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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1919)
FOR Scout's 600 Acres Valley JLdIlCln All Under Irrigation f 1VI P'l?0"F1lVf PlXTTl e nort"1 portion is the best improved place in Western Nebras 11 11 MWJ V EaL lSZiL 1 14 room strictiy modern house, fine barn 80x160 feet, with 200 ton capacity loft; cattle shed 80x200 feet; two silos of 300 ton capacity, ice house, corn crib, gar age and complete set of outbuildings. There are also 5 tenant houses on the smaller farms. IIRICjAlTSOINI "k Present owners have expended $27,000.00 on the former irrigation project and now have a system second to none in the state, headgates, drops, checks, cul- verts, all concrete and properly installed. SXJB"DIVISI01N'""This ranch has all been platted and will be sold in tracts to suit purchasers. LOCATION This property lies abutting North Platte on the west, the location being ideal for country home or parties wishing, to be near good market. TERMS-Reasonable terms will be given purchasers and every courtesy shown prospective buyers. Price list on Application. BUY IRRIGATED LAND. BE SAFE. For further information see HTH API FPIf F 1 n J EL !L EL w i EL 9 EXCLUSIVE AGENT, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs Harry Smith, of Akron, Ohio, is a guest at tho J. I. Smith homo. Mrs. Ed Stoffregan returned Satur day from a week's visit with friends in Denver. Mrs. Mary Alexandor returned Fri day from a week's visit with friends in Callaway. Painting and paper hanging. II. H. Landgraf, Phono Black 570 . C3tf C. A. Lowell arrived Saturday from Chicago for a visit at tho I. L. Milton lierger home. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Zentmoyor re turned Friday from a short visit with friends In Denver. Crab apples for sale. Frank Cook, -RoutoNo. 1. C2-5 Loren Hastings camo up from Beatrice Friday to spend tho week ond with tho homo folks. Mrs. P. J. Gllman left Sunday for a two weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. A. Saint, in Chicago. Wanted Liberty bonds at market price. Louis Lipshitz. Isaac Watts,, of Corning, Iowa, has been In town for several days visiting his mother Mrs. M. B. Watts. W. V. Hoagland returned Saturday from Omaha where ho had been trans acting business for a few days. Miss Elizabeth Bertho wont to Og den Saturday whero sho will spend several weeks visiting her cousin. "Mickey Is coming. ' Dick Baker, of Stapleton, spent a few days in town last week whilo en routo to the oil fields of Wyoming. W. J. O'Connor returned Sunday from Now York and Chicago where ho spent two weeks buying stock for his store. If you aro interested in diamonds, see Dixon's window. County Attorney Keefo returned the latter part of last week from Sioux City whore ho had gone to attend n family reunion. When In North Platto stop at tho Now Hotel Palace and Cafe. You will bo treated well. 58tf Rev. C. F. Koch will return this week from a town in Washington whero ho was called last week by the death of his father. Correct Eyo Service, H. Dixon & Son. Mrs. Rolf Halligan and sister Miss Doyle, who had been guests of Mrs. J. J. Halligan,, returned to Lincoln Saturday, afternoon. Always try Tho Rexall first, it pays. tf Mrs. K. D. Small and children re turned to Omaha yesterday after a week's visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Victor VonGoetz. For Sale My farm of 233 acres onoi mile south of Hershey. Good build ings. Inquire of Gus Anderson, North Platto, or at tho premises. G2-3 Former members of Company E hold a meeting Friday evening and decided to hold a reunion and picnic on some day during tho county fair. Wanted A girl for general house work. Phono Red 533. 59tf. Miss Laura Murray entertained thirty-two ladles at bridge Saturday morn ing complimentary to Mrs. Rolfo Hal ligan and Miss Doylo, of Lincoln. "Mickey is coming.' Miss Cocelia Hllgert loft Saturday on an extended visit in Portland, stop ping onrouto at Denver and Pueblo for a short visit with relatives. Always pays. try Tho Rexall first, it tf CATTLE FOR SALE We will offer for sale beginning Tuesday, August 19th, at the old North Platto Stockyards a lot of WHITE FACE COWS, YEARLINGS AND TWO-YEAR-OLD STEERS. These cattle will be sold at prices that will make money for the buyer, Rauch & Son, Phone Black 1008. North Platte, Neb. Lester Walker is spending a fow days up tho branch transacting busi ness. Sylvester Rauch, who is spending tlto summer at Koystone, spent the week end in town. A telegram was received yesterday from Ned Stuart announcing his safe arrival from overseas. Mrs. Emma Dawson, of San Fran cisco, is spending a fow days with Judge and Mrs. J. S. Hoagland whilo onrouto homo from Omaha and Lin coln. Tho Misses Florence Benson, Mary Hazel and Vlovo Hnzol, who had been tho guests of Miss Mario Martini, ro turned Saturday to their homo In Omaha. Kodaks and Alms at tho Rexall. O. V. McCracken, of tho McCrackon drug store, formerly tho Nyal, spent tho latter part of last week in Omaha whore ho purchased now supplies and equipment for tho store Wanted Board and rooms for teachers during instituto week, Sept. lst-5th. Phono Black 502. AILEEN G. COCHRAN, Co. Supt. Mrs. W. H. Cramer was hostess to six returned soldiers and thoir la dies at a dancing party at her homo Friday evening complimentary to Capt. Bruco Canright, of St. Paul, Minn. Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 Always stop at tho Rexall. Representatives of tho navy woro In town yestcrdayl placing advertising for tho recruiting train which will reach hero next Monday morning and spend tho day In town. Tho outfit car lrcs a band, baso ball team and films Bhowing life in tho navy. A. W. Archer, who had been spondlnE a week in town, returned to Kansas City yesterday. He camo horo to confer with tho county commissioners relative to nlans for tho now court "house Kodaks and films at tho Rexall. Tho Mexican who was caught steal ing four silk shirts from tho Star clothing houso Thursday aftornoon pleaded guilty beforo Judgo Grimo? Saturday and received a sentonco of from one, to ten years in tho peniten tiary. Dan Craven of Wallaco, was brought to a hospital In this city last week to recolvo treatment for a compound fracturo of an arm and other injurl-'H sustained by being caught in tho belt of a threshing machine Wanted Two young slnglo men to travel with manager as salesmen, bright cnorgotio country men. Stato ago and previous experience Addross D. L. Gage, North Platte, Nob. G2-4 Sunday, August Slst, will bo ob served as national labor Sunday and ia accordanco thorowlth tho Central Labor Union of this city has invited Rov. Koch to deliver a sermon to them on tho evening of that day. Rov. Koch has accepted and tho sorvlco will be held in tho Episcopal church. RAILROAD FIREMEN ASK FOR BIG INCREASE IN PAY An increase of wages ranging from thirty-.lvo to slxtjvflvo per cent is de manded by tho 117,000 locomotive flre mon In tho United States and Canada. This demand was promulgated Sunday by 300 general chairmen of tho B. of L. F. & E., in session in Clovoland. The scalo of wnges demanded for fire men is as follows: Rates of, pay for firemen and help ers in passenger servico, $G.G0 por Jay .of 100 miles or less, except when Mallet engines aro used, when $7.20 shall bo paid. Overtimo in passenger servico will be computed on tho present basis, nt a speed of 20 miles an hour. In frolght servico on engines weigh ing less than 200,000 pounds firemen slial bo paid $G.50 por day of 100 miles or less, overtime to bo computed on present basis, at a speed of 12 miles an hour. Inside hostlers shall bo paid $C80 por day and outsido hostlers $7.20 por day and hostlers' holpcrs $0.50 por day, eight hours or less to constltuto a day's work. All tlmo work in excess of eight hours to bo paid nt rate of tlmo and one-half. A demand Is made that all coal burning locomotives less than 200.000 pounds In weight shall bo equipped with mechanical coal passers, a mo- chanlcal dcvlco operated by steam to lecop tho coal within tho reach of tho firemen, and that all coal burning lo comotives shall bo equipped with pow er grato shakers and automatic firo door openers. It is estimated that it will cost $200. 000.000 to equip tho locomotives in tho TTnltctl SUitos with tho different mo ohanlcnl devices demanded by tho flro inon. Uniform deadhead rules for pay for firomon when traveling from ono tor mlnal to work at anothor and to bo ap plied to all railroads in this country and Canada aro demanded. Anothor working condition demand ed is that on rnilroads whero firemen aro required to clean locomotives they Hhall bo roliovcd of such work and that firomon shall bo rclioved of removing tools or supplies, loading coal, filling lubricators, etc. Mrs. Grulko Passes Awny. Annie Grulko, wifo of Louis Grulko, died at a local hospital Thursday of dropsy, with which sho had boon af flicted for about two months. Sho was fifty-six years of ago. Tho fun eral was held from tho Episcopal church Sunday afternoon. Tho doceuHcd was born In Germa ny and came to tho United States twenty-sovon years ago, locating In Bloomlngton, 111., whoro sho resided until ten yars ago when sho was uni ted In marriago to Mrv Grulko.Sho lived with her husband on a farm nino miles south of town until about a year ago when thoy moved to this city Sho is survived by her husband nnd five children by a former marri age, all of theso children living In tho east. ::o:: Announcement. Miss Minnlo Sloman is now estab lished nt her now location at 312 cast Sixth street, with all modorn equip ment for steam baths and massage Treatments for rhoumatlsm, neuritis, sovoro colds and general disabilities of tho body. 02-2 :o: : Christian Science sorvlco Sunday 11 a. m. Wednesday evening mcotings overy week at 8:00. A cordial invi tation is extended to all to attend those services. Building & Loan build ing, room 25. ATTENTION Auto Drhcrs, Bicycle nml Motor cycle Riders. 1. You must not oxcood a speed of 12 miles an hour. 2. You must not uso an auto with tho muffler ODon. 3. You must not pass anothor car at night without dimming your head lights. 4. You muat not to around an other car at tho intersections. 5. Minors under 1G years must not drlvo motor cars. G. Blowing horns continuously and for fun day or night must bo stopped. 7. Always keep to tho right. 8. You must not obstruct traffic by stopping cars on Dowoy street whon another car Is nearer tho curb. 9. Bicyclo riders must kcop off tho Bidowalk oxcopt In vory muddy weath er. 10. Pedestrians must not jay hawk across tho stroots. Violators of tho Vehicle and Motor LawB will bo stringently dealt with. S. C. MECOMBER, Chief of Police : :o: : ::o::- Loron Hastings spent tho week end I In tho city visiting his parents. Arthur Plumor has purchnsort a now Hudson Bupor-six speedster from tho Trotter garage Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Reynolds, Miss Tillio Blankonburg and Al and Rob Blankonburg, woro visitors in Curtis Sunday. For Salo Tract of 18 acres of land adjoining city on west. Ad dross A. F. Splintor, North Platto, or phono 783F5. G3-2 Dr. Morrill, Dontlst. Offlco over Wilcox Department Store. W. M. Baskins, of Stapleton, was in town yostorday onrouto homo from a trip to Curtis and Stockvlllo. Ho was accompanied by his mother. W.I law,. m 4ilt. Sco "Clinton & Son' about your Eyes and b sntlsflcd. Son is over on tho Rhino, will bo homo soon. Sign of tho Big Ring. 1 II Model No. 10 Single Tub Electric Washer with Swinging Wringer Thl Model offer tho houncwlfo tho adTantauca of tlia movable swinging wrlmrer without tho bench equipment of other modcla. Washer tub Is exactly the aama ia that used on other model liai all modern Iraprnvo mcnta. Klectrlo motor la troubleproof wlU not "bum out," Wrinjcr rvrlnga to any petition and liaa Safety Quick Itclcaaa feature. Tub ia equipped with special adjustablo caatera which permit of ratine or lonerkur to any position. iatic World-Famous For( mi uv ? i '4 81 I. I m 1 The Choice of Women Who Know A Washer that that will suit you bo causo 50,000 Houswlves uso It ovory Monday. A Washer that is famous fo r what It DOES. Thoro is no bettor WaBhor mado for y our sorvlco. It is elmplo, strong and d wrings by power, great modols durable Washes an attaches to any oloo r ifw r IP trio light socket guaranteed. Two Valuable Boobs FREE Two completo books of form''' washing nnd dry cleaning get those. NORTH PLATA POWL