The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 26, 1919, Image 6

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& &
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
; Contents lSriuidDraohnj
LWJ is-
Laying tho Trap.
Our first Job wns executed much
raoro easily than I had anticipated.
Wo caught Manuel sound asleep, and
LoVcro had sinewy hands at his throat
beforo tho fellow could grasp a
weapon. Tho narrowness of the state
room prevented my taking much pnrt
In tho nffnlr, but the mulatto needed
no help, ns ho dragged tho cursing
Spaniard from Ills bunli to the deck
and throttled him savagely. Indeed
ho would have killed tbo fellow had
I not interfered and twisted his hands
loose, leaving Estovnn barely con
scious. A blanket ripped Into strips
served to bind him securely enough
for tho present, but I thought It best
to lock tho door, and keep the key in
my own pocket. LoVero would havo
knifed him even ns ho lay there help
less, but for my threat nnd Insistence.
Once back in tho cabin my eyes dis
tinguished the frightened face of tho
steward peering forth at us from out
tho dark of tho passage leading for
ward. "Come here, Ounsaulcs," I eald
sternly. "Step lively, lad ; thero's noth
ing for you to fear. Senor Estada has
been killed during the night, nnd wo
havo Just captured his murderer," I
explained. "There is reason to believe
tlilo act was part of a conspiracy to
seize tho ship In connection with those
follows amidships. Docs that passage
lead to their quarters?"
"It did once, senor, but now there is
n closed door of oak, studded with
Iron, not only locked, but barred on
this side. Thero arc but two keys
one for tho captain nnd tho other for
him who commands the buccaneers."
I stood thero n moment, considering
this information. The only way tho
mutineers could reach tho cabin then
would be from tho deck, descending
through the companion. So long as
they remained unaware of the capture
of Manuel there was little danger of
their taking such action.
"Very well, steward," I said. "You
go on nbout your work as though noth
Ing had happened. If any word of this
affair gets to the crew, or to those fol
lows forward, I'll hold you responsi
ble. You are not to leave this cabin
without my permission, nor speak to
unyone. LoVere."
Tho mulatto faced mo respectfully
enough, and I had a feeling ho would
obey orders, largely because ho dare
not rebel.
"They will bo wondering why you
aro not on deck. It will bo better for
you to tako chargo of tho watch at
once, and keep the men busy. llcliovo
Watklns at tho wheel and send tho
man down to me. Ho can chooso tho
fellows who will stick better than you
could, and then can circulate umong
them without arousing suspicion."
Watklns soon shuffled down tho
stops. TIo whipped off his cap nnd
stood waiting.
I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Tom," I snld soberly, "wo are in tho
samo bont, nud understand each other,
The cliunco has come for both of us, If
wo play tho cards right. Listen while
I toll you the situation, and what I
plan doing."
I told it briefly, wasting no words,
yot relating ovcry fact, no listened
eagerly, but without Interruption un
til tho end.
"What do you mnko of. it?" I asked.
"About what you do, sir. I know
thero was something of tho kind going
on Bomo of tho men forward aro in
on It. You've got tho ring-lender."
"Manuel, you mean. Who did ho
count on for help in tlio forecastle?"
"Gochoso, nnd n handful of others
niggers nnd Spaniards, mostly. They
meant to pull tho affair off either to
day or tonight. Your plan gives us n.
fnir chance, sir. A dozen good men on
deck might do tho business."
"But aro. thero a dozen aboard to
bo trusted?
"Well, yes sir. I rather think thero
arc. I'd say that In both watches
there's maybo fourteen to bo relied
"In my wntch there's Jones, Ilnr-
wood and Slmins, either English or
Welsh. They'ro nil right. Then there's
a nigger named Sam; Schmltt, n
Dutchman, with his partner, whoso
nnmo I don't know, nnd two Frcnchles
Ilavcl and Pierre. That makes eight
nlno counting myself. Then in tho
Hturbonrd watch I'd pick out Jim Car
ter and Joo Colo, two Swedes, Carl
Hon and Olo Ilnllln, and another nig'
gcr. Then thero aro a couplo of Finns
who ought to bo with us, but I can
talk their lingo. That would givo us
sixteen out of thirty, and it's quite
likely some of the others would tako a
hand with us, if they thought it was
safe. I haven't any uso though, sir,
for Francois Lovcrc. Thero nln't a
worse scamp aboard." '
"I know that," I admitted, "but ho
had to bo used."
"And what is my part now?"
"This la my watch below, and it will
bo best for mo to keep off tho deck
until all Is prepared. You sound these
men and get them together; wako up
tho ones In tho starboard watch you
feel euro aro all right, and have thorn
Up qulntly on deck. Then we'll get
Copyright, by A, U. Mcdun; & Co.
theso arms In tho ruck here, and bo
ready for buslncssi the rest will bo
dono In a hurry. I'll wait hero for
your report."
At the very best Watklns could
scarcely perform tho task assigned
him in less than nn hour. The success
or failure of our effort depended en
tirely upon taking these fellows by
completo surprise. If it came to an
open fight our cause wns hopeless, for
that would mean fourteen or fifteen
men unarmed, pitted against over a
hundred thoroughly equipped and
trained fighters. Only by confining
them below, with hatches bnttcned
down, and n enrronado trained upon
them, would wo bo snfe.
I sat where I could watch tho stairs,
and the entire forward part of tho
cabin. Ounsaulcs lowered tho table,
and began preparing tho morning
mcnl. Finally he nunounced break
"Supposo you rap on tho lady's door
yonder, and ask If sho will Join me.
Say your mcssngo is from Senor
She caino ut once nnd seated herself
opposite me, nnd we spoko of tho
weather whllo Gunsaules served. IIo
wns still hovering about, but my nnx
icty to hnvo n word with her alone
caused me to send him to attend Cap
tain Sanchez. Wo waited until he dis
appeared within tho nftcr stateroom,
bearing a tray; then her eyes sudden
ly lifted to mine, filled with questioning.
"Tell me whnt hns happened?" She
brcnthed cngorly. "I heard tho noise
of n strugglo out here, nnd voices con
versing. Why are you nlono?"
I leaned over to spenk In as low a
tone ns possible. And I told her the
situation In detnll nnd my plans.
Sho sat silently gazing at mo across
tho table, her parted lips trembling to
"Toll Mo What Has Happened."
nn unasked question. Beforo she could
frnmo this In words, tho door to tho
companion opened, and Watklns de
scended tho stulrs. At sight of her ho
whipped off his cap.
"You may speak freely," I said
"Tins is uio young inuy I tola you
about, and of courso sho is with us,
Only talk low."
"Yes, sir," using a hoarso whisper,
and fastening his gnzo on me. "It's all
right, sir."
The Deck Is Ours.
I had tho next step carefully out
lined in my own mind, and yet I hesi
tated a moment, glancing Into tho two
faces beforo me, with n sudden renll
station of wjiut tho contemplated ac
tion would mean to nil of us, If by any
chnnco it should fall of success.
managed to speak cheerfully, putting
a ring of confidence Into my voice.
"Then tho Eooncr wo act tho better.
Watklns, havo LoVero order theso men
aft. Let him say that Senor Kstnda
wishes them to break out some stores
in tho lazaret. They need bo hero only
long enough for us to distribute theso
arms among them, nnd for me to spenk
a word of Instruction to them."
"But havo I no part? Is thero no
way In which I can help?" asked tho
"xou hnvo your pistol V Tnen re
main here. I shall hnvo to go on decl
with tho men, nnd will not daro leave
them n moment until tho ship Is nb
solutely sccuro. Manuel la locked In
that stateroom, but must not be com
munlcatcd with by anyone. It will bo
your part to seo that Gunsaules
neither enters that passage leading
amidships, nor approaches this door,
Keep him in sight. You will save us
n man. Wait hero now until I seo how
securely this pnssago forward
It was as described to me a heavy
oaken door, itall studded, not only
locked, but held firmly In placo by
stout Iron luir. Thero wus not tho
faintest possibility of any entrance
aft, except through nsslstnnco from
this side. As I returned to tho cabin,
Gunsaules enmo out of the captain's
room nnd crossed the deck. At sight,
of mo he stopped Instnntly.
"Gunsaules," I said, "you aro to re
main In this cabin until I glvo th
word. The lndy hero hns n pistol, nnd
orders to shoot If you nttempt toy
either enter this passage, or approach
the door of Manuel's stateroom. How
did you find Sanchez?"
"Sitting up In his bunk, senor, nnd
able to ent."
"Does ho know what li occurring or
"No, senor. Do questioned me, but;
only told him everything was nil
right, sq, far."
In my henrt I believed the fellowt
deliberately lied, but there was no op-j
portunlty to question him further, for
at that moment the door of tho com-j
pnnlon opened nnd n miscellaneous
group of men thronged down tliQ
stairs. They were n rough hairy lot,'
here and there a sturdy English coun
tenance meeting my gaze, but thei
faces were largely foreign, with tho.iei
of two negroes conspicuous.
"Twelve here, sir; I couldn't get
Ilnrwood down from tho foretop," said
"And there aro others below who
will Join us?"
"Yes, sir;- six more I count on."
"Which means lads, that with Har-
wood, Senor LoVere, nnd myself, we'll
totul twenty-ono In this shindy. Now
'11 tell you what Is up. Watklns gnvo
you some of It no doubt, but a word
from mo will mnko it clearer. I'm no
plrato; I'm an English sailor, shnng
hlcd. Estada named me first officer
because I understand navigation."
I stopped sneaking, staring at ono
of the faces before me; all at once it
appeared familiar. "What Is your
name, my man?"
"Jim Carter, sir."
"You, wore on tho SInbnd, thrco
yenrs ago?"
"I was that, Mister Carlyle," he an
swered grinning. "I know'd you tho
minute I cum down yere."
"Then that is all I need say on that
line. Hero's one of your mntes, lads,
who will vouch for me. Now, as I'vo
been told, you aro all of you In thq
snmo boat you aro prisoners on
board. Luck has given us a chance to
mnko a break, and get away. Captain
Snnchez Is wounded and helpless.
Pedro Estnda Is dead, and I've got;
Manuel locked In that stateroom. Ilia,
cut-throats are all below, and now all
we've got to do is clup on the hatch
and keep them thero. Now, what I
want to know Is nro you fellows with
Watklns nnswered up promptly;
then Carter; the others Joining In with
less heartiness, tho different accents
revealing their nationalities. I know
sailors well enough to feel assured
they would' follow their lenders onco
tho game started.
"That's good enough; now wo've got
to hit hnrd and quick, lads. There aro,
six men on deck who avu not with us.
Watklns will tako caro of them with
those fellows I don't nsulgn to other
work. Jones, you nnd Carter make
strulght for the forccastlo and don't
let anyone como up tho scuttle. Ono
of you had better drop down below,
and prevent nny of thooo lads from'
unbarring tho door loading amidships.
Who Is the best for that Job?"
"Lot Carlson do It."
"All right Carlson It Is then. You
Frenchmen, and the two negroes, your
part will bo to ship tho main hatch.
Do a quick Job, and clamp It down
"I'll como down to you Curlson, as
soon as wo havo tho deck. It ought
not to take moro than fivo minutes to
hnndlo those lnds, and slew around a
carronndc. Watklns, you and Carter
hand out tho cutlasses from tho rnck;
you boys will handle thosn better than
firearms. Good; now aro you all
Thero was a low murmur of voices.
the faces watching mo showing their
Increasing excitement and eagerness.
Our little talk hnd served to arouse
their confidence In my lA.ulcr.shlp, and
with gleaming weapons In their hands
they became self-reliant volunteers.
Once turned loose my greatest diffi
culty might bo to restrain them, rather
than urge them on. Revenge for pnst
wrongs was In ench heart, and thoy
welcomed u chance to strike.
I whispered n parting word of ad
monition Into tho ear of Dorothy, re
ceiving In return a glnnco from her
eyes, which gnvo n now throb to my
heart; then strnlghtcned up, and pis
tol in hand, pushed my way through
the throng of sailors to tho foot of the
"Follow mo, lads," I said quietly.
Concrete Highway Is Composed of
Mixture of Sand, Stone, Portland
Cement and Water.
The concrete rond Is composed of
a carefully proportioned mixture of
clean, hard, wcll-grnded sand, peb
bles or broken stone, portland cement
nnd water. This mixture Is laid upon
the subgrnde to a depth of 7 inches
or moro for the entire width of the
road, nnd soon hardens Into a mass
ns hnrd as rock. The materials aro
bonded together by the cement so firm
ly that it is Impossible for trafile to
loosen or separate the particles. For
this reason no expensive maintenance
Is required.
The foundation or subgrode Is com
pacted where the concrete Is to be
laid and the roadbed Is drained so
that no wnter will remain under the
slab, writes A. L. Pcttibono In Dnkoto
Farmer. Upon the foundation con
crete Is laid in one or two courses.
A one-course concrete road consists of
a relatively rich concrete mixture
throughout. A two-course road con
sists of n somewhat leaner mixture for
a bnse with a richer top or wearing
course, npplled before the concrete in
tho baso has begun to harden. Fre
quently re-enforcement in tho form of
wire fabric or steel rods Is embedded
In the concrete. This assists to pre
vent cracks in the slab and aids in
keeping cracks which mny form from
opening to any appreciable extent.
The high wearing quality of the con
crete road results from using properly
graded, elenn, hard sand and pebble?
or crushed rock. These must be com
bined with portland cement In care
fully measured proportions, mixed with
a power-operated batch mixer to pro
duce a stiff plastic consistency, then
plnced upon the foundation and struck
off with a template or strike board,
so shaped that the surface of the pave
ment will have the desired crown. Af
ter rolling with n light metal rollei
to compact tho concrete nnd remove
excess water used In mixing, the con
crete is finished by seesawing a sec
tion of rubber or canvas belting along
Celtic Isle.
Tho smnllest dependency of Franc
is tho Ilo d'Hocdlo, situated at tho east
of Hello Isle. Its population Is 238.
Tho peoplo do not spunk French, but
Celtic. Fishing Is tho principal indus
try, und nil tho Inhabitants nro pro
vided with food at an Inn managed by
tho women. Tho town has no streets.
Tho houses aro mostly of mud,
An Improved Highway in West,
tho pavement, leaving n true, even.
gritty, dense surface. When sufficient-
lv hardened to nrevent nlttlnc oi
marking, the surface Is sprinkled with
wnter, then covered with 2 Inches oi
moro of moist sand or earth, whlcli
is, kept wet by sprinkling for from ten
days to two weeks to prevent the con
crete from drying out too rapidly. Un
der no circumstances should a con
crete rond be put In use until it is 14
days old nnd In cool weather n longer
tlmo is necessary. This Is a brief sum
mary of the essentlnls of tho construc
tion of a concrete rond.
Authorities Should Act to Meet Crow
ing Demands Before Trade
Goes Other Ways.
Good roads ofe a paying Investment.
Local authorities In cities, towns and
counties should act .without delay to
meet the growing nntlonnl and locnl
demands before trade goes In other
directions. It is almost Impossible to
get back tho lost advantage after oth
er districts have won it.
Heat or Cold, Freezing and Thawing
Does Not Injure Concrete Once
It Is Hardened.
Concrete roads aro not affected by
heat or cold nor by freezing or thaw
ing when It is onco hardened. Other
materials tracked upon concreto have
no effect upon it. Heat does not soften
tho binder permitting It to flow; cold
does not make It brittle, causing it to
Tr.nnnr.-a PERCENT
-imlfnSn11hfrandbrEc4UUl I
imnnifiTlll ii
Thereby Promo'Jn4T)!stg
Checrfulnws nna iteswn
neither upium, Morpiuuv ..
Mineral. Not hahco i
ft )itotjrrmhrr I
l fifnfiil Remedy for
Constipation and Diarrbwi
irc3trfHn$ thcrcfrwnjmmfaBCY-
Bears the
Signature xJf
ft In
uJ Use
ji For Over
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
A Good Job.
"I know a man who lately cleaned
out a bank nnd got nwuy with It."
"IIo wns a smart crook."
"No; he was a conscientious Janitor."
A cold In the summer time, as every
body knows, Is the hardest kind of a
cold to get rid of. The best and quick
est way Is to go to bed and stay there
if you can, with a bottle of "Boschee's
Syrup" handy to Insure a good night's
rest, free from coughing, with easy ex
pectoration In the morning.
But If you enn't stay In bed you must
keep out of draughts, avoid sudden
changes, eat sparingly of simple food
and take occasional doses of Boschee's
TSyrup. which you can buy at any store
where medicine is sold, a safe and effi
cient remedy, made In America for more
tbnn fifty years. Keep It handy. Adv.
Thirty Years
Knew What He Was Doing.
A llttlt boy hnd a pony nnd a dog,
nnd his generosity wns often tried by
visitors nsklng him just to see what
he would sny to give them one or
both of his pets.
One day he told n man he might
have his pony, reserving the dog,
much to the surprise of his mother,
who nsked :
"Why, Jacky, why didn't you give
him the dog?"
"Say nothing, sny nothing, mother.
When ho goes to get the pony I'll set
the dog on him." Minneapolis Tribune.
Proper Grade of Road.
Tho grade of the road is Important
for on this depends tho weight of tho
load which can be hauled ccouoml
Improvement In Texas.
Toxas this year will spend a total of
$70,210,000 on Improved highways, ac
cording to figures compiled by tho
Btato nignwny uepnrtment.
V Building Roads Is Important
Tho building of good roads is of the
greatest Importanco to a community,
Had Seen Her Throw.
She I hurled defiance nt him.
He And what did you hit? Boston
The war has made table linen very
valuable. Tho uso of Red Cross Ball
Blue will add to Us wearing qualities.
Uso It and see. All grocers, 5c.
Rather Mixed.
"They cooked up a plot ngnlnst me
nt the office." '
"I call that giving you a raw deal."
A man does u lot of things he dis
likes to do because his neighbors
doesn't want him to da them.
Tender slices of chilled
Libby's Corned Beef and
teamed greens garnished
with egg here is a dinner
your family will ask for again
and again I Ask your grocer
for a package of Libby's
famous Comed Beef today.
Libby, McNeill & Libby
Grow Wheat in Western Canada
One Crop Oiten Pays for the Land
Western Canada offers the jrreatest advantage, to home seekers.
Large profits are assured. You can buy on easy payment terms.
Fertile Land at $15 to $30 per Acre
land similar to that which through many years has averaged from 20 to 45
bushels of wheat to the acre. Hundreds of cases are on record where in Western
Canada u single crop has paid the cost of land nnd production. The Govern- nr in. mm ninn an.. im-, r-u n . ...Hi.nK. n nih.- .
ttjo farmer to prosper, and extend every possible encouragemert and help to
M ! J .
iNi-airi crowing ana siock Raising.;
iDougnwestern UnadapHera land atsuch low figures, Uie bitftt
prices of Brain, cattle, sbeep and hoga will remain.
Loans for the purchase of stock may be had at low interest;
there are good shipping facilities; best of markets: free schools;
churches; splendid climate; low taxation (none on Improvements).
.For particular u to location of landa for tale, mart, Illustrated literature,
reduced railway ratal, etc., appl to Bupt. ot Immlgratlea. Ottawa. Can., or
W V RFNNFTT Sn.n a Ra niui-- nwsriA tiro