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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1919)
1 Real Estate Auction. We cTHind Reader zA Woodland cTWaid Cow Brand In order to dovote more time to improving and colon izing our extensive holdings, wo will sell the following lands AT AUCTION. Sale to bo held at Wild Horse, Cheyenne Co., Colo., AUGUST 26th-27th. 14,000 ACRES Divided "into smaller farms. Our July sale was a success and we plan to hold a still . better one on this date. LOCATION 135 miles east of Denver, U. P. R. R. Lands one-half to seven miles distant. No better land in Colorado. . SOIL Chocolate sandy loam, level, free from adobe and blow sand, with an abundance of water at from 15 to '36 feet. CROPS Corn, cane, wheat, milo maize, feterita, Su dan, etc s IMPROVEMENTS Fenced and cross-fenced and well watered. Several sets improvements. ARRANGEMENTS Address owner or auctioneer for pamphlets and plat of land. Special Pullmans will be chartered from Omaha, Lincoln and Hastings. These Pullmans will arrive before the sale and will be parked on sidings, giving ample time to inspect the land. Individual plats of land will be furnished. If you are looking for a farm improved or unimproved, where first wheat crop will pay for the land and a profit besides, come to this sale. If you would buy land where you can double your money in short time, be at Wild Horse, Colorado,' on August 26-27. Wild Horse is on main line of Union Pacific from Kansas City to Denver. Take Union Pacific out of Lincoln and points south to Manhattan, Kansas, and catch main line trains to Wild Horse. WAND CONCERTS AND PUBLIC SPEAKING DAILY. TERMS 25 per cent cash day of sale; 10 per cent November 1, 191!) ; 15 per cent March 1, 1920; remainder 3 years at 6 per cent first mortgage; title guaranteed; ab stract to date. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Railroad' fares refunded to purchasers. States Realty Investment Co., Owners, 311 Fraternity Building, LINCOLN, NEB. FRED L. PERDUE, Auctioneer, 820 Dcnhnm Building, Donver, Colorado. CITY LIGHTING PLANTS AND TOWNS Built from the ground up. Electric Supplies and Lighting fixtures. THE PORTER ELECTRIC CO. Phone 517. North Platte. Neb. 510 Locust St to 3 Model ro. 10 Single Tub Electric Washer with Swinging Wringer This Model offers tho bouteirlfe the adrsntsses of tba movable winging wringer without tho bench equipment of other 1 ffl 1 models. Washer tub Is exactly the time as that rued on other models has all modern Improto merits. Electrio motor is troubleproof will not Ml fl TTTlvM M$j nrings to any position and V1 has Safety Quick Ileleasa feature. Tub Is equipped with n special adjustable casters nhicli permit of ?j any position. XmnSSZU&zwi The Choice of Women Who Know A Washer that that will suit you Monday. A Washer that la famous Washer made for y durable. Washes an attaches tj any eleo Automatic World-Famous! WdBhor rormoAlitv m bocauso 60,000 Houswlvea uso It every for what It DOBS. Thoro Is no bettor our service. It Is slxnplo, strong and d wrings by power. 4 great models- trio light socket guaranteed. Tiro Valuable Books FREE Two complete books of formulas on washing and dry cleaning. Call and get these. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & POWER CO. Br CECILLE LANQDON (Copyright. H1I, by tH Western News paper Union.) "I nm- n min i render," announced I Iflnrln Atiinin lirlulrlv "ntnl inv tntllito mentnlity Imparts, the fact to infr tlint you aro going to engage me nt nn i.i.i.i i - ..... .. month nnd expenses, and send me out st'ttU,(1 ,,,,t0 ,lf which she had rea on tho road to demonstrate a uew t0 re would have no break for plan I have evolved for doubling your ,0K time to come. The existence of business In one year,' with u qundru- iwrolf nnd her father had been an pllne ratio as time goes on, my Income ' since e was n mere child, keeping pace with this expansion." , 1hcro wns not a country estate In the Martin Lane first glared nt the au- "'strict that could equal Wlldwood In dnclous Intruder upon his busy hour. tent and beauty, and there for ever Then his stern features relaxed. He 11 'Iccndo tho Royces had received nil was used to all kinds of applications for work nnd did not at nil favor the familiar way In which .this new can- I dldnte approached him. Catching sight of the smiling face and magnetic eyes, however, ho said: "I am something of a mind render myself, and I do not shnre your views. Show me." "Good 1" nodded the refreshingly un abashed young man, plumping Into n sent and taking out a packet of pa pers. Rule seven of 'Business Effi ciency' says: 'Approach a business man In nn original way,' so I present the mlnd-rcndlng phase. Rule nine teen says: 'Present a proposition out side of the usual rut.' I've got It right here. It will take me ten minutes to explain It." "Go on," nodded Mr. Lane, more cu rious and amused than Interested. ,Earle Munson proceeded to outline his plan. Mr. Lane was a tea nnd cof fee merchant. He had worked, up a very profitable mnll-order trade. "Don't you see," submitted tho per suasive nnd optimistic Munson, "that you will have over five hundred agents. picKing up oruers every uny in uie year? Allowing that each man gets but one order a day, that figures up over fifteen thousand orders a year. Getting thnt number of orders through your circular nnd cntalogue system, postage stnmps alone would cost you live thousand dollars. By my system you keep un account with one central source, get all kinds of free adver tising nnd have an army of men work ing for you on commission basis strictly." "It looks feasible," admitted Mr. Lane. "You come back nt four o'clock prepnrcd to give mo the evening. Will you?" Munson had expected that the con sultntion anticipated would tnkc place in the private ofllce, but when he re turned he found the merchant ready to take htm to his home in his automo bile. When they reached it Mr. Luno ushered him among a garden group, in troduced him to his Wife, three small children and his daughter, Leila. The visitor made everybody feel agreeable. He complimented Mrs. Lane on her lovely garden, played with tho little ones nnd devoured the radiant daugh ter of the home with eyes expressing an admiration he could not; conceal. "We'll talk right here where wo can enjoy the beautiful evening," said Mr. Lane, nnd on a garden seat just out side the family circle they went into further business details. Munson had i drifted about a good deal in n busl- ness way. It was tmlto remarkable ' the number of recommendations he ! had All spoke of Mr Munson partlc ularly ns to his pleasing personality and strict nttention to business, but more thnn one deplored his cons ant shifting from ono position to another owing to Ills love for change nnd va riety. ' v "lcs, I need nn anchor to steady me," acknowledged Munson,- and he glanced stealthily in the direction of T.nlin Wftll T iirnn flmf nffni n - " " pleased that we will mako a perma nent arrungement. Maybe It will be so promising that some day I'll get a mlnd-rendlng copartnership ns to my ideas er, Mr. Lane?" Munson wns simply irresistible the way he mingled nudncity nnd a win ning Ingenuousness. Ho hud tho chll- dren fairly wild with some choice t, wooalnn( creature. H6 commend feats of legerdemain ho operated for I llB ,, svs,m nf wnlntr tho their special benefit. The final hour of his stay ho was treated nil around like some old-time ,frlcnd rnther thnn the business ndventurer with u now Idea. At tho end of a month Earlo Mun- son camo bouncing into 'tho private of - flee of Mnrtln Lano ns freely as if he owned it, to spread beforo his em ployer a bunch of contrncts and orders that fairly bewildered tho staid, sys- tematlc man of business. When an- und on the morr0w, as they were seat other sixty days had rolled away the ed togethcr on a garden seat, he looked influx of trade required his constant j nt her enrnestly with the words: "You -supervision in an onico or nis own. Meantlmo It got to bo so that If Mr. T tift lid tinr Knlssre lluiinn,i 1st. Lano did not bring Munson homo with him to dinner nt least three times a week, Mrs. Lano looked disappointed, Leila unhappy and tlio children be wailed ills absenco as though home was a dismal prison without him. And at tho end of six months the climax culminated und Munson came to Mr. Lane, and in ills refreshingly convincing way said: jur. i,nue, ns n niina rcnuer l am of the opinion that if I told you that Leila and myself will bo very unhappy uu u.0..i.4'm.u j,uu uo U0 np. provo our picking out nn enKnecment ring, you would at orico your blessing." And Mnrtln Lane replied : "There is no resisting you, Munson ns a mind render you are certainly u' decided success I" X e- , t By VICTOR REDCL1FFE (Copyright. 1919. by the Western News paper Union.) Life at Its dreariest had come to ,I"n11lloy5c at cSllcl,- "or fatlior !hlul dle(1 Just ,,s sho lnd reached the acme of trlrlliond IdVollni'CQ nnd linil ' ndvnntnges of luxury nnd ease, e former owner of the place, Jc John Wayne, died when his only son nnd heir, Gernld, wns a mere lnd. Previous to that Alma's father, originally n col lego professor, had broken down In health and John Wnyne, nn old collego friend, had employed him to systema tize and care for his great collection of nntlques. When Mr. Wnyne died there wns n provision made In Ills will thnt'tho old scientist wns to continue his work nnd have a homo nt Wild wood and Its entire chnrgo until his son nttnlned his majority. Of that son after, thnt the Royces only knew thnt ho wns receiving n full education abroad. It wns after her father's death that the family lawyer of the Waynes vis ited Wlldwood. "Miss Royce," he said, "we under stand thnt Mr. Gerald Wayne Is about to return to this country nnd S 'ttle up the estate. Doubtless Wlldwood will pass Into other hands. It may be some time before that may come nbout, nnd until It does, wo would like to hnvo you remnln in charge here. Alma felt thnt It wns only n ques tion of time when she would have to go out Into the wide world cheerlessly alone. And she shrank from tho stren nous life ahead of her, contrasting so harsh nnd unfriendly with her calm, even experience nt Wlldwood. Alma was busy one day directing the transplanting of some shrubbery when she noticed n young man, an 6n tire strnnger, stnndlng by the gnrtlen roadway. His eyes were fixed upon her studiously and Interestedly. As her glance 'met his own he advanced, re moving his hnt with n courteous how. Then n seeming afterthought ns to In troducing himself nppenred to occur to him. Ho took scvernl cards, se lecting one indiscriminately nnd neap ing Alma tendered It to her. She rend upon Its face "Wylle Blair," nnd under this the name of the law firm which nttended to tiie business of tho estnte. "You nro Miss Royce, I nm sure," Bpoko the visitor. He wns rnther grave of manner, young nnd handsome ns ho wns, as though study or weari ness of tho world hnd brought serious ness nnd surfeit, but a sight of tho fair young girl appeared to lighten his natural mood. "I hnve. come to look over Wlldwood, prepnrntory to n possl blo disposal of It to tho best advan tage," A new brightness came into his face ns Almn .In her pretty Intelligent way showed him over tho grounds. But It wns when she led him Inside tho sump tuous house that ho became absorbed In onntiimnlnllnn nf Its rnntpnts. Tlla , , , pd t0 ,J0 , complotc linr. , J ,th t)l( ,,, nn(1 bonutlflll( i fl , ,cd ovcr ft Cnrrnm mrb,0 ; pl. , d b FInscnl n fnvorltc horsp study of Rosa Bonhcur, Khlvn rugs, n Soumnko of wide proportions, the nn tlquo mahogany highboys, tho Japan ese teuk wood screen before tho ara besque flrepluce, pearl reading glasses, i t , won b s ce(y i V . . i horses, nnd books, boons, uooks, gntn ered from tho most exclusive store houses of the world. For nenrly a week each .afternoon this apparent agent nnd authorized representative of Gerald Wayne np pearcd at Wlldwood. He made a pre tense of taking notes, but It was clear from his Intent association with Alma that he most prized this innocent, gen- nccounts of tUe cstate. Ho was a rapt llstener ns ,n her well-informed way sl u d tho vnlue nnd hlstory of , tw , tunt prlcelesg piece of brlc-a- brae. At times Alma was puzzled, for ;vhllc he sccmed picnscd nt tho l ,nfArninHnn Rhn imrmrtcd. hero and there somo chanco remnrk showed that ho was noovlco in art antique. "I nm going awny tomorrow, Miss Enl,i t thn nnd of a week. i i, .,i wn.Uvnnrt n rovnlntlnn in ! m nnd j nm satisfied Its owner ' would be n vandal quite to scatter to tho winds ruthlessly tho labor of long yeurs." "I am glad," said Alma in her frank, Ingenuous way, "and I hope you will tell Mr. Wnyno thnt." Then she sighed nnd danced sorrowfully all about her. I shsll miss all tho beautiful llfo I have passed here. It has been a true 1 homo to me.", n lcancd closer to her nnd his eyes j wero giowing strangely. "Why should you 0 Mls3 Royce?" ho questioned. It j wero Jt8 owner nud si,ouia nsk you tp stay because I hnvo learned to love you, what would you say?" Tho fluttering blush upon her fnco told him thnt her soul wns responsive to his own. His eyes grow glnd. "I ask you to stay," he added, "for I am Gerald Wnyno. NORTH PLATTE NORTH PLATTE, NEB.I h. , row RDAND INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE The Association has unlimited funds at its command to 1 assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of Nortli Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home, T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. PLACE CHILDREN ABOVE ALL Little Ones Have Been Aptly Described as Monarchs In Homes of Serbian Parents. The tragedy of the little children of Serbia reduced to stnrvatlon, disease and rnggedness is really understood only when one comprehends the In tense love of homo nnd children that fills all Serbian hearts. "Tho Serbian homo is tho sanctum of Scrblnh life," writes Miss Wpgonor, "tho shrine beforo which tho Serbian heart worships, tho nltnr upon which thd products of hand and heart are placed in simple tribute. And the guiding spirit of the homo Is, of course, tho woman, tho wife nnd mother. Wo must go further, though, and say that while the mother may bo tho guiding spirit, the monarch of tho home Is tho child. What wo nro preaching with re newed Intensity today regarding the Importance of the child, the education of tho child, Serbia has long preached nnd endeavored to practice. Almost Spartan In Its creed Is the valuation plnced upon a child life. Tho child is more than it companion to Ills mother, more than an heir to his father's' busi ness, lands or wealth; ho Is the proper ty of the state. Ho Is part of Serbia! Everything is sacrificed to the welfare nnd advancement of tho child." A Hooeler Haircut. Dcnms Coe, a Richmond business man nnd former auditor of Wnyno county, hns been trying to figure tho difference of un Indiana and n Chicago hnlrcut. lie told the story nfter a busi ness trip to Chicago and says ho no longer enjoys going to n barber shop In Chicago. Previously to making the trip, Coe went Into n Richmond shop nnd hnd a Bhavo nnd hnlrcut by a barber regard ed ns expert as any in Richmond. After nrrlving in Chicago ho went to a bar ber for his shavo the next day. "Don't you wnnt a haircut, too?" asked tiie barber. "I Just got onji the other day," Coe replied. "In Indlann?" politely asked tho bar ber. "Yes, why?" wus Coo's answer. "Well, it looks llko nn Indiana huir cut," was tho barber's comment. According to Coo's own story ho was "considerably wrought up" by tho in cident as ho is a loyal resident of In diana. When ho told the story to hla bnrber In Richmond, tho barber wan considerably moro indignant thnn Ooo. Indianapolis News. Educating Greek Farmers. American scientific mrriculturlstH nro now completing a survey of tho soil possibilities o Crete In tho samo thorough fnshlon in which thev sur veyed tho Greek mainland. American rnrming mnchlnery nnd up-to-date methods nro needed, nnd arrangements hnve been made to cducnto tho farmers of Greece nnd Crete so that thoy enn incrcaso their yield of crops, Majpr C. G. nopklns of tho Illinois agricul tural department, and Lieut. G. J. Bou youcon, n native Greek educated in America, nnd a former instructor at Michigan agricultural collego, aro In chargo of tho Amcrlcnn Red Cross ag ricultural survey of Greece and Croto. The Best Flour Made in the Best Town in Western Nebraska A Home Product Used by all Home People. MILLION DOLLARS. ARANTEED HOT TO BREAK T. S. BLANKENBURG, Bonded Abstracter. Public Stenographer. Office with B. M. Reynolds, Architect, Apt. 1 Reynolds Torraco. Phono Black 1105. GU IF YOU WANT REAL ' DRUG SERVICE, COME TO HE DELIVERS THE GOODS AND DOESN'T ROB YOU. Corner Front and Dewey. Phone 221. When in need of good things to eat Call 212. We receive daily Butter nut and Kream Krust Bread in sanitary parch ment wrapping. Blue Ribbon Coffee is our leader. , WE DELIVER. Dick Stegeman, PHONE 212. 815 NO. LOCUST. Mr. Cream Seller Yoa will nover know what wo can pay for cream or tho quick sorvlco wo can glvo you until you havo sent ua a can of cream. So before you sell that next can of cream UBk your nolghbor what K. & Sons at North Platte aro paying for Buttcrfat Ho will know; or better Btill como in and boo us. Not tho Biggest but tho host. Best; in Uio West. Ki.scl-.bium & Son. VERN MACE, Mgr. Phono 3G0. 618 No. Locust. IIEBB HAMILTON Taxi and Uvery DAY. AND NIGHT SEltyiOE Phono 008. Blnck 30&