The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 12, 1919, Image 12

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    Semt-Eteklu (tribune,
UtA L HAKE, Edllur and ruUlislur
suuscnii rio.N HATHS1:
Ono fear by .Mali, in advance. ,$t.7"
,JhX(s Xar ''J' C"rr,L'r ulTatic). 82.01)
Entered tit ttio North Platte, Nebraska
I'oatoCnt-u as Second CUas Matter.
riaiuY, septemhdji m, iun.
the nath.' .soil, find that thr title to our
lands should only bo held by citizen,
of tin United States nnd if elected to
th convention. 1 will endeaver to see
thtft' tills Is placed Hi our w consti-
tutftm. fj
rif you lellev thai my legislative ex- fj
Mat.linifin tt'lll Iia tit lArrlnii tn mtr nMm. B
ty uttd state in the coming: constitu
tional convention and that the prlncl- j
pl for which I atand are correct. I 'I
would be pleased to hive your sup
port at the primary.
Slnoerely yours,
,7 (.
m j turn cvN?Migiwgaacc Wfcw nraM
Hiadies" Outfitting Store
-North Platte's Only 3rdorn Exclusive Ladles' anil
C'oiiMltutloiiul (.'mi vent Jon.
A convention will convene at Mn-
coln,'Nobrnkn, on December 2, 1919,
Tito Coiisliliitional Contention. 1
North l'lalie, Nod., Sept. 10, 1910.
To the Voters of Lincoln County:
A constitutional convention will he,
hold In Nebraska in December of this'
year for the purpoao of framing a
nw constitution tor our state to ub-' '
mtl to the voters at the next election. ! TJthe Vetera of Lincoln County
A primary election will hi hold In
thin e.nuntv on September 10th for the
purpose of nominating candidates to for t" nurP ot compiling a new ,
be toted on at an election to be held Constitution for the state of Nebras-'
In November. This fact is not gener- ku' 11 w,n b composed of ono dele
ally known by our people. from eRch representative district
On account of my legislative expo- r 1,10 tate- Wnooln county, composoa
rlence and the position which I havs llie c8Ul Hoprenontntlve District, and
taken in the legislature many, persons therefore Is entitled to one delegate.
urged me to become a candidate for I ,,08ldo8 votr"B deleguto for the
this convention. I finally consented 1 771,1 "opresontntlvo District, which 13
to do o. I amafruid that many people composed of KeithLincoln and Daw
son counuos. ri ne law calling tuo
Misses' Store.
' t.
YHll iio"t vote at thin primary. This
is one of the most Important events in
Convention provldos for tho nomlna-
tlio history of the state of Nebraska. tlou of cnndldatos by petition and for g
Our constitution 1h the safe guard for,tho ,lold,n8 of 11 V " . J
, uay oi sepiemuor, vjvj, in every Jtep
! rosontntlvo District in which three
the protection of our people
Tlnnuliciu tt Hwi trrimnrwlmla tirnli.
loins growing out ot the war, and the t,,nc8 ,Uo numbcr of ennUtoa have
growth of profiteering In this country, uru "wvkuiob ov ,
there Is a tendency on belnlf of some olccte(L 1,1 11,0 C8th "cpresentatlvo
... District, eoninnfiml nt Mnrnln fimntv. v
or uio raaicai eiomenui to unit our ' 't
country's progress towards socialism, thrco candidates have filed petitions
anarchy and bolshovlsm. On the nn1 therefore a primary election will ,
oltor hand, them Is a tendency niiione bo held 1,1 th,H county on the 10th day
some conservative elements to drift of Soptombor, 1919, and will bo non-V
inn n,,.i ,,ntin,, in.vnwi, partisan in its character. The names
cratlc government. of. 11,0 candidates will nppoar on the
I bollovo that the safety of our gov- ba,Iot hy Petition. The Legislature
ornmont and our state lies In a middle 1,1 ,tB w,sdom lgo saw fit to provide
cburso. We must not let bolshevism for "on-partlsan election, expecting
and anarchy get control of the Amerl- tl,oroby to 1,ave a HCt of dclBnte8 oloc
cah people. On the other hand, we ted wno would bo representative of the
have Just been fighting autocracy in ,imJor,ty ot the people, rather than of
Buropo and in order to provont the !l party' T,iat 1,1,8 1b a w,ao Provision
growth of anarchy and all forms of uon but an tremo pnrtlBnn will
opposition to tho law, wo must keep dony-
our government and Its admlnlstra- Tll9 compiling of a new constitution j
lion close to tho people for Nebraska is a very Important mat-1
BecaUso of this bolief, In tho last tor nnd especially so in these times,!
legislature I opposed tho Civil Admin- nnd 11 w111 require tho calm, cool
lstrativo code bill whicli passed and judgment of men familiar with public
which 'placed all of tho powers of ad- ttaitB to accomplish tho task success
ministration of tho government of this full'' If properly porformcd it will
stato In tho hands of tho Governor. 1)0 or msting una tremendous benefit to
I niri, opposed to ho control by beau- tho pooplo of the State and enable
initio 'government nt Washington ot 1,10111 to develop their natural rc
ih'os'o 'activities which proporly belong sources for their own advantage, nnd
to our stato. The city of Washington that of their descendants. If illy per
Ib too far away to control local mat- formed. It will he but a ropo around
tors. Jnmos Q. Dlaiiio once said: vbo neck ot progress, and will hamper
"There is nothing of which a public lho development of tho Stato. It is
wfflcor can bo so easily persuaded as wol, therefore, that tho pooplo should
tonho enlarged Jurisdiction which por- ,ook carefully Into tho record of the
tains to his office. If the officer be of ,non who ,lIlV0 fl,ed as candidates, and
b6id mind ho arrogates power for the' P,oct 01lly those whom they bellevo
purp'oBb'ir of ambition; ovon with timid wI11 nct for t,lu best Interest of tho
mon; p'6wcr 1b often assumed as a Stato nt large.
measuro of protection and defense" You have known me for years, are
Our constitution' has stood the tost familiar with my, public acts, and if
of agos. During troublesome times is you bellovo that I nm pospessed of
no period 'for trying oxporimouts in the requisite qualifications to act In
now things In constitutions Tho lib- telllgontly, and that I will carofully
crtlos of our peoplo must bo protcc- nnd honestly act in your behalf, then
ted. Tho powers of administrative I respectfully solicit your voto at tho
government should ho distributed in- primary election to bo hold in your
to tho hands of electlvo officers under precinct on Tuosday, Soptcmher 1G,
tho constitution and should not bo 1919, and also ask you to speak to
placed entirely In tho hands of ono your neighbor, who, In tho hurry of
mim, tho govornor ot tho stato.. A his work, may otherwise neglect to
goBil man might admlnlstor tho laws nttond said primary election.
vofl but. a bad man can toar down lu Respectfully yours,
two years more than a good man can JOSEPH G. DBRLBR.
build up In half a century. Tho of- ::o:t
ion. win oo mauo to oxporimont m duuuuu on iwvuiiua run uniii
what I bollovo to ho autocratic gov- DHEN.. Puro wool, made to measuro,
ernmont at tho coming constitutional and all colors. Phono 4fi, Hotol Pal
-convontlon. If I am electod I will op- uco and leave a call for D. A. Frecd-
;noso It with my utmost power. I man, agent for tho Logan Knitting
I also bollovo that our wealth Is In Factory, Logan, Utah
This big, busy Garment Store is guide to Fall Fashions, and particular
ly to what they should cost..
this store is now ready with imivenso varieties Suits that we are
particularly proud of. and we want every woman to see, at
$29.76, $35.00, $50.00 and Up
Materials were selected months ago when market conditions were de
cidedly to our advantage. You'll find, when you investigate, what this
means to you.
We specialize in stylish stout garment
"and Skirts almost every size.
-Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists
Tesses r or
Many decidedly new styles that will appeal to every woman's good taste and love of beauty, and really re
markable values- when you consider that makers are asking more and more as the season advances. Two
big special groups Jf Serge, .Tesrsey and Satin at $19.75 an:l $25.00
Coats! Coats!
M any Interesting New Styles In
Cioth and Plush Coats, Children's New Dresses and Coats, Sweaters and Furs.
(tmnBranmi v
iDBSi all
' " ii.nm.. I iii
'OnicialH of tho New York Stae
range, which represents 125.000 far
mers In that state, have issued a state
ment In which they phicp tho re
considering a 'strike for a morrf der.-;'rhey ?eDOrt a voryt enjoyable trip,
sponslblllty for tho high cort of Hying illto statement as to tho p.Qfisdbllity of samples oi corn oeing jy-pugnt in.
an early conference boin3 arranged lrom country snow mat tne ears
are uaraening rapiaiy ami tuai unless
a freezo occurs within the next ten
days corn will bo in very good shape.
The Master Ketj
Successful Photography
One camera with the
combined advantages
of many
One Master Model
that unlocks all the
doors of photography.
HpHE maximum of lipecd, clnckncy, size of
picture (2Vix3Vi) coupled witli quick ac
tionas well as minimum of bull:, weight and
bother are reached in this wonderful camera.
So small nnd light it can be carried anywhere.
So efficient it makes good pictures in any
lipMon dull days or late afternoon.
So fait llir.t rapidly moving objects can be
successfully photographed action pictures"
arc a certainty.
Four lens equipments priced from $31.00 to $75.0Q
II mwlts your Investigation Step in
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moody returned
President Wilson 'has been asketl by Tuesday night fro mSan Francisco
representatives of tho union stool where Mr Moody attended the annual
workers,' in session at AVashingtoa ! rmniott or lue fpanisn war veterans.
upon labor, declaring that an eco
nomic adjustment, must be made if
tho world Is to bo fed and agriculture
preserved." The indictment of all
workors except thoso engaged in agri
cultural pursuits is made by Sherman
J.,,Powell and AV. N. Giles, master nndi
secretary, respectively, of the grange.
who allege that strikes have been an
important factor lu raisin? the price
of food, clothing and sholtor.
"When wheat was $1 a buuhel, says
tho stntomcnt, ono bushel paid for a
day's work. Wheat, by government
flat, Is now $2.2G a bushel, and It now
requires from two tothrco bushels to
pay labor for ono day's work. Again
whon wool was 3D cents' a pound, ai
lowing four pounds for a suit of
clothes, tho farmer reoolvd for the
product $1.20. Figuring the cost of a
suit of clothes at $20. fifteen days
labor at $1.50 per day paid for a suit.
Today wool Is Gfi conts a pound, four
pounds bringing $2.G0, tho amount re
ceived by tho farmer. The same suit
ot clothes Is now $40 and the laborer
cau obtain n suit by eight days of la
bor at $5 per day. These compari
sons will hold good with evory farm
Kodaks aud films at the Rexall.
Try tho Rexall first.
I am now prepared to handle all
kinds of interior wiring, both city and
larm wont, uot our prices.
W. I. STE1111INS,
100 East Front St. Phone 983.
Christian Sclsnco sorvlco Sunday 11
u. m. Wednesday ovonlng meetings
ovory wook nt 8:00, A cordial invi
tation is extended to all to attend
these Borvlcos. Building & Loan build
lug. rooni 25.
between tho heads of th United States
steel corporation and the unions.
Tho conference will remain in ses
sion 4S hours awaiting a reply be-
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hayes left this
morning on a two weeks' trip to
Denver and other points in Colorado.
Miss Josio Kelly, of Omaha, has re
signed her position at tho Stylo Shop
and left Wednesday ovonlng for Col
umbus, where she has accepted a posi
tion as head saleslady In the Block
branch store. .
Dlxons grind their lenses.
Dr. and Mrs. J. .H. Curry, returned
I FOR REAL FLANNEL SHIRTS ANDj Wednesday from a thirty day vacation
1 IjEATHRR VESTS nhnnn 4fi. Hntol snont In Denver. Colorado Snrincs nnd
fore taking final action. It was not' p . . , f D A. Kansas City. They made the trin by
intimated what action would be taken FreemaU( agont for the Logan Knit- auto and covered about twenty-three
if the union men considered tho pros-1
ldent's reply unfavorable,
Conditions In tho stetil Industry
wcro said to be becoming steadily
worso and tho union offlcors declared
It would bo Impossible to restrain
their men much longer.
ting Factory, Logan, Utah.
hundred miles.
: :o:
Government Should Buy Farms.
Tho Oklahoma Farmers' Union wont
on record last week In opposition to
tho Plumb plan of buying tho rall-
rouds. and In tho resolution adopted
was the following:
"If congress In Its wisdom sees fit
to give thoso railroad men their de
mands, we ask that congress shall al
so buy all of tho farms In the United
States, with their equipment, and em
ploy all of the farmers to oporato
them, paying to tho farmers a wage
oqual to two-thirds of the Hourly wage
that tne average railway employe re
ceives; nnd then soil all farm pro
ducts to the consumer 'af? cost."
Pork is Cheaper.
Hogs dropped $1.75 a hundred at
the South Omaha market this weak
which brought tho price down to $16
per hundred In North Platte. Butchors
have therefore, reduced the price of
tho best cuts of pork to thlrty-tlve
conta h pound, a reduction of live
conts a jifiund. But while tho con
sumer IsTelng benefitted, the farmer
is not making any monoy In feeding
high priced com to sixteen cont hogs.
Dx- See "Clinton & Son'
If Age is an
Endorsement " vtSi
then the Platte Valley State Bank with its eight,,
years continuous service here, is highly en-'
dorsed by this community. v
Established in 1911, it has brought' down
. through the years of its existence, growth and
service, the charm of Stability.
It is the realizaton of this sounu, qldvInsti
tution's. Stability that makes its age an en
' dorsement to all those seeking safety for their
Platte Valley State Bank,
Lout your Eyes and
satisfied. Sign ot
the Big Ring.