The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 26, 1919, Image 5

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    2600 Acres Valley Land,
er Irrigation
The north portion is the best improved place in Western Neforas-
EmmjjjHitMfoii!M;ig'iiiTO ivci, a-s: i uuui, ov&xcjiy imuuci n iiuuoc, jLiAtc uttA ai V ltci, Willi
200. ton capacity loft; cattle shed 80x200 feet; two silos of 300 ton capacity, ice house, corn crib, gar
age and complete set of outbuildings. There are also S tenant houses on the smaller farms.
The present owners have expended $27,000.00 on the former irrigation project
and now have a system second to none in the state, headgates, drops, checks, cul
verts, all concrete and properly installed.
StJBDIISION'3"'1 ranc kas a'" keen platted and will be sold in tracts to suit purchasers.
LOCA.TION3 property 'es abutting North Platte on the west, the location being ideal for country
home or parties wishing to be near good market.
TFPMQReasonable terms will be given purchasers and every courtesy shown prospective buyers. Price
list on Application. BUY IRRIGATED LAND. BE SAFE. For further information see
O. H .
El pr
L. O..McGraw made a business trip
tOjOgAjalla yesterday.
Miss Agnes O'Neil, of Lincoln, is a
guest, at the Wm, Stack home this
week. .'
Try the Ilexall first.
Miss Nina Brestel, of Maxwell, has
accepted a position with the Artificial
Ice Co.
W. V, Hoagland returned Sunday
from Scott3 Bluff where he had been
spending several days on business.
Miss Arta Kochen left Sunday for
Breat Falls, Idaho, to resume her work
in the city schools.
The Catholic Girls' club will meet
Wednesday evening at the home of
Miss Bessie Smith.
When in North Platto stop at the
New Hotel Palace and Cafo. You will
bo treated well. &Stf
Miss Margaret Johnston has accept
ed a position as bookkeeper at the Ma-
loney furniture store.
For Rent Four lovely furnished f
rooms with bath, no children, ouu
west Ninth street. 05-lp
Miss Doris Seibert camo up from
Omaha Friday for a short visit with
her father, A. M. Seibert.
Headquarters for diamonds, largest
stock in western Nebraska. C. M.
Austin, corner jewelry store. 64-3
Miss Sadie Trovlllo left Sunday for
Blue Hill where sho will spend a cou
ple of weeks with friends.
Miss Leono Marovisch left yesterday
for Petersburg, Alaska, where sho is
a teacher in the city schools.
Miss Margaret Kochen returned to
Omaha Sunday after spending a cou
ple of weeks hero with relatives.
Miss Josephine McNeal returned Sat
urday from Sutherland where sho had
been spending the summer with rela
tives. The Misses Nina, Fayo and Esther
Elder will ontertain this evening at
a china shower in honor of Miss Zoo
For Sale Two lots on south Wal
nut: corner lot has three houso. Will
sell ono or both. Inquire at 221 south
Walnut. C5-"
Mrs. F. It. Elliott, son La Verno and
Bister Miss Stella Banks, spent Sunday
In Brady as the guests of Mrs. Nor
man Edwards.
For Sale Tract of 18 acres of
land adjoining city on west. Ad
dress A. F. Splinter, North Platto, or
phono 7S3F5. C3"2
Bishop Beecher officiated at tho
Episcopal church Sunday in th0 ab
sence of tho rector, who was away on
missionary work.
Miss Anna O'Connell returned Sun
day to Grand Island, after spending a
week hero with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. O'Connell.
Mr. and Mrs. Olvor Carroll and Mr.
and Mrs. Marston Van Doran roturnod
home. Saturday from a two wooks auto
trlp'lo tho mountains.
Mrs. Geo. Fi Patterson and daughter
Jessie left by auto yesterday for Fonda
Iowa, where they will make an indefi
nite visit with relatives.
Miss Helen Jeter will leave Thurs
day for . Chicago to attend the Uni
versity of Chicago at which she will
tako her master degreo this year.
Miss Jane Cushing and little nephew
and niece, Allen and Doris Tarklngton,
returned last night from tho moun
tains where they had spent tho sum
mer. Rev. and Mrs. J. II. Curry, who have
been visiting at Knasas City and oth
er points east for two or three weeks,
aro expected home about Soptcmbei
Home grown watermelons aro now
being marketed, though they will
reach a better condition a week later.
Tho crop is reported to be rather light
duo to tho dry weather.
Capt. and Mrs. Ora Smith and Mr.
and Mrs. L. R. Thorp, of York, spent
Sunday with Mrs. J. L. Kelso while
enroute to western Nebraska and Col
orado on a land buying trip.
Tho parish and Sunday schol of tho
Church of Our Saviour will havo a
picnic at tho city park Thursday, Au
gust 28th, to which all parishonors
and friends of tho parish are Invited.
Miss Beryl Jeter, who had been
'spending her vacation with her par
onts, returned last week to Los An
geles where sho holds tho position of
instructor of music in tho high school.
A regular meeting of the Methodist
aid society will bo held at tho church
next Thursday afternoon. In tho ev
ening commencing at C o'clock tho
ladles will servo one of their splendid
50c dinners to tho public.
Frank Turpie, who purchased tho
former Otten farm fivo miles west of
town two years ago for ?150 per acre,
lias turned down an offer of $250. Ho
holds the. price this week at $300 next
week it may bo higher.
W. T. Banks arrived this morning
from Long Beach, California, and will
spond some time hero looking after
business Interests and visiting his
sons u. Ju. ana w. is. nanus and
daughter Mrs. F. R. Elliott.
A letter received a fow days ago by
Dr. Dent from Miss Edith Patterson
stated that her father sceomd to be
getting along satisfactorily and was
largely ablo to wait upon himsolf. No
intimation was given as to when tho
family would return home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Watts entertain
ed twenty young ladles at a four
course dinner Sunday evening at their
homo north of town. Decorations
wero in pink and white with great
boqucts of pink and white carnations
gracing tho tablos. Tho placo cards
represented tiny boquets of pink and
whlto flowers, and when the gupoats
pulled tho cards and tho llttlo stream
era which ran into tho center boquot,
tiny rolls of papor wero revealed
which bore the announcomont of the
wedding of Miss Zoo Wntta to Ilonry
Toilllon on Septomber 2d.
Miss Zoo Watts has resigned her
position with the Artificial Ice Co.
Now silk middy ties, the now kind in
black, blue and red at tho Style Shop.
Tho Style Shop has just received a
now shipment of stylish stout blouses,
up to 52 size.
Mrs. Ed Rebhauscn and daughter
iMiss Gertrude returned Saturday from
a two weeks stay in Denver.
Get our prices on diamonds before
buying. AUBtln,. Jeweler, corner jew
elry store. 04-3
Georgo and Hammond Brown came
down from their ranch in Arthur coun
ty to spend tho weok end with their
mother, Mrs. Mary Brown.
If you have some ono you wish to
bo very nice to, tako them to the Keith
theatre Wednesday or Thursday to
sco William Farnum in "Tho Lono
Star Rauger." It will be an cntertnin
mont that they will enjoy and appreciate.
) E. F. Seoberger, Paul Harrington
I and Austin Bedell left Friday for Den
' ver by auto, making tho drive through
i that day. Paul returned yesterday by
train nnd E. F. and Austin will he
home tho later part of tho week. The
roads from .Tulcsburg into Denver arc
reported to bo porfect condition.
Bids for the oretlon of a new school
houso, to replace tho Platto Valley
building which burned, will bo recoi,ved
at tho office of Beeler & Crosby up to
noon next Monday. Tho estimated
cost of tho now building Is around
twenty thousand dollars, and It will
bo tho peer of any rural'school build
ing in tho county.
Soo .'Clinton & Son'
about your Eyo troubles,
satisfaction every time.
Rev. Henry Ives camo down from
Sldnoy to spend Sunday and Monday
hero with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Morey returned
Saturday from a two weeks' vacation
spent at Idaho Springs, Col.
Mrs. II. Saline, of Los Angeles, Cal.,
is a guest at tho J. C. Den homo.
O, See "Clinton & Son
SstTOWB -uout vour Eves nnd .
satisfied. Sign ot
thp Big Ring.
For Snlo
G40 acres of hay ono milo north of
Wallace, Nob . 35 cents per acre, or
ono-third of hny in stack. Address
Box 117, North Platto, Nob. G3-2
Try tho Roxall' first.
Sign of tho Big Ring.
Frank S. Hengen, living four miles
oast and four miles south of Wallace,
will havo a sal0 of live stock Tuesday,
September 2d. Included aro eighty
two head of pure bred and high grade
cattle, forty-sovon head of pure bred
Duroc Jcrsoys and twenty-four head
of horses. Mr. Ilengon will removo to
eastorn Nebraska. j
For your family car, I don't know
where you can buy so much car fr
your money, as you can buy In either
tho Chandler open or closed typos. It
is a fact that many former cheaper
cars aro now selling for more mono)
and other comparablo cars at from
$300 to $900 more. Investigate valu
before you buy. Now taking orders
for September dollvory.
J. V. ROMIGII, Dealt r.
M. T. Munslngor, of Wayno, Neb .
haB purchased tho E. N. Onlor resi
dence property on south Dowoy, to
gether with tho greater jrnrt of tho
furnishings, and will tako possession
October first. Mr. Munslncor recently
purchased tho Earl Heffnor section of
land in tho south part of tho county
and will dovoto hla time to looking
after this nnd othor tracts of land he
owns In wostorn Nebraska- Mrs. Mun
Blngor, who is a Blstor of Mrs. R. A.
Garman, is now a guest of tho lattor.
Lalley Li&ht is a complete unit anting and generator with
IS cnlt storage battery. It eupplies ample electricity for
lights, water pump, wattling machines, sweeper, cream
separator, fannlnil mill, iron, eto.
Farmers Say
Lalley Saves
13 to 66 Hours
Per Week
Doubt of the positive
saving of Lalley Light
has disappeared. Proof
is piling 'up on all sides.
We no longer need to
ask you to accept our
We never doubted for
a minute that Lalley-Light-and-Power
was one
of the greatest blessings
that had ever come to the
farmers of the world.
Now we can quote the
farmers themselves
thousands of them.
The grand average saving in all the records com
piled thus far is better than 13 hours per week
Many of these farmers admit they Installed
the Lalley because their wives, sons and daugh
ters gave them no rest till they did.
They weren't thinking so much of the sav
ing. They simply couldn't get away from the
conclusion that their wives and families were
entitled to the comfort, the education, the
conveniences of Lalley-Light-nnd-power.
Now they are finding that Lalley Is even more
than a wonderful comfort nnd convenience.
It is making money by saving time for them.
Think of one man admitting cheerfully that
he has gained 66)4 hours' labor In one week!
The wise thing for you to do la to see Lalley
Its value to you, your family nnd your farm
is so great that it would pay you to make a
special trip to us as soon as you can.
Or we will come to you If you telephone.
Ask your Lalley dealer to show you the Lalloy Saves Book tellln&
experiences of Lalley owners
jalietfji&ht saves time.smfes labor, safiemomq.
I a
. TROTTER, Dealer,