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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1919)
E3E "EE f OF ALL SUMMER GARMENTS. Block's Final Clearing Sale of all Summer Garments is now in lull swing and will conlin Lie the rest of this month. In order to make a clean sweep of every summer garmenl in the store theo are offered at a saving to you of from 25 to 50 cents on the dollarj This is not a sale for the purpose of stimulating trade or making profit, but a desire to dispose of all summer goods to make room for FALL GARMENTS WHICH ARE NOW ARRIVING DAILY. 100 Silk Dresses In Taffeta, Satins and Georgette, made up to the minute in style and in all the wanted shades and formerly priced up to $48.50, are now going at $14.98, $19.98, $24.75. Wash Dresses Lot 1. Colored Voile, and some white voile dresses, for Final Clearance at $1.49 and $1.98. Lot 2. Dainty Summer Dresses of colored voile and ginghams, formerly sold up to $10.00, Clearing Price -M 0Q tPtiiJU Lot 3. Small lot of smart evening dresses, values up to $20.00, Clean Up jj jJQ All of our high grade Wash Dresses at One Third Off. 100 Wash Skirts Middies! Middies! One lot of Gabardine Tub Skirts, some in plain white and some made of striped wash able materials, values to $3.00, M Q Final Clearing Price P I nrd Handsome non-shrinkable white Gabardine wash skirts, values up to $5.00, CO OD Final Clearing Price JiilU All of our High Grade Wash Skirts at One Third Off. Ono rack of wool and silk Skirts, splendid styles, all sizes, all shades, and formerly sold up to $12.50, Final Clean Up Price $2.98 to $7.75. All of our fancy Silk Skirts rnade of Baron ette Satin, Fantasi, Georgette, etc., at One Third Off. All of our Skirts in dark shades in wool and silk materials at 20 per cent off reg. price One lot of good Galitea Middies, val- nn lies up to $1.75, Sale Price UOb All of .our high grade Middies and Smocks at 20 per cent off reg. price Bungalow Aprons and House Dress- QQr es, values up to $1.75, Sale Price 3UU Onyx Cotton Lisle Hose, regular 35c sellers 5 pair for One Dollar. Onyx Silk Fibre Hose, regular $1.00 PQn values, Sale Price '. UUb Ladies' Gauze Union Suits and Muslin Com bination Suits, $1.50 values, Sale QQr Price Oui Corset Covers and Drawers in muslin and cotton crepe materials, values up AQn to &8c, Sale Price 40 b What ever Ccw Spring Suits and Coats there are left we will sell them at actual cost and less. EXTRA SPECIALS! One small lot of Silk Suits, regular values up to $35.00, Final Clearance (j One lot of Jap Silk and white Voile Waists, formerly sold up to $3.50, M QQ Final Clearance Price $li3U Beautiful Silk Crepe Waists, in all the new est styles and in all the wanted frA QQ shades, special at iJrTMJU Dainty Georgette Waists, some are beaded and some braiedd, values up tfC QQ to $9.00, Sale, Price 4diJU Silk Sweaters and slip-overs in wool and silk at 20 Per Cent off Regular Price. Children's Dresses From 3 to 14, in all colors, made in Percale and Ginghams and formerly sold up to $1.75. Sale Price 79c and 98c. All of our high grade, children's washable Dresses at a Discount of 20 Per Cent This sale for Cash only. No charges, no approvals, no refunds. Every purchase must be Final. E3EE ir.A 1. BAKU, Editor nnil I'ubllshcr i i , SUBSCRIPTION RATES': ' ' ' Ono l'oar by Mall, in udvnuco. .$1.75 Oiiq Year by Carrier, In advance, $2.00 Enutred at tho North Platte, Nebraska I'ostotflce an Second Class Matter. PJtlDAY, AUGUST 22, 1&19. ; Hand Concert rrogruin. Krldu evening, August 22nd, at S o'clock, tho North PUitto Municipal Band, Earl Stump director, will play tho following program: March Sabro and Spurn Sousn. Ovorturo Poet and Peasant Suppo. t'opular Souk by Jos. SchafCor (with tho band). Air do Ballot La Plroutto Hosmcr. Soronado A Night In Juno King, Trombone Smear Lawsy Massy . Jowoll. Waltz Girls of Badon Komzak. March Now Colonial Hall, Tho next concert, on August 20th, will bo tho last ono of tho Beason un der tho ausplcoH ot tho park board. ::p:: Organize Transportation Employes. A transportation Club, such ns !i now opcrutlvo in most of tho larger cltHs and towns of tho country, is to bp oraanlzcd Hi North Platto In tho iigar future Riuit S Curtlsa, of Chl i'jeago, Orind President of tho Trans- "portatlon1 Employes' Union of Amorl 6a, plans to come to this city In the near futuro for tho purpoao ot going over tho lit Id and ascertaining tho dlfloront branches ot tho club work -which luleht Lo maintained hero. lie plane establishing a lodgu hall and club rooms lor tho benefit ot the dif ferent transportution omployos of the railroads, (.xpross companies, etc., working In and out ot tho city. Chief Has an Exciting Chase. Chief Mocomber had an oxcltlng chaso Tuesday night when ho took nftcr an auto speeder. Tho speedor started south on Locust street at a thirty mllo clip with tho Chlof follow ing in his car. Surmising that he was being followed, tho speeder "stopped on her," and by the time ho reached C stroot ho. was doing forty- ilvo miles. Ho turned east on C street and stopped at his homo, whore ho was takon In by tho Chief and tho following dayi in tho pollco court paid tho customary ?9.80. ::o: ; A thrilling fight in tho dosort bo- tweon two sworn enemies against a bnnd of mnraudlng Apacho Indians Is ono of tho unusual situations that aro thrllllngly displayed in "Riders o! Vongenanco" at tho Sun theatre Sat urday with Harry Carey ns Choyenno uarry Carston. Honutlful silk underwear on display nt Trump's Ready to Wear. Sight Specialists, II. Dixon fc Son. Postmaster's uStoro' Is Busy. Postmaster uleLvoy, who opened a sale Monday of government supplies, aays ho Is reuelum; many orders, 'es pecially from In 'ners who generally buy In larger quantities than do town people. Orders for nearly every ar ticle on tin list havo been recoloved. Mr. MeEvoy ?i;ys a reduction has been n.ade in the tiansportation charg es from $2.00 to $1.00 por hundrPd, which reduces tho cost to the eon. sumcr to just that extent. i ::o:: Take Men to Pen. Deputy Sheriff Chappell left for Lin coln yesterday having In tow two men who had been sentenced to tho peni tentiary by, Judge Grimes. These men wero Citron Torren, a Moxlcan, who pleaded guilty to stealing silk shirts from tho Star Clothing house, and Frank Bell, who broke into the sec tion hou&o at Maxwell and stole a suit of clothes and six dollars in cash. Both men received an Indeterminate sentence of from ono to ten years. Crystal Theatre, Tonight CHARLES RAY IN j u Daylight Act ltopwiled 1 Roponl of tho daylight savlngB act was accomplished Wcdnosday, tho sennto voting to sustain tho houso in passing tho roponl moasuro over Pros ldont Wilson's veto. Tho voto was 57 'to 19. ''Tho repeal of tho law bocomes nf- Toctlvo nftor tho clocks nro turned back to normal In October. It Is ono Qf tho very fow measures which havo twice noon veioeu uy a prosiaoni unu havo become a law In spite ot tho veto, ::o;: Clara and JuaUo .lohufon, ot 10.U Sycamore strcot, ontortalncd twenty ot their llttlo friends at a birthday party Wednesday aftornoon. A very pleasant afternoon was spent In games, nftor which & two course luncheon was sorvod and tho guosts doparted fooling very much, pleasod and wishing tho girls many happy ro .turns of tho day. XX r::o:;- ' Try tho Roxall first. 30 Remnant Sale at. Aug. 23, to Sat. Aug. The heavy selling of the past season has left us an accumulation of short lengths of all classes of merchandise on our shelves and we have put prices on some that will mean substantial savings. COTTONS, WOOLENS, SILKS. Lace Embroidery and Ribbons. Come early while the assortment is large. Wilcox Department Store. 'Hay Foot, Straw Foot' Tho two part nnlmnl comedy "THE LION SPECIAL." 0 ATTENTION TRACK AND SHOP LABORERS DEMAND INCH EASE General chairmen of the United Brotherhood of Malntonance-of-Way and Railway Shop Laborers In session at Detroit Tuesday approved a now wage and working agreement already submitted to the railroad ad ministration, calling for an increase In pay of approximately ono dollar n day per man, time and a half for ov tlmo and promotion by seniority. I Tho demands, it was said, affect all railroads In tho United States, Canada and Central America and Involve about ,000,000 workers. Half of that num ! bor nro members of tho union. A referendum now being taken Is returnable August 24. Union officials declare 99 por cent of tho men favor tho proposed schedule and n gouoral striko of all maintonanco-of-way em ployos If their demands aro not met. Tho increase demanded would mean an additional oxpenso to tho railroads ot nearly $190,000,000. Railroad Traffic Frolght loading on railroads In the central wostem zone In July wore 612,110 cars compared with 529,797 cars last year, a decrease of a.a per cent. Miscellaneous freight loadings wore 300,080 cars, or 11,4 por cent In crease. Grain, 18,790 cars, Increase of 10.1 por cent ovor last year. A feature was tho loss ot 28.9 per cent in ore with 13.513 cars moved, and of 34.5 per cent lu coal with 80,579 cars handled. :o:; Clinton & Son' will take care of your Eye Glass trouble; wo guar antee to give you satis-1 faction. Sign of tho Big Ring. Son is with Undo Snm In Ger many, will bo homo soon. , Loxlngton XXXXX Flour, $3.25 at tho East End Grocery. Auto Drivers, Bicycle and Motor cycle" Wcrs.' ';f V 1. You must not exceed a speed of 12 miles an hour. 2. You must not use an auto with the muffler ODen. 3. You must not pass another car at night without dimming your head lights. 4. You must not to around an other car at the Intersections. 5. Minors under 10 years must not drive motor cars. C. Blowing horns continuously and for fun day or night must ho stopped. 7. Alwnvs lrnp.n tn tlin rlirtit. 8. You must not obstruct traffic by stopping cars on Dowey street when (lnnthnr cur la nnnrnr tho mirh. 9. Bicycle riders must keep off tho sidewalk oxcept in very muddy weath or. 10. Pedestrians must not Jay- hawk across tho streets. Violators of tho Vehicle and Motor Laws will be stringently dealt with. S. C. MECOMBER, Chief of Police. : :o: : Kodaks and films nt tho Rexall. It will surely pay you to order one of tho now model Dodge' cars, even though you have to wait A short time for dpllvery, as you, cahriof find such value and such service for hundreds of dollars more In price. Jt V. Ro migh, dealer. COMING TO North Platte United Doctors' Specialist. Will be nt tho HOTEL McCABE lay, Aug. 2S. ONE DAY ONLY. Hours 10 a. m. to S p. m. Remarkable Success of these Taleut cd Physicians In tho Treatment of Chronic Diseases Annnnl Report of tho Condition of Goodman-Buckley Trust Company of North Tlatte, Ncbr, at the Close of Business, Juno 30th, 1919. RESOURCES. Mortgages ?54,555.00 Liberty Bonds 14,500.00 Cash on Hand 362.99 Furniture and Fixtures 200.00 Total Resources $09,017.99 LIABILITIES Capital ?50,000.00 Undivided Profits 683.96 D3111s Payable 15,000.00 Customers' Funds 3,934.03 Total Liabilities $69,017.99 STATE OF NEBRASKA County, of Lincoln j I, N. E. Buckley, Sec'y-Treasurer of Goodman-Buckley Trust Company of North Platte. Nobrnska, do horoby swear that the foregoing statement Is truo and correct to tho best of my knowledgo and belief. N. E. BUCKLEY, Secretary-Treasurer. Subscribed in my presenco and sworn to beforo mo this 19th day of August, A. D., 1919. (SEAL) F. C. PIELSTICKER, Notary Public. My commission oxplres Doc. 11, 1923. EXAMINATION AND CONSULTA TION FREE Tha diagnostician of the United Doctors, licensed by tho state of Ne braska, for the treatment of chronic diseases of men, women and children, offer to all who call on this visit, con sultation, examination and advice free. They havo a system and meth od of treatments that are suro and certain in their results. Thoso doctors aro experts in the treatment of chronic diseases of the blood, liver, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys or bladder, rheuma tism, sciatica, dropsy, leg ulcers, woak lungs, and those afflicted with long standing, deep seated, chronic diseases, that havo baffled tho skill of other physicians, should not fall to call. According to their system no more operation for appendicitis, gall stones, goiter, piles, etc., as all cases accept ed will bo treated without operation or hypodermic injection. If you havo kidney or bladder troubles bring a 4 ouuco bottle of your urine for chemi cal analysis and microscopic examina tion. Worn-out and run-down men and womon, no matter what your ailment may. be, no matter what you have been told, or tho oxporlonco you havo had with other physicians, settle It for ovor In your mind. If your case Is in curablo they will toll you so. Con sult thorn upon this visit. It co3ts you nothing for examination. Romombor, this free offer Is for Jills visit only. Married ladles must como with their husbands and minors with their par ents. '