East Quarter of Section 27, In Township 9, Rango 33 In Lincoln Countv. Nebraska. and all persons claiming uny Interest oi any Kind in said real estate or any part thereof. Defendants, will take no tice that on tho 22d dav of Auirust. 1919, David Lane, plaintiff herein, nied his petition in the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said ueienuants, tne onject and prayer of which are to obtain a decree of said court quieting and confirming said plaintiff's title to the above described real estate and to enjoin each and all of said defendants nnd all persons claiming under them and each of them from nny Interest in said premises ad verse to that of said plaintiff. rou nno eacn or you are renuired to answer said petition on or before tho 6th day of October, 1919. DAVID LANE, Plaintiff, By Hoagland & Hoagland, a24sl7 xi i a LtLurneys. Notice of Incorporation of Union State ihuik of ixirlli nutte, Nt'liriiHkii, Notlco is hereby c-Iven tlint tha nn. derslgned have formed a corporation under the name of "Union State Bank ot North Platte, Nebraska," with the principal place of business in the city of' North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska; the general nature of tho busi ness to bo transacted being n commer cial banking business under the laws of the State of Nebraska. 'i.'ne amount of the capltnl stock la the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollnrs ($50,000.00), all of which Is to be paid In nt the time of cnminniioAmont rf business The commencement of busi ness shall be the 15th day of June, 1919, or ns soon thereafter as author ized oy tne state Banking Board of tho State of Nebraska, nml unlil mmnr. ation shall .terminate the 15th day of June. 1969, The affairs of the cor poration shall be conducted by a board ui nueciors consisting or not loss than tlibee nor moro th nn sbvpii. wVin aim ii eledt from their number a president and secretary nnd select a vice-president nnd cashier nnd such nsslstant cash iers nnd clerks ns mnv lm tO COlldUCt tile business of Rnlil mrnn.. atlon. Gust Brantlng. Samuel G. Anderson. Theodore O. Swenson. Ed Westering. Alfred J. Swenson. John Victor Swenson. Elof A. Olson. ' ' ,Charles W. Swenson. Notice Por Bids. Notice is is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at tho office of the Secretary of the Board of Direct ors of the Suburban Irrigation Dis trict, tho same being the offlco of Beeler & Crosby, Attorneys, I. O. O. F. Building, North Platte, Nebraska, up until tho hour of 6 o'clock P. M. of tho 20th day of September, 1919, for tho construction of a head gate, scouring gate, and sheet piling dam, to be constructed at the head gate and In the south branch of the North Platto River on which said canal of said Suburban Irrigation District heads, plans and specifications for which, prepared by Charles McNamara, Civil Engineer, are now on file in the office of tho Secretary of said Board of Directors, and that such bids will be opened at the (fflcQot said Secre tary at 7:30 o'clock P. M. by the Board of Directors on said 20th day of Sep tember, 1919, and contract for tho construction ot said works will bo let to tho lowest responsible bidder, as soon as convenient after said bids are opened, tho Board of Directors, how ever, reserving the right to roiect any and all bids, and to re-advertlso for proposals, or to proceed to the con struction of such works under their own superintendence with the labor of tho residents of such Suburban Ir rigation District, such sealed bids to bo accompanied with a certified check, payable to J. G. Beeler, Treasurer of said Suburban District, in the sum of ?500.00, conditioned, that the person to whom tho contract may bo awarded shall enter Into tho contract, and up on failure of such person to enter into such contract, said check shall be for feited, and such person to whom the contract Is awarded shall before the contract shall be binding upon the Suburban Irrigation District, enter Into a bond for tho faithful perform nnco of tho contract, In a sum equal to twenty-live per cent of tho contract prlco, and such work to bo constructed under tho direction and to tho satls- faction of said Charles McNamara, or somo ono appointed by him in his stead, with the consent of said Board or Directors of said Suburban Irriga- tlnn District. nnH In ha nnn..fAi . .i " "i'i' .u UUU nccopted by tho Board of Directors of . said Suburban Irrigation District. 1 J. G. BEELER a2Csl9 Socretary.