IA L BARK. Krillor ami Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono V'car by Mnil, In ail ranco. .$1.75 Oho Year by Carrier, In atlrnnco, $2.00 Bntorud at the North Platto, Nebraska Postofflce as Second GlaHa Matter. TUESDAY, AUGUST 2((, 11)10. SOMKKSKT MAN CRITICIZES ' 8IUX NBAK THE HI VI! It COUNTY NEWS. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Editor Tribune: 1 want to call at tention to a c rtaln sign post placed at the Intersection of Locust and Daw HEltSHEV. (From the Times.) ni t.-i,t-.' Ilnrsev ltayOiui uiuuuubu u u , fmintl tliron in I Inn vit nf thnt nil- . uv Birireiw jjtmi inn puuui i mire ine,w . . i -- - which has boon placed there presum- Samson tractor a i , 8tr ppod or three tiros, ably by a company or an Individual He oxpecU to brook out his farm, p. r. Finch has boon1 busy In tho selling fuol oils In North Plattee. lyl"S outh of he rlvor. roal tato samo for tho past few A traveler approaching your city I H. Morris, former station agent. days. Ho has closed deals amounting from the south Is confronted with I noro. iim neen oi MAXWELL I (From tho Tolopost.) j Clarence Yost's car was stolon from the street at North Platte one night ' rc .u r i i e i -. .mi i t - last wcok and ho was not able to gut a i Uf the Conty Treasurer of Lincoln County, Nebraska, from r it ....in m.. ...i l .i. uuw ui it umu iuuwuuy wnon it was i iaio t 1 1010 S. M. SOUDER, County Treasurer COLLECTIONS 3Iany Tramps on tho Henri. While- railway track labor Is de creasing to a startling degroo, accord Kuropo, tho tramp nulsauco Is In creasing to it stratllng degree, accord ing o Vice Prosldont and General Manng'or W. M. Joffors, of the Union Pacific "Tho old-tlmo holo Is back with us again," said Mr Joffors. "Ho prac tically disappeared during tho war. because ovory time ho showed his head somebody asked for his draft cord or Insisted on putting him at work. Slnco tho danger of being yanked . Into tho military service Is past, tho bum Is found along our linos as In the old times. He Is riding vour trains and walking our right of way. Whoro he has boon, nobody sooms to know." Mr. Joffors says that a "Go to work or got 6ut" campaign has boon Btartod all along the Union Pacific system, tho govornmonta of tho cities and towns co-operating in kooplug the tramps on tho move or on tho Job. ::o:: j this particular sign, painted red, and Medicine Bow, Wyo. He P l Henry Eflonbcck's nlaoo north of town B((ltmce on hand Janunrv , 1919 .21 7S, fi2 ottered with tho word "Stop." Now! run up thero Saturday to toko i soid to Mr. Patrick or Kearney; Nols " ",09" na January iy10 $221,784.02 ucl a promlZouVl ol a danror!Wtth9thln.!9.1na(!o(!wlicthor It Cover's place In Box Elder sold , To 1018 tnx ----- 228,085.90 Why Prices Keep Going Up. Tho Lincoln Journal rolatcs this story: "Hero Is an incident," said a dry goods man, "of how tho spending fovcr has solzcd upon tho people. A man came In horo tho other day and wanted to buy a dress for his wife as ; tlon of Labor. a birthday present. Tho ono ho picv od on was priced at closo to $100. Ho said ho would tako It if I would sell It on $10 down, tho remainder In monthly payments that would clear itt i i i ti..i.. ....i i ; nnKs coo to nun or uui. m frame urestni nr nnM.nnin.rir j o jyiY tax "(.. ,.t ;...i. ...in , i,J .Tobn Mi lor. foster son of Mr. and and V. It. Finch's lmwl wnat. nf nt.M.nii . t mm v bui luuq jvoiiiio vukuiokn iii uui u " , , . . . , - o - - Av I VJ UJ t L, t ho apt to hood tho next real danger I Mrs. John Fowler, arrhod hoi o fro" sold to Elof Bllxt who lives north of To 101B tnx . 50 signal they sec. Wo deplore the rail- overseas duty last 1 Friday whoro ho Gothenburg. ) J l - $ road crosslnu nccidonts but in nor- IW service for fifteen months ns a , Ao ldld tax i.. 7.31 ZMnTh :mt liiJlt ri- ,"-' 18 ,?,k,nK f,n. an,! , WALLACE To 1000 tax -' 47;78 a safety signal wo nro not liolping ma- mighty glad to get home. (From the Winner.) To School Lands 18,720,42 torlally to decrease them. Abbott & Moore purchased the D. Dr. L. S. Coopor who for tho past To Misc. County General fa 4.017.8G iioiore crossing ino soutn rivor "u"'u" ; - - " "vvuua uu umu m mm bridge when coming into North Platte of tbe site for the sugar factory about Wallace, arrived hero from there Is a sharp turn In the hlKhwnv. Tuesday for $150 per acre and sold Galosburg, 111., Tuosday for a visit. 275.31 5G.27 Several large sign boards are located ! ,l thc "cxt "lorn,nB to Albert and Ed. Ho formerly practised medicine horo. on tho Innor sldo of tho curve making It difficult for a motorist to observe tho approach of other cars. Those signs should bo located farther away from tho road. Placed as0thcy aro Johnson for $158.40 per acre. Dr. Lucas of North Platto mado n Charles Loypoldt sold the i&4 acre professional call hero Sunday, in con farm no roconiiy purciiuseu noru To Misc. County Bridge 02 15 To Redemptions 12,828.05 To Deposit Interest -J. 1,817.82 To Fines 1 ' 1.17G.00 To Fees 1 ' 180.75 they nro certainly road safety. not conducive to I Sincerely, rocontlv nurchased north- sultntlnn with nr. .TniTrnvn i ti rntrnrfl . ..... - west of Horshoy to Plorson & Spauld- to tho condition of E. J. Eamcs, who I" "UI-""1UU0 iu.bbd.uu ing real ostato men of Sutherland 1ms boon having a pretty hard siogo of To "J415 Apportionment 5,970.83 for $175 por acre, an increase of $30 it in tho past week. I To Inheritance Tax 1 ', 131.52 por aero. Miss Fern Cooper arrived hero from ' To Sewer Tax 540.48 r n T m n h rmn I rvt r lUAH. Th Cni....1 mi. y n. .. ' l. u. ruiiw unu luumj 'vit uuavui oiiv-uruuy, 1 110 UOroilt SCIlOOl Tn Pnvinn- Thy noon CHARLES D. BAIITOX. noday for Concordia, Kansas, near near town has been taught by Miss wnicn pmcc no nas leasuu a mriu una uoopor ror tno past two years and wo will got noxt to naturo noxi year, aro informed sho has been employed For tho past several months ho has hy the district for tho onsulnc venr. held down thc position of maintainor Harvey Heath arrived homo from at tills station. He Is succeeded by military service Saturday after an Hugh Thomason, who tormoriy neiu nbsenco of nearly ftwo years. Mr. tho position. Heath wns wounded in ono of tho Thc water in tho Paxton & Her- major offensives and nut in five Somerset, Nob., August 20, 1919. Hope to 31nke Tie.TJp Complete. A Washington dispatch says: "Suc cess of tho striko on which tho railway shopmon of tho country (aro now voting 'will dopond entirely upon how far wo can stop tho transportation 84 Total Collections : $510,422.07 DISBURSMENTS By State Funds $ 33,717.43 By County General . 30,885.41 By County Coyote i 457.00 presented in tho senato Saturday by Sonator Thomas, democrat, Colorado. Tho sonator said tho statement had been sont out by tho railway cmployos' dopartmont of tho American Fedora- why prlcos keep going up, ::o Hogs Eat Too Mnch Sand. Ono thousand dollars wortli of hogs on tho farm of It. C. Johnson, Saund ers county, died from eating too much Sand, according to a roport of It. II. Watson county agricultural agent. Tho hogs had boon without mineral mat ter for some tlrao whon a wagon load bf sand was dumped In tho pen. A postmorten examination showed tho largo Intostino to bo, gorged with Band. Tho extension service, collogo of ngrl- tulturo, rocommonds that tho follow ing mlxturo bo kept before thc hogs: Charcoal (coal slack, soft coal or Vood nBhos.) 1 bushol. Air-slacked lime, 8 pounds. Salt, 5 pounds. sulfur (llowors.) 4 pounds. Copperas (Iron Bulphato.) 4 pounds. ::o:: sorvlco of tho country,' said a circular shoy ditch was closed down Wednes- months hi military hospitals in France,! By County Bridge 2 567 11 By County Commissioner No. 1 3G5.23 By County Commissioner No. 2 1,372.60 By County Commissioner Wo. 3 857.38 By County Jury 637.20 By District Roads 14,124.23 By Platte Valley Irrigation 781.98 By Surburban Irrigation . ' 3,000.00 By Keith and Lincoln County Irrigations 1 . 6,520.00 By Birdwood Irrigation -l 1,750.00 By Bridge Bonds and Coupons 1 3 440.00 By Bridge Construction 3.90 By School Bonds 7,107.75 By School High J 2,040.00 By School General 110,527.66 By School Building 2,661.60 By City of North Platte I 27,269.83 liy Villages s 7,497.50 By Salaries 2,283.61 By Road Dragging 3,502.70 By Redemptions - 13,331.41 161.59. day under government orders, we and oeforo receiving his military understand that about twenty ditches discharge was placed in a hospital were closed down west of hero in in tho .east and a plcco of addition to tho Paxton & Hershcy high explosive, shrapnol, which wns ditch to allow water to get to the located in his shoulder, was extracted. Gothenburg ditch, which lias a prior Harvey Is tho one of two brothers from Tho circular said If It came to a right. Evidently tho Pathfinder dam ono family who returns, Carl being strike 'wo want to make tho tieup must bo getting shy on water. killed on the battlefield. Harvey's complcto and keop It In that condition Jimmy Boll, living on tho Birdwood. many friends aro pleased to see his ' until wo got proper recognition.' proceeded to fill his car with gas with faco again and have him back. ' sonator Thomas said this situation a burning lantern sitting closo at SUTHERLAND (From the Courier) Mrs. F. H. Lewis and Mrs. Enright up by Christmas. Imagine a man with; wna a perfectly legitimato develop- hand. In somo manner somo of the only $iu to sparo ouying iub o " mont ot tho action of congress in 1914 firey liquid got on tho lantern and ivu ureas, iuv numu iiuuiuu m exempting organizations of labor- things happened real sudden like. ing mon from tho operation of tho The tanks had just been filled that returned Tuosday from North Platte anti-trust law.' mnrnlnc and there was in tho neich- whoro Vornon Lewis and Mareunrnt Demands or raiiroau employes naw whood of 140 callous that exploded unrlgnt had their tonsils removed. are being considered by Director Gon- That thero is anything loft of Jimmy Sunday afternoon a car loaded with oral HInos of tho railroad admlnlstrn- to toll tho talo Is a miracle. There hay had to be set out on the siding In tlon." iat nnvtiiinir irfi nf tho enrnep this city for the reason that it was nn .o. : - ...lint wna in ii fnr inekllv thn imr- nro. uar and hay was a total loss Miss Stolla Vlncol has accepted a ,.. i,nil , ,.i fiinimnPo mi .Ummv'R Tho 570 acres of wheat on tho Bobout posiuon in uio loiepnono oiuce. ...nR nntsIrio Jlm wns taken to one ranch south of Sutherland wont 25 Kodaks and films at the Kcxall. of tho hosnitals nt North Platto for a ousneis por acre. They finished up nn1n nf ,1nvn lmt Ih now nt linme inresillllg lllCro last WeeiC. v.uvi..u . - n , r ... .. ' r . . Tr i XfiHnn Vnv 1M.I-. ncain. His arms wore burned severe- ai i-yo soia tnc soutn-east quarter y iiunys Notice is is hereby given that scaled ly from tho elbows down, but a little of section 7 to Nellio Bebout last Sat 111 fin will hf rnnnlvnil nt Mm nfflnn nf ihlntr llkn thnt won't keen Jim down "relay for ?1UU.UU por acre. This land snninr f M.n iir..,..,i of ni,.!. vwv lnnp Is about three and half miles south of ors of tho Suburban Irrigation Dls trlct, tho samo being the offico of Beolor & Crosby, Attorneys, I. O. O. F. Building, North Platte, Nebraska, up until tho hour of 0 o clock P. M. of Sutherland and is a good buy. Tho most enjoyable occasion of tho season, was tho surprise party given in honor ofMiss Ellen Thomas of North Ghc Up ChaHC Tho bandit chaBo by American cav airy and aviators Is ondod. Tho Unit od States forces woro back in enmp said yosterday having withdrawn from heads, 11 RAD Y (From tho Vlndecator.) Threshing Is about finished with tho Platto at tho homo of her slser. Mrs 1 It 0 4t.n ...1. . -.-, 1 . .(. . t-i -r. ti tt . i. n -i . tho 20th day of Septomber, 1919, for "AUU1,V"' UV , ', T ' f' , UTO"notll i oauruaj- evemm. 4li nnitatmnt mi fP ti linn I irnf.k I IU uuoiiUia w v uitv Y miuy I1UHIUUI Ul IlUi II 1U11UO ttUlU scouring gato, and shoot piling dam, 801110 "O'"8 of oats make as high as 50 present, the time being spent In dan- By School Land Refunds . 10.48 By Balance on hand July 1, 1919 - 239,548.47 Moxico Sunday night when It was do cldod that furthor soarch would bo futllo, ' -.o;t MinoiN honiund I lie Increnso. An thrarite coal minors in aosslon at bushols to the aero. ( I clng and games. At a late hour and in tho south branch of tho North wo "nuersianu a reprusuuiuuvo, oioxcouoni rciresnmenis. were servcu. Platto Itivor on which said canal of Ul f arpiors union, ironi ine casual anas 'i nomas roiurneu 10 worm iiiiic Suburban Irrigation District nnrt 01 11,0 8Ull0 nas ucen "suring sunuay evening. plans and specifications for witn iviurpny tc jonnson ior mo pur- i mi- lul.lol, nnxmivul liv Pl.nrlna ATf.Mnt.mrn CliaSO OI lllOir lOWn UUSinQSS. I llil Civil Engineer, are now on file in the chances nr0 favorable for a deal be off ico of tho Secretary of said Board InF made. of Directors, and thnt such bids will Signs woro posted on the bridge Im onoiied nt the iffflco of said Secro- soutli 01 town mis, weeic wuriimi; :: ..n! tnry at 7:30 o'clock P. M. by tho Board automobile owners not to drive faster . Sco us. Till! II. & S. AGENCY Op.1!! their Pnrm nnd Ranch Popt. on September 1st with an exclusive manager In thnt department. It" you wnnt to soil or liny n farm or ranch tho wiikiislmrrii. T'n... Saturday dolarcd for nf nirprtnrs nn Hniii aoiii dnv nf Sen- thnn eight miles, an hour over tho chock-off. a six hour work day, tember. 1919. and contract for the bridges under penalty of arrest. five davs a wook and an ineronso of CO construction of said works will bo let A mall sack wont under tho train por cont in wngos. Tho trl-district to tho lowest responsible bidder, as horo last Saturday morning, and somo, convention in session to formuinto tuo ROon as convenient after said bids are of tho Omaha Dally News subscribers demands of tho minors adopted tho re- ononed. tho Board of Directors, how- failed to uet thoir napor that day. Al port of iho fccale comniittoo. II. & S. AGENCY, liroilbcrk BMcr., North Platte, Neb. G. F. STOUT, Manager, rami Dept. Try tho Rexall first. Cl-6 ATTENTION Auto Drivers, IHcyclo anil ejelo Riders. Motor- .. . . ..........!.... 11... ...t,i . I .... 1 ...... I .. 1 1 . . . . . . 1 . .t.A iirlinnln - t '11 1 ..It 1 II.. 1 1 1 It. I 1 ... .. . . n...MnnA .. 1 1. ... . ' aim an uuiH, aim 10 ro-uuveriiMO joi iram nuro un uu iuuiubb hi uuuui proposals, or to proceed to tho con- onco a month. Thero seems to bo no structlon of such works under tlinlr oxcuso for tho numorous times it own suporlntondonco with tho labor happens, and it must bo pure careless nf thn rnalflnnta nf nnnli Rnlinrhnn Ir. nnao mi llin nnrl nf tlin nlnrk rigatlou District, such scaled bids to Jno. Engmnn, Jr., returned home from i liill bo accompanied with a certified check, Fort Russoll last Saturday after being' JUiI pavablo to J. G. Boolor, Treasuror of dlsclxirged from tho army, "Jack" is said Suburban District, in tho sum of an overseas man nnd got back In this $500.00, conditioned, Hint tho person to country about two months ago. but whom tho contract may bo awarded was in tho hosnltal at Des Molnos fbr lt8iinii ontor into tno contract, ana up- n short tlmo. Ho Is like all tho over- on raiiuro ot sucn person to ontor imo 80ns bovs. c ad to cot back In tho o d such contract, said chock shall bo for- United States and out of tho army, felted, and bucU porson to whom the nn,i tho pooplo of this vicinity are glad comrnci is ivwarueu snnu ooioro me u0 soo nm return. contract shall bo binding upon the Suburban Irrigation DlHtrlcti. outer Into a bond for tbo faithful perform auco ot tho contract, in a sum equal to twonty-fivo per cont of tho contract price, and such work to bo constructed undor tho direction and to tho sails foctlon of said Charles McNamnra, or somo ono appointed by him in his stead, with tho consent of said Board of Directors of said Suburban Irriga tlon District, and to bo approvod and 1. You muHt not oxcood a snood of 12 miles an hour. ' 2. You must not uso an auto with tho mufflor oDon. 3. You must not pass another car 'at night without dimming your head lights. 4. You muiit not to around an othor car at tho intorsoctions. C. Minora undor 10 years must not drivo motor cars. fl. Blowing horns continuously nnd for fun day or night must bo Btoppod. 7. Always koop to tho right. 8. You must not obstruct traffic by stopping cars on Dowoy stroet whon another car la ncaror tho curb. 9. Blcyclo riders must keop off tho utdowalk oxcopt In very muddy woath or. 10. Podestrians mus,t not Jay hawk, across tho stroots. Violators ot tho Vohlclo and Motor accepted by tho Board of Directors of Laws will bo stringently dealt with. said Suburban Irrigation District. S. C. MECOMBEH, . J. G. BEBLER, Chlof of Police. n2Csl9 Secretary. For Sale One fine three year old Eight good milch coming some Cows,, fresh. Mrs. H. E. Woods. 10 Allies Northeast of North Platte. Balance on Hand July 1,1919. ( State Funds J ? 40,453.74 vuuuty ueiiunu Overdraft 1,727.86 County Bridge Ooverdraft 526.09 Commissioners No. 1 : 8,799.75 commissioner xno. J. 2 297.49 Commissioner No. 3 q'qqo Juty Overdraft 563.80 Special Bridge , 151G County Advertising 640.80 Soldier's Relief --c or.R District Roads '" 18,549.32 bpecinl County Roads Willow Street Damages L Prairie Dogs . , Platte Valley Irrigation , ' , Suburban Irrigation Keith and LincolnCounties Irrigation 5,120.71 Birdwood Irrigation . 944.20 Bridge Bonds I 15,068.76 School General . 68,975.28 bchool Bonds 14,483.87 School High J 21,566.17 School Building " 01 00 n4 School Judgment 1 90.17 School Special Building , ' 284.69' North Platte General 12,666.52 Paving Tax 7,712.07 United States Grain Corporation. 140 pounds juts bag straight (second) grade Flour, $12.00 per ML MADE? BY? GUARANTEED BY? COW BRAND FLOUR 48 pound cotton bag. The size you want High Patent Flour, $12.00 per bll. Mado from select Nebraska Wheat. Guaranteed to give full satisfaction by the North Platte Flour Mills. For Sale By Your Grocer. DANCE Gayle's Musical Merrymakers that Original Southern Rag-a-Jazz Band. at the K. C. Hall Saturday, August 30 If you like real jazz music, the kind that won't let you sit still, hear this Rag-a-Jazz Band. BE THERE. $516,422.07 018.85 381.11 191.24 3,915.92 882.41 Laterals Sidewalk Special Weeds Sutherland Hershey Maxwell Brady Wallace , Fines nnd Licenses Autos 3,510.20 Redemption ----,,,, 2,143.36 695.24 1,337.41 61.94 393.21 617.73 11656 260.96 662.29 1,178.20 Less Overdraft's- : 2,817.75 $239,548.47 I. Samuel M. Smirlnr. ri , , uiuvuiii v-uuiii, braska. do swear that, tn tVin hoat. nf mv tnnu-lnrifrn o,i the above is a true statement of all the funds of the treasurer's omce oi Lincoln county, rsebraska. S. M. SOUDER, State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of Aug ust, 1919. . A. S. ALLEN. County Clerk. We do hereby certify that the above statement of Samuel M. Souder, county treasurer of Lincoln county, Nebraska, is a complete and accurate summary of all his collections and dis bursments as treasuror of said county from the first day of January, 1919, to the 1st day of July, 1919. We further certify that each collection has been correctly entered and the vouchers and other items of credit were in proper form and correctly entered and vouchers received by the chariman of the board of county commissionei's and the foot ngs were verified by us and found to be correct, and the above statement of balances agrees in every particular with said ac count in said county treasurer's general ledger. F. W. HERMINGHAUSEN S. J. KOCH, E. H. SPRINGER, LINCOLN COUNTY HAS NO BONDED INDEBTEDNESS