The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 26, 1919, Image 1

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    OThc Jlorth
No'. 65
Tho United States naval recruiting
party numbering sixty men and
including a splendid band of thirty
pieces and a good ball team, spent
yesterday in North Platte. Tho party
traveling In threo special cars arrived
from tho cast at 8:15 and Just boforo
noon tho band gavo a half hours' con
cert at tho intersection of Sixth and
Dowcy to a big crowd of spectators
who enjoyed tho program.
In tho afternoon tho ball team of
tho party played a game with tho local
team before a good sized audience at
tho city park, tho visitors winning by
n scoro of eighteen to threo. The navy
team Is composed of professional play-
Take Airplane Flights. .
Mrs. Frank H. Darbor, who with hor
husband made an auto trin to Ft.
Word has been received by W. V. i Worth. Texas, and Mrs. Ira LnKua
Hoagland, representing several west- who accompanied Mrs. oBrt Bnrbor
crn countlos, that the secretary of and chlldron to that city havo been en
joying the novelty of alrplano rides at
agriculture at Washington has an
proved tho Icaso of tho Union Pacific
rlght-ofway for road purposes, nnd
therefore roads constructed on tho
right-of-way will bo ollglblo to re
ceive federal aid in their construction
and maintenance. Tho leaso is given
by tho Union Pacific to tho several
countlos for a nominal sum about
flvo dollars a year and tlo lease runs
for fifty years.
This approval by the socretary Is of
Interest to practically all Nebraska
counties through which the Lincoln
I Hlchwav runs, for In pnnh nt thn rnnn-
Durlng the afternoon an alrplano ties more or less miles of tho highway
built by the student mechanics at tho' aro located on tho U. P. right-of-way.
Great Lakes station was put together Considerable pressure, it Is under
on an open spaco west of tho depot., stood, was brought to bear upon tho
mis piano is or smau dimensions.
Last evening at tho court houso park approvo tho lease, but there Is now no
tho band gavo a concert, and a largo; further question as to roads on the
number of illustrated scenes depicting right-of-way receiving federal aid as
me in ino navy woro shown on a woll as Btatc aid where such roads are
screen, authorized.
Tho men woro given a rldo around I Tho Lincoln Highway In Lincoln
tho city after supper by members of, county runs for a distance of nearly
tho Red Cross canteen, and following I thirtv miles on tho rlcht-of-wav.
mo cxMoiuon or pictures mo samo
ladles gavo the boys a street dance,
music being furnished by Doucot'ii
seven-pieco orchestra.
tho mlatlon Held near that nlace. Doth
Indies havo nmdo a numbor of illghts
In which elevations of 2,000 feet wore
reached, and both ladles write that
thoy very much onjoyed the rldos.
.v nether Mr. Barber is taklmr tho
llights Is not btaled. but If ho Is as
enthuilanic our air travel as Is Mrs,
Barber, we are confident that an alr
plano will fccn bo one of tho posses
slon.s of the BarLcr family.
: ;o: :
No Bonded Indebtedness.
Somo Insight Into tho finances of tho
county can bo obtained by reading tho
semi-annual statement of Treasurer
oouder published on tho last page of
todivv'ft Trllillinv Tim nnlatniwllntr
secretary boforo ho would consent to ieaturo of this statement Is tho line
which reads, "Lincoln county has no
bonded Indetedness." And It may also
no added that tho business of Lincoln
county is conducted on a cash basis
you get your warrant from tho county
clerk and stopping across tho hallway
treasurer Sotider or one of his as
sistants gives you face valuo in cash.
Lincoln county Is rich and prosperous.
Tho missionary department of the
Lutheran Girls' Club will meet at tho
homo of Mrs. C. F.. Koch Friday
auk. iv, at a p. m. Tno lesson on
South America promises to bo of spe
cial Interest,
Crystal Theatre
Tonight & Tomorrow.
"The Probation Wife"
a woman's lovq is deeper than the
ocean and she never shares it ex
cept, but see the story and see
Will Stngo Wild West.
Lew Cogger, of Sutherland, nnd A.
A. Hastings, of this city, nnounco that
thoy will stage n three-day wild west
performance at tho ialr grounds bo
ginning October l'ith. Cogger has been
supplying the wild horses and steers
for the Ogalalla round-up for several
years ;iast
: :o: :
Wo learn with regret that a number
of tho senators back In Washington
aro suffering from the high cost of
living. For instance Senator Phelan,
of California, In order to save shoe
leather, rldos from his home to the
capitol building in his limousine, Sen
ator Knox, of Pennsylvania, has cut
meat from his menu, Senator Garry,
of Rhodo Island, drives his own car
to save chaff cur's wages, and Senator
Walcott, of Delaware, says ho hasn't
bought a suit of c'lothes sinco tho war
started. If prices soar much higher
wo would adviso tho senators to come
to North Platto and take a Job as
brakeman on tho Union Pacific.
Train No. 15 Sunday night was
somewhat delayed by a car of burning
lumber on an. east bound freight a
short distance east of Gannett. Tho
lumber burned so fiercely that tho
west bound passenger train could not
pull by until the contents of tho car
wero woll consumed. '
She didn't have any fine clothes and there was her best
beloved and a "dolled up" rival working over time. But
Nell had nerve, so watch her collect "glad rags."
Crystal Theatre, Thursday and Friday.
All wash Satin Petti
coats Pink and white
regular $7-50 and
$7.75, choice
t'rclirlit Traffic Breaks Record.
A local Union Pacific official stated
this morning that more cars aro now
being handled through North Platte
yards than at any previous time In
tin history of tho road. California
fruit, cattle and coal form tho princi
pal east bound traffic. The motive
power is in splendid shape nnd the
movement of trains over tho road Is
rapid. A scarcity of men in somo de
partments 01 rnnroau wont is re
ported. : :o: :
Mrs. Edward Seyferth returned Sun
day from a visit with her daughters
In Omaha nnd with friends In Schuy
lor Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Gilbert and Miss
Grace Mooncy have returned from a
two weeks auto trip to points In
Misses Elizabeth and Helen Brod-
heck returned Sunday from Grand Is
land where they had been spending a
week with friends.
Don't forget tho Lutheran church
picnic this afternoon and evening at
tho city park. Ball game, Episcopal
vs. Lutherans at 7 p. m.
The Royal Neighbors social club
will bo entertained tomorrow after
noon jit tho homo of Mrs. E. R. Clark,
915 north Dewey street.
Mrs. Theodore Lowe and little
grand daughter went to Rawlins last
night where they will visit Mrs.
Bee cher Parker for a week.
A wrestling match between Paul
Prohn and Marvin Barackman is an
nounced for next Monday and will be
one of tho sport attractions staged for
Labor Day.
Tho Presbyterian church will hold
its annual Sunday school picnic nt the
city park on Friday of this week. The
children are to meet at tho church at
three o'clock and will bo taken to tho lattor pnrt of October
park In autos and the grownups aro I
all Invited to gather at the park at six
o'clock with their basket suppers and
enjoy tho evening together.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Fish, or Elk
hnrt, Neb.. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fish,
of Sioux City, Iowa, and Mrs. Bess
McCormlck, of Paxton, who have been
guests nt the homo oftheir mother,
Mrs. F. E. Fish, spent tho week end nt
tho McCormlck homo nt Paxton, re
turning yesterday to spond this week
at tho homo of Mrs. F. S. Houston.
This is the first reunion tho family has
hold in nine years.
Supt Tout nnd Mrs. Tout havo ro
turned from a week's visit In Denver.
W. V Hoagland wont to Omaha last
ulght to Hpeud a day or two on busl-
SMIps Ruth Davidson 1ms nrnnntr..! n
poilt'.on with tho Singer Sewing Ma
chine Co
pr Morrill, Donttst. Offlco over
Nhux Leuartment Store.
Mrs. Ada Turplo loft Sunday for Sid
ney where she onduts tenchors' In
stitute this week.
The Catholic Indies will hold a so
cial In the basomcnt of tho parochial
school building noxt Thursday ovon-
Sirs. Honry Clark, whq submitted to
an operation nt tho Genoral Hospital,
was able to be tnkon to hor home
Harry Lamplaugh has boon shipping
Ico In carload lots to points wost, tho
supply In sovoral vlllngos having be
como exhausted.
Mrs. C. A. Lowell roturned today to
hor homo at Chicago after an oxtendod
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.
L. MlUonherger.
Butler Miltonbergor, Helen Koontz,
Lawrence Payno and Helen n
nrovo over to Stapleton Saturday to
uuuiiu mo nance.
The Ladles of tho Mncc.ilienn nmt
last evening at tho homo of Mrs. Ag
nes uoycr anu limintcd a class of
twonty-nino candidates.
The ladies of ConiDanv A of Um lnl
cal - canteen nnd tlmlr fnmiHnc .ni
cujdy a beef steak fry at the city park
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Spencer returned vestordnv tn
nor nomo at juorriu after spending a
tuupif oi woeKs noro witu nor Daronts
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cross.
Misses Gladys Brown and Cleo At
wnter arrived yesterday from Council
Bluffs and will bo guosts this wcok of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stamp.
Wb deliver. Call 212. Dick Stego
mann's Grocery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dinnel returned
yestorday to their homo at Grant after
a short visit hero with tho lattor"s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Cool.
Miss Stella Banks, who ror tlin
three months has been tho guest of
noivsisier Mrs. F. u. Elliott, left yos-
loruay xor ner nomo at Long Beach.
Judge- Woodhurst was called to the
offiftp at eleven o'clock Saturday night
to ifiiitG in innrrlnge' Delbert Pease i of
Brady and' Gracp Rlnkor of Lexing
ton. Tomatoes for Sale at 2005 cast 4th
street. Phono Red 732. C5-G
H. N. Smith has purchased the Mrs.
Barah Bangs residence on west Fifth
street for a consideration of $8,000.00.
Ho will tnko possession as soon ns
Mrs. Bangs moves to her now home.
Tho pipe organ for the now Luther
an church has arrived, as has also tlu
furniture. Work on tho building has
been delayed for several days by the
non-arrival of stain for tho overhead
woou work. It is hoped to havo the
building ready for occupancy by the
Distinctive Gage and Grace Hats
1 of Authentic Origin
have a charm and appeal that
is Irresistible to women of
discriminating taste.
The Hub Millinery Department
An Old Sad Story.
"This scenario," snld the eager an
thoT, "Is about n girl who united for
months for n letter of forgiveness
from her lover nnd then married an
other man who "
"Walt it minute," exclnlmod the
movie innnitger.
"What's the matter? Too old l"
"No. Too modern. We're not going
to mist the government. The post
cfllce has hud criticism enough."
"Parisian Tigeress"
Mutt & Jeff Comedy.
Miss Ruth Streitz, of this city, has
been appointed superintendent of the
children's welfare department of tho
Madison, Wisconsin, public schools
nnd will assume tho position tho early
pnrt of next month. Miss Streitz has
been In Chicago for somo tlmo pnst
taking special Instructions In tho
work. She will receive a salary of
$1.S00 a year.
Phono 212 for good things to eat.
Blek Stogenmnn's Grocery.
The chof at tho U. P. depot reported
to tho police Saturday tho theft of a
puck-ct book containing $1S0. While
changing his clothes In tho basement
o! the restaurant tho purse fell from
liN pocket. Missing tho money he
repaired to the basement, but sonu
nm' hud picked It up.
Mrs. Scott Roynolds went to Lincoln
Sunday to look over several prospects
and find a homo for th0 family. Mr.
and Mrs. Reynolds will move to Lin
coln In tho Immediate futuro In ordor
that tho threo boys who wero gradu
ated from tho high school hero last
spring may enter tho stato university
this fall.
Mrs. A. W. McKeown and daughter
Mildred returned Friday from Dex
ter City, Ohio, where sho accom
panied thn lomalns of hor nephew, the
lne Frank Gessol, for burial. Miss
Muuio Churchill, who nccompanled
them, stopped off at Fremont for a
few days' visit with her parents, ar
riving here Sunday evening.
For Sale Overland flvo touring car.
Good as now. Reasonable. Call 212.
Cattle thieves, organized Into a pow
erful band that has grown rich and
vflnnt through long operation, thieves
hoso word was law throughout a
" ido district, who secretly controlled
' government of cities and towns,
iio banished their enemies and ter-
rlzed decent citizens, such is tho
t- -I of ono of tho most absorbing
I otoplays over produced, William
! num In another Zano Grey master
P' ce, "Tho Lono Satr Rangor." Into
tl i section comes a man sworn to
for -ik up lawlessness and bring tho
lexers to Justice Succoss is within
hi grasp whon he finds tho leader of
tho uang is tho father of tho girl ho
loves. It's a situation to try tho soul
of tho bravest man, but tho Lono Star
Ranger moots It as only a horo could.
See tho picture at tho Keith Wednes
day rnd como early for there Is suro to
foe a crowd.
Wife Kills Husband.
Word was rocelved from Ogalalla
this morning tolling of tho shooting
(and killing of Cinronco MahnlToy, a
well known ranchman living north of
; that town. Mnhaffey and hie wife had
! a nuarrol In tho inornlnc .mil Mi.. u-if
brooded ovor tho mnttor to such an
extent that Inter in tho day bIio picked
up an automltlc shot gun and killed
him. MahnlToy wns a mnn about forty
years of ago, tho womnn who did tho
snooting is his second wlfo, ho hav
liV? boon divorced from his first wife,
Mrs. Mahaffoy was taken Into custody
me unoriu,
: :o: : .
Rnymond Johnson, head timekeeper
In Foromnn McG raw's offlco, loft Inst
night for Choyonno whjiro ho will as
sist In clerical work for a couple of
wcoks in Supt. Hitman's office.
Miss Hazel Lovell. who hns boon
visiting at the home of T. It. Jackson
for tho paBt month, loft this morning
for hor homo In Davenport.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. T. Homers loft this
morning for Columbus, Ohio, where
thoy will visit Mr. Homors' pnronts for
a month or more.
Mrs. S. T. Withers loft this morning
for Chicago, whero sho will spend sev
eral months visiting frlonds.
S. M. Emorlck arrived this morning
irum Minneapolis to transact busi
ness for sovoral days.
Ui.r.'t i'orgot tho Buttornut bread.
Stogemnn's Grocory. :
Ireno Canshall loft this morning for
hor home In Ogdon after visiting rela
tives hero for tho past weak.
O. H. H111I8, of Omnhn, la hero for
tho week looking nftor land transac
tions, i
L. T. Thomas is spendlngthls weok
up tho branch transacting business.
R. T. Byers, from I)fnve. In tV
city visiting relatives for thr week
And a Groat Violinist Plays n Popular
Sonr lor Columbia.
Colutnbln hns sovoral popular songs
sung by great oporatlc artists this
month. Rlccnrdo Stracclarl has sung
"Tho Stinnlilna nf Ymif Smlln " ill.
Interpretation, added to tho unlvorsal
appeal of this widely popular lovo
song, mukos this nn exceptional re
cord. Another frcat opora star who has
nuule records of two old favorites for
Couimbtu this month Is Barbara Mau
rol. Everyone knows "Kathleen Ma
vourneon" and "Lovo's Old Sweet
Song." Now ovoryono hns a chanco
to hear thorn sung as thoy ought to bo
cutig. Maurel puts all tho henrt, the
fooling, tho intensity Into thoso songs
I wnicti is inherent in tho music, but
I which rhe btlngs out In tho fullest
i Sascha Jacobson, tho world-famous
vlollulbt. has shown Columbia what
ho can do with n popular air. "Dear
Old Pal of Ml'no" mndo a hit months
ago. Its yearning notos lend thom
3ulvos particularly to tho cxprosslve
noss of a violin. On tho rovorso Ja
cobson plays Victor Horborts dainty
"Soronado." HARRY DIXON.
Buys Plzcr Fni'nf.
Tho 2G0-ncro farm owned by Julius
Plzor three miles west of town has
boon sold to Chns. Llerk for a roportcd
consideration of two hundred dollars
nn acre. There are fair Improvements
on tho plnco and a wator right for 1G0
acros, though practically tho entire
tract can bo Irrigated. Mr. PIzer pur
chased tho farm flvo or six years ago
at a prlco that haB resulted In a nlco
clean-up for him.
Miss Inez Cnvors, from Children.
Is hor visiting hor sister, Mrs. W. F.
It is not fair to those wlio havo seen the picture to tell
what it is all about, hut from its genesis until its happy
ending it is one that should not be spoiled by .telling in ad
vance. Tho assurance that thoi;e aro thrills and laughs that
hold you from the beginning to the end should bo suffi
cient guarantee that tho theatre will be packed during the
Mickey showing here at
aUTIXEJi EACH DAY AT 2:00 I'. Tit.
Within the next few days the Union
State Bank will open for business. We
arc equipped with the most modern facil
ities for handling your check accounts, pay
interest on time deposits and take care of
your loans.
Come in and give us a trial and weH
will do the rest.