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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1919)
IRA L DARE, Editor nnd PulillshoT SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Venr by aLill, In advance. .$1 . Ono Tour by Currier, In ndrniicc, $2.00 Entorod at tlio North I'latte, Nobraska Pofltofflce as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1010. COUNTY NEWS. hershey. (From Tbo Times.) N Willie Knight closed n deal yofitor day Mlllng his ranch on th Bird wood to Curtis and Covor, who live south and west of Sutherland. Tho ranch contains 1120 acres and the consideration was J11.G00. Fay Browor returned yoBtorday from Newport Nows, Va., whoro ho was discharged from duty as ono of Uncle Sam's fighting moil. Fay was ovorseas for sovoral months, having boon In the postal sorvlco. Ho is looking flno nnd mighty glad to got homo. BonJ. Johnson, superintendent of tlio Jlorahoy schools, has (O.innSSIONIIHS' IROIKERINGS August IS, IV Q. Board mot pursuant to adjourn ment, present Koch, Hcrmlnguauson, Sprlngor and county el drk. Following claims wore allowed: National Refining Co., oil, $10 CO. Paul Moyor, surveying, JS9.15. Paul Moyor, road commissioner, $13 0C Ira K. Sago, publishing, $2S.C5. E. C. ITostottor, bridge work. $54. Wesley Cockle, road work, $22.50. Natlonl Roflnlng Co., oil, $17.85. ('has. Scharmann, dragging, $13.85. Tob Bunting, blndo man, $75.00. ('has Loypoldt, cnglno man, $75.00. F. O. Johnson, dragging, $23.40. A. D. Alien, haying road, $32.00. W. T. Elliott, rlvor work, $90.00. O. II. Palmer, river work, $30.00. Walter Wilson, dragging, $18.00. Standard OH Co.,, oil, $182.20. Emma Pulvor, rent county poor, $72.00. Sundry porsons, rlvor work, $199.50. Sundry persons, rqad work, $143. S. J. Koch, phono tolls, $13.87. Clias. Burton, road work, $31.80. Win Andorson, road work, $4.80. Frank Greonwood, road work, $4.80. A. C Power, road work, $7.50. ::o:: Wo wish to express our sincere thanks to all who so kindly assisted us in our late bereavement in the roslennri his position and has accepted u posl- Mrs. Anna Orulko. Wo also wish to a . munngor oi uic armors' thank Rov. Mackintosh for tho kind faupply Co. at Sarben. Ho baa taken words of consolation, tho singers for up tho work already and Is offering tho beautifully rondred songs and for ...n uu..g,unr 1U1 iu, ur. jounson tho many lloral offerings. nun jiuiuo many warm irionds during THE FAMILY uih romuonco in iiorsnoy and nil wish "V9 111H now lino or work. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carroll left this jo ib U ory onorgouc young man nnd morning for a visit in Denver nnd ouiuuu fiuuiH a rcai uoosicr. othor Colorado points, . nn rccoivcu yoBtorday stated Mr. and Mrs. -Wilson Tout loft this iii w " 4,nn,1c,s,(lnoy McFar- morning for Denver whore thoy will ; ;u omnimcH cnoson visit for tho remainder of tho week. ... i , ,m10 rocontiy i Mrs. W. J. Cruson returned Sunday Vi i mi ,,u lorsn,nB from New York whoro sho had been n,L ,.,0nfl' h0 ,norsll,y IIomo visiting relatives for tho past several .....,. nun luinuiuuur wiion uccu months " iiumu uii ii iiuri lunounn rrnm n nn rr,i,i .i i,,., ..i ,, - 11. . II. " I U.Ull JIUUU lUlUUIVU ilUJUU JUDH'i" one oi uio training camps boforo co ne i 0TflH..a."d4.BtlV? th0 a cour.!. of overseas with tho Sixth Marines and k 1 . s' B ulcro Participating in tho flvo big allied with tho goods" was a common or-:,t. t. i,r., mnn nf iTnni Q . A""'1 B,pccI" c,lIirKca lh members of tho Fifth and Tn rn 5 . KhtrS aml W0 Slxt1' Mnrlnca Paraded ln Now York JLT L '?r 5?5 and also in Washington, whoro they lrmnimt Mu Zl 1 ,,uuuu wore roviowed by President Wilson . vwuuv ma tsuruiiiuiuiii, i BRADY. "It 00263 ot" (Vrnm rr,, vl.llo- Even )n statistics, n.s dry as u Gnu! Dr. and Mr. c. to. Vn.n K,t,n. Brll1 would lmvu them, there Is hu ed from tho Mayo Bros, bosnltal nt ,nor- "II 003!(-'8 0()t'" ,lH I'aintims Hug- Rochostor. Minn., tho lattor nart of Bart would say. Austen Chambprlnln, last week. Dr. Vandlvor undorwent ,n nls ""Iclal cnpaclty as chancellor an oporatlon thoro, and is now annar- tho exchequer, recently presented to ontly on tho road to tho recovery of the members of tin' British purlin- nis lormor neailli. went a budget packed with enough llg. uurgmrB eany last ilday morning tires to lmllle nn nceotmtnnt of tho niado an unsuccessful attempt to crack hirst water. Glvlna 1, .112,000.000 as uio mi.o m u. Krawonsioin'B Hard- thl. n,0Hnt to whirl. It had risen, ho n7rn , w V i " tf B 1, declared that the "Hunting debt" was ontranco by forcing a hook on tho ,,.,.., ,lN llH,.lltln n(m. u loor. A largo holo wan drilled in tho "'ivlii?' his Mao attention. How. It saro, and powdor oxtractcd from shot , . . ,'. hull niiuiic wiin iihi'ii mi- 1 1 r. nrn no nn i- " which ruined tho snfo door.but thoy woro unsuccessful in gttlng to tho small BUm of monoy In tho snfo. Manager John Johnson was at tho Btoro until nearly twolvo o'clock, and It is thought tho robbers saw him put somo caBii in tlio safe. NOTICI0 OK INCOlll'OU.YTION OF in i :i.n-in it r. u coai pa wy. Notice Is Iiorobv irlvn tlmt tho tin- UarHlKKcd liavo fonnod n corporation undor tho mutio and stylo of ''Flold- Tho nartlos nirco ConiDiiny" wltli tho nrtnotnnl woro evidently nftor monoy only as ,),nco of trnnsnotlnw Its business In the nothinc was mlsd frn , i" Li. clty of Nortu 1'1'Uto. Lincoln County, r.naln " Nolirusku; tho Konoral nnturo of tho Cases. hiiHlnosH to l)o trniiHnctcd holiiir tho Tho same night N. Edwards' drug imylntr, hoUIhk and shlpplriK of lumber, bulldlnir mutorliil, eoal, hay, nnd Vlmo tiiiu JiZiiJ Ti i 1,, Kraln tho buying. leuslUR, Helllnfj tlmo this summer. Tho only thing and convoying of rent estnto; tho buy missing was ono dollar from tho cash Intf. erecting, nmlntnlnlnir, leaBlnpr, roc stor Entrancn war irnlnn.l n,v soiunw nnd conveying DuildlnwH; tho removing tho glass from tho framo of tho back door. MAXWHLIi. (From Tho Tolopost.) Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Hartman loft erection and innlntonunce of such bultdliiKH and RtructuroH an nuiv bo deemed noooHHary for tho successful conduct of such- htitdnoax. nnd to nur clmHo real estuto as a site therefor, or to rout the snme, and to curcuma in such other business an mny bo deemed noc- ossnry or desirable for tho operation l.lfa .i, ...... I.. ,r i... .,..i.....i n r n i aim MuccoHHiui uiiiimici in uio anove this morning by, nutomobllc for Edge- . mined cornoratlon. mont, S. D., whoro Mrs. Hartman will Tho amount or the cnnltnl stock Is taKo BU n hur bat in and t.rnntmnnf fnr tni sum or Kovonty-nvo tuousnnd doi lai-H ($75,000.00) nil of which Is to ho . ..UU1U.11.1D11I. i.i i , ii, i.l.,..i., r i,. . J. Maxwell, Who has boon oni- by tho cottvovnnce of nronortv to nald Ployed tit tho denot as ilnv mnn for cornorntlon of such vnhio. Tho com- Bomo tlmo left last Wlmrftflnv nmn. "loiiw1""'!! of busInoKH shall bo tho 1st LT n nl I !! S .ST . ? AuRiwt. 1919, and continue for -o ........ .u .iiiuiu nu juiulu n ienou or iwcniy years irom nucn Ills wiro and clilldrou. Ho has boon data. Tlio hlKhost nmount of tndobt clvon tbo station nt nnndv mid -. odnoss to which tho corporation Hhall lioetB in tnlfo nn bl ,l,.lna tun ,..ln. nt ,uiy tl,nu M'Joct Itself shall bo the poets to taito up nui duUos thoro with- Hum of fifty thousnnd dollars ( in n Bliort tlmo. The affairs of tho cornoratlon shall be O. D. Shanor and Frank Bockus un- cpiuiucted uy a board or directors, con ir.n,i,i (i ... 1, i.i... ...... siHtinir in nil not to exceed live in num . ' " ;V , ,n , u,ruH'"B Dor, who shall oloct a president, first num iuimuuf. i no Hi'iiaraior is a inow vice-nresidont, second vice-president Rnclno with 24-luch cylludor and 40- and seoretnry-trunsuror, to conduct me uuMiuuBH in uits coriiuraviun. IlliANUllK II. Fliat.l). av. w. nmoR, Ij. n. DICK, It. D. IUUGB. al9-t Inch ronr and bears tho International Harvester Co. stamp. Tho powor Is furnished by a. Titian tractor. The outfit was ordered through J. R. Leech 1'. N. Austin Informs us that tho public library at North Platte will gladly supply us with books If wo can furnish n room in which to keop 1 unnnnu tit HTTP EtECWJCMii.tSi glil ninnTH tjt kttv Urctj 5i 3 . COW BRAND Cow Brand 7SSm3BBt7 4 The Best Flour Made in the Best Town in Western Nebraska A Home Product Used by all Home People. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. -We, tho undersigned dentists of North Pintle, will closo onr offices CTcry Thursday nftcrnoon nntll Oc tober 1st, 1910. Signed: II. C. BROCK, A. L. LANE, I). E. JIORRILL, L. J. KRATJSE, II. E. MITCHELL, 0. II. CHESSLER, IV. T. CROOK. DOCTOR C. A. SELBY riiysiclnu nnd Surgeon Office over Rcxnll Drug Slorc Offlco Phono 371. Houso 10G8 DIt. ItEDFIELl) riiyslclan, Obstctrlctnn Surgeon, X-Iluy Calls Promptly Answered Night or Pny Phono Offlco C12 Residence C7C JOHN S. Si3IMS. 31. 1). Special Attention Given to Sunrerr McDonald Hank Building Offlco Phone 83 Rcsldcnco S3 DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY Practice Limited to Surgery and lladlum Therapy 728 City National Rank Building. Omaha. Nebraska. Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bel ton Building North Platte, Nebraska. DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, C, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70 Res. Phone Bed 1009 CITY LIGHTING PLANTS AND TOWNS Built from the ground up. Electric Supplies and Lighting Fixtures. THE PORTER ELECTRIC CO. Phone 517. North Platte. Neb. 510 Locust St S. M. SOUDER T. F. HEALEY Liberty Land Company Office Over Rexall Drug Store. Choice Farm Land in Lincoln and adjoining Count ry ies. Also some good Ranches. Houses and Lots in all parts of North Platte. took for tho Big l sign. INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, fl-iv Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. NOTION OP FINAL ltlCIMtllT. Katato No. 1401 of lloinnr V. Vart. DoceuHml. tn tlio County Court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. Tlio ttntn of MnltrnnUn. in nil nur. them and appoint aomo ono to caro for houh Inturoatcd In natd ostato taka no thorn. It dooB not hcoiu to us that .lco. tlmt tn? artinlnlHtrator lm tiled a this should bo hard to do if nconlo H5i,KuJ. ! l"".'J "! will got their licada working on tho mont and dlHoharRe an auciradmtnls- propoBltlon. Lot uh net busy nnd os- lauiian a branch library hero. SUTHERLAND. (From Tho Courier.) , ORcar JohiiHon and family of Nortli Tlatto nnd MIsm Boronlco Llnd of Stromnburg, slstor of Mrs. Johnson, vyoro Bucsts or Mr and Mrs. Sam Mil lor last Sunday. trntor which have been sot for hearing1 no i ore unm court on HoiiiomDer 8th, 1910, at 9 o'olock a. m., whon you may unnear and context the saino. Dated AUKUBt 18, 1019. WM. II. C. WOODIIURST. al9at County JudRe. Notice For Rids. Notice is hereby given that tho un dersigned, duly appointed aa a build IllC COinmltteo. for tlio cnnntrimtlnn nf mibbob nuiu ananor. Mary lJuddln.l a eehonl hmmn in Rci.nni ntntrinr n uiadys Cokor and Ada Wilson attend- 8. In Lincoln e.nnntv. Nniimuirn win od tho showi r glvou in honor of Miss roeolvo aoaled bids for tlm mnntrnoMnn Anna iiowos in Northflato last Satur- of a school houso in said school uay- District up to noon of tlio first dav a. is. lnios is nuglity won pleased of Sentember. 1919. at tho nfflon nf wiui tno yioid or zoo ncros of his Booler & Crosby, Attorneys, North wheat southwest of Suthorland. It Platte. Nebraska. Pans and snoclftpa. wont forty bushols to tho aero nnd is tlons aro with Mr, A. B. Holtgrcii. of a good quality Horchoy, Nobraska, and may bo ex- Duiuruuy morning wuon a. w. noat- nmmed thoro. i . . . son woni 10 ins garogo ho found that A corUficd chock in tho sum of both doors on tho canollno tank had throu hundred and 000-100 fJSOO no been broken off nnd tho pump othor-. dollars, pnynblo to tho treasurer of wiso uamngcu. Tho tank was ornpty School District No. 8, in Lincoln so uio robber had all his work for county, Nobraska, must accompany iiouunK. tno was. A deal was closod last week whorobv Tho undorslcned rosorvo tho rlcM uarman ana uoruon or Uio Sutherland I to roloct any and all bids. Pharmacy became Uio ownors of tho ANDREW OLSON. Nyal drug store and building for ton WALTER WILSON, years uio proporty of A. W. Potorson. GEO. STARR. Tho Sutherland Drug 'Co.. with P. R. SCHOOL COMMITTEE OF SCHOOL uarman as managor, VrUl conduct the DISTRICT NO. 8 OF LINCOLN lioxail storo and tho Nynl storo in tho COUNTY, NEBRASKA, future j 31-A28. The Association has unlimited funds at its command to assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. GU ARANTEED NOT TO BREAK D I A M O N D S, II. Dix on. NOTICH OP 8XVV.. In tho matter of tho Estate of Nols II. KronquoHt, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that in pur suance of nn order of Hon. W. C. Dor soy, Judge of tho District Court of Phelps county, Nebraska, mado oa the 14th day of July, 1910, at chambers, In tho court house, In tho village of Franklin county, No braska, for tho Halo of tho real estate hereinafter dotcr!bed there will bo sold at tho oast front door of tho court houso la tho city of North Platto, county of Lincoln, state of Nebraska, on Monday, tho 22d day of Septembor, 1010. at two (2) o'clock P. M.. it. h. srovernmont time, at public venduo to mo nigncHi uiuuor ror caan, tno rollow lne doscrlbed real estate, to.ivlt! All Of Sections Throa (3i ami irvmr (4), In Township Eloven (11), North of jianKe xniriy 130, west or tlio 6tU I'. M., In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Bald salo will romaln open for ono iiuur. Dated August 11th. 1919. HARRY IV. Mlfnwnr! Administrator of tho Estate of Nels xi. ivruiinuost, -uocensea. . Dravo & . Dllworth, Attorneys for Aununistratlon. al9-sl2 Extension Rond No. 201. To whom it' may concern. Tho special commissioner appointed to locate a road as follows: Commencing nt end of road No. 201 in tho NEVi of SEvi of Sec. 4, T. 14, N, R. 33, thenco following tho north bank of tho North Platto river through the south half of said section 4, Twp. 14 rango 33, and intersect with Road No, GG on section lino bctweon sections 4 and 5, T. 14, R. 33, has reported in fav or thereof. All objections thereto or claims for damages by reason of tho establishing of above road must be Hied in tho of llco of tho County Clerk on or boforo noon of tho 27th day of Octobor, 1919 Witness niyi hand and official seal this 18th day of August, 1919. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN, al9sl2 County Clerk, NOTICE OP riNAI. 11UPOIIT. Estate No. 1587 of Florence Love, Deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln county. Nebraska. Tho State of Nobraska. to all Dornon Interested la said estate tako notlco that Iva Allison has tiled a ilnal ac count anigreport of her admlntstra tlon and a netltlon for final settlomon nnd discharge as such and for final docreo of distribution, which havo been set ror noarintr neroro naiu court on Hontember 12th. 1919. at 10 O'clock a. in., when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated August 12th, 1919. WM. II. C. WOODIIURST. , al9-3 County Judge, GEO. B. BENT, l'hsyiclan and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstrotrlcs. Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 116 NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ot Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for th (ciontific treatment of tnedienl, lurgteal and confinement canos. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories, Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lncas, M. D. J.B. Rcdlield, M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. THE TWINEM HOSPITAL, 100S WEST FOURTH STREET, Nortli rintte, Ncbr. For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A placo where tho sick aro cared for so as to bring about normal conditions in tho easiest, most natural and scientific manner. Phono 110. North Platto, Neb. W. E.FLYNN ATTORNEY-AT-LAM Offlco OTcr McDonald Bank. Office Phono 1136 Res. Phono 1120 Offlco Phone 340 Res. Black 376 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Nob. Phono for Appointments. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights ot Columbus Building. Hospital Phono Black 633. Houso Phone Black 633 iv. t. ritrrciiARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eliht years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. ono-half block southwest of the Court House. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Dlrectorg Day phono 41 Night phono Binck 5S9 TENTS AWNINGS COVERS PORCH CURTAINS North Platte Tent and Awning Co. 100 West Sixth Street NORTH PLATTE, NEBR, Phono 210 AUTO CURTAINS AUTO TOPS ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Sales a Specialty. References and Dates nt First Na tlonal Bank, North Platte, Neb. Phono 1000. ritOCLAMATION Xotlce of Execution Sale. Notlco Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution Issued by Vnv II. C. Woodhurst, County Judge In and for Lincoln County, Nebraska,' In favor of Anna Holderness and against William Iloldorness and to mo rtlrncted, and which said execution was tatmcd out of said Court on the Gth dav of July, 1919, I will nt 1 o'clock p. m. on the 23rd day of August. 1919, at the North Side Livery Barn, operated by Julius Mpgensen, 100 Block West 8th St., In th'o City of North Platte, Nebraska, of fer for sale at public vendup, tho fol lowing goods nnd chattels to-wlt: to satisfy a Judgment of $75.85 and costs of $9.00. and accruing costs, and also Interest at 7 per cent from the date of such Judgment: one bay mare, named Jlollle, 7 years old, weight about 1150 lbs., with wire cut on right hind foot. ono brown mare, named Daisy 5 years old, weight about 1100 Ib.i One brown mare about 17 years old with suckling colt, weight of mare about 1000. Which said goods and chut tola h.ivn been levied upon and taken under said execution oy mo as property of the said William Holdernes.q to Rntlfv n Judgment and costs and accruing costs as anove set forth. Dated this 11th day of August, 1919. A. J. KAT.TSP.ntIV al2-22 Sheriff of Lincoln Count v. Nobraska. Notice to Crrilltnrw. In the matter of tho estate of Herman fconnenian, deceased, In the County Court of Lincoln County Nebraska. Notlco Is hereby given to any and all persons having chtimH nnil Hnmnml against the estate of the said Herman Sonnemnn, deceased, that the 10th day of December, 1919, has been set nnd appointed as tho day for tha reception, examination, adjustment and allow ance of lawful claim.) and demands of all persons, against said estate ami that the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska will at said time receive, examine, adjust and allow all such claims against said ectate, as provid ed by law, at the 'ounty Court Iloom in the Court Houso in tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, and all porsons so Interested In said estate will appear at said time and placo and duly present their said claims and de mands in tho manner required by law, or show cause for not so doing and In any cosn any of said claims 'or de mands shall not be presented on or prior to tho said 10th day of December, 1919, tho same shall ho forever barred. Dated at North Platte Nebraska, August 5, 1919. sbal) war. II. C. WOODIIURST al2fi County Judge. Estrny Notice. Taken up by, the undersigned on section 23-13-30 who there resides, on or about April 15, 1919, a black horse, weight about 1000 pounds, about ton years old, no brands dis tinguishable. Owner call, prove property, pay charges and take ani mal away. SCOTT REYNOLDS, North Platte, Neb. Phono 78CF11 53-12 Notice to Creditors. Estate No. 1674 of Albert Coolldgo, de ceased, in tho County Court o Lin coln County, Nebraska. ' Tho State of Nebraska, ss. Creditors of said estate will take notice that the tlmo limited for presentation and filing claims against tho said estate Is De cember 5th, 1919, and for settlement of said estate Is August 1st, 1920; that I will sit at the county court room In said county, on Soptembor 5th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on December 5th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or ad Just all claims and objections duly filed. (SEAL) war. H. C. WOODHURST, a5-29 County Judge. By vlrtuo of the authority vested In mo by law, and In accordance with Sec tion 9, of Chapter 196, of tho Session Laws of tho Legislature of Nobraska, for 1919, I. A. S. Allen, County flerk for Lincoln County, Nebraska, do hereby direct and proclaim that a non-partisan primary election will bo held in Lincoln County, Nobraska, In tho 68th Repre sentative District Wherein tho num ber of persons nominated equals three times the number to bo olected dele gates to the Constitutional Convention from tho 68th District, as provided by said Chapter 196. Said Non-partisan Primary will bo hold at the usual vot ing places In tho 68th Representative District In Lincoln County, Nebraska, on Tuesday, September 16, 1919. At such primary, twice tho number of per sons to bo elected delegates shall bo chosen from those nomlnatod by nom inating petitions, and thoso so chosen shall be nominated for delegates. Tho following havo been nomlnatod by nominating petitions: Walter V. Hoagland, North Platto, ituur. Joseph O. Beoler, North Platto, - Nebr. William Ebrlght, North Platte, Nebr. Given under my hand and official seal, mis lain any ot August, lam. A. 8. ALLEN, (SEAL) County Clerk. Notlco to Non-Rcsldent. To Nicholas Adamy, non-resident de fendant. You are hereby notified that on the 4th day of February, 1919, Ellen Ad amy filed her petition against you in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nob., tho object and prayer of which Is to obtain a divorce from you on tho grounds of extremo cruelty, in this, that y,ou are of sufficient ability and being a strong ablo bodied man of good health, and that you havo gross ly and wantonly failed and neglected to support tho plaintiff and her two minor children since tho 13th day of December, 1916, and for tho custody of tho minor children the Issue of said marriage, to-wit: Josephine M. Adamy age 4 years and Wyno A. Adamy ago 2 years, for alimony and suit money, In cluding a rcasonablo attorney fee. You are required to answer this pe tition on or boforo the 14th day of Sep tember, 1910. ELLEN ADAMY, Plaintiff. By Halllgan, Beatty & Halligan, Hor Attorneys. . J28a22 ft